: . L ' . : T ''???y"5r,l?!yf,,'?w,l?y?!?lPPi llfSffflfB'w,BJW,jBeeMssWWisMMsfrS jod pnirrn-cu .rtil iuoe. - $h 00 vrr auABer cf Jo VTcrx c: . 2f tek.lv .in th ooun ynn atlrnofcv r $2 00 nnt o- the county, pasrpaM .,'??, t( 6 mocths, ' " 1 . I 05 ... Lgnxa ius ire. C ATT . ; rsoQiujmra, HAimsnxs, vol. xni. liberal redactions for c'tibs. GHABLOTTE N. C .FRIDAY APRIL 27, 1877. 0,77;' 11 V. ,1 13 UNDER THE NEW? MANAGEMENT OF. ... TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. I lXlJCi J24A.DiliJli VV iLli .4 H t Tlie Declaration of War Read to , Russian Sailors in American Waters. j' A8 bten EeJurnisLd 'aud Refitted 'm first-class style, and tfiTers indacemenls to Trayellers aDd Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords at prices to fuit the times. - in active corps of waiters in attendance 'at meals, and no pains or exff me si a' ed to rend r guests comfortable. Received With Enthusiasm, and De monstration. ; Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders: OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. Boumania Will Declare War Against Turkey. - Tuikish Announcement of the l?irst Battle Victory Perchei on the Crescent. arl WAR ITJEMS. ELI AS. COHEN & ROESSLER, INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR Just Eeceivcd- Wl.kh they will tell lower than ever. Buj-eis pleaee examine. ELI A S, COHEN & ROESSLER. j pg freVh ec'rvly'ff ipfccr.s pec XO bus, cdtbe larReet Stock of Embroideries in the city very cheap. k mar20 . . " BURGESS WHOLESALE & RETAIL, I w - DIALIK IB ALL KINDS OF F JJ jR RT J : T tJ -R E j BEDDI1SG, &C A- F TJ Iji LINE CHEAP BEDSTEADS, L0UKGE8, PARLOR &CHAS5 BEE SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE , N . C )an3 FRESH O-OODS -AT- marl4 New Yoek, April 26. : The declaration of war of Russia against Turkey, was yesterday an nounced to the officers and crews of three vessels of the Russian fleet, and. was received with great enthusiasm. Alexis read to the crew of the Kxit- land, the order of the Admiral, an- Wholesale and Retail nuncing to the fleet the declaration of war. The iedeumyras chanted bv the sailor choir, and God's blessing on Russian arms invoked. The ceremo nies on board the other vessels -of the fleet were similar to those on the flag ship, Svetland. London, April 26. A dispatch from Alexandria to the t)aily Ifews says: "It is rumored that the Khedive will send the Sultan 18,000 men. Paris, April 26. The Russian tele graphic agency announces that to-day, Thursday, the Roumanian Parliament will declare war against Turkey? All Turkish vessels will be em bargoed by Russia from the 1st of May. Constantinople, April 26. The Tur kish treops are reported to have occu pied Kalafat. Athens, April 26. The inhabitants ef the Greek Island Hydra, have re fuse! to obey the law calling out an extraordinary reserve. ! They not only made seditious manifestations against the authorities, but the conscript lists were destroyed, and the telegraph lines connecting the island with Athens was also destroyed. St. Petersburg , April 26. The Im perial manifesto was read in all the churches of the Empire, and is every where enthusiastically received. In the Turkish Chamber of Deputies, the Christian members protested against Russia, that she is making war for the protection of Christians. They did not desire the protection of Russia. The Christians were ready to take up arms in defence of their country. The Montenegrins are advancing to ward the frontier of Albania. The Miridites have abandoned their positions which the Turks occupied. Russia has secured the railroad bridge at Galatz. The Turks are entrenching at Ru- schuk, two lines of defence, and have entrenched the camp before Ruschuk. There are five iron clads in the Dan ube. A slight engagement is reported in Armenia. A fight is imminent near Barbarch for the railway bridge over the river. Three Turkish gunboats entered the river at Surtch to destroy the bridge. The Turks crossed the Danube at several points, and sent out a flying I am jfreivirga full Skck of CHILDREN'S CABRJAGES,:"l ewestJstyicb" ana - - me auvanuiug xvuksio-ub. The Czar has written the Emperor of Austria, that Russia desires no annexation. The Russian Circassian army is mov ing in two columns toward Urzroun and Battoum. Not a shot had been fired up to 5 o'clock yesterday in Europe. The Russians are moving to secure a passage. through Dabradscha. Telegraphic communication betwen Roumania and Turkey baa been inter rupted. The Galos, considered Russia s di plomatic organ says ; "It remains tor our diplomacy to determine whether military bperations are to be earned on energetically, and with the full strength of