- TAAINS ANP WML', 1 1 following are the Bcbples nw- ob served ou tbe various Rifods runnin itt the city S RICHMuftD DA1TVIL-B aAlBAI-- DITt. s Mail leaves,.... 4 47 a m. arrives........... ............j...... 7 28 p. m. Local passenger, leav a,..uJ....5 25 p. m. arrives....... ...... 1 15 p m Atxom'n and Freight, urnves...... -p. m ' ' leaves......!" " p. m 1TLA.STA A CHABLTTTf lIB-JLtlC DAILY." ' Miil arrives............. ..................4 42 a. m. ' leaves, ...... ............... ....... 7 40 p. m. CHABLOTTX, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Mail arriyea,...............................4 20 a. m. 1avc8 v 7 28 p xn Accomm'n ani Freight arrives iuh-- daily except 8undays.,........;..4 50 p. m. A.ccom'n and Freight leaves. .:.'.. 2 00 p. m. CAE6LISA ckntbal: Eastern Division. Mail leaves daily ; except ' Sun- -r ; . . days........... ..... 6 20 p.m. Mail arrives do.M.... ..l -.:.6 CO a. m. cabqliha czrrBAO Western Division.' Maif arrives do. M..V;:J.i.f;;.S--80 p m. Mail leaves do..:............. ...... 7 15 a. m', ATiAHTio, inrasssxir ohio?? Mail arrives......... ..............'.... 4 15 p.m. " leaves, w. ....7 00 a.m. POST" OFFICE-DIRECTOR Y; For the benefit of the pabUd the following directory of the Tost OiBce of this city is published : v ,, x,, . . Two Mails Ndrth'of Richmond per day :' First .tm.clp8cs...5 00 p m ' open8...2 00 p m Second, .. ...n....closes...9 00 p m " ' opens... 8 80 pm Air-Line, closes... 6 00 pm " ......,A............i......;...opens...8 00 am Charlotte and Augusta..;... closes.. .6 80 p m " .TUi ..T...M".".bpenr.;'.8 00 am Wilm'n and, Charlotte.. .....closes. ..5 00 p m ' L ....open8.8"B0 m Charlotte.and BhelbA. ....cl.ose8...6 00 m "I opens...6 80 p m St atesville and Charlotte.. ..closes.. .6 00 a m ' open8...4 30 pm But one Mail per day East of Greens boro, to Baleigh and other points, which slosesat 5 p'. m. " - " But "one local Mail per day from Charlotte, to Richmond, which closes at 9 p.m. . - J-YiU'I rr? OfBce hours for delivering Mails, from 8 a. m.i to 7 p. m., and from 8:30 to 9 . jBT" Money Orders issued and paid, and letters Beeistered from 8 a. m., to 5 p.m. SB OfBce opened on Sundays from 8 to 10 Mtt.1 i W .W JENKINS, . " Post Master. STATE NEWS. They are talking a ; cotton factory in Newbern. Eev. J. D.Hufham, pastor of Swain Street Baptist Church. Kalekh, preach ed his farwell sermon on Sunday. Mr. Elam King, of Concord, has sold out his drag store to Mr. J. Y. Morrison of that place. , ' '-' H" ; 1 1 0 Wm. II. : Oliver says : the. Newlern Nut Shell, has entered upon his duties as treasurer of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. v T Our amiable neighbor of the Concord Register calls loudly upon the Mayor of Mt. .Pleasant town to put a stop to "little vTnede83.eitUhgX:r6un'd2tIie public weps on Sundays and fussing and slobbering in the well bucket." ' The 5 Raleigh Observer tells of a citi zen of s that place. ; who is.nQt.qd fpr his punctuality- Th e paper says : He was married in "1878. "earlv in the vear. On the' 4th of. July, 1874; a son was born unto him. - July 4th: 1875, he v, was pret 6ented, with a lovely daughter." "The next 4tbj of July, 1876 came a son,"' and ' it was not ( Until the sixth m July, 1877, that - &c. All dcjing well. -- - " " ' Concord Register t The Pennsylvania College ? at Gettysburg, has elected .the Rev. Dr. Bikle, pastor of the Lutheran Church of this town and lately elected President of North Carolina College, to deliver the Alumni address at its oom mencemenfuext year. The Pennsylr vania College ia the Dr.'B Alma Maters ana Dis selection is riuaiy uienieu complim ent which ia highly appreciat ed by the recipient. & rdMl-i jJ-i'KI Raleieh Observer :-In the-ase ofJ Clements vt