. r ,,,,.., -itt jo iio.jrr-"r-r . T y - ,-j:..uj-r.:r--.:T-. j"" r ,, Xt itjumiLiri. i-T.nirm - " " ' :'" LJ,,ri-''' ' TII?.J!l-rOLJ'."-l'.'.."' " - tfT jod pmriTinc. , BCBSCHlPTION BATES. Tha Qsxxsvxs Job Department has baa want, soul wita to uttMt attim ctf5ixai yerr aaaaaar of Joft Vuc eaa bw MtaeJ wttfc watnow. dlapatcfc aad aaaagnea. r Waaaafornlaaatalxoiinotle BItAJTE8,EILI.HXJLC3, ; , UTXgg HH PH. CAJKDa, .' " , . , - . rt p ily 1 vear (postpaid) in advance, 6 nit'S. X mot. 1 mon. WEEK LT KBITIOH. " ..i ,: ui. r, th tionU in advance,-. $2. 00 w ' v rut of tbe county, postpaid ; -2 10 it A months. 1 0Q i vol. xin. Liberal reductions far cluba. j CHAELOOTE S; C TUESDAY, JUNE 12. 1877; NO 2,115. PBOGRAinrra. haxb bxlu. -. . ' r i ' 'J I i Jfl i ll AY 1 14 rtW III I 1 1 I I llxi ' tVS. JVSf 111 , . .- II III I I H I A f ji . j-i'A- - "x 'x a . . , - , i b - . H fn ill , iji if i ir in -" hi mi r flMn r an i rnra i. y iw awvaw mw- :' , : 111 , - 1 , . , - , 1 i , ., . ..,.....,-, UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OFr i . .. I - TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. - i V :.acbos toe waters, WASHINGTON! Franks Trial Attracting Great . V - J 'Attention.'1: at prices to suit the times. An active corps 01 waiters m'attenaanca meais,. ana no tjAS been Kefarnished and Refitted 'In first-class style, andjcfTersindncenienta to j ii M and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords Travellers and Residents : pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. ; :J IVIoderateTermCifor Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl J IT S T ' R K ,.3ES.IilT E3 IS . Black Cashmeres, Black jjpaccas, Harihal Douglass Eeady to T . Testify, , Oreat Fraud to be Exposed. ' - The Louisiana Colored Commit , ' tee Disobeying Caucus In structions. Fifteen Million of 1865 Cornels , , Called. " Tornado Out West. " The Turks Preparing to Check the Bnssian Attempt to Cross the ' r - ' Danube. - I Russian Torpedo Boats Driven Off toy Turkish Iron Iliads. The Fate of Nicsics Dependent on a Battle. Germany Becoming Alarmed at the French Attitude. The Beport of the Capture of a Pro vision Train TJnfounded... Where and now the Russians Propose Crossing the Danube. The Secretary of the Navy on an Inspecting Tour. WAranonnr. June ll.-The trial of Turki8h Facilities for Opposing the a- iaii&o, wuncu otabca uputj uiuxttuai, I v;i CrOSSlnff . , . . ''' & -. t : i art,.1 ; t . c ai - - 1: a i i .... .. i . - . v j . . l -f Cmnrv o n H I ncaiti n rro w - " oriu wiraiuia aract8 great at- A Large lui Bj'is Jvf?"V 1S ! LADIES' SUH UL1BRELLAS A LARaOSSPRTWEWXiiPr7 FAWS, MOSQUITO KKTTISG, CANOPY KETTIKG, . . ,. : - WHITE GOODS, TIEsSSKrES. 5 Which we will offer at very low prices, to suit the times ; ' ELIAS, GOHEJN &' War Items. jane7 BU'BjfiEES'B NICHOLS, ; WHOLESALE & RETAIL, lg lit SXAXXB I ALL KINDS OF BEDDI1SG,&C. A FUIiL'lilNB'' represented a3 being determined to raise the standard of the service, by getting ria ci persons of questionable j London. June 11 The 7W' Vin integrity, A prominent detective says na dispatch says : ; The Turks are col- ma; wnen the whole thing is brought looting an, army of reserves Westward to ngnt, tne ramifications of this Jing I of Sofia the details will be etartlin?. Ennallv I , ... . .... . i.- j j x . . 1 aucea, a part oi tne troops stm remain AT.VlAI MAIllnavn . ..t. -M-o.a,.1 I 7 " 1 ; I xuutass. oi onn varonna. is nere 10 1 jj u rr i xi x i-.i-iL tx.- - tended by the Turks apparently, to op . - xv j e rxt. ... i puow iiuo xvuooiaix ixwou, wxiiuilia expect that one -third of -the expenditures 1 j j .. . . . ' ,ix ; v.v?'t;.'