lyyjpif J.U WW JJlligLm'JLJLLiLilil i 'w5 - - - .... .- . -ry1- ., CHABXOTTE OBSERVES, ally 1 year, (ported) In advance, m0B- " mon, , o . $8 00 4 00 . 2 00 . 75 wswt. ad wisa tftf litest ccnsa CtE t WKBKIT ' XDZTIOH. w klv ;io th county in advanoe, rt 00 out oi Uie oounty, postpaid, 10 6 months, " , : 1 05 voL.xnr. Llbrel reductions for clubs, CHABLOTTE N., Cr THURSDAY, MAT 3, 1877. NO.20,S2. : . " ' ! T7T" rr ? 1 . . J '. . '.' ' ' . 1 "" 1 1 UDEE THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF TLEURAPmc5EW8, I . WASiBINGTON ! THE E iWeRN WAR Louisiana Ee'publicani Knocking at the Door. Turks Driven Back at Kars, FOREIGN APPOINTMENTS. (tint Tiii AS been BemmiBcea anu xweuneu iu ui ciM siyie, ana cners maucemenia to I J . Trarellert and R9idento in lts ceHent table, Bnpplied with the best the market affords at prices to bait tbe times. An active corrs of waiters In attendance at meals, and no pa'ns ox xrn?e sra'edt0 rendfr cnests comfortoble. Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR WIOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl ' Falling of the Roof of the New New York Post Office Building. London Stork Exchange. Estimate of the Turkish Forces. , - I War Items. t The .Political Hilleniura Announced in Louisiana. Exports Largely Exceed Imports for the Past Nine Months. ELI AS. COHEN & ROESSLER, IKV1TE ATTENTION TO THEIR Imteasie Spring Stock Just Eceivu!- Wl iihtl ty ulWell lower thisn ever. Buyers pleaseex mine. f Wholesale and Retail ELIAS, COHEN & E0ESSLER. A fret Ji s 1 1 ly rf A'ptctcf rj o Mi 1 airf, rid the largest Sleek of Embroideries in the city very cheap. ii!3r20 . " . BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Prince Milan intites -Tchemayeff to resume command of the Serbian rmy. The Jews memorialize the Pres- Russian accounts eay the Turks Were driven back at Kars. ... It is semi-omcially published that England's military and naval prepara tion are simply to ensure a. 6tate "of preparation for any possible contin gency. Should necessity arise, every man would be at tbe right place at a moment's notice. The Bey of Tunis offers the Porte 18,000 infantry, and 5,000 cavalry, pro vided the Porte pays part of transportat ion and equipments. Germany having undertaken their protection, insists that Russian citizens shall remain in Turkey. The Russian advance guard has reached Busco on the railway between Bucharest andGalatz. Grand Duke Nicholas remains at Jassa. His army moves leisurely. ident. Washington, MayN2. Col Jack Wharton is here from Louisiana, strongly backed for the Marshalshipj Of the State. The best opinion is, that Marshal Plttkins will not be disturbed. Col Leonard, ot Caddo, is also here. They say Col Wharton will not go back without his commission for Marshal of Louisiana in his pocket. The indications are he will stay here. midnight. Washington, May 2. It is stated that Geo A. Sheridan, of Louisiana, will be Minister to the Cen tral American States. He succeeds Geo Williamson," oft the same State. 'Git it to the children. Physician pre scribe it. ' Ihousar-ds vie it. Sold by drug gist, . Dr-. Bull'i Cough JBjrap. r ITIAItBIEIX, v At Lauringburg, N. G, on the 17 ih of April, by the Rev. Father Moore, Mr. Thomas A. Cullen, of Richmond, Va., and Miss ' Mary C. McLean, of Laurinburg. ' I '", ' DIED. . . . In Monroe, on the 26th instant, of meninritis. Charles Walter Simpson, son of James R, and Drucilla Simpson ;s aged six yearst ele?en H months and twenty days. 1 ; In Lane's Creek . Township, Union county, on the 5th inst., of measles, little Jessie J., daughter of Dr. Thos L. Foster aged six years and six months. Died at his residence, near Ham ah church, Cabarrus county, xon Aprif 12th, Mr. Jas. L. Johnson, in his 63rd year. The fighting before Kars on the 29th &en Stephen GBurbridge," of Kentucky ; LJ5 DKALXB IH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, BEDDIISG, &C, A CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR &CHAMBIRSTJIT8, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C and 30th is confirmed. The result is unknown. The report that Russia, at the in stance of Austria, promises to respect the neutrality of Servia, is confirmed, and the Turks in consequence aban doned the pln