CHARLOTTE OBSERVER " ' J" i - - j - J" -r-,J! i . .. , " jj " : " i . . JOD pRIilTluQ Th osskbtkb Job Depaztxodtai hu twi thoroughly rapplled Wlttt TC7 want, and wita tae latest styles of Tjpti Tsxy maaaer of Job Wore sa bow M0su witu Btness, dUpatcU ana sfrsryn , Wo tan taznisn at short aottoa BLABKaLBIUiHSASa. , , ' 7 isiraBHKiw,oiffl TAG3, RECEIPTS, POSTSS3.I FSOGKAMME3, KAKD BXLU, FAUPHLEX3, CHECK8, Aa ; suBscBirnoN hates. 8;iy 1 ew (postpaid) inadyance, "' t0- x 'r. it i mon. $8 4 2 (JO 00 00 10 WEEKLY EDITION. rkW (in the county) in advance. " $2 v .i " rut of the county, postpaid- a i f? months. " 1 00 vol xni. CHAELOTTE H. ft, SUNDAY, JULY 29 1877 HO. 2,153, Liberal reductions for clubs. I UNDER THE NEfcAWAGEMENT OP ' J ' . i l ? ' 1 Y -1 ' -r i, t t . . i . ....... ttaS been Kefarnished "and Refitted in first class style; 1 and' offers 'inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords t nrices to suit the times. : An active corps of waiters" in attendance at meals, andno TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE RAILROAD STRIKE! The Week Closes with' Encouraging - Prospects of the Restoration of - ' ' t , Peace. pains or expense spared to render f uesls comfortable. HI IVIoderateiTernlj 1 i for)IVlorithlyrB6af(ders. ' $ - The Riot and Excitement Par tially Over iu tlicJVorth, but . Still ISagins ot Louisville, : St. Louis, Chicago and OUR TvlOTTO?! 5HO P LEAS E. United States Soldiers Appearing oiTthr Scenesof JTronhle and ; Rcstoriiig'-CoEfidence. brce of troops, regulars and State mili tia and police, were present. A small guard accompanied - the train. Up to noon.i twelve freight trains had left Cumoerland for ; Baltimore. There was lie interference. A company of united, states regulars was with the hrst train. g A i special from Cumberland dated noon, - says: "Jbreignt trains on ' the ltteburg division are also movins to day. , Hoppers were furnished to the consolidated coal company, but the miners would not go to work, savins: tney wanted to attend a laborers meet ing; at Frostburg this afternoon. The meeting will be watched wilh interest, as the discontented, will try to make trouble." , Albany, July 27. Gov Eobinsori re viewed the troops and was just about dismissing them when the rumors df I aprl .1 Measures for Protection Being """ Taken Every where.' . Th9 Black raslimercs31acl Alpaccas, : A Large toffhEdnggandln LADIES' SUIl UHBRELLAS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANS, MOSQUITO NETTING, CANOPY NETTING, WHITE GOODS, TIES AND SCARFS. Which W!wW6fferl,t very low prices, to suit the times ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER. Trains Running Regularly on Several Northern Roads. jane" BURGESg NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL 'Ml .P. .1 ' ' ! " " ' DKALXB IS ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, A & tJ 1j 3t CHEAP BEDSTBALV. IiQTJNGES, - . . - - '- :. v ' ' - PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, j COPPINSof all KINDS on HAND.- i f Si, , No. 5, West Tirade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. jan3 F.TtlS:TzI 0 0,D S -AT 3E5 siflS1 rf:f 'siro FU R N I T.U R E W A R E H OUS E T. t CHILDREN'S; CARRIAGES, CHIL .ill'.' -Aii'A, -I'Ui'' j D R.E.'NlKSFa A JVgE ES, I am receivirg a full Etcck of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGIS. 'revest Styles' lowest prices. . :r.-tJ..:ci'-.-' i . ' '' "" " ' and Call and makeyour seWctloh whii the assortment is fulL marl 4 a. IN connection with the Furnitnre Businitf 8 of Mr E G Eogeis. at my old stand rn ': j Bouth Trade Street, I will conduct beiUrir ;1: "eiianine UuBinets on -own account. ., isu8inees;on inv giving it my personal attention. 1 Will lroan a Mimnlat. filiuVffMm ilia "uiu case, orders by telegraph or otberwifl?proniP"y tCTrKLTON J 1 1 b-i-rfc I VI V3 T "CX 7 ?L This Wel iKnpwrii and3 e8sdin!g Hotel, t. IJjpN&ENTEK OF THK CITY, OFFERS ."j ;iif' St. Louis, July 28. A -meeting of "seventy-one delegates of all the trades'. Unions, at Schuler's Hall yesterday, was captured ; The police, supported by the military, cleared the streets by a gallant charge. One -of - the, seventy one, who showed resistance was forced into submission. The expedition, on the return with the prisoner?, was loudly cheered. ' Bethlehem, Pa., July 28. The Beth lehem Iron Company has suspended work..' - . ? .