'I mr t -. fr -r-r n-. ;i L J u b j- The following are tiae Schedoles now ob" . served, on the various Railroads running i : ; TICAINS ANI MAIL. .1 - - j V , '-j am j j 1 .. - trains,. r. - OTTrtTT A TT A TIT A flffi A 11 in- Tinn hn nnnirmn W ll. n mi ti' t ii . f ii - m m m 1 1 m .;- - - m m m m mm- ; luui uiq cuy t'!1 .: i 4:tA :'' i i i MS- mm nsiJ ,LI .anil 5 i in i Iins 05.J ' BICHMOHD A BAKVILUt KA1U0AT- DAILT. n.uxt - Mail leaves, ..mv..ww.i..i 4 47 a. m. arrives , 7 i!8 p. ra. ,f IK-al ssengerjleavrs,,..,. p..jn, , , arrives, 1 15 p. m - " , 1 'P. Ffeigbi, amveBv.....Jr f p. m A'S .: ' ' " leaves,......" ' ' "p."m . ATLANTA. A CaiBLTTtC AIB-LINl DAILY. V Mail arrives,.....;...... ........ l......r 4 42 a m. , .... ... . Invest w ,vf.v-.--... 7 140 p. rij, CHAELOTTE, COLUMBIA m APQTJSTA. . ;t Mail arriyes,......1,.,.,...i.-M4'20 a. m. " ; leaves,..........;......... 7 28 p m. I rccomm'n and Freight arrives f - , - daily except Sundays... '.1.4 50 p?in. ccom'n and Freight leaves.r.L,..2, 00 p. m, oaboiiha ckntbal Eastern Division.' "' MaiLleaveiiaiyseice8un. .;. , . r,s oays,........,,,.... ... ...i..6 20 p.m. Mail arrives dp.,w......w. je a.; m, . OABOLiHA CBtrrBAiA-Western Diyision. Mail arrires do. 30 p. m. j Mail leaves7-o...w;..w7iia a. m . leaves,....,.,,. .. M.7 00 a.m. PpST OFFICES OIRkCTORY. ForthebenorlncuWB bHB llO directory of the Post Oflfon of t.hi nit i uiib city is ) ilma omJ KichmQpa pet flayj . i .irat, ................. .,M........clo8es... 5 00 p m " ........ ............. opens...2 '00 p m Becond,... ?M.nM...uclosee...9 00 pm ' ....... .....opens...8 30 pm QAIr-Xine. i.....2...ricloses..3 1)0 rfrif Charlotte and Angu8ta,r.....clo8es.'.:6 30 pm " ' ..opens...8 00 am Wilfxni ind Charlotte. ..closest 00 In Charlotte and Shelby- ...... cloees.6 00 a m " - ..................opns,.,6,30 p m Statesyilleand Charlotte....closes. 00 ar m .......... .opens...4 30, pm , - JB2B- Bntone Mail per day East of Greens-j t Doro,: to tcaieigh and other points wmcn closes at 5 p. m. ' J " - Bat one local Mail per day from Charlotte to Bachmofidi Vwmpbj .closes at 9 p. m. . " 1 . , i. Cffica, hours foxy delivering Mails, ' ficom 8 am.y'to 7 a.; and fromr8:80 to 9 . p.m. , 1 ' ( wj' Money Orders issued and paid, and letters Begistered from 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. - p&T", Office opened 6a Btmdays from 8 to i 10 a, m. ' ' " W W JENKINS, J s ; T;T Poet Master. Meeting of the Citizens of Greens A large and enihnsikstic meeting of the citizens of Greensboro and vicinity, waa.held irutlie court-house at2clock p.- m.,'on June the SOth. t gn": ,Mr.JGXatea Iwasl called ittf Ibe chair, and Jas. W. Albright was re- ined the ff s insr, which were 'unanimonsly adopted: i; nilKm.lix Jr. vUaidweloexpIa 3 ' nftrno.t'nf th ttiefttino'? f i Whereas, The generalgoyernment; ,duriBg the administration f President "iw.: Monroe, being : impressed -with the great importance of a national mac cadamised turnpike road between the Federal capital and the chief commer cial emporium - of : the 1 South, for the moret speedy transportation of , the ' i mails soldiers and munitions -of war, , ? fvOf dered a survey of the said, read, via -- Fredericksburg and Richmond, in Vir jrgihia,! -Miltorv Greensboro, Salisbury T and .Charlotte, . in.Noxth. Carolina, . and :. Miliedgeville, (Ureorgia, and on, to riew vOrleansf1:?