of occupying Gladowa The coup by which the Russians seiz- they say, goes to Denmark. President Hayes goes to Philadel phia on the 9th, to attend the opening of the permanent Exhibition on the Centennial Grounds. Architect Mullett attributes the fall of the New York Post office roof to a defective truss, and says that the fact ed the bridge at Burborchi was execut- of the fmg of th roof did not crush ed by the well known General Scabel ieff. The rumor3 of a convention between Russia and Austria for the occupation of Turkey, and discredited.? The Russians will pontoon the: Dan ubefrom a point on the Roumanian side opposite Isakia, whence there is a good road to the uplands of the Da boudscha. Turkish ionclads are proceeding Northeastwardly along the coast of the Black Sea. its way to the bottom proves the archi tectural merit of the Structure. Gentlemen , of all parties, arming here from New Orleans, speak enthu siastically of tho good feeling and con duct of all the people, produced by the pacification. Republicans say the col- ored people are treated better than ever, and that Gov Nicholls and his party mends have shown that they are sin cere, thus far, in their efforts to pro mote the interests of all, without, re gard to race or politics. IfEW ADYEUTISJEmE-ITS. Important No tice. ALL persons in need of Boots and Shoes, should avail themselves of the Bargains now offered by B P Rottedge, who is clos ing out the Stock of J Mo Alexander, at figures much below actual cost. may3 St v Monthly Meeting. THE regular monthly meeting of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce will be held at the rooms of the German Harmonie Club, over Latta's store, this (Thursday) evening at 7:50 o'clock. Members are respectfully requested to be prompt in their attendance. JOHN L BROWN, may3 It President. The Committee APPOINTED to submit a plan of organi zation, fec, for the proposed Cotton Manufacturing Company, are requested to meet at the Editorial Kooms or ne ubieb vib, on Friday the 4th inst, at 4 o'clock, P. M, The committee are O Dowd, R Y Mc- Aden, W J Yates. H C Jones, Jesiah As bury, D W Branch, R M Miller. mays Zt M. Lichtenstein, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, WOULD respectfully announce that he is in complete order oyer F SCARE & CO'S, Cor. Trade and Tryon streets, with all the latest styles of imported Cloths.Cassi meres, Suitings ana Vestings, which be guarantees' to make up in the most fashion able Btyles and prices cutting and repai n the most artistic style at mayl M. EIN. 3. jan3 FRESH GOODS. -AT- . G-. H. O G- 35! 3HS.S, FURNITURE WAR EHOU8 Eg CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, pfr I tm rcceivir g a full Stick of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, "KtweEtlStyltb" and lowest prices. - Call and roeke your telectkn whil"theassortment is fulL marl4 ' . Turkish divers destroyed eleven tor-laS.carlet fevet and measles Ate epi- pedoes at Pati. " demic ftt Annapolis. The authorities London, May 2.-On the Stock Ex- of the Naval Academy have establish change business opened languidly, but ed tnngent rules to exclude the dis- subsequently strengthened somewhat in foreigns, which opening unfavorably, became better, Turkish excepted. Rus sian's steady. American quiet. Vari ous money articles state that it is now generally expected that bank notes of discount will be raised to 3 per cent. In open the market official mmimumof 2 per cent, is practically current. Liveepool, May 2. The steamer Illinois broke her shaft after leaving for Philadelphia. A fire was discovered aboard the Montana, recently arrived from New York. A few bales of cotton were des troyed before it was extinguished. RoUmania has in effect declared war against Turkey. The Russians report that they have taken Fortress of Bayazid in Armenia. The Turks, 1,700 strong withdrew to ease. The Stale Department has advices. that two vessels have recently left Spain, one with 2000, and the other with 300 troops to reinforce the Span ish army in Cuba. The Statistical Bureau claims an ex cess of exports over imports during the past nine months, of one hundred and fifty-five millions of dollars. During the same period, the imports of specie, exceeded exports