f 1 AND Ti.e corner stone cf the new colored at .ihodist Episcopal Chur h Jn Co lumbia was laid Monday. Of the EHenton trial, the Charleston Aew says : "History records no baser instance of the attempted prostitution of ths solemn rites of justice to the dia bolioal end of . revengeful partisan pdiiicinns." . ; It is f'Ot eo much, pays the Green ville News, the beavitr burden of taxa ti.ui imp sed by th- f.a.idue-tt dbt, a3 it is the infamy of the fraud that the people resist. , The Hampton Herald says : Col L P Sadler, who for a year or more had been i" a 1w tate of health, breathed his last on Sunday the 2d ina ant, at u;o aiHfljifiHAfout five milS. west of TJ.wk Hill In the mki! circle he was kind, gmierous in? the esteem and hono-ahle, enl'iy and confidence of all who knew him. ; . f Columbia Register : It is no dispar aeement to the many worthy gentle men who have been suggested in con nection with the anticipated vacancy on the bench of the -Fifth, Circuit to refer to the eminent fitness and ? rare merit of General J. B Kershaw, who, it is n ow probable;Ul receive the Democratic nomination rthe posi tion General Kershaw b as an emi nently judicial mind, is learned in the, law, diligent in the discharge otMnly and fearless and incorruptible. With Mclver aa Associate Justice and Ker shaw upon the circuitbench.it will indeed seem that South Carolina ; has her own again. ' l- Charleston News and Courier: When the entire fundable debt of the v State ghall have been converted intev Con eolidation bonds and stocks, the State debt will amount to $5,976,917.; This result is obtained, by the repudiation, by the Republicans, in f 1873, of the $6 000,000 of spurious "Conversion bonds, and by the scaling of the re mainder of the debt to 50 cents on the dollar. The actual bonded deDi oi me State October 31, 1867, principal and interest, was $5,523,576: V To this must be added the bonds issued to redeem the bills receivable issued. under Gov ernor Orr's administration, making the ante-reconstruction debt $6,007, 576; or $30,659 more than the debt under the Consolidation act. Oil Yourself a Little. v There is true humor in the following story; Once upon a time there lived an old gentleman in a large house. He had servants and everything he want ed, vet he was not -happy, and when things did not go as he wished, he was very cross -At ' last; his servant left him. Quite out of temper, he went to a neighbor with a story of distress. "It seems to me," taid the neighbor, sagaciously, "'twould be well for you to oil yourself a little.:U "To oil ihiself?''- i f "Yes; and I will explain. Some time ago one of the doors in my house creaked. Nobody therefore - liked to go in or out by it. One day 1 oiled Us hiDge8, and it has been constantly used by everybody ever since." "Then you think I am like the creaking door, cried the old gentle man. '"dow do you want me to oil niyte f?'' ; "That's an easy matter," said the neighbor. "Go borne and engage a servant, and when he dots right, praise him. If, on the contrary he does something amiss, do not be cross; oil your voice and words with the oil of lve." - The old gentleman went home, and no harsh oi ugly words were ever heard in the house afterwards. Every family should have a bottle of this precious oil, for every family is liable to have a creatine hine in the shape of a fretful disposition, a cross temper, a harsh tone, or a fault finding spirit. Gio. E. Bidqek. For instance, there looms before us that Titan of intellect, the late Hon. Geo. E Badger, who, uue mm all, in the senate, the Cab wet, the Jorum, at the Bar, in the Chambers of Jurisprudence, in literary vi mcuiogicai aisquistion, or in collo