the; Bfttehsrein1$2Cy)00 damages was awarded the plaintiff in the SuDerior Court as reported in yes terday's issued the Attorney-General prayed an ' appeal "to !th6'-Supreme Court, alleging among otherthings that j there was error in! the charge of the Judge as to -the nieaiure j damages. The appeal was granted and the mat ter will be heard before the Suprem e Court probably this weelc'T T The Newbem2V$ Shelley b: The St. Louia RepiibticmT contains ran ? ar ticle in which it 'is stated -that Eobert; Richard and John Shepard wholived near Bath, England, and were the owners of princely fortunes, had . died, leaving 400,000 in the Bank of .Eng land for their descendants in America when said relatives should make ap plication for tbe'samet! A meeting of the American heirs was recently held in Brooklyn and they anticipate soon getting possession ofyjthe property. We leafn our worthy townsman, Henry R. JBryan jEq., is in the line of rela tors and hope he i xnaycome in posses sion of a large share of the wealth. ; Captain WadelI's CSuspension. . The San Francisco Bulletin of June the 28th, says : . "The agents of the Pacific Mail Company state that they have no knowledge of the suspension of Capt. James I. Waddell's certificate-for, one year;? owing1' to the . toast, ofvthesteam shipCity of San Francisco, although it ia represented ithatCapti-)Waddell concedes such' to Jbe "the case. Capt. Waddell, it is understood, proposes, to move for a new trial as soon aSthe court of inquiry, consisting pf the United States inspectors o boilers and hul's, shall make their report to United States Survey or, Bern is.-, The grounds of his application wili! be prejudice on the part of his judges, one of whom is credited with harine Dublicly express ed himself in am inimical (manner in referring to Waddell previous to the holding of the coutt'of inquiry."; il Truth is Greater l&an nctimO Ti rH iOU arfl Bftllnw mi.-.ic Ann m .r an ."' jiir liver needs regulating yon have chills and fever: often vonr liver is. torpid. -You won't be cured until y n ae- Taoler's Liver iowaer. Jfrice CO cents Tbe question no. longer agitates the pub lic mind. 1 whnt.hAn (VtnanAnH Liehtnlnzi Liniment is better than all other Liniments. we think it is the best Liniment fr rheu matism,, neuralgia., sprains, bruises tetter, etiff joints, pains in breast, side and back. Nothing is superior to It for liorses, cattle and hogs, removes warts knots, splint, and cures distember and epizootic. Price 501 cents. For sai by all Druggists." . ti -. ' TT-etr: -! t 1 7 .. ? gfwt a-i th bMt, g ImimI-miii 1 n i w Mthw. 1 5JWi th,moft natarftl hadet o t bUwk or brown, doM (kin, jmd ia cuily pplledltl a lUndaH rBW Won. lad tmur It- btmhi -to r w TIiTiTnint1 tai- rmrciaU and i urn- uiivnmi uiuiuiu luu PKICE CUHBKNT. MARKET. Batter plentiful.. Eggs scarce. --'':! MtU " Irish Potatoes (o'd) very scarce: App'ea scarce, i - Oranges small stock. Cabbage in good demand for new." Mutton very scarce; good demand. A Spring chickens scarce and in good de mand. Fresh Country, 18o20 - 25a:W h, 4 ., Goshen . ., , . 40a oultkt f rom wagons, irrom stores. w aeons. Turkeys. 75a85 30o40 20a25 820a?5- f 16jal8 .12al2 90ol.25 45a50 25o30 OOoSO 20o25 ' 14o20 Ducks, J rA- Chickens, Guineas. i Es ' PotATora " Sweet, bnshel,l00al5 ,1.50al.60 Irish, IS " new 1.75a2.00 Cabbaee. 3a5 perio 6a8 . -6al0 i J 8al2i 8al2i Fbxsh Miats .Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, ufiaosage, njutaEsoV Sausage, stuffed, T ALLOW A BinwAx A-T . - HOHT i s In Combi 12al5. '' 5 12ial4 15al6 00a08 . 