- "-.W"- And Whereas, Whe&ifiM building of ; th e said road was abandoned . on jac- "j count .of political, opposition; ' adver- - tlaement was thereafter'made to let the transportation.. ofthe mails-overthe said Ttiedmont route to the lowest bid s ' der, ahd Peele, Wtford& CoJ, i)f Fred ericksburg, Virgmia, became, the con tracters to carry the same tri-weeklyin four horse post coaches, which was af terwards changed to a daily line, and long continued to be-the mail linejbe tweenlWasMngionCityJand? New Or leans ; and is to-day tne most direct ; Tj apdx8horesKline,; by, -one, j hundred i ; miles, between .theserpomts U LSI 1 And' Wnereh$t Upon the establish mftnt of railroad facilitiea aloncr-the coaafr C North. aniU Siitith, cCarblina J this old original line was abandoned as ? An 'Whereof, .After1 -lorjyears of unuriug eiiOTb auu a iarg wpeuunuie of monev. the Deonle alone: the oriffi- Ciial fojife -knon As "the "piedmont J lme'WhavelKceedd, in building a continuous and unDroKen iine oi raii- i dee 'excTEiens andhigh ernlank; Snents. aidifanaingilirdugb bean til fuL fertile, sa.lulbacionscoun-r-exempt JLnd Whereas, ,Of JJhe vast amounts of jnoneyjind.'publielands, whichhaye heretofore been appropriated and do natedAby ?the generall 'government 4 for the building up of various portions of tbe ccrtrnttythepf ple-alig,this yiedrbontnhaveverreceif ed the direct benefit of one dollar notwith- f rta&iflr they are paying fannuatlya ?f larger amount fof nublio-revenue than : any i outer feuum j u . .Vv eaua) extent, therefore be SM 1 - Jeaotoed,.Xtiax it wouia oe economy in ithe genera overnmenViand ;ihe 4 public . goodk 'promoted" for lh6 pied mont route to.be, fixed on as -the main line ior tne greattxionnerM aiiooum errf ntalls from Washington City to the South: ' 'U... Resolved. That as we consider this . a ..matter of vital interest to -our Ipeople, iwelwar cordially rfco-operate iwith all' who-are Interestedn securing this end. and will send delegates 1q any genera neeting?whc"maIbe . called for tfiis purpose. ; - Resolved, That our .Senators in fVmorrABR be Teouested.and our Repre- power M eeuure , auu iiiw -"-- the object TOptempUted, r thabove rpanlntio ns, ana HBO earneeuy aesirea ... - . 3 r 1 by- their constituents residing along f ( I this c?e9trarthorogniarepeirfe0.uiB i J v I North Ind the South, fct A I f Colonel E. P. Jones moved that the chair appoint delegatesito attend the general meeting or convention, r i o i whenever, dri wherever beld J. ' 1 r J' - rj)f; d. W. "CBenfeow" moved thit I ' the secretary furnish the pi ly ..prps? " with the procetdrApdr V3?1' bc?r' publication.! ? f f J ! Dr. E. Wt"ShaW moved that the Charlotte Obsekvee, Iteidaville Times, T and all othe; papers .frlendlyto this k route; Kberequested to coy Jthe proceedings. C. G. YATES, Chairman. - Ja. W AlbrighT Secrelary r , Troth Is Greater than fiction . You are sallow, sick and peevish ; your an pay cuiiiB uiu Powder. k Price t&ients. j . liver necas reetnauog :y tr 1 I ever often yoqr liveri is torpid. Vfpn 1 "l 1 I won't be cured until you Use Tablets Lifer n : i -The question no longer agjtatei the pub ; lie mind, whether Coussens'Liehtnlng Liniment is better than all othef Lhiimentsr We think it is the best Liniment fir rheu - matism neuralgia sprains,? bruises, tetter jr r Miff joints, pains in jjreast, . siae ana dbck. all Nothing is superior to iti for - horses cattle V-and hoHa.'removes 'Warta1 knots, aplinfc and " ' cures distember and epizootic. , Price 50 DAILY PHiri?. rnmVNT . . -,. w mm a , , .... KBIAIL MAKKET. , Batter plentiful.- , T .- Eggs -scarce: -JtI' "" ?ix'i f ira , Irish Potatoes (o d) very scarce: App'esscarce -uro ounl o Oranges small stock. - " M Cabbage -iar good: demand fof . .JwiJ Matton very scarce; good demand. ; i , Spring chiqkeas ; searce. and- i in good de mand. ;i : Buttkk w i-i!n-i,-'-rrfi eiiii aLj- t - - - - Fresh Country, 18a20 2Sa30 vwauai fiuoi air on s. jf-rnmHcnrAA. Tkeys. . 75o85 t 90alJJ5 ' 30a40' " -"45050 Docks, 20o25 Chickens, ,200251 25a30 OOaSO 20ai25 Guineas, 16Jal8T Eoos r fOtATO Sweet, busheU00aJL25J.50ol.60 Veal. 6al0 'Uuttop.T 1 .3? Fork, Sausage, umtuffed, -c8ausaee. stuffed. 