quial brilliancy and force, was, (we say it unhesitatingly,) the peer of any man nis generation saw. In particular uepartments other men. of course.bave excelled, Mr. : Badeer Mr. Webster rose, doubtless to loftier heights! of oonatonaia ignity ana eloquence: Mr. uy swayed the multitude with more impassioned utterances; Mr. Calhoun was more more wsthetic and aa logi many learnea u. u & itnpw mrr f theologic hermeneutics, oher law yers may have made abler arguments at the Bar or before th Renrh- Coleridge r Johnson may have keen better talkers but takt the combination V all the potters in one man, and .Mr caager was the equal of any man his produced or developed, with the solitary exception that he -made no pieiension to scientific investigations "uiinments. Raleigh Observer, A Maryland jury lately declared that - "an naa come to bis death by; Van unknown wagon.". About on a par with this, is the Wisconsin verdict sus pecting a man who bad been crushed lo death in a mill, when the jury re jnarksd, "no blame can be attache! to lt itie machinery." . ; c, ; Tli "6 lMientmi c.,'iurii i:v Iriii liu t. icoiie to an en 1. Wnat theaveraie worth as a i ir jr. ma.v Ua mi n bv 'elerenee to tlie aci:on it of Lhp jwnes of the Greit I'o'hicaL, trial I" i ' t e i elsewhere in il.is ni irrrivz'n l-i;cr. - , 't of. Ceii'eunirtl Awards priut oiel. l'a tiere wi I be s' tidied- wi h print. i' ih entne n'imb!r.l3 03 j.cit-Z'rts of ne l 'i'el Stales received more than , e t;irJ: Portugal at.d Spain lead i rei;! s''w that countries there was The- figures fair , j.Ny all Th e man that nukes a.. cliarACter Truth is Greater than Fiction , ou Bre sallow s5ck and neHvIsh : vorir 1 1 Hi i I w i a.. .... . . - I 1 : i : J Ifvo :tni atuijf ; you imye cuius a.uu yjur liver is. torpnt. You ,7'" t H ru fed until vou nse Tab er'a l iver I'rice 1 0 Cftiti r w " : V-I . j. " ('iMim no !mer agittes the -pub' 1 ii ; wutther t'gnsens' M Lightning y '!""u" better than ail other UnimenU tnaii u la xbe 83t Lfniment f r"rheu iiff , lieuraW. sp'aiiiP, bruiaesr tetter, Koii ?ll,u' pains ia breast, side and back Qd h"s 18 8aPerlf t it for horse, cltle enrJ TS?' WmQVes warts knots, splint, and cent. d'8tmber and epizootic. Price 50 m- ForsalebyallDrnggisU ; , SOTTXH CASOLINA UEWB . VIEWS. - CURRENT. s . RETAITL MARKET5 Butter plentiful. r',- Iriah Potatoes- veiy scarce, -.f Appea scarce. ' Oranges email stock. " i Cabbage plentiful ' (l Mutton-rvery f carce; good demand. Spring chickens scarce and in good de mand. - BoTTKB f . . Frem Country. 18a20 ' Goshen otjltky Prom wa;rns. . 25a30 40o50 Fro a storye. .90al25 45a50 25a30 30a35 20a25 12iol5 Turkeys. 75-8 . Gesse, 3V40 Dusks, 20a25 Chickens, 25i30 ' I Gaineas. 16Jal8 Boos iooU foTAToap bweet, $bushel,100al 25 ( . Irish. " new Cabbage, Pbksh'Mkats . Beef. Veal, Matton. - Lamb, Pork, Sausage, un tuffed, . 8ausa?a. atnriVri 1.50al.60 400 3a5 per 1 6a 6al0 8al2i 8al2i 10o12J 12ial 16al6 ? 00a08 00a25 "per lb". Tallow BXX8WAX iStraifled. 13al5 ratJiWH-Oranges,: per hundred. 60o4.00 3 60 .3ia4 1.00 , 2.00 20a25 08a.l0 .75al00 - demons, ' - - j Dried Appleaper lb;., v--"rMPeanats, Country. t j, . : Wilmington,; -Strawberries per quart Cocoanuts V Uu pr.'doaen. ' . f.i 7 v GROCERIES WHOLESALE. Corn, in. fair demand K-' .Flour, market ezcitedbnt lower, . - Sttgar,' goiciid demand,; at advance! Coffee, firm with good demand. Saltjrat little demand, ; i Salt meats, "quiet, t ' X ' Lard, qaiet. f r Bulk MaW- "-. i . -.