DAILY OBSEQV EE. ,; .H 7erieday, Ftt 0r iSTT.v ME1ZORI Alt DAT, 3ry there were at that 4 mo How the lOlh Is to be Caleb rated In i Charlotte Ctmplete Programme. rj-ity-noen present who would . Jat on the bend. It ia needless I: PROGRAMME OF PEOCESSIQ. J h .V 'u .t ..A f no. Ti f Mlowini are the Schedules now, ob- arrcd on ; ihe .various. iRailroads mnning into tha ciij.fTt n&i bvateurz-' itni rte-.i- arrif es. ' Charlotte Cornet Band. tCadete Carolina Military Institute. ; t : Vnanotte urey. r .;, f . . sni 2 T -. . - y i - HUiergy' -vnuira- xvoauciBi :.- Caurt f Baakraii&cy .: .r. .r The case of Montgomery & Dowd, of - Concord, came ,up before Kepgh yesterday, and after j y that it was soon forthcoming, debts and attending to other J n.nd Mrs Milton was saved from the ary matters,.Mes8rs Paul BMeans, of disgrace of going to jaiL bne returned Concord, and JL A Osborne, of this city, immediately with her husband to their IP BIN Gr T K iAl;3D Smith. & Forbes, 1877. dayWIlKil Personal. Aecom'a and Freight. arrives...... - fa.-; T leaves,.....:- Pi 9 85p.rB . m ATlAVTA tlCHKOJf AIB-LWSOAm ... Vail uriTM.i.. J..:.i.-6 20 a. JUW " ilaTes, fc-4. iQ pm XlSLOTTSkOOLCXBU ACOTJMA., vri, If all unTtL.-M...n.UHiwO 15, a. 411. . " leares,.....4.-.. 9.35p.mf Aeeomm'n and Freight arnTes--.;,f;.1--i t ,,v4 daily except Bunaaya........... 4o p. m. AceesrnanilFreijjbt leaTes,.......4 a. ml OASOIVDU If ail arriTes do.- 8 30 p. m. oibolika. enrraAli Western Division. If ail arrives do....... 5 30 p. m. Mail leavesdo ....'.i.... 7 30 a.m, Tatiaittio, TBirvxssxs a ohio. If ail anivea 6 30 p.m. " leaves...M...M ......... ...3 30 a, m. Tan Weathe To-Dat. For the South Atlantic States, winds mostly from the northwest to southwest, and clear or partly cloudy weather with stationary or rising temperature and rising barometer. were appointed. Assignees. f . ' The case of W J Black came up, and was " continued for hearing till to- vonieueraie DuimerB. f TTornit Fire Cbtrrnanv No.'l r'' ' ! independent H. & Id Company No 1. ! Pioneer Fire Company No. 2. j ' Capt Barrier's School, ! i Miss Miller's School. t' i , ' Misses Long's fichoQl. ; ; . Miss Barber's School, i , .. ., . ; i: H Miss Moore's School.- . . t i .Miss Nisbet's School. : ? , ; - Mrs Waring's School.- s ' :".' Mission School. "l ' Miss Wilson's Schoel. 1 Miss Crawford;s School. f Other Schools hot named. I; O. G. T. of Town and County. I: O. O. F. of Town and County. asonic Lodges of Town and County. i ? viwzens. j little farm. The Great Excursion of Baiinesi Men from the West. Norfolk, Eichmond and Petersburg are . making preparations lor tne. re W S are now receiving in our r Col Paul B Mefans of Concord, is in ception of the businest men of Cincia tk city, attending Mr Keogh's Court. I nati and other ' Western cities, who I Cel M Holtpf JUmance,'iS regis-1 leave Cincinnati to day for' an excur tered at the Central Hotel, f j Hsion through portions of North and iBvlt Chamberlam'who lectured 1 South Carolina and Virginia. ' As.pre: In thei First r Presbyterian - Church on I viously stated they will arrive in this Sundayhas been commissioned by the city about - the '20th : of this month, Dutch Reformed Church; to which he coming from the direction of Columbia. belonsf . to attend ' the General Assem- The list of the business men compos bly of thO ReiDytenarT Church, rand ling the party ia in our possession and Kr in that. 