CHARLOTTE OBSERVER JOD pniNTinc. ! The OssxBTKB Job Department has been thoroughly mppUed wittt very neeae want, and wtta me latest styles ol Type, an every manner ol Joo Wore can now pe aon wltnneatnesdlspatenaadeneapnesB. ( -Weanrornlah. at snort notice BLAJETEStBILLHEADB, - " LETTKB HJS ACS, QABDB, ' . tAGS,ItECEIPTS," POSTERS,! , I " FBOQRAMMTgi, HAND BELLS, -PAMHIiKTa, CHECKS, Go BUB3CHITTIOH HATKF. , fti)y i yenr (ilpaidiu advance, ' 6 wf- ' j 44 ' u 3 moa. 1 " ' it ii ii 1 mon. WEEKLY EDITIOlf.' $8 CO 4 00 2 00 75 ekly. (in the county) in advance $2 00 " " .( rat of the county, postpaid 2 10 it 6 months, , " 1 00 i TOL-XHI. Liberal reductions rr cmbs. f CnABLOTTE N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25. 1877 NO. 2,149. ' r.f-S . , - V- '-,71 ,4 ' ' ' : . . ' - 1 '' .. , -ii..-- " i i . . ' . " i . . . , i . i ' ir.' -'V t.7 I r ' ' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE RAILROAD STRIKE! UNDER THE NEW -MANAGEMENT OP More Strikes but Less Violence. HAS been Beforniabed and Befitted' U first-ciasa style and offers inducements to ?fj' r fv- f j i?tY r .... i Travellers and Residents la its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords .t prices to snit the times f An. active oorps of waiters In attendance at meals, and no eains or expense spatea to render guests comfortable. -3Tf The Cabinet Decides to take no Actiye Measures. . , '1 .A The Seventh Resimcnt Hissed and Stoned in New York City. Moderate ern ifbrvlYIonth OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. The Grand limy of the Republic Wakes and Shakes its Mane. aprl JUST R E;C:E I T 3E5 Bi . Black Cashmeres, Black Alpaccas, ; A Large Lot'of f Edging ?and Insertirigs, Women Killed in Reading. News from all Quarters. LADIES' SUII.DUBRELLAS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANS, MOSQUITO NETTING, CANOPY NETTING, WHITE GOODS TIES AND SCARFS. Which wft will offer at very low prices, to suit the times ELI AS COHEN & ROESSLER. jane. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DXALXB IH ALL KINDS OF ii R Q Washikgton, July 24. Governor McCrary, of Kentucky, has no ap prehension ol trouble in Kentucky. ... xne oniy irainB running irom Cleve land are the Short Line accommoda tions. l , i, j The firemen, switchmen and brake- men at Slocum.on the Southern Cana da road, haye struckr ; .. A meeting of the citizens, of uowm- bus, Ohio, took a serious-view of the situation. Fite hundred of th a men- rolled as special police. The munici pal authorities have garrisoned the points likely to be molested. The Missouri Pacific road has restor ed -wages. No strike on that road is probable;-' i t There was a very turbulent meeting at Omaha, Nebraska. After the meets ing, roughs paraded the town, hooting, but there was no violence. The mayor of St. Louis has ordered the saloons closed. The strikers en forced order. Food for stock is allowed to pass. Many industries are paraliz-: ed for want of fuel. Overtures for an omnibus compromise of all roads cen tering in East St. Louis failed. The strikers are orderly, but express a de termination to fight it out. A number of strikers were commissioned a spe cial police by the mayor to guard the WTTI? TVTTViTY.K.f railroad property. The strikers' meet- The night switchmen of the Michi gan Central Railroad have struck. . No undue excitement in Chicago. Jersey Oitv is disorderly, but con trolled. Governor Beall has issued a BEDDING, &C. or CHEAP BED8TEADO, LOUNGES, PA RLOR & CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 6, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. mines, at Andf ied,: Pa., have struck. There is n6 violence. .The shop hands and machinists at Scranton, Pa., have been compelled to quit work. J The Grand Army ol the Republic at Philadelphia have taken measures to organize for the : suppression of the strike. There are seventeen posts in that city. Their services have been accepted by Mayor Stokley who has al so increased the police force to fifteen hundred. ; ? -, Baltimore, July 21 The trains from Baltimore are running to Washington and West on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and all trains on the Balti more & Potomac-: and Northern Central-roads.' The Northern Central road receives no freight. The mail andpassenger train over the Erie pass ed Hornellsville, N. Y., safely to-day. : The strike made no progress in New Jersey to-day, and New York State is as tranquil as could be expected. 