DMISiOplEnVER. ARY MISSION CltlTRCn. I f Dedicated by tle Rer W W Dan can " Sketch of the Chareh. v.. ;. ' - X'''V:''fi5;,--..i.;i'-'V3t 1 '''' The ceremony of dedicating the Call vary Mission. Methodist Church was i performed on Sunday : in the presence I of a large number of ; people from all xMtK S; g.!' Church . w.i filled to iu utmoit cpaei. ty; ana a uumuer wuu weui vueio iv 1 . .. (join the IT it ""? fv .'" - wfin win T. ne ueuoraiuwwus w wv ft fcfta r4 iA0leatea;VLiUl.Liw. 6 ,40 a. m. tt 3sto arrlTea, 9 S3 p. ra. Aecom'n and Freight, arrives...... ... . aui tar uv9w-vAast.-- leaves,;... a Pv aiibiLwi t ATLANTA ICHllOJrTAXa-LIHa DAIT. imm4 in nMauarovef, .,, Peraonal, I . Never Better. 'Judp Olond and Solicitor Mnntcom- TTnnntHnr.WT. in traritv and healthful- rv wr. in ifc .t Ri,.W anrl l.ft luess, Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder r " -"v 1 tK. an Athtir in th IJMLea yesterday mernine for Lincolnton to .. ifrs stools A Price, the manu- kiU tV. .mil. .fT tfiln fWivf t fscttirers- bHeva that all articles used in . . . - 0 ? . I fac-H ahonld h strictlv cnre and wholesome nuivu wuiuicucvu ycBieruajr umbia Xoiy Register, is in the city in the interest of the excellent paper he represents. s Kev W 'Br Bowman. ; D. D., who . . ;: ; .- w I war.bfd at th T.ntberan Church on service, were unable wana . , . - . . . J4. . a.t lf. . room even for standing. I . . 1. , t .f : i2 1 number of persona who were formerly i The ceremony was that laid dowa inf" f . ( . . ii -.r T t ?i .j I members of his church m Charleston 6 20 a. m. 9 40 p. m. " " ."vltV-. r ..., and spent jesterday in visiting among .6 15 a. m. iff' j; . .f .w 1 wM"""' . . t 1 vnmm'n anil ITmtffbt MTiTeB ' .Mtilr MMTtt SnndavBl.... 7 40 p. m. a T t j W.J k u..M i. Jut, m. rlf'""" w FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. April 30, 1811. . PBOOUCIi. Baltimore Oata quiet and steady; South ern, i9a53.. Kje stronc. iwai ix. rnTu ions quiet and steady,. Coffee quiet, buyers .and Mllera apart. Wbiakey firm, 1 13i Sngar.bifher 12J. vOTTOJI. ' ept 8on- Vail anivee do............. 8 80 p. m. the impressive ting minister, Kev W W, Duncan, InymenlaL Thisportion ofthe seme over,M Dun liumber of Vmarrisge licenses is- can followed in a powerful ana earnest i gued fag tbe month just closed sermon, fully sustaining the reputation j fy'yoMj'nunt which he bears as a puipu oreior month f ther . years, and is much among our people. Me cnose ior nw lftrger than in March; The following receipts, 82, gross, 83; exports Great Britain, text, "xne unurcn 01 we uu, M, the names of persons to whom 2,895. and set lortn in a masieriy maimer iuo i:ce!!MM vmr :B.nid . functions of ; the Church on earth, the ; " ; ; ; wtTWM. - J IT AAA A. , Galveaion Nominal; middlings, 10; net caboluta. cxHTaAir-We8tern Division. If all arrives do.... , Mail leavesi-do, ....5 80 p. 7 SO a. m. jo. ATLAJfTIO, TKTHXS8IK OHIO. duties of i its members, and finally its saving power. The speaker dwelt with particular force on the - power of the church in cirilization and progress, by improving the moral condition of the- human race and fitting human beings for discharging their duties to their ftonntrr. their fellowmen and their God. Wherever the , church was al lowed to spread its salutary influences, A HO lOUVWUiK IB m mi I. ... . a 'm iv I JIail arrives......... .......