'Knriv tW " rrf intra rf his I will bfi nublished in due time. It 18 church. '",41 ' I sufficient at present to state that it in eludes oyer fifty merchants, presidents The Best Shot Yet. I and cashiers of banks, and otner bust 13 nigh Street, Boston, Mas, and Trade .Street, Charlotte, W C , CHARLOTTE HOUSE, a fall line of all grades of BOOTS and SHOES, Having iLtrodueed on .. . .. n 11 n m-nA DaAwi A., -wi th uniwsui hftvnnfl nnr VrnflAta.t.inna wa M BOOTS and 8H0ES in the States of Nortn uarouna, douih wvu. - ,--, 7- . -; ' cenUy established a house at Headquarters, NO. 13, HIGH STREET. BOSTON, MASS;, which will suable us to fully compete with other Jobbing Houses North, and to extend our trade into other States. . i i . We sell only by the case from our BOSTON HOUSE,' and all orders forwarded there wil receive prompt attention, and, if prefer- red, be shipped and billed direct. The former reputauon 01 our vnau. uuuuu, umaw m iuc duuiu iur ut amount AdvarieiT of its large Stock, shall be mainiaine4,and we shall constoUy .keep on hand in both houses a full line of all grades of BOOTS and SHOES. Having made this arrangement we have no hesitancy in going into large towns or cities to show our Goods feeling assured that we are able to give to prompt paying uavu- BW uim w ovum. We solicit your orders or personal inspection to either of the above houses. "-S9j v . TRADE S T R E E T, C H A At u U x x jb , ctt u, uu xa lx u x dihhjvi, sua x run, as d a. u a v o a i i a. marl "When tlie procession arrives at the M h ia- the newspa-jness men .together with five newspaper uemeiery uaie ine comiuu wr ivj recently ufine. shooting, and J corrjEsponceius iron vincwuaua themilitary companies will open ranks I'lii- m-rveTftiia "iaifiii haiabeen told business men from Louisville,about the and the Clergy, Choir,' Readers, lfe- wh51 wewerer rfetiettiar that we ame number from Peoria, and repre morial Association and Confederate J i v nQ .hMnVtale ' lo Telli iMi'Zenas 6emailfes-t)feadior business men lfl ooiuiers wiu pass mruugu, i,mjv,iu.. porter is county . entered and told I Anamiia'Pous vweuuw, jj. will, then close, ana tne procesewMU th. fniinwin!y. v0t IdnFsmcelie stood vine, xy., ironion, unio, jrorismoutu, Of Goods Just Received at the new store of MEW ,UJVBRTIEMENTS, The follewinsr is' the list of adver-l tiisaftents. which annear for the first time this morning: '" ' ' ' J Alexander, fieiglafe Co-Circular. . , IOC At DOTS.. How much have yott subscribed to ward the erection of the Cotton Fac- pr oceeds in order. . r ; t -n i OR1JEB OF EXERCISES AT THE CEMETERT: i -,: Dirge. . ' .- Prayer. .'' . i . i.K jugjcpy tne Choir. . ; .; Heading of, the Roll of Honor. . Ode by the Choir. t Doxelogy. Benediction. Decoration.' . Pleeel's Hymn. Evening Hymn. H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. -iij 12ft vards from a tree on. which sat a U&io, Asniana, anu oviu5Wu, liftwlr a.nd ith a nistdl. ' the barrel of I Ky. . . . - ' , '!i '!tl:jA; .1 Tf ?j neaHooo Ia iirerfi unnn Mir Vinsi wbmh wfl.a aniv nva lncnesionsr. dui a iQ ball through the body of the bird. He ness men the necessity of making pre . " I . ii ; I - claims that this beats anyimng w jw-muu. .g r -.