:" TRAINS. Tbe following are tbe Schedules now ob ,erved on the various Railroads' running into the city : v EXCHMOHD DAHYILtl UifJUfAfi rni l6&Y6)a "s 47 ft. HI L0aomU'a& FrMgHves;9tf '-m ' ..., leaves....... t - p. m Tttl' diiaiiftlrilf idiLXvi-oiitrv , am v8j -4 42 &. jeq leaves, 7 40 p.m. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AtTGUBtA. Mail arriVerfi...:.UUi.?.i.1.?.il.:i'-SU.4 'KKaiifc, leaves,........." .. 7 28 p. in; AccomxnVaiia Freight atrivfle-jiitetiii ,518 daily except Sundays '. .......4 50 p. in. Acooro'u aad FrghtileBMe8s.sja OQ pi ra CAROLINA central (Eastern Division ! .1 Mail leavesdaily'eeefairmwj agpi 'taa?jfin1Aiead days 6 20p.m.TPotoWfit Bm Mail arrives6wwL.T6vJL;u.i6tC ifeaJ Carolina csntkal Western Division. . - Mail arrives do. XAtr.iVu'Sa mi Mail leaves do. ... 7 15 a. m , Mail arrives ...2ZTl5iff7 f .;laavea...frfrM-i& aP an. I SI POST OFFICE niRRCTOBY dlScIoTIhe P allowi ice r tbfs cit: - TinWishea-! Two Mails North of Richmond per day : First,. ens fipr.ond...... M..opeD8.o w pm Air-Line, M...................clo6es...6 00 p m ....... ....opens...8 80 am Cbarlottt ih 4pf6stfnar..clf sw-...f p o Wilm opens.M8 00 a m Charlotte and Bbelb;. - .cloeea.6 00 am .. so p in an .opens... 4 30 But one Mail per day East of Greens hnrrt. to RaleiRh and other points, which sloses at 6 p. nw. BaUooe16cal MJt Charlotte tc-ichtiwnd.wbfchdoBesa - ajOlftcB hTOrsbYdeUyaring juouey vrutsrs juaum uiu iuu, tuiu J 1. 3 J i 9 a. ro-, ana irom 2 10 p. m. W W JENKINS, Post Master. n fuMXhaiJbttl..c$e4&i iieildlyf' front nrnvi ail 5 J Ci to learn that the people of Iredell are tccominrJaVDrabldkyte0:paBaing of a State law dispensing with fences, and encl6sln theounty-with a lence m- stead,sub8atutirfg th patCvba dyer and oflier stream a wlfere tHey caJube used. Raleigh News : Yesterdayi a rejquisi tionfrom Governor Hampton, of South CarolinA, wSl reQSLve&At te executive departnienf forheMfeliwery-'of -ne n John Hunter, colored, who is now confined in! the CleaVeladd cxitinlyaiL It is told that the railroad authori Raleigh Fire Department in saving the depot, . and warehouses jiujrjne the I ; burhiAg df Pi!J. WrayfeWs'fttffli.wilM lenaer tnem an excureioiT xy Beauiori . "Mr. 'mitt, JxdIi MajAn, (elli the Horganton Blade that on last Saturday theie escape frfm tlm Railroad froflt, in 1 the niountains, vatove that plaoe, made a raid 4jpoB theT town-in, night time rrytadfPcfotnii-did provisions to last them some time.: "An excursiofftrara wtffbeTun from August 17. eranoBodgl ofSfj Templars meet atHkjkorv . on Tues- day,TugOGJdD tram is for their benefit. 1 C J -A At ; aniQDg meaMatlelzi: xne tare nas i . AM ffiport xhail Ttbis week 46 a i tbe kStOe Utfriciiltdial S. anticipated a nrsflass music estab- dollar organ of rare merit and beauty. " vlo "ccuio nujii., ix-v. i 4 r TT 3 I" P V C-X--r,TJ I ' Governor uleaves The Beaufort: loaf TKn-alAW aawat rPV-. lflf f aiinaa I tion in Beaufort is the uuexplalmHl abaence f Mr. Gleaves, who left town gan to inquire as fWh.e wbreahouti of the missing trial ids tic itice,' 'add Wwai freely reported that he had left for that his stay was to be prolonged, and tnat be had .peerA varnedTthaCinw