10a12J 12401 15al6f MAXiIjOW 8 T II il S ib,12ol5. "Strained, 13ali 00a08 Q0a25 BXX8VXX Hoirrr in UOmb. 12al5. Rt.rain1 ISIK Fbuits Oranges, per hundred, 50o4.00 feanuts, country, i.oc t dJ llStraw berries per quart 20a25 vwujuuu .uoa.10 r mL ,iisnr j. .76al .00 a jf, 1. j yTTr ti? it x B mm ' QEOCERIES "WHOLESALE. Ot JH.O MI Oil uorn anil ana in nttie demand.-. Floor doll. rritfrtp 8ngar. market excited and'hieheK' ' 1 -4 fCoffee advanced and to,god; defnaBd. JMBaltE notla demand, Ukli.i L r-j 119 BmI 2 A, X 1 Lard,qaiet.' M'VHUUl ?0ni ntTTV nr. . I Clear BaVffideSr)) Hj; ygfafi ix)nguiears4 Sio81 Best refined tierce, 111 " halfBbls, 12 "-Bucketa A Tins. 12ial3 Rrrnrpvu j VwCotmtry; InQl0alS Goshen lfir2a?2 SUGAES 0V) : d crashed 13jal4i 13Jal4 12Jal3i 12ial3 Uialli I ft Granolatdd fill 0fllli xeiiuwa MOUSSES per gal , New Orleans, fair to choice. 58a70 ,j ,Golden'Drip (ayrap; u'!-B0aSS Cuba "' ' 40o45 BlackStrap, s; 00o38 CoFFHMocca, 40, Jaya, 27ia29Bio,20o23 Txa v.. Black 50a75 Green, 85ol0 Mixed, Fish ; . :4 ; :T ? Herrings, per box . . MACE1EBEL. , , - i , - - Bbls (foU weighty ! ' I bbls : T Kits : ; " ' , FxotrB-r-f .:Au i Li. :'i ; 7 Family. , r s . i " ;i Extra,' ; 1 , 50a75 tF-7 '20090 ' ' J 9.50al6.5d 5.50a6.50 ',. 1.15al0 l ' per bbl. '11.5Oal2.50 ' XSI 9.50010 -.,.-.,-r Super.' , , . . Dutiwueai, i per id, 4 BJDCB4-Choice Ba8 cts, . Good to prime , 7a8 MxAiv per bushel,-s , i . . S9o90 GarnH-perbbl . ..''.:,V 6.60a6.50 Homwit perbbl" 6.00a6.25 Comf by car load, is sacks, ; 83a85 . . i .x" " bolkr .80 From wagons in bulk, 80o85 Whxat From wagons. ; From Stores Seed wheat,") ' White, none in market. OJ, tjJ ! -'- 60065 Black j 60a65 r 80o85 . r.,L , ,1.00 nfPoreclay, lOOallO v Mixed, : :! 85a95 Sat Unchopped Timothy, per cwt-,i- 1.20 LOCirNort" Carolina, j" " 65a80 Bau per sack Liverpool, fine table: ; U 25o2JtO DOMESTIC DEY GOODS. . , Thefxnarket is. unclaaged, bat as print ciotneraave aavancea, an early aavaoce in printe is . nQt,unlikely,,2 " j J- . Bdcfti6hm 4-4 Standard m 7a71 ; Woodlawn 4-4 -;1J Ui c'7o7i . 1 f i 7-8 6ia6i AWtllV .v.. .s . . Willie jsieacnea i . saii a ii 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbrd.' 3lo40 5-4 Pillow casing ' ? ; ; I8o22 Prtttts Wamsutta Freemans f 1 Spragna & Kindred brands ! 6ia6J 61 h V utnex good pran JiAirs OotovAntsr- U York? :n fl -e Whittenderf B 15al5i 14al5 ii v 15 . , , QrienjtaL ... . . , i tf,,':Leinbach fe Co 1 . Darco j -f- Lincoln I - I jTable Kocks . Ermine cloth -Dbkss Goods Carded AlapacasJ Plain Lustres C r' i Lawn's Pacifif ; f V Peqnets . TlCKINO v ' u 22 v'i15alSi 22a24 30 18a21 -,-yx 20a22 14al6 18 14a20 12a24 8a3J rim 14al8 X 1UU1U ; Oakland I Conestoga f s Ample supply, light demand. BAABTOY f ,;l:iVTrf L - Peach per gal. - Rye v J2-75 7f .S,2i25 25a4 00 , , Com WlKS 65ol 75 OhampagneLper basket, 20 00a25 00 k r SKerrf ! n gallon, ' 2 50 r f H Pirt . ! 2 50 Maderia ; "i.'t . " 2 60 ScuDDernonfir -' -.1 w 1-50 A Blackberry 150 7 50 Claret Ale -i Porter " dozzen . 2 75 2 75 10 Barrels T -INS BED OIL, "both raw and boiled a LO JWJtfcADEN'S DRUGSTORE. RIGLER'S HNEXarge lot of finaPickles ta piUoju V, naif gallon ana quarts. ; nom uw Crackers, Oranges, Lemons, Candies, c. Ice Cream of the best quality. vLR - 4) M BJGLEB junI5 ' ' x, r SS w Turnip fSeedFlat X. RutBaga, White Glote r""t , pjfumpb-B.tteiiuou.ij irosiage oniy; i u cents per 5aB0SS.Mason Improved ir-7 'T'aa T 8 a A JI T mUtdv d:ut is li' i i .. : ;. , . . , ENGLISH Breakfast Packet Tea Company's Tea, f Sold oriiy bvrdrueffists. Price gl.00 per poniEid ItflsV i sJt atidf W 1)T pLLllR'SrBaker, an Hzard!