"A KV ',1.?;''''' . - CHA8 ,OHEutor Proprietor. "Free from the doting gcrapie Siftt - . ft .' eiier our iree-utnv . INFJLFAIBLE RUI.ES. Tn a.11 amm we reaulre the writer's vamelnd address, not for publication, but Macniuantqeof good faith. Js We eannot, under nr etrcnaostanees, imrn rejected oommumcatlona, nor can can we Artini written on both sides of a sheet Of paper cannot be accepted for publication. pCSEItTATIONS. A man cannot win golden opinions by the exhibition of hii brass. It is the nature of the human disposition to hte him wbom you have ipjared- Taci JtVTien grown up people predomiaate at a children's party the assembly is said tobt badly adulterated. The saddest moment! ra Uj iBfeM when the circus band -Strifes 6p. ahdt hasn't one cent in his pocket. - . Prank Stringfellow, the Confederate Gen r jeral J B Btnartiisyoijte scof t,as entejr- Church. v A Frenchman haying heard the word press made use of to signify persuasion, as "dross the gihtlemantel Ukeometfiirfg W eat." tokecasionataartrt uirm ' which he thought synonymous, and begged --a friend to squeezs a young lady to sing.- 'Every stylishjaay whe canyes her wn pony must wear colors to match that of the horse. If shelcan't do it, she must paint the pony to match her olddresser, or else go on fOOt. x 1 IWs Kentjenjeas iq&Ktj iiifa. fpise ffiPer hats are provided with anew kind of venti-lfere with the business of the court? . " i i il 1.L .1 lator which will last much longer than the hole style. Anything that will outlast a hole must be a valuable addition to the re sources of IpeosJt. fyfti";! jJfr Saodgiass got nicely sold the other day. He saw a young woman shedding tears over something in her lap. Considering it was a book, he asked if it- was Bui w er-'s i atest production which had affected her so acute ly. "I don't iir whVproiaoel, bat they are mighty stronjoatoa-," ws her reply. Wfien a stlioais belle geti" the earache theylake ths fir sufferar doira t j the levee pat a bale or a bale anl a half of ottoa ia -to ths ear aff jCtsd, atlJpajr'sotn? paregoric upon it from chemical engine. Tals rarely fails to effect a care. Chicago Tribune. An d when a Chicago belle has the earache they treat her in the same way, only they doa't go out anywhere for the bale or two of cot toi.4 Thy..geaerlly fla 1 ifiajit the su f-;rea-t Lbnls SepublicanL? ti Lawyers in this section -are constant ly complaining of the decrease of liti-g.gajiqn- Buaineasho wever, - mustbe lively Xor tHe. legaUprofessioa ZSnBijs -ten. Seventy-five divorces were graat ed it that city in one week. Judge Fowle is out in a card, deny ing the rumor that hev ever thought of fermiog a iiayes tcouMjinatioa tovae feat the Democracy. He says : "In country is redeemed from Radical rule and the constitution vindicated." ' I i In' Somehow we couUlatch theJJast- mterest if we'-dnry niiT itisti seme ofotirno rher people were engaged in it. Gen Grant has already crossed the Atlantic and , his American friends; would be - much gratified to hear of his acceptance of position upoji'dne side orhe other, civil o proved himself a failure," and should close his career in military glory alone. - - We haye many reasons for bestowing our sympathy upon the Russians in the great eastern war. One of the prin cipal reasons, however, for wishing the extermination of the Turks, is, that no other people are so expert in construct ing instruments for human , torture. We were beguiled once into trying the Juxury.of a Turkish bath; and we came 7 'to Jhe cenctionV'thn andererthat any people who could practice such a i horrible deception, deserved an instant death. ' 1 - fi i t - 1 m- ..V The scramble for the