- -.g EXTRA SIZE BLUE FLANNEL. NON FADING SUIT'S. AT THE LOWF.ST "FTOT7R1CS. CHILDRF.N'fl BOY'S and MEN'S STRAW HATS, ALL STYLES. PLAIN AND STRIPED BLACK IRON FRAME GRENADINES. VERY LOW. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of BALL FRINGES in ALL THE LEADING SHADES. SILK PARASOLS, all sizes very cheap, together with a general assortment of fine Ready Made CLOTHING. Special bargains in CHILDREN'S and BOY'S SUITS, HAND. ' SOME WHITE VESTS to fit Young and Old. j a vnirtv.f .n. manner. ine lmnoriance 01 meiri ICVV1U WIU TT uuu V . W1U tuau au; I one can prove a better. The feat was mission will readily suggest itseii. uur witnessed by stVeral persons. commercial relations with the West are ero win er more and more familiar Early an Proline Wheat. every year, and a personal acquam Mr William Taylor, it citizen of this tance witb these men will necessarily w .i Municipal Eleetloas XHae where. I The following is a report of munici- pal elections in our neighboring towns, so far as heard from : t . ' ' polktos. ' The election was comparatively quiet A CARD. county, residing in Crab Orchard town- result advantageously to Charlotte. ship, brought to our office yesterday, a long square box, : which might have intainiuf a. .nrnM Kilt i t'd id t '""' Tt 1 " 11 . xr.j -r 11. rvt.. t m,l4t. . wasfilled-with the, stalks of some of iUM,c After the noils closed Monday even- for that matter. The ' specimen was in voll n indenendence Sauare. - I DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES and all leading Goods, at BOTTOM NEW YORK PRICES. H. Morris & Brothers. The day which iwice4ed the SewS'siU. Stotes dull aad -p PT"7V7" A TZ "T 7 A " ??? on is equally as calm, and quiet asKQ?raDohJ mmi8,ione I Xl JDj VV Jrl. JLl JTLX V -f- JLj I . I Tf . Hi.fad almost unanimous . tuw ui jrDij, tion is equally as calm, and quiet election day. The Hornet's Nest Riflemen are re questetLto met at their armory again to night fordriIl. Wlio1 did and1 who tiidnV1 steal ihe chickens and. the pies at the Mount Mourne dedication ? Mr J G Hall, of Hickory, one of the DeotspJ jhHWeiternliiaie Kii lum, was in the city yesterday. There wilt be' "quite a large Revenue sale aoftr whiskey .tobacco and. seyeral wagpni&acnd teams at the Court House to-day'at 12 falbcWO UtVtr .n. Old Tmiss(ed it J bad jj ester day. It rained mpreor. less all day, though there weye'aeTeral unsuccess- . The Board of Aldermen hold a call meeting this afterRoon at4 o'clock. better and J U Austin. Tbere was a tie between H Brown, R B Gaddy.N G Thomas, J A .Watson and H Davis. "The lie," adds the party who tele graph us this information," is the re- sult of having no nominating conven tion." e - y: ; 7 SHELBY. ;' umary siu iu". At , cu.w,,u makes me the Mayor of the city on a sandyspil; na. witnout mancre, for the ensuing term. To have reeeiv except that a' crop of pea vines . were ed such a testimonial from such a con turned under on the land last Fall just stituency under the circumstances is a l ,c lIIv.' -ur nrize to be cherished by a grateful heart, - ' n mtu v I and tends to stimulate me to higher wMwwwiW-wi.