CHARLOTTE OBSERVER-""" ' I ' ' ' ' ' ;h t-c , TH0OBfiJ3TX Job Department has been BUBSCKIPTION RATKfJ p.ily 1 vw (postpaid) in advance, thoroughly rapplled Wltn every imnn want, and wita tne latest styles ot Type, $8 ca 4 00 2 00 75 6 mns. every manner of Job wont ean now uu witn neatness, dispatch and cheapness,. , Weeanrarnlanatanort noUoe BLAITKa, BILL HEADS. ' - MgrnEBHgaJDS.OABDB, .5 ,- X&,G8,BXCSXFT8.TOSTEBa,i ' PBOGBAinraa. hard bhvlb. " S mos. " 1 mon. WEEKLY EDITION. Weekly, (in the county) in advance, - $2 00 . rvX of tbe county, postpaid v 2 10 " 6 months, "100 gg. Liberal reductions fix clubs. tol. xni. CHAELOTTE N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 20 1877 NO. 2,145 ill A. v .4. .. r . J.' s TELEGB APHIC NEWS. UNDER THE NEWl MANAGEMENT OF The Troops Arrived. the- Varying: Phases of During the Day. Strike AS been Eefurnished and Befitted first-class style, and Offers inducements to market affords TT Travellers and Residents in its excelienl iale?suppHe4 With the best the at prices to suit the times. An actiyecdrps of waiters, in attendance at meals, and no pains or expense spared w render guests comfortable. " The Ringleader Arrested and the Trouble Virtually at an " ... End. ; . . Trains Agrain Moving. THE STRIKERS. 3. M oderateermod Boarders. The presidents proclamation. I!-:5 OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl V5i JUS T R. E5 C 33 3: Black Cashmeres, Black Alpaccas, A Large5 Lof of Edgingf and Insertings, LADIES' SDH HBRELLAS. 5f'-v: -' -s'- . A LARGE ASSORTWiEIST OF FANS, MOSQUITO NETTING, CANOPY NETTING, W H ITE G OODS, TIES AND SCARFS, Which we will offer at very low prices, to suit the times ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER, jnnev B U ROES S NICHOL S , , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DSAXXB IB ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. A jP "cr -f j Ij link jan3 f : CHEAP BEDSTEADS LOUNGES, PARLOR fc CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND No. 5, West Trade St., CHAELOTTE, N. C f15S:H goods 5 V- -AT- FU R M ITU R E W A R EH O U S E w w . - - CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, C H I L D R E N ' S C A R R I AG ES, j&r- I am receivir.g a full Block' lof CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, "Newest Styles" and lowest prices. ; , ;,; ; .. . Call and makeVoQT selection whii theassortment. is fall. - . uiar!4 jN oohnecUon with'tbe;Fnruitar6iBineps of Mr E G Rogers, at'roy old stand cn 1? outh Trade Street, I will conduct tlie Un dertaking Business on my ownCOonnt, civing it my personal .attention. 'V ' '. I will keep a complete Stock, from the Burial Case,, Orders by telegraph or otherwiEe promptly attended to. .KesPgJgg'. CI-M This WellJiKnown and Leading Hotel, ;ioq TED IK C?TEE OF THE CITY, OFFERS Washington, Jaly 19. The follow ing is tne manaatory clause 01 tne President's proclamation : "Now, therefore, I, Kutherford 13. Hayes, President of the United States, do hereby admonish all good citizens of. the United States, and all persons within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States, against aiding, coun tenancing, abetting, or taking part in such unlawful proceedings; and I d hereby warn all persons engaged in, or connected with the said domestic violence and obstruction of the laws, to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes on or before 12 o'clock noon, of the nineteenth day of July, instant." Governor Matthews telegraphs the President that the strike has assumed such proportions that the force Bent is not adequate to overawe it. Maktinsbtjrg, W. Va., July 19. The troops arrived at 6:80 a. m. At 8:30, all was quiet. The strikers, or most of them, are outside of the western limit. The President's proclamation, printed in hand bill form, is being distributed among the employees at all points of the road. Policemen are furnished with large numbers to be placed in conspicuous places. Maetiksburg, July 19. Up to this time, no engineer has been obtained to take the east train, .No. 4. The proclamation of the President has been posted throughout the city. All is quiet. 