V The -Secrets of Masonry. ,u - otn i. toM of a Mason's wife, y-l-ho ffiied bim almost out of hi. Hfo. J? n.Vt.c worda of Masonry. v Thoawtul orls. I Enowyerywell iln od set mad, my darling dear, v ld Z tb em out. that mil mar h ear". Kdw&rd. Never! Never! c.irfslie: '" '.: ' . : n. h.ai-t' recess forever ! Tell rr , .. i Jnnld. or fret, or siam iam your ; ril trvto be quiet with all my might. .5 bat hour you come at nighV And ho i v matttr wui. an, pole- be M m"S. o m", f1r nd rood : llrt resist bii " t-o db . . rH. T tn .hont to reveal." IV" j . ----- nAwthe eecret till life hall end." 1 id be: "Tha eecret that Masonry aoreens, Sh, awfal wordfl are-V end Beans I t . wek had passed away, en Vaxylot madd what iid ; d. aay? She sbooted cut, that all miRht bear : v ... -Pork and beans! I'ye got voa there . STATE BW8. Mr. Geo. M. Rose is 'J FayetteTille's memorial day orator Hon. David S.Reid js but 64 jearApf J fige. He .wat :du4 o. wuto. weww Governor. .; The indictment for libel against the proprietors of the Raleigh . Erought by Mr. Jesiah Turner in Or anee Court, where it has been pending for a year post, has been quashed. Dr. Wm. Geddy Hill ne of 4th oldest citizens and a prominent physi cian of Raleigh, died recently in that city of heart-disease in the 70th year of his age. In the case of John N. Bunting vs. Western R. Gales, for the clerkship of the Criminal Court of Wake, Judge Buxton has decided in favor of Mr. Gales. Bunting has taken an appeal. Salisbury Watchman : We miss Judge Cloud this week his smiling face, his tobacco covered shirt-front, and' the familiar breaking of peanut shells en the bench. It is proposed to place a million youog shad in each of the six great rivers of the State before the end o the nresent season, and to stock all vthe smaller rivers and larger! creekaas early as practicable. Rev. R. R. Stimsoni of "iStatesvilfe who has completed hU course at Union Theological Seminary, has receiyed a call to the Presbyterian Church of Suf folk, Ya., says the Statesyille Land' mark. The wifeof Capt. Samuel S. Kirk land of Hillsboro is dead.' Mrs. Kirk land was a grand-daughter of the late Judge Gaston, and was well known in many sections of North Carolina. - The two Hour mills and one corn mill belonging to Messrs. Pager ith erspoon &Coi situated on Crabtree creek about 10 miles from Raleigh, and known as the "tXairrpany? Mills," were destroyed by fire about 12 o'clock Friday.night. ,t i'il The Annual Gose of Rock Spring Seminary, Denver, N.C, will take place May 30th and 31st. Rev. J. W. North, D. D , Shelby, N. U., will Breach the Annua Sermon o0TWednesday, 30th, at eleven o'clock, A7 M. On the afternoon of the same day, Kev. J. J? Lattimer. yi; PrOfeBsorl xf Orgek and .tienanUnPavldsbriljolleg'eK. C, will deliver the Literary -Address before the Franklin LiteraryjSociety PALMETTO LEAVES. j ' ,t 1 m 1 I 2 li Spartanburg cah befest 01 a shingle tactory in full Wast. . Gen. M. C. Butlef' delivers iha Sum ter Memorial address on the 10th inst. 1 . An effort will be made - to erect monument over the grave of "Briga dier-General Jenkins, at Summerville Rock Hill iscnxknMtottavnew county formed TrtTrrr fbf ti6ns dtTork, LancasterandJUhester, witn itock nil as the county seat, ffl $ Q f. Miss McOdtehen, ofumtercounty, last week, courageously clutched pistol in the hands of a negro robber, and succeeded in frightening off the thietes. Such heroism equals Miss Chisolm's. in the late Mitsissippi trage A bey by the name of F.'Thom'peon killed another boy last week by the name of Jonah Smith, neither one of them being over twelve years Id. The parties were both colored, and lived near Spartanburg Village, tk 'rTiQH.riyojJ-.ef it The legislature has decided to go into the election of a Chief Justice to fill the vacancy occasioned' 'by 1 the death of Chief Justice