- . Clear Rib 8ides, . l r Long. Clears, 0 , Sbonlderf , Haxs : S C Cncanvassed, 12ial3 13ial4 Canvassed,' , x .Best,rt Best .refined tierce, - Y , i h.lr RKIo ' ' 12 13U15 Backets A Tins, Geiibi I'aelory, j . r , ? ; : Cream, '. . Selected cream. ., i: 151 18al8i Country Qoshes: 22a27 29a32 8TJGABS :fi Cut loaf Granulated and crushed 13ial3J 13al34 A 12al2i - i' ExOir . , 12al2i Yellows s - UialH Moijlssks per gal New Orleans, fair to choice, 55a65 Golden Drip (syrup) 50o55 Cuba, 40a45 - . BlackStrap, - - , 35o37 OorrKMocca, 40. Jaya, 27Ja29Rio,20o23i Txa Black 50a75. Green, 85al.50 Mixed, 50a75 Fish Herrings, per box MACKEREL. Bbls (full weight) bbls 44 Kits 35a38l 9 50al0 50 n- 5 50a6.50 1.15al.50 Flodb-- per bbl Family, 11.50al2.50 Extra. Super, I i h : Buckwheat, 10.50all 9.00al0.00 per lb, 4 Ricx Choice 8a8i cts, Mxa per bushel, ' " Good to prime 7a8 78a85 Quits per bbl 5.001 5.25 Hommy per bbl , .- Corn, by car load, in sacks, 100al 05 " DUlt, W A t From waeons in bulk, 90a95 Whxat From wasons. 1223 From Stores Seed wheat,! ; ,25 cts higher White, 1.25 150 Hed. 1.25 1.40 OAia-White.. k 60a65 Black . bOatto Ry 80o85 . ' 1.00 PlA8 Pare clay. lOOallO Mixed, 85a95 H at TJnchoDDed Timothr. per cwt. 1. 20 North Carolina. 44 44 65a80 Rait per sac Liveroool. fine table. 2.25o2.30 Ground Alum 1.15ol.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. The market is unchanged, but as print clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is not unlikely. (Jobbing Rata.) Hhiittwo ahd fiHiKTnfQS Rockingham 4-4 Standard; 7a7i Woodlawn 4-4' I 77i 7-8 6ia6i f 3-4 ; oio6 OthAr hranda 7 Brown drills 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and nnhl'd. 31a40 k18a22 5-4 PUlow Casing PaiirTS Pawnee .Wamsutta Freemans Sprague & Kindred brands Other good brands Jkahs ahd Cottohasxs York Whittenden . f Oriental Leinbach & Co : -Darco Lincoln ., Table Kocks : ; : ?, Ermine cloth ';(;.t t .j Dasss Goods m . -' Carded Alapacas.1 ; .i Plain Lustres Lawn's Pacific1 TJi -Parses Plaids 5o5i 5o54 6 GiaGi 6i g3 15al5i 14al5 15 22 12 H15al5i 22a24 30 v 18a21 ' 20a22 U Ual6 7"T4a20 Percalls Pequets Ticking ' '., Palmer Oakland Cones toga r H12a24 8a81 12i (14al8 WINES AND LIQUORS. Ample supply, light demand. , ( Wholesale Ril )J Pbdch pa Apple 2 75 2 25 1 Rye " 1 25o4 00 Corn ' ' " '- 1 65ol 75 V fits Hi -.mrne, "per basket. 20 00o25 00 . rii-rry ... " .;: gallon, T ,rt " ilalcria So'ipporn na " 1 " - . i,.'.-..:n.borr " . ; ? (?laret " dozz -n Ale u ,k Pjrter u ' 2 60 -2 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 7 50 2 75 2 75 Lra tem W Oil, lISESr rinnorlV.fi; brat A J of Salad -Oil, r finest nnalitia nf KnyIiK SoiCeS. CloyeS- Mace, ' Allspice Hutmeg,' Ginger, PepP2 A c, w hole and -ground. Pure French Brandy. Whiskey, Wine, AC . for medicinal DBroosee onl.fl rv-i'.---''ii V'-.'"- ;v Corn -j Starch TaDioca.1' Saeo. Macaroni i Dooley s, Royal, Price', Foam, and Hors lord caking l'uwfe-s For sale at . , , - - l ' - - SHARK A CO'S- may 10 Drtnr Store RESTORED. Vlcthnn tlA.VA .A In ..In Jinara .knAVD Tf will learn of a simple prescription RE. for the speedy cure of nervous debility, premature decay, tost mannoow ." dcnT. lost manhood, aaa aisc iitordera broncht n hr AzceaseS. DAILY PKICB r.8K r IB per S ; . . 9Ja O 7a7i . .. rr?r li'i:! f r e i a n-T 1 1 VIA WILMINGTON, NOBTH GABOLINA, Through Freight Route to air Points South. - 1 , ... Th line heing fully equipped for business, offers . unequal ed facilities for the .'firansportation Of Freight,.rrom - , Wl MINGTON AND ALL NOKTHEEN : AND EASTKBN CITIES TO JHAKLOTTE, BTATESVILLE,?ASHEV1LLE, EUTHEEFOEDTON, GKEENV1LLE, dPAliTAKBL'HG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & KiCHMOKD AIK-LiNE, A1LANTIC, TENNESSEE & OB IO, and WESTEBN N. C. - RAILROADS, as well as all points in . GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IISTJJlSrCE GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ' Tllikl