- wiiuu .gong 0f oublic usefulness. The siogu Dumont, who will send it to parties in iar unanimity by which you re-elected Springfield, Massachusetts, in erder the members of the late Board of Alder men, wno were can u mates, snows a - - - 1 . . . ,1 n I lUBL KUU UICU ,uun;iviw v. vuv. rst . , i rx mmm w lb . M.I I lis ii I II i H i u ui iju j.i i j I i "I I" l l rm. . says: "uur town ejection pasaeu ou i - competency ana naeiuy, recem auietly and resulted as follows: -For una-i :i - i rZ annual report submitted containing .a ' I me result vi tuvii muuiuisukuuu iuu; Meetinc of the Press Association. I i us tifi.es your confidence, and testifies ti i i : i to their economy and integrity of B 1. M.M ll'tII 111 EI I lint I MIlllllUllliCU I v FUTUR ES Mayor, W P Love. For Commissioners, J W Gidney, J K Wells, M W Doggett, and WJ Roberts. We also had an " v " I management. Rearardine your action .Urtmnforbftrroomaornobarrooms. thatthe annual meeting oi tnerress atth e polls as the highest evidence of -v,;k ...n.j i- i Association would be held in this city Vour endorsement of their official Inn th 15th of thia month. The nrea- recerd as well as 5 that of my own, 1 mt. mouene. L ;f:A- . W. Mn bee to tender the sincere acknowledge- .... , . - j ments of all to a generous constituency. wrU e an unusually large one, and e WM JOHNSTON. "Democratic ticket" was elected. J P that all portiena of the State will be Sossaman for Mayor: WW Bell. S BelL I represented, me secretary oi tne Effects entirely disproportion! tocauaM This, is the .first jneetinit of . the, new I J H Thomas and A W Cowan. Alder- Association, Mr ; RT T Tiilghum, has re- r In?-?I H? Board and ayer Jn)rant one. men.- SV Beard, Secretary and Treas-foeiyed notifications from thirty orjthe beginningof daterioratioa of theblood, We learn from -passengers on the urer; yum true vikueua oi otaiesviiie wui ceie- bratemsmarial . day in a .becoming manner.mpp AA'g The Cfiairottl Slatlr Srls" has been non est for several days, and the .hts: assumed ccntrol in the-matter of watering the streets. ., J Alexander, Constable. LTScbtilTON. :'.:'r ' : B F Grigg was elected Mayor. There were "wets" and "dfys" in this election Mew York Futures closed firm; sales 45,000 bales. May, 10 96-9SC. Jnnr, 1104 05c. July, 11 14c. August, 11 23c September, 11 20 21c. October, 1106 08c. November, 10 98allc. December, 11 11 01c January, 11 12 15c February, 11 22 25c. OBSERVER OFFICII. , Chaklottk, N. 0., May 8, 1877: The Cettou Market. A decline ef an i took place in the market to-day, the dosing being quiet at prices giv en below. Really, the market is no worse off than it was yesterday, bat offerings being much heavier than they were the day before, the decline was precipitated to-day. The following quotations are averaged from mrirn editor, of their intention to be ! will, bv aerlect of preventive means, develap nr,A w,.M v.t th th Joathsome Ulcer and aap. health or prices gwenly a majority of the cotton buyers PtDtu" v-v probably destroy life. Dr. Bull's Blood Mix number in attendance will be greater! tore prevents such catastrophes clerk -oMbe cfathrf supreme 1H than ta3 j haajjucceeded in mak ing arrangements for free transporta- aJso FOTXr of the Commissioners on one tion of the members of the press, with side tied with four on the other. It is I most, if not all of