Mos$s to-day at 8 o'clock p; Mr. Ttf election, of Judge Willard '1a "cppsUJered . .certain, and the contest for the vacancy that willthub created will rest between Judge Maher, Judge Aldrich and General McGowan. The testimony before the Judiciary Committee indi cates the impeachment of Judge Wright. . Truth is Greater than Fiction. - You are sallow, sick , and peevish ; your liver needs regulating i you bare chills and fever; often your liver is torpid. You won't be cured until you use Tablet's" Liver rowaer. Price CO cents. l . . . The question no loneer aaitates the pub lic mind, whether Coussens' Lightning Liniment is better than all other Liniments. We think it is the best liniment fr rheu ttatiBni, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, tetter, tlflfioints. nainit in hrnnt and back Nothing is superior to it for horses, cattle and hoes, removes WTTfts knots! splint, and cures distember ad epizootic. .Price 50 cents. For sale by airDrugguts. - GO TO HEApaU:ARTJERS -roB- DUear. CofTiA an1 Pipe Canned Fmita. Ve?e- Ubles and Meats, fresh Macaroni, Oat Meal, French Prunes, Jelly,, Preserves, Choice. "umesuc ana imported riCEies, eauces, Mustard. Patti Rtarch 'Rnkincr VnwAlr Wax gad Adamantine Candles, French and i " uontections,. Lemons, Apples, c "tsh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day.' ' FH ANDREWS, Agent. spr26 "t v -, , Sulphate (F Cinchonldlali cheaper (han Qatninr v ua aoout as efficacious i T O StflTH, Dtagglst.' t X " I . . . ' ' ......... J . " 1 DAILY PRICD CURRCNT. RErAII, MAJRKET. K Bwcarce andin demand. J - Chickens very scarce, v .Eggs-light stock. ks.: Irish Potatoes very scarce. AppJes-scarce. j ' z, ' , , Orangessmall stock." v Cabbage none offering.' . ' J Mattun very scarce; go ,d demand, ; Ban ilia? plentiful; ' '" 11 Fresh Country, 23025 ' , ' u Goshen , . - , 30a35 W 40a50 From stores . ...90al.25 - '45a50 25a30 J ' 30a35 20a25 oowav - " Prom wagons ..... Turkeys, , . . 6075 " 5 Geese, 'SOoW . , Ducks, 20o25 . . Chickens, J5o30 ' Guineas. IRlyiiR - 16a20 Potato as Ms Sweet, bnahel,100al 25 10al.60 insn. " I 25al 35 1.75a2.00 Pexsh Meats r 3a5 perlo 6aS 6al0 Beef. Veal. Mutton, r? Lamb. . ' Pork, Sausage, uoUuiTed, 8ausaze. BtnfTed. 8am - 8al2 10a12J 12ial4l 15al6f 00O08 00a25 per lb. In Comb, 12al5. Strained. 13al5 ktjits Urangea, per hundred, 60a4.00 iemons, . 3 50 . Apples (Northern), per bbl.;5.00a60 Apples (Green Mountain), 3.50a4 00 Cranberries; per quart, 20 Dried Apples, per lb.. 7a8i vr H reaButsoountry, , ' , , rljOO . i - "f : wumington, 1 z.oo 4 .V- Baaanas, bunch, 2 00a3 SO " " dosen 50 Cocoanuts .08a.l0 " pr dosen .76al 00 ; . QKOCEBJES "WHOLESALE Corn, in fair demand. - -PlouT, market very much excited. Sugar, good demand, at advance. Coffee, firm with good, demand. Bait, but little demand. Salt meats, strong and advancing. Lard, firm and advancing. Bulk Mkats per lb Clear Bib 8ides, 9a9 Long Clears, 8 jo9 Shoulders. ' 2a7 -' 8 C TJn canvassed, 12al3 ,..JCanvassed aiaUJ Lard 1 Best refined tierce, j? f 1 " half Bbls, BuckeU&Tins, I 111' X ?12 13ial5 I 151 18al8J Chuu ' Faetory, Cream, Selected cream. Buttsr . f i .Country .? t -.'. 22a27 29a32 Qoshen SUGARS Cut loaf Granulated and crushed a ' : ExC 13al3i 12al3 12ial2i Hial2i Yellows lOialli Moxass: per gal New Orleans, fair to choice. Golden Drip (syrup) Cuba.. - 55o65 44o55 40al5 34a36 K" BlaokBtrap, v Corris Mocca, 40. Jaya, 27a29 Rio, 20o23 Txa nv v Blaek 60a75 Greeni 86al.60 Mixed. h t ' V t;; : 50a75 Ftfht , v;-v i'l.a Herrines. per box 35a3S MACKEREL. Bbls (fall weight) '.,M bbls - - O.50al0 50 , 5.5086.50 . LlSalO Fix)tra per bbL Family, fl -rjExtJai !-.-'. lit TBaper,- rj 01.50ol2.00 . 90al05 8J0Oa8.5O per lb. 4 Buckwheat Rics Choice 7ia8 cts, Good to prime 6a6 MxAt-per bushel, -; " ; Omar per bbK -HeiutxT per bbl -Qbaih Corn, by car load, in sacks, 67Jo72 5.60 5.25 70ia75 . . 