AS INFORMATION, EURNISHED WM A MOODY," South Western Freieht AeL. , v;nanotte, jn. u. , HAti'i: KaLiitFtoyooiro Mis from the effects or Er rors and Abosvsin early life. ''Manhood Restored." Im pediments to Marriage re a moved; new metnod of treat meat: new and remarkable remedies; books and circu S o lars sent free in sealed enve topes. - Address, Howard Association, 419 N Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having ; a high D reputation for1 honorable conduct, and professional ' .; :l : marl? ly WHEAT tBEAN ! COEKEB COLLEGE ANDirOUBTH maj31 10, Barrels T 1NBEED OIL. 'r oih raw ar d boiled at I Li if cA DEN'S DRUGSTORE. marl Chewing Tobacco n RAVELEYS finest brands of Chewing Tobacco, unequalled in any market, at McADHiJN c UKUU BlUxilD; marl REAL ESTATE -ASD , Immigration Agency.1 J OR f eliiDg, buying and renting Land and oviding nomes m uw of Forth Carolina and Piedmcnt legions 8 onth Carolina. - TH09 f lJKAiTUPf, DBA"! may0 Charlotte, N. C. Remember TR. McADEN has removea irom tne oia . I J corner on Trvon Street, to the Parks building, a few doors below, next to Butler's nO JUS I HUUVc .CUIUS, vuueu u. uvcaoio 0 here ah are mviteu to come w kui. kwu tides at the lowest prices. marl - 5,000 Pounds S T. LOUIS WHITE LP AD, the yery best material at short urofit. at McADEN'S DRUG STORE. marl A distineraished physician of llew York says: It is astonishing how universally Dr. Tutt's Pills are used. In my daily rounds, I hear of tnem not only among the poor, out tneir virtues are ucnurcu fm ihn mansions of the wealthy and rennea. Knowing the inventor from his long connection with the medical profession, I have great confidence in their merits, ana or iaie nave oiren yrcw-i" them with the happiest results in. cases where I desired to make a decided impression on the uver." TIITT9C nil I O Dr.Tntt has been mirmored in the II U I I O rlblaW j , OXTSa SICK EXAPAOH& oractice of med icine thirty years, andforaionffunw TUTT'OPItLS f crrsa nraSEPKA, -j' wasceuiOBurator of inatomy W the Medical ' College persona aaing aa nilla hava .the tUTT!SPILL8 guarantee ' that they are prepare4 oq scientuic prin dnles. and are foe enrsa oowBTurA-tw; , . TUTT'S PILLS r r;.cmi, row. i , tromau quacacry He has succeed ed in combining in them tne Hereto fore - antagonistic. TUTT'S PILLS qualities ol a IHO,- PUBOA TXVZ sad a VrrBZ TUTT'S PILLS VttNQ TOITIO, While - they to move an u healthv accumuia. tions, tney 1 -i i ' r1 2 J !i5 TUTT'S PILLS pro. TIIW.QPILLS dnce no weaaaaw . Thrrv - nif DC taken at any ttaa without restrainc nf diet or flccuna 7117790 pilLS tion. As a..safe family . nMtucme they hava no rival PRICE S CTS. ni. i HiiHOin nil MnriCB, - II IVII 3S Murray Stmt NSW YQRKi! it if n n , s ti .-4iJ'-!i----i -vii jV- -; r- ty- r 25TID BATES ANY COMPETING LINE, AND Q,TJIOK UPON APPLICATION TO P W CLARK. General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. O, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. - ESTABLISHED I Practice limited to private and conhdentia disease. ; TO ALL MEN ASPESDY CUBE. Dr CLEGG may be consulted daily either personally or by letter, upon all the dis eases of the generative organs, which tend to embitter life and shorten its duration. BUCU AS BLOOD TAINT8, &C, also Ner- vpus UebUity, causing Indigestion, Pains in 1?.? ?,ack and loiJ?8 Neuralgia, Fainting J!iis,iNervou8ne8S, Detective Memory, Weak- ucoo, i iuipie on tue race ana xoay, Aver- biou w Docieiy. uoniasion of ideas. Con sumption, Nerveus Headache, Rheumatism. .r tupuaiion oi me neitz, urooamgor Melan choly, Dimness of 8ight, &c., brought on by Youthful Indiscretion, totally unfitting the victim for either