investigation committee in Columbia aay last two strangers from UolumDia were in townrand fronr"whaTwas"6aid by them it was inerred that tbead a warrant for the Irfist dfl&y oak Putting this andSfet IbiMS Hhe absence of the ex-lieutenanf governor is not to be wondered at." In another columthfi Tribune has tbiseaWUttle-paragrt: 4CitLse - reaves is-irot aNahdidatcf for the W r tion of intendant. We are assuretf; howeverthpwnnju., A i A 1 Tae-Heku Lieutenant Lemly. iommaatfer ofrttte CoCWaHSrof ed Stateartfoons Tibktns 'eTODcfeea w nave beepaptajred afjauretf, " the Indians in the recent epgage ?ent in Idaho Territory, is a North Jsank. Lieutenant Lemly entered est Point fro icu wnn ma; Jearsago. Raleigh Observer. J Tr?th lattXpMoliprl.rj You are sallow, sick and pe.vsh ; your iver neein TftgulBunEJ Y"n nayacni fever ; often r3fouJ jveA is tofpidj won't be cdbd hanl Wuse Ta&Jrf'; Powder. Price CO cents. 1? .ITri?- .rr ? miacL .whether, CoussenijLlghtnlng Liniment is better tha all other Liniments. "ii nil - M wnprnar nnnnflnH' r jfifiiiinaf INOthitlcr (a an.I. AA 2A U ..M (41a -m m a a ao nd hogs, removesiyiribpnbtand 1(?i?temb: .ndpJieL&tee,)l or saiebvauurdggistsa i r, u . n iiS e in. Tj-'i?" if'0" npoa very irwi-ppontea toi- weaor, p, Oi'boi'Slfi', IwaVorE,.v ' ramm nimi r"i ztsi njn Baov i aroima which will make the nnesc m-owa, o a a a ass a M I l.aaa OiaO'T 1 i ifl nnn WrlEor$ie0v 8 ixlVX rf' L rA" MARKET. M ta'w ie,?ood demand.' Irish Potatoes fo vn van on Applesgood snpply; Oranges- email stor.t Mutton verv scarce: pond Hpmnif lOBprjDg vs.andaod 3 t&teti 1 ?kJ3 40o50 jn.cn 1 wai Tnrkeva. 7Jwif Qfw,i ot 85 - 90O1.25 . Ducks, 20o25 25a30 , Guineas, 16al8 20a25 12i15 Pofiwics a Sweet, bushel, 1 00al.25 1.50ol.60 1 d IHsh ii'ixTfialOO H Ij00al25 Cabbage, 3a5l Beef. 6a8l fcl I ; A vT onP b. &ft2i1 10a12i FKXjrrs Oranges, per hundred, . Lemocs1.rr Dried Applet per lb;. 3.50 2ia3t 85a90l ' pr dozen . : DQMESTH) DRY GOOD8. rtft4.ritf isugedOtaUlffM clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is nor unuKerr.jr. yuvvwng juues.) awn 4- f&bjbbra: Brown drills 9dl0f r 'Bleached r" 81all WDee.. ??? Brown drills 9dl0f Other crwi brands KMnH. fil i JbaJs ahd Cottohadkb York Whittenden Oriental itnisil 14 ik 14al5 .15 22 Leinbach & Co Darco v 15ai5J I 121 Lfnisoln i $ TahjeKocks l Ermine aoth 22a24 1 30 Dbxsb Goods , ,ti i Carded Alapacas "!, Plain LustrW Lawn's Pacific Pequets 18a2l 20a22 14al6 ; 18 14a20 12a24 ir. 1 8a8J 1 ii; t -rainier 12i Cones tocra 14al8 B9i I te GROCERIES WHOLESALE. y iCorn yimand light ITl ' V. 'W : FiouarKlall and declining. Sugar, market steady. Ceiffire adyanced and in good demand. SaH higher and iHrdeman4. Saltmeas &ctitH 3lYJ- Lard, quiet. BfLK MIAIB per fl -X mr Rih fiiJlea 8a9i 1 Long Clears, 7o7 " Canvassed, 13al4 111 " halfBbls, 18 Yjyj aV Buckets A Tins, BUTTEE i 12 12ial3 16a20 1 ( wiw 29a3'pno j ,aJ i)qv:' I 8UGARS 2al3i j Mo: w70 50o55 Cuba, f r oti oo T?;. OiSlQ91 Black 50a75. Green, 60al.20 TSA- 50a75 MACKEREL. . i.60a6.50 "l.I5al0 St T: M o nnQ v I'ftfus'm Qnrui 6.50a7.00l BicChoioe 8a8 eta, Good to prime ga8l MaAir-perbusheL 85o90 GsAur ska A 88a85 hulk, 80 From wagons in bulk, 80o85 T Jto D sores ihknlixeV. t)AsWhite.,S ' 60a65 60a65 Black 1.00 1 Pure clay. lOOallO Mixed, - 85a95 TTay TTnchonned Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 ortn oarouna, 6:a75 S. per' sack L fine table, Z.Z&0Z.3U Ground Alum 1 WINES AND LIQ p: Peach per gal. Apple " Wmsrrrii i&'Ji H7 U a Rye rTCorn 1 25a4 00 li,65dl 75 J1 rkAeerbasket. 