-, ed to cross in the neighborhood of - ine aepanment, naveDeen; lor po- Kiif. ..fiWUi"- ffxt;;, ti-. lineal, anu anoiner tuiru ior personal I . ' u . . . - ' has tasen measures for; securing the . -v I Snltno mnnfh r-f f.Va T'IqtmtV.q an A tr-m colored committer, exrtresses diRirust I withthe -action of hia colleaiiM. in Eight hundred Circassians are re- I t i ' t t 1 j m. not adhering to the instructions of th portea 10 nave Deen sent 10 latar uaz caucus, which sent them here. This arQJlK lo De t"riDurea among tne disregard of the wishes of tho caucus. DU1Sa"ttU VAUaSeB awuww rePress he says, was not by any means confin- any attempt at insurrection. ed to the case of Pitkin. I he limes dispatch from Therapin Th 7?r,hNn b , Hirnnt mrAPiu 8ay8 : News has iust arrived of an en J- " I X V -X n . T 5 x 1 fftrv artiolA nr, PrPB.rlpnt'a. ar-1 yuuw wiffseu u Russian lorpeao I 1 x. j rr ir-L ' . . i t n,..!.. I uvuiv ,j.uiiubii lrun ciaas at t f w ouima at tne moutn of the Danube. uABiiiAuio, june n.-ine oecre- A . A-ft. . . WOM ; vooto x r x rp V. . - 11 J I if x'"" m x.xi n -r -:x . I Three wero destroyed and some pris uuis bujLcu. viic wi iu iron ciaua steamer, Orofia, from Callao,- oa" the 28th ult.Viwe haye further details j of the disaster suffered on the coast from tho' earthquake and tidal waves The destruction of property is estimated at $20,000,000, and was confined mostly :to the coast, although the town of Tara- paca, 23 leagues inland, 'and - the "Til lages of Pica, Matlieff and Conchanes, far in the interior were more or less ruined. . The shipping' of guano from Southern deposits, will be indefinitely suspended, as all facilities in , the .way of launches, . chutes, wharves, water condensers, and buildings of all kinds were swept away 1 ; - Health, economy and gastronomic pleas ure are jewels in the crown of the house wife's skill. 'Make them certain by using only Dooley's Yeast Powder. Absolute fall weight, great strength and parity of mate rial and Bareness of result constitute this the choice of the domestic circle for baking purposes. -. , . , . , , ITew Advertisements.. Notice. BY Virtue of a decree ! of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county at Spring Term, 1877. upon an action for the foreclos ure of a mortgage, wherein the Charlotte Building and Loan Association 'was plain tiff and James Moran and wife, Charlotte Moran, were defendants. I wilt proceed to sell t public auction at the. Court House door in the county of Mecklenburg and city or Charlotte on Wednesday the 18th day of July next, to the highest bidder; for casb, the following described property ; One lot or parcel of land in the city of Charlotte, in square No 58, beginning at A P Newhart's corner on the N C E R and running forty nine and one half feet, with the said NCR B to B J Sh&nnonnouse s line, thence with said Shannonhouse's line one hundred and eighty feet to M E Stitt's line, thence with her line forty-nine and one half feet to AP Newhart's line, thence with his line to the beginning. ., , This 11th day of Jane, 1877. W W F LEMMING, janl2oaw4w .- i Commissioner. - ceases September the 11th. was injured. v PAELOE & CHAMBEE SUITS. COFFINS of all KIND8 on HAND. No. 5, "West Trade St;, CHARLOTTE, N. 0 FEE S "EE Gr O OD S :,' .a -AT- .1. 3;. ... CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CHI L t) i R :fe S C AJ.R I AG BS, . 0- Ism receivirg a full' Stock of CHILDBEN'S CAEEIAGES, "Newest Styles" and west prices. Miners' Strike. & Call and make your selection whil the assortment is full. marl4 ,"" ? ii : i rnifAP BTST)HTlCAI)Si "LOUNGES: I 3 tKa Tvr; t: ' I I xixcxxxa nuu t ugiuw ugiogAUUUS, I m, Vj nnrre,Bnnn A0r,t . .r W X X1 avviuc VUIIUO. UUICU UUVU iUO I AT.. V- J " t , . . - .. I a air a Nr fraen roira r v,-n a Kaak 1 ii :x; l . . 