S33E5&25 ONLY A SENSATlOR.. The Oriental Business. Establislied"i8l2; Washington a Heaet-bekaisg Place Sirs Belknap,' whose brilliant past naturally interests one in her sad pres ent and, future, havleft Washington never to return So the; world say?. She and her husband have been Jiving HAS Soutb4fejpp .VA- rfT. pnli. goa ciwzen I urognan street was "if? i . v. 'raailintf ! tha nthei stair Fif.' ; I BIUUBt 1CB4 kUO V ariyi3iiuuw ;,-. :,, iy, t,i f i 1 ml wtww') t w 1 UtVJ VVA KUVU - a. ( y i u i i i ' ! ' t . w it v .i w isu at one of the principal hotels, but un- JUST KECEIVED beusedila as tinder 'the . -1 If) Democrats. We tbinTc this Persian was asked why ho always crowd, who so short a time Bincr. such fears are entirely ground- 00t( 8a, " hapyj when other ra en bowed, flattered, and knelt before them. lew for not a single prominent , old iV;ueT i cp . , . As beautiful &a ever m person, as A FBE-ill LOT OF r: t.. , 4,-m--1t.M itiri)tti - - . -, r; i"- ivuarwiuE m manner, ouwimuiuif mjc gpkVlTO-ha becnwoperaiiog With llo 80me poor 80Ui- 8Urr9unded- by BelknaDbelontrs to a dead oast. Ire- a.. J"""""! JrVMr - - " d T Wni any CHA8 R. JOKES, , r Editors & Pi-oprletor. Pree from the doting scruples Jiat tter oar free-bor reason. , SrtrVfBLRUliBS. -tuntil it secures it. Wo cannot notice anonymous oommnnlca- Uona. in al .oases we require w wv - name ana address, no ir juiv, - . - (i,i atualantee of good tM mi80 deep l.hat D. VrJeannot, nnder any .tifirteft into active, via JiJnu:. Prai WWMliVl aW WVVwj-- tr lhe mother of an infant recently-huTJHat Georgetown, Pa., is 62 years old, and its father 70. from fevei and the latter is ICu w r&rt-Mb& 05 li&jmvxA&Mtotttotoikr&n 00 tith.tfKmYeiar 00 they. had. t0Q...mau.y. f ftfllirBij'Ir at . Sbtir vi itkw hr1 tnn rnnn v. t btrUjarnkvl r ai ir. ETfCir I - . i Two bnurch'" "inemers"!n"I4Uanla, tfa., anarrelled over the aaestion of the control of money raised to convert the iea came to blows In front of the ecu uvi nut? the congregation was dispersing A school lafwiew-allnai requires rfliVffekrdste eve'Hh eitnc . to colored teachers ior colored ecnoo.'s, and prohibits the employment of a white teacher for colored schools when a comVetiiJl ored one can be had, Spreojciraases fflorWrit y tofr iwsiBigM?uajsrnJ moirjplajyivja that strange peninsula, have at last seen ntilizid in the man ufacture of marmalade. .txmncit ftamlq An Iowa paper tells of a smart wife who helped her husband to raise seTenty aens i.afpUeat iTU'm nQlA&LUOI wki ttf stand in the door and shake a broom athiu when he sat down to rest. Hterlft MeUodisltfircil A mocker bird at Jackson, Ten after circling mr - railing of the t&r, where it sat in attentire j railMCf trVi Hre Hse-pf. the srmop,Tiiea ft t sWrnestTOteS ahd4saileM -away There are 'as yet only fifteen candi dates in Kentucky for the next vacan cy in. the United States Senate, "Taut seventeen ofvthe most fruitful counties are yet to be heard from. Jl Itiatate thai ortoneepufkan paper in the entire State of Iowa, sup ports the policy of Mr Hayes. This leads us still more strongly tobelieve that Hayes is .trying to do his duty to ld mfHa s r The Missouri Legislature has passed a law by which all able-bodie4 male persons between twefvVihd sixty years of age are to be drafted for two days in each weefiYlurinf the spjtfhgJmot tne year to ngnt" grasshoppers. J?iin for the boys, but death to the hopper- ine municipal elections in this State as. far as heard ,fr6ttfy fere trgely A favor of the Democrats. Salisbury , a.fhe4oeceyot officials. Such elections, however, have ... . ' . or tn e elections were non partisan in their character, the people seeming de- . C ll t .. ; fairouA not so apTfth 4 fining jytt; go6dtah efficient men JURISDICTION OF STATE COURTS NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY, Judge Schenck who is now riding in one of the -mountain circuits where the Bevenue officers