68 62a65l f $ From wagons in bulk Wheat From wagons. Seed wheat, .vfiWhitel vf ' Red,. 16 A 1 ; Oats White., .. Black - -Era 80o85 From"B tores 25 cts higher 1.50 fc 1.40 60a65 60a65 1.00 Pure clay, Mircid. lOOallO 85a95 Hat Unebopped Timothy, per cwt(y 1.20 ' .L ,-sNMiJiXarolina-! 4l!iw7ca80 Sam per sack Liverpool, fine table, Ground Ahjm 1 2.25a2.30l 1.15al.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Prices are stiffening somewhat, and a bet ter feeling is generally prevalent, v (Jobbing Bate.) ShsjeBho akd Shiktisqs Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7c 5o6 Woodlawn 4-4 7-8 3-4 Other brands Brown drills 7 6a6 7ia71 9ol0i Bleached 8tll ' C i . 1U-4 eneeungpi a ana anou. "WM Pillow casing" 'anrxs .,. "' " Pawnee Wamsutta . . , . Freemans , . i Sprain & Kindred brands s -s ' Other good brands . JXAKS A5D COTTOHADKS . ' ' .' , York 15al5i Wittenden ' z Oriental Leinbach & Co A , 14al5 15 22 Darco'-1 . v 12 :i5ai5i Lincoln Table kocks Ermine cloth 22a24 30 D kiss Goods Li Carded Alapacas Plain Lustres Lawn's Pacific ' Parsee Plaids " Percalls Pequets 18a21 20a22 14al6 18 14a20 12a24 TtCKIHO Palmer Oakland , Conestoga " 8a8i U1l4ai8 WINES AND LIQUORS Ample suppryTHght demand , ( Wholesale BaUi.XA H Peach per gal. ' i. Corn x . kJ. 1 2 50 . DDerrr - Port ; 2 50 r' - i 1 60 ' ' 150 7 50 Claret " dossen t t ? AW : t t - 2 75 2 75 jforter The market is steady at DricesgiTen below: P D Hemlock, per lb , ziazo 23a24 G D Hemlock, per lb. . Good ' White Oak Stanght, per lb 27a30 40a42 10a! 25 American Calf, k Sides, 45a50 65a75 r, -Harness, , - i French Calf, Suser " M- " Cornelian" rt DR 35a37 741 90 7al 8f 1 90a200 . VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. V Through Freight Route to aU Points South. 71x18 lin being fully equipped for business, 'offers unequaled lacffilies for the Transportation of Freight, from " -WlIJMi?S?9, AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN" CITIES TO ' - CIHE2EEE' STATESVILLE, ASHEYILLE,-RUTHERFORDTON,t . . GREENVILLE, SPABTANBUBXr, ALL STATIONS ON THE . ATLANTA & RICHMOND! AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC. ' TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N.C. -RAILROADS, as well as all pointe in s . GEORGIA, ALABAMA and : - . . " . liTSTJjTOE GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA TIME AS INFORMATION FURNISHED - WM a:JIOODT; Tr.1 South Western Freieht Aet.. Charlotte, N. C. sept30 Just Received AT McADEN'S -DRUG 8T0RE, OA Cases BuflEalo Lithia Water, fresh from fiJ the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs aprs Watches 1 Jewelry, VERY. LOW AT Hales & Farrior's. WE, HAVE A LARGB8TOCK, AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted. Jan28 CLOT KING ! ! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT TAILOR, Telegraph OfQce, Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Has just received a splendid lot of Fine Doeskins, Cloths and Casslmeres, which I will make up at prices to sun tne times, ana guarantee satisfaction in style and fit. fet28 - i Economy is wealth. PRACTICE the first, and secure the latter by purchasing your Groceries from apr7 Opposite Charlotte Hotel." Vance Inprat-Oet lie Best MESSRS. MAXWELL & SYMON8, of Charlotte, N. C, and native Korth Carolinians, will bring before the people of North Carolina in a few1 days, a splendid Line Engraving. 