& GasweHV ;Cbd! liver IYIkOU, and WaboG6d?LxyeOiI;and IirnUf u i "UTXTT rrrrr HAZZABD & CAjSWELt'SixiriroxiQa nine. Has no'-ejtmaPasaliW ' Tonic A lceealnely egeficiaIIiflS"euralgi;; : 'A freslV stipply, fust received. .A.fnlTT i ' tor id? EHISFilTCEI VIA WILMINGTONj Through freight Route to all Points South; This UneJbekig fuUy eqtupped for busine,' offers uneqiialed facilities f for tke ii ill. I a J i X. iik laSraoiBportation of Freight from ; "',' ' pIxMmGT0jriiAOTv ALL NOETHEEN AND" EASTEEN I CITIES TO 1 a i GBElyttLXiE, BPAETANBUEG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATEANTA &t EICHMOND AIE-LINE, ATLANTIC, ... . . Yf j 1 1 n vCENHESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. . . 1 EAILEOADS, as well as all points in " " nfr .ij, if f)fl GEOBGIA, ALABAMA and c 1 vx MISSISSIPPL !ro(1 : - 'i. lor:,:,.; XISrStXRjeLlTOE JCsTlD RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND Hi : 'iv iwH-v . - - ' uUl t.l t ; . J U If H ; i ! 7 TIIMIIE AS QTJIOK. INFOEMATION FDENISHED :'"?WM A MOODY, J South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte; N. C. , . ; ' sept30 ; GREAT REDUCTION IN J HAVE j ast taken Stock, and find I have more Goods than I want to carry, eo I will sell one half off at COST to suit the times. I will iel a fine Silver American Watch for $12.00. I will sell Gold Chains at$1.00.rper d"wt.: WatchrGlasBes fitted at 10c5 tech arid .I, .-via, '"i .! r 'ij. .L..ix: . y -k.-). T wsJf j : 'T "' ' ' everything else in proportiob; ! .i; .o--y ; . : .; ' ' .. - - ' : f ! "" '' ' ' , . , WEIGHT , AKD. QUALITY 1 OF GOODP3 ; WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, . , AT'' "2 -; 1 J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA ' JEWELEY STORE, CHARLOTTE, N.! C. rs-.w r-fse ja21' : t i iiO': .. I j. i 50 Cases !.? 5'f '-J'-i ' TTOSTETTER'S BITTERS'. 25 cases.Yine- JJ. gar Bitters, 5 gross ' 8immons' Liver Regular, 5 gross Merrill's tiepatme, at .I&TiliMcADEN'S DRUG STORE.) total l S A ia- fc"3 A tfisfingaished physician of New York says: i srs H l is astdni8hine how universally Dr. Tutt's Pills are-nsed. In my daily rounds, I hear of them not only HTBong the poor, but their virtnejira heralded - irom the mansions 01 me weaiury ana rennea l lo 1 in their in eritSy brescribi thern- withj 4h -happiest rl in: cases wherf I desired to make a decided impression on the liver.' ., .rr,; ....... : . .. ...j L VIIVA nil I A Pr.TntthasTeen engaged nr the Dtactice of med CXTEB BICK E2ADACHB. : icine thirty years, ana ior aiong ume was demonstrator TUTT'S PILLS rJ ,m CUM IXVTSHBPaiUU of anatomy in the Medical Colleee of Georgia, hence persons using hii pills . nave ,the TUTT'S "Hi are brenared vctr&x comsTipAffioM'.'i. TUTT'SPILLS TUTrspiits oa scientific win. ciples, and are free trom ail qnacKcry ; He has succeed ed in combining in them ' the 1 hereto fare i antagonistic a x nun u-rusj -IKQ. PTJBOA. TXVBsad aSTTSI- TUTrS PILLS srrsa toitic. Wfhile they re. move all "noi' healthy accumula. t cubs sniona goiao. i tions, .they-pro-' tutt?spills fUTTMtLS dnce no weaaness Thev?mav be taken at anytime, without restraint , of diet or occtfpa.i tion. -. As a safe; family medicine they have no rival UVJEJt. prick tlcrrs? oma 9 " TUTF4SP1LLS SS arraySV.jei NEW YOKK., TU PILLS PILLS Dutch.iKed-Top Goldea 'Ball, and White ? Norfolk, : 1 Orders, by WILSON Sr. mn?.WETT, Fruit Jars, Tbbeold "low for WITJSON fe BURWFXTi rr- ' TOTT CAM ft TDTTTSTTTTr'Tl T. , NOHTH OABDLITfA. UPON APPLICATION TO ; F W CLAEK, General Freight Ag't, WDinington, N. C T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Eailway, Charlotte. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES ! ! HADE WITH TEK ,! Latest & most valuable improvements S C A L ES THE WORLD'S STANDARD ' RECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS AT ' ' '' - !"''' ''': u-.it'. nuiss. World'Fair,' London, 175 1 World's Fair. N. - 1853 1867 World's Fair,. Paris World's, Fair, Vienna 1 873 World's Fair, San taga, , Chill, :, .,cni' i - 1876 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 ALBO COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. ' " TEA AND COFFEECANS, u Oi!K S:f -Iti. 01.VJUH AX&UUxVP;,au. Agents for Miles' Alarm Money Drawer. -FAIRBANKS & CO 311 Broadway, N. Y FAIRBANKS A! CO., 166 Baltimore, St., Baltimore.- ' . t '. FAIRBANKS & CO.,,53 Camp 8t,,Kew Or- ' jeans. FAIRBANKS & CO., 216 Main St, Buffalo, VT V j, . ' . V- I ' FAlRBl NKfiP '& 'COl, 1 338 BrOadwkyV Al- in.bany'NY.--- ? A ' - FAIRBANKS & CO., 403 Stn. Paul ! St;, " Montreal. FAIRBANKS & CO., 84 King William St. r London.' ,,. '.-i-.v: t Fairbanks, brown & co Aik st Boston. j--y a .t,-t FAIRBANKS & EWING,? Maeonlc Hall, Philadelphia. . , . .. ... ,r ..t.T FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Chicago, HiLUinOlS. . . ' ' - tuiv.. FAIRBANKS. MORSE A Oft, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' - v : ( FAIRBANKSv MORSE COm Cleveland FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.r Pittsburgh FAIRBANKS,' JiIORSE CO., LouisyUle, FAlRBANKlS ' mTWTConia'ltfbi1 i5.aiikD.aa &.i(sr MlUTllittUN, San Fran- x or Biue oy leaaing tiaraware Dealers, M6: in 1(17 S V'J DT-i'YI B Xfi-j Miff.- ' fIJ I "."u" - A JSEW STOCK ,05 i v .iKTiittiiis: "Yarns; fitJ Just received at'- ur' 1 1 ;,i -C" BAREINQEE :& -TROTTl'SL jsne aa.it'; ii - r.f ?:jk,1 ( . jSt'Babyiafid." . T ARC EST PROFIT YET; :: Specimen'cop- j-t lea iree. or an Agency aena to -D LOTHROP ft CO. fcb25 in inn 1111 II Ha ereiaJMr'iJ-Beaiiii e-a ii.--4 3Uj iui jgroji a; -t IBnatoti. i.,J MlSCELULJYEOUfc. THE MILD POWER' jctlilHMCIRHnEYS .noMEoPATnic " , SPECIFICS h"- Dccn in genera, nse for twenty years igverywuere proves tne; most - SAFE, SIM PUS . ECOJI MICAL. and EFFICIENT tneli- ei nes known. Tney. are J ast what tne 4 people want, savins ttme and money averting sick ness and, enlTerins:. Eacn sinele specific the "well trlea prescrip ion of att eminent.ntay!sician ; ; Hrti9X cfa avctew " J' Oenbl IFevsra, Congestion! Inflammation, 25 !T Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic, 25 )S Crying CoHoor Teething of In- 25 4 marrmaa. or unuaren or Annua. i. za r 5 l)ysentery1Grlpingi Billions Colic, , 25 7 Coneha. Colds. lnchitis.U4il.,-r, - 25 ' 8 Neiiralgia, TcK)thaChe,rT,ftceache,v, , , 251 9 Headaches, bick Headache; Ver2d H . , tlg0M..M.............Ui.li29i;i JO 10 Dyspepsia,, Billions Stomacb,muM. r, 25 It: Suppressed, of Pamftu" Periods,.- '25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods,;.. ; 25 J.3 Cronp. Cough, Difficult Breathing, c , 25 14 Salt Rheam; Erysipelas; Eruptions,.' 5s 15 Rheumatism; Jiheumatic Pains,. 25 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Fever .Aties, , a 50 7 Piles, blind or bleeding........ 50 18:0phthalmy,' and Sore or Weak ,. Jfiyes......,, 50 S 'Catarrh; acute of chronic. Influenra ,50 20 Whooping-OoHgb, violent coughs, UI 50 21 Asthma, oppressed-Breathing,...... s i AO 22 Ear Discharges impaired hearing, 0 23 Scrofula, enlarged" glands; wel- ' ) ;, llTlgS, imoZZmm m fmmmJ $0 24 General Peb,; PbMcaltW!il J 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, Uiiii L 1 : 50 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding,-. i, 50 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel,. . 50 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak- " : , ness or involuntary dischargee, 1 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker,-................. 50 Unnary Weakness, wetting the . : bed,.:.;...... - 50 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms....... 50 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc. 1 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, 8 1. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, . 50 35 Chronic congestions and Erap-' - tions, b FAMILY CASES. : Case (Morocco) with above 35 large , vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and .book, 600 K3T These remedies are sent by the case or single, box to any part - of ! the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address - - HUMPHREYS' 1 Homeopathic medicine Co. Office A Depot, No 562 Broadway N. Y. For Sale byall Drnfists, T V SMlITn A CO Agents, - 1 1 i i i i i i f Y 1 i i i i i'i"i ii fi'i -n , i 1 1 1 1. . ' 'i 1 5 ESTABLISHED Practice limited to private and confidentia disease,, j . :to all men A SPEEDYCURE. Dr CLEQO may be consulted dally either personally or by letter, upon all the dis eases of 4he generative organs,' which tend to embitter life and shorten its duration, SUCH A& BLOOD TAINTS,'&C, also Ner vous Debility, causing indigestion, Pains in the back and loins. Neuralgia, .Fainting Fits. Nervousness. Defective Memory. Weak ness; Pimples on the Pace arid Body, Aver sion to Society 'Confusion of Ideas,- Obn rimptioni Nervous Headache, Rheumatism, jfaipitation ol tne laearr, xsrooaing or jueian cholyf Dixnaesa-pf Sight, AeL, brdnght on by Youthful Indiscretion; totally unfitting the. victim; for. either iaaraage orbusiness, -' Now ready! vfc pamphlet 04 : Nervous De bility and all Disease of private nature free by post for two three cent stamps. , Patienta boarded at nthen Hospital if re quired. . - Ni; l-iV'insI' UJfJIlUJfi, 7 b, IJiiKUJCUHJK ST., .. - -- Baltimore,. i All litcm . directed '..in . Tt deete. Lock Hospital, . ; Baltimore, . -, M Will receive prompt sttentidh.' ' "u,1 Uu-;?. ?. ;.nov22 ixtjix oiii Ja !'.;-..." , . - -4 Christianity and Islam, Stephens," do,' f 1.25 MacDtuTs Family Prayers :-'!l3l3$ Thro' Persia by Caravan, A . Arnold LSD Pine'NeedlestvJ''' .' .' : '.' ; .;iiiiAm k ' B author of Wide, Wide World. '! . JJ50 Moody and Saakey,1 ' vi .! . Oii , f. Authentic account of lives o 1-00 Moody's Talks on Tenjperancs, paper. 50 Moore'sao.OOO Industrial Pacls, clof3 2.25 Hand-bookjOf, Popular Quotation s, ,L50 Upton s ipiantry xactics, ; n Oliyer Cromwell, ByKnatcbbull eu, M. P, in( Harper'Half-hburSeries, ; psper,25 SmSUi's Dietionary of Domestic Med-j S' ' c lclnedthRR ' ' - f wd i' 3.00 Harry; a poem: cloth,'?- s;?m!fe f-i "iu 1030 ScribnerVog Bookr'ne.w supply boards, 30 That Lass o' Lowrie, cIoVj, di LfuL5t The.GreatMatch, cloth... .r fA. OneBupimerrclotn,, , , . -1.25, Hodsieif Mlc3,iclo;to8a!:iJ:ii: "f The American Senatorf 1U " , : -m' ' vxy Aninony Arouope, paperj - - ra ow A Rsssian BuHetj Chimney Corner'. " .AJferies, baperjaa ;o ' .siiM ioi Jr&I ' 80 Dot .and JHm twoacharactersin-s ji'l pJBbpnyppkper,0 artiaA 60 Ro?16 wl iltidteU. i 50 Miss Nances. Pilgrimage, paper, 50 Harvest'of feoip'aper.J !. 1.00 - ' .'a i .r-r tT '. 1 - ' r Txfvll 2:3 tscj iune27 CLEVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS: i tf ormeriy jnfusonrstjQojat- u.'d .21 NEARISHELBY, Ni .OrlWah WILL bftjopeneonlthAlStb-MayIIas-: sengers comiriK on the 0. C B. R. will be met at the station- one mile 'rrhto the Springs; j Conveyances sent to the Air iiae R.R., or other pomte . desired.. Cold, and Warm BatbS,' White Sulphur, ed Sulphur anai linaiy beat w aters. ' Xiao a- or -music and other sources of amusement. .r ; t ' Rates ' of Board : Bingle day,' $i ; single week, $12 50; four weeks, $35.' Children nn der 10 years and colored iservsnB half price, Hpeciai rates ior lamiiies ana visitors ior ine season "PoVbet lnformaUoh,itapply'tB i jjkkvjlku, Resident Jfnyap ! LJ Boohs apr27 GROGERIES WHOLESALE- .lilt- TT A M fit; - .... . . ' . ham B'?: ni -Mil "rj 5f-f:,v: H A US. .vjfl JJ e! H AMS v .v.", -JI .s h ams ;::ri r H:A MSW t'Vvds cuT bu -: n't as In nnlixnitedl lap; AGO N IB A CON BACON Jbaoon 3 A 0.0 N BACON BA OON uV ;-;-.