SOUTH CAROLINA HEWg. ' Wofford College Commencement takes place ori the 27th. Capt. H. W. Dixon, has' retired from the candidacy for probate judge, of Richland county. "; . , . Prof. R. W. Barnwell, has accepted the tendered position of librarian of the University. ' - ; . Greenville is enjoying her street railroad. Five cents carries you from depot to depot. ' ; v ; Lawrence W. O'Hear, a gallant man and estimable citizen of Charleston, died suddenly a few days ago. ? Mr. "n. A. Bowver. a trial justice In Colleton county, while s in ;irepd.fe Af his official duties,, was stabbed in several places by Manning M. Way, on Thursday or last weex. ,fvi An aid nnlAred man was burned itd death near Ranlowles on theLSayan? naVi Charleston Railroad on JMon dav nieht last. "He lived in a housfe alY alone. , ' ' , r ,f , Col. R. B. Rhett, the editor of the Charleston Journal of.Commerce,des clines the Republican nomination tfor thaXerislatiire In Charleston icounty. on-the ground that , he has been a Jife long Democrat. STATE NEWS. Wadesboro wants a barber. Two miles of the Milten & Sutherlin . Narrow Gauge Railroad are graded ,Ww?Hftnover Criminal Court, dur ing its present term, sends up seven teen persona to the penitentiary. r An excursion train will be run from Wilmington to Shelbv on the 3rd of July. r. ? . . " . . t ' i X i - Dr. Daniel Smith, of Robeson coun- tv. a. bachelor and aeed 50 years, corn nluined of feelinfl' unwell, a few daylS agog and lying down on his bed died in The young man of the Wadesboro Herald, who evidently speaks as one havincr authority and not as the scribes agonizingly observes -.'There's nothing makes a m an feel worse than' getting off a spree." The Herald ' says that a'child of Mr Thos. M. Brown, of Wadesbero, came near being killed by an overdose o .laudanum administered by the nurse for the purpose of quieting it. f -r'i " Senator Kirkwood, of Iowa, has been generally claimed as an indorser Senator Kirkwood has just written letter, ia which he distinctly intimates that "he will wait to see more of the effects of the policy before he decides whether to support it. lie expresses very decided opposition to the offering ox any resolution indorsing the Jrresi dent in the approaching Iowa Repub hcan convention, because he-says it will be lmDOSsible to Bass such a reso lution, and its offering would only lead to dissensions and diflerences. The season has arrived when the 1 i . private orations at the "Junior Exhibi tion," at our colleges, cis anneuned somethinff after this fashion: "The Destruction of Jerusalem the Direct re-, suit -he DofrWar' Henry McFreling huyses Smith. Che Effects of ..Or gahic Protdpla8m6n the JEolic Digam ma." Thaddeus Warsaw Stubbsr4'The Relatiom of Greek Art to the Modem Development f6f ?the i Potafof u,f Hermann " filenherhalsei Stiggins". "Samson as a Courthouse ' Architect," William Epaminondas Pipps. The Consumption of Beer. The internal revenue returns indicate, a considerable consumption of beer in the United States. During 1876 a tax rate of $1 per barrel brought into the national treasury $9,159,675, Thirfife an increased of $415,931 over theT re ceipts of the-preVie'us year,Bhbwln?e?ith er a more honest return of the'-manufacturers of&rtnefeted4fquoriof else a con sid erable mcr ease in consu m p tion . It is stated that Thomas B. Keogh, chairman 1 of I the - Republican ' State Committee of North Carolina, who recently- published 4t' warm indorse ment of Mr. Hayes' Southern policy t noweftys hids?o$ly itf lhe interest of Meiids who were in Rouble, , and Bpeaks of Mr. Hayes as a shadow in the White House where ence a great statesman directed national affairs. Norfolk Landmark ' : ' ,The .Georgia j Convention. The Atreufeta ' OonstituWonalUt ' ay s I there will be less mediocrity in the Constitu tional Convention which will assemble next month than in any body that has me(jin Georgia since 1865, the dele- fates thereto being largely men who ave -given much of their time to pub lic ! affairs ' arid v whose probity and ability have won ; them State'and na tional reputations. Mrs. Euth Beaton'.the largest woman in the world, is dead, She : was' 54 veara of aire. 7 feet 4 inches hi eh and weighed 585 