'En ergetic preparations have been adopt ed in both States which seem to be supported by the people. The strikers took possession of the union depot at Indianapolis. Only postal cars depart. The Indianapolis, ..dncinfi&ti' & La fayette, the Indianapolis, Bloom ington and Western, and the Indianapolis, Peoria and Chicago roads are not in the strike, but are prevented frem working. Gov Williams and Mayor Chavin, both decline to interfere ex cept to suppress or prevent Violence. Only postal cars leave St Louis east ward. The strikers there say there is no middle ground in this case. It is absolute victory or defeat with them, andthay propose to make the issue square and clearly defined from now nrand to effect thisv they will put a total embargo on freight-and passen ger traffic. Their organization increasN es in strength and -peipKlion every hour; but so long as tnej are not inter fered with in their purpose to obtain what they consider fair and just remu neration for their labor, there will be no violence or disorder, but if they are forcibly opposed, there will be trouble and plenty of it. ' The citizens have obtained control of Columbus, Ohio, and general industry is resumed. At Indianapolis over two hundred special police have been sworn, many of whom are strikers themselves, who thus declare their intention to protect property. St Louis, July 24. A report last night that two companies of United States troops passed through here is a mistake. Two hundred and fifty men, Gen Jeff C Davis' regiment, have been switched off on a side track at Sedalia, but whether by the Missouri Pacific, or by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad men, or by outside parties, is not reported. Advices have just come from east St Louis that a large body of strikers proclamation requesting well disposed , ntl a ,?2 -i" -S ta f t,0?r fcnTvW T,ft have left there for the Missouri Pacific - . - I oh rra cititofarl in tV a Woal-nrn ro-rt rf the city. It is thought that they in tend to force the men there to cease work. Pittsbueg, July 24. Tne city ia en tirely tranquil Railroad affairs are un changed. Hoknellsvillf, July 24. Donohoe, the leader of the strikers, has been ar- the express messenger, mail agent and I rested and is held in close confinement, 1 1 : i ii I rw t , nj -i The troops will be moved from Jersey City and Trenton and other places to prevent their fraternization with the mob. Short lines have been run in Pitts burg by made up lines. This resul I in a collision two miles above Sharps- bure. The engines closed in on each other like a telescope. Both engineers, jan3 three passengers were instantly kill F RES H J3rO ODS -AT- i . K . " . E E S , FUR (S11TUR E a W ARE HOUSE CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, C H I I D R F N ! S C A R R I AG ES, 9 I am receivi! g full Slock of CHILDREN'S CARBIAGFS, lowest prices. ' ' p& Call and raake yonr selection wbil the assortment is ,fulL 'Newest Styles" and marl4 N ccni.edioii with the Fumltnre Business nfMrEG Eogerp. at my old.:tand on Ponth Trade Street, I will ccrdnct the Tn dortak mj Business on ! my ''own-1 account, civmp It n.y personal attention:"" - j ' I will keep a complete Stock; -from the t'neapest Wood Coffin' to the firieat Metalic Barial Case. Orders by telegraph or. , otherwise promptly attended jlJn. -wr. m iTtk fi t ItfEIi This Well vKnown