1 I xx uuu axviib lug WCGU ). fl"SJ rZJTZn'Z'l T. ta Montenegro. Both ride o - I ota AvinAnrlv matrincr nraraiQfiATio uenw ana projection again8l me re- .f fordn gttmniwe from the D uuvvivu v w aLtOi l ta . .aa v e y -n HNW 4al If VMV W i.lAl010 O Vlil A i The camp of the Ponck Indians maing for Suleiman Pasha. In this. moving mto the Indian Territory, was neither AH Sahib nor Mohamed AH struck by a tornado. One was ftnn -;nt v;m mnoi, trill.? t9A eAWAval V.m"f flnrl ViA Aflfnrt I Aiiivu biAVa. Bwviai uuiv. uu. nu j vauiu i rrv rrf , prostrated. rtenerrin headauarters savs ; ennrtfl ? rbif- A vav am im a f liaa nA a I .t . - ' tnat a provision train for Garanska one or iwo aoiiar dius since me nrsi i woa -n nrttA oro nnfnnr, tk of April. I ress was revictualled after four hour's Post office commissions were issued I fighting. This success enables Sulei to-day to Col Forbes, of Richmond, man Pasha to concentrate his force Vinrinin.: and Mm. Thnmnson. of Loll-I fnr art o.lfj.f.V nn fipn Vritftrirti' nnsi. Til DM I Til R p A7 A R P HO I S F isville.; tion in tho Duga Pass. The Montehe i j ii a irW ii a ww i a --. e w w , BM1V will k. AA.A.ni.A.j Am.A( xno (secretary ux me iiayy leaves to i b1" " x yvubcuuMcu wuicvt morrow, on an inspecting tour. Bear him, and the battle will be decisive of Admiral Howell acts during the Sec- J tn fat r Kicsics. It is thought pro retary's absence. I bable that Suleiman Pasha though los- Tb Rnrftfarv of War: leaves to- mgheavily, will penetrate to .Nicsics mnrrnw for West PQinL Ai uc uo ucieawsu, un unuyimi extricate itself witn great dimculty, and will rJalr t.nfal fltnit.!nn mrnvsirixVAiiiA. LiONDok, Juno 11 The limes' dis patch from Borne says ; f The French Ambassador to the Holy See has left PottsvjlIxE, June 11. On Saturday, I Borne for Paris, whither be has been the miners and boysTto' the number of suddenly recalled.' ' 1,100, employed at tho lower coUeries The Daily News' correspondent at of the Lehieh and Wilkesbarre Com- Berlin telegraphs: A very seneus im Tjany. in the vicinity of Coaldale and preesion has been caueed by arUcles Lansford, in the upper Lehigh region, yesterday and today published in tne struck acainst a reduction of wages, ivaiwma. teiuvg, aiscussing me crisis which went into effect June 1st.- At in wance declaring mat an ultra noon to-day. a mass meeting of men montane regime, which alone could will be held to discuss the situation. It succeed the Bepublic, is irreconcileabie is known that a general reduction of wa- with European peace. I know these ees will be made in thai region; and it articles reflect very faithfully the views js thought that the strikers will be oi government circles nere. iniorma obliged to resume work at a- reduced tion that tbe Drencn are. already re- - V I .. .. .. ii; t , a i 'j. rate of comnecsation. newing meir mnuary prepurawoua ou I.. A. ..'.''' mo frontier is received nere witn cred- NEW YORK. it- Lokdon, June .11. A special s dis- aniiA A Aor.ln. tun Inli.i1Ini.ir-r. U,MWM,um ,i iwu w. - - 0 i . . ...1 ,i . . i New Yoek, June ll.-Hon. Clarkson weiouowmg Kwouiaappearuaiine N. Pottir was thrown from his car-1 , F"111,1" wuas'ue wewniiuut , i - xr I wilt do cnosen ease ana wesi oi me riagc, at his rrsidencr, . in New " , .v"" j V., t?aw1i niin m PnH-v h " b.rl a rib Turkish quadrilateral, and , that while rx J n 1,. v ;it nn the eastern column keeps in check the fractured.. Consequently, he will not . L .ui. ta-A rD Turkish forces massed in and about the -f Pft.m.VB'nnW in ..Virginia, to- PUH"i fcUO wlBm , as a field army, operating against the mnrrnw rvriiincr. . I . T " " O- - ..a. a 1.a .ItTaV. ao f;n. tV -! it 11 . .1 , : r- l xxajtjA. Ui lew vx tuc xui A.X0XX uusiiivun Vv.fxnw lini rlri'bc ' Cltl1 WffA ftfA 1 f here,"and s'-il fcr Europe Wednesday, -.Atvini'm'tifr ""-"thru a- nr fnnr I v,-w ww- r - I T'n NAAiia Ana fr.i alAn if iia mmA wnvw iOgCVUO VUV) tVJl ittAlV DUiUV IWJ fair roads over the Balkans, one from Plennia and Sofia, and another from Sistora over , the Siftha-; Pass towards FhilibDobolis.