2uW500 Maderia irnon 51,201 PROFIT ON $100 f r , A nn anv-davin Puts and. Calm.' InT MCOTdlpg'xo jour meaun, ..A' tSAT in Stocat PJfmleges, has brought a smaU fortune to ths careful investor.: advise , when . andL hpw rto. operate ss rfuhetohT-careful investor we bow to, operate saieiy Ad T ciress oroera vj r,, ;y .m . irt ? tvt m u x jcau nAA iCiit I Aw V ; V" A " , . w A u ttr pnnKET'HAPSi mailable, comprise s llxAnn Wtlohal and railroad of everv State and Territory and ths princi- rt pal Ynteqtxmrmi J 111 Ii JT1 " 'nFcwri i.f.rir nrH snuenui in' w enracv and execuion, and our assort 0 ent 1 ..ftTTD nwMWBAi. ATI. AS ifl conceded to -0r cataloguesikddresa r y U V S U D , Xew icora. LASSXB - a . . ... Red, ) Phnm .1 10 Kn I It 11 - Mo kaI IV igRiXpATlia A la .:. " " " U2nZ5 lit Bankers end tfroKers, Hte MeaSaohe F R E 14 in VTA Wn.MTWfWniT 7S ATPrT2Tnr Through EreightRojate to all -Points South. This line being fully equip It or 31 n! TrEiaportatiion a-.. WIWqtok AJNPALL r NOBTHEBNRiAyPKjEASTEBN ; CITIES TOI ttAJiLWTTJS, STATVlLIiE,! (;vQBEENyjXLE, SPAItTAJiBUTiG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ' ' ' 'ATLANTA & BlCHMOND AIRLINE, ATLANTIC, KAlLJwADB, as a - r -si-SSf WKUKUIA. ALABAMA And J :i - WNTEj'O AT50i?T Aft Via INFOB MATION FUBNISHID r a nrrvrTk- i CJ.tfc TO" VI. T7i Agt., septso 1 1" WHOLESALE & RETAIL, . ? r . . v . r , IV RTld MtlMltMl 8tftk of DRTIOS Our new store room is noi we have ample room: three stories. wall filled with everything In trar liner bopght for Cash at the lowest market price.' Our old customers and friends, . and the public generally are invited to call and Bee, uLXake great pjeasnjja..wa$ipg on them, and offering the best articles for the y v -1n..,i.vt!iitj,-n ) marl -T-TT Dissblutioh. THE partnership heretofore existing un- ider the firm name ; and style of. Jones k McDowell,: as. Editors, Publishers and Pro- 4ng estpblishment, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, unas. jt; Jones purcnases F. B. McDowells interest .m tbe business of the late1 firm, together with the books of the concern, assumed all debts due by the lata partnership, and wll pay all obligations 6f the late firm on presentitiotiV," ' , CHAS R JONES, 1 , F BREVARD McDOWELL. Charlotte, N. C, May :9th, 1877: . may20 dw tf , , Just Received AT McADEN'S DBUG 8T0BE, I S)f Cases Bufialo Xithia Water, fresh from hiJ the Springs : 10 cases . Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs. Ln Cream Salad Oil,. imported ,- brand . oi tiaiad. , uu. J finest qualities of English Spices, Cloy es, WS9 MS- Y llllll"! I in UUW . QUI IIUUMW,; I. pnjrposesonly. Com Starch,, .Tapioca. Sago, Macaroni. 