-0 80 p.m. ? f, 44 leaves,. .: 3 80 a. m. ' 't ' "i "i" i i - ' 5fEvrf6tRtlSEMEHT, r i I &;ime. this nforflirig -1 ; .' J;. , .: Wilson & Burwell Druggists. xr:H Morris fc Brc-MSreat Success. A., S. A Co Good Trade, i ) ; M Lichtenstein-Tailor. Cotton Factory Project. A.Cahwell MUa.. ;;J.V : . t: 1iA ti )'' t: , . t ' t.'; Wkiim" o-JJLY!--For "the parts of his subject were treated on an equauy ioromie anu iugic&u muuw. Tba whole was an able argument, ably and eloquently presented, and was listened to with the deepest interest throughout. , The history of Cavalry Church as obtained ifrom the. statements of its founder and present pastor, Bev J F Middle and South Atlantic States, slowly Butt, affords a stnkiDg illustration 01 3rUfng laromcler, winds mostly from th one of the chief points of the sermon ; Adams. B Henry Massey, Mandora B Cun ningham. . John M Harget, Sallie Harget. Jtobt Bowers, Nancy Baker. ' D M Thornbuxg, Fannie V Brown. William Broadaway, Sarah S Chil- ders. -; 1 V - r James L Hargett, Mary J Jennings. Monroe Paris, Mary J Dennis. James T, Thrower, Minnie Stewart. William S Stewart, Amanda Furge- son. " - 4' :- '"" u G M Lore, Eugenia M White. BLACKS Samuel Williams, Harriet Williams. William E Hally, Maggie L Carson. Stampson Davis, Alice Dunn. William Maxwell, Emma Williams. Edward J Hally, Bettie Porter. LoUis Harris, Maria Ford. Charles W Henderson. Maitha M 6 u oy j i stig temperature. LOCAL DOTS. northnest and southwesi. clear or partly while the church itself is a living mon- cloudy 'weather, with i 'stationary 'or slowly jumentto the christian zeal and perse verance of Mr. Butt. A little less tnan ten.'years ago, he conceived the idea of starting prayer m eetings in what was then by all odds the worse part of the city. The character of the inhabitants was such that it was not considered Safe to walk through it after dark. As a matter of course every effort to chris tianize them was discouraged and re pulsed. The earnest minister was threatened repeatedly with personal injury, and at one time they had gath ered to Btone him. Notwithstanding this, he tpoke the truth boldly, never faltering for once, and finally the fruit of his labors began to be visible. -" One means by which those who re fused to attend church were reached, was this: Several persons who were Cotton Factory. p ( t hsr lt;crfjayind np pic nic. . r-; flbk'haA attind tne meeting to 3 Aij ' - consult about the erection of a cotton factory to night. The leaves have almost attained their full growth and the foliage in the momr mi i ! ' ; yesterday, ; eighty-nine years - a&o (Washington was first inaugurated Pres tH vK Thef vehne gentlemen of the city ' have1 'arranged for a German, at the TVesident orMr B R Smith to-night. iAhjit. doserLHOf our young ladies Norfolk. Quiet; middlings, 10ia; net re ceipts, 620; sales, 10; exports coastwise, 137. Baltimore Dull; middling, 1015-16; net receipts, 8; gross receipt, lw, sales, izo; spinneis, 345; exports coastwise, Boston Dull; middling, 112; net receipts. 32, gross, 1,183. , ( YTllaalngtoa Unchanged; middlings, 10; net receipts, 19: PbUadelphla-Qoiet; middiings, 112; gross receipts, 9; sales, S46; spinners, 177.' Savaaaah steady; middlings, 102; net re eeipgi, 3f; sales, 80, exports cua-twise, 902. New Orleans Steady middlings, 10 ; low middl ings, 101 ; good ordinary, 9 ; net receipts, 2,108; gross 2,987; sales. 