arid Leading Hotel, . rt ... .. Y;i , :1 ... : ' - ' - i- - l M-.J . .a'.vt . , -. ' ...... .. ii. ,, . .. ., U UPAS SED A CC0MM0DAT10N my arrai mlfTrtrrt trftftff f 4 3' ' 'I- ed.and a number dangerously wound ed. The seventh regiment after assemb ling at the armory in New York,- were stoned and hissed by a large crowd ol tramps and roughs. The street was closed by the police. The troops be haved well. The soldiers at Reading, Pennsyl vania, fired on the citizens indiscrimi nately, killing five, wounding. twenty five, including five policemen and two women. The New York Central has stopped selling tickets beyond Rochester. The night in Harrisburg was very dis orderly, until the citizens took matters in hand and ' dispersed ' the rioters, whp were parading the streets. No shooting was .required. For a , few hours the telegraphers were compelled to abandon their offices. The mob at Bunalo fared the Lake Shore paint shop, and a number of cars. The Westfield company of sol diers after killing several rioters were driven from their quarters. . Some of the company were shot by the rioters who got possession -oi me weaiueiu company s rifles. Only postal cars were allowed to leave Indianapolis after midnight. Two companies of Umtea btates troons passed I'oughkeepsie tn . route for Baltimore from the lakes. The meeting of workingmen at ban Francisco one thousand strong ad journed after wrecking a Chinese wash house. MaKing ineir way nomewarus in souad8. they played all kinds of pranks on the Chinese. . Five hundred policemen prevented in em iromeacu ing the Chinese quarters. Stones and clubs were used, but no fire-arms. The demonstration seems to have been a frolic, and by 2 o'clock all was quiet. There are lew aeiaus irom tne jsorm regarding the railroad troubles. There have been no overt acts this jmorning. The strikers are becoming organized, and the indications are that they Will aid the. municipal, authorities in sav ing the property if the awkward mili- tia squaOS WU1 stop-vueir wiiuBuuutiug. 4.ra(ieanu 1 vravet tu. nic umiucu districts whipb extend from the Miss lasinni to t' e Atlantic, and from Mar son and Dixon's line to the lakes, con tinue paralyzed. , 810U aiSCUSSing vne Btri&e, snu cuu- cludeufthat no turther action was pec essary at present, ; beyond calling j an other regiment from the South pro bably from Texas. t; , , iii Messengers irom ine xtaiuiuore ot Ohio Railroad are reportea on .ine New England t Kauroaa, persuaaing ZANE8VU-LE, July 24.A vigilance committee, composed of a thousand ofthe best citizens, has been organized here. ; - " New York, July 24. Postmaster James said to-day that there was no interference with mails for New Eng land and the Southern States, and all through hiails for the West, the South west and Middle States are dispatched by way of Canada, on the New York Centrol and Great Western Railroads. Mayor Ely to-day visited the Grand Central depot and had a consulatation with Supt Toncey, of the New York Central. Reports from the interior line of that road are more favorable. The mayor and police authorities do not anticipate anv trouble in this city in regard to the meetiDg in Tompkins square to-morrow evening. It is sug gested that all good citizens keep away and not countenance or encourage by their presence any disturbance. A large force of police will be present to preserve order. DEATH ON THE RAIL. TOE UUSSO-TUBKISD WAR. Danger of England Getting Into It The Saltan Asked to Unfurl the Standard of the Prophet. Several Small Enconters. Trouble with Austria Anticipated. Lonpon, July 24-The Servian Skupts china has donated money to enable the Minister of War to maintain a corps of observation on the frontier. The Russians in Asia have retreated on Alexandropol. The Turks have captured fourteen abandoned ammuni tion trains. in .Europe the ohipka Pass is entirely in the possession of the Russians. . , The bombard ment of