00o25 per lb. 8trained, 13al5 T AR U 8 50a4.00 w 1 3.60 ' r 3ia4 . . . "1.05 - 12.00 ' Lemons," . , i ' Dried Apples, per lb;, Peanuts, conntry, IT-, -?. . wWilnungtonr Strawberries per quart 20a2o r 08a.l0 jocoanuts iSI.75al00 " GBOCERIES1W HOLES ALE. Corn dull and in little demand. Sugar, market excited and higher. Coffee advanced and in good demand. Salt not in demand, 8alt- meat 8 quiet and lower. ,Lardr qoiet. i s ; s y Siiu! BxftK Mkats ( Clear Bib Sides, ' ( Long Clears, . " Shoulders, " Canvassed s . ! ' . r T.auti f - ' ' J1 Best refined tierce, r er lb 8ia8J 12Jal3 till UI " Buckets & Tins, BUTTEK , 121al3 Country - - - s f 4 Goshen 10al3 29a32 13Jal41 13Jal4 12Jal31 12ial3 lliallj SUGARS . ' Cut loaf Granulated and crushed A r- f -; tf a '"i ExC Yp.llflWB Molass: B ? 5 1 5 per gal New Orleans fair4 to choice, 58a70 50a55 40a45 00a38 Golden Drip (syrup J .Cuba,. , I Black Strap, CowM-Mocca, 40. Java, 271a29 Bio. 20o23J Txa Black 50o75. Green, 85ol.50 - Mixed. 50a75 Fish v A Herrings, per box MACKEREL. : i T -lBbls (full weight) , i bbls Floub T J . Family,; . v Extra, 4 . . i , : 20a30 ; 60al050 , o ouao.ou t .5 j - 1.15al.60 j j5 dot bbl lL50al2.50 ; ;i r 9.50010 , 8.00a9.00 Super, r 1IU "Buckwheat,' Bics-E-Cfcoice 8a8i cts; . .per lb. ; Good to prime 7a8 - 89a90 Mkal per. bushel, " vmu? pat Wi: "f k i : r i Homhxy per bbl ' j " -t 6.e0a6.50 .00a0.25 Cora, by car load: in sacks, 83a85 1 v "hulk, f80 ? I From wagons in' bulk, 80a85 Wheat From wagons, -i From Stores Seed wheat, ) White, J none in market. Red. Oats White.. Black 60a65 60a65 1.00 Ri 80o85 pJAg Pure clav. lOOallO i Mixed, : . .- ' 5a95 Hat TJnchopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 North Carolina. " " 6Ia80 Ratt . ter sack i si Xiveroool. fine table. 2.25o20 "Ground Alum 1.15ol.25 - : The ' market is 'unchanged, but as print clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is not Unlikely j j it i V s. iJoMmg teat.) y Rnmis ATtTl 8HIKTTHQfl , Bockineham4-4 Standard. I : ' ' 7a71 Woodlawn .. 4-4 . . ' 7a7 S. - r7S 3 6ia61 t' .Ji :- . W8-4 1 5ia6 Other brands . "' Brown drills 1 9ol0i Bleached 81oll . .. 10-4 SheeUngbl'd and unbl'd. 31a40 18-22 C'.:, VT vv v"ro ...... F . Panrrs Pawnee '' Wamsutta Freemans V Sprague & Kindred brands ' Other good brands; JlAHS AND COTTOK ADKS -York; J x 4 ' Whittenden - . Oriental f Leinbach & Co ' v Darco v. ' N -" x Lincoln t . , lf Table Kocks ,t , .', ; r ' Ermine cloth 1 Dbkss Goods . 1 . 5o5i --t 55i a ;-6 6ia6i 6i 15al5 14al5 15 . 22 "12 15al5i 22a24 .30 18a21 20a22 tl4al6 uaruea Aiapacas j Plain Lustres Lawn's Pacific . .. . Parsee Plaids t f Percalls "14a20 12a24 :pr Psquets TlCKlHO sS Palmer e 8a8i Oakland 't ponestoga '' V.-' 12i I14al8 WINES AND LIQUORS.; Ample supply, light1 demand. A , ( Wholesale Bates.) i r - .Bkahdt- . ?h K t t A': ' Peach' per gal.j y. Apple " , 2 75 2 25 ! WHnycTr- r Rye II ..Corn . ' (1 l25o4 00 65al 75 A f JL JLCbampagne. per. as-et,l0 00a500 Sherry gallon, 2 50 Port Maderia " Rcnrmernone," , 20U 2 60 , ; ' 1 60 M i 1 50 0 v 7 60 2 75 2 75 itftrWackberrym - r dozzen .. . Claret : . " Ale " Porter " -. 4 s fNE Large lot of fine Pfekles in gallon. hif -aiirtn and anart Jars. Fresh Soda Crackers, Oran ges, Lemons, Candies, c " B- a ice cream 01 tne pea qunuij. ,D M BIGLEB. ' junI5,( 50 Cases M . W TTOSTETTER'S BITTEBS, 25 cases Yine Xlr ear Bitters, 5 gross Simmons' Iiyer ' Regular, 5 gross Merrill's uepannev R lAt,i re: TAIL u .ft.- " . O. - . I-, F BE IOn VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the ' ' ,; 'r ' 1 ; Transportation of Freight, from - ; ; WIIJtflNGTON. r AND . ALL NORTHERN AND ILASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATES VILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, .: j GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE a ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. a . , RAILROADS, as well as all points in "V GEORGIA; ALABAMA and "' j MISSISSIPPI. TlTCyEl ; AJSTID E ?E3S GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA INFORMATION FURNISHED ? WM A MOODY, i South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. sept3( & f$"$, s.4 ; GOO! AD VEHTISING! 