2,000, ex ports to Continent, 35. Mobile-Qaiet; middlings, 10; net re ceipts, 381; sales, 700. exports coastwise, 130. Mem phis Quiet; middling, 10ja; net re ceipts, 248; shipments, 702; sales, 900. A agitata Quiet; middlings, 10a; net re ceipts, 27, sales, 24. Charleston Quiet; middlings, lit; net ceipts, 433; gross, 63?; sales. 200; exports coastwise, 191. New York Dull t uplands. 11 15-16; Orleans 11 1-16; sales, 508; consolidated net re ceipts, 5,813; exports to Great Britain;. 9.927; Continent, 911. Liverpool Firmer, middling uplands 51; :j Jl? si' . l nnnA. Hm n,M4Bli,i TImHam f rMmt 1 uwiauiiB vrieaui. us. Hiesj a,uuw; spvc u ... -.-.o.... .wW w . . o nA. iiima. i : n enn The delegates from the various fire Futures opened. 3 32higher.but advance has companies met taai uign, purisuani iw since been partially lost. , Upland low mid the call'of the Chief Mr Jas H Orr, to dling clause, Hay and June delivery, 5 25-32, elect a Chief of the Department for the 13-16. 27-32, 25-32. June and Jaly 5, 15-16; I a SmitH & H'orbes, 13 Uish Street, Boston, Mass. and Trade Street, Charlotte, N C TTB are now receiving in our CHARLOTTE HOUSE, a full line of all grades of BOOTS and SHOES, Having introduced 0a BOOTS and SHOES in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia,' with success beyond our expectations, we have r cently established a house at Headquarters, NO. 13, HIGH STREET, BOSTON,' MASS:, which will enable us to folly compete witj other Jobbing Houses North, and to extend our trade into other States. v ' .! " ' -. vN- We sell only by tbe case from our BOSTON HOUSE, and' all orders forwarded there will receive prompt attention, and, if prefe red, be shipped and billed direct. The former reputation of our CHARLOTTE H0U8E, unsurpassed in the 8outh for the amonnr and variety of its large Stock, shall be maintained, and we shall constantly keep on hard in both houses a full line of all grades 0f BOOTS and SHOES. ' Having made this arrangement we have no hesitancy in going into large towns or cities to show our Good, feeling assured that we are able to give to prompt paying customers as good teims as any other hQuaorth or South. . . JB. We solicit your orders or personal inspection to either of the above houses. STREET; CHARLOTTE, N. C, and 13 HIGH S T R EE T, BOSTON, TM ABBA CH USBTT8. TRADE marl Joseph Grier, Nelly Patterson. Joseph Grier, Violet Davis. Todd R Petty, Nancy J McLeary. '" Henry Clendenen, llary Fulcn- wider. ' ' James Pethel, Maggie McKesson. ensuing year, .me meeting was pre sided over by .Mr Orr. Mr Robt B Bay acted as Secretary. The vote was taker! by companies, the delegates voting under instructions. The Hor nets cast their vote for Mr Jas H Orr, and the remaining companies all voted for Mr F A McNincb, whereupon he was declared elected. The vote was laboring wun mm were seni w iweniy 9a mlde unanimous. or more . nouses to oDiam irom toe vr rw vn i-fi'rinr from .k nAB;i;nn wu vt tug aw wa-sw vwww and gentlemen will attend the Hamp occupants, permission to hold a prayer which he hM occupied during the past ,teady- New 5' n , ., . iuunuicunu in jominoia onimeenn?in eacn. inia was irraniea dv i a. i j xnunsujur.exi-. ai. is a representation tne most or tnem. un tne lOllOWmg nr:at. address "i,'W ounoay air. ru anu nis iew menus In coeptmg tbo position, the newly i-1 F tfzirl'v:i r