18x22, (size of print, not of aper( of our noDie ana Deiovea uovernor. t is in a style of art unsurpassed. It is not a cheap Lithograph, such as we see useu.for theatre and circus celebrities, but is a mag nificent work of art a genuine .Line En graving. It is a remarkable likeness, an artistic portrait, and portray b to perfection the cordial, friendly, but decisive features of this great man of the people a man who pesses8ing the tenderest sympathies, is the friend of every man, and a giant intellect, is the leader and controller of a great corn mon wealth. It should be in the home of every Carolinian, and the price ($2) at which it is offered places it within the reach of all. It would be cheap at $5. ; Agents are; want' ed to canvass every town in this State, and liberal terms will be given them We com mend this enterprise to our people. apr!8 tx : ii FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES ! ! XADK WITH Tfflt Latest & most valuahle improrements r " S C Al; E S TIIE WORLD'S STANDARD . s BXtaiVB HIGH18T KXDAI4 A 5 - - World's Fair, London, 1751 World's Fair. N. Y.. 1 863 World's Fair, Paris "1867 World's Fair, VJehna,! 1 87a World's Falr.ISantaga. 1 cmiia ioo World's Fair. Phila. , II 876 AtSO ' CQFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, TK A A ND COFFEE CANS. .YL t STORE TRUCKS, AC k ermnia fnr MIIm' A Urm Money Drawer. FAIRBANKS A CO. 811 Broadway, N. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 166 Baltimore, St., Baltimore.- , ' 1 ' ' ' - FAIRBANKS A CO.; 53 Camp St., New Or FAIRBANKS A CO., 216 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.s K '. -.i - - - FAIRBANKS A CO., 338 Broadway, Al bany, N. x. . FAIRBANKS & CO., 403 St., Paul St , Montreal. - FAIRBANKS A CO., 34 King William St London. -FAIRBANKS, 5 BROWN A CO Milk'St, FAIRBANKS A EWING, Masonic Hall, PhilndelDhia. fc's - FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO.( Chicago . Illinois. 'i v. .'. --t1- V ' ',1 ' ' FAIRBANKS.1 MORSE A CO., Cincinnati FAIRBANK8, MORSE A CO., Cleveland Ohio f " r" ' " FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO , Pittsburgh FAIRBANKS. MORSE A CO Louisyille, v a TRW a NTTH it CO.. St Louis. Mo. - vii rr a N ICS A HUTHISON. 8an Fran Cisco. -TT.a.. -noi i feb23 Uw d eow W 5m loast in m LAJCTX) BATES i ANY, COMPETING . LINE, AND ?Q,TJIOEZ. UPON APPLICATION TO p W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C, s T T SMITH, , l , Agent 0. C. Railway, Charlotte. COB V UXXDZL, A BAUMSABTXV j A COB M. MENDEL A CO MAHUVACTUaXBS OT C I G A R 8 WHOUESAIJC DKALXBS IS TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, &C TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Octl3 Remember DR. McADEN has removed from the old corner on Tryon Street, to the Parks boilding,a few doors below, next to Butler's and just above Elias, Cohen & Roessler's. where all are invited to come to get good articles at the lowest prices, marl Net iHier ani Wood Yarfl. THE undersigned have this day leased the Rock iBland Factory Yard, and will keep constantly on hand a fall stock of Lumber. Shingles, Laths, Lime and Wood, Which they will sell at lowest market prices, whole sa e or retail. E BEVAN, novStf - WT BEAMAF AT- RIGLER'S "A Fine lot of Northern Apples, Maca- roni, Prepared Cocoanut. Eureka Chipped Dried Beef, Prepared" Cod ish for family use.' Candies of all kinds, French and Home made, Taffies. &c Prunes. Dates, Bread and Cakes. Pies fresh every day. Uanned Goods, Fine Apples, Toma toes, reaches, Salmon, Corn, Green eas. apr20 Mortgagee's Sale. BY Virtue ef a Morrgage with- power of sale executed by the parties hereinafter mentioned at the time hereinafter specified, in favor of Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will proceed to sell lor cash, at public auction at the Court House door tri Charlotte, in the county of Mecklenburg, on tiie 9th day ol May next, at 12 M., one tract or land beginning on 9tn street at D r L White's corner, running with said street 491 reet to Lucy A rnillips' corner, tnence with her line 193 feet to Stitt's line, thence form ing a parrallelogram to the beginning. Mortgaged by J J Gallmkn & wife, the 18th day of December 1875, to secure the pay ment of 720 00, on which there is still due $610.06. Also at the same time and place, one tract ef land beginning at A P Newhart's corner On theJS C R R, and runs 49 feet with the said NCR R-to B J Shannonhouse's line, then with said Shannonhouse's line ISO feet to M E 8titt's line, thence 49 feet to New- nart s line, tnence witn nis line to tne De ginning. Mortgeged by James Moran and wue, on tne otn of April 1870, to secure tne payment of 3480.00, on which there is still due !