A Medicine for MiujTIJaeW:' tr a."", 4 .;.'", '" f -if -fe A. medicine which remedie-dyspepsia liver complaint, conut'pation, dehirity, in termittent and mi i ' lent fevers, nrinary and uterine troubles, depurates the blood, (ouq terac's a tendency to rheumatism ahd-uut, and relieve nervousness riiay b truly said to have many uses. Such, an article is Hoe tetter's Bitters, one of the most reliable al teratives of a disorderly to a well ordered state of the system eve te jare 0 soW.Ut has been over a quarter of a century before the pub'.io.,is endorseds by maByv eminent professors of the healing art, and Its merit have received repeated recognitions in the columns of leading American and foreign journals.- It is highly esteemed vhv every part of this country, and ir extensively used in 8outh America, Mexico, the British pos sessions and the West Indies." In IU' in crease in public fayor in the past is to be a ' regarded as a reliable . criterion of its gain in popularity in coming years, it has indeed a splendid future before it. y SPECIAL NOTICES. Murder Will Out. A. few years ago "A uenst flower" was discovered to be a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, a few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and ?uickly they had been cured by its use he great merits of Green's August Flower became heralded- through - the country by one sufferer to another, until, without ad vertising, its sale has become immense. ' Druggists in EVERY TOWN in 'the United 8tates are selling it.1 No "Version' suffering with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Costive ness, palpitation of the Heart; Indigestion, low spirits, etc.. can take three doses with out relief. Go to your Drpggist, T 0 Smith, and get a . bottle, or 75 cents and try it Sample bottles Joents, I . ., , Prompt Relief. . ;. '' J , . ' ' Those, who suffer from N itjbalgia, dcia Trco. or Mobctlab Bhiumatjst, can have prompt and permanent relief, by using Nubalgu Specific, it is an internal reme - dy, and cures these painful affections, by correcting the fluids of the body, a disor dered condition! of . which, produces the disease. Go to your druggist and get a bot le, i will act like Magic. : ' Those suffering from Coughs and Colds, so prevalent now, will find in Mimcatbp Hob it a remedy that will cure without nauseating or deranging the general system. All druggists sell it. A p NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital! weakness or depression i ? a weak xhauste feeling, no energy or courage1 the result .of mental .over-work des ere tlons or -excesses? or some drain" oporf the system, is always cured by HUMPHREYS HON EOPH ATI C SPECIFIC No. 28 It tones up and invigorates the system, dis pels the gloom, and despondency,- imparts trengthand energy, stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire vtncn. Been used 20 years with perfect success by thousands. Sold by dealers. Price $1.00 per single vial. or $5 00 per package of five fiair and $100 vial of powder. Bent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' sHOE OPAT O -MEDICINE COMPANY, $62 BROAD WAY," NEW YORK f 4 mav9 . $1,200 PROFIT OH $100 TIM ADE any day in Puts and Calls. In IfA vest according to your means, $10, $50 or $100, in Stock Privileges, has brought a small fortune to the careful investor. We advise when and 'how to operate safely Book with full, information, tent free. Ad dress orders by mail and telegraph to j w BAXTER CO., Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wall St., N. Y. maylS CROQUET From $1.75 to-$6.00 per Set, J $ , at JlRADCUARTERSi Base Balls and Bats, at HEADQUARTERS. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vi atffiSAtQUlRT$R8j Choice Pickles, Domestic and Imported, , at HEADQUARTERS. Fresh Oranges and Lejions, Ats HEADQUARTERS. Ice Cream, Every Day, - !at HEADQUARTERS. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day, at - s ' i HEADQUARTERS. F. H. ANDREWS, June 22 - . ;Mmk 5,000 Pounds QT. LOUIS WH1TK 1A A P. the very best O ninterial afshort jn-otit; at 4 McA DEN'S DRUG STORE, marl . ANOfflER LOT OF TH J8K 1 Elegant Parasols! Another lot beaatilul FANS, I and a spli ndid assortment of s Cheap ; GrenaflinBS, All new and very cheap, at BARRINGER A TROTTED. jai 2 "Babyland. 99 LARGEST PROFIT YET. Specimen cop ies free. For en Agency send to :" D LOTHROP& CO: ; leh25 A C' TV1 10 Cases DUFPAIX) LITHIA .WATER. , lust ' re- U ceived., We have madrf arrangements to receive these Mineral Waters every weeK fight fresh frorn the Springs, at " 'McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl ' ' ' - . Fine - I ported I FRENCH BRANDTj VBhenPorf a , Whisftey. the best la the world, sold etrictl! for medicine at J , , . , t . v . i MnADTCN'S DRUG STORE. DAILY PRICE CURRENT. RETAIL MARKET. Butter plentiful. Eggs scarce. '1 ' Irish Potatoes (o!d) very scarce: Apples scarce. Oranges small stock. ' Cabbage in good demand for new. Mutton very scarce; good demand. ... Spring chickens . scarce and in good de mand. BtJTTIB " Fresh Country, 18a20 25a30 Goshen 40a50 3 otJLTRT '- Prom wagons. Prom stores. Turkeys. 75o85 90al.25 Geese, ' Ducks, Chickens, Guineas, Kqqb 80a40 20o25 20x25 16al8 12al2 v 45a50 25a30 OOaSO 20o25 14o20 1.50al.60 1.75a2.00 3a5 per Id 6aS : 6al0 . 8al2J 8al2J 10al2i 12al6 15al6 00a08 00a25 ? per lb. Potatoes Sweet, $bushel,100al25 insn, new Cabbage, PKK8H Meats - Beef, ''v-" Veal. ci' r- , Mutton Lamb, 'i- v-$,- Porki v: j& 8au8ageunituffed, 8ausage, stuffed, Tallow Bxmwax Homy i In Comb, 12al5. Strained, 13al5 FRtrrra Oranges, per hundred, 8.50a4.00 ueiuons, ' ; Dried Apples, per lb.. Peanuts, country, Wilmington, Strawberries per quart ; Oocoanuts " pr dozen ! i 2.50 3Ja4 1.0C 2.00 20a25 .08a.l0 .75at00 GROCERIES WHOLESALE." Corn dull and in little demand. Plourdull. Sugar, market excited and higher. Coffee advanced and in good demand. , Salt hot in demand, . r ; Salt meats quiet and lower. - ' Lard, quiet. ; : Bulk Meats per lb Clear Rib Sides, 9?a9 Long Clears, 8ia8 . 8hoUlders, 12ial3 Ukiia " Canvassed, Hi Laks Best refined tierce, 113 " " halfBbls, 12 " Buckets Tins, 12Jal3 Butter Country 10al3 '. " Goshen 29a32 SUGARS Cut loaf 133al4i Granulated and crushed 13Jal4 12ial3i IfExC 12Jal3 If Yellows :' : lljalll MolAsSbb J t. 1 per gal New Orleans, fair to choice, 5Sa70 Golden Drip (syrup) 50a55 ......... .Cuba, . 40al5 BlackStrap, j ; 00a38 CoFiMocca, 40. Java, 27ia29Rio,20a23J TA Black 50a75. Green, 85al.50 Mixed, 50a75 Fish Herrings, per box 20a30 MACKEREL. i; . Bbls (full weight) 9.50al0 50 I bbls " 5.50a6.50 Kits " 1.15al.50 Flour per bbl. Family, 11.50al2.50 Extra. 9.50al0 Super, 8.00a9.00 " Buckwheat, per lb, 4 Riox Choice 8a8 cts, Good to prime 7o8 Mxal per bushel, 89a90 Gxits per bbl 6.60a6.50 Homkky per bbl , 6.00a6.25 Gbajs Corn, by car load, m sacks, 83a85 " bulk, 80 Prom wagons in bulk, 80a85 Whkat From wagons. From Stores Seed wheat, ) White, -none in market. Red. J Oats White., G0a65 Black 60a65 Rtx 80o85 1.00 Pure clay, lOOallO Mixed, 85a95 Hat Unchopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 North Carolina, " " 63a80 Salt- ... per sack t Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 ' Ground Alum 1.15al.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ; 4 . The market is unchanged, but as print clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is not unlikely. Sheeting and Shibtihqs Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7a7i Woodlawn 4-4 7o7i 7-8 6ia6J 3-4 5Jo6 Other brands 7 Brown drills 9al0J Bleached 8all 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbl'd. 3la40 5-4Pillowcasing" " 18a22 PKINT8 Pawnee Wamsutta Freemans Sprague & Kindred brands OtheT god brands) 5a5i 5o5i 6 6iaGJ 6i JKAHS ABU CoTTOHADKfl York Wbittenden Oriental Leinbach & Co Darco : Lincoln Table Kocks 1 "Ermine cloth . Dbkss GoODS-r Carded Alapacas . Plain Lustres ' Lawn's Pacific : Parsee Plaids ! Percalls Pequets I8aH 20a22 14al6 18 14a20 12a24 JSaSJ am I4al8 Ticzinq Palmer Oakland Conestoga WINES ANDXIQUORS. Ample supply, light demand. ( Wholesale Rata.) Bbandt Peach per g&l. . : Apple " 2 75 2 25 25a4 00 65al 75 00a25 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 7 50 2 75 2 75 Whiskt . .