have been most flagrant in their violations of the laws of this State, seems determined to make a test case of the powers and privileges of such officials before the matter is permitted to go much farther. He conceives it to be hia duty to see that the laws of the State are obeyed by every one audit is a responsibility from which he in no Way seeks to avoid. Outrages of Revenue officials upon the citizens of this State have ie far enough andJeJirfeW M Ui Iiia. W respect the State laws, if there :s any power in the county to sustain him. It " Buuyij nut? viu - priuuipie rights against cjntjzego; 01 btate i. . ernme , uotn tne atatejpufts fg FrIjdera: wuiw umo vucu juiuuiuioa wen de fined and we see no need ot a conflici kotio.an iliam Kilt nV. AA. H f '1 I ? ' i " " T T Iv V r , musi take place if the Federal Courts at- tempt to trample upon the. rights of the State Courts and rob them of their jurisdiction. The following Order is- sued from Ashe county will explain itself:' . - . - Tenth Judicial District. T Tathederkof County: - t You are ordered not? to obey any rrif nf 'srtiorari issued bv th indcro nr clerks of the circuit or district courts of ' the Unitei States in North t. Carolina which may command you to certify to those courts for trial any criminal ca$e where the parties are indicted for breaches of the peace in your county. - v. Refer the officer serying any such -writ on you to me.- ' , - D, Schenck, rT Judge Superior Court. " Assigned to Tenth District. , Uay 3, 1877. MtherSan:inI mitU rooM lilnth fave joBW'?5gft' '..111H JU cafase, ihat oi .mowsyMi cfMwiuuouai uu rights and liberties denied theraj by ike DemocraUc, or anti-Kepublip party will never be accomplished ub.tilK .'!, .smile. becauei, 1, want to, carry it elects a President of its - own: ftSI $J?rJ?$???h h thisJt hefnbeHilfr jtQteJ m The EepuWicn party in thbITOl!'kiaR ' m rlsan that, nn rtOWPr Cfln (Vtli iin aui'Z ia,i..Lli.VJ 1. Li itVU-J'iJ:.! vigorous life agMn, "otnrollv pno,,rh its followers Vfisb fnm, Snme .trone alliance that WUl VWrfr: bmfm, ne hm ifvrt.rDirface aeain IWe P - u cherjshor ypnripoaMy. letit your OB&j3- i 5 Jlrv S a 'S? lhl8fman Tf6 eyes revert colstonly to the'past, but, cIb btrfH)ofdi6played in every fte strretar-e aWeidwH totvn rinfrnntW lt,-feLnt and lcokine Republican paper in this State. fery. nnft of them have made a com sommersault in the policy rnipAi.avojiittajdthjhich to catty pirBoint, thfet ltftmltado 8 a6 ciag r and the rymg favor with people. Raleii h Rf ister, the or: an oi ine j?MiPlW WJrie.2 ui1 mT;r i ia Kf. tJl J iiu. t .. . , ., i .ir of these gentlemen are favorites a strong and powerful organization, rfiHk have no intention whateveii of wn novo nft mipniion w i being led a-vayby the siren songk Of 1 an a' most tefiin ct pax haye jiot'paii ct party - I whatever ofold curing the lasting liberty of the Bcfuth is Ctjfifts1J?fl. BVareMangef jy lie lasf attfempbrot HMJIoiithernr members of Congress to elect onevrf itejlpwQ, aumber as Speaker of the Such an attempt would, lose us what k rfrtetid a We aS-e' "t ottn an id of damage our party beyond the hope r.ewsrapers of the a mad and suicidal urging the claims ot for Speaker. ) U . I U A 1 J Xhe. Fish Qaebtionjr:Inte""esting Cor 11 . S KM. JI H g i.rvaVieiLke Whigs injuring the Democratic party Bnijiipg.)TraiL fool and 'I'm bis first 8crP ol W''." uu.uuig wp. for whatever its npjne, they inten etjii ottp n and saves the labor o f one h un, or wuicca iw uiuiic, .ucj vo ji ' . vti,. fi(Atjith dred hands.. Where the price of the 'stick to it until the grand work'oflse i1?!" T staple mav go to with this invention tpfaiTprv.Let ihe South ceaie sucH pblly asllliat of iotith6rn lAAVi VlQITlr3TTA fHickt-ry Press 7 Execuiive Department, . J State of Noeth Carolina, Raleigh, April 20, 1877.' Dr. A, M. Powell : S at a)ear Sir writ yoora lme on the I jeer pf te FisJI La. W begitf J our natenmg