pounds. The -local paper states that it required eight men ;with block and tackle to lower' the remains neighbor ft. loving mother;, and .was beloved by all who Knew ner, ' The death 'pf the widely-known historian. ' Rev. J. S. C. Abbott, took place at Fair Haven, Conn., last Sunday. Mr. Abbott was one of the inost agree able writers of tte dayj (1 ; I t Truth is Greater than Fiction. You are sallow, sick, and peevisn ; your liver needs regulating ; y6u haye chills and fever ; often your, liver., is torpid. You won't be cured until younse Tabler's Liver rowder. I'ncecO cents.. The question no 1 onger agitates the pubr lie mind, whether Cou'ssens' ' Lightning Liniment is better than all other Liniments, we think it is the best Liniment for Then matism. neuralgia.' sprains, bruises, tetter, stiff joints, pains in breast, 'side . and; back. Nothing is superior to It . for borsesicattle and hogs, removes warts' knots, splint, and cures distember and, epizootic. Prloe 50 cents. " For sale by all Druggists. I iw For Rent. : - if. HI W0 Large Booms -ever the ' front- of our A Store. WILSON & BUBWBLl raayioviVfr:; ?i" v. ,. 10,000 WIlE ' CIOASai jlra)ids of the finest ,SP STORE. ; UAILY PM1CE . CUKBEMT. RE r AIL. MARKET. Butter plentiful. Eggs scarce. Irish Potatoes (old) yery scarce: - Apples scarce. . Oranges small stock. Cabbage in good demand for new. 1 Mutton very scarce; good demand. Spring chickens scarce . and in cood de mand. ., . . ; Fresh Country, lga20 25a30 ;tl GoshTO;-u.;.-;,;,-:,.- .. 40a50 otjLTat-, - 4, From wagons.? Frdni stores; Turkeys, 75a85 . ' 90al.25 i Geese, 30a40 ' " 45o50 25a30 OOdSO 20a25 14a20 Ducks, i 20a25 Chickens,' 20a25 ; Guineas. 162al8 Eoos b 12ol2 Potato is Sweet, bushel,! OOal 25 1.50al.60 1.75a2.00 3a5 per lo 6a8 6al0 8al2i 8al2i , 10a12i 12Jal5 , 15al6i 00a08 00a25 per lb. insn, " new Cabbaee. Fkxsh Mkats Beef, Veal,- '-V" Mutton. Lamb, C" Pork,v s Sausage, nnftuffed, Bans age. stuffed, T allow BXX8WAX Hovar In Oomb, 12al5. Strained, 13al5 Fbutts Oranges, per hundred. 2 50a4.00 Atemons, Dried Apples, per lb Peanuts, country,, . Wilmington, Strawberries per quart Cocoanuts " prdosen 3.50 IM ' 2.00 ... 20a25 08a.l0 .75al 00 GKOCEEIES -"WHOLESALE. I '1 Corn dull and in little demand. , Flour dull. .'Uj; Sugar, market excited and higher. . , Coffee advanced and in good demand. Salt not in demand,' ' Salt meal 8 quiet and lower. . r Lard, quiet. ; " - . . Box Meats- ? -Clear Bib Sides, Long Clears, Shoulders, Haks t Canvassed, Lard-- ' Best refined tierce. per lb 9ja9 8ia8J 12ial3 Hi in .12 half Bbls, v . Bucket8 Tins, ; Bdttke ' Country Goshen SUGARS ., . Cut loaf h.. ' " Granulated and crushed f A ' " . EzC Yellows Molassks New Orleans, fair to choice, s Golden Drip (syrup) Cuba, 12ial3 10al3 29a32 13Jal41 13ial4 12Jal3i 12Jal3 llialli per gal 58a70 50a55 40a45 Aiiav Ja www Coms Mocca, 40. Jay a, 27Ja29Rio,20a231 Black Strap, Tba Black 50a75. Green, 86al.50 Mixed, 50o75 20a30 Fibh . Herrings, per box MACKEREL. Bbls (full weight) i bbls Kits 9.50al0.50 5.50a6.50 1.15al.50 per bbl. Floue- Family, Il.50ol2.50 Extra, Super, Buckwheat, Bicx Choice 8a8J eta, Meal per bushel, G kits par bbl Homhey per bbi 9.50al0 8.00o9.00 per lb, 4 Good to prime 7a8 89a90 6.60a6.50 6.00a6J25 Gbaik Corn, by car load, m sacks, 83a8a "bulk, 80 From wagons in bulk, 80z85 Whiati-: From wagons. From Stores Seed wheat, ; White, none in market. Bed. J Oats White.. 60o65 Black 60a65 Rti 80o85 1,00 Pure clay, lOOollO Mixed, 85a95 Hat Unchopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 norm Carolina, " " eoasu ALT per sack Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 Ground Alum 1.15al.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. The market Is unchanged, but as print clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is not umlikely. i r UobOtng MautA tt j- Shmtthg iin Bhistxrgs - p ? " r - s Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7a7i Woodlawn 4-4 ? 7o7J 7-8 Gl&Gl 3-4 IfiiaB Other brands . , : 7 Brown drills 9alOJ Bleached 81all 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbl'd. 31o40 6-4 Pillow casing" 18a22 anrrs- " -f" "- ; . Pawnee " "Wamsutta' Freemans . 