$7.0bV-'"-; : v - - Also at the same time and place, one tract of land beginning at V H White, on 9th Street, tnence with ytn street, 46 leet, ttaSnce 190 feet to M is Htiti'S nne, tnence fsrming a parrallelogram to the beginning. Mertesged by D P L White and wife on the 24th dav ef March 1875. to secure the pay mefit of $1200 00, of which sum there is still due $1055.60. , Ail the above described property is situa ted in square No. 58. as described in the plat of the City of Charlotte. apr29 tds , Secretary and Treasurer. ; LATEST ARRIVAL OF MEW 6 0 0 D S J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN ; GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, TT AS removed to one of the New Stores ii under the Central HoteLTrade 8t,and is receiving his Spring Stock or uoods fo Men's Wear, and will make them up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods . i a J it!. naye ever ueen.tuiercu w wu wuub OrM SMrts a ftntnr .nl ren&irinz done promptly. All tmnAa mi! work mnst be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash busiaess. j a rniuiiiro, may 2 lastaataneous Ink Extractor, OR removing writing from paper and italtis of all kinds from clothing on the fi't fabric without Injury.? Price 50 cents 'A . . ... - fer bottle. ; . TIDDY A BRO. spr20 Fresh Tegetables, Straw berries, &c. I Have Special arrangements with a Vege table Grower to supply my market with all kinds of early Vegetables, such as Sugar Peas, Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Onions, Strawberries, they will come fresh from ihe field. NO STALE STOCK, We must bays the Cash on delivery, B a SMITH, xnayS Market. mscrajLAsrcoiTs. THEinLD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS : noMEoPATnic specifics Been in general nse for twenty years, iverywliere provetl the mo&t SAFE, S1ITHL,1S ECONO- WICAL. and - EFFICIENT meli' cines know n. They are Just what the people want, visas time and nvnney -averting se nessand snflerinsr. Each &lncre fiP- wT Ml iMijMCian. 1 Fevers. Congestion. Inflammation. 25 25 25 j - Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething, of In- . fants.. .... ...... ..... .. 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting,...-. . 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, ... 8 Neuralgia. Toothache. Faceache.... 251 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver tifro. ..... 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach, 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods,. 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods, ....... 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, T.4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Fever.Asuee, 7 Piles, blind or bleeding,..........,. 18 Qphtbalmy, and Sore or Weak 25 OK 25 25 ;. 60 50 50 50 50 , 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 SI XI STI S Catarrh, acute or chronic. InfiQensa 20 Whooping-Oough, violent coughs, 2t Asthma, oppressed Breathing....... 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel lings, 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak- . ness, 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel........ 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth, Canker,......w......... 