our active forces, or whe ther we are to content ourselves with a predetermined movement for the oc cupation of a certain limited locality,. Foreign officers in Turkish service are promptly paid. It is stated . that Prime Minister Risteede of Servia, intends to resign." The Russian official admiralty organ admits the impossibility of the Russian Black Sea fleet" opposing the Turkish iron clads, but claims the Turks ; will be unable to effect a landing at all ac cessible -points, being proctected by fortifications and torpedoes. The Turks will be in the same - position' as were the French in the Baltic Sea in 1870, and if left to itself, pretty "sure ;to last as long as ose party has . strength to hurl defiance at the other ' wars begun in reason may spontaneously end in reason ; the weak may, bow to ' the strong, but here there is neither rea son nor wisdom vo. A long score ; of mutual inquries, has. led to an accumu lation of hatred, which must be drown ed in blood. Civilization acknowledges no such dire necessities. Unfortunate ly the struggle is . not one far distant from the territory of civilization, but it is an awful and present danger. In self defence civilization will have to con fine it to the smallest possible limit, and secure it speedy extinction if she can. . . . ' The Times ' reviewing Gen i Von Moltke's peech in thegGerman Parlia ment ori TdayT-Tfttyr "Gen t.Von Molke feels as we all 'feel, how easy it would be to extend the area, of war, so as to include a majority of the Europ ean powers. We have been told again and again, that if peace is once broken we should enter upon a war, of which no man could see the end. The Ger man government knows this, and they desire to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best. We regret this policy, because they were appa rently perfectly- prepared before, and because preparation: in critical times excites counter preparation, and jealousy excites jealousy, until we bring upon us what we would not pre vent by our very anxiety to prevent it; but we do not interpret the spirit as meaning anything more than the reso lution of a strong arm to hold his own peace. Gen VonMoltkes speech does not deprive us ef the hope that the present war will remain localized ; but it is sore provocation to despair." Note This speech referred to arm ing as against France.! later. Constantinople, April 26. Safaet Pasha addressed the following dis patch to the Turkish Ambassador at London;, "The first engagement has just been fought at Jchurukson, near Bovtavon. After severe fighting, the enemy was defeated and put to route with the loss of 800." . G-. R & EES, fU R-hWu Ve""w A R E H O U S E CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, C H I LDR E N ' S C A RR I A G E S, lowest prices. Tall and make yoor felecticn, whila the assortment is fall-;-.- -,iihi-j in-. TN connection with the Fnrnitnre Eusinef s 1 of Irfr E O Rogers, et my old stand ci Pouth Trade Street, I will conduct the Fn amaKing Bnsiness on my own acccn giving it my personal attention. ; I will Jceep a complete Etoct, - from the CLeaDest Wood Coffin ta-the finest Metalic Burial Caset Orders by'teslegraph or otherwise promptly attended tdP' Bespectfnlly . F. M. 8HELTQN. nt, -A ' ' ; mm FLASHES. Philadelphia, Pa., April 26. Chris tian J Hoffman was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce to-day. Arch Bishop Wood and a number of other prominent Catholics, have sailed to participate in the Popes' semi-cen- -tennial. Cleveland, O, April 26. Col D. Harris, editor of the Ohio Farmer, is dead. Baltimore, Aid., April 26. A jury gave Mrs Murtaugh $2,900 for her son who was killed on the Baltimore & Patomac railroad, , he eued for $ 20,-000. THIS .'WELL, EHOWH. AHS . . LEADIHG -'HOTEL located nsr centre op. the city, offers accommodations; TO THE, TEAVETXINO 'PUBLIC. Tip.-. -PnrTiiTiVra" ic JT7?re'.Ue.c. " Vfl .TTPfl :?ej flr-nfipfl ' The Times in its leading article re : THROUGHOUT, , 3, GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN EVERT ROOM. 3 '1 T To "IiiTallds,. Florida Tourists or Persons Trareling FOR PtEASUpE THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY FACILITY ; ii ".;.; l:i r'FOR COMFORT. ' ; v i ' ' : ' lj TERMS A3.00, $260 and kooerav according V location of -th to be desecrated, .le woms.1- . ' ' - c'-VH 0 ECCLES, Proprietor. begun in an interchange of dehances, vierririg the argument that the Czar was irresistibly impelled to war by the will of the people, says, ','this is con slstent and intelligible j but it is not the language of a reconcilable being. It is the language of , Northern" .hordes, thrust or starved out of their forest to seek food