marshalship of t e,weVBrn jsrtji5t orthwi Stateon tinuss with unabated zeal. A very eub muuiuuenii it 13 tnougnc.py tne ileai is rfepub)icans,Hhafb"e hm Ueli the office Jong enough, aud ihat; it is bow time to make room for eom'e OnV catieAS, that he will be displaced, pne t 'oflhe Nirj :MtU i&ntfestantst foil Ihe ppeitipft tfffjp less, a Benage tharf tne immortal and overpbwerirg W F Writtiafi , .JJnipn ; Quite, , safe, , w e "assure yefl, Theyfaretipiii the'garret, plaving hotel life. Jimrnie is the clerk, sandis tryiugJ id sjide ttown the" water gipeto the ground; tVyUlie is a guest angingttathe'wihdow'lland waiting lor.toe flames to reach his hands be iorehe tries to drop to the shed roof, two stories below, and Tom Is a heroic -I!m.nand h" tied h Oahing line "down ) to the ground. Oh; yes, the ..ehddreai,are.u.fi.aright, just finish caU nd don't fret about the hildren.-J5MrKnffo Hawkw. - - rmyropinien the defeat pf theDemo olaticartV woud be a public calamity Its mission' will not be ended until the WHISTLING. Th Consthution of our country says that no person thallte deprived of Ms liberty without tlie que process or law This ia a sifergu&rd that the Ctonstjtu tiori eoucht to throw around every one, even the humblest citizen iu.the land. A citizen haa jbeen restrained orhis personal liberty by the Judge now hold ing court, in our midst, for the onence of whistling. If whistling was made criminal ty the laws of North cIinfajkswhicKe we fail to find any sqcb clausf jupon the statqte books. If a mail Vlifstles in thecourt house, rt Is a disturbance! thought that a man bad a PfWtSbAR W35k?siir. ! right to give vent to the music ot his soul by whistling outside of the court house and upon the streets. Whistling cannot possibly be called an uproarous or boisterous nojse, unless it becalted the whistling f 4?WXf Va slearA-Wgine or? som2ner awimal with an extraordinary pair of lungs. True, the March swinds sometimes have a whistle, that is bothrshrill and strong, but? we suppose His Honor would" not attempt; to arrest thl elements for their sport. The most that could be done in that case, would be the rounding 'of the angles of the court houe; so as to make the noise less piercing. We do not say that there is no man whocan. whistle soJlpud)y tsESake the musio disagreeable ahd-4)oiHeroos, hut wa have never seen that man. If the arrested party had been a bad bojr yith a akedunk, every one would have urgfldsSil Honor to send the urchin, with his horrible instrument to jau. His Honor was doubtless thinking of the . eld motto, that a "whistling girl ansa crowing nen, wm never come o anyjocxi end.and , if if ha beeairl that he arrested, no one would: have been surprised ; but one of the arrest- cartfes if as arittle darkey, who was ever, did not think that his excuse wasj a valid one, for, arguing frord general prWpSie nig5t the dog was "nq count, ho how, and, besides, the sea son for 'possums had parsed. Now, the question is, can the whistling of an individual on the'stretCbe cla8ie4un- der the lMiticlia moise ftf aUwter We would like to see the question tested, and regret that same of our law yers did noi briag th pi'iaafter.confined y Judge (Jleu4, quia I writ of habeas corpus before Hi Hon jr, Judge By- num, of the supreme CJurt. We have never seen a man of an Organization so powerful as to whistle any great lenjth of time, and we have never beenjaccustomed to regard the musio as annoying in any respect. In fact, we j like .min who Jean whiAle, for it is a sure sign that he is in a good humor, and carries no malice in his heart. ?r?Butl His Honor disagrees with us, and where wise men disagree, only the supreme court