over five. million dol lars. A delegation called on the President, asking his good officesjn, behalf of the Jews of Louisiana. The President promised. LOUISIANA. Another Arrival OF TENNESSEE BEEF CATTLE. We haye just received another car load of Tennessee CA'ITLF, .the finest yet. Owing to the recent advance "in eood Tennessee Cattle, we are compelled to ask small advance on our Jdrmer prices far tbe best cuts. We do not believe that we haye any customers but tbose who are willing tor a few weeks to nay a small advance Tor tne purpose or getting cnoice Beef. , Call and see us, and let us reason together. Tours respectfully, may 3 ADAMS & POWELL. BUY THE SOAP i. n Mandamus and Appeal. New Orleans, May 2. The District the heights, leaving a large quantity of Court has issued a mandamus against ammunition. The Russians occupied Johnson, the Kellogg-Packard Auditor, IN conrection with the Furniture EusineFS jof Mr E G Roger, at my old stand cn touth Trade StTeet, I will conduct the Un dertaking Business on my own account, giving it my personal attention. I will keep a complete Stock, from the Che&npftt Wnnrl fYiffin in iVin flnosfc MsIiiKk Burial Case. Orders by telegraph or otherwh e promptly attended . toj 'Qf Jk . & : but granted an appeal to the Supreme Court of the State whenever Johnson proposes to carry bis case to the United States CourW ' Tt mmmr in . J the town. London, May 2 The Telegraph pub lishes the following sensational special dispatch from Vienna : "The conven tion between Russia and Roumamafor the transit of the Czar's army is con sidered by Austro-Hungary as a breach of neutrality, and the impression it has caused is such that from the aspect of affairs it seems doubtful 'whether the ,';il ka i-Daiaimnrri f .S..: . a millionaire, and proprietor of the longer tne iuauuButuuiiB pwiv TT . , . . ; - "a. , .&. . l. mu-I Windsor HoteL is miFSing. Suicide is onimon in iavor oi lnierveuuuu. xue i . -. . The CH&PESt and BEST ON THE MARKET. MAYER, BOSS & JONES. OUR LOW PRICES 1 s - THE ENVY OF ALL COMETITION Hi ' -L dc- (Dlotqirjff and (Bents ranDQtilD COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. THE Opportunities and Facilities which we enjoy, allow us to NAME retail prices for these Goods that will most effectually dis tance ALL COMPETITION. For further and more complete evidence we refer with pleasure to the prices annexed : " ' I Good British i Hose 3 pair for .........25e Extra British Mixed 2 pair for .......-25o Striped, assorted colors . m1&c Fancy-Stripes, very nice, . ....86 to 60c Salid Colors, Silk Clocked, in large fariety, 85o to T5c Rich Fancy Balbrlggans, silk colors, ...60c to 90o Children's Fancy colors, 2 pair for ......... ...,.....M.....25e Children's Fancy Striped, super fine,... ..20o to 85c Cotton Handkerchiefs, assorted borders,.... ....,. ........05c White Linen, ready for use, 2 for........ 25o Fine Cambric, bordered,.,..,. ...... . 25c Beautiful Silks, fancy colors, .........25c Latest Importations, rich shades and rare colors,... ,50c te$2 Scarfs worth 75c we are offering at ..25c uur SUUH. rKlU.ES and BARGAINS ARE TO BE SEEN ONLY ATE. D. LATTA & BRO'S. The prices at which we now offer Boys and Children'! Garments and full Suits, elegantly trimmed, leaves NO ROOM to save ANYTHING by Home juanuiaciure. vve trust every iaay wur xisxu liMJfi to UALLand BEK the numerous novelties we have brought out this season. . , , . Mail Orders receive our own CAREFUL ATTENTION. Wholesale 0L03E BUYERS will do well to examine our Stock. E D. Latta & Brother, i)r29 LOWEST PRICE CLOTHIERS IN THE SOUTH. ATTENTION LADIES!! -:W: .&: :R:- SECOND A RRI VA L OF- SPRING DRESS GOODS LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES OF LADIES' STRAW HATS, Slillinerj Goods, Flow rs, Dibfcons and' Tits, IN ALL DIFFXBZNT C0L0B8. AH Goods will be sold at prices to suit the times, the facts, before you buy elsewhere. Come and convitceyountlf f Vv ittko w skv oc Itiiitels apr24 Home Copy. , : " NEW YORK. J T Daley of New York missing More Insurance jOQcials in -Trouble. "' "' ' ' New York; May 1 2. John T Daley, may 2 Notice. ZS. JNTKENAL BH VEKUE, Collector' Office, 6th Dist, . Statesvule, April 25th UK; ) M. C . h, 1877. J Windsor Hotel, is missing feared The President and Actuary ,.of the Popular Insurance Company, and the President and Secretary of the Conti nental . Life Insurance Company, are indicted for criminal practiced x 1 ,: " BC CjHAHLOT3CE,C.S- this ; mii;. khowh - m ;' mtim sotel; LOCATED IJ?.CENTEB OF .THE CITY, OFFERS press has never been so violent in its language towards Russia. ' A Reuter telegram- reports the Rus sians before Kars. - , The American Miuister, ,Mr 'Wash- burne has returned to Paris.' 