Rustchuk com menced Sunday ; the Turks replying. The Russian. newspapers say that if the British fleet enters the Bosphdrus it will encounter the Italian squadron. Grave apprehensions are felt regard ing the attitude of Italy, and her secret alliance with Russia. The ministerial council at Constan tinople hasfin ally decided to ask the Sul tan to unlurl the Prophet s btandard. Hobart Pasha has started for Sinope with five iron clads. London, July 24. There are indica tions of sharp fights before Rustchuk ana near eiusiria. x nere are no ae tails. LieutGen Mehemit All telegraphs from Shumla accounts of several mi nor affairs, all tending to show that the Turks are beginning to oppose the Russian advances. An Adrianople telegram states that the railway to Philiipopolis is interrupt ed, and that a Russian corps from Is- leighiji has reached Kirkkillissa, where a battle is expected. Note. Kirkkillissa is thirty miles east of Adrianople, and a successful movement in that direction would place the Russians between Adrianople j and Constantinople. The Times' .Vienna correspondent, who is not only exceptionally well in formed but careful and not liable to exaggerate, telegraphs the following : -The rapidity with which anairs in the east are developing cannot but produce a vivid impression upon public opin ion in Austro-Hungary, and this impression is reflected in the press of the two countries. 1'ubiic opinion, which at first loudly called for inter vention in favor of Turkey, now de mands that steps be taken to protect the interests of Austro-Hungary. without, however, indicating the limit of these interests. Count Andrassy who, up to the present, has preserved a reserved and expectant attitude, will have much to do to hold up against these manifestations ol public opinion until the moment when events will al low the Vienna cabinet to employ a more decided policy.' Uew Advertisements. TOO MUCH GOODS AND NOT ENOUGH MONEY. M. Lichtensteiri, Merchant Tailor, Corner Trade and Tryon Stieets, Three Railroad Accidents Several Killed and Many Wounded. Boy kins, Va., July 24. A construc tion train collided with the pay train at Boykins this morning at 3 'clock, on the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad. Both engines were badly smashed and the regular passenger train, with dele gations from Montgomery, Macon, Augusta, Columbia and Wilmington, to the postal convention, was delayed three hours. . Atlanta, Ga., July 24. An up train on the Georgia Railroad ran into some cows. The engine was overturned, the express and baggage cars, and two coaches were burned The engineer was burned to death. Several were wounded. - i Cincinnati, 0., July 24.--The even ing train on the Narrow Gauge road running out to the eastern suburbs of this city, met with an accident. Four killed and a number wounded. saj y sjnsw. . The President Can't Attend, the Postal Convention. ; 4 W ashington, July 24--rThe President and full Cabinet cannot . possibly at tend? the Postal Convention at Old Point Comfort. v r Postmaster General Key, under jwhat h e. , considers official compulsion, will put in his appearance with the understanding ' that he wilt return in twenty vfour hours, should he be needed in ; Cabinet ' counciL ; Mr THE FUEKITURE I S FIRST-CLAS S . . i '.' ".-Wit . lilts I , . .j.THlfjABPE&WROljfiHOOT? 2 T ,ii tGa,and Electric Bells are ine verjjooin.v' ' j To InvalldFlornrMsarFerso -X)RJIASURE;THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY FACTLITY' FOR cdMFORTV man with their pay, but ao notaeem a sime advisable., .inesireeuj ot ww Wzen'. 'Third'- Assistant-Postmaster Mass however. are . iuu ox rumors m General mr Frenehrfchief clerk td the UCUCtBli Aiunuj M"-rv: ltltxi t Air juarsnai. pupennieuuent xuturoau thatioau apprenenu nu wuuutc, u Mail gertice for jthe 5outhernf Stktes: the New XorK wf" l Mr?