55i 6 Sprague A- Kindred brands Other good brands 61a6 6i 15al51 Jcahs ahd Cottohadks York Whittenden Oriental Leinbach & Co Darco ... .Lincoln..; ' .' Table Kocks 1 Ermine cloth 14al5 : 15 22 12 ,!15al5i 22a24 30 18a21 Dacas Goods' - Carded Alapacas Plain Lustres ; 20a22 14al6 14a20 Lawn's Pacific tarseS Plaids k Percalls " : ' f Psquets , 12a24 Palmer . Oakland Cones toga , 8a81 12J I4al8 ...VWINESANnUQUOBS. Ample supply, light demand. , Brawdy- Peach per gal.4 2 75 2 25 25a4 00 65al 75 Annie 9 . u WBisfct i t Eye Corn i Champasne, Jjorbaslcet,, 20 00o25 00 Sherrv , gallon, 2 50 port7 2 50 Maderia " " . , . ' ? 50 Scuppernong-, , J,. ' Blackberry, " Claret - , " dozzen . 7 50 Ale .2 75 Porter ' "".M 2 75 Coltoh's Maps, Atlases, Etc, i 1 1 m fiW . ' . .... c, OUR POCKET MAPSi maflable, comprise township, county, sectional and railroad of every State and Territory attd the prwei Ml Foreign eountries.9; A ' . ' nnit wat.t. t a pa , are-superior m ac- imnM and Arumtinn i and bur assort ent ti Ufwnti in 41,- n'9a , riTTTivfi KNBR4 t.a TT j A.8 ts conceded to be the best Published; being the latest, larg est and most corapletaii? ; T ' s For Catalogues address ; HJiod io.j: a MT A n B COLTON. .Jnnt i . r ro:v nl i Ll i -2 "-McADEN'S v BBHVt STORE, ?v F B E I 0; II T VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Pointe South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers. unequalediiacilitiea, for the ,4 -V Transportation of Freight, from- . : ' , . WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN vCITj3 .TX3 : UHAKIXXTTE, STATES VILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDT0N, -GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THEr : ATLANTA 4fc RICHMOND AIR-LINE; ATLANTIC, " ' TENNESSEE fe OHHl,;d WESTERN N,C, RAILROADS, as well aa alLpoinla in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and T ;-- - Mississippi, " GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt, Charlotte, N. C. sept30 , 7 ; , HAPPY B&UifiF to Youno Mm from the effects: of Er rors and Abuses in early life J 'Mannood Kestored." ; Im pediments to" Marriage re a! moved: new method of treat ment r new and remarkable remedies; books and circu 2 o lars sent free in sealed ente lopes. Address. Howard Association, 419 N.Nintb 8t Philadelphia., Pa An m Institution havihr a hierh reputation for honorable conduct, and professional sfcill. ? " "mari7 ly 1 WHEAT BRAN ! AT W. W. WARD'S, COENEB COLLEGE AKD FCUBTH may31 Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, WEOLESALE & BETAIL, No. 1, Parks' Building; Nextjdoor to J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store NOW offers to the trade an unusually large and well selected Stock of DRDGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, C1LS and DYE STUFFS Our new store room is now complete and we have ample room: three stories well filled with everything in our line, bought for Cash at the lowest market price. 1 Our old customers and friends, and the public gen rally are invited to call and see. as we will take great pleasure in waiting on them,' and offering" the best articles for the least money, marl Just Received AT McADEN'S DRUG STOEE, cr Canes Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from 4iJ the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Aium springs apr8 . PILLS A distinguished physician of New York says: " It is astonishing' how universally Dr. Tutt's Pills e used. In mv daily rounds. I hear of them not only among the poor, but their virtues are heralded from the mansions of the wealthy and refined. Knowing the inventor from his long1 connection with the medical profession, I have great confidence n their merits, and of late have often prescribed them with the Happiest results in cases wnere desired to make a decided impression on the liver, TUTT'S PILLS I CVBB SICK HBADACH2. TUfrSPILLS tutWpills -v.CTJTEB CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS . eras PTLES. . Dr.Tutt has been engaged in the practice ot mea icine thirty years. and for a long time was demonstrator of anatomy in the Medical College of Georgia, hence persons nang his pills have the guarantee, that they are prepared on scientific prin ciples, and are free trom ait quackery He has succeed ed in combining