can decide. We whistle as we write this article, (His Honor is not within hearing", $js he?) because weare happy .t0be'iarow escape we made a few days ago. We happened to be in a jolly humor about something, and were in front of the Cpouseininjuuxh a few tiraintive.lualfil.hBdhe sheriff came around, with instructions from His Honor to arrest "that ar man out .tbar,' what's a whistlioz." A com panion nudged us, and whispered warning inftime tosave us. Our mouth mmediatf relaxed to its natural shape, and, as it is a ru'e of law for a man net to answer any questions tending to criminate himielftheT&hrifT cUcl, not arrest us f There is no countrrir tfbon His Honor, as we have since learned, i when whistling is the issue, and so we are glad we were not taken into his presence at that moment. This susnnsteovftt whistnri must havfti an ejMrly o!i GdWrlwal it- is a crime, according to the laws of North Carolina, we wish to know it ; if not, we intend to enjoy ourselves whistling, and we will try- to moderate our tune so as to quiet, the nervous yatess of His Hrrf aijdight airp whreet music during the remainder of his stay in our midst. But r Jto be seneitfSj citizen, a colored man and a poor man, has been arrested and incarcerated ia the county jail for no other offense than that of whistling near the court house. If he has violated the law, the J udge has a right to punish hint ; if he committed no crime, then justice demands that his wrong should be re dresses'. This thing of putting a man in jail, is nothing to be laughed at, for it is to any-twffievods and humiliating ; besides itlleprfves hini of his ; liberty, and. if , he has been KwroflgfdJlyC4eprivel: of his iibertfhis celtairii entitled to some damage from the , person who caused his t confinement. Will onr lawyers takeitheCas in hanSr t viH spend Friday pight . in jail, has some rights iadf Sfcfjl tHohld br&ftim. um9 naajwnisue(rn . ine,presan the' courtdr so'loudly Vd We b' cqurtno pne could douM th justice efthJienUlce! 'WtfmpMwVnt te priyate - citizens made 16 know tneit tno duouc senumept is ioua ansoHt spokW ragaibsi yuyg4 ClouofofSHis ae(, tbecause ifcjie serSjlffalrluBd! involves the r rights and liberties of private " cil laensi ULli the c&sV betakiri Uf. 'il 1 i f matter will be fairly1 IttvestfeaUd:. ind oe cleared of any. violatipn of i the law. They have kissing fairs out West- forty cents a kiss-JaccAoryfi. r We knew there was something we were suffering for. Bring us along a couple of , fairs the fairer the better and we'll invest, if we have to do without a straw hat all summer. ' v Th Funniest of IX&rriagcs. 27ou? puffah BUliPerfurmM the Ore ' : nony for a Couple. r ; 4 MChicagoimes.y A good story is told of how he per iormea ine ceremony ot marriage while he was Justice of the Peace. It was:hiB first attempt, and the" appli cants were of the true Western type. They ' called upori 6dy iith"log cabin where he held his justice office. get some idea of how he should tie the knot - There -were forms ? for nearly! very transaction d lite, trac he failed to end -what he was looking fori and .Yo 'fellers join Kama's;" and the "two fellers" did so. .Then . he said to the groom : "Are you, willing to take this woman to be your lawful wedded, wife, to leve her, honor her. and obey her ?" ' You bet your butes, was the re sponse or the bashful bair-hfter. , "And .you AlisSf are you wuung to take this, here man to , be your wedded husbaad, to love, hira, honor mm, and support him? ' j She giggled, and' nodded in the affirmative ; but this didn't suit JBill, who said : "See here, s Miss, we've got to have .