-i--'-r; ; T:'J Although the Turks are outnumber the Bussians, and although .with greatest exertion they .will scarcely Philadelphia, Pa.j June 11. Non- J be ableTto . oppose .,- any thing Hke tan union priutera are working on 3? the j equivalent force to the four corps con- kiiuu- t ceubraieu. vr but? xbusBxajus uu buttboiuc. w ... . I Tt by taking up a central position be-: -lJared 1 tween Plioca and Bela, with; the help colored,-was' arrested to-day ; of monitors and batteries,' they "may, .fit V i ? . . I . J ... A.. .. - . nihfder , of . Harriet .Wheeler, J throw consideraDiej; ostacies s-m tne VSgS -50 and ' (8.00. Pf j5f ft week since. J Pajtama, Juno 2.-By arrival of the connection with the Furniture Business of Mr E G Bogers. at my old stand ous wnth Trade Street, I-will conduct the TJn Mrtaking Business on my , own account, Ping it my personal attention." r 4 iw.ll keep a complete Stoeki from the vj' I oarial Case. Orders by telegraph or otherwise promptly attended- to. Eeepectfully P.M.' 8HELTON. ,f - - . A I " 1 IS WBIi'"'KltOWIl"AHD LEADING " SOTUt LOCATED IV CKSTRB OF THE . CTTY,' OFFEES J -r ' -x.'. lu8p3RpA89Ko ACCOMMODATIONS months. FLASHES. fle FllTTlftW' iVireTf T,a,TTe,A,;t,:Tftfl , Augusta, MK, June 11 me-Man- : r"fy vy .wic,-ao i,y-7. gion, Huiwe, tosether -wj-b its stables ed by h- ?' ' ;!;lTHB0UGHOUT." .- and mx horses were burped;t pignt, s, OAS and EXECrTBIC.HELjJs.ABE IN EJYtOOM. i Audit . C, C. Ss A. R. R. CHAR. COL. AUG. It, R, 7 Charlotte, N. C, June tl, 1877. J ATTENTION is called to change of Schei ule of Freight trains of this Company. Freight for shipment by train leaving . at 2 o'clock p. ni., must be delivered at Depot by 12 m., else it will remain for same train of succeeding day. J S DAY ANT, janl2 ti Agent. J As the season is now well advanced, WE EAYE MARKED DOWN... THE PRICES of ALL CLASSES of GOODS, And an examination will only be necessary to satisfy all purchasers of the importance apd how; greatly it is to Mr interest " TO BUY STOW! Best all-wool Blue Flannel full Suits, 12.00 j All grades in Fancy Cassimere and Worsted Suitings j ' at a small margin on New York Cost. WhiteestSy latest designs, are extremely low. Our . regular $1.50 Straw Hats we are offering at f 1.00, ! ' ! ; t :' '" which is less than cost! ' : : ! ; . w t All other Goods at the same proportionately low figures! Never before were such genuine inducements. offered, drid such prices and bargains are how only to be seen and had at IE. Mf M & G ;HItLi O T T 33, v EI. O. june 6 . &REAT GEA miLLINERY GOODS. 8 Clarlotte.Coliiliia&AipstaR.E. MIP MAIS AlT 25 EOT. 1 iUI I y GENEEAL PASSENGER DEP'T, ChAEXOTIE, CoiUMBIA & AUGUSTA Columbia, S. C., June lOin On and after Sunday. June 10th, the fol- owing Bchednle will be operated on this road : - ' MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 1-GOING SOUTH, : Leave Charlotte, 7.35 p. m Arrive at Columbia - 12.50 a. m Leave Columbia, 1.00 a. m; Arrive at Augusta, 4.32 a.m. No. 2 GOING NORTH. - Leave Augusta. ' ' . . 8.23 p, m Airive at Columbia :.- 11.45 p.m. Leave Columbia, . .. ,.- 11.55 p.m. Arrive at Charlotte, r 4.20 a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, Daily, Sundays excepted, CHARLOTTE DIVISION. No. 3 Goikq South. Leave Charlotte,.