in them the hereto fore antagonistic TUTT'SPILLS Ctma JBVXB AND AGXTB. TUTT'SPILLS qualities Ot STRENGTHEN ING, PTJBQA. TZVB and aTTTBI XTOTOr - TONIC While they re move all au healthy accumula. tions. ; thev - pro TUTT'SPILLS duce no weakness Thev may be taken at any time without restraint of diet or pecupa. TUTT'S tion. As a safe family medicine they have no rival przis tobpxo layjta. PRICE a CTS it : OrFICB'.f j TUTT'SPILLS 35 Marray 8tret NEW YORK.' r r tea ri rU O WDEAT BMs tUTT'S I CENTS, Li I N E 8 UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C, T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Li m esto h e Springs, South Carolina. WE take pleasure in informing the public that the large brick building formerly used as a female school at this place has been iurnished as a hotel and is now open ed for the reception of guests. Being contiguous to Gaffney City on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and only fifty-five miles from Charlotte, this delightful jretreat presents superior at tractions to the inhabitants of the latter' city. We claim that a residence here is a "sure specific for those distressing complaints Asthma, Rose or Hay Fever, and ?, kindred diseases of the Throat and-Liinsrs." and that the free use of the waters will give relief and orten cure Dyspepsia, General Debility and Urinary Affections; To those unacquaintedwith the place we. will say that it is one of the most beautilul and pleasant Summer resorts In the State, the house is of brick, large, cool and. airy, is in the midst of a ten acre blue grass laws, is well shaded by laige oaks, elms, etc.," has good bathing facilities, fine walks, roads and drives, whilst romantic river and moun tain scenery, with good boatirjg and fishing can be found in an hour's drive. Our Mr Hollis formerly of the Charlotte Hotel will extend a true Carolina welcome to his old friends and customers. In yiew- of the hardness of the times we have put down board to the low figure f SEVEN DOLLAES A WEEK. Address for further information, HOLLIS & BOMAR, Limestone Springs, S. C. jut 8 oaw 3m OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE, SIXTH DISTRICT OF N C. Statesvilie, June 1, 1877 THE following described property having been seized near Charlotte for violation of the Internal Revenue laws of the United States, i the owner thereof will appear at my office within thirty days from date hereof and make claim thereto, or the said property will be declared forfeited to the United States, according to law. One barrel of whiskey. J. J. MOTT, Collector. junel61wf3w 51,200 PROFIT ON 1100 MADE any day in Puts and Calls. In vest according to your means. $10. $50 or $100, in Stock Privileges, has brought a small fortune to the careful investor. We advise when and how to operate safely Book with full information sent free. Ad dress orders by mail and telegraph to BAXTER & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wall St., N. Y. maylo Notice. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county at Spring Term, 1877. upon an action for the foreclos ure of a mortgage, wherein the Charlotte Building and Loan Association was plain tiff and James Moran and wife, Charlotte Moran, were defendants. I will proceed to seli at public auction at the Court House door in the county of Mecklenburg and city of Charlotte, on Wednesday the I8th day of July next, to. the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: One lot or parcel of land in the city of Charlotte, in square No 68, beginning at A P Newhart's corner on the N C R R and running forty nine and one half feet with the said NCR R to H J Shannonnouse's line, thence with said Shannonhouse's line one hundred and eighty feet to M E Stitt's line, thence with her line forty-nine and one half feet to AP Newhart's line, thence with his line to the beginning. . . This 11th day of June, 1877. W W FLEMMING, junl2 oaw 4w Commissioner. ESTABLISHED Practice limited to private and confidentia disease. 