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the t)fidi 50 50 00 00 50 31 Painful Periods, -with Spasms, 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc S3 Epilepsy, Spasms, St Vitus Dance, 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, oo unronic congestions ana atup- tlODSj 5 .FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual, of directions, . $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and POQg, ... 600 EZT These remedies are sent bv the ease or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. uuirirnRETs Ilomeopathic Medicine Co. Office Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all fyruggistt, X C SJTIITn & CO., Agents, Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL, Hx n ii? i? n a? m-txn No'. 1, Parks' Building, Next door to J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store' XT O W offers to the trade an Hnnsnallv laree XI and well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PADST8, CI LS and DYE STUFFS. Our new store room is now complete and we have ample room : three stories well filled with everything in our Hue, bought for Cash at the lowest market price. Our old customers and friends, and the public generally are invited to call and see. as we will take great pleasure in waiting on tnem, and offering tne best articles lor tne east money, marl Demorests Patterns 821 MAIN STREET. 821 TkEMORES-rS PATTERNS for Spring ! XJ and Summer received original and 'beautiful designs. Send fcr catalogee free noe ef -portfolio" and " Wnat to Wear," 15c eacn. We have made special agreements with Mme Demorest whereby we become her only general agents for the 8tates of Virgin ia and Nortn Carolina, and are now prepar-1 ed to fill any order, large or small, for any patterns narr.ed in catalogue. SUN UH,.K UAJN V)X AUA UXtlJNU UU., mar22 6w w4t , Richmoni, v'a. Buists' TIT ARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS of the IT crop of 1876, in papers and in bulk. at - McADEN'S DRUGSTORE. jnarl 5 Cases OF Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent i article for invalids and those suffering from general debility, at c marl 50 Cases HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 25 cases Vine car Bitters, 5 gross Simmons' Liver Regular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at v MCAIJJCN'B VtLVii tS'IURJC. marl f Fine Imported "-. t T7"XT-TTT T)T A TLTTW C3l 1A J r Madeira Wine, and Robertson Connty Whiskey, the best in the world.sold strictly for medicine, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl 10,000 TjviNE CIGARS of all brands of the finest A quality, at MCAJJUJN B XIJKUU Q1U1US. marl ' ' ": ' 10 Barrels T INSEED OIL, both raw and boiled, at AJ McADJSNTs DRUG BTOKK. marl 10 Cases T) OCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, fresh I Xv from the Springs, just received, at McADJCN'S DRUG a OHJC, marl , , 10 Gdses BUFFALO LITHIA WATfiK, Just re ceived. . We have made arrangements to receive these Mineral Waters every week right fresn from tne Springs, at mart0 -- ? "- Chewi ng Tpbacfco. GR0VELEY8' finest brands of Chewing Tobacco, unequalled in any market, at marl - - - " '- Saratoga Springs A T Charlotte. N. C. We have now in XX operation our Saratoga Fountain, and will have on . draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water en ice, as good as it is at the Springs in New xork. ' si - . MsADXN'S DRUG STORE. marl , . C, C. & A. R. R. L m VU ti . GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT, )EPT, V. ha; R.R. V 1; 1877-4 JS VXASLOXTS, UOLUMBIA (E AtjauBTA. uoinmbia, o. C March Uth ? On nd &ftr Rnndav. Ifnih 11th. tha fnl lowing schedule will be operated-on ihis road: :j ' v- - MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY , , GOING SOUTH Na tf , -r .: Leave Charlotte, 1 9.55 p.m. Leave Columbia. j jo a. m. Leave Graniteville, : ,-j 7.01a. m. Arrive at Augusta, -7.40 a.m. iVr GOING NORTH No, 2. Leave Aueusta.' 