(his thing on a, dead square, ana wer can i marry ioiksj Dy naiyes in this eountry.' We are: bound to goithe whole hog. If .. your ?wao t th is here man for a husband you must speaK ut and say jbq, as though you ment it sure. TlfaAlr you again. Will you take this here -man to be your . lawful Wedded: i husbftjad,'to lovehitn, honor himfndsuppor.hini?',i4 -m : ,a 'This tim th ladv resnohaed 'brave. ly. Yes, sir, I wnl. - - This satisnea nis troner, ana ne re marked, .''That, settles it. Now, look hef et Jreu two'; yotf 4re man' and t: wife, ahtwheeT Ml todyfid 6rodr; Al- mightyi have j omedt toge th er, ; let no maaputsuriaerp,!, - -jw mo another sip of 4 tarantula juice, and drink to tBTTlffpTInese of the happy couple,? whRlfeVybdy with true Western unanimity proceeded to do. yMervk&Wh'-'JBmSEIetot&v, in the Ndf-rorB World. ' . I hate"1 seen6 a'ufan throw a large ball of cord in the air, which unwound as it ascended, ae end being fastened, LtOjtbecrwd.s As Ue.ba4i unwound it dHsappeareotn) the clouds ar.I the srd remained station ary'In a few moments the man sent a litle boy ' up this uuid, uietexidiiigtrmitwayttr'rlnd out, whatheid; toe other end. up: The boy "Wentp aud- up tm h6 was lost to sight. And he stayed up so ionglhat the man pretended to become enraged, and climbed up after bin, witn a drawn sword in his hand, and he, too, disappeared from sight. And present ly down fell a bloody foot and then another, and then a leg, and then different pieces of the boy, all bleeding. we dipped our nankercbief -in the blood, to see if it was really blood, and it wafqi Atplast i the? boyVy head fell dowDA&pibsefttly 4he rn climbed down, all bloody, ani still simulating rage. He collected the fragments of thQ.boy Jht lay; around,, and . threw tbem-in aheap On the rotmd." Then he threw a cloth oyer the pieces, and the boy instantly jumped up, alive and well. The man and the boy were entirely naked, and the 'trick, if it was a trick as you. will say it was, was done on an open plain, out of doors. I say it was actually done- There were hundreds of spectators, That ia the kind oftWns tnatE4aarn magicians do. . "But why is it, if such things are true, and not tricks, that we of the Western counties do not know some of them?: Are we not as intelligent as those of the East !" "Our Western civilization is young sAiditbe tnihdbf the Caucasian W not as well adapted to the perception of subtle truths. Uut there are many Europeans who are real adepts, and there are quite a number of persons in New York who are studying occultism. Some of them only study it philo sophically, but some are practicing it. There is one who has astral body from his physical body, though only lor a i"?? "T ?' Conscience Moneys Refunded The United States .Trenfy BeiHST Be- plsted-A "Striking" Appeal to Others. In the Federal Court in this place d day ia week fitfodgs' EHck preside ing, Mr. Thes. D. Johnston, counsel Sof, thfij defense ia he case, read to the Court the following statement of Mr. I Joseph D. Frisbee. of this county counsel to strike from the statement tbatr portion of it which will be found in brackets below : LypiUd3ttes District Court: : United States Wm. FrUbee'etal; Mr. Joseph H. Frisbee, of Buncombe tounty, wftneas in the case which "was dismis&eii jaki thelasts -4erm. of this Court, appeared in open Court through his counsel, Thos. D. Johnston, Esq., and states that m proirrghi's ticket in said case at the last term a mistake ccujred.bjr which he .was. .allowed for two af altafadane instead elf, one. Being an illiterate ; man, the error was fiot, ay theUmo-knowp to him,but was afterwards discovered. . Knowing that the amount tfouslghorahtly withdrawn by him does not justly