-. ;. The North ' Pennsylvania road has additional assurances of the faithful ness; ot its employees.' lne superin tendent of the Lehigh Valley road has posted a notice that all employ es absent this morning will be dis charged. Baltimore, July 28. The strikers refuse to accept the terms of the Balti more & ; Ohio road. The company will run trains to-day, with military protection. The company claims that the strikers do not number one-ninth of the employes, and are confident of their ability to run the road. Further concessions to the strikers are impos sible. Governor Carroll has issued a proclamation to the sheriffs of all counties to protect the roads and trains. Pittsburg, July 28. The strikers of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago road, have notified the company that they would offer no resistance to their employing men to work on the road, but they refuse to handle mail or pas senger trains. Cincinnati, , July 28. Passenger trains- are moving on all of the roads except the Ohio & Mississippi. Local freight trains move in all directions. The movement of through freight is prevented by the"feituation at other points. Chicago, " July 28. The 4110b has melted away. It is said, however, that the communists have tkxed. .bunday for the - demonstration. Precaution ary measures have not been relaxed. Indianapolis, July 28. Passenger trains have left on all roads, and a tew freights. ; New York, July 28. Governor Beadle has eleven hundred troops at Phillipsburg, N. J. There are two thousand bona fide strikers there, with fullv as many more out 01 wore, wno sympathize with and would fight for them. At Washington, New Jersey, there are two hundred strikers, and at Oxford one thousand nailers, who will ston work, and ioin them when it is necessary. The three places are with in a radius of twelve miles, and the strikers have cars and engines at their command. Fully nve thousand could be massed in a half hour. Quiet on the New York Central and Hudson -River roads. Freight and passenger trains are moving regularly. Advices have been received from the CanadaSouthern road fo.the effect that tne road win De ciosea unui quiet pre vails. To-day the running of freight trains commences on tne jjaKe anore & Mien-ie-an Southern road. Superintendent Ledger, of the Michigan Central road. telegrapns mat tne roaa wm pe openeu the entire leneth for freight. - - The officials of the New York Cen tral are apprehensiye that the troubles are1 not yeijoyer, and may break out on the withdrawal 01 ine muma Hoboken, July 28. tThe engineers and firemen of the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western road, have just de cided to strike. ' St. Louis. Julv 28 It is believed that the executive committee of the strikers hate organ'zsd seven compa nies well armed., 0 4....- - Louisville.-Ky i July. 28 The city is nuiet and in the hands of the citi zens. General Ruger is here. - Detro briand arrives to-day. : The ' troops are moving nortnwara. -y l St. Louis. July --28.T A company o citizens' cuard?. with two Gatling guns: have leen sent to Carondelet, where more ' than a' thousand workmen the Vulcan ' Iron 'Works, are. on 'strike. ' " '" " " ; in JSast ct. Liouis try, nnd there seems to be afirm belief that the disorders are at an end. Gen Sheridan reached St Paul this afternoon and proceeded immediately to Chicago. He will reach there to morrow. Gen Hancock announced all quiet in Pennsylvania, except in some of the mining districts, such as Scran ton. Hancock concludes that possibly the coal mines may require similar. treat ment to that of the railroads. He offic ially reports .the affair at Johnstown and the taking of fifty prisoners. Gov Carroll telegraphs the Secretary of War that he does not belieye that he will have to call for the troops held subject to his orders. - 1 The week closes with a comfortable feeling. The Federal District Court of Pennsylvania has taken action with re gard to the roads in the hands of iPICHTID KEOKUK FOR THE NEXT TWENTY DAYS WE SHALL OFFER" THE liUSSO-TUHKISII WAR. Suticnaan Defeated and Under a