operations lmmeaiateiy, dollars. , la the original tiowe ma and want to put at least a million chine the feed motion was secured bv young shad in the Catawba this spring. fl have been told that you are making preparations to resist any interference with your dam, and I desire to disa krtfsf yourmfrtaer-psioo that r r y 7f . r . ? "" w v w.v ; ..w.. t i m. i j wavco. VeJintenjjF afiyi distlirllancel 6T.your The difficulty was bridged by Batch legal rights whatever. We only desire elder, who substituted a cylinder, mak that you shall erect what is called a ing a continuous -sfeed, for the platis. ah-way, far T the shad to get over. I Under various nfadifications, one of am told thattor a dam so low as yours which was invented by Wilson in 1850 a proper fish-way can be put in for for a vibratory feed, this Batchelder oj MX)rat faost. jCertainly yo'qi I can Havering emeomco tDat mas-4 much as the State proposes to increase a hundred fold the quantity of fish. tThis is fOTthepublip-goptlfis frtll as yirB.-aUJeel qfbViiQyiiwould not wish te deprive everybody above you oi this great blessing. The fish tne novrnnnmf nn to thfir snawmncr I crrmiTKla" .nil if von nnnsunt w -will I .wVTi;- J -Ii: cuu uunvwuouwii nu ui v uca, . . L j taw UDgniBiui lUB Jica.ru I 10 juu tu pui, in lutr uau-way mioe-100 was too flagrant, even ,ior once. . i I T 1 i T t 1 il. m are.in5laatftfist to.fla- wmetmngi, witn thenew board lor their good. Yours is the only dam on the river from its y imoutn tqtne "Linvilie- irr"?ICT7oWeunT to sneex .at the old time tSoulhern ' i --- - m M-m. m m .w a j r a iw-i j yvypw, JPt111?111 ie-Biiaa we intend putting in salmon m the upper; waters. Don t incur the responsibility of stopping so beneficial an taterprise; Doct-r, but work with us and you will have reason to be glad, I have nd doubt, when you see the fruits of our laoor, Yours truly, Z. B. Vance, Chm'n of the Boards - u Catawba, N. C, April 21, 1877. Gov. Vance, Dear Sir: Your very kind letter of 20th, just to hand. We wrote you yes-, terday asking In substance what , you propose, and will most cheerfully co operate with you in the enterprise, and do reaay 10 put in any nsn-way mat will not destroy our property. Yori have been misinformed as to our in tention to resist any of the objects of the commission, but were notified by M'TVtI lc9PaQlssloners that they fai&A43 ti rcuVout" not less than 39 leet or our dam and did not think that anything else was contemplated in the- late act and would consider nothing short of that, and as this would utterly, desteoui---jroperty we could not loAeytrtot, put insisted on putting iiTa fishaybut hope when they see what your views are they will consent HUhkt course. We will most cheer1 fy assist in any way in our power in promoting the objects of the commis- sion, and be glad to have your views in a.ny matter growing out of its applica- tlon to our Parcu,ar ca8e-.f 1 t YwMUm'i A. M. Powell. Executive Department, Zr. A. M. PoweU. I Dear Sir : On returning Saturday I ff t u vr . -r from a visit to the ' Et stern fisheries, ! find your letters - in reply to mine.''-? I am gratified at the disposition tycm manliest in tne matter, vve sent North for cuts of the fishways some weess ago, ana mey nave not yet arrived. When they come we j will sena inem to you witn iuu explana tions S3 you can put ihem m. I We nope w vm luroui young snad intd .i y", . i 1 r .1 I ? . ine iu a icn uavs, . s Yours truly, i& B. VAnrV VAnf ' " I1.IL J.ILUI 1 H L I IK L TuT iA ;T i . J-riMyeiy. gracious,-and the centre ot, an sijwrpr Ah7Wfcleealking around aifriirmg crowd: and then came'sack- ; vwu icBr-e v uiiue uegau vm smiiapjswwf.pfts Lpiosa lnor a, theoliff agA?,Sm,ftJ , f tkAtetotnn&eil.r 'that elfeelD hmpre.!4han,.all;the grina, h could erm in, a. 8traient-rweeK:and r- i " "TgnmewfflBveunBuieut inw uireuntiui the wife followed him and raisadi a 8W that PUt-d I of tiW fltacwyvu vpaMUuijumtiwv nv ia aSiu'l "er 1 ltitey arid ipcasently e he asked "Do jrohitok?T)a4iaow"Bie,4hat Ufk& vgfirlhin'WSrpsrtfle aisle, likej fS fefrcuS baboon?" "l smue madam, because because' he "sfainmrered, forgetting "what thei EHIt8iidI lillfeaiBe iecause'' '"Yeifcarts grinning .