marriage or business. Now ready, a pamphlet on Nervous De bility and all Disease of private nature, free by post for two three cent stamps. ruiH ouaraea at ine . Hospital if re quired. OFFICE, 7 S, FREDERICK ST., Baltimore. All Letters directed to Dr Clegg, Lock Hospital, Baltimore, M ., will receive prompt attention. nov22 20caNumber-$2acar WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapen. For an agency, ssnd to D LOTHEOP fe CO., feb25 Bobton. psiADOROS &tba Mfact aa Um best, to inrtanUneona in prodcoea tbe mott natural shadei o f black in its action, aM DOC a tain tha akin, and in aaailT annlM. In . .fan, or Drown, Qoei aam oon, and alar ont upon arerr well-appointed toi- t"'-wit rt w pv ana, mk worn Dr. J01L H, McADEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No. l.SParks' Building; I Next door to J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store NOW offers to the trade an unusually large and -well selected Stock of DRTJG8, CBEMICAL8, . MEDICES. PAINTS, C1L8 and DYE STUFFS. Our new store room is now com Diet e and we have ample room jthreetofieB well filled, with everything in our line, bought tor uan at tne lowest marfret price. Our old customers and friends, and the public generally are invited to call and see. as we will take great pleasure; in.waitinj; on" them, and offering the best articles for the leiatijnbney, ,.t . ; -W- S-IK .... rJ HUnW l x ' . - - , ' - - -J ' ' a Bjrifie plate or StranV aahfitfdesired,1 HEAD QUARTERS. -1 .! M Families supplied on sLort notice and at reasonable prices, l have extra frecx-ra fot dellyetii g it in, to tbat it may be kept any length of time. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day. I H ANDREWS, jun7 Agent. Choice Lot F N. C. Country Hams, Sides and J Shoulders, just in at the Wholesale MAYER, ROSS & JOHE8. Grocsry of jun7 Colton's Maps,Atlases, Etc. DR PJ. KE r- MAPS, mailable, coiupri e township, ccunty, sectional aiid railroad of every htate and Territory and te princi pal r reign c unu-ies. f OUK W iLL M . ed a-e tuoe-iur -in lc curacy ancrexetu iar,. and ouraMr? ent tbe H'geff m the conutrv. OUK OfcWEKAL ATL1S a conceded to be the best published, being the latest, larg est and moot c mijlte. l or I Btalou s addresi " (i -V fe O B (10 ETON, jnni "". iNevt York. M . Licli tenstein, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR. II 7 OUJJ.rctfidl y'alan I ? he is in complete order over inV F SCARR & Cp'3 iSp fi .Corner Trade and Trvon si reels." with all tbe latent styles- of injtrttd tjotbp, Cassi nJeree, ; Suitings 8nd Veetings, which he guarantees to make up in tbe moat fashion able styles and prices to suit the times, . - . mtiug..?uMit repairing executed rnl the most artistic style at reasonable rates.- 1 -mayl . M. LICHTENSTEIN, For Sale' dr Ren ........ li t ..." i. . r . . 4 . i . . A : Comfortable six room Cottage, . Mil IT B with X basement, well nf water in the ya d, arn and other necessary outhouses, with fifteen acres of land; lying in the suburbs of '.he town of States villa. Apply to - f .! i'mar23 tf., , t " . ,- , .At this Omce.'ji mscELLAircaus.. THEIUDTOIEB CURES ' KUMPHRCY8 4 ' f OOITIEOPATni C ; SPECIFICS Been In pe ii-ralue for iwentl yeai . - fcycryu here ioycq iuot SAFE, lMLPiviCnECOyftK MIHAL and EFFICIENT mMl- cine, known They re Jmm what the people want, sviii time and miey. uT-ifir sitk nessaiKl ufleriiig. Eacb single specific tlie well tried prescrip ion of an eminent physician. Nos i-i-- Cures "in - Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, :; 25 2 Wprms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, ' 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fants ......r.r.. ...... ..... .. 