W9 u I began, going irom one nouse to an- tfP$k?t8 lift Wf"" I Other and inviting the occupants to go with them. The number increased as On. ( thar vnt nnn finllv bn fhn Insf An ex( 29-32, i; Jaly and August 6, 5 31-32; August and September, 6 1-16; shipped March and Apri , sail 5 29 32. Uplands low middling clause, June and July delivery, 5.29 32. American lard 49 63; prime mess pork, 67. Sales American 7.950. FINANCIAL. New Tsrk Money easy, 2a; sterling 8 : gold dull 6a7 ; governments dull and States quiet aad nom- FUTURES a. 6 f . ,Tie.l5xoursion,to wilmlngt ij l. .UV' ! , ,, .14' 1 . t xcursion irain irom cneioy ar i nouse was reacneu, mere were a nun ing to devote his energies te bringing discharge the duties of thj position witn impartiality. tie referred in i terms of nraiaa to the NehtnnA frnlnr Jiiedyesterday afternoon with about dred and fifty persons collected togeth- .f.,, . .TrrM.Ad th(. hnnm -ci il LTtJ'tA . r? i I fltlr'T1'?"- x" UTW1 v that the utmost harmony would exist sxcuiiioDui, remaiaeu ia ue cuy aur uuj not oeam s prjer ur s sermon . Pfehji od, leave this morning in years. ""F"1 reacu wummgwrnj. ao-do Briei;; ounuay scnoo waa about this state of feeling. In closing a ii j m.i 'i i ;a fit. at a I o io-nigni, remain mere auring ,w eanes organizea ami aepi up wun me mom he took occasion to compliment the VJ1?'TPf.?Bt The chadren were retiring Chief, in the most flattering ' --airrvw in wnr eirjonr?riaay nignt, anu j aspect to contriouie at least one cent i mLnner remain over till the regular ;tram for every Sunday, lor the erection of a . ih appointed M First Assistant "m j ' "n . cnuu' " w "v ioere MrJ M Kendrick, of the Hornets, and m m.iWantu.. . , smaii nouse a nrsu anis was repiacea M SeC()nd Assi8tant Mr j w gprinkle, . fill . - a I a . I I 'ii i n i 1 .wttney sixpec i poi reiniorceu nere j oy ine present cnurcn Duuamg aDOUi of th independenU. The latter being antfatylrhJuiAUs along th6aine..;WO years ago; and was all done by LrMA m.AfllI1 t(!MntBj tha .n I ii. AMI ... - mi . I T- . o j c -at . -r iin r.niinrrni , mnnmr i na nrumi ... . tj? A mioiaa t ia- ; , - " J . r .r,V ; r, . 7 " pomtmens. Batauon Parade. . j . , , t leaiuce neai ounaing,nIty oy mirty- Resolutions adopted by the meeting "ine-iioTnex8,'-riestKinemen ana . ' wv" together with the report or Mr orr on . . . i-..iev as n a J - j , j rrn HWWeWHfira Military-Insti """" ""Y5" n1 AO' the disbursements of each rule annearer TeSTeraav afternoon n lot nPon wblcl1 " Btnda' donated -1 A - J A-t!- 1 3 1 ? oieciea vyniei, acanowieagea nis gran jfew York Fatures closed steady; 'eo tude to the companies and piomised to 55,000 bales. May, 10 89 90c. Jane, 10 95-96c July, 1107c August, 11 16 -17c September, 11 11 12r. October, 11 11 Olc. November. 10 92 93c December, It 94 95c January, 1108 10c February, 11 21 22c. dress paF&e; under command pfajor b ?y Mr Hfltom who preached for moxroWt . -tt Anomraet f M pattataOn was divided -s s"uu o. company during the year, will appear in full to IHXAjiTCT.: into lour companies an ik. urtroufh.tbe pnncaplslreeti. Dcriorm .o k r?jyejaa"ble mannert :Mjor Thomas z manages his command with an1 ease and ikUUltat sWtwgChnoJbe master of 1 i A A t ( ( f . drill. When the Grays appear as fr.VIprt alotte wUl have . a - I. . ... x o a ... rpt't ' .- rvuoa totov nroaa ox oer BHiuarr . -Komlnatlona In Ward No ! madei a artlen They r marchedi?,l4y school were established, an im . 