belong to him, and desiring to refund the same to the Government, e now tendered the amooneillaiandjMy cents, to the Court(with the earnest hope that the example of honesty thus sot by a poor and illiterate dtizen.Vf Buncombe county may be speedily ?fello wed by those of his "more fortunate but fless honest fellow citizens wbg have fiends f the United States unlawfully in their possessidny'and ' thus enable the Government , tQ .rneet , its : necessary expenses without additional appropria tiens by Congfeesanel that the neces sity for its , reassembling in October next may be obviated.) , ,' . Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that th Clerk - of this' Court receive frorn Joseph H. Frisbee said amount of one dollar and fifty cents, and transmit the same to the proper authorities at Washington, to be placed to lhl credU Af the Conscience CVfCthQpyernment, Ashwille Citizen- lV-u -, --"7 - . 1 AT Western Judge recently sentenced a man W ibiprisonment for life. Before- remOtaT' from thV coutt. th oner exclaimed that the Jurie-e w& nn gentleman;1 The indignant Jurist add ed twyears.to the sentence," Nenrta that Quiver. " Heads that7 anhe. utontacha thai inflict djspepti - tonuentsi muscles and 'joint racked with the rheumeiisra, are infallibly resiorea 10 neaith ttv tne ceieoratea euiir, HoBtetter'c Stomach Bitterer a medicine niWtnnKnil kw'wt.WwnjM.MM 1 i purity and which nooce takes ia vain who is afflicted with any of the numerous com plaints to which it is adapted. It frequent ly aappens that so called lemediea tall to produce a permanent effect. This ia be cause they are merely palliatiTes, and there fore da not remove theeauseof ' the malar dias whose symptoms 5 they- after a time cease to ameliorate. ' This is: notably the ease with vpfates and sedative dross. It Is not so, : noweyer, with iloetetters isitters. wnich are a Eeuchinr snetinc that conauera the disease as well as banishes its indicia. ; ..SPECIAL NOTICES. . Good .Advice. ,w. Now is th time of Tear , for ' Pneumonia. Lung Fever, &c. Every family should have a oottie of Boechee's Germtn oyrsp. Don't allow fox one moment : tht cougbr to,, take hold of your child, your family or yourself. Consumption , Astb ma, Pneumonia, Croup, Hemorrhage?, and other fat at diseases may set m. . Although it is .true German Syrup is curing thous nds of these dreaded dis eases, yet it is much better ' to - haye it at band when three doses will cure you. One Bottle will last your whole family a winter and t eep you safe from danger. If yon are consumptive,, do not: rest until yon have tried this remedy: 8ample bottles 10 cents. Begular size 75 cents.1' Bold by your Drog Stt TC Smith. ..' . .... f- . . -- . - ; ' Prompt Relief. ' , ; ' .Those who suffer from Kkcbalou Scia tico, or McscuxAB EHauMATisM, can have prompt and - permanent relief, by using Nkubalqia. Srsciric, it is an internal reme dy, and cures these painful affections, by Qorrectinx the fluids of the body,' a disor dered condition of. which produces the disease.4 Go to your druggist and vet a botT lei it will act like Maoio. : ? 'f v r ; tk,i'j ,14- .. v r -iid) , u. Those: suffeing from Coughs and CexDS, so prevalent now, will find in MxpiCATXB Hohet a remedy that wilFfeure Without jpauaeating or deranging the general system.1' Ail aruggisisseiiit., -. x jc? i Vltal.WealJifeaar'neeSslenh? a weak ihanstp. feelrn?. no enerer Or - conraire the result of mr.ntal over-work des cre tlons or excesses, or some drain upon the System. s alwayscured byJlfJ MJPH V 8' It tones up and invigorates the system, dis pels the gloom aha despondency, imparts trength ana energy, stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire1 toitc Beetf Iuv20 years with, perfect success f hj thousands. Sold by dealers. Price $1.00 per single vial, or $5 00 per package of five vials and $2.00 rial of powder. 