1 here is a large throng about the hotel, but all appear good humor ed, and prominent strikers say there will be no demonstration against per- son ana property. Justice vv imams, in the presence of Sheriff Nadenbush, read the request from Governor Mat thews to the men assembled at the crossing, to disperse and desist from further interferences with the trains. There are a plenty of men willing to work, but are afraid. Washixgtox, July 19. Colonel French, commanding the United States forces at Martmsburg, W. Va., telegraphs to the Secretary of War this morning, that at lis o clocK, u the insurgents have not dispersed, the troops under his command will pro ceed to enforce the orders of the President. At the time Colonel French sent the dispatch, all was quiet, and he doubted whether any thing more than a demonstration would be required to disperse the rioters. Colonel Delaplaine, aide to Governor Matthews, of West Virginia, ha9 withdrawn his request of 1 o'clock this morning, for more troops, and two pieces of artillery. Martinsburg, July iy. i:dU P. M. Quiet for the last two hours. No tram has been moved. The troops remain in quarters. Trains will be moved this afternoon if men can be had to go on them. Plenty are willing but are afraid to do so. 2:10 P. M. The military company from Wheeling was called thirty min- utes ago, ana marcnea to tne crossing, accompanied by the sheriff and a dep uty, and a party who agreed to point out ten or. tne leaams Binders. xeiore reaching the crossing, he backed out, and the military marcnea DacK again. This created som9 harsh language on the part of some persons, though there was ro demonstration of vio lence. Drinking houses have been closed all day, despite which was considerable intoxication. A man un der the influence of liquor, proposed to hang Colonel bharp, the master ot transportation. His friends took him away after the sherin attemptea to arrest him. The Wheeling military was called upon to assist in the arrest, and refused, unless so ordered by the captain. That officer could not be found. . 2:35 P. M. Lieutenant Koesh, with a detachment of battery F, fourth ar tillery, was called out, and cleared the track. Five minutes ago the first train westward has moved. The citi zens were compelled to leave the yard,' so that there should be no obstruc tion. Captain Rodgers f-om Fort; Mc Henry, has command of the troops. There is much excitement, but no vio lence. 3:50 P. M. The coal train erst, with No. 4 engine, left at 3;U.Aa it mov ed off several strikers occupied " the hill along side the track which was covered with rock. The military pre sented arms, and there was no demon stration. Engine 423, with a train of boose cars, is just moving out, and all is quiet. ;No. 4 took a detachment' of Zepp, and the' chief of the strikers was . arrested by the sheriff, assisted by the military, and lodged in lail. ; ' .Wheeling, . W. . VI., July 19. The Baltimore & Ohio Bailroad .. strike has now become general, extending from, Martmsburg to. rarkersburg, Ben wood, Columbus, , ' Newark and Chicago, and strengthening as it ex tends. The strikers induced the fire man and engineer of the only train which tried to leave, Martinsburg to day, to desert. T.Tne strikers surround ed the militia, and they retired. Gov. Matthews has telegraphed to Washing ton and the liovernor . of, Ohio, for more'.; troops. ,Th' troops here are held as yet in reserve. '. ""' ' ' ,' ! - ; The streets are nearly deserted. ' No trouble ' is eznected tb-nierht. It is probable that by noon to-morrow there can" be found plenty of men to move all tne trams. The arrest of the rins leader has precluded the possibility ef lurther trouble trom the strikers. This : strike on the Pensylvania road crows out of a plan of doubling the number of cars to the tram ; this, the strikers say, would enable the company to dis charge half their number. Joseph Plays Howard Like Washington, July 19. It appears from dispatches from, the seat of the Indian