40a45 1 Epps Cocoa, Chocolate. Ac.. ,f. ijfi! 34a38 1 Dooley's, Royal, Price,, Foam, and Hors : I ford Baking Powders. For sale at I . u on idd jk rwa my16 3 TlUFFALOi LITHIAjWATJEBrJiUsA r ceived. We have made eir&ngemBt3 to I receive these Mineral Waters every week I rieht fresh fromtha Bnrines. at f i " MoADEN'8 DRUG ST0REsA mar , 5?Casc4s 4tf ! OF Buyton's.MaU Hop.Tonic. an excellent article, for invalids and, those suffering from general debilityYt, : n , x v . ; MoAPJJ'tDUG STORE! v marl . u .d-nK For Rent. Large Rooms over the front of, our -!- iu ... WILSON A BURWELfc. Store. rayl5 ; 50 Cases Meet the wstnof 'tijoKS ,whio. need? andrei liable medicine." Ttieimn ipnw demand "Which haa so raoidlv foUorednheif lotnadodtiott dv evidence that they do supply tWU.Trant, mid.: ... -V. J - . m-.L .aj -...a u awmkic fhM " ha HK'MOSTFOKOJiARPIL j :i'i r-'r 1., I medical auumriucs vom.kub mw. oujvji.jr un 1 1 iJ3kfihisln .fet ji AoU-Bdiousi ifVt Jt F AJUwnors, correct a viiiatcd 6Wie oi inc system, ana,:Deing nurelv vegetable, they do not, like other pillsL leave thd stm:ch hnd jxwyels.tir a .worse. eonditioh than thev found theni, Sbnt, on ittc. contrary, Impart . Wealthy Uwewd.4 i5D.beJforfi BnfcnoJBEo , j . 4 I riTTT? WORDSilNDORSED.1 j I , ,;. . . .n .1. .... i , i. i I i jir. Ci La-Mi CHtu, r im moaqn.riw,i"j . . . . . . mt. ' . J ; .t 4 amk iie wpjeriorit ndttoteiHjm i xowpyuu t r,tf Rev. p. L. SIMPSON. Louisville, Ky saysi i! : 1 ri H sJrirt? pttwvrfA their weight artd Pirei SO1 Years Astla, Springfield, Mass, MM t Ha nflea Chills and Fever. . . " F7A TW pilU, w 4tfr ,hilltf Illinois orrct P f'ilrii 'JLm ti! Sold veiywhcrc..v.Price;.3e ceptSj .Qfflce, 3J .VI CP I,..-..-....,, -w' 1 wr .;.,.r. ' iO I "TT ftSf lCTTrcR'S HITTERS. 25 cases Vine- 201.0 Jd. ganiBitftera; ftogfoss-r 8mmftiii?Jl4vet Regular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at 1 l-n uQRS, f . ..1 ...McAJjjcw.a.jjituy..j;ui,fJ iteiiiyfill T E 8 I : r f 1 fffOTJTTT r A UftT TWA , iness, offers' unJequaled , facilities for the of Freight, froiftij well as all points in ' ANY COMPETING ,-PNE AND UPON APPLICATION- TO ' '; v iQinimi. iF W CLARK: Agent 0. a Bailway tihlrlott: y' H' 'tanjpri f& rAsJieriUe Bailroafl. A : illst niHE following schedule will be operated ontheSDartanburffAAshftvniRSiirnrt in connection with the Charlotte Air-Line RailroacLand the Stages at the head of tbe roao, 10 Aienaersonyille, Asheyille and the WarmJBpru on and after this date : . Leava Charlotte yia Aijr-Line R R, 7;30 a. in, Arriyp at Spartanburg attI , lt30p.mf juca vo rparwnDUTg IorML "ATyon, I:4U 1 Arrive at Mt. Tryon 3:00 '1 Arrive, at Hendersonyille .. 8;Q0 " - i FARE, . ! Round Trip Tickets, to ieo and return anv time within, three months. , M . 1 f067"1? 1 14 30 Via T . . . i( it in av tZZZZ .. ,AX MBiuwwufn o JV.0U1 JOt Tickets for sale at the Air-Line Denot in Charlotte;- ' ' - Tbe Post-Office Department at Washine-1 ion has ordered daily mails to be carried on this route. D. R. DUNCAN. june 29 tf Prest 8. A. Railroad TOO MUCH GOODS LAND. NOT ENOUGH MONEY. ju. ucnienstem, Hi Merchant Tailor. Iff Corner Trade and Tryon Streets, D ESPECTFULLY invites those in want AC of FINE CLOTHES, to call and exam ine his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. before purchasing e'sawhere, as the Goals will be made up at low figures, in order to De empioyeu. July 