-.v Rye " U Corn H l WWfES , Champagne, per basket, 20 Sherry " . gallon, . Port " v',. ,' Maderia "7 , Scuppernong " . . ' Blackberry " Claret " dozzen Ale " " Porter " " ,1100110 Barrels LINSEED OIL, both raw and boiled a I ir ; McADEN'S DRUG 8TORE. .TAT RIGLER'S ONE Ige lQtfOf fina, PickIe jlfon .half gallon-and quart Jajrev Freak; Soda Crackers,. Oranges, Lemons Candies, fej i. Ice Cream of the beet qoality; t 15al5J 14al5 .15 22 12 15al51 22a24 30 F R E I O n T C. C. EJISIPjBlTCII ILiIEIES, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAEOLLNA, Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO nAftwnj!;, or atjejo V 1LLJ, AoMili V ILLE. RUTHERFORDTON. GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC. TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. O. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IlSrSTJJLSrOE JLJSTJD rates GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND tiuvcie as qotoie:. iff INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO WM A MOODY, F W CLARK, - South' Western Freight Agt., Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C, Charlotte, N. C. T T SMITH, 8ept30 ' Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte.' HAPPY RELIEF to Younq Mkw from the effects of Er rors and Abuses in early life. 'Manhood Restored." Im pediments to Marriage re-j moved; new method of treat ment ; new and remarkable remedies ; books and circu lars sent free in sealed enve lopes. Address, Howard Association, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having: a high reputation for honorable conduct, and professional skill. '. . mar!7 ly 2 HIE xn m s o pi 2 O GREAT REDUCTION -IK J HAVE just taken Stcck, snd find I Lave more Goods thn I want to carry, so I will sell one half off at COST to suit the times. I will sell a fine Silver American Watch for $12.00 1 will sell Geld Cl-ains at$1.00 . per dwt. "Watch Glasses fitted at 10c each, and everything else in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF GOODS. WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. AT J. T. BUTLER'S,: CAROLINA J E W ELRY ST O R F, char: ot r f., r. ja21 5 Cases OF Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent article for invalids and those suffering from general debility, at McA.DtN'3 DRUG STORE. marl 20caNuraber$2aYear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the yery best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheaper t. For sn agency, ssnd to D LOTHBOP & CO., feb25 Boston. tUTT'S PILLS A distinguished physician of New York saysj " It is astonishing how universally Dr. Tutt's Pills are used. In my daily rounds, I hear of them not only among the poor, but their virtues are heralded from the mansions of the wealthy and refined. Knowing the inventor from his fong connection with the medical profession, I have great confidence in their merits, ana ot iate nave oiten prescnoeu them with the happiest results in cases where I desired to make a decided impression on the liver." TUTT'S PILLS t, CUBE SICE HEADACHE. TUTFSPILLS craa pyspbpsia. TUTT'S PILLS CXTBJS COKSTTPAHON. TUTFSPILLS Dr.Tutt has Been engaged in the practice ot med icine thirty years, and for a lone time was demonstrator of anatomy m the Medical College of Georgia, hence persons using his Dills have the guarantee that thev are prepared on scientific prin ciples, and are free trom ail quacjtery He has succeed ed in combining in them the hereto fore antagonistic TUTT'S PILLS qualities 01 1 STEKNGTHXN CUIUS FEVEB AITS TTVTB and a TUTT'S VrhM they ire, m ove ai 1 . n u healthy accumula. crraa BXLioxra oouo. 3.7 tions. thev pro TUTT'S PILLS 0Ua J03JOT5T OOJCPLAUTT. TUTrSPH-l-S ir-pvB Towro wvm ; duce no weakness Thev miT be taken at any time without restraint of diet or occupa tion. "A a safe famuy -medicine they hav no Aval TUTT'S PILLS SSMarrarSfraet , NSW: YQR1C ..miliary FOR 23 CENTS, LINES. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES!! MADE WITH THE Latest & most valuable improvements SCALES THE WORLD'S STANDARD EECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS AT World's Fair, London, 1751 World's Fair, N. Y., 1853 World's Fair, Paris- 1867 World's Fair. Vienna, 1873 World'sIFair, Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 ALSO COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, JL HiA AND COFFEECANS, STORE TRUCKS, AC. Agents for Miles' Alarm Money Drawer. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway. N. Y. FAIRBANKS S CO., 166 Baltimore, St., Baltimore. FAIRBANKS & CO., 53 Cump St., New Or FAIRBANKS & CO., 216 Main St., Buffalo, JN. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 338 Broadway, Al bany, jn. x . FAIRBANKS, CO., 403 St., Paul St., Montreal. FAIRBANKS & CO., 34 King William St. .London. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.. Milk St .Boston. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Chicago, Illinois. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cincinnati, Unio. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cleveland, unio. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO , Pittsburgh, Pa. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. Louisville, Ky. FAIRBANKS & CO., St Louis, Mo. FAIRBANKS & HUTHRON, San Fran cisco. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers, feb23 taw d eow w 5ra Ketropolitan Works, Canal Ptieet, 1'rfni Fix'h to gcvcith lircHMONI VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS. BOILERS, CAST INGS of BRASS and IRON, FORGINGS, &c- MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c. We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to ournew styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. A number of second band ENGIJNli.o and BOILERS of yarious patterns, in first-rate order, on hand. Repair work solicited snd promptly done. Wm E TANNER fc CO. may 15 dw ly Watches Jewelry, -VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's. WE HAVE A AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted. jan28 M. Liclitenisfcin, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, rpsnefilfnllv annnnnna' thai he is in complete order oyer F 8CARR & CO'S .' " Corner.Trade nd Tryon. streets, I with all the latest styles of imported Cloths, Cassi meres. Suitings and Vestings. which he guarantees to make up in the moat fashion Kla afxrlaa mnH nrinil tn unit fha Km Cutting and repairing executed in the most artistic style t reasonable rates. ? , -mayl! - " 44 M.UCHTBNSTiy.'J FOR ITIISCELL AN COVS. I THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS IIOMEOPATIIIC SPECIFICS "c" hi jjcucrmuaie tur twenty years. Jbvcrywlicre proved tlie most SAFE, SIMPLE ECONO MICAL, and EFFICIENT mecli- cines known. Ttey are Just what tbe people want, saving ume ana money, averting: sick ness and suffering. Each single specinc me wen tried prescrip ion of an eminent physician. Nos Cures Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 26 2 W orms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fants 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 25 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting,.... 25 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,.. 25 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver tigo 25 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods, 25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods, 25 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 T.4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 5jj 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 25 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Feyer.Aeues, 50 7 Piles, blind or bleeding 50 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes 50 5 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 50 20 Whooping-Cough, violent coughs, 50 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing 50 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 50 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel lings 50 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak ness, 50 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 50 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 50 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel 50 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 1 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker,. 