1TO ALL MEN A SPEEDYCD"RE. Dr CLEGG may be consulted daily either personally or by letter, upon ail the dis eases of the generative organs, which tend to embitter life and shorten its duration, SUCH AS BLOOD TAINTS, &C, also Ner vous Debility, causing Indigestion, Pains in the back and loins, Neuralgia, Fainting Fits,Neryousness, Defective Memory, Weak ness, Pimples on tne Face ana uoay, Aver sion to Society, Confusion of Ideas, Con sumption, Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, Palpitation of tne Hesrt, Brooding or Melan choly, Dimness of Sight, Ac, brought on by Youthful Indiscretion, totally unfitting the victim for eitner marriage or business. Now ready, a pamphlet on Nervous De bility and all Disease of private nature, free by post for two tnree cent stamps. , Patients boarded at the Hospital if re quired. OFFICE, 7 S, FREDERICK ST., - Baltimore. Ah Letters directed to Dr Clegg, Lock dospital, -Baltimore, M will receive prompt attention. nov22 20eainmber-$2aVear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the yery best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as tne cneapen. r or an agency; sfna to D LOTHkOP & CO.. I feb25 i Boston. R. N Littlejohn, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT : . CHARLOTTE. ' N. C. .; Handles all kinds of Prodace. Office with Jno W Hall & Co.,-Wholesale1 Grocers; FOR SALE BY MISCELLANEOUS. THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general nse for twenty years. Everywhere prove the most SAFE, S1MPLB ECOWCp MI CATV sind - EFFICIENT meli- cines known," They are Just What the people. vam, saving time and mney. ttveTting sick ness and snfferingr Each single specific the well tried prescript ion of an eminent physician. Nos Cures : Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammatic aom,- 25 25 Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colia 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fants, 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 25 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting........... 25 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,.. 25 9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Ver- - 10 Dyspepsia, Biltious Stomach, 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods, 25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 25 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 i Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 5ff 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 25 16 Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 60 7 Piles, blind or bleeding, 50 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes,..?.. 50 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 50 20 Whooping-Cough, violent coughs, 60 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing....... . 50 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, : ,60 23 Scrofula, .enlarged glands, Swel lings,.. 50 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak- . ness, 50 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 50 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 50 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel 50J 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 1 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker 50 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed, 50 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms 50 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc.' 1 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 50 35 Chronic congestions and Erup tions,... -5 FAMILY CASES. ' . " Case Morocco) with above 35 large . - vials and Manual of directions, ; $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and1 - Book, ......;.;, 5....v..w.. .....- 1 600 I3T These remedies are ent fo'y the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address ' . HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office & Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES ! ! MADE WITH THE Latest & most valuable improvements Scales THE WORLD'S STANDARD RECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS AT World's Fair, London, 1751 World's 'Fair,. N. Y., 1853 World's Fair, Paris, 1867 World's Fair, Vienna, 1873 World'sEFair, Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 ALSO ; COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, U ISA A JND UOFEJCAS, v STORE TRUCKS, AC. Agents for Miles' Alarin Money Drawer. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BroadwaHlN. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 166 Baltimore, fit.; Baltimore. FAIRBANKS & CO., 53 Camp St New Or FAIRBANKS & CO., 216 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. FAIBBANKS & CO., 338 Broadway, Al bany, IN. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 403 St., Paul St., Montreal. FAIRBANKS & CO., 34 King William St. London. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.. Milk St Boston. FAIRBANKS & EWINO, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Chicago, Illinois. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cincinnati, Ohiov FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Louisyille, Ky. FAIRBANKS fc CO.. St Louia, Mo. FAIRBANKS & HOTHISON, San Fran cisco.- For sale by leading Hardware Dealers, feb23 taw d eow w 5m Dissolution. rriHE partnership heretofore existing un JL der the firm name and style of Jones & McDowell, as Editors, Publishers and Pro prietors of the Chablotte Obseeveb Print ing establishment, is this day dissolved by mutual eonsent. Chas. R. Jones purchases F B, McDowell's interest in the business of the 'late firm', together with the books of the concern, assumes aii.oeDts due Dy tne late partnership, and will pay all obligations of the late firm on presentation, v CHAS R JONE8. : F BREVARD MoDOWELL. : Charlotte, N. C, May 19th, 1877 i.may20dwtf - . f-s , ? : Lucca Cfeai S il Oil, 771 IN EST imported brand of Salad Oil. J? finest qualities of English Spices, Cloyes, Mace, Allspice, nutmegs, uinger, jrepper, c..--whole- and- ground.1 - Pure '-French Rrandyi WbiskeyWine,i5c. foR medicinal Corn J Starch,' Tapioca, Sago, Macaroniv icpps uocoa, Chocolate, c: mzzi-.zi'! L v . Dooley's, Royal, Price's, Foam, and Hors- Jord Baking Powders.. ; For Bale at J. 1. II GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. M R fc J HAMS HAMS HAMS HAM 8 H A!M S ' HAMS HAMS ' ; , H-AJtS' HAMS HAMS ' In unlimited supply, ? BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON B A OON BACON BACON In unlimited supply, LARD LAED LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD In unlimited supply, LOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR supply, In unlimited SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR' In unlimited supply, COF COF COF CO F COF COF COF FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE COF C OF COF In unlimited supply, MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply, SALT SALT SALT SALT SA-LT S ALT SALT SALT SALT SALT In unlimited suddIv. G A ND L E S - ' CANDLES C A N D.L E 8 CAN DLE S CANDLES CANDLES CANDLES CANDLES C A N D L-E S CANDLES In unlimited supply, S T A R C H R O H EO'H R C H R 0 H R C H R 0 H R 0 H R C H R C H S T 8 T S T T T T S S 8 s 8 T T T a In unlimited supply, T E R 8 T E R 8 T E R 8 T E R 8 T E R 8 Y 8 Y 8 Y S O Y 8 0 Y 8 Y S T E R S O Y 8 TE R 8 OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS In unlimited supply, CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKER8 CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS .CRACKERS fORACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS In unlimited supply,) A A A A" A A A A A SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SO D SOD B O. D SOD In unlimited s upply, T 0 B TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB In unlimited supply, A R 8 A R 8 ARB A R S A R 8 ARS A R S ARS ARS ARS In unlimited supply, ACCO ACCO ACCO A C CtO ACCO ACCO ACOO ACCO ACCO ACCO AND FRESH NEWARK CIDER, !in original packages, at the WHOLESALE GROCERY MAYER,' ROSS & JONES 1 -;- ; - i-; if ' - Cornerra4el&CollegeiSts t'.t CH AKL O TT E, N,,:Q ELI: CO; ' foix sAus ob vaurw. GOLD METE PR0PEDTT FOft SALQ. A NEWLY discovered xnlas at gakri yille, N. 0., on the A., T. O. Kalxaa4 13 miles North of Charlotte. Bald miae kaa been explored only. jtS' feet, and many oS miners bare ezajnlned the mine aa4 m and pronounoe kvery fine. Also Pref W Kerr, of RaleigK Dr O L Hunter, of Um colnton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte, bare seen the ndnY and ore and pronouaoe it very fine?. . " With . these recommendation and maar moi e that could be brought up we