wherever it could be found. The world will not long permit the SOUTH CAROLINA. Gov. Hampton's Message in Be. Sard to the State Debt. Columbia, April 26. Goy Hamp ton's Message was read to-day. Re garding securities, he says : "The suspicions which attach to a portion of the outstanding obligations of the State, and which to a greater or less extent effect the value of all, ren der it imperative th'at these obliga tions, whether funded or not, should be strictly scrutinized, with a view of as certaining which are valid and which are not. This should be the condition precedent to the payment of the inter est. May of the outstanding obliga tions of the State, whether in the shape of bonds or otherwise ; and also, to the further funding of any of the State in debtedness, into the consolidated bonds, authorized to be issued under act of 1873, to reduce the volume of the "public debt." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. INTERNAL Ri-VENUE, Collector' OfBce, 6th Dist. N. 0. - Stateevhie, April 25th, 18 T OTICE is hereby Riven to the owners XI that seizure was made of : 6 barrels and 6 kega of whiskey, 1 wagon and harness, 1 horce, 1 mule and 3 barrels of whiskey; For violation of the Internal Eevenue laws of the United States. All persons . claiming the said property will atcear before me at my office in Btates- ville, within SO days from this date, or the . i i -il l j i J r - A saia propeny irui ububumbu luiiomu w the United KUtes. J J jhuxi, . apr27 oaw3w ' CLEVELAND MlfjERAL SPRINGS, (Formerly Wilson's.)' . NEAR SHELBY, X. C. , : WILL he pened on the 15th May. Fas- sengers coming on the C. O. K. R.,will be met at the station, one mile from the Rrmncs: Conveyances sent to the Air Line R. R., or other points desired. Coli and Warm Baths, Whits Sulphur, Red Sulphur and Chaleybeath Waters. Band of Hnsic And other sources of amoseaient. ". i . Rates of Board r siagle day; $2; single week, $12 50; four weeks, $35" Children un der 10 years and colored servants half price. 8pecial rates for families and visitors for the season. For outer lmormauon, appiy 10 . 1 R J BREVARD, Resident Phys, orJOHNllfiLM&.Sapt. . The Springs will be for sale or lease after the present year. . The furniture will be sold at the close of this season. ' apT27 WASHINGTON! The Hew Orleans Collectorship. if. S T R I V E S FOR T H E PRIZE If Packard will only Support Hayes the Prize it his. Louisiana Federal Offices to be Filled with Republicans. Ne Change to be made in Federal t Offices in the South Except for Caust." Washington, April 26. ... The New Orleans Colloctorship i ia now attracting most attention. The Pre sident's list comprises Messrs Bussy, McMillan, Sheridan, Sheldon, Morman, Phelps, and Kennedy. Bussy and McMillan seem to be the favorites. Chester, who has credentials from some people to the President, has instruc tions this morning, to (Support Gen Sheldon. Chester reports the ' Presi dent as saying he supposes Packard does not like what he has done,and may write letters against him ; but if Mr Packard were found acceptable to the colored people, and would continue the strongest and best white influence in support of the policy of pacification , he would appoint hinv Collector. Gen G A Sheridan reports the President as eajmg that the Federal offices in Louisiana would be filled with Repub licans. f" r ' . Midnieht. . Washlnqton, April 2g. Th e Russian ' Minister Boskeo is here on leave. . Edward McPherson, formerly Clerk of the House becomes Superintendent of the Bureau of Printing and Engrav- mg. Gen Phil Sheridan is here, consult ing the President and - Sherman re garding the Indians. ' E P Prooks, for a long while editor of the National Repvhlica has been ap pointed by Judge Settle, United States District Judge for Florida, Chief Clerk of the United States , District Court for that District, and by JudgeWobd, United States Circuit Judge, Chief Clerk of the United States Circuit Court -for that District. An early change of anything like a general character in the Federal offices of the South, are not expected; and it is plainly announced that there will be none until after the termination of the regular tenure, except for personal cause, which include obstruction to pacification, or as in the case of the New Orleans Custom House, where pacifica tion may be materially promoted. In all changes, it may also accepted, other things being equal, Republicans will be preferred. Why They Were Behind. . Messrs. Editors : ! Will you allow me space to answer the inquiry, "why were the Hornets so late at the fire ?" In doing so, it is un necessary to remind the citizens that we have made every possible effort to support