4 Diarrbcea, of Children oAdtnts, 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, ......... . 7 Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis,;..... ...... 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faoeache,. 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver tigo................ 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach,...... ; 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods,...., 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods..'........ 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, t4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, kruptions 15 Rheumatisaa, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Fever,Auee, 7 .Piles, blind or bleeding.,,..;....., 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes,.i..;.:...:;... g Catarrh, acute or chronic Influenza , -. 20 Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing,...... ' 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, ' 23 Scrofula, enlarged , glands, Swel lings,..'. ... 24 General Debility Phisical Weak- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 60 I .50 60 60 50 : ' 1 50 60 50 60 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions.. 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel,....... 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak- n ess or involuntary discharees. 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 29 Sore Mouth, Canker,..;.. 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the 81 Painful Periods, with Spasms,. 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc.. 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance. 34 Diphtheria; ulcerated sore ; throat! 35 Chronio -Congestions and rm tions 5 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 85 large ' vials and Manual of directions, 3 ' $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book 600 13T These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office A Depot, No 582 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH tV CO., Agents FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES!! MADE WITH THE Iapst &mcst valuable improve men'-s S C A LIS TBE WORLD'S STANDARD BECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS AT World's Fair. London, World's Fair. N. Y.. World's Fair, Paris . 1761 1853 1867 1873 World's Fair Vienna World's Fair.ISantaga. f876 World's Fair, Phila., 11876 COFFEE AND SPICE MILL8, s TEA AND COFFEEOAKS. :h i j.: . STORED TRUCKS, A cents for Miles' Alarm Money Drawer. ; FAIRBANKS & CO...SU Broadway, Ni FAIRBANKS 4 CO, 166 Baltimore, St., FAIRBANKS & 5iCpSiNw"6 .leans.. .--- - -. i . ' i -a. -FAIRBANK8 A CO., 216 JJain St., Buffalo, FAIRBANKS TC$.rrBroadway, Al- FAIRBANKS ,& .Cq.403s-St,,8 Pau Sf., mar w -. 1 ' FAIRBANKS & m,;MJKjri Wiamjl FAIRBANKS, BROWN ,& COm Mili. St,f FAIRBANKS & EWUG, , Masonie -HaU, Philadelphia. ' ' ' FATRBANKSTMOESK-A' CUVChicagd, Illinois. ."., . i Q FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO Cincinnati, Ohio... .. - ?!- -- J. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. .. w.fK .-- , --t :? FAIRBANKS, vMORSE & CO., Pittsburgh, FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Louisville. Ky. FAIRBANKS & CO.. St Louis. Mo. : FAlRBANK&.A.HUTHIgONr.flan, Vi For sale by leading Hardware Dealers,; . feo23 taw d eoww 5m - -Mai.'HJn Mf t ropolit.lll Works, Canal Stieet, fromi Eixlh to Seventh, 'RICHMOND. YA. ENGINES, portable" and stationary? SAW M I LL8,; GRI8T-M ILLS, BOILERS; CA8Ti 1NG9 of BRASS and IKON, FOKOINUS, &c- MACHINERY for , Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c : We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purpose?. A