4Q )Kf A f Worth of space in various fO,wuU.V newspapers - distributed through thirty States, will be sold for $7.00 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. A list of the papers, giving daily and weekly circulation ' and printed schedule of rates, sent free on application to GEO P EO WELL Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4fPark EtowiNew York." ' nov21 ? , , r ON Washington street, Shelby N. C, L H Long, Proprietor." Terms single meal 25 cents lodging 25 cents.'; I He offers to the traveling public elegant rooms m a large three story Brick House, and promises to keep a good . table. Give him a call, his terms are lower than the lowest m Bhelby. : Any person having produce to sell would do well to call on him at his tin shop and produce store, where good prices are given. Also examine his lot parlor and cook Stoyes. 2 car loads of Cook 8toyes to sell on time till fall. jul31w Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No. 1, Parks' Building; Next-door to J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store "VT OW offers to the trade an unusually large X and weir selected Stock of DKUGB, CHEMICALS, MED1CIMT8, PAINTS, CILS-and DYE STUFFS. , Our new store roomHTnow complete and we have ample room : three stories well filled with everything in our liner bought for Cash at the lowest market price. ;i Our old customers and friends, and the public gent rally are invited to call and see. as we will take great pleasure in waiting on them, and offering the best articles for the least money, marl Just Received AT McADEN'S DRUG 8T0RE, QA Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from 4J the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum springs. apr8 ,V Ln Cream SaM Oil, I piNEST imported brand of Salad Oil, ; finest qualities of Engli6h"Spices, Cloyes, Mace, Allspice Nutmegs, umger, pepper, Att.. whole and - ETonnd. Pure French Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Sc, for medicinal purposes only. . 1 Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Macaroni, Epps Cocoa, Chocolate, sc. Dooley's, Royal, Price's, Foam, andHors ford Baking Powders. For sale at SCARR & CO'S, may 16 Drug Store. 10 Cases T TIFF ALO LITHIA .WAT-US, just re- JL ceived. i We have made arrangements to receive these Mineral Waters every wee- right fresh from tbe Springs, at . J-C-L ilN JJAUU ' D1UA-. i marl , : . 5 Cases OF Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent article for invalids and those suffering from general debility, at ac.ii-.JNB DRUG STORE. 'marl S A distinguished physician of New York says: Tt U ad nnisliimr tiownniTersaJlvDr. Tutt's F are nscd.tJa my daily rounds, I hear of them not only among the poor, but tneir virtues are neraioea from the mansions of the wealthy and refined. Knowing the inventor from his long connection with the medical profession, I have great confidence ia their merits, and of late - have often prescribed them with the . happiest results in cases where I desired to make decided impression on the liver." TUTT'SPILLS Dr.Tntthastjeen eneasred in the practice of med icine thirty years, and for along time was demonstrator l ctrsa bics. uda . TUTT'SPIttS of anatomy in the Medical CoUeere f i CUHX 'Y8P PSIA . TUTT'S PILLS - cub 1 coirsTrpjnoEr. TUTTPILLS -, su3 xa. : , -.. r k -, i.,..;-. .... .... of Georgia, hence persons using his puis - nave ine enarantee tnat they are prepared on scientific prin ciples, and are free trora au qaacer He has succeeo ed in combining ia them the hereto fore .. antagonistic Qualities of a TUTT'S PILLS : CUB-I TSrSB. AND AQXTZ. S T OTOTT- IHO. TTaOA. TZVX sad TOSXm TUTT'S PILLS ctb 1 silxo - coxza . rmrct' roo. While they. re. move all! nu, healthy accnmula. tions. thev pro- TUTT'SPILLS OTTKE K-DZTBT COKPTiATTTT. TUTTSPILLS dnce no weakness Thev t may be taken at; any tune without, restraint of diet or occupa tion. As a safe family medicine they have no rival PRICE T CTS. TUTT PILLS TUTT'S PILLS SSXarrayittst 1111 T 'i IS ANY COMPETING LINE, AND UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK. Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. 0, T T SMITH, . Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES!! MADE WITH THE Latest &most valuabtelmprovements TUE WORLD'S STANDARD EKCEIVKD HIGHEST KXSALS AT World's Fairy London. 1761 World's Fair, N. Y.. 1853 World's Fair, Paris 1867 World's Fair. Vienna. 1873 World's Fair, Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair. Phila.. 1876 i ALSO COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, X JSiA. JNU UUr r JfiKCANS, STORE TRUCKS. AC. Agents for Miles' Alarm Monev Drawer. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, N. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 166 Baltimore. St.. Baltimore. FAIRBANKS CQ.. 53.CjrnjU New Or-. leauo. FAIRBANKS & CO., 216 Main St., Buffalo, JN. . FAIRBANKS & CO.. 338 Broadway. Al bany, N. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO., 403 St., Paul St.. Montreal. FAIRBANKS & CO., 34 King William St. London. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO.. Milk St, Boston. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall. Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., Chicago, Illinois. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cincinnati, unio. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO , Pittsburgh, ra. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Louisyille, FAIRBANKS & CO.. St Louis. Mo. FAIRBANKS & HDTHI&ON. San . CISCO, For sale by leading Hardware Dealers, feb23 taw d eow w 5m Gronnd: Horse Food. Ground Cow Food. Wheat Bran. Corn Meal, Oats, &c. W. W. WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. june22 Saratoga Springs A T Charlotte, N. C. We , have now in xx operation our Saratoga Fountain.1 and 1 will have on draught all : the season fresh Saratoga Water en ice, as good as it is at the Springs in iew iort. , MCALI-iJS'H JJJ-UO- HiUti. marl ... Dissolution. fTYHE partnership heretofore existing un- JL der the firm name and style of Jones & McDowell, as ' Editors," Publishers and Pro prietors of tne Charlottk Obsebvxb Print ing establishment, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Oh as. R, Jones purchases F B. McDowell's interest in she business of the late firm, together with the hooks of the concern, assume, all debts . doe by tbe late partnership, and will pay all obligations of tne late firm on presentation.- :," j . : CUAS R JONES, F BREVARD McDOWELL. Charlotte, N C, May i9th, 1877-. may20 dw tf '. ;' ; j Fon Sale or Rent. A Ccmfortable six room Cottage, -with x. basement, well of. water in tne yard: barn and other necessary outhouses, with fifteen acres of land, lying in the suburbs of tne town 01 states vine. Apply to ' ' CHASE. JONES, mar23 tf . U : At this OfBce. 10 Cases i T OCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, fresh JLt from tne springs, just received, ar ' ' - McADEN'S DRUG 8 ORE, marl "Bahyland." j.1 T ARGEST PROFIT YET. SpecImen;cop- J ies tree. ror an Agency send to ;; . .-.