our horses, and have failed, not through any fault of our own, but for want of patronage: it is also Un necessary to prove the advantages of an engine run by horses, during muddy weather, or when fires occur a great distance from the square all this they know. I simply ask space to say. that the cause of the delay this morning. was owing entirely to a committee of Aldermen, who nave had our petition asking them to feed our horses, under consideration j for nearly wo weeks. We can get no answer from them : we have no driver, nor any one to sleep at the engine house, and expect to remain in this disorganized condition, until we get some relief. We are not able, nor willing to be taxed any further with the support of our horses, that are used solely fori the i benefit i of ., real estate owners, and then be censured by them for not doing mere, n , i - . -O T WALKER, Pres't., Hornet Fire Co, No 1. . ; ' ''" : All these who have given it a trial will net be without it. It cures. Dr Ball's Cough Syrap.; .'i i THEY H AVE COME, ' -at- ' C.S. HOLTON'S. THOSE CRACKERS, . ' Raisins, Ooshen BQtter, "... . Cod Fish, Oranges, Lemons, ,'' 1 Canned Goods, Macaroni, 5 -Jelliesl'i;8ardines,-' Bologna Revolution in; rriGes Sausage, Cheese, French. . Candies, Nuts, Apples. : ?t , - ' daily of Cakes, Bread f "v . and Pies, Parties and . x;,- , J f1 7 Weddirgs supplied at short notice. Friends ' --' ,J- , 7 and everybody invited ' . to call and examine, 1 - - c ; ,-' Buy and be sstisfied.' ; 1 r t u THE RISING SUN : ' 4 J Y ,is yet opposite Market. aprlz : Iothiag and ; (Bents' Jaranstin 4 COMPLETE IN ALL DEPART;MEN.T THE Opportunities andr Facilities whfth we enjoy, allow us to NAME retail prices for these Goods that wiU most effectufilly: dis tance ALL COMPETITION. For further and more complete "evidence1 we TefiBlwith pleasure to the prices annexed : 1 All Wool Cassimeres Frock and Sacks Suits,.. 1 6 00 Scotch Mixed Cheviot Frock Suits,. -7 8 00 Mixed Scotch Cassimeres and Irish Freize Walking Suits, very nicel & 10 00 Handsome Brown Milans,Impbrted Fabric,.. ........... tloati 12 00 Neat Grey Block and Invisible Plaids (stylish and select)...,, 12 to 15 00 Very Elegant Choice Styles.Pincheck and Stripes, ,15 to 18 00 xuixeu xrencn cassimeres in large variety, M w f la tA) ,'fi 80 00 Black Broken Check French Cassimere Suits (ihese goods are the best French Manufacture and are not stu3 "ni passed by any ordered Suits made. ; .,. 'i, f5 ,:;r-tiA &nitaiAn English Worsted, Diagonals, and fine Drab de Tae Suitings, (veQM hnht : elec-ant and the finest made...; ..... tlO.to i220 Beautiful Fancy CassimiBre Pants, $2 to $5.50 English and French.latest importations,..;.. $5 to $9 macs uooqs'in, an grades. -miua 1,10. ;t uiuu.; Boys' and ChHdren's Suitings, ;atid: 6 ate Garments, handsomely made-up, at lower prices than ever yet kno L A visit of inspection cordially ;;is6hMted from all. Prompt attention given5 toH all CdAIL orders. We are prepiared, If Cmeet all demands from the Wholesale Triadfef f E D. Latta & Brother, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. ' 1 ' 9 5 4- l ; ; J ; ' .' 1 ATTENTION LADIES ! ! -:W: :R:- t'. i.; I' SECOND A RM?AI OF- SPRING LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES OF Millinery L A D I ES' S T RAW. HAT S i . . ; .... ; ':. , y.ii-.i ,!!v:.;;jfi' f.!tS Goods, Flowers, Ribbons and 'Ties, IN ALL DIFFERENT COLORS. , l ... V; :). i 1 A ,;iT All Goods will be sold at prices to suit the times:. Come and oonvinee-vdnVeelf 1 1 the facts, before yon buy elsewhere. . . ' . . . i-;,, ittkows apr24 , " !HoM$;CopY. cit ':r. Xii'l ;i w slie ils oil & Bxir.w::d:ll Wliolcsnlcgaud Befall TSfa TOi'ioo :'-:' TT rt n .T G-oO u.-o1;t Z'i Will OFFER a large Stock of Drugs.JMedicines, Faints, Oils, Yarnish at lowrices Wilson & Burwell have in Stock. 20,000 pounds PURE WHITE LEAD. Wilson &. Burwell are agents for Dooly's Yeast Poftderv tWilson & Burwell have a large' stock of , Kerosene Oil Lamps. .Wilson; & ' Burwell have their Prescription Counter furnished with the, )t ! purest medicines. - Wilson & Burwell have a large Stock V" " ' i ; lof fine Cigars." Wilson k Burwell sell O West i Sons ! ni. Aladdin Security Oil, : "best in nse.'.' , VWarranK; -i &'d , , . ..ei to stand l&i fire lest," -- Wilson BuireU 6i , : ' 1- are agents for "the English Breakfast.; -?, .. ' . ' ' Packet Tea Co." ' Cutler's Inhalers; T ' r" : 7 i Wil.nn Ar. 1lrmr11 . liav int rm. v-i TjUl ' ceived a supply of Hops in - i and fresh. Wilsen - A BurweU have 4 7- in Stock all 't sizes of t - ,? '-r.f tit -fjii-jf nt O F 3 . .... ! . .i '.l s,.: ; ; , i... ? i..-. cf vino' f a l L ' b;i z e s - i n apr22 w..er' V i r J