war, that Chief Joseph trapped Gen Howard into a talk. Meanwhile his forces, which were critically situat ed, , moved - away, ' and then - Chief Joseph followed them; all getting away in safety. . . . TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. - X7 a OTrrvnfWMT TiiVw 1Q TVinnia Ho v penter, Johnson, Thompson, ELirkland and i Crafut. have . been annointed gaugers for the district of South Caro lina. ;. . ) ' ' J Rl"T.rTTTa ; Jnhr 1Q ."EvArvthfru in the banking business and among the depositors was quiet yesterday, and business has resumed its regular channels to-day. Des Moines, July 19. The private bank of R W West & Sons; baa failed for $130,000. The depositors may re alize 30 per cent by careful management. Cotton' Convention. FOR THE NEXT TWElIlAilg WE SHALL OFFER; All Goods for Summer Wear hi. THE RITSSO-TURKISII WAR. A.T COST ! The Position of tne Russians. A Pasha Fooled by a Feint- STRAW H AT S Tlie Army of the Danube on Offensive. the AND 1J Abdul Kerim Dismissed, U N S Ull PAS S E D . , ACCOM MOD ATI0NS, TO THE 'TRAVETJLING ' PTJBIjICr ' THE FUMWUHB IS FIRST- THUfiTiiSglS CftRPETEDiTHRpUGHOUT. I i.r aTlirOalETric Bells'srofh eVery'room. M-s.iy.A Ui; in J c Jivnli(ls,.Elorlda: (Tonristsi- Eeraon T " FOR PLEASURE, TIIIS HOTJSE OFFERSEVEKY, FACILrTY i ' 3 ft i -f ' S TEBMS$3.00,?$250!aijd $2.00 per day- according 3 1 ' H. C ECCliES PROPRIETORr t. jn o. 4 tooK a detainment oi War it is also stated has. ten men under .Lieutenant iewis, anai ij v r v 423 took also ten men those on No. 4 will go ps far as Harper's Ferry, and on. the ;W' st. bound tra;n the. troops will go as far as Keyser's4- It is thought that the departure -of jthese trains will ' breaK tne nacK 01 tne strike. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of ten of the ringleaders of the strike, nut tne. aumonnes wiu not disclose their names at tbeipres enti; y n ri'l'C t T" - Pittsburg, Pa., July 19. At ;noon tn-dav the freieht train men on the London, July 19. The Russians are between Kazanlik and Stipka. Forty five battalions of Russians are Bouth of the Balkans. , It remains to be seen whether Sulieman Pasha arrives in time to bar their further progress. Sulieman 's force numbers 18,000 or 20,000. He will endeavor to hold the Russians in check to enable Osman Pasha, from Widdin, and Abdul Ker im, from Shumla, to fall upon their rear. Abdul Kerim is holding himself in readiness to assume the offensive at the first convenient opportunity. A private telegram even announces that a battle has already begun. Raof Pasha, who at first believed he had repulsed the main body of Rus sians on the other side of the Balkans, merely drove back a small body sent against him as a feint, while the bulk of the army passed on behind. The Daily News' dispatch from Con stantinople says : "The Ottoman army of the Danube commenced onen sive operations Tuesday. The speedy departure ef Hobart Pasha for Batoum to take command of the squadron, is announced." A majority of the London papers consider the Change in the Turkish war ministry as not of peaceful signifi cance. On Sunday and Monday, the advance guard of the two fresh, Russian army corps, passed by rail frpm Jassey .to Galatz. They are likely to remain in Roumania as reserves. . The News' Kustendji special states that tiie Circassians succeeded admir ably in executing their orders to pre vent the enemy from obtaining sup plies. . Not a living thmg exists .in the Dobrudscha. The Circassians, however, did not commit any murders, but drove off live stock and compelled the inhabi tants to folio wi The News' special fully confirms the evacuation of Kustendji after the de parture of the" Turks, in consequence of the sacking of the Tartar quarters by the Bulgarians, and the barbarities committed by them. The consuls ob tained assistance and a detachment from the British man-of-war, Rapid, to patrol the town. The Cossacks ar rived on Sunday. Dispatches to this morning's papers show that the Russians are endeavor ing, with every prospect of success, to obtain possession of Kasanhk