-McDonaldi head of -post -ofice A thousand men of JjmAinontAet depdrtment. and Mr TeV shopsJiavejomeae-smite FOR THE ill s US-? tssiiauT-! OTXT TWENTY DYS WE SHALL OFFER VV All Goods for Summer Wear A.T COST! STRAW H A T S AND .&OfJI at.; mm wwwMm:M AT ONE HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. Consult your own Interest and buy'ndw. IE. DD. MWA & DM. One door below 1st Nat. Bank. -I: 94 !i bi2 A msm. MIIE ! -; . ) THE Pride of Charlotte AN ELEGANT Tl ESPECTFULLY invitf s those in want rt of FINE CLOTHES, to call and exam ine his stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. before purchasing e'sewhere, as the Goods will be made up at low figures, in order to be employed, july 24 - Spartanlinrtt & Asheyille Hailrpad. 3- mHE following schedule will be operated JL on the Spartanburg s Asnevuienauroaa, in connection with the Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and the Stages at the head of the road, to Hendersonyille, Asheyille and the Warm springs, on ana aner mis aaie : . Leave Charlotte via Air-Line R R, 7:30 a. m. Arrive at Spartanburg at I:d0 p, m. Leave bpartanburg lor Mt. -iryon, i:w Arrive at Mt. Tryon 3:00 ' Arrive at Hendersonyille..... 8:00 FARE. Round Trir Tie Vefp. to go and return any time within ihree uioLithd, Charlotte to Warm Springs and return, $21.30 " Asheville " " 14 au "Flat Rock " 10,30 ' " Hendersonyille " " 10.30 -Tickets for sale at the Air-Line Depot in unanotte. The Post-OfBce DeDartment at Washing ton has ordered daily mails to be carried on this ronte. D. R. DUNCAN. iuue 29 tf ' Prest. 8. A.. Railroad Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Eailway. 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN, At 8i cts. per yard, by the piece, or 9 cts. per yard if cut. FOR CASH ONLY. Sold heretofore at 12 cents per yard. And ask for the above, which is unquestion ably the cheapest goods offered t in any market. - Democrat and Southern Home copy.' ! : CLOSING OUT SALE OF 16 m n iiLOTHi AT -.! Men's g5. 6 and $7 Pantaloons, , for, $3.00 and 4.00 Men's 12, 15, and $18 Suits, for ;$9, $11 and gU.OO Lonen Sacks, 65'and;fd cents Fine White Vests, ...... ......1......... ...... ...... $L00 and $1.25 100 lines of Men's ;,and Boys' Suits, marked ' down from one- third to one-halt then: value. l ; . ;t Straw Hats will be sold regardless ' of, cost . KADTHAN & BRO. CORNER OP TRADE AND TRYON STREETS, CHARLOTTE. N. C. June 22 ' . ; " OFFICE &UPERINTENDENT, Atlanta, Ga. n Takes effect Sunday, June 10th,H?7at 1 o'clock, P, M. : i i,.-1 COMING NORTH TRAIN if O.l HOson h Burwell, 9 Leaves Atlanta,.. Arrives at Gainesville....... ...... . . " Lula, (Athens' connec'nr , " . Seneca,. Greenville,. ..w... " HparianDurg,. ........ , ty jfajro Gauge Junc'n,,1,.. i :.. ficharIbttetvi.,.i..,k.,V. M J tt a JunctlOB,....;.. goJg" SOTigCRAiNit6. 2. 400 pm 6 24 p m ,6 65 p m 9 40 pm 1118 p m 12 52 a m 3 18 a m i 12 a m 4 20 a m d coming to Albany late .this afrnonn. J Mail Service, with the Special Railroad TT!inifif $LZ I1A . KA !tii1 &9. HO tiAr dnV. llCCOrdinir the ynicagu - ; T --.rBassett and l'ox, present, 4 ' K ni . . tTt lonocation or room - h j'-.'. --tf . i -, . i i fu -, ."i . ft if .c..'.'. v ' i era are a uicefcujj, rTrJ r--o i fimpies, etc., are me resmt- or poor uiooa 1 116 WUp Kansas City struck. armtit loinine them. T - .. r. - i ! miners oi ine ? ueaver irooK Purify the blood by using Dr Bull's Blood Mixture ano oarusn sucn 7 eruptions as those named. - 1 - 1J -3 i Leaves N O R RJtmetion,.... 7 00 pm u" ':.:Charlotte,.................; ;7 10 p la Arriye at Narrow . Gauge Junc'n, 8 OS p.,m Spartanburg,.., , 10 45, p m Or6envill6a . 12 30 a in 4. ficncc8 vw ., 2j2(X ft in i ' " Lula; (Athens connec'n) -5 08 a m i'r oaipesnne, o 43 a m i i , Atlanta, i..... ' 8-45 a m iinxui iuu .cuuuiuiuuaviuu leaves cnar- arrives aauy, except sonaay, at o 10 p. m. lie ii in :..v. ,, . . .. . . . vif i j;.. ; j 'v j . i

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