24 "Babyland." T' ARGEST PROFIT YET, Specimen cop- JU ies free. For an Agency send to i i : D LOTHROP A CO. ! feb25 , . : , Boston ADVERTISING! $QKr Af Worth of space in various OyOKJ J newspapers distributed tbrough thirty States, will be sold for $7100 casiiiM 'Accurate insertions guaranteed. J A list or toe naners. eivine dauv and weeklv circulation' and printed schedule of rates, sent free on application to GEO P RO WELL 00 Newspaper .Advertising Agents, Nd. AT Vartr Rrtw Jo "VftrV - T4ii wir- ,- : n . ! HQ ?q Si L'libQil. a DDnngs ... j s.-.S'JJjii is hilu 'i ... A T Charlotte. N.. C , We , have now in xifoperatlbot our Saratoga ' Fountain, and will haveom draught all the season fresh Saratoga Watervo icej ma good as it is at the Bpringsin wewf xork. , J omari'i ".sh -;'. ,t - j --!. For Sale or Rent. A . Comfortable, six room Cottage, ith il baseiutnt. "well of water in : the. 1 va d; barn and other necessary outhousesj With hffAAfi atva nrl.iriflaini,tn .ha tnhnrha Al ..iMrfM V. I IM1U 1 J 6 VUW HUUU. V, thetownofBtotesvim-, mariS! tf' AtthisDftice ! j -i. i'r.,' ! . i p OCfcBfelDG3Bf; ALUM WATf.R" fresh j-V-lrom tdespnngs jUBtreceiveafov j of!) 1;) ; . McADEN'S DRUG Pfl , marl ' .-, . .- Ground Horse Food. PCI I'i.i 'I Ground Cow food. HlfH Oil fSL.5V-Jt(.J (--jiaJUt Minor ! Wheat Bran. Corn, Sloal, Oats, f. M t'-r' ! I I jl,v j W. W. WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. r4 jtme i lij Dawson's - ill 1 ! - f a GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN0YJ V JLFarm hasmet wiUsahehmadyaalethat fi j oiuJ sacra finai eows. hayeheen purchased and vif ' t . . KjHAJUAJL'xis, jn. u. 'U'!Ui in t ' ..-t,.. w,Ji4-" rit.t fT"fl HY1"4T' 'lnsurea all kinds HgfW y jniSCELLAWEOUS. thehild wmm CUBES HUMPHREYS s HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been In general use for twenty years. hEveryw Here proved the I most SAFE, , ftlMPLE' ECONO MICAL, and o EFFICIENT uieil i- cine known- They? are Just what i t be n pe ople w ant, T saying time and. money, aTeriJns . sick nessand suffering.. Eacb single specific the well tried preserip ion oC an eminent physician. Nob , .Cures . , ...Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation,' "25 2 Worms, Worm Feyer, W orm Colic, ' j 0 L25 9 Crying Colic, or Teething of In- . ; ; fants.....'..'....... .....wl.".:. .. '25 4 Diarrhosa, of Children or Aduits, . 25 5 Dysentery, Gri ping, Billion? Colic, ; 25 6 -Cholera-Morbna. Vnraitiner 2f " 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis,...;.:...... r ; 25 8 Neuralgia,' Toothache, Faceache, . 25 9 Headaches, bickr Headache, Ver- . tiso. :..:r " 25 v I IQ Dyspepsia BUlious Stomachy. IfcBuppressoiPaihrm iods,.., , 25 12 Whites top Profuse Periods,..,, ? ., 25 13 Croup, Cough, DifiScult Breathing, , 25 14 BaU Rheam, Erysipelas, Eruptions, '6 15 ' Rheumatism ' Rheumatic Pains,...' 25 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Fever, Agues,: : 50 7; Piles, blind or bleeding,.,...... ' 50 18 Upbtnalmy, ana bom or j, Weak Catarrh, acute, or chronic. Influenza 20: Wbooping'-Cough, violent coughs, SJSJSf 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel- . 121' U i1;1 24 Ihihty, Phisical Weak- 50 ness,. 