the railroads. The stated that the Mayor is to decide thelnrnnrietor of the Central Hotel" has vWe anftthat tie. till give , h!s vote, fer written to the Secretary expressing j a the wets. willingness to entertain them while in the city at greatly reduced rates.' The members of the craft in the city have made .arrangements .with the Mayor for the use of the City Hall, for the regular meetings of the Association. It is understood tnat tuey will re- G&SIK8BOSO. Thestreets hare- been i lighted: the last twpjfor-tflrettlmesincef A gentleman of thia town now in the the nse ,gasU It gives the newly cty inform us that Mr. Silas Dodson, elected Aldermexi an excellent ormor of ihoAMcAddo Hottse,: was elected tuntity HfWCJat Jpftve Mayor, vAod , Messrs,; EWrige. Yatea, n-rA .Ani..n,.... il !. ft T. t I CI 11 A T.1 1., ill I : i , , a. . r 1 ( . J - ' - --''''- m f "v" v ava vfiuq ml a a. a The up re 8TATESVILLE.H The. here' seems )p, have ffl WW.r?7? ,f Hxne-f 1 question entered into the contest, J with the business meetines. time. -'i:4.:r-;, f.r;r I but that the ticket elected was regarded mainder of the time it is presumed The Chief of thfrFir Dpnurfmt. i aatkeflwet" ticket. ..f- !' f will be spent in ; visiting points of in- Lauchlm, foreman of the Observer printing office, Secretary of the De par t men t vTia ia ; compliment worthily' bestowed. Mr Id"cLauchlin is not only one of the oldest and most efficient fvemen in the cityjbui. is anJaJf.J industrious and faithful man in what- Fi4? election' ever position he is placed. created more excitement , than any fown vet heard from. 'There were rjginahj: tw,o Radicals, 0ol B A Sharp e ind H C Cowles. and One TMrhocrat. A son in the fieti '" Cowlea withvl dre w, and Sharpa & was elected over terest in and around the city, in social intercourse, Ac, Ac. . s-f A Sematltn In the Csurt 0"ne Woman : Assaalts AnethervT.' J,' . J f The greatest sensation which has dis-j ging qiiet, I2J : Court in many a long day, occurred yesterday, The oarfse oflthis flutter and stir was tnearraigament of a pret- FINANCIAL AND GQMMERCi&L. . -. U . -.' - . ! TELEGRAPHIC MARKET. May 8 I81T. '' PRODUCE. ' ftatlhaore 0t firm active and steady; Southern, 49a5S. Rye quiet and lower, 1 05a 1 10. , Provisions quiet and unchamged. Ctt fee strong; jobs, 17a22. Whiskey held at 14. Sugar firm at 12. Iioutavllle Floor firm, not quotably higher. Corn firm; white, 55; mixed, 54 Rye steady, 100, Oats steady; white, 50; mixed, 43.1) Pork nominal and anchaaged; balk meats'aiet; shoalders, 6; clear ribs, 81; Clear sides," 8. Bacon quiet; shoulders, &l; clear ribi, Si; clear sides, 9. Sugar. cured hauis, 11). Lard, all offerings taken at yes terday 'a prices.' ' Whiskey quiet, 1 08. Rag r Stained Tinned..., Ordinary Clood Ordinary Low Middling.. Middling ... kaoed MiddUne Receipts for the day, 40 bales. Receipts in aU Ports. 4.S62 bales. Consolidated, ll.SSS bales. Exports to Great Britain, 20,028 bales, Exports to France, 3,616. Exports to the Continent, 1,063 bales. Exports to the Channel, none. Stock. 532,442 bales. 7a81 91 9 9i 9i 91 19 10 Cases P OCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, fresh A-v irom tne springs, just received, at McAUEK S DRUG 8 ORE, marl ' --. t t . .