50 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed, 50 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms, 50 32 Disease of Heart, nalnitations. etc. 1 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 50 35 Chronic congestions and Erup tions, o FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and iJoot, 600 U$T These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part 01 the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office & Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing un der the firm name and stvle of Jones & McDowell, as I'ditors, Publishers and Pro prietors of the Charlotte Observer Print ing establishment, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Unas. K. Jones purchases F. B. McDowell's interest in the business of the late firm, together with the books of the concern, assumed all debts due by the late partnership, and will pay all obligations of the late firm on presentation. CHA8 R JONES, F BREVARD McDOWELL. Charlotte, N. C, May :9th, 1877 may20 dw tf New Boots and Magazines. ' Oliver Cioruwell, in half hour series,-20 cts. Garth, by Julian Hawthorne, paper, $1.00. Norstons Rest, by Ann S Stephens, $1 75. Grinder paper?, from N. Y, Weekly, $1.50. Trump Kards, by Josh Billings, 25 cents. Overland Tales, $1.50 Afttr Mar.y Tayp, by ChrUtian Reid, $1.50 After Many Pax, by Clrr is-t'i 11 1 eid, papc, $l.C0. Scripture Club of Valley Test, by author of Helen's Bable, paper, 50 cents. Great Reviyal in the Southern Army during the late war, by W W Bennett, D. D., Chaplain in Confederate Army, cloth, $1.50. Madame Demorests Msgf zine for July, 30c. Frank Leslie's Magszine for July, 35 cents. All the lale papers and magazines. TIDDY & BRO. jun20 ATLANTIC HOTEL BEAUFOHT, N. C. Will be repaired, refitted and open for the reception of gutats July 1st, l77, Charges $2 50 per day. Special rates will be made with parties stopping longer than one week. G KBAGBY, junl4 2w Proprietor. GOOX ADVERTISING! qq OF" k A Worth of space in yarious dpO.vOv.Ttvy newspapers distributed through thirty States, will be sold or $7.00 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. ' A list of the papers, giving; daily and weekly circulation and printed schedule of rates, sent free on application to GEO PRO WELL &CO., Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 41 Park Row, Ne York. ' ; . nov21 - , - . a Remember- 7 DR. MeADEN has removed from the old corner on Try en Street, t tke Parks buildine. a few doors belew.ext to Butler's ind jmst above Elias, . Cohen ArEoesaler's where all are invited to esme to gti goo . prises aths. lowest prices. t. .:.. i'j ;. j - BY J. 1.1 II GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. M R fe J HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAM S HAMS HAMS HAMS In unlimited supply. BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON In unlimited supply, LAED LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD In unlimited supply, FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR In unlimited supply. SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR In unlimited supply, COF COF COF COF COF COF COF COF COF COF In unlimited supply. FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply, ALT ALT A LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT A A A A A 8 A S A In N D L unlimited supply , E 8 , E S 1 E S E 8 E 8 E S E S E 8 E 8 E S unlimited supply, N D N D N D L L L L L L L L L ND N D N D N D N D N D In R C H R C H R C II BCH EC H BCH BCH R C II RCH R C H SIT In unlimited supply, M 0 Y 8 T E R 8 " 0 Y 8 T E R 8 - O Y S T E B8 OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS OYBTERS OYSTERS In unlimited supply, CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKER8 CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKJERS In unlimited supply,? SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD S O jD SO D SOD 8 O D In unlimited supply,! TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB TOB ACCO ACCO AOCO AC GO AOCO ACCO A C C,0 AOCO AGCO AOCO - TOB TOB TOB In unlimited supply A R 8 A R 8 A R 8 ARB A R S A R S A R S A R 8 A R 8 A R S In unlimited supply, I I I I I CI G CI G CIO C I G CI G AND FRESH NEWARK C I D EjR, in original packages, at tbe ; WHOLESALE- GROCERY !TAYER;EOSS& JONES . ... 1 111. FOB SALE OB BENT. GOLD MINE PROPERTY FOR SAUL A NEWLY discovered mine at JX. Tille, N. C, on the An T. fc O. KalaMtd IS miles North of Charlotte. Said mint has been explored only 23 feet, and many oB miners have examined the mine ana ace and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof W Kerr, of Raleigh, Dr O L Hunter, of Lin coln ton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte, hays seen the mine and ore and pronouce it very fine. With these recommendation and maof moi e that could be brought up we now oAr this valuable property for sale, inolmdlmr between 70 and 80 acres of land in ana around said mine, of which there are sou 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, haff mile from a saw-mill. Any one wishing to see specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at oarOCBoe When we say specimens, we mean to show you something that 1b worth looking at. For further information, address H. A. HUNTER, June 17 Huntersville, V.fl. LATEST ARRIVAL OP NEW GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central HotelTrade St and im receivine his Sminer Rtnr.V nf OnnHa for Men's Wear, and will make them up at euurt aouce in me most lasmonabie man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market Oj'derefl Shirts a Specialty. Cnttiner and rfrnnirinc Hnn nrnmntW. All (roods and wnrV mnnh a naict fnr rtn deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash bnshiess. J b ruiHaim, may 2 Established 1812. a ens S7Sri TL TV it rv ini in Vim (ON WHITE SPOOLS,) GEORGE 1 CLARK, Sole Agent. A Complete assortment of this popular brand of Spool Cotton can be had at Wholesale of Messrs Elias, Cohen & Roes- sler and WittknwaW &. Rintela nnd a full assortment at Retail by all the leading uieruuama in Lnarioue. P. 8. L&difiS he snr that, vnn trot iVa 0. N. T. wound on White 8pools. No other is genuine. mar31 3m 10 Cases ROCKBRIDGE JALUM WATER, fresh from the Springs, just received, at McADEN'S DRUG SORE, marl ERIE CITY IRON -WORKS, 7 Charlotte, N. C, April 7th, '77.' J WE hereby notify our many friends and the public generally that the manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands of Capt John Wilkes, of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. JOHN H BLISS, Secretary Erie City Iron Works. Referring to the above notice of change, I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position td meet any and all competition. With my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts' of the Erie Engines which will not Dear freight charges such as Grate Bars, Stacks, Spark Arresters, $c, and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer before. Be sure to give me a call, or write fox cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. 0. apr20 Finloy High School. LENOIR, CALDWELL COUNTY, N. 0 E W FAUCETTE, ' 1 H O EIXON, 1 PrfaciP1" Fall Session will open July 18th, 1877. Board and Tuition for fire months from $76 to $86. ' - . - i - jun23 2 IUhMMalfttttAto HfMMMtlMBMI ftmntiom, and ANHOOD t HE3TOBEB. VktliM of fonthfal laiprvdrao, wba have tried la vain ery -known tened . nuiean ox simple pratonption. ins ai, or the apsoily jbbt o -BerTu dehwir, laivro aeoajr ion naivBova, ih na . tit. OAYIDSO isuxi tc vv. bo nassaa ui uj F'lwnw i uu ii whi I, Kf rite? i BIM marl- --' v . junl n c tv ;aJ V5 rfwt .