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel,, 28 Nervous DebiUty Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges. 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 29 Sore Mouth, Canker..................... 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the 31. Painful Periods, with gpasrni,,,,,,. 33 Disease of Heart, nalnitations. etc. 1 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 34 Diphtheria, uleerated sore throat, 100 worouic ongesuona ana erup tions 5 : FAMILY CASES. I ... . ... . - morocco) witn above 35 large viais ana Manual 01 airecaons. siu uo (Morocco) of 20 large vials and 22?ir:" - --r h 600 These remedies are sent bv the ease or sinsrle box to anv part!1 of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address . HUMPHREYS' I Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office A Depot, No, 562 Broadway, N.; Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents, . fl'W S00K8. TURKEY : By Lieut. Colonel Baker. Just oat. Tbe latest work on Turkey, by a resident familiar with the subject. A good book, g4.00 CARROLLES : The Fortunes of a PartUan J81 by J. Eslin Cooked $1.50 VIRGIN SOIL : By Turgenieff. Leisure Jhotr serk s, $1.50 OVERLAND TALES: By Josephine Clif- fbrd, TREE PRISONERS- -A Storyj of California iLADY LEONORA, : $1.50! : -!frS ';, ' TIDDY & RR0. For sale by ulj6 PrcsciTe;o!ir Health, Man cannot ennnot enjoy life unless he has good health. To preserve iC.it fehecea - ', ' i,. - 1 sary to observe certain lules, and It is very I important to have GOOD DIET. I I r M This explains why the people patronize me, knowing that I keep on hand at all ... . . '-!..: times a LARGE and ASSORTED BTOUK I of the BEST QUALITY of: GOODS; ! My CANNED GOOD3 and FANCY; GROGE- RlES of all kinds are ''exctelsior.'; r J. . , I woo Id call especial attention to Bbocgh- 1 .Kj. . : : rWiifn CfiKK rRR"RT7. i: 9. nnd 4 ft. I -cans, and a "very superior quality of Beet ) .. , .' f. TEA' in nonnd cans, canned PINE APPLE. - -l t. ... SALMON" and XOBSTERS-FJ A Ferris Oo.'S f AHVABSKBi ' HAMS, SMOKED T0N8US, and SMOKED BEEF, &c. 'i ' 1 My ' .'CHADSoiw; 'BEEF .(pTJTTER merits the attention of tbe public ; it slices Smoked Beeffor table use excellently. , C I " The best Broom in the city, at a reduced Tine lot ' of NEW FLOUR just received. Call and examine my stock,if , j ; j 5 :. . : . i .' . .: . - . .ti t. ; r july 21 . , Under TradersNahil Bank; S fflHE fresh ioountry . I milk can now be supplied toall, who wsa it, V'hqwfghtit, fedcowsTthekiik r in any part or tne ity, l Tne MilTt is ftdm Milk IS'W properly '' I is thorouply deoderi i.r.i.A...?o,vWiUiJA.i ooghry oooieoy DeioTeaeuvery ini muk is i f a nn am ann.a .TATTtP 1 vv- t, deUVered in nottlesi; JheMilKjs fire from LLfl I 'IiIL. IiUi2k3 Ci JUllM ot insurable property, lqst, jbe MMk.canlt ebiirnifbjjftbig T3J?TJr.fT T " !f tocj J lonajand prosper.". "'i, -Jiiup) auxo xn JJ vuiru .Ji22tfr!VJ!r:i lliiiil .Tiff 1 -is Ji-jKjr, H't. .? ,f .nil GROGEME 3 r: WHOLESALE.1; HAMS -"V- i ' M H A MS - HAMS HAMS HAMS H AM S ;.. ... ham s !" :: ' , ' HAMS ' rHi ,'r-v; In unlimited BUDOlv. ... A n t 2 , o A U U fi BACON BACON B A COiN BAsOON BACON