8ent"by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS HOME. OPATt'l MEDICI BE'COMP A TV562 BROADWAY NFW YRK.. mav9 Jen int Colmiui. 30 COO Tricks ft a?e. at$5perlOOO Ap ply to J K P NRAIHUKKY, Agt, At Morrow'a-Biidge, ln, T84egt". TOR RENT tbe Sure RtKiiu recently I? occrpitd by Btt & Vandegrlft may 2 tawtf J L. MOKKHEAD. tO Barrels LIK8FJ dlL, both raw and toiled, t WeADKi-rS. JJRUW STORE, . , marl 5,000 Pounds ST. LOUIS WHITJ LI AD, tbe yery beat Toaterial at short profit; at MeADES'S DR17G STORE. marl - . s Toothsome anrt Tcmptin WE haye just received a shipment of fat Tennessee Sheep and Beet Cattle ; everybody come and get a fine mutton chop and a good beefsteak. , - -. . ADAMS' A POWiCLL, Tryon street, opposite City tlock may 17 " ri;. Fine Imported IpHESCH BRANDY, '8herry, Port and Madeira Wine, and Robertson KDounty Whiskey the best in the wpfld, sold strictly for medicine, at c ' MeADKN'8 DRUG 8TORE, mart Chewing Tobacco. GRAYELEY8V finest brands of Chewing Tobacco, unequalled in any market, at Mc ADEN'S DRUG S TO RE. marl ; For 8ale : , A PIR8TCLA8firAN80HAHDYPAPER ii CUTTING MACHINE, Ploogh Knife in good order. This Machine will be sold est very 'reduced rates. Apply ' to or addrea -rfeblv-" tt -1 OBSERVBRui ; . i 5 Oases .. -. OF Barton's MSlt Hop Tonican excellent article for invalids and those suffering from general debility, at Mc ADEN'S DRUG 8T0RE. marl t If ttij 20f iiunb(T-$2aYear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Macasine for Young People, is the yery best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheaper t. . JTor sn agency, tstd to -t . D LOTHKOP A CO., febJ r ' '' Bobtonr ;licHfcmsteiii,: 4 FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, IITOULD respectfully announce that 1 1 he is m complete order oyer - T SCARE & CO'S . , Corner Trade and Tryon streets,4 with all tbe latest styles ef imported Cloths, Cassi meres, Suitings ; and Vesting?, , which he guarantees to make tip in the most fashion able styles and prices to suit the times. " : . - Cutting and repairing executed in be most artistic style at reasonable rates. ' mayl . - - M. . LICHTEN8TETN. Charlotte Lodge NO. 335, K, of H., will assemble Thurs day evening at Dr Battle's office, over Dr J; H McAden's drug store.' Members please be prompt in their attendance. t By order of tbe V. D, J M LEAK,'' may23 2t v ' 1 . - Reporter.', "y: Cheap Safe Tor: Sale-; ; A No 8 Second Hand Miller's Fire Proof 'iX. Safe can be bought lor less than half its original cost for cash, by apply toing - -,may23 MAYER, ROSS & JONES" ANHOOD kTicSy,.?f yotsthfal hnprndence, who SKUSS4 in ,eTe,T iBOwn remedy, wu learn of simple preneription. FRKHS premature . deeay, lost manhood, aad all mm. Ar f T GROCERIES t - V -AT-; ' WHOLESALE. M R A J 5 . 4 ,4 HAMS Hi'MS -HAMS, HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS In unlinilted supply,' BlfJON ' BACON p- BACON, BACON BACON BACON BACON - BAOON BACON BACON unlimited supply, i -In LARD LARD LARD LAB D IABD LABD - LAB D , LABD LABD LABD '$m't I Jn test r -s iir unlimited ropplyyi-ia FLOUB FLOUR FLOUR i FLOTJB MsiiUJOUB a ' - ' - i. -:-.u FLOUR FLOUB FLOUB FLOUB 0 - In unlimited supply, SUGAR :'n ' J ':' SUGAB SUGAR SUGAB -SUGAR SUGAB SUGAB SUGAR SUGAB SUGAB Jn unlimited supply, , k - . ,-,.-1 . COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE ' COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE CO F FEE COFFEE , Ia unlimited supply, MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES ' In unlimited supply, SALT . SALT SALT SALT 8 ALT SALT 8'AtT . SALT SALT SALT ' In OA XDL unlimited E 8 ES 8 E S KB supply, C A N D C A N D CAN D 0 AJT D C AN D C AN D LE8 LBS CAN D L KB E 6 C A N D C A N D E S In unlimited supply, 8 - 8 f 8 ARCH ARCH A R. a H fS T A R C W - STAR OH ftT-ABCH .8 T A R C H STARCH 8 TAR C H . , :: S T A RGB In unlimited supply, OT8TER8 0Y8TER8 iti O S T E R 8 0"Y8 0 YB O Y 8 0 Y 8 TE R 8 : T T T BBS K R 8 E R 8 OT8 KR8 US ,,;, ... U. y: s BBS. In unlimited supply, CRACKERS CRACKERS r . C BACK 8KB CRACKERS C R A OKES8 CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS In unlimited supply. SODA ' 8 O D A ' ,.j SODA SODA . " ao D a ' - - - r SODA 80DA SODA 8 O. D A , 8 O D A In unlimited supply, TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO - v TOBACCO In unlimited supply -CIGARS - - CIGARS CI G A SI CIGARS C I O A R 8 CIGARS:- - C I G A R R CI OA R 8 GIOAR8 -jr' v, CIGARS .!..-..,, In unlimited supply, AND jFBESH NEWARK C I D EB, ' in orighial packages, at the WHOLESALE GROCERY y . ' , v ' ' . - , .... . , ... ' '" Corner Trade A College Sts. 1 'a 0 H A.KdVO T T E N. : C. HAS JXJST RECEIVED A FBESH v : -i I B ItB. vCO LLARS; F 0 R LADIES BIB COLLARS FOB CHILDBEN. oil, SCARFS, FICHU'S G 0 L BUCHINGS IN EVERY STYLE, LADIES' UNDER WEAR, , KID GLOVES, BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE. .3dv.-nq oi si o'TXOiV?- ILLUSIONS, &c. A shaII lot of Trimmed airdntrrmmed Bonnets and Hats. nj SPEQJALiNOa'IQE.f Merchants, Farmers, Mkchawics, AMD TBE BEST OF MANKIND. WILL SATB AT LEAST 25 PES CEST. OF THEIR INVESTMENT noo oirtr the N. C Shoes -fl . ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, ? Charlotte, N. C, April 7th, '77, J TITKhereby aotify5 onr many friends and If the nil hi in penmllT that t.h manaoa. ment of the flhulSntte Rranrh of th TT.wi Oitv Trnn Wnrlra is nnn in th. .nn r.t Cspt John Wilkes, of this city, who is pre v-l Ail i r 1 1 . V ymivu m, mi ufuctb jur uur wen snowa ma glass and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. " JOHN H BLISS," Secretary Erie City Iron Works Referring to the ahnvn notion nf r.hnnn f feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With mv facilities on th spot, I can manufacture all parts of the 40168-6 as Grale Bars JetickS, Spark Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thns enabling me to oner Machinery m wetter ugurea 10 me poicnaser luaji ever L t . -3- . uciure. Ba BTIT In r!vn mn a rall nr vrifa tnw calars. before nurchasine elsewhere. s (Formerly Wilson's.) NEAR $HELBY, 1N4 WILL be opened on the 15th May. Pas sengers coming on the C. C. R. R., will bavinetl tla of inn uim uta Jmmt Be1iigsf VnesmtXtbAirane R. R., or other points desired. Cold and warm mens, wnite euipnur, Ked Sulphur and ChalTbeate Waters. Rand of M nai and other sources of amusement . 1 1 1 -sates or uoara : single day, $2; single week, $12 50; tour weeks. $35. Children un der 10 vears and colored servanu half nrim 8pecial rites for families and visitors fdr'fHe in ..1 f . . season, r or oicer imormauon. sddIv to R J BREVARD, Resident Fhys. . orJOHNlKLMA,Supi. The fiikrinra will hn fnr In . n.. they?csent yeat The furniture ;;i tsold THB partnership heretofore existing tin- MDoselL as .EJtorsblishejs andLErifcw pneters of the Chasxottb Observeb Print ing eBtDiisnment,la',lhJs day dissolved bt mutual consent Chas. Jt: Jm imK..' F. B. McDowell's iateiest in the hnsirwJ- the late firm,' together with the books of ths concern, assnme all Aahtm 1 .l. late partnership, and will pay all obligation-! CHA.8 R JONE8. , Mf - ".f brkvard McDowell? Charlotte, V. C, May .9th, 187 ; k-'jJ may 20 dan tf ' - ? ; j aa assv usus vu llEWUIMVn, - . -. i :. 