-a .... d LOTHROP & CO. C A L ' r r 4 - , - j , ' ' f - t, : . . "' - -. - ' fr ' r'r' T' r''r' -' ui i j. m ir. i u". nu jmm i. . ... j: " ' 1 BlSGl-I-f-OirS. THEfflLDPOWIR'fl HUMPHREYS i nOUIEOPATniC SPECIFICS Been In general nse for twenty years. verywnere proved me most SAFE, &1MPJ- - ECONO MICAL. and EFFICIENT medi-1 cines known ; They-, arc tjnst what tbe people want saving: time and money, averting: slrk ness and sarerin Caeb single specific the well tried prescript ion of an eminent physician. .Nob- 'u 'i'-'""OareB-" iOehta 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation. 25 2 Wprms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In- ,-'25 j IftntBt mit . Wm - 25 , , 25 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billioua Colic, '6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, .;.. 25 7 copgns. coidSi 5ronchi8,......,..w. 8 Neuralgia. Toothache. Faceache. .-,25 9 Headaches, bick Headache,; Ver tigo, . 25 ' 25 25 25 if.25 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach,.... 11 Sappressed, or Painful Periods...... 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods,.. ....... ia Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing. 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 Fever and Ague,Chill Fever,Agues, 7 Piles, blind or bleeding, 25 50 . 60 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Jfiyes, 50 50 50 50 50 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 20 Whooping-Cough, violent coughs, 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing, ...... 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel lings, ......... . ........ ........... 50 50 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak ness, ntimi 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, :. 28 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, SO 50 50 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel................ 28 Nervous Debility, seminal WeaJc- ness or involuntary discharges. 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker..................... 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the 50 50 50 00 00 50 bed 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms....... 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat,; 35 Chronic Congestions and Erup- 1 tions . 5 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions. 510 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and .book, t3T These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS: Homeopathic Medicine Co. OflSce A Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y, For Sale by all Druggists, T SMITH dc CO- Agents, ESTABLISHED I Practice limited to private and confidentia disease, .TO ALL MEN A SPEEDY CURE. : Dr CLEGG may be consulted daily either personally or by letter, upon all the dis eases of tbe generative organs, which tend to embitter life and shorten its duration, eccaua B30JXTAINTS,O, also Ner- vous ueDiiuy, causing maigesnon, rains m the back and loins, Neuralgia, Fainting Fits.Nervousness, Defective Memory Weak ness, Pimples on the Face and Body,! Aver sion to Society, Confusion of Ideas, Con sumption, Nervous Headache. Rheumatism, Palpitation of the iietrt, brooding or Melan choly. Dimness of oigbt, c, brought on by Youthful indiscretion, totally unmung the victim for either marriage or . business. Now ready, a pamphlet' on' Nervous De bility and all Disease of private nature, free by post for two three cent stamps. ,i : , : ; Patients boarded at tne iioepitai u re quired. df-MCis, 7 a, j;iUuiu. i., " Baltimore. All Letters directed to Dr Clegg.i Lock Hospital, Baltimore, M ., will receive prompt attention. nov , QP A T P 17"nTTnPTAT UXkU XL A iWJ U.VXfVXl XH HAVE just taken Stock, and find I have more Goods than I want to carry, so I will sell one half off at COST to suit the times. I will sell a fine Silver American Witch for $12.00. I will sell Gold Chains atlLOO Tper dwt. Watch, Glasses fitted at 10c each, and everything else in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF -OODSjJ ; WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED AT J. T. BUTLERS, CAROLINA.. JEWELRY STORE CHARLOTTE, N. O. -u ja21 10 Barrels T INS EED OIL. both raw and boiled a Jj " - McADEN'S DRUGSTORE. JjlRESH PEACHES; r " ". ; . : j. 1 Arriving almost daily, at " r . 