B A C ON B AO ON BACON BACON ; In ..unlimited Bupply labd , ; " LARD LABD LARD LARD a ! LARD " i , LARD if ' . ' I LARD. ;i) . i , . ! LARD ," In unlimited supply, ' '" FLOUR ' FLOUR , F LOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR h FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR In unlimited supply. SUGAR SUG AR ;. ;i ; SUGAR . ..... I SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR j SUGAR SUGAR ' In unlimited supply , ' i COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFJEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE . In unlimited supply, : MOLASSES MOLASSES , MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply, SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT In unlimited supply,1 n a xt t t ma CANDLES CANDLES O A N D L E S. C A N D L E S O A N D L E S C A N D LE 8 A N. D L E S C AND L E S C A N D LBS .In unlimited supply S T A R CH ;S TAR O H ATA R O H STARCH S T A R 0 H S T A Ji Q H 8 T A,R 0 H .8 T A R 0 H ST ARC H 1ST A R 0 H , , In unlimited, supply , 1 O Y 8.T.ER S , ( . . O tSTE B S ' O Y S T E RS -! ji. O Y S T.E R S 0 Y S TI E S OYSTERS' j q y g T EES J vv a -m. n v o . r- -v. a m -c t a I q yj s T E R 8 In unlimited supply; C R A CKE'RS . CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS C R AUKERS C R ACKERS C R A CltE-RS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS In unlimited supply , i I a A t .a I" " " SODA SODA I 8 O D A IS O D Ajjb B U u A I SO D A .SODA & 1 8 0 D A In ; nrJimitfid snnriVr-ivikl s U4i TOBACCO TOBACCO i! TOBACCO T0BACC.0 TOBACCO TOBACCO . . m ira a ,;. j TOBACCO - ' - - ' " ' TOB ACCO i i .'.'Jtil Xii.oil TOBACCO cl In jinlimifce4 supply, Uv C;X:a ARSj,. ;(..; ., k. ,.e0i CIGARS OI O A E 8 ! ' ' : OIO ARB . . . G J Q ARB. CI G A B8 . 01 G A R S . . -I - CIGARS , , , ., . CI GAB S CIQAB8 . i - "W ' M . - jinn Yi Aa.imumitea supply. . Aih)PEESfl newark ciDifiB' ri . -s -J ; fOmuk ftomCraisheadl f.i b..m- i - ---, ! i tfTjfa -fttflT viyfmrv' l j- top .w .sv-j i-i -iu J-. wJi ...ii LrO ; .)7 1'0H A L'OWEi iiiie .:iiiir;j:iuif.'iT hut A NEWLY discovered mine at Hunten TillO, N. a L on the A, T. & O.Ballioad 1 milea North of Charlotte.- Said mine has been explored only . 23, ' feet,; and inany'.'ild miners have examined - the mine and or and pronounce; it very fine. AlrxrPxofiW O Kerr, of Raleigh, :Dr Q L Huntera of I4n oolnton and Pref Hanna, of Charlptta. Jiavs seen the mine "and ore and nronounce it I very fine. ' ' ' ' V" With .these .recennmendation. and many aioi e that could betjroaght np"w now offer this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 acres. of Jand in. ana mlne.'6fwhlch'lheTerare'om 20 or SO acres of valuable1 nine tUnner1. half mile hroul AsaV-hllll. Any one thipstp-f specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at our Otfice When we say specimens, we mean to show you something that is worth, looking at. "Fd further IntoTmation, 'address u' June 17, ill 0(1 3 Richmond Jt R. ,B.. Division. j'HK'q at uuuii CONDENSEDTTIME-T ABLE n .' ' Jun2iil77jnjfilj 9 At O01MO- ' f(!)'l "MI t ' STATJOHS, . ... - Leave Richmond,'. ! 