-' - 10 Cases re- COTTOM. "DUFFALO LITHIAfWATER; lust AJ celved. We have made arrangements to receive tnese Mineral waters eyery week : ngni iresn rrom tne springs, at MCADN'S DRUG STORE marl- A Faithful and Efficient Pores. While,thBre,vt.orAncn which the Board of Aldermen fill at theisfirstmeeting, there are rTeritew of the Democratic yote; on account of '&ixUt&Ji l :w . . charge of assaultiDg another jroman, a -rrJ," neigh b6rwith: a khtfe.A This person Gai veeton-i -Dull and irregular; middUngp, 105; ne$ receipts, 3: sales, 386; exports coast- wise, is.-; f i Chewing Tobacco p ROVELEYS finest brands of Chewing , un Mc VJ Tobacco, unequalled in any market, at SAXUSJN'H DRUG STORE. Norfolk. Quiet; middlings, 101; net re ceipts, 311; stock, 6,553; sales, 200; exports coastwise, 460. marl i ti i A . J l. T i u anyappiiaauona ior' (net posui policemen. The old force have proven vv'uu"0,"UI,r.:',"vreu " WHn Word farm f, I Rltirrr,li. mMAli.. lftl. 1 !m , m - - "' I ,IUV WVJaV AH4.IU VVUH. AUUA I . "T ' " - a u s. , . v . A WW A Ml' 0f L 3S5 5 ITw- I miUtWliaty'Mr K 0J; flood ordiaary, 91; net receipts, I fend TTnrh Rawnr1rTa Loll T1vrtto4fj. I ' l.i i . , rTfru.TiTXTf fTrnnnOT!!l we known on all the V3F?ew WlaCiOUfcMli MUNROE. -itwuld eHdlffifitilfct n 11 1 1 .' ' wl?UnfaaflfrfrfiiBI VifiMW .'fTlVB.IaT?.Ti Election unexeitin?. i business street, 18; gross, 111; sales, 190,' stock t),315Tspin ners, 69; exports coastwise 40. pleasure im adding, our i testimony kto been thi ety beatpoeslbtBii io efsraKi xVtKtetlon1 giiw'J. 41003 ad? .bail I A committee o .inspection eardTrctors of araaola The Fashion in Bandies and the 'Favorite' Color. BoBtt-Duir; mirdliBjr, 11J net receipts, 2fl gross, ,241; exper to Great Britain, 1 W Ilsalngton Dull; "middlings 101; net haying, notjoly .been on two or three'times every week for the last six - monthsT but ' when - Mr Uil toh kept a stoJeAtpryO street, staid with him every day. It was not.: sur prising therefore wnen'she drove id fr8! townyesterday in- tho custody of the ? irhUadeipblaOoiet : Ane color or tne parasol which is to constable, that a large crowd should cause.; loyed frnm7Sie fupercedelaat jer8 norelty, will be have collectflto sscertaintlif the Richmond 1 r 7 ZV ,50 1 ; xnree awpmeys-were emp TJAI 1 'A t rr .. a ."r 7 f t - - I AAMrMMfSaF tlflMMAI TMAvl lMiva iMakLiadLBAj lit . V i V. J A .. f j and-Danville Railroad are expected1 T. r"' Huwiauaw, ipp case ana ney arew.rmrai ion. 7c 1 arrive i the ciU lh5"nwning on a M nat lined, ln.adt of heavy silk, and nesses'ihis sioryt Mrs1 MHton; heard atjal traM ffSW Wt3aking ':" an 8hade-is i Wue-eithor a diagonal io she said,thatMrs Bechtler, who hid examination, not only of the rosd bed, kih-fcright blue oraeyirsibleriiki had formerOn0 ; Milton's luVor&i&ftHZ&Ul, im&bi llh kn fiblrl place, and w Our Wnfarterllted in thVtmS M of iCnangeabIe shades eof for MiltonJ had Mi kltihg'abourh middlings, v HI; net receipts, 348; gross, 327; sales. 