845 p. m 12.35 a. m. 12.55 a. m. ' 6.15 a. m. ire OolWbiaT LeaVe W, OA A Ju'n, j jrfTe atCharlotte, ACCOMMODATION A FREIGHT TRAIN, ! uAxitx, Bunaays exceptea jiArt-i . LOTTE DIVISION GOING SOUTH No. 3. Leave Charlotte, 4.35 a. m Leaye Chester, .. : f v, ( 9J.0 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, 12.00 m. Arriye at Columbia. 2.43 p m. GOING NORTH No. 4. : Leave Columbia, . 9.15 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, U5 p. m. Leave Chester, - 4,03 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, . , , 7.53 p. m. AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING SOUTH l i 'l-.Wi- .. C No. 5. Leave Columbia, 6 30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta. 3.57 a.m. GOING NORTH No. 6. Leave Augusta. 5.00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, 2.23 p.m. Trains Nos 1 and 2. will not stop at the following named stations: . . Smith s, Cornwall's, White Oak Adeers. Simpson's, l-tacks, Lexington, Borrs, Gil bert Hollow, Summit, Bacon's T. O., Adams, Miles' Mill, Baths. Trains Nos 3. 4, 5 and 6, will stop at all regular stations, and ticket offices will be opened for the accommodation of local travel A fOFE, General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Bupt, mar29 : : Fiedmoot Air-Line Railvay. RicHMOwn & Dakvillb, RicHHOwn A Dakvuxi R. W., N. C Dmsioir, and -North Wxsthw N. 0. B. W. t. ' CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, July 16th, 1876. OOIHO NORTH STATJOHS. I HAIL, XXPBXSS Leave Charlotte, - . ,5 55 am 215am " Air-Line Tn, 612am 2 40 a m -" Salisbury, 8 30am 4 19 am ' Greensboro, " 58 am 6 17 a m " Danville. , . , 56 p.m 8 54am " Dundee, 49 p m 9 01 a in " Burkeville, 6 49 pm 12 45 pm Arrive at Richmond, 9 36pm 319pm eoiHQ BOOTH. , j : :-: STATIOBS. . . SlUi, :. I XXFBXSS. Leaye Richmond, 5 50 a m 0 p m " BurkeviUe, uOOam Mpm '" Dundee, 39 p m 8 05 p m " Danville 43 pm 810pm " Greensboro, 4 35 p m 10 25 p m " Salisbury, 7 01 p m 12 32 a m " Air-Line Tn, 906 pm 2 29 am Arriye at Charlotte, 908pm 2 42 am G0I58 EAST. QOIHS WXST. i. ' . '- ' ,i i STATIONS, . HA IX. XAIX. L'ye Greensboro, 0 55am Arr 4 0pm L'ye Co Shops, 2 08 p m L've 3 05 p a. Arr at Raleigh, 3 38 p m Arr 11 29 p m Arr aGoidsbero4 "8 20 pm L'ye 5 am STATIONS - " ACCOMMODATION TBATJt Leave Greensboro, 30 a ro Arr 5 50 a m Leave Co Shops, 30 am Lve 4 05 a m Arr at Raleigh, . 03 m Arr - 6 46 p ra Arr at Goldsboro Jll 30 p mjLye 2 15 p m '' For farther informatien address . JOHN R MACMURDO, J j. .- Genl Passenger Agent, ,4 , i Richmond, Va. AT. & O. R. R. SUPERnTENDENTB DFFICE, T , ( Charlotte? N. 0. April 2L 1877. 1 ON and after Monday, April 23rd,- the following Schedule will be run over this roetfr-. ' s.-it-.-e-i GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville. lo p. m. 2.41 M 3.19" " 5.00 " 4.15 a.m. .6.00 6.37 " 7 AS " Meoresville, ' " ; D- College. . Arriye Charlotte, - GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, 1 D,Uollege; . , ' Mooresvilfe. ' . Arrive Statesville. ' Close connection made at Statesville with trains over the W. N. O. R. R. All charges must be pre -paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandria and Caidwea's. These beirie "Flag Stations. the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of .the above named "Flae Stations." V No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless tne name of consignee and J J GVUaUJ&.v api22 . Superintendent. ; rPrTTllY TTAVR HOME A AJ AJ A AAA XJ JJASJ9 at-. C.S. HOLTON'S. I THOSE CRACKEBS, i , Raisins: Goshen Butter," . . Cod Fish, Oranges, Lemons, Canned Goods, Macaroni,! ; " Jellies, Sardines, Bolorna Sausage, Cheese, -French ' -' V'.: Candies, Nuts, Apples. 