1 I .A aVa. 1 A A It. piwvouivub iu ; iu uiorai . wag fi ;ne inhabitants ' became . apparent. This increased rapidly year by. year, until a complete transformation took place. As a consequence of this, property in that portion of the city inereased in The Xxcurslon from the West Will Imclude Charlotte and Other Cities ofVa-, N. and B. C, In their Tour. The newspapers have noted the fact that an' excursion party composed of business men of Cincinnati and other OB8KRYER OFFICE. CssKiAm. N. C April 9B, 1877. Tbe Cofton Market. Tie decline progresses, our market closing firm an t to 3-16 lower than Saturday's cl ca prices, irregular and weak. The Mowing quotations art net aged from prvxt given fry a majorit of the eotton buyn Stained 7a82 TiOtZod . Q Ordmary i-..i...i ' gj Good Ordinary 91 Low MiddliBDt............ Middling....... . 101-16ax Oood Middling 10 3 16s J Receipts in all Ports. 4.413 bales. Consolidated, 5,818 bales.' ' Exports to Great Britain, 9,727 bales. Exports to France, nose. Exports to the Continent, 911 bales. Exports to the Channel, none. Stock, 574,146 bale?. citizens of Ward 1, was nv6ntion ' of i held at the Mayor's office last night, for the nomi. Western cities, would soon make value, in many instances, five hundred Pbrlionf. of rnia' a nmxkn p i norm ana oouin jarouna. iirvenaTe were bnilt. and otvnttipA ' nar-n. a shown by Capt J C Dame, South who would scarcely have visited that mn $ Chesapeake & Ohio qrEAT VARIETY ' I T St ' .1 . A a1 " : i a! J I part of the town a few years before, knd a -mjusmma ...iwueu aeeneralair of imnrovementrTaIld. to the business men, which gives par- uhtilnowthe localitv ia rellaVad en Uculars not heretofore published. t?itr -v O i i aTho invitation is issued under . the H1AV1T VI VU A U AAA. nAliwU BbVallCU liU lb. I auspices 01 tne ureal central Aispaicn 0 W P R I C E S R U LETHE DAY. H. MORRI & BROTHEBS. Still offer this week immense attractions in . '' . -J ' CHILDREN'S YOI THS and MEN'S READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising a,new and full assortment of all the j? n n vtt . a. . . . . ? t a i leaumg oprmg oiyies. we guarantee to sell good uoods at prices tnat aery competition, jubw receivea a new supply of Ladies' Striped Suitings, all tbe rage. Great reductions in Domestics of all kinds. . LADIES and GENTS' BOOTS and SHOES of all grades and at bottom, prices. H. Morris & Brothers.. LADIES' and GENTS' TRUNKS IN GREAT VARIETY. - : .-i . v CHARLOTTE REDEEMED. iHIGH PRICES CONQUERED AT THE NEW STORE - of- -::' H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. WE OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS THI8 WEEK IN LADIES', MISSESAND CHILDREN'S 8H0KS AND SLIPPERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOT8 AND 8HOE8 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT NEW YORK PANIC PRICES. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CHOICE COLLECTION OF , Calicos,' Dress Goods, Lawns, Piques and .Domestics OF ALL KINDS. Qitkiil for CUUn, Boys, Tntti anil Male fear, all of tie Latest Desips, (toper to ever, AT THE STORE OF H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CELLULOID COR1L JEWELRY. Instantaneous Ink Extractor, TjH)R removing writing from papar and stains of all kinds from clothing on the finest fabric without injury. Price 50 cents per bottle. .TIDDY & BRO. apr20 , NEW ARRIVAL ! ! ! 