A GRADED SCHOOL. IWah-fmnnfal RtaHMa. nn T morning a i 1. J U irMkcriked hcedses were leaned to toe SinSfenl-bc Jorbes, il I 'hi . ? 3 9-t-erth Proses of tafc f il 1 run? 1 rrrr noVrtorl Snn nln 7 rf nrmor.vt.rie 1 1 "4- 1IJ I N JriJ:UI - ' Jfir6) it is supposed, from a spark: from The committee appointed by the the blacks in point of -numbers ; mo 0 , ..1 w i w , 13 High Street, Boston, and Trade Street, - Charlotte, N v. Tn -WTHTO-DAY. - g -WHITE.; k . .. T 8outh JLtJantio 'states?' 'North "and Scot, ives jaljq'clpok. I elarmjjfas eration the subject lf establishing ja Douglass Norment,:Elmira Rogersr 1 111 - I - ' . I 1 . z .It JB are now receiTing in our CHARLOTTE HOUSE, a fall line of all grades of BOOTS and 8H0ES Having introduced cm i, coofcr, ary m J - l:"" fare . "rf them ar- f -1 ' P - TP :15 Vu' "x fcT, .- "BJi iBQOTS and SHOES in trf E tates oforth Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, with success' beyond our expectation we have , vrevail with I rising, 'possibly 'followed by responded. Before -any of tnem ar- terminea ta reCommend to the board Jaa S Hagle, Minnie ITMcKee; -- " - , .t.-,,,.;,,.,,,,,, . , . .,. , . , ,: we r YaZ?t7k7 barometer. , - ; w mw u ine,BpDuowe.vpf mi w I the ! propriety of establishing -sncB a Dan'i G Petrea, Laura Blackwelder, cently established a house at Headquarters, no. 13, hiom btjuuct. . WOTUM, mans., which will enable us to fully comcetP DAI L-Y0 D EBjfjIB. jBfgESjlf: 'I -T- m -7- 3 stable, ori thepreinises s I .. - . , i i . .j. i- I r I .v.. TAhMnii TTnnaaa Nniih Tirl In a-rttmH tm-r M1 injnthar Ktnte ULUCl tfVWVUJ UVUUVH AVAVU, WW W IVHl W. MWUW MWW WWU vww. the: temperature. .Xf hem rfhe ihermometer at the drug store wmon &arweiivregierea:as - did not throw a 8tream. "owajyesieraayjai tneiiourH puiuiwu ; ri vO'oi T i ' n.i- !'..- "l.-.-'.-i.,. ' i .'n 84 sereral of the neighbor. 1 he JNeptunes tba charter-of the tity contained? no David 0 Johnson, Susan L Love, I I milk lh. r unii na tntf. AS Sthfi I . i . j. j - .t -.1 I ,JVr -.'J ..i,.! r,f.f t 4 j uiuiBuy ni iuwx vub.uv j"-- -iprovision unuer,wnicn A graueuscuooi 1 v, 1 jvLcuoaifi?. narrareieUOiaer.u J .i I flames were gotten under control, jbUt couid be" established but upon in vestl- Richard L Pippin, Mary C Hall, it i t-1 4t 6 p. m. aTi. wt iv Joa i , .9 Waited Greenville 86 :6 gauyu, it- -wa juuuu, mum, HuWvi JLaoan iemioru, Metta jxaiisa .n u ,' mentbad been made7whiehffeives the yrr.rTo jdidiilor bdard of ;alderm !J 'Mftiell7lbyJhe"case;frpm our BOSTON HOUSE, and all orders forwarded there1 will, receive prompt attention, and if I red, be shipped and billed direct. The former' reputation of bur UHAKLOTTE HOUSE, unsur Rock Springs Camp Meeting. . H The great annual camp-meeting tatr ss Acordm Daniel? SteeletmeoTfenklJ Rock Springs, Lincoln county, took havo gohe to iwbrk tofprepa?e. Jijpian Jas S JobnUotfi;Miry place last weeK, ana was a. 11s neigm. ior bucq a boquoi, yiupