CHARLOTTE OBSEBVER- jod pniaTir:c.ri XhsOssx&Tn Job Departaosat has tnorotycbiy jnppixwk itST ?7"- rg.anJ T: want, anatta tae itten terra ci Trr2 cwy of Job Vers eaa narsr M Ccr J -- wltn naatneas, ClrpiltH t: 3. " .1 Waeaafturnlaaataaort mi!y 1 vest (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 " ' r. worn 3 nios. u i mon. WMXLT EDITIOH. BIJLN3CS,BIIJiXISAE3, . - . OJlXa H3 & J3. CAKT3, . ..u- in tha countv) in advance $2 00 e .7 3 ' f the coantv. uosinaid 2 JO- iAaa,EEOEiFrs,ixtnr('-r ' PEOQWABflTCI, HAKX nT.Tfl, 6 months, VOL. XUI, CHABLOTTE N. C. TffURSDiLYlIUNE 7 187?: NO. 8,111. Liberal reduoUoM fjr clubs.- -tt ' j f - K - VJJ. zn "irfTvi rv v1? .... . TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. feht3 lo pass thrpugh the Suez Canal, ..' ...V ' - J-Ji T, '. UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF'4."-. ' " 1 v it it fnUBl send men of ' -war to defend its - AtUOSS THE WATEBS, 1 entrances.. , r ,r- 0 . V ; t 5 - I- .IjOKDON. Joneb-An nffinal rnnrt .1 ! 1 1 a8 been RefurnioLed and Rffitted in fint class style, and offers lpdncementa to Trivellprs and ReeidenUi in its excellent table, supplied with the best the inarket. affords "was 'received at Constantinople to day - ' Health of the Eusiian Army Qrowlnff from ' te GoTraor f Herzegovina Worse.-'-'- s-- - I ""1V" muuuas i no j epwneu ueieat 01 tbe Montenegrins and Herzegavinian on the 4th inet., in the defiles of Kris ta es w ith h eavy loss, by Sn I iman Pasha. ! Hatanka, June. 6. A decree has been iihued declaring that as the au- Tm kisli Papers Gagged. i - r xvif f st.a tid io Teadtr oests comfortable. in a.fitp on of waitprn in atff ntiinr.e at meals.' and 'no I Unr.sin. Wnv Tint Prnci trtc nannlia : I thorities of Cuba. rH Prrri Rir-n VimVI vviuic iw au, ui uf rstanaing respecting tb e introductiB-..of '--P.rta. llicb Wbar : ieknes inere:iing 5 In Hou- co into the islnd tf Cuba, therefore M derate Terms for Monthly Boarders. r, "Jlr.nla; v , tti:f6ri !h,UVittiv, -jw?i"iyj , . , , J ,-4, s . '- j "ly at Havana, an4prphibited t all - ' other Dorts.ot the island. Th tnh- AIID .Mr.TTri IQTH PhrAP Russia's Heavy Iadbtedcess to Eou- co, before passing the ucu.W house; OUK IYIU LXL IO iU rLtftOt:. mania.- - istobeeubmitted to the strict exami Is , .n ?- i : is ' .v a . nation OI COmnetent cm midKianAr. aprl Black Caslimeres, Black Alpaccasr tervia Prepared to Commence 1-r VW"" v, or Peace Terms Depend on the Course , of the War. WASHINGTON ! The Beaftt Ho wlioff at McVeagh An Appalling Bridge Catastro- . niie Hundreds Precimtat-; ed into the It iver. , Wonld Rathar Steal in as Htrrv f A Large Lot of EdgiiigJ andl nsertings, LADIES' SDN UMBRELLAS ' 1 ahc AccnofiinphiT oet crArvic M bniiMia nwwwi.iM J , 1 ' ,( 5, fe . 7 The Snfs Canal must not net- .... - -,-. . .,. .... , , . MUSQUITO NETTING, CANOPY NETTING, . WHITE GOODS! TIES AND SCARFS. ed. Uonsy. Caadidates for Office Ahead of Time. Mariunrs. Which we wUl offer at"very low prices, to suit the times .,..1. ;r T7T T A C jane7 BURGESS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Inyestieratinff the Spanish Insnlt to M a vr-HirsTTTW .innr (- 1 hp. iJitrtrritin'M I aa.;. vi. XVViXLoOJLjJBJLV I Vienna dispatch .says that mnco the commencement 01 me -great neat, iae health of the Russian army has becom e Another Expedition to Assist worse. -'Financial difficulties are appa- . Cnba. rent during the - last fortnight ; the troops have not received the additional war money above their regular pay Italian and Portugal Ministers NICHOLS e i janS sum is ( "2. and the Czar, takes command of the j army, chiefly because the Grand Duke Nicholas and his chief of staff General 1 Neporoitschitsatz, frequently disagrees. ALL - KIKDS-OF? i 1 After the Czar's arrival, a state of siege ' : ?w' r -vS I will Ko nrjvlaimcl ok Pin r ha root. onH ol . 3jy U J, T XJ xv IS 3 J pas8ian toWn commander be appoint- Dlii'J-'i V wv. A Constantinonle disnatch savs : Bv order of the Minister of War, the local j iournas are forbidden to Dubl'sh any jP .U Iji 3t xj I KT 3B" matter relatinr to the war.? t; , 1 to be Changed. Forty p Aplications for tit 3 District Commission ership. , Itlore Investigation. v SIEPII : ...... MlHHOlfe - ' ' u - J n&ilread Strike Erided. : 1 Qnai ter i a Million lor Six: .. . & . i . . .... v? j- , - rt H J t- 'S New Your, June j 6.' Thie'i strike among the laborers on the passenger and freight depots of the Pennsylvania i mud f!omha.nv' ; ." haa ended. A I s (jommittee of laborers called upon sev- ' As thft RfiaSOTl" IS TlOW - Wfil I n AflvAl1C6Cl v v, eral prominent merchants in this city J - V7 - ' ' ' --.Jj $-JX2 WE KATE- MARKED DO WN. iTHEv itthebtcompro - V'j CVCY73T ' AnWoti'" railread officios, i go, at a, meeting L-HXUHjO 0 JLJjJU UJUJLOOJJjO 0 JtUUJUtO - '-- . -1 . x ' V . ... , . : .... i . . . f this raornit g, it wrs aeciaea 10 re- ,uave work at And; an examination will only be necessary of fourteen certs per hour... After j ,. having. reporU , of the company, thi:' ' " i . , , ' ? men immediately reamed work. to satisly all. purchasers ol the importance , :fhef'Timefiijiiht bjegeti'itipnVsjre ' tint tu v g ' , n . ' ,r IMMi ckosigreatly it is to their own interest : ..sun, for.a., quarter, of , a jtu. fJWrj y-; irj. - - m? progressing -will milaon doLur rniibon of dollars.: Tbe JirAM editori- Mlly condemns the c6m'piraiseK ':r J : '- specie ;" shipped to Eureps. to-day. "' ," ",: -s " ; Best all-wool Blue Flannel fall Suits, 12.00 COHBECTICTJT.- f -.. ' Jf-.-t. i : 4 imurancetBii tasn and Worsted Suitings JU ' 1 ' at a small1 margin ' on JXew xork Uost. A fC '- j.-'f ' i -. - - - : . . f erred o the United; t tates Treasurer. Ef.'- -. . . . .1 . i . 7' .". '"' . I WlUiifirnin '7w -The National j rr.uuv r.,odLf Luvtv, uvdtyud) ui C vjuu vmwy WW , Company , has l ' ttm -,- .? '.- ' r?";","v :--ii$ .J'-ssr ?h n.'i a;.;? in this city,,! m Uut ;reguiarf l.pMPtraw Hats we are onenng at f i.w,' which is Us than cost I New' Hayek, "JiinsO- Capital Life Icsurance transferred its i building which eost 450 1 thousand - dol lars, to the Treasurer pr the XJnitsd I states, to be held as security for the : , All other Goods at the same proportionately low. figures elaims of policy holders, lho buua- llig iO LV JD UC1U WJ IU W r t ' '' t " ' -' .."1 - i ' i '' ' ' X ' ' until substituted by deposits with: the ji ever beiore were suen genuine inducements Treasurer, of , one hundred. -and fifty r . '--nat y---m-. . : ; : ,t thousand dollars in bonds. I rkflfVi'vtkrl AWfl on 7 mWo onrl hnnnnwn o niA VI MIS V-M-vA VVij uuu. CllVib, Jfl. vyvO s if wvivv v h,v w in Aua. ... . 7.. a j uJ i. ..... . , , : Aunty io ue seen, uuu uuu at Annual Meeting of the new ng land Associated Press. Gen. Banks Tendered the French Mission. IE. vMrn IBM.'S, A- CS& B la O "T1 T 3SS, EI. O. Boston, June 6. The annual meet- Nnne 65 1 : : :' - ; : ": : " ' ' ' Frees, was: he'd this: forenoon, ilhe (r "F?. TH - A (1 TL A- ' - old officers were' re-elected. The Wash dqtoh, D. C, June 6. I naJ sayshat General Banks, went, ; I ; Butler has written a diffuse columa ivasnmgiou louay, in response, 10 a PAfttOift CHAM BIB STJITa. 13 COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. V No, 5, West Trade 8t. Vienna, June 6. Tbe opinion gains round that the Euesiana will not cross ie Danube. The securities in Asia! relied unon ! : va ins contrary, A was torn The celebrated Vienna Bread. -i ground that the Euesiana will not cross o McVeigh, denyinsr certain assertions itffe-h,m therFrf?h '. . v . I ... : I TI.A.Ji 1' 1 BjSTT" 1-.' . T - 1 I III IKH II 111 . ' rv ' " ' ' ; - - -wiw tt t in hut its i w 'aiiii1iu3ac r, aiY-TViniiTACTT-ni Tin rw awi ai i n mriava IN MILLINERY GOODS. as a lever to peace, are satisfactory to n wougn tne money was promised caAoh.tWurnerous atUDobtey's ifllHI llTOn IU1 Afll ' A fill 'fW I :! iuiaV ideas' of an honorable retreat a- bribe for the desertion, the poor Yeast Powder isu . IIU ilA JI k9 jflijl AfBimR: fromhewar. - - feU?8 dld get it, but wer :" -.vh ,s.v; Till. . ,r' r m. j further to yote for Mr. Spofford , as not tbe recipeead;3 oerrt stamp for fnll -dto otiaLam -3 Hi su!;iH?si CHABLOTTE, N. V C , 1'V r7 . """"" Senator before they could , get etn recuonaooieyo&rouiew . 1 at PlniAHti last nicnt. I . . . . I and von will irel them bv retnrn maiL .... I . 0 . : , rinm , lham Nnm ,1 ,tnnnt " . ri.T: i ; . j "T.;r.Mi. -,l .Count Schouvaloff, the Russian Am- . w .... f . . ftn Rfl(1 bftH.Ve . . . u j v : j t i; j.j , - -x-- 8auf "n,cu .u thfi SpnatVwill aart.init at the inv k. I IT 11 U T 3 I New; Advertisements. ' f.'JV;, AT- The Bath and West of England ocieKea, T- - Ttract.j in - Attfihtinn iPinnPrft! ties' centenary was celebrated at Bath iette, . vou v whartodid ..i-V: ' , . :t-day- ...... a'miniW ol'tnaVcl'.'nv ttfiid'of 2rV:r' .'' ' WIj-l f ' 1.1 :i ii -i i i . . n . -. . , . - .. . ... i.-i'V. r?ssrr ... f s fr ?. iiuaoic buccisi reports me wmb u,,.:.,..... rwi1.; Wl-oa I , iVSVIW; ri ; : i.:ii.n j. .i'.j-t : j.-i vAf? ' i vonr soul, von ao not call -ucn tricia I zvs- The weather haa turned verv hot 'and I .1 1 ? 1. . m ; I r 1 .. l.c , . inffiR DusineeB. do vou ! ' hut are i t k fc sickness iscreasing , - ' 1: ;S nnt u.;neaa: eWn if'vou ahould eet rJlS Russia's finances trouble her.. She tbat foreiea misiVn for 'doini hem. OT, 1 : lonnAnnnr a- 13 I I -1 a F U-R .-M.I TiU:R.&W A R E H U U a t ZZ& -" "biiop, t k 71( ill,- -5iJ I'M r . S- O G E E S , sav Wharton was. a friend of Packard. A large number pffpecial police have AU the better iDBtruments, therefore, -.GlIILDRP'S CARRIAGES, a 1 ?W- w'- -u . ; ' . h . -' -'lit. ' r. ': 2 Hi -.1 A .if :.'1.1 '! 1 ' '.'O I.I i f OF THE SEASON NQ W IN STOCK. ; lA-Or: HER LO T 0? THOSE I J ' -1 is . preceaea tne war on his way to uu- to get packard'f friends t away f fron j s fi".), . in : - ' -' 0 ' ' V ' ' V ' 4- g.a ' states that despite all denials, it is post- ierv ottbhashis5 otf tisteHn1' ifTr Utoidyi for.lsfsetforf siiajpiiBie? -fcv i-U bk :,?? 'i , C ! v ;; j ? js .iot tr IrilLUnt IN, ,0 w f r n I n V4 U w, complete prepaatidnjto commence but : in -ir ere obliged fxAt"r! ha. hostilities near Ak Palanka and Alt w it nTrtrriate is uHueT-' - iJ T,.- .... ,'''."..''' " ;!-e. J-. . m -.:ha ss J Nisch, as soon as- the Russians have 28r I Bm reccivirga full Stccfc of CHILDEEN'S CAREIAGFS, "TfewcstlStjlcs' and crosse(j the Danube. v-;,i. V.i .1 lowest prices. , ? BEKtiS,1 June 6.-j-ThV Pos intimates Call and make vcmf selection w'rjil the assortment is full. I that a diplomatic conference may be ' . ' held at Bucharest IfJhTBgfQife sojourn marH IN conrection with the Fnrnitn t or y.r e G EosM at hiy - old b outh Trade Stttet -I will cortdrct i dertekine Ensinsi onmy ovto, account, , 'mp 11 my pvrsonai aueimwi, '- jrelsusine8 . A 3 stand 00'! f ict the rn- yK. lH account, - AA snected. tot eet' n 6nev; to .snare. ? 1 1 A" fcomrjanT ar the 'Mavor's . omca. this I : ..- .- .. . . : . .- - - - ceftainlyshottld ;;ehoose the former, Thnrsday 'ewwr S61 V! V r-Q TPTT T "T H H !(,! - . . ; v 'I prepared to pay ytrarrn.' By order of tbe V fS H. 1 1 I I N It , I 1 strange as vou may, tnmic it, -Rscause cantain. t H D DUCKWOBTHi a S. v hf the Czar. The semi-official journals at St Peter J otjeastlihould nave'theffl isnllt h-uu j r,. 5-; burg, adverting to the peace tamor, Mingfcommitterl a disreputable act to - Vii?ttmi VMir says that diplomacy had better not cet it. and not liable to be disappointed llliUUf iCUll' IU 5 luillllL juuUllftlBlillll pronounce in favor of any definite pTanj as J 1 might be after I had ' wailed long 1 , v 'J-m f--r W k roi o I for the termi nation of wan until decis- rat .deadi'men'a:shoeslby tbe '.-other I '. . tfhv, . r-f" ,:!oc I ive events have occurred on the battle method.!'. ' l' ,ij ,i - ' f - " 1 will keep a complete Stock, from tbe HieaDPst-Wnnr! f'nffin to the finest Metalic r: Bariftl rw Orrlora ho-ttlpcrranh nr other wise nr.tiirlflr! to. KesuectlUllV I. . . i iucduwu... . i. . .n n - f : . ... .f, if . " n4 . '- atiU't.TrtW ' I fiAlfl The t.prms of npapfi miifttdpnpnd I U j 'w -i - "in-.a ii '---. x. iu. o" ; I r " uoueexor Jvmg nas senx a numoer 01 1 on tne course ot tne war. nominations here for the fortunate , Lohdoh, June 6.--Tbe suspension plACeSjin the New Oi leans Custom bridge fell to-day. , About a hundred House, buf thev have been - advised persei-s were precipitated 30 feet into thil ch,ngeal'are n6t desirable until thfi river. At noon eiht dead bodies I'i i -s i: ' -l" -- f . were recovered.. It is feared that others t "C . 1 1 T v i it j , , ,T . . . The1 Secret ary.ef State telegraphed perished. Many were injured. the.Dfpartment'of the Treai ler as muni more serious. C3 i .-si ' r'. v ' i tain pniciajsani me particulars Dcar-i j ing upon the intrjgue on the American flagcommittedljir Spanish- man of ( j war, m D'araing ice American wnauug . schooner EUen Rrzpad, of Providence. ' ; Learning by newspaper publications J ; , mat a nuousieriug wucuihuu is ueiug i .- Orleans in aid of the f'"4' ....... f y . rix :.imiWM"AHD LEADIHG - BWBli LOCATED I2ff CENTRE OF TIlE CTrVOFFEE8 8URPA88B0, ACCOMMODATIONS The bridge snapped ;in, the ' n pt j' s dj i nr i L '.;7t to the travelling '-t'Dbltc. i V r The -Furniture . is);First-class;: the '.House 1 is ; Carpeted ;f on u was plunged into the rm w'Vw' vO ' die of the stream,-which -was-abc 't: 1 sevep leet aeep. .poais iromixntj snore " rf I were'im mediately' fatywork Sr'fescu'eing Latjcr. Later intelligence from the Bath bridge disieter, - says 20 bodies were r- covered, and several are still mifsii'g. : .Nearly. 200 people were on the bridge when it fell. STILL LATER. - . Bath, June 6. -The bridge was wooden and-of light construction, about SO feet long, and between thirty and, forty feet aboye the river fAvon, , resting . upon posts, morticed into stone work at ei ther end, and without a centre support. . centre. j l i I ana ine two enas were wrencoea ciear 2".v '4-It m CTT-1ci"T-Vt a 'Ar Vvs1 a tnSda -ran i V ff Vi a rnid- about THROUGHOUT. To GAS and -ELE(TrRIC;BELLS ARE J1J EYERT ROOM 4 1 1 J ' Be;rching for the dead: Invalids, Florida Tonrists or Personf TraTelins dlTo1ha"nT FOR PLEiURElTHIS HOUSE OFFERS EVE RY FACILITY 1 1 ' of Earl Derby's dispatch to Lord Lyons .- v i 'no c -; FOR COMFORT. ., the British Ambawador at Paris, which was laid on te, table of the House of - . . ... sis.. r.-' If "' . . v.v 1 ' i , . - - - 1 .... - , a- ... - r I . - ' . ... r Arnii wriTinir KrhAAl with hAtf as ftmliH mm I .1111 . . r . . fc . TERMS $3.00 $20 and $2.00 per day, according to location! Uommmonsyesteraaj naw tnerorce tornsysnip, nas on :iorty-prom,pen? - ooms. w,- W n -Proprietor. determines to refuse Russia 4he havy i( names. . - 3 j jun7 It . - - ijuXieo,W . fitted out at New A- m -.- INJ( f , . -iff ... tlJI I lllll - V1S . ' "T 1 n . . v. ' , , . f ' 1 M" V r TKHOLEf?ZLE rAND RETAIL ; AGENCY fori Dooley V:: iV "LJ CZtZZl VL - -yU.?eastPowderSAna the English Breakfast. Packet Tea?. . r-yfldi vii.i f, it.s;7 ;.imi Gof. f Boldbxilv hvdrnffffist.i'''Also. Fonst's Cattle Powders.T' FF BE.L0AY COST1; ...... To Close Business by July 1st. T.'jL. H7:-TT j Tj jE T? i j TRADE STREET, WILL SELL ALL THE 5 Li i.lil'.U I ( H ' 4 t '1 FANCY GOODS IN STORE lo yo.i i " I R B E S P, E p T I V E ,,OF COST TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS. iun4 . ' ip " MAS0NS ImptoVed Frpit Jars.. ! : A large, lot just: to hand ;at:;:?n j wilson&burwellu 4 Arxin A-pPP,nds llUUl est prices.;, , ;Jt ; WILSC TOTT CnXT A. TiTT'R.WRT .T. : J Cuban ; insurrection, Secretary jEvarts 1 1 has ordered an investigation 'Of the E varta will'- entieavor to have tb e per-1 -m wt,Mre.ted OfSjffiSiJS'i'S&ffi dY., : WILS0K &JJURWELLV, and punished. I' u.i f. driana, N to- continue Sot six weeks I v .f-i' . 4 Jt v -j . i ti. us ,s. f I without intermission. pains will be I 3J! il.'t Vf;t o.j .c. - .Ji 'i rs,' sparea ro iniorm menemDeraoi iniSDcnooi I . fto v ' IDNIG II T-1' V ' si.f I'so that they can take fltafjeJrtSlTfondact , rAifi5flTONJne.6Thi;learne4 c.heif i, wb? M&Buftua'tundaot A ET CSES. Hostetter's Bitters, 50 cases Best StoiiachiBit-. ministers ;af Italy ah Portugal wSicli7 frgive & ortaaenfcfork.Thlr Is tko y : fT-- rt ? S&SS2 VXSBT A Vandsb-BMh Shoe Bra, ' Cloth BroiiW Should make application at once. Addms 4 " --' ' --r - - -v ..t... --AlcxandrianaV jrfscklinburgcoi lffC. f: r;: i.;-.0 '..j .(..-..s :-i j j -j ; -.'.vji pont at the Court of St.-James early itt the fall. 31? The President's iliat; of earnestly pressed applicants, for the District At "I Ii jit ' u ? I 'I i Ii I. : 1 8 fi.'-! 'I ..' n. If I I. i I