and biiv nothaz, which would give them control of the southern debouchure of the twd most important passes of the central Balkans. ' Turkish advices place the principal Russian force at Hoinkoi, which is the southern debouchure of the chain of the Boehaz and Tchivarditzkor passes The Turks seem to base their hope of repelling the invasion wholly on the arrival of Sulieman Pasha and his army. It is improbable that the Rus sians will give time for that, before throwing forward a sufficient force to sieze and hold the passes . Paris, July 19. Telegrams received here from Orsomva, state that the Russian advance in: Bulgaria has been slackened m consequence of despatches received by Princof Gortschakoff from certain powers.' The Russians will only resume the march after; securing their rear, which is now only protected by the fourth corps,: which is encamped near. .Bucharest. : ,. ; ) . A. telegram from .Constantinople of to-day's date, states that Abdul Kerim, Generalissimo of the Turkish army, has been dismissed, and replaced by Os man Pasha.1 Redif Jrasha,Mmister of been dismiss ed Note. Osman Pasha iaT the present commander at Widdin.1 ,i: , , 'London,' July 19. A' Reuterfrom Constantinople yesterday; says: 1 .'.'Ah dul Ker'm telegraphs that he will cut off the retreat of Hhe; Rusians wh crossed the Balkans, and only awaits the arrival "of Sulieman Pasha to com mence an attack.' : Twenty thousand regulars and twenty 'thousand volun-: teershave leit Constantinople 'lor, Ad ri mopler - The Mussulman inhabitants Of.Adnanople are arriving here e. AT ONE HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. White Sulphur Springs, July 19. The convention met this , morning, President Phelps presiding. The re ports from committees on information, and statistics, on crops and on tares, were received. Tne last mentioned report recommends the adoption of I resolutions setting forth the desirabili ty of selling cotton in this country in its net weight, and fixing a time, after which such cotton shall be subject to a tare of blank per cent on the gross TfCllfilL. J. Ul AAAUA 1UI iCUUlV UU UiO - - -' " . . - - ' " - same subject was submitted, and aspir- M A.fl 0 Mill llllf MW W? B if.dH HiannaciiAn onaiiorl vhinh roan rnin I -" w " I m i i w -s Tr-i-ni -s the appointment of a committee of one from each exchange to report if possi ble a practicable method by which the resolutions in the majority report may be carried into effect if adopted. A report providing that new types of cotton oe maae up oy experts to as-1 . similate exactly with the present Liver VsOIISUIT VOUr OWfl IIUereST aild DUV nOW. tAAl at nnsi rntri was lAhaton o T I Art rff h I .. . - i . . .'v-t puuiowuuuu news uvvaiwv. v ieugvu and postponed till to-morrow. Hesi tations were adopted memorializing Congress to increase the appropriation for the Signal Service Bureau, for the establishment of other stations in the cotton States, so as to obtain more ac curate information of the rainfall and temperature, also providing that arbi trations on the deliveries of cotton sold on the basis of classification be upon a clafs only of the fair average staple, and that variations should afterwards be fixed according to the official quo tations of the day of delivery ; also providing for the appointment of an inspector to examine the condition of cotton at the time ot delivery, sc. The convention adjourned till to-morrow morning. IE. AD. LMfAV & IN. One door below 1st Nat. Bank. Iyl2 Strictly Pure. It is well known that while Dr Price s Cream .Baking Powder has been made for many years without reducing its standard of pefect purity, there is not another bak ing powder in tne marKet mat can stana tne test for purity. Chemists and physicians use Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder in their own families: New Advertisements. N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. MUSLIN THE No-.h Carolina State Life Insurance ComDanv invests all of its money in loans to Policy and Stockholders. It has $6,400 00 loaned to Policyholders in Char lotte, well secured dv nrst mortgages on real estate. THOS H HATJGHTON, District Agent, Office on Tryon Street, opposite Opera House. ju20 It - - ; Yanderbilt University. rpHE Third Session will begin September 1 1, 1877. TuitionIn Biblical Depart ment, free ; Literary Department. 