-....;. i'.'. l- i ! VI' to VLT-' : lm:.;ro3 .... , BACON n-' In unlimited supply, La St) , . i LAiED: ' ;f liA B D - j - . i LABD (: . . . : LARD LARD ' ' ' -L ARD ' LARD i i LARD I In unlimitedrsuorjlv. ; 1 lu ;-.,, su.-vi.-y.;u -'-ui I FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR 1: ! '.! ' TP T. fV TT T? ,i .: . LiLPL.OUE ; ..; ....,--..! FLOUR r FLOUR In Unlimited supply," . - ao SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR . ... SUGAR v SUGTAR SUGAR ' . " ' ' " SUGAR. . SUGAR SUG A R " i ' . SUGAR !.'-' In unlimited supply, ' ' , ;. COFFEE " ,, ' . ..COFFEE ! r OOiFF EE ' r - - !30FFEE : '.COFFEE . :v::.:iCOFFEE T COFFEE 1 COFFEE : COFFEE ; COFFE E In unlimited eupply, MOLASSES . . MOLASSES , j MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES , MOLASSES r i ; : ; ' MOLASSES " MOLASSES , . n MOLASSES - , .. j , In unlimited supply, . . SALT ':- SALT - - - ' SALT SALT SALT ! .SALT 'SALT i : SALT SALT ' In unlimited supply. 0 A NjD L E S t CANDLES CANDLES C A NTJ'L E 8 0 ASLRS l CANDLES ; ' C A N D L E 8 auuu 4- OA N DLE8 CANDLES In unlimited supply, Jj ju 8 T ARCH , r..' .ns!T,AlRP-H .-,-viT L.:8 ;T A R O'H ) rn.,w.SjTAlIUOjH - ,f Jo. j-f i: .j u-i t?o Mis' .1 rT O A A.A.U XX BTAICH ii! .8 T AK 0 8IABOH ST ARCH In! unlimited supply, IT ,3 DiY BT E RS A i.iiV f .OC" ' 0 YSTERS , O.Y S T ESS ri.;. " lul t) T 8 T E R 8 , O Y 8TE.R8 : OYSTERS O YfT E E 8 O YflsT ERfl v, O Y 8 TEE 8 in unlimited uppljWj v.nfc A0XER8 ;,).-??jr.vilCBAtrKE.R8 , ... CB ACKERS SU-A - CRACKERS i fivnr vtn 'io i .1' OR ACKERS . , n xt a n ir U! tj n Mil IIUIIUILLKU nil DIM 1 . 8 QUA SODA i! -..ij.'v.- : 8 O.D A, , SO'D'A3:'1'' 8-XiHiAs0Y';Tvl -v t . i r 1 nil t m. i . , . ;1 Odi O V V A . . , 8 O-p Af inio'' niiJ D V u A ; . j., . I 1 In unlimited upTdy. !.-.-.- TOBACCO if . - r ..r . . r . r iAJI-rjA &4udDTA0OO 1 .1 jjrnbt LialT iaui Laix nninno Lil 'abiltf unlimited inply, CIGARS ,.. -iif T n . x t m . f 4 r 2 r r r. - ji u : F T T fl' L T CJ HOi'JiUiW 1 i " ji'vp-iiA U X VT A AS D 1 " i "Jt'J i- &slj In innliirfited rpply, ,-nyrr Aim FRESM 'iEVARfe I CIDER. jani in oneinax pftCKages; t ue . . 1 LfJWHQIiESAjAi; I, H 1 Cornier re'ACliegesls 'J I CHAKLOTTE,.N. O. r FOI1 saus oil BCNT. OLD-MINE 4 rrt 'i FOR SAL! J'AICWEYdlscoverea mine at Hants! 1 JXirmtN. C on th.e A T. A O. Satuw lSmtyes North of Charlotte. Bald mime at been eJcplorpd only 23 feet, and many ol miners' hate fsxanilneo the mine and and pronounce i&yery; final Also Prof Wf , Kerr, of Kaleieh, Dr OUL Hunter, of LU coin ton and lf HannaL of Charlotte, kat seen the mme .andj tne iad pronounce j ith these recommendation and man niej thaC could be brought Up we now ofl this .valuable property r for sale, inoltdin between'70 and 0 acres of land in aw arennd saMminei of which there are aom 20 or 3a acres of Valuable pine timber, halfl inlle from4 saw-nxm? : Anr one wishintfto See- tnecimeni of aal- min.e. can do so byj calling at ourOmee-j wnen we say speouierisjwe mean to sboi yon sometmne that is worth looking at. JTOr further information, address -Z, i ,. ....l.i,,.H..A HTJNTXS, ;Junel7ffT Huntersville, K.C A..T. O.& R. R. A'- ' bUritRilNDENxS OFFICE. rn...iu. XT n r n im ) t AN and after Tuesday, June 12th, the KJ followinK Schedule will be run over thlr GOINQ SOUTH. i Leave Statesvllle,' - , , 12.45 p. m. 1.50 x" 23 1 4.15 " I '. . i. i-,'Mooresville, " D. Colleeeii-! n $ t)j T Arrive Charlotte, I IS 4ijKii 7.00 a. m! 8.45 ,. (. 0.18 , f in on i. LeaveOxarlotte,n1i..) " D.CtoUeeeV - Arrive Statesville Close connection made atT3tatesville with 1 AVV trains over the Wi N. C Ri R. 4 Tickets on Sale to Newton. Hickory, Morgmtoh, JfarionrHexiry's, Asheville and warm spring, or ronnd .trip at reducea rates, good , to return till November 1st,! 