1 y HEADQUARTERS. 10,QOO 2 A -.ft it. fiS FINE CIGARS of all hrands of the finest quality, at -t i. iii T- ,.? . MCADJW: DltUJSXUJtB - GROGERIES , --if AT-- WHOLESALE. M R & J , HAMS HAMS HAMS -V HAMS v -r. HAMS ,. HAMS , , ... : - HA' MS 1 " ' : HAMS - H-AfMS 'Mr HAMS . . In unlimited sudt1v. . m BACON' ; BAOON :;BA OON .3 A O ON BAOON BAOON I : i BAOON , BAOON j, , BAOON 'In unlimited BUDuly. " ' LABD1 m-.U ' - LARD K LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD LARD , I4ARD . In unlimited supply. FLOUR FLOUR -FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR In unlimited supply. SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR Tn n rl ? w 1 cmvrlif COFFEE COFFEE COPFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE 1 OOF-FEE i COFFEE COFFEE In unlimited supply, MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply. SALT SALT -i .-..V 8 A LT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT L C A SALT In; unlimited supply, N D I E S - ' NDLE8 I NDL E 8 N D L E S ' NDL E 8 i C A OA O O O C C NDLES N D L E 8 NDLES NDLES NDL E 8 ; In unlimited C supply, ! STARCH S T A R OH 8 T AS U H ' & T'A. R 0 H 8 T.A.S O H ' STARCH 8 TAR O H .STAR 0 H STAR C H STARCH In unlimited supply, 0 Y B T7E R 8 O Y 8 TE R S OTS.lfBRS OlY 8-T E R 8 O Y B.TJ R 8 O Y 8 TE R 8 OYSTE R8 O Y8 T E R 8 OY8TERS OY8TEB8 . In unlimited supply, CRACKERS :,i CRACE1ER8 OR ACKER 8 CRACKERS : C R'AC C E R S CRACKERS CRACKERS ORJLCKERS . . CRACKERS ' C RA C KJE RS In unlimited supply, ' SODA 8 O D A SODA, SODA SOD A' 1 SODA SODA S OD A -SODA . IS O D A In unlimited supply, ; v . ,.. . tobacco 1 - , .1 , TOB;AOOO f TOBAOOO i i; TOBACfl.O i. - TOMflOO . TOBACCO : TOSACOO .;, .. , . - sd TOBACCO . T O B A G C O J "uTOB AOOO yjn unlimited aupply, ' GIGA RS. CIGARS; v CTI G A-S8 OI O A B 8 i. i C ItG-A'R 8 v CI G ARS CI G A RS O I GARS CIGARS, . . :. 'ij O I O ABB' - - nuLin' unlimitedsupply, ) AND PEES ET' NEWARK CI DEE, . X -ilM -S J A kJt . w . . i. . 1 . : ci in idriginal packaged, At tbe K f t UAYEErROSSS JONES r.i ii Corner. Trade & College SU., -1 ?2 zzviiwn Jf j i t4n XT'- AU ,T 'A WT -Wilf TlH GOLD; pno?caTrjQr:sip. - A NEWLY discovered at Hunte-s-IL. Tille, N. O., on the A, T. A O. Bafiroad IS miles North of Charlotte. Bald mine has been explored only 28- -feet,, and fauurjr old miners JuwVaxj-nined;. th tame and ore . and pronounce lTery flnei r Also Prof W 0 Kerr, of Raleigh, -DrrOiL jHunter, of Lin colnton and Prof Hanna, of, Charlotte, have seen the mine " and ore and pronounoe It eryfine. - With these reoommen dation and many moi e that oould be brought un we now ofhr this yaluable property .for sale, "including between 7ft and 80 acres r of land In arte . around said mine, of which there are some 20 or SO acres of valuable nine timber, half tails from a saw-mil-, , J Any one wishing to see specimens of sal mine; can do so by calling 1 at out Offlo When we sav snecimenB. we mean; to show ! you something that la wrhwoig at r or luruier lniormauon, aaoress ' iv J H. A. HUNTER, June 17 - Huntersville, N.O .1 ', 1 ' r.llLVAUKIE ON DEAUGHT, JTID ICE COLD ALL HOURS, AT Joseph Mschessers. Try on Street, . Charlotte, N. C July 1 Limestone Springs, South -Carolina. WE take pleasure in informing the publio that the large brick buildin. formerly used as a female school - at i this place has been furnished as, a hotel and is now open ed for the reception of guests.; Being