1( . ( , 1 Also a fresh assortment , . jj r.; ' i daily of Cakes, Bread : t wa x 1 - -. and Pies, Parties and r " -''- " Weddirgs supplied a short notice. Friends and everybody invited ' - to call and examine. F ; .V,.; : Bay and be sstisQed i 1 THE BI3ING BUN .Z: f .r is yet opposite Market. ICapr22 - - - f -0- mt-- onTiprrQ: a a.va. muml it A i NEWLY discovered mine at Har-iaea. A villa, N. a. on the A T. A O. Raroad l 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said mine has been explored only 23 feet, and taaar miners . have examined the mine a4 ore 4 -and pTonounes it very fine. "Also Prof WO Kerr, ot Raleigh, Dr O L Hunter, of Lin-, eolnton and Pref Hanna, of Charlotta. Lava seen the mine- and .ore and pronounce it very fine. . , . ., , ,' I With these recommendation and" maay nioie that could be brought up we now eTar, this valuable property for sale, incamilac . between 70 and 80 acres of land in and around said mine, of which there arawsaaf 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half, mile from a aawinllL.i..ru: wtr . I Any one wishing to see spedmena of sal ' mine can do so by oalling at xxzQEtO- A When we say specimens, weaeexr to show you something that Js worth looking k.-t 1 For further Information, address June 17 H"atervttlo,y.g.vt GREAT REDUCTION' ft - or-! J HAVE Just Uken Stock, and fin I have more Goods than I want so oarry, se I will sell onahalf off atfOSTtouitthe tisaes. I will sell a fine Silver American Wateh fee . $12.00. I wm seU Gold Ch1at$1.00 f dwt. Watch Glasses fitted at 10c each, and everything else m proportion.1 " , . ; . - ' .'?.. t f if i . WEIGHT AND QUALITY . OF i GOOD! WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, ' J. T. BUTLER'S, Mi" CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. ' -ja2I IMPERIAL SALOON- ... keeps constantly pn.haad i j LAUER'S CELEBRATED LAGER BXEK, By the doeen boUlei $1.2, - By the keg fi 25. SWEET OR SOUR CLAR ET, and , OTHER" DOMESTIC , WINESi by the dpsen. bok tles$3.00,bytbegalr WINE and BEKE ON DRAUGHT. J 'U SrAtE, PORTERf . ol-il"' IW0-J yv--i ' " DUBLIN AND BELFAST GINGER. ALK, By the dosen, $2.00. feb23 , .' REAL' ESTATE ImmgratioiT FOR the kale of Land, and providing homes tn the Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina. . ' Hiv;"v "&'v3i ;; THOS F DRAYTON, el)12 tf Charlotte, N. C . ' ; 1 ' . I i ' I1 ' '1"' '' 5,000 Pounds QT. LOUIS -WHITE -LZ klT, ' Ihk yery Iwst , nafi .' v: A-ii; .'.'j.-jjij: .- ; 1 v BEGErVEDTO-DAY, .1 i SEND IJNibY 0"im?K)BD V a.."-'-At) f.rfM f'A' . ' ; ,(? Mt, fHWlol Mi'i" apr20 : .-:. ,.! rJ 1 w PUBLIC" NOTICE" -isO iat1 eJaW i 3sWi I' 8 hereby given that a general meeting -It the Stockholders of tie North Careliaa Air-Line Railway Company will be held; at . . ?v the Central Hotel in Charlotte: North Care Unai oath 15th day of Jlat Bsxtat. tn : of considering the consolidation agreement, wmennes Been eueaeavBSM'Beiweesi m -Directors of that Company and the Directors . or the Georgia Air-Line RaUway company ., . and tho South Carolina 'Air-Line Railway Company, rr U ft r 2U.&6b?X. ;'' AVIU AWpUf AVI r i i ftV M , aprla tilmalSiM iki Ui A'Bafavlands" 1 i-.Tt ies free X UI Mi AKWVT TO -it ? "febWi... ' D LOTHR0P CO.V 206aMiber3ae5rrf WIDE AWAKE-n illustrated Magaxine for Young People, is the Terr best pub t ,- Uoationofthe kind in our country, as well as the cheapest. . ? For ;n agency, ssnd to w vl -Al AAXjaiiiur,W,.5 feb25 Boston. Iblicliteiifiteliii;'' 'i.; FASHIONABLE MEECHANT TAHOB,. .. "IXTOULD respectfully announce that 1 1 i lie is in. complete order oyer a 'Corner Trade and TryW streets.' witn all ' ? the latest styles oi imported ciotts, cassi. meres, Suitings and -Vestings, -which.be . guarintees to make up in the m&st kshion " able Styles and prices to suit the times. S- Cutting and repairing-executed 4ithe meet artistie style at reaso&atle rates v ' mayl . M. LICHTENSTEIN. - 1 1 .t i '1! VI.- 9 ! I 8i ; t ; . t 5' nit ..! 15 - . r'likfii itt

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