3 - f 'The Turkish "forces in Arhienia are FLASHES. the fourth Turkish army corps, station ed in Aria minor, under the command Cincinnati, 0., May 2.-Emerson fc i of Ahmed Muhkatar Pasha, and has its Fisher's carriage - factory was burned i . headquarters at Ltzeroum which is last night. Loss with stock afad ma gar risoued .by 22,000 : men; ' at Kars chinery,' $60,000 'insurance,-: $35,000. there are 25,000; at Ardanan 12,000 w? The building was fully insured. ' at Baskkay9,000; while 7,000 are dis- - Phixadbxphia Pa., May 2. Two tributed between Aiashtert,, Ji.ara ana men were arrested to-day lor dealmg Kilira; six thousand among the Persian i Philadelphia, "Wilmington and Bal- "VI OTICE is hereby given to tbe owners JJl ' tbat seizare was made of : - 5 barrels and 6 kegs of whiskey, 1 wagon and barners. i horse, .1 mule and 8 barrels of whiskey, ..' For violation f ;tW Internal Bevenue laws of the United 8 tales. .. . All persons clainiine the said property will appear before at bit c ffice in - States. ville, within 80 days from ' this date, or the said property will be declared rotreitea to the United Statte. ' :'.' X J SIOTT, , apr27 oawaw , - ... Collector. - Ten Cent Column. EOR RSNTthe , Store Room . recemtly occupied by Best A Vandegrift. may 2 tawtf ; J. L. MOKEHSAD. u n' r r"' 25 r"i "f- tf N810nA"8BOJ ACCOMMODATIONS a . TO THir TRAVEIJJKQ PUBLIC The Turnitnre. is ; First-class, the House is Carpeted THROVGHOUT, : tfj KM ASf and ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN EVERYi ROOM, C i it ' FOR 4 RENT Three 3)rooms ever the rear end at our store,' suitable ler young ii a r- . l, villages and Bayazid . is occupied by I timore railroad tickets not puuehed by j AlBO :m neak cottage residence, and store 4 rwim An. TNoTE.-These letters are I fh onnrlnrtnrs. I room in the yard, en corner 7th and D v.f t,.i..ntnwnf hi T.. r.J' streeta. . . 4, B M MILLKB 4 SONS. utcu vv ft" vir.c -.vj r , 4kdiaAP.0LIS, in.i oiay ai4.e xw - tpr29 eod 3t Til a I'M. i ' v " ' m. M ai.atai . n.1. m nninin. 1 rrvi. oa;tnf Hops nnt. r.nmm in the :. , t mt. . . v- at-i t , .v o .f . Circassians, Kurds, ana ' tue miiiua inaicate Uttle chance from last Fall's . wbich has been called out. ? If all the eiecti,ns.i " u f i i jf Circassians obey the. summons : ot the j 'The'railrOad blockade is unchanged, ,T0 LET Mr dwelling sn Chijrch street. Porte, they would furnish a contingent Xegal proceeding has been transferred f m ore th an 15 .000 men . xn e Ji.uras .At Morrow's Bridge, S IV Trade 8$. TTnifa Rtofaa 'nUfrinf Ouwirl ,i v : 10 InTalldS, Florida 4 TOnristS Or PerSOnS TraTeiing do not number above 4,000, all cavalry., ,jThe' raiiroad bridge ' at St Paul is - i i..'..;,..-.:.:, . t .: in.. aVimilii fiimiah shniit (MX) I f . s 11 " - a . . .. r. 1 uim -v.. 1 Durnea. rUK FL.KASIIRF.. THIS TTnTTSK nTTTPTTPa VATPTJV TrAClLill X , ' - - t - 8 99. W X. ?r? V men. Wtmr, PrnvMtn aAnn - Ufa V 9OnA FOR COMFORT. - Z : ; . I C i M i Boston. Mass.,- May -Jairies' R thousand employees, are working in -..-' ' r t . lst "ho-hn I thA Wamsntta mills.' Tha strikers are f f - j. i ftt I Leames, a postoffice clerk, has" been near Mansion House, lor' particulars apply at store. ; ?Dr24 U'V a Fresh Meat - A LARGE supply of NICE TENDER A BEEF. POKK. MUTTON and VEAL always on hand at lowest market prices, at WILSON & BURWELL, WHOLESALE A XETAJL DRUGGISTS, Charlotte, N. C; 1 tf yl f". " ill .' '. J ' -r 4-.. f r r' is - n ... - - s .'. .. r ; .. r 4 , 4 ! 1 "... -. .4 -r .r r-- ft r ... . t .4. 4 i ...- : 'I J V I r-1 . i i ! m ; 1 1 r i j ii i ... i . i j .':;. j ; "I , ' :-i ! I 1: . I j, '8 ' V I 1 r f 4 4 u t I ?! 1 111 i i 4 . xxujus:fs.uu,'fzu 'and Wbine. -- ' v " toarlS . - I i s t H -

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