50 ; in Law DeDartment. $80 : other fees. $15. The Medical Department will open Octo ber 1st. Fee for attendance, $05. For catalogues, apply to J M Leech, Sec retary of the Faculty, Nashville, Tenn. Li v UAHLiAJMD, uoancejior. jnl20 6w For Rent "vNE Dwelling, 8 rooms, with good well J of water and garden, adjoining my resi dence on B street. QNE Store Room, centrally located. VYNE Excellent Basement in the Smith J Buildimr. TPOUB Desirable Booms above Chamber JL of Commerce Booms. jul20 lm 8 P SMITH. THE NEW YORK Mutual Life Ins. Co. THE Pride of Charlotte, AN ELEGANT x 1 4-4 BLEACHED At 8J cts. per yard, by the piece, or 9 cts. per yard.if cut. u, T FOE CASH ONLY. Sold heretofore at 12 J cents per yard. ? . , And ask for the above, which is unquestion- ably the cheapest goods offered in any market. julyS . 1 Democrat and Southern Home copy. - .in i j j i 1 ? ! ill- Ul! '.-' ( if i.:l; . 3 CLOSING OUT SALE SPRING Ai SIMM ail: :-jfsLLiu WE HAVE MASKED, ; . .. i. X'l J I V -'J 'A : a ' . . . Ui HMU Vestero'divisipn i of the Fettnsyiw i g. ftnd are provided. by the govern icauroaa, reiuseu to " ni1 tmentl with lodging XOithe schools.' Men's 5. $6 and Pantaloons. for $3.00 and S4.00 TT J " 9 . .... f ... i J . rm Men's 12, 15. and $18 Suits, ';' for $$11 814.00 Assets Over 880,000,000. Linen Sacks, .....f. .....v.ancents Dine wmte vests, $iiuyanafci.iso i An u "Air j t' c?..a -j.. c VEBA.GE Cash Dividend for 10 years xK,KJ ""CB 01 J.uen'8 anu Xoys ouiUJ,-iuar&eu uo.wu luuk uiic- XX paid its POLICY HOLDEBS 371-5 f hirrt n rTo.hnlf fhmr trnlnp t - : i- . lJJ.u yi iiisl-.H per cent, per annum. - 1 tt.. i i - -i . x -s ,, siriTrniiiiiiW Tinn , Kecently , certified by N. . Y. State Ins. I Oiraw JJ.aLS WU1 De SOia regaraiess Ol COSl. AflUlRlnll DLVi. pepartments to be perfectiy soand-md its 1 CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS; CHARLOTTE?N. C. -rue uxKowtijeyT uifjc iwbukawcji: ' . c; v i F NASH, Agent. N "B Also Liverpool and London - and Globe (the old reliable) Fire Insurance Co., assets over $27,000,000. Scottish ComT and other good companies. Bates reason able. - , jull9 St "Babyland." T ABGEST PBOFIT YET. Specimen cop- j JL ies iree. or an Aeency sena to t . ' D LOTHEOP 6 00. Ragtjsa July ; ,19. Six Turkish bat- rfeb25. ; Boston. rrr ftahons are marchinsri-irom Scutari .to r"f...U ' .. tt. .if v lyigi Kiclwl 1A steamer ibas-arrived theU'W.VH UIUCU. , ; the fireman I mnth ofLRftiaria with urnmnnitiAn fnr I b . -yit .liuli. i. : L" remained sla-.! tu-w.-L' khMiMi. Bm..U'3..rH vM-fAX A xujs o. ' J f - r.FainHf-::.'' i-r-N -J ! CVi . 'lit Wit in MABTisrsiamov July riL&-iti& Before the train, dran i reached the city limits Ported. and the train tionarv Until 4:42 P. m. Wnett It moved I MAaafrntr i.h aaoort.a.n Vict- namd anA . rW 1 ( TT t.V.WM. W IW1U iVHV-f frrH JTfJ.F jjrzl "I lue port iua:uafci8uai;:Kauienjronif in 'talked uiiHhenrack Withrf jiaVy re- order t0 inform theirreepective! -go motner.i.wno ineu io uieyuaue uiw from goings ome oi ane ;nenaB oc barked eight' hundred of the 1 Turkish' the strikers ran, towards hiro, o try wounded. UJ ; to preventj bim '.front i going; wnenho t- i" t ..t'rt.i u,i w.iiiif marcnea Doiuiy: w. w engine .ia pies, Blotches Boils,' etc; .'which - can be his pWce The. tram "then moyed :ofiu J aone' by purifyinfr the blood .wih Dr Bull's tHCnara wpf, - a -Drotner'-io ueorge siooa Mixtures v tea everywJaere v j VI Jit Ain.Ol't M. ; Idciitensteiiis . H -1) .Merchant Taiw..JU. --,- LCorner . Trade and - Tryon Streets, IS ' FITTING EVEBY SHAPE OF MAS. ?,.v 'They look' natural and styl n-."--i Give him a tril.' His styles and workmanship are nnsnrpasEed : 0il " I Iilson wriSmm, i ! . ' r- ' J 1o ubiu - . i i ...... i . - 1 .... ' "... " ' i- v- ' - .... --IllSSSIf -j - - -