-because I've got aoMj& AW An I" CiVt A CsllSMit ASI fW''AxLi ti.a r-TTay3'- KJ, iVa ? inI Lj c"i ana h j so,. eciimeu and she hammered him with the u. nn;iu A.,anAj'a4rtiaw rsl.t. mrm, ; . ,-. . , , Werhal HH yQu;!" the called a J VI 1 lTr. " 1. U a s. i-r basket in the air. "The Persian went around ' T'fiii;,.Ch,tat''IoBopoly. .1H5U.OMT "JjttTnc a. mWasAIiMton. cMav" -7. Tot weeks p as the ;attpthjejs of the great! 1 We w ri ftfa'cmhe companies have been aroun tne jratent urace . searcning ior some loopjQje,f6 ax efJ0fi .under guise. ef ewKsoe$fAne sewing maenme patents which expire at noon to-mor- TOW. 'None has been lound and' the foTIdwihg-riamed patents, on which the life of the sewing machine monop oly rests, now become common prop erty to the? country : The vibratory needle and reciprocating shuttle; the foundation of the- double thread machines; the vibratory1 needle., and the rotating hook, the vital principle of. the single-thread machines ind the continuous feed Ja combination with one or both of . theae, either " With wheel motion - or fore motion. The last is fhe'vital "brincihle Out of which .alone, exclusive of the other' parents, thamonppoty has cleared four niiilion a' thin slip of metal with raised points, worked by a ratchet and wheel After it had gone so far the cjoth had to , be lifted back, "a tedious' .operation which moD t.Vio - n-iaVkn . noarlv iibaIacq patent has remained essential to every sewing machine, whatever its work or make might be. It has been extended Iwice to the enormous profit of the combination that was made by the Singer., Wheeler &' Wilson, Grover & Baker, and Howe Swine- Machine Companies to pool the profits in mak- i-m- "f A- . Qti.raf mnnnnki tiniX? . -1 "tV" V"Vf.A ' t,Iul,U1,? t nira BXLRnMinn. IIDDTMU' &na IW 1 -r - j - t- - -. vt wata retaineri h the, tinn hut Washmeton conscience. SomMtim OGHivAtjft.-Our loving neighbors of the Nnrthern nartnf thai Urtiied State's tarely lose an oppoftuni- , r . - .1.' . . . . . "umvaJy; Doubtless it had itB foilies but it had its good points as well, and there are worse things than itB follies, uU0r, usance, within X few. days a !NewYdrktwomanwhj iirnclj a man wkfi ehiM'4toy Whip for -ai-ou latin g slanderous reports concerning her has been sentenced to two months impris onment and a fine. of fifty dollars. She happened to meet this man who was An acquaintance, arxl a former suitor f$r bet biad, eti the streets, and asked nim To retract his assertions which had caused trouble between her huabata indf herself. , ? Hef declined to d6 sorKeteupbn she; in a" fit of rage, struck nira with a toy whip she had purchased for a young relative. The man, in true rilanly style, went to law about the matter had her arrested, and recently his lawyer pleaded h ie fcaase in-the court of special sessions in this City. She was unrepresented by coun sel, had never been in court before, and did not know "enough to ask for an ad journment. -Women have no right to commit assaults, but -men who take advantage of theft weakness to injure them," in order to gratify a spite, ought to be punished. with something more than- a child's toy whip. Raleigh Ob terver"HlW:':'-:-. - Wild Goose Captured.