now effbr this valuable property for sale, inclading between 70 and 80 acres of land in ana. around said mine, of which there are toaat 20 or SO acres of valuable pine timber, aahT mile from a saw-mill. Any one wishing to see specimens of sai mine can do so by calling at our Offioe When, we say specimens, we mean to show you something that is worth looking at. For further information, address H. A. HUNTER, June 17 Huntersville, N.O. LATEST ARRIVAL or NEW 6 0 0 D 8 J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel,Trade St, and is receiving his Spring Stock of Goods for Men's Wear, and will make them up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods baye ever been offered in this market. OfM Shirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash busiaese. J 8 PHILLIPS, may 2 A..T. O.& R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlotte, N. C. June 9, 1877. J ON and after Tuesday, June 12th, the following Schedule will be run over this road: GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville, " Mooresville, " D. College, Arrive Charlotte, 12.45 p. m. 1.50 " 2.23 " 4.15 " GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, 7.00 a. m. " D. College, 8.45 " Mooresville, 9.18 " Arrive Statesville, 10.20 " Close connection made at Statesville with trains over the W. N. C. R. R. Tickets on Sale to Newton, Hickory, Morginton, Marion, Henry's, Asbeville and Warm Spring, for round trip at reduced rates, good to return till November 1st, 1877. All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations" the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless the fame of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J QOBMLEY, junlO Superintendent, Charlotte, Cotatia&AopstaRl GENERAL PASSENGER DEFT. 1 Chaelotti, Columbia. & Augusta, R.R. Columbia, S. C, June 10th, 1877. J On and after Sunday. June 10th. the fol lowing schedule will be operated on this road : MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 1 GOING SOUTH, Leave Charlotte. "J 7.35 p. Arrive at Columbia i f. 12.50 a. m Leave Columbia, - '-.-- 1.00 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, ''.' 4.32 a. m. No. 2 GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta. 8.23 p. m Arrive at Columbia 11.45 p. m. Leave Columbia, 11.55 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 4.20 a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, Daily, Sundays excepted, CHARLOTTE DIVISION. No. 3 Goikg South. Leave Charlotte, 2.00 p. m Leaye Chester, o.4ip.m. Leave Winnsboro, 7.46 p m. Arriye at Columbia, 10.00 p.m. NO. 4 GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia, 8,00 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, 10.59 a. m. Leave Chester, 1.20 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 4.60 p. m AUGUSTA DIVISION. No. 5-GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9.50 a. m. Arrive at Augusta. 5.52 p. m. No. 6 GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, 7.45 a. zn. Arrive at Columbia, 3.57 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2, will stop only at the following named stations : Rock Hill, Chester, Blacks tocks, Winns boro, Killians, Columbia, W. C. & A. R. R. Junction, Leesville, Batesburg, Ridge Springs, Johnston's, Pine House and Gran iteyille. Trains Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6, will stop at all regular stations, and ticket offices will be opened for the accommodation of local travel. A POPE, General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, junel2 rAHHOOD RESTORED. 1 III ' Victims of youthful fenpradenee. wbo I I J I I nave tried In vain every known remedy. I I I I I wUl learn of a simple prescription, KBEL IIII xor -tae apeedy euro of bottom dabuttr, I U J I premature decay, lost manhood, and all BKdisorders brought on by ezoaawa. Any dnigjrtst baa the lnfirfedlenta. -Addreaa DAVIDSON A: CO., hMMa MU V.Tt &Malartaathaart,fcUtaaawiaiiaiaWnSfcaa mdnom to moat awnral ahaaa ajf blak or krwm. daaa awlataia.tha akin. Mt4W aaaily appUaaTltls a ataaiUM awaataia tba akin. aa4ia aaaily appUad. Itia a itiiiirf pnpantion, anda lorita Bixm avarr Vautarooiataa! tat- JjA it .:

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