7E5ari lOUpm Arrive at Charlotte, 728 pm! i"QOTNa 'OBTH -1 tin ( STATioiaiLng;. kNov4. , Leave Charlotee,'' ' ' i'S'sfm 5 25pm Air-Line Ji Salisbury, . Greensboro, Danville, ' Dundee,. ; j, Burkeville. ; 6 0QAmf5S5pm ft si 7 01 p m 1005pm 1223a m u 411 8 sii ' 10S8a'm ., 1041am 218 pm ;,5483pia 12 28am 4 45(rm til Am Arrive at Richmond, 3'i No. 2 Connects at Greensboro fcpRaleigh Goldsboro, and all points on Salem and N.C. Railroad Divisions; at Burkeville with A. M. fc O. Railroad for Petersburg,-C; at Hell A TrIa with 'RirVimiTirl ITrMlarinknhnrcp fc Potomac Railroad ' for all points North, East and West rat Richmond with 0. A O Railroad for Virginia Springs and (be West. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro for Raleigh Goldsboro. and all points on the N. Ci Rail road Division ; at Belle Isle with Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad for all points North, East and West.- Sleeping Cars without 'chabee rtih 'both wavs with Trains (Nos.,1 and 2V: between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,' Wash ington and Richmond ; . Richmond and; At lanta; Atlanta and New Orleans. ' Through Tickets on sale at all prin cipal points South, Southwest, West, North and East, at Richmond, Danville, Greens- ooro, Kaieigb, Goldsboro, Ballsbury' 'and Charlotte. For Emigrant rates to points ln Arkansas and Texas, address . .. , j , , JOHN R MACMURDO, Genl Passenger Agent july7 Richmond, Ya THE SOUTHERN EMPORIUM .! ii j'lit ) j?iiJjU on'i PATi'lOKJSS, SEWING , ,H Ul MACHINE NEEDLES, . , SILK and COTON THREAD AND CORD, MACHINBOIL,' ; " SHEARS,' kO , AC. UTRICK'S. PATTERNS' afe'tje lost the 'xj renaDie, tne most laanionaoie an best. ; By psjng : these oelebrated:pBttgrns, every lady can make her Own", garments. Mv stock is comDlete. and I keerVconstahtlv on hand Sewing Machine Needles (for all different machinr)Ukand-CDttOiarTead, , and Cords, Machine. Oil, hears,rfcc. 1 am m tne a any -receipt ' or -air toe latest styles . of patterns :1oi JvdiesJeBmen misses and ehUdreh, .,:-v1 jair Order$ hy mail promptly 'fined. Send one op for Illustrated Catalogu. K O DAN AHA. . 9th and Franklin sta,. Richmond, Va. t 'it. 'jjiiii 'uu ?'r.:! pi'ruc Ml ."" i A -it! i v f ,ii r. law miii.-r2iuiai JUSTiiRKCTrVED ATmotuSSS 'A. c ONE Mediam-elzed HERRING'S SAFE :'-y-y.! !. .. i fireproof- ,uic la ' .. 1.. ,:.J.-.-:- : . A FIRST. CLASS fire-proof MILLER'S , , OJUS JJi -, will, ,be sold for lees thw half cost, by July 18 I a. i .MAYER' ROSS .4k JONES. -10,000 T7INE CIGARS, of. alt brands of the finest ju.. quauty P nn.litv f mq.a iih;m AU&Uvr uvaw ' marl v ,i r ChewihTop&bco I.i iM,:Mi io &-j:-?..;-'P-;air.u 1 mcaden'&drug bto n r7 ATXTTn riTivr I'll I VUln. :lIM.I4mi..' M. -; Vlct'ms cflropthfrii impm joe, wha oave wiea m vain everrknown remeAT, lll LiAHt MMrillllll II KH.ML for tae BDeedr cure of nenren. Ueoiiitf. I rnnttir eeTi loet manhood, ana aa kiaisorders broucht on or exccifCt . .any J pAVIDsOW Ac CO., btf aJau St., MOSQUITO -':i-' lnviSsmiA ci T lqi;D oil ,7i...-;.;' i.toYl feyiMt; i:-;l.lii;J t' 'i l -wmm mm dLoNVHITE. 4 t .ft 1 3 l'..-t ' 1 ilf.?:. It' ;'.;7;; :?i"'i' 'tkr ' t V'. Ifel i.:r. 3"i .'f ' n. 1 tana aimxHJii tUU 1 ;l .A A .8 .1 'a

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