lso, to our new styles 8M ALL LOCOMOTIVES for feauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. -1 ' 1 w A number of second hand ENGINES and BOILERS of various patterns, in first-rate order, on hand-,- Repair wortsolicited &nd promptly dofte: .; Wm E TANNER CO. may la daw ly Toothsome and Tempting. E hare just received a shipment of If Tennessee - Sheep and Beef Cattle everybody come and get a fine mutton chop and a good beefsteak ADAMS A POWELL," ,, " Tryon Meet,' oi posite City Clock? ; may 17 - - " ' .GROCERIES WHOLESALE. HAMS HAMS HAMS' HrAMS? UAMS HAMS HAMS HAM S - ' ' HAMS HAMS. In unlimited supply, BACON BACON BACON BACON B A UON BACON BACON BACON BACON s i BACON ? In unlimited supply, LARD LARD LARD lard LARD LARD LARD IARD i LARD.. - LARD In unlimited, supply . , FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR In unlimited supply, - ?; SUGAR SUGAR -SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR . . . SUGAR S U G A R SUGAR In unlimited supply COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE In unlimited eupply, MOLASSES MOLASriES . MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply, SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT In unlimited supply, CANDLES CAN D L E S CANDLES CANDLE 8 CANDLES CANDLES OA N D L B 8 CANDLES . . S A N D L E S CANDLES In unlimited supply, ..i IS T A It C H B 1 A R c a ST A R V 11 'S T A BO H STARCH 8TAROH -r.i'c TS T"A B0 H , f , v ,,SlABO B "5 STARCH S T A R O H In unlimitad supply, S S Zsfi-3 i ' M 0 Y8tE QiY'S lE lt'S' OYSTEBS OYSTERS O Y S T E Jtfi OXSTJBS ,.,,t' , , , i In unliniite4 supply, CRACKERS CRACKERS C R ACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACK EE 8 ; 'CRACKERS .. . ,In unlimited supply, SODA SO D A SODA s SODA , S,0 D A SODA ' - ' - S O D A- - 5 SODA SO DA 8 O D A l : , i. , .- f. In. unlimited supply, TOBACCO TOBACCO . ' TOBACCO TOBACCO ,cT s TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO hs : ,r , TOBACCO . y- j TOBAGCO ; TOBACCO In unlimited supply, A R 8'- ' C O G GARS J C I Q A S A G J O A- R S CIGARS CIGARS C I G ARB CIGARS U 1 U A. tt H ; ,.t CIGARS -VV AND FEESH .NEWARK C I DEB, in original packages, at tue . i l i . 'lai M A YERKO? S 7fc J IJ N F.S i r . Corner Tfaae&dbllege tsv v 111 ir- t 1 CHA K 170 T T, E, ; 0?' A NEWLY discovered nine si ; Csatsa . ville, N.O.. on the A,T. A O, Railroad 13 miles North of Charlotte; Said mine htn been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners hare examined the mine ana ore and pronoun oe it Tery fine. Also Prof W O Kerr, or Rileieh. Dr 0 L Bunter. of , Iin colnton and Prof Hannaof Chariots hsTt seen the mine ,and,s ore and pronounce it " verv fine. - With these recommendation.5 andr tnaa niuie that could be bronght np we now offe this yaluable property for sale. Inclnding between 70 and 80 acres of land in ', and . around said mine, of which there are. some 20 or 80 acres of valuable pine timber, half , mile from a saw-mill. ' - An- wivbhtg-tn see specimens of sal , oiiae- so rr: Casing at ourOffioe r When se sav SDecimens. we mesh tb show you something that Is worth looking at. -A For further information, address . , , H. A 'HUNTER. June 17 -1, , ? ;-ru HnntenviUe; N.O.' LATEST ARRIVAL mil r-?rttrn Ust or N ET71f,850'0 D 8 til S -e -"'i it J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER "IN imwtivi UTf vTrn i iivtm avw TJ AS removed to one of tha NW Store. XX under the Central Hotel, Trade St.and is receiving his Spring " Stock of Goods fo ' Men's Wear, and will make Ufiemii at short notice in the most faahionable: maan 1 X., M . . . . uer, cnesper man me same ciass oi wooas have ever been offered in this market. ' r' J1 Qrdereu SMrts a - Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid ' for on deliv ery, aa I am compelled to do a cash bushiess. J S PHILLIPS,'- mayS ( , - , r -;..r V Ca. C. & GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Ckakxottx, Columbia & Augusta, K. Columbia, S. C., May 13th, 18771 ry On and after Sunday, May 18th. the fol lowing schedule will be operated on this road: (i. .. r . , , . MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN-r-DAILY- GOING BOUTH No 1. Leave Charlotte, , v ? 