Cloud. . The Russians Preparing to Move on fiesna English vessel .Leaving Malta with Enthusiasm for the Turks. The Russian Press Sneering at England. London, July 28 The Times' Vien na correspondent has the ioiiowmg confirmatory ot the defeat of Sulie- man Pasha, at Kara Buran, near Yeni Saghra yesterday : Suheman Pasha s advance guard of ten battalions and two batteries has been defeated, losing ten guns and a considerable quantity of munitions, bulieman nimseit remains at Adrianople. In consequence of this reverse, the hopes reposed in Suheman at Constantinople are much diminish ed. It is feared the Eussians, encour aged by this success, will again begin marching rapidly on Adrianople and southern lioumama. w-k . . t 1 rf-r mi I- t . .Bucharest, uuiy zo. ine Russians loss at Jrierna included 4uu prisoners and two standards. It is believed that the Russian force preparing to move on Plerna is overwhelming, and unless Osman Pasha retires he will pay dear ly for his previous success. London, July 28. The embarkation at Portsmouth for Malta by the Croc-1 cdile yesterday, created a good deal of enthusiasm in marked contrast to the departure of the Euphrates the preced ing day, which passed almost nnncn ticed. A call of three cheers for the Turks, uttered by some one on the wharf, was responded to with great spirit from the departing troops on the ship. ,bome person took aboard a large tun btr of vioknt anti-Russian pamphltts and gave them to the sur geon lor distribution amongst the troop?. A special .from .Berlin to the limes says : "An consequence 01 the despatch of British troops to Malta, a regular campaign has been opened by the en tire Russian press against England. Some journals laugh at the insignifi cant force JLngland can spare for an Eastern war ; others fiercely declare that odious .England is lighting Kussia even now, seeing that Egyptian troops 1 1 a . 1 -w 1 nave Deen equippea witn jungusn money, while all agree in regarding English antagonism as a matter of in difference and not to be dreaded by Russia. r 1 ' . mTTrt - The awfters IN STT R D'AQQCTl i A nrYlM Ml 1 1 A Til TNM iwbiri dmae to. the bridge. The wwaiai .-.- -m ti a - sr k ' - r-m w it'll r 111 111 1 1 i 1 m. rw m - - -a - w Al, j.u mj kj j-' y r ,,-n(r Rtr;k. rs that the affair is THE """"T TO, TUB TRAVtlXTNa' fjii,i,;V PBEKWCMi'-IS FIRST- j . .... THE HOUSf IS Cft)lPETfeDHRDODHOlfT; 1: T Gat andElefclric'Bells are iaeveryir0pui..11iv 0 IiiYalids, Florida Tourists ori Persons iTraTellng propositions acceding to mear i1 -'-rrkU J sr nrA . - vy n their demands the only -differ ,IaUl"i L, ,lflrrrw " ' ing as, to.thewages.-of rijjiiASUUiS, All IlUUftHi uxxXiXvo AVBAJ. 'r v: .rHforainiJ VI FOR COMFORT. . -1 .1 JiwaiS-$3.00, 2,50 arid $2.00 per day, according (pllocation of rooni. t. r.-.a H. 0.SEGCLES, PROPRIETOR. leading strikers say not over. Terre . Hacte, Ind., July 28. The Midland, and the Logansport & Terre Haute railroads, have resumed full work San Francisco, July 28. All is quiet, The police ? are arresting all known hoodlums, thieves, &c, as vagrants. ; Sedalia, July 28. The strikers here An tha Missouri. Kansas & Texas, had a large, meeting, 5 yesterday; evening after a consultation, held hetween rtne. etvilrera an rl nffiners of the road, during S3 V. sv :r r ; nriiv t ihtt i fhcera l made tvery-itur meany an pi dmerence be f i. V tV en me as to ,uie.5wageB, n .vm mileage 3G prasemeu auu uwiwu -.iisvpt rnnai 'It la ' crenerallv believed that the - terms will be accepted, and the me will resume work mis moyn Pit TTWftUIT Jnlv 28. Freight trains have commenced running on the Balti more & Ohio Railroad, between. this city and Cumberland." A train of. six irtn left Riverside - nooi" Tiocust Point, .about o sn a. m. No disturbance. A large riot from West Albany caused a change receivers which will squelch the strike r 3 mi r a ' nj . i I . 