327; spin- rier"227.liJ'"V;?;' ":m - :'JCl' SavauiMih Mt;imiddlinp, 101; net receipts, 178; sales, 50. of fheeport they, will make oF tfie "ClW n:lS Wfibof in at mahnerrTcuhvdA injure her wAltTBgobmT'accdmm Madagascar tino pfi aretipped with character. Bechtler lived only a ishort hi f-t frfaV m t.Va -t. orpdditiei 10- they Way t ot handles, house. accBfiSaiaed? byMaSnother wo r . . . -.. ..... . . I Ojm Aaat raa mmWKikia it. L. J . I J BjW OrteansSteady UniddliugsiUOi ; 1 middlings, J0,; good ordinary 9i; net -'SioblleVi-Wealc and nomiaal; middlings, mi;nei receipts, 01; sales, zuo. v.... "Meniphla fialet a4d"iteady.' mlddUngsi. l4K etic;l0sU shmeni:4ial 300. itf gard? td'thfc matter; "Til t imB mm Aoguata-Qoiet; middlings, lOJai; net re- t-ifts-irir.tn tbeTnountains.a And now thattlVV; 'i:yl.bave nntitnith' ' ?ct including 3.959 1 t ..H : " .r t Dull and nomiaal; middlings, Thatfortleyi!df.tho Charlotte, Co MasgwifMhi handles are light and revenge,by chastising Mrs B. The two r5Ceipts'648: ? il lanlbia? Augusta Railroad in the Case highly po&hed.mj?! cut ia'ar ; atsfj women quarrelled and Jhen got Jntpjja ; New York Qsiet, firm; uplands 101; Orleans Whcliii7bee5"fra V Lalrgeislze parasplJw llfwles, 526; consolidated netreceipls; 11,068; road awayrinla'the'co'unty of Mitchell, edges are also indark oIors,lihed with drew-'aknifewhich wai 'doTifeealed'trn' !, o,io; ureas jniam, 'iVJ.r.T 2 "1 .tW 'AiVm ISWfaf. k. .Jhutt tiovmnnl. I Anl WniM,.nJ aifrtail s 4 iit 1 0z8,-Continent, 1,053 TT M. 1,1 sjj AiJUJwU JiC UVa lb aAlewaa va w A'evAWAtp m vuiy am v4 uu ' vuv uava. au y w - vtsvAifiuu iievui;vv 1 v - w ftS-Cant to, haw it remoy4 to some dark'gree'withjStijawJ 'MnBijfaidfanoUMr man-she was I nt en WeJ'VT' 0)iBuIro'for o!A cardinaland the imhlg is of soft-finish- held oif, and' the affray ceased, w vi eus reasens'j The man rode so hard ed silk y,rthe p'aifMO.b'elng. also corded - The " llagistrate " decided" that 'Jtn z rt to BakersviUe ; to "ask nfr s r outside. witlit " the ; amei4 A Jbow of rib- MiBSB ihoaE'oe b6ttr3yei"Co'XJourt Jtni that' he killed eb erae.- Judge ben is1", set on the' top, another, em the on aVondof $100, butxefused to place FurcbtaVti prcIdins:i aad here meyed nande, wnicn . some iguv eep peace, it-to'yai'ceyV.ceualy 0ourt was and ! afford a pleasant ' 'shade ' highly ing out that she had no friends. f This grateful en our warm summer day. - produced a decided sensation, and we Uverpool 3 FX Sales Ahieilcan.: 'sj.-: - 4 p M Uplands low- . middling clause, May and Juae delivery; 5 25 32. Fntares irm; uplands low middling clause May and Jane delivery, 5 13 16, also 5 25-32' financial; New Verk aleney abundant 2al; aterling wealc 71; gold quiet 6Ja7; governments dui Saratoga Springs A T Charlotte, K. a We: have now in JX operation our Saratoga Fountain, and will havertm draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water en ice, as good as it is at the Bpnngs in riew York. MoADEN'9 DRUG STORE. marl - s 4 . v Buists' WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS of the ) erop of 1876, in 'papers and in bulk. at r MCADiJ-IS'a DRUGUTORIC : - marl ' ? s . 1 . ... . " . .... ..-.' 1 OF Barton's Malt Bop Tonic, an excellent rarticle for invalids and those suffering rrom general aeouity. at . ' - i McAD EN'S" DRUG 8TOR1C. V - marl . . -,. - 50 Cases HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 25 cases Vine gar Bitters, 0 : gross Simmons' liver Regular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl . r Fine Imborted - uui.wu , : oxierry, , Arur huu A Madeira Wine, and Robertson County wnisaey,; tne Dest in tne world, sold strictly ror xneoicme, as ' ' McADEN'S DRUG STORE, ;..marl : ,-Mitrz.i-: Demorests Patterns 821 , MAIN STREET. 