9.85 p. ad. Leave Columbia. , 8.80 a.m. Leave Graniteville, 7.01 a. mN Arrive at Augusta, 7JS0a.m. GOING NORTH No. J.; p" Leave Augusta, 8 45 p, m Leave W, C & A Ju'n, 12.25 a.m. Leave Columbia, 12.55 a. nu Arrive at Charlotte, .6.15 a.m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, DAILY, Sundays excepteU-CliAK-LOTTE DIVISION GOING SOUTHS o. 3. . Leave Charlotte, ; ' ' ' .6 20 a. m Leave Chester, : 9.50 a, m.; Leave Winnsboro, 12 20 Arrive at Columbia. . 3.00 p m. ' KtJxsvt nuxiin no. Leave Columbia, . . . ;915 a;flu Leave Winnsboro, . 2 27 p.m. Leave Chester, s 2.53 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 6J2apnm AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING SOUTH, No. 5. Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. m. Arrive at Augusta. , 52 p,, ta,; Leave Augusta, 6.50 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, 2.45-p.in. Trains Nos 1 end 2, will not stop at the following named stations : BmRfi s, Cornwall's, White Oak Adgers, Simpson's, : i-tacks, Lexington, Borrs- Gil-i bert Hollow, Summit, Bacon's T.O.,Auams Miles Mill, Bathe. Trains JJbaS. 4, 5 and 6, will stop ' at-TUl regular stations, and .Ucket offices will be opened for the accommodation of local travel. -,fAUrTS?,''- General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'i Supt, , ; mar29 A..T.& Oi R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFtCB,1'1? 2 k . Charlotte. N. C, April 21, 1871. 1 ON and after Monday. AprU 23rd, the following Schedule "will be run over tbJ road:- ; -jr -n"5 .ifcfooH GOING SOUTH, j Leave Statesvllle. " 1.50 p. m. ' tMobreerillei -1 D. College. .. . SJ9 Arriye Charlotte; ' 5.00 " GOIKG NORTH. ' Leave Charlotte, ; m : 4.15 a.m. D. College. .H. n. Mooresvllle. ' " : 6.37 r Arriye BtatesviUe, , f. 7.45 Close connection made at statesvJiia witn tTains over the W. N. C. B, R. , 'All charsres must be nre-paid ' on Ireirht offered for shipment to Section House, Hen-i derson's, Alezandriana and Caldwell's. These being "nag Btauons," tne uompany is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations.' No freight will be received by Arenta for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. apr22 ' ' ' Superintendent. . . i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Meats ; A LARGE supply of NICK TENDER JX BEEF, PORK, MUTTON and VEAL always on hand at lowtst market prices, at MUoTELLKK JBKOn. ' mar8 ,-. . - - ' m;4 i' -. r T?NGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN JLJ Just received, at SCARR 4 CO'S mar24 Drugstore Just Received ! 0 AT McADEKTS TDETJG a J' - .TV iii I uases cnuaio liimia water, iresn rrom the SprinesT : 10.'eases : Roekbridse Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and, Aimii bomoo lruxu ui juiuau juum.Dpruigs. ; R. W VXijttlejoKn; " J L. -. -. f v COMMISSION. HEECHAN1( . -; CHARLOTTE. N Ct, - . ' Handles all kinds of Prodace-t 023 'with Jno W Ball & Co., Wholesale Grocerav i-rf 2 . . ........ v..rf 3 f i'JiCC mWO Large Room over the front of oia C. A Btore. WlU-ONdk BURWEIL, aayl5 4 I 'j 4 f ; 1 i'.'.i t ; :t ; if 4S n i 3L 18; i : 'W I ill SI; 5.

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