--Sonde weeks sinoe, Mr. tsidneyibtraynorn, ttnear ' Urifverslty- Station, "tvbuudeda and secured a w Id goose fronira migrating node, ine bird lias recovered irom.its woandVand seems happilyfreeoBCiled 0'ruiB, situation. Li- consortsirom choice, with a flock of Poland gee3e on the premises rather than with the noisy, gabhler of the common stock. Such things are not infrequent else where. uWe remember T: seeing near Lumberton,'-on the premises f iDr. Rhodes, a wild gander which had been captured, twenty;. ears before. ' The Doctor inform ed us that it was ' ae ven teen years before the bird was sol far reconciledftto slay ery as to take unto himself a mate. When we saw him ne wasv a Recorder? happy gand( etHillsboro Mr JDaniel Rumple, of Iredell, 'had niS Smoke hnnaa KiiT-nf ' 1 - . rrt v rfi-. , lllcuuidlj kworic. , Jhe-X-aadaiorisavs h Inntinnp inlrr . Ui moiasses; ' arid ittventy lbV-?eat and peas.i Ui . fcr:rheart: ;She wmh3him for j:k.i. - 1Tt -1 , 1 - fciotD Itnd ashesas the night jcomes down-an- beauti&ida o Tkis is otm vhn .n rtrViihJrtrft.ftnJ ft hat- fcreaking5 place ? !lT6 any tfrf-who has spent, some four i or fiveyer-he .these few worda will antlv describe it; ! ' caoriSiWoil' DAviiJ Mr Jefferson Davis fiaidlh a apeeeh jat Alobjle a few dityago: ''For the honor of thdohS yu mourrl, f$r theTrespettdiie ttrtbe cause you loved, for the pride youieei in your ancestry, for the hopes your DatrioticalTv on to the future, let you? efforts be id"te-repair what has f.PTf IrtlnroftnH t.ft KniiA no-ain hiffti- UftUUU, Ll-lC LCUl UiD J1 uuusu w v , after the modhieft-you by your fath ers. Yqu engagedin no. war , for sec tiomal aggrandizmferj t you fought no battles for personal advantage, you were prompted by no maKce, and your knightly. -esoutcheoa i: tarnished by no sordid hate or desire for mean revenge? The war left you stripped of all save honor, and vour chivalry was as lnca- honor, and your chivalry submittiue to it tamely." as. it was oi v , . i . " , ' T. . , A North Carolinian has invented a machine that mav produce almost as , , - r, ;T mJ Ak3 lAJ-D -IJlUAlt I I M.V m.U . MJL.' UtVU atW M chine, which is driven through the ripened fields and picks clean every in .general impossible fathom. Norfolk Landmark. The Bear Recnptraht Of falling energy, that to which the fagged out man of business, the brain fatigued author, the toed advocate or the weary artizan can resort wltthe greatest certainty that it will revive his overwrought powers, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a most genla tonic cOrdfal, as wen as a benign-remedy for disorders of the stomach, Mverv bowels and urinary organs, and a means of eradicating and preventing intermittent and re mittent fevers. It not only enriches the blood and creates a new fund of energy in the system, but it has the effect of expelling impurities from the life current which beget disease. The-injurious influence of abrupt transitions of tempera ture, of an unwholesome climate and ia jurious diet, are counteracted by it, and it promotes digestion, appetite and sound repose. Give it a trial and be convinced. SPEClAIi NOTICES. Good Advice. Now is the time of year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Ac. Every family fchould have a bottle of BoschWs 3ermn 8yrup. Don't allow for one moment, th. t cough to take hold of your child, your family or yourself. Consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup. Hemorrhages, and other fatal diseases may set in. Although it is true German 8yrup iscnring tbous rids of these dreaded dis eases, yet it is much better to baye it at hand when thre doses will cure you. One Bottle will last your whole family a winter and i eep you safe from danger. If you are consumptive, do not rest until yon have tried this remedy: Sample bottles 10 cents. Begnlar size 75 cents. Sold by your Drug gist T C Smith. . Prompt Relief. Those who suffer from Neuralgia, Scia tico, or Muscular Rheumatism, can have prompt and permanent relief, by using Neuralgia Specific, it is an internal reme dy, and cures these painful affections, by correcting the fluids of the body, a disor dered condition of which' produces the disease. Go to your druggist and get a bot- le, it will act like Magic. -Those suffering from Coughs and Colds, so prevalent now. will find in Medicated I tt " :n w i-iiin v rKiiii'i iv i.iihl ill i.ii i-fn w 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1, ; KranA.oi 0,DfaTn All druggists seint. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vktit atine'WtleWeftiifon : a Veak xbauatt (feeling, no-energy ;or courage 1 the result of mental over-work ties cre ttBor txeesse,er: some drain upon the systern.is always cured by HUMPHREYS" HOMGOPHATIC SPECIFIC No. 28 It tones up and invigorates the system, dis pels the gloom and despondency.- imparts treneth ana energy, stops, the drain and reiuvenates the entire men. Been used 20 vears with perfect success by thousands, Bold by dealers.? Price $1.00 per single vial. or $5 00 per package of lire vials and $2.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' HOME OPAT C MEDICINE COMPANY, 562 BROADWAY, NKW YORK. mav9 BUY THE -at S OA P Ths CHEAPEST and BEST ON THE MARKET. MAYER;ROSS ft JONAS'. mav 2 M. Lictitenstein, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, K,TriTTrr. ' .." - 44 OUWTespectfally announce that conjp eie oruer oyer : fF SCARR A 008 - . 1 : Corner Trade and T.yon b reets whh all ibelaut Btjles. vt in portfd tl t" ", tssi n enes,' Sunrngs Ani Vestings. vrt ich he n..raiiteea u make up m the mo tu8ni'n- tija ana prices to suittbe tm.es. - utttn and repairing executed in the most artistic style at reasonable rates. ' mavl M. LIOHTBNSTKm. A If "tf? fyramr bfools.) GEORGE A. CLARK, Sole Apt I A ' Complete : assortment or tnisipopuiar A hrand nf RdooI Gctton can be bad at WhnieaulA nf Mpsrs Ehas. Cohen Koes slpr nnrl Wittkowskv & Rintels. and a full assortment at Retail by all tne leading merchants in Charlotte.,, .. ' P. fl.T&dies b rare 'tlal you get the O. N. T. wound on White Spools. No otner is genuine. - mar 31 am - . " - HAPPX fUtLHiP to Young Mm from the effects of Er rors aqd.Abnsesin early life. Manhood Bestored." Im w5 pediments to Marriage re moved: new method of treat j C3 hnent newand remarkable remedies; books and circu 2 lars sent free in sealed enve lopes. Address, Howard Association, 419 N- Ninth Eh VJt o m St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution Having a nign reputation-1 1 for honorable conduct, and professional skill. marl7 ly It KAMI! ALL & CO., mm SOUTHERN LAND AGENTS Will shortly Publish a large edition of their SOTJTHERNJGTjlDE AND CATALOGUE For general distribution in all parts of th United States and Great Britian. All per sons having Real Estate for sale will fiod it greatly to their advantages to nse this valua ble medium. A limited number of advertisements will be received Address BRAMHALL & CO., No 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. prl5 dAwtf PUBLIC NOTICE TS hereby given that a general meeting oi A the Stockholders of the North Carolina Air-Line Railway Company will be held at the Central Hotel in Charlotte, North Caro lina, on the 15th day of May next, at ten o'clock, A. M of that day, for the purpose of considering the consolidation agreement, which has been entered into between the Directors of that Company and the Director of the Georgia Air-Line Railway Company and the South Carolina Air-Line Railway Company. Dated April 14th, 1877 C H PEIRCE, aprl4 tilmal5inc Secretary. "Babyland." LARGEST PROFIT YiT.- Bpecimen'eop. its free. For an Agency eend to D LOTHROP fe CO. feb25 Boistou. 20eaftumbfr-$2aYear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapest. For an agency, ssnd to D LOTHhOlr & LO., feb25 Boston. Iastantancous Ink Extractor, F OR removing writing from pap?r and Etains of all kinds from clothing on the fir"4, fabric without injury. Price 50 cents re bottle. TIDDY & BRO. apr20 Fresh Meats. A LARGE supply of NICE TENDER J. BEEF, PORK, MU1TON and VEAL always -on hand at lowest market prices, at MOSTELLER BROS. marl 8 CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS, (Formerly Wilson's.) NEAR SHELBY, N. C. ILL be opened on the 15th May. Pas sengers