- - ,2 00 p.m Leaye Chester, 5.41 p. m. Leave Winnsboro, - '' - 7.46 p. m. Arrive at Columbia, 10.00 p m. - No. 4 GOING NORTH. . . Leave Columbia, 8)0 a. m Leave Winnsboro, iw.oya.in. Leave Chester, ', 1.20 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 4.tu p. m " ' - AUGUSTA DIVISION. No. 5 GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9.50 a; m. Arrive at Augusta. ' 5.52 p. m. y NO. 6 GOING NOKTH. Leave Augusta, ; 7.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, ' - 3.57 p; to; Trains Nos. 1 end 2, will stop only at the following named stations : Rock Hill, Chester, Ulackstocks, wmns- bero, Kuhans, Columbia, w. V, ,A- Junction, Leesville, Batesburg, , Ridge Springs, Johnston's, Fine House and Uran Trains Nos 3. 4. 5 and 6, win stop at an regular stations, and ticket' offices will be openea ior tne accommoaawou oi jwcbi travel. . a. rur-iw ; General Psssenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, . . Gen'l Supt, junel2 OF THE SEASON JIOWI iM STOCK. A. UN O T E ii T 4 Jiiiiuii: i;i4 OF THOSE mmtmx Irench 1F1owcf AT - . ,;.r pf -;f may28f SELLING OFF BELOW COST-' to Close Business by July 1st. T. L. EILLETTE r6 -r-; ; ; TBADE STREET, WILL SELL ALL THE FANCY GOODS IN STORE &ix. LicaCrearSalaflSOa, I piNEST imported brand of . Salad . Oil, : finest qualities of English Spices, Cloyes, Mace, Allspice, Nutmegs, Ginger, - Pepper, &c whole and eround. Pure French' Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Ac, for medicinal j j; purpcsesoniy Wi IRRESPECTIVE OF COST TO CLOSE THE BUS I if ESS. Jfipps uocoa: vnocoiate, (sc. i iun, ' UOOiey 8, itoyai, rrice s, jc oaru, aiiu noia- ford Baking Fowders. Kor eaie a , . . ouAivK mayl6 . Just Received 'oam, and Hors- i . - SVocva- ' "DJASON'S Improved Fruit Jars. A large lot just to hand fDfug store. IVlt WITJSON & BURWELL'S. 3 4A AAA POUNDS perfectly, pure -White Lead, at low- I I lil II II I fU;r, ' 1 - WTTCr-aT V X.TT'DTirTPTT- AT McADEN'S DRUG 8T0RE XVI VVM . '' y"" . . OA Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from -j - - r . . t ' .J,.- - 4 1 v ; lwTifrm Tf lodSSd 7J7HOLESALEr AND EETAIL AGENCY for DooleVs.; Alum Mass from the JoKlaiiAlum Springs. I Uu" Yeast Powders and the English Breakfast v Packet Tea, apr8;-: i.t -.70 n u . - CJnl rRolrl nTilv livTTio'onst.-' Alsn. "Pmisf.'a fIftTflft'Pnwt.pra'." : ' nfTANHOOD; !Sil : v-xw-MmAmn- Victims of youthful Imprudence, who nave mea in vain every Known : will learn of a simple prescription, for the soeedr cure of nervous 1 Drematnre decsv. lost manhood Idlsorflers brought on by excesses. . arufreifli nas me lngreoienia. a DAVtDSON V CO., 86 Nassau St., invalids, Florida .Tourists, or Persons Traveling ,v ! , tAn . - r. (jl !,-M'io .ML.lt'Ujt.' Ill o f . ) ; Va TLEASURE.' THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY. FACILITY ." v. vlTPBiKGFiELD.Mis e J.I,t iewutv! I -jm tera? and 25 cases ''Pearl StaTnlu inst. rpr.ft.wil t nts .v cisatidv and aU I v.. a .,ifiiIii.A.u. T. X iTZ. -iST. Tf-.V.T ' v ? ..Any v:--' ' -.,,x. .x-. i, ' WTLRnN & EnRWETJAS. J flflW I y ' lrT.xi.JX, j, xHv. - f . . - . . . . 7 3r;Remember n SAINT;andTarjusli,:Bfushes; ; Aii-'--V -f;';.;:-' FNaa andTooth'Bnishes. v.fj. WI10N&'BURraia! ' TR.McApiNhaB remoyedfrom tWoM :.;! U, MYj "vK.u;jyr-; x...,,..- X i corner on Tryon-Btreeti to the Parka .', t- - . - - ' x w ; -t,' - ' ' - - cl" v ?Pinf E taVe a lafge stoW.ofiWindowXIlass andPutty. "'z rulf -Wilson & BUR7Cu: . nx Iding, a few doors below, next to Jiutlera na just above iuias, Uonen s Koessler be re all are inyited to come to get eooi xj lx - .x xl l a ; - .. .. .. . ar 1 . j jUSeO,3t 1 I 1 11!? 1 f: i ; 1 v ; G ,1n '5' r-j it 4 t; 1

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