825Q8s ear to Amnts. Out mmd m Skat 0M Jrta. Var tsnlM ad. oroao.. mmtm ob., nt, rmii. Ma. Ten Cent Column. FOR RENT Throe (3) rooms ever the rear end at our store, suitable for young men or well arranged for a small family. Also a neat cottage residence, and store room in the yard, on corner 7th and D streets. R M MILLER fc SONS. apr29 eod St 30,000 Bricks for sale, at $5 per 1000. Ap ply to J K P NEATH ERR Y, Agt, At Morrow's Bridge, S E, Trade St. apr29 TO LET Mv dwelling en Church street, near Mansion House, for particulars apply at store. HENRY FRANKENTHAL. apr24 It JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. 'CTrCT'- U Xho contribution which was taken apices oi me urea uenwai iispaicn aru in ine ! . . upTn Sunday alnoun ted to $120, which I - signed by David Gibson. ": Orr presided, and Capt A G Brenjzer ;ivlJ il tcifd J) Secretary. fryTbe.y vole. Was taken by ballot and resulted fin .the ' selection of Messrs R M Miller, Q f3cott and Henry Tatem. On the first, ballot , ,-Mr Miller received the highest ritiniber'e! next, and1. Mr "-sTat4ni i wilL-place. the church t out of debt, buy an organ for it, and make other improvements.1 r : ' v Suspended for the Bummer. At the meeting of the Xiterary and rfexf IheHltJr not hatine' re- Dramatic Club,, held at the residence " C7 Br" a a. m a. . . a, . .. ' . - I JJ VUW WIl.SVSti V A II ceiveo, a majority oi voles past a second ?V wl " ... T,. - merchants of the West an opportunity himself and eujaojourn uu next ail at tne of becom;ni? nersonalU acquainted t . . I r il. T j a nn. - r . . I -i: - - : o v- - next highest President-Packet Co . Wm C Wick- ham, Receiver of the Chesapeake oY Ohio road, R R Bridges, President of the' Atlantic 'Coast Line, A S Buford, President of Richmond A Danville Railroad. I .. ! ; The objeot of the excursion, as stated by the originators of it, is to afford the LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S LACE BIB COLORS, . ' CHILDREN LACE BONNETS, 4- CHIP, STRAW AND HAIR HAT8, ALL NEW SHAPES, FULL LINE LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S . A - j. HATS AND BONNET FRAMES. GREAT VARIETY FINE AND CHEAP ' FRAMES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. call of r4he-. President. The club has '. a z. m a K.M a ri . ww aw ki iBwrnoi i mit H A a, i a i ,m. i s 1 ai hiiii'ii i. iim i'iiiii iiaa . . - . .IT. : -6"v s , uigneBi. i " " T 1, J. t - wiinf the -commercial men of the jr T-H CX TH iN TT rT1 TH onvueii, wmcn resuuea, as;abov6lw?.Vr5K O . XT . W VJ ELi JA a;iiaTnri ars Ytiwpfcwero.,uMew.T.r w-r--M -.- - 1' nortunitv for an interchanee of busi a .aIA, fc. a..:U t . I A1AMI A,.iUU M1 . .Ha.. J-J ' . . . 1 TOtSSS' iuiri -JT. '"""UIOU- lteaaf ness opinions which it is hopedmay : ,jr8(i ff i-'-u ii, :,.!,; . i - - " " 7 i prove?: mmuaiiy " henenciai. it is Ajuna.yiTipee. j. Jtit . . , , now on account o tne snortness of tne th-ntrlhAt tbr; will b frnm fift V t 1 auutur') l -Ana V dttoA. Y ladiesand eentlemen who. attended.! and its in eetings are only suspended now on account of the shortness of the apr21 .1 A X nights, and the fact that a number of its V"-i J ;qCh.8 servicenythe cntrrcfies on Sun nighta,an i.u iritwfeelan were Ilofia. flrery luterestinir char members o acteriRof W B' Bowman, ID J),f cf sVPme1r months., r 1 1 