821 ' 'V "-f "T- r- Us-! AJ TAEMORESTS PATTERNS for Spring xJ: ana Bummer received original . and beautiful designs. Send for catalogue free Price ef "Portfolio"., and T What to Wear,, 15c each. - , . ; We have made special agreements with Mme Demorest whereby we become her only general agents for the 8tates of Virgin ia and North Carolina, and are now prepar ed to fill any order, large or small for any patterns named in catalogue. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO.; mar23 6w wit .Bichmona,- Va. 000- -0-0- A19191I7A'13 LATB OF BALTIMORE, HAVE OPENED THEIR STORE, AND ARE IN FULL OPERATION, AT SPRING i' uviinii.ii, ijm La. Di juuuhk rvKMlfitkl. x UUUUJrlJfiD BY W R RURWELL & CO., WHERE YOU WILL FIND A VERY LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF - s 14 " Eeady-made Mea's, Touth's !aad .BoysrClothteg, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS & CAPS, TRUNKS AIID VALISES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND QUALITIES. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES', (SENTS, HISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES 1 GAITERS, Which we will sell you at the lowest rates to be obtained anywhere. Come, see and convince yourself before purchasing as it will be to vonr interact as well as ours. " - . i .- . apr7 JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. GREAT VARIETY ! ;- :V LADIES, MISSES - -(. ' .-'? V" AND CHILDREN'S ! LACE BIB COLORS, a r CHILDREN'S LACE BONNETS, CHIP, STRAW AND HAIR HATS, ALL NE W SHAPES, FULL. LINE . i LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN S HATS AND BONNET FRAMES. GREAT VARIETY FINE AXD CHEAP FRAMES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. t. : ' 'l 1 , R S . JP . Q : U , Ei R (Y . apr21 SECOND -SPRING- STOGK. CHABLOTTE,. C.,,MAY.9TH, 1877 IT gives us great pleasure to announce to our friends that our trade" has been unusually good this season, havmg sold more goods than ever before, which" ade It nesaarV for us to go North a second tune. , ... aue ?' necessary ?MrABfNt?fi?dbnuid which he found nimM&A IdltV &0W 0Q h5Dd Ma'gNIFICINT SEC OND STOC., wmctt givee us a aeciuea advantage over roods purchased earlv thia sea- r--iriSKSSe BCa'rFS and 8ALKH A wmJu'r ?ou to see our stock of WHITE VICTORIA LAWNS SS' tftV?TAjSL SOL untU you see our stock, which ia new and cheap." - J52li2J!rCi A Alexander, Seigle,& Co. fmay9 r ft Teh Cent Coliimh. 30X00 Pricks for sale, at $5 per 1000 Ap ply to JKP NEATHERRY, Agt At Morrow's. Bridge, 8 E, Trade St. ' apr29 , it vvr? ? ;"TO LET My dwelling on Church street, near Mansion House,5 for particulars rwd at store. HENRY FRAN KENT H A ll spr2eod tr , , , FOR RENT-the Store Room recenUv occupied by Best A Vandegrift 7 - msy 2 . , tawtf J. L. MOREHEAD. tGOODPastureage 3 milee from Charlotte luao SAxUUA u ER ft TROTTER Tine Soaps. ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN Just received, at - SCARR A CO S mar24 Drug Stcre. 10,000 FINE CIGARS of all brands of the finest quality, at ' t" . McADEN'S DRUG STORE. marl .1 w It 1 -si. 10 Barrels r:- LINSEED OIL, both' raw and boiled; at McADEN'S DRUGSTORE. ttarl