1 t ... tt ui urueiB. ana uny is agam nueu wim i in ine benign vaiiey rumors ot riot and bloodshed. The troops are under, waiting orders. - Philadelphia; July 28. A special to the Evening Telegraph from Pitts burg says: "This morning Gen Ham ilton, with about 3 regulara--aixiyed m this city. The arrival caused a sen sation. They brought with them some fifty strikers as prisoners. As the ram approached Johnstown during the night, the strikers misplaced and wedg ed a switch, which threw the cars from the track, resulting in injuries to one soldier and the engineer. Gen Hamil ton deployed men and before the crowd ot strikers were aware of the movement the regulars had captured about fifty. and surrounding them kept the others at bay. In this position they awaited new transportation, und soon after start ed with their prisoners for this city, where the captured rioters have been placed in an arsenal to await the action of the United States Government. Albany, July 28 It is now reported that the engineers and firemen on the Central Railroad agreed to strike this afternoon. As yet there are no sign's of trouble. The trains are arriving and departing on time. New iork, July 28. The excite ment in this city concerning the rail road strikes is at an end so far as pure- y local interest is concerned, although the merchants are still anxious con cerning the transportation of freights. x hil iDELPHiA, July 28. The Presi dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad makes the announcement that the Pennsylvania Railroad and its branches are open for freights as well as passen gers from Washington, Baltimore, Phil adelphia and New York, to points as lar as Altoona on their main line, to Kane on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, to Buffalo via the Emporium route, and Elmiria and Canandaguar on the Northern Central Railroad. This territory comprises the Clear Field and Broad Top bituminous coal region, and the anthracite region trib utary to the Northern Cincinnati road. They expect to have their main line open to Pittsburg, and the Philadel phia and Erie Railroad to Erie to-mor row, and their lines west or r lttsburg on Monday. Their men are rapidly recognizing the situation, and the fact that the interests of the company and their own are identical. West Philadelphia, July 28.--The following has been received from the general manager of the Pan Handle line at Columbus, Ohio: "Our roads west of Columbus are in full operation at all points. The headquarters of the strikers are at Columbus. I gave the mayor and the strikers notice that I proposed to run freight trains to-day. The mayor opposed it until I called upon the Governor, who told him he could render all aid necessary. We proposed to run the trains this morn ing. The engineers were captured by the strikers, but were speedily retaken, and the train started tor Cincinnati. Two of the men were arrested. All is now quiet and the crowd has dispersed. We intend to move the other trains at once. St. Louis, July 28. General Pope is here especially to see after the roads which are in the hands of receivers, which he is ordered especially to pro tect. There is no hindrance now to the departure of trains in any direc tion. At 5 o'clock this morning a detach ment of the sixteenth, nineteenth and twenty-third United States Infantry, numbering three hundred and ntty men. under Gen Jeff C Davis, em' barked at the arsenal on board the harbor boat and steered to the eastern approach of the bridge, whence they marched to the relay depot at East St. Louis and took possession of it and all surrounding yards, tracks, and proper tv of all kinds. The strikers, about two hundred strong, who were at or near the depot, scattered in all direc tions on the approach of the troops. Only three of them and two muskets were captured. It is expected that the i j . a it i . i a . A raiiroau iramu win uo resuuieu w uajf. aCmcAGO.-Julv 28. The revised list gives nineteen killed during the dis turbance. 1 ' 5 ' Pittsburg, July 28. Col John Ham ilton, of the first artillery, was severely injured by an accident at Johnstown, caused by a misplaced switch. The train that arrived in this city pre sented a formidable appearance. In front of the two engines was a gondala car in which was mounted a Gatling gun. . defended by a detachment of State fen cibles. The engineers and firem en on . the locomotives were un der strong guard, the soldiers: having orders to shoot them if there was the slightest hesitation in discharging their duties.? j Upon their arrival here ; they quietly disembarked and were march ed W the West Pennsylvania Hospital grounds, whore they are now encamp- New York, July 28.