coming on the C. C. R. R-, will be met at the station, one mile from the Springs: Conveyances sent to the Air Lifie R. R., or other points desired. Cold and Warm Baths, White Sulphur, Red Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters. Band of Music and other sources of amusement Rates of Board : single day, $2; single week, $12 50; four weeks, $35. Children un der 10 years and colored servants half price. Special rates for families and visitors for the season. For other information, apply to R J BREVARD, Resident PhyS, or JOHN I ELMS, Supt. The 8prings will be for sale or lease after the present year. The furniture will be sold at the close of this season. apr27 For Sale or Rent. A Comfortable six room Cottage, with basement, well of water in the ya d, barn and other necessary outhouses, with fifteen acres of land, lying in the suburbs of the town of otatesville. Apply to ' CHAS R JONES, mar23 tf At this Office. As Yon Like It. ONE car load Lynchburg's best Flour, 'one lot fine Irish Potatoes for table use. :one lot best Cream Cheese, one lot select Goshen Butter, one: lot elegant Mountain Kit But ter, and other articles belonging in a first class Grocery. MM&3U WOLFE :aprl9tf ' -"J . nrTANHOOD ( It III I M;;-' TT-omriTifc 111. AfiOXAXiJClU. 1 III. Victims of yonUifnl lmprndenceJ whe 1 III! I I I I wUllearn nf siimnla nmuriniiA. vpr nam uiea in tud every kbowb If I I or 018 "Peedy core of nerroua debilit; II J 1 premarare uecai I aVJidiBorders broueb decay, lost manhood, and all ht on by excesses. Any . .drH.Pl85 haa the lngredtenta.- Andrew JLiL 19Qrjrt 0.'bo IfilK, HewVorkV p.. ?!fe TfJMtei an Um Iwrt, lafertaataaeoat lain Mttoo, taA "Ptwhiow i the loot tmtarl of bUck or ktoini, doM BMcteiB tb ikin, Md it wtulr pplld7"lti . tudH FniwistMm. mmt a f.yorita anon .Terr mil - .rvnn i n tAH tni. i BIB 0 0LLAR S BIB COLLARS 0 ;-l i SURFS, FICHU'S COLLAR EX T E S. CO L L A R S . ; .fi RUCHINGS IN EVERY STYLE, LADIES' UNDER WJKAR, SILK HAlsTDKEBOHIBFS KID GLOVES, BLACK1 : ILLUSIONS l&UI A small lot of Trimmed and Un SPECIAL NOTICE. r Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, A ND THE REST OF MAKIND. WILL SAVE AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. OF THEIR INVESTMENT BT USING ONLY THE N. C. SHOES ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, ) Charlotte, N. C , April 7th, '77. J hereby notify our many friends and T the public generally that the manage ment of the Chariotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands of Capt John Wilkts. of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for oar well known En gines and S iw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. -t . " JOHN H BL1S8, r Secretary Erie City Iron Works,-; 4' -'i5w- Referring to the above notice of change, I feel confident that it will be advantageous J to purcnasers oi juacmnery oi an Kinas, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my facilities' on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not bear freight charges each as Grate Bars, Stacks Spar Arresters, Ac, and handle the .Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than ever before. - - a - Be sure to give me a call, or write for cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JUUHttllKKS. Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. apr20 A Bargain Counter ! ! ! we have a great many CHEAP DRIES GCOLS, LINEN LAWNS, PERCALES, 4c Sc. Which we are offering at prices that cannot be beat. 56, Call and examine, at may B A RRINGER A TROTTER'S. Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the firm name of W N Prather it Co. is this dav dis. solved by mutual consent. All oeraanain. debted to tb late nrm will greatly oblige by immediate settlement, and all persons ior parties having claims of prior date, are here by notified to present them for payment witmn tnirty aaya irom aateor tbia noti -or mis nouce win (iirau m oar or tneir" re covery, to tafce enect may 1st, 1877. -. ;W K PRATHEB ; A8A GEORQK. . The business will be continued at the old stand by the undeisigned, who will strive to merit a continuance of the liberal natron- i W H PBATHER. I cheerfully commend my late partner, Mr Prather, to public favor. . , , apr29 1tdStw "ASA GEORGE.