irrTvv7."w.r v. 1,4 ; poweriui GO O D TRADE will ' be absent A daring the a hundred business men in the party t lThe excursion will leave Cincinnati on a steamer on, the 9th of May i for Huntington, thence by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad to Richmond, thence sermons in the Luthwan Cburch- which 1 Cotton Factory. .2 jnir:?FP V"n 01 in lDe ne8t terms by I t ib another column will be found an by steamer to Norfolk, thence to Wil .w;w5llwbo nearo-: tbem Bev ADBetts, advertisement calling the peopleof mington ibj the S B & W W RauV preached - twicr in Tryon Street M E Charlotte together, at the Court House road, thence to Charleston byCtbe W, Hci(pufr!rite wnfegatloiii. to-night, to discuss the feasibility of C and North-Eastern, thence to TRev F M Jordan who has been preach j organiting a joint stock company, for August by the S C, thence to Colum ..w. wifKrtV. iwantahllitinfn tVia Ran I At. . a - a? . . .i.-ll;. 'U.Iaa. v.. Va d Jtr k Wt:iJiiyAr vj-l m vj"-..,, kUV we pirposo oi erecting a csnon iacio I vumuwr, p, vu v y "i cj ttist csrreation aunng in wees, con ry in.Charlotte. No man in Charlotte tnence to JUanvilie ana JKicnmona Dy . : 'St ducted interestingservfcesin the church ought to fail to take a deep interest in the R & D, and finally back to Cin- , -.i-iathe morning and evening, to good this movement, and we have no,doubt, ,cinnD7 H.t,Dgton. ? t ' ! - ; - fffTVr-'atiriml TheTbther churches h I tThe Whole! trip will 'occupy about u tf l4iad: regular services'by the pastorsex I bearings, that nine-tenths of the peo fifteen days.- Tbey wUl-stop over- in pie will take some of the stock) : and tn ?ll7 onV on dT nd it is thought give the, enterprise their encourage that they will reach here about the ment. Let everybody attend. 1 2th r 21st f cert the CalvantMissionV r An account 'TiIIi;Wtbo services therer,is published .in foil else where. . It gives us great pleasure to announce that owing to our . INCREASED TRADE THIS SEASON, e - 4 Has cone North for a Second Stock, which will be here very aaoa. This gires us great advantages oyer early purchased Stocks of , this season, as new Goods are always ooo- WWW mom, m O-O o w of' baltihohe; Ready-made Men's Youth's aad Boys Clothing, RENTS' FURNIStofi GOODS, HATS & CAPS, TRDIIKS Alio VALISES OP ALL DESOElPflONa AKO QUALITIK3. AL39 A. LARQE ASSORTU BNT Of LADIES', GENTS, HISSES AND CIHLDRE YS B00TS.;SH()ES;;i;GAiTERS, wnica wo win sen you at the lowest as rates , to be obtAinAA Mvita A wtlasTu"" to your InM api7 HEATING STOVES AT COST. ;-?frX A L, H. T BUTLER,:Near the; Court House, , SURT64MOORE&BUTI:r T'- ar8 '4 r 1 1 . attractire, aQd besides there been recently great declines. OUR STOCK WILL BE NLW AD CHEAP. Truly, - Alexander, Seigle & Co, mayl 1 r i PurRyeVVhisky. THIS is to certify thaf.fhave earefiiilV' analysed a samnl of k- StJS?. i . ao w wsw L AClilalr Mr hioi. aeyoi sseesrs wm L Wolfn .k iv j found the same to be ohertiliCto,,1,,d unadulterated. ctemically pure and TheaboveW?! IK2S WITH, Trade 20taIYunbcr-$2aYcar WIDEAWAKEn illustrated Magaon .. J Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapest, : For an agency, said to f - . ' ' D LOTHEOF & CO., Ieb25 ,., , V Boston. A. NO diversity of opinion1 but .UDanil0, approval of our goods aid prices. apT20 s i s IaaItTA A BEOJ I ft

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