50 Cc:z Land Agency .SX'A GRIFFITH 4 DUaOST. In ronnecUon itn thair ! tttMl,..u..Li!.i - r vubvuatcnuiviisaea an Agency for tbe sale and renting of Farms and other lands, and. City, property We publish a monthly paper, and circulate 1000 copies monthy, out of the Bsate, and will for the next 60 days advertise Lands left with ns for sale, free of cost. . msrjzi u, bKU jtixh. A DUMONT. " Fresh Meats. A LARGE BEEF; I supolv of, NICE RENDER BEEF, PORK. MTJrTON always on band at lowest market price at j- maris -'. r . . 71 and TEAL rJlVF miUllllFBll CPRINCQ iw J jr i i J i f HOSTETTER BlTTEjis, a ca. via gar Buters, a ross Simmons' Lirer Begular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepstine, it 1 1 MeADEN'S DRUO STORE. marl FineSoapslii- ENGLISH, FRENCH and AM ERICAN Just received, st . - t " , .' - 8CARB & CO'S vv "mBrti - T .-,r ..Drag store:' LOT OF mm -wm LAB E T T E S. GO L L A R S Ladies njcoiarse to sats mo bit as DO SO BY BUT I Se THS NoTM CaBOLIBA r SAKD HADBSBOXS. MAWUrAffTURIB BZPBEM- JiY rOK SOXJTBZBir Ladibs. 'ft a j .a , ii y. ' SAMPLE & WTSI0RE. MfiropoIitaiMVofks, panajL Street, frem Sixth to SeyeDth, ' RICHMOND, VA. ENGI N R8. nnrtahln anil afufinnanr RAW "MILLS, GRIST-MILLS; B0ILER8, CA8T- 1WOS or BRASS and IRON,' FORGING3. JI inee, Blast. Forn aces, Ac. : j - w e eaH special atten ton to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricalt oral and other purposes. 'Also, to our new stylei 8MALLJjOCOMOT1VES for kauling lum ber, and other; articles upon tramways and narrow pauge railways. -'f A nrimber ef second hand ENGINES and BOILERS of van'ons patterna. ia -firet-rate order, n-nrn(L:;Repair work solicited nd promptly done. Waa E TANNER & CO. may 15 daw ly BRAMHALL & CO., PAlrSfIDmSi MW) AGEHTS: Will shortly w Pnblish a large edition of their 80TJTHERNGTJIDE AND CATALOGUE, jtfye general JWbutioiftn all parts of tbe United 8taSes and Great Britain. All per sons having Real Estate for sale Will find it greatly to their advantages to rise this valua ble medium.' A JimJted fittmber of advertisements will be received Address ? -f ? f j BRAMHALL & CO., No 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. prl5 dawtf ' rEstiayis!tiea 1812. " (QN- W&ITE SPOOLS,) mMl CLAM, Sole Apt A Cqmplete assortment of this popular xlv brand of Spool -Cxtton can be had at Wholesale of Jfesefs JElias, Cohen & Roes slef and' WRtftowskr & Sintels. and a fall assortment a "Retail by 'all the leading merchants in Charlotte. P S. Ladles be sore-that you get the Cv N. T, wound on White 8pools. No other .xnar31 3m v ICE CREAM. QTJR ICECREAM SALOON'will be open . ed to-day and for the remainder of the season-., We are able to- serve all partiw With the BEST Quality and, at short notice. 1 STRAWBERRIES. We are also prepared toserve the pnbii with 'Strawberries and Cream. Tbee are nice, t Try them. " DM RIGLER. mavl6 $1,200 PROFIT ON f ADEanyday In Puts and Calm. I ilA vest according to your means, $10, $6( or $100. in Stock Privileges, has brought a small fortune to the careful investor. advise when and bow to operate safely Book with full information unt frt$. Ad dress orders by mail and telegraph to - BAXTER CO., Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wall St., N. T. ; may 15 , I r For Sale or Rent. A Comfortable six . room ? Cottage, with basement, well of water In the ya'd, barn and other necessary outhouses, with fifteen acres of land, lying in the suburbs 01 the town of States ville. Apply to v c v e m -.- - . i CHAS B JwKKH, . mar23 tf At this Office

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