-! Land Agency.; n RIFFITH & DUMQNT In- connection- - wim men w yiacuce oave estabtisoed an Agency for the sale and renting of Farms and other lands, and City property. We publish a monthly paper, and circulate 1600 copies month: Out Of theSsate. and will w Hhenexteo days advertise Lands left with as ior sale, iree oi cost. mar21 tf GRIFFITH- A DTJMONT. GOOD X uii . newspapers distributed through thirty States, will be sold, for $7 00 cash. Accurate insertions enarantAM. ' a' list of the papers, giving daily nd "weekly circulaUon and printed schedule"Stes7 sent free on application to GEO P RO WRi l & CO., Newspaper Advertising AmI 41 Park RowtNew York. g ' N: jnov21 - " r. - h Bulbous Roots. SCARR A CO'8, tDrng8tore. ; mar24 P 0 R L A D I E S FOR CHILDREN. ''ft ENGLISH CRAPE." 'Of V.. trimmed Bonnets and Hats. LADIK8 DKSlklNa TO 8AVK MO SET CAN DO SO BT BUYING THE , NoETH CaEolima HAKD MADE SHOES, MANUFACTURED EX PRESS- lt roR Southern Ladies, -tb SAMPLE & WETAIORE. BUTTERICK'S SPRING 1877 CATALOGUES -AND fpr raiment for Ladies and Children Catalogues can be had on applica tionby mail upon receipt of btamp. TIDDY A BRO. apr20 R. N. Littlejohn, Cotton ani Mm (MMssioii Herctat CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVING increased my facilities for Stor ing and handling Consignments, I am now prepared to receive and sell, or store Cotton, Grain, Flour and all kinds of Coun try Produce. Shipments, however small, receive prompt and caieful attention, ani are sold at once or kept on the market til disposed of. Returns made immediately . Consignments and correspondence solicited. Orders for Groceries and Plantation suppliat fi.led at lowest market prices, Office in Jno W Hall fc Co's Stora, San ders & Blackwood's building. febl7 ESTABLISHED i i ... i .. Practice limited to pnyate and conudeniia disease. . ; TO ALL MEN A18PEEDY CURE. Dr CLEGG may be consulted daily either personally or by letter, upon all the dis eases of the generative organs, which tend to" embitter life and shorten its duration, 8UCH AS BLOOD TAINTS, &C, also Ner vous Debility,' causing Indigestion, Pains in the back and loins, Neuralgia, Fainting Fits.Neryoufness, Defective Memory, Weak ness, Pimples on the Face and Body, Aver sion to Society, Confusion of Ideas, Con sumption, Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, Palpitation of the Heart, Brooding or Melan choly, Dimness of 8ight, fec.t brought on by Youthful Indiscretion, totally unfitting the victim for either marriage or business. : Now ready, a" pamphlet on Nervous De bility and all Disease of private nature, free by poet for two three cent stamps. Patients boarded at the Hospital if re quired, j m j OFFICE, 7 8, FREDERICK ST., Baltimore. - AU Letters directed to Dr Clegg, Lock Hospital, Baltimore,- M ., will receive prompt attention. nov22 Notice. ' . INTERNAL R I VENUE, ) r Collector's Office, 6th Dist. N. C. - 8tateeviile, April 25th, 1877. J NOTICE is hereby given to the owner 'that seizure was made of: ' 5 barrels and 6 kegs of whiskey, 1 wagon and harness. 1 horse, 1 mule ' and S barrels of whiskey, V'ot violation of the Internal Revenue laws of the United 8 tales. ; Ju''l;MnMaT- . Kf. 1 mj om( m Btatoj- t Wlthm 30 day from tbl8 d.aU; ?ri Property will, be declared forfeited to , the United stes. J J MOTT, U aP.7oaw3w v , Collector r or bale. AFI RST CLASS ANSON HARDY PAPER CUTTING MACHINE, Ploogb Knife in good order. This Machine will be "ow ast very reduced rates. Apply to or addrea - febl.; . v. -i- ..... OBSERVER- -

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