-r President Sloan, of the Delaware? Lackawanna & West ern Railroad to-day had a , conference with the strikers, the result of which was unsatisfactory.. Tb e j situation' re; mains unchanged .-, b-K ' The trains are running on the New Jersey Central road between here; and Somerville, but beyond that point all traffic is stopped; .Many of the rine- leadera in the strike are under.' arrest and will be. taken to Trenton for Irial. i wEEUK0,tw, .Ya. yulyw28th.-A company of United tetates regulars ar. rived here to-day, by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad,' and are fin camp near the railroad and machine shops. . It is expected that trains will be .. started in a day or so m All is quiet, ? , , ( Washington,; July 28. But few d& patches were receiyed at the War ; De partment, ;' AH show an improved con dition of affairs' throughout the coun All Goods for Summer we STR AW H A T S AND &fJOi TETf? AT ONE HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. Consult your own Interest and buy now. IE. HD. ILMTTA & IBM. One door below 1st Nat. Bank. Iyl2 A Fugitive from Justice Arrest ed. Philadelphia, July 28. Joseph Woodran, , charged with penury and larceny, was arrested on the arrival of the Virginia, on a requisition from South Carolina. He was locked up. Mem. from Society Journal. "Miss 8 appeared to positive disadvantage because of cloudiness of complexion and must we write it? Pimples spoiling an otherwise beautiful countenance." (She should by all means procure and use Dr Bull's Blood Mixture. Bep ) New Advertisements. THE Pride of Charlotte, AN ELEGANT ' 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN, At 8J cts. per yard, by the piece, or 9 cts. per yard if cut. FOE CASH ONLY; Sold heretofore at 12J cents per yard. And ask for the above, which is unquestion- ably the cheapest goods offered in any market. , JULUiiLLMillUUiky 0 Julys Democrat and Southern Home copy. CLOSING OUT SALE OF Notice. I AT A Few more monthly Boarders Wanted ix. at tee MarsFion House. J Aic ALEXANDER & CO., jul29 2t . Proprietors. Printing Office for Sale. THE office of the SHELBY BANNER is offered for sale at low and reasonable figures. The office has a No. 4 Washington press in good order, with all the necessary type and fixtures for a weekly paper. For particulars address J L WEBB, . jaizu it ; ; . sneiDy, y,u. A.. T. O. & R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, . Charlotte, N. C. July 6, 1877. J I Ol : TT.i. Ml-I- -.15 Jl - - f t and after Monday, July 9th. the Otraw XiaiS WU1 Dc BOIQ regartuess OI COSl. rvN J following Schedule will be run over this road; GOING NORTH. J: r- " J-' f-i 'A Men's g5, $6 and $7 Pantaloons, for f 3.00 and filOO Men's 12, 15, and $18 Suite, for $9, fland 14.00 JIIIVA sw MVAW7 1 w w -rirm Fine White Vests, ................................. 100 lines of Men's and Boys Suits, marked . down from one- third to one-half their value. ; ; ' f CORNER OP TRADE AND TRYON '.STREETS, ICHAKLOTTE, C. 8 30 a. m. 10.20 , '10.64." 12.00 m. 1.30 p. m. Z.39 3.13 Leave Charlottr, " u.uouege, " - Mooresville. Arrive Statesville, GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville. " Mooresville, s ' D. College, Arrive Charlotte, -. - j Close connection made at Statesville with trains over the W.N. C. B. R. . Bound trip tickets to Newton and: return $4.40. to Hickory ai d return $5.00, . to Mor- canton and return $6.15, to Marion and re turn $7.65, to Henry's and return $8.40, to Asheville and - return $12.40, - to Warm I Springs and return, $18 40.' These tickets are good for return patsage until November AU' charges must be pre-paid on Freight onered foi shipment to Section House, Hen- derson's, , Alexandriana and Caldwell'i These being "Flag Stations,", the Company I is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded . at either of the above named "Flag Stations.'' ; No freight will be receiyed by Agents for snipmcnt unless tne name or consignee and aesunauon is aisuncuy marked tnereon. J J GORMLEY. July 7 Superintendents ikon k lur-wel Hi in wmm m mi I , " , ' ' ', , ' ' ' . 5 - , t - f t V t .4 f - - -