contiguous to Uaflney City on tne Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line: Railroad. and only fifty-five .miles from' Charlotte, this delightful -retreat' presents superior at tractions to the inhabitants of the. latter city. We claim that a residence here is a "sure specific for those distressing complaints Astbma, iiose or Hay Fever, .and. kindred diseases of the Throat and Lungs," and that the free use of the waters will give relief and often cure Dyspepsia, General Debility and urinary Anecuons; v - , To those unacquainted with the place we Will sav that it is on of thn mmt bAantiinl and pleasant Bamnier " resorts In tne et4, the house is of brick i large, cool and airy, is in the midst of a ten acre blue grass lawn, is well shaded by laige oaks,, elms, etc., has good bathing facilities, fine walks, roads and driver, whilst romantic, river and moun tain scenery, with good boating and fishing can be found in an hour's drive.' ' Our Mr Hollis formerly of the Charlotte Hotel will extend a true Carolina -welcome to his old friends ad"cutomers. In view of the hardness , of the times we have put down board to the low figure af BifiVEN DOLLARS' A WEEK. ! Address for further information,-1 ' HOLLia dt BOMAK, ', Limestone Springs, 8. 0. junS oaw Sin FieumoBt Air-Line : BaUvay. Bicmioim Djurvnxi. B, .E. Dmsioif. f CONDENSED, TIME-TABLE. June 24, 1877. ' - - -- - -- ' 60IHQ SOUTH. btatiokb. ' I No. L) ' No. 3. Leave Richmond, 7 25 a m 10 50 pm Arrive at Charlotte, ' 7 28 pm f 1 15 p m 1 1 . j. " 1 . 1 " j j" " 1 1 OOIKO KOETH , ... 8TTIOK8. i NO. 2. NO. 4. Leave Charlotte, . .488 am 525 pm " ; Alr-Iine J'n,,. .jSOOarn 6 85pm " , Salisbury, 6 81 a m 1 51 p m " Greensboro, ' ' 8 31 a m 10 05 p m " Danyille, 10 88am 1225am " Dundee, 10 41 a m 12 28 a m " J Burkeville, 2 18 p m 4 45 a m Arrive at Richmond, i ; . 4 83 p m 7 41 a m ''' No. 2 Connects at Greensbof e tof Raleigh Goldsbora, and all points on Salem and N. O. Railroad Divisions: at iJut-eviiie.witn a. M. & O. Railroad for Petersburg, etc.; at Belle Isle with Richmond. Fredericksburg & Potoxhao -Railroad j for all- paints North, East and West: at Richmond with 0. A O. Railroad for Virginia Springs and the West, v Nov 4 Connects at Greesborq fos Raleigh Goldsboro, and all points oa the N..C. Rail road Division : at Belle Isle with Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad for all points North, East and West; Sleeping Cars without, ehaare run both ways with Trains (Nos. 1 ana , jetween New York. Philadelphia. BalUtaore. Wash ington and .Riehraond Richmond and At lanta Atlanta and New Orleans. ife-fThroUeh Tickets on. sale at all prin cipal points South, Southwest West, North and East, at Bchmond, Don viUe Greens-, born, Raleigh, Goldsboro; Baliabunr and Charlotte: For Esdgranl rates to poiats in Arkansas and Texasjaddri9iti fc'J". JOHN R MACMURDO, Genl Passenger Agent, July 7 Rlchjnood, Va. Land Agency. 'IV v . V C RLFFITH & DUMONT, . to connection IT 'with their Law practice have established an Agency for the sale and renting of Farms and otner lanas, ' ana vuy property. ? publish a monthly paper, and circulate lew copies monthv. out of theSsate, and will for the next 60 days advertise Lands:left with s for sale, free ofcoet in , mar21 tf .GRIFFITH -UJiux. AUHOOarfc' ; RESTORED. VioUrai cmtftilni!rndene, wha tiava triml In jvain mnr knowil re wi-le-rn it Umnle ieoriitlon. FBSl fer th-needr-c r-r serv o debUltr. border, broajthio- by' uowNf. .Any druggist hu Imn4. ,aarw. I PAVIDSO FofrReilt. mWQ Xarge Rooms oyer Qie front of our Il-5SiiLWIIONABURWEL, , &UJ V 0. Pro- mm marl XPiX "" 1 t ; KEW YOKK. feb25 " 1 - . Boston. marl v mayia .1 - r -..wr, rt BOJ ii. how vor

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