1877. ii'.yJ .Ua&MWt , j All charees must be nre naid on Freight Offered for shipment to Section House. Hen derson's,. , Alexandrian! and Caldwell's. These being t'JFlag Stations,' theCompanyL is Hot liable for loss,' or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above4 nsmed "Flag Stations. ' ! No. lteight w.111 be: reoeived by Agents for ; shipment unless the name of consignee and -destination is distinctly marked thereonr ' ! , r J X OOSMLxf Y, junior" ' Buperintendent, Cfiarlott- Colsnbia & AuEnsta B. R ? GENERAL PASSENGER DEFT. iEPT, 1 5 ra,R.R.V ,1877. J II uhaxlotte, ixlxw9ias atjoubta Columbia., 8..C. June 10th On and after Stmdavi June 10th. the fol lowing schedule will be operated on this ' road:' "" f kAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY 1 No. 1 GOING SOUTH, f Leave Cnarlotte ; . 3 ,.! ;l 7.35 p. m1 Arrive at Columbia - 12.50 a. m Leave Columbia,1" " " 1.00 a. m. J Arrive at Augusta, , m " c- . 4.32 a. m. - No. 2 GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, .1.; h 8.23 p. m Arrive at Columbia 11.45 p. m. ' Leave Columbia," 11.55 p m, Arrive, at Charlotte, (' ' ' i 4.20 a. m. r ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, Daily, Sundays, excepted, CHARLOTTE pm8IQN. . No. 3 Going South, , i Leave Charlotte, - v I 2.00 p.m. AKOf 0 VUVOWil ; . .,;.'- - i ff Mill Ult i Leave Winnsboro,'' . 7.46 p m. ? Amyeatuolumbia,1 " ' 1 10.00 p. m.-7 11 No. IGOING4 NORTH. teavCnimbut;''!.n; w 8,00 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, 10.59a.m. Leave Chester, 1.20 p. m. j Arrive. t Charlotte vtyJ 4.00 p. m j ni iAUGJJSTAPIJJSJON. Leave Columbia, . li t o tip - 9.50 a. m. i NO. 6-GOmft-BTH. 5 Tnavs A nomafa T AK a" wi 2- m w aa,Mfewn 1 rT v im AitttisA OblomWil.a'a oT 3.57 p. m, j naTSins jxns.x:anqz, .wui iop otuy atine. following named stations i .M i 1 Rock Hiirhester, Blackslecks, WinDs- ; Dore;-Jians, -ueiumoiSf 'wi v. a. xi. u. a uncuon,, Aeesviue t iwesourg, jsiage ) ouiuin, 4UUxiBifUxi B, x tue xiuusc iuu wu- AW f tMV , . . Trains Nos 3. 4. 5 and 6. will stop at all regular stations) apd.i ticket offices will be. opened,! for , tne accommodation 01 local tetel. iU A POPE, fi pvi - ii '(i h General Passenger Agent. SprlaiUrt&METilleBailrial. mHE following schedule will be operated. JJ on the Spartanburg ft Asheville BaUroad, in wmnectiom.witlJ Charlotte Air-Liae Railroad, and the Stages, at the head of the road, to HendersonyUle, Asheville and the .; Warm Springs, on and aftestUis date:' '.; Lesye Charlotte, vis Alr-Liqe R R, 7:30 a. m. Arrive at Spartanburg at ........ M. 1:30 p. m. LvepartanbUrgforMklTrybn, 8:00 l Arrive at Mtv Trroh 4:30 " Round Trip Tickets, to go end return any Ume vwiUiin ,tbee mpnUJB, CnarioitetoWamSpri $210 M Asheville-' " 14 30 .JLFlatRock s 10.30 100 -aAA WA. f I very Ticrthir-Lloe Depot , tnetct bSSfment at Washing Ion has ordered dally maUS to be carried on fjunfetf tPrat;S.i A. BaUroad J " i-PllflFIHIl JlOfl - i Tlf ADKanydaylttila Caixs. In JlL yestaecordiDgtayqurmeans $10, $50 r4W0,1ar8ock 'Privileges, has brought a 8mallortuiK;1tf Uw.arefi4.investor. We adyise when ,an4 how, to operate safely Book with1 nill information sent free. Ad- HnV'tfndJ brokers. 1TJ Wall St- N. Y. - 10-Gases :T5"OCKBfeibo'il i.LTTilcWATER. fresh XL rom the Sprincs Just received, at Lc.a-y. pj- DEN'S DRUG 8 ORE, 4- nrrAiiHoosi : : "i-'XiiaSJ'X. Vx-iAW I ! Vldtlm-of 76athful tapradence, wbo I 1 I I re tried In ln every known rejnjMT.' III for the speedy cure of perron deblUty. , I I f I orematnre decsr, lottr manhood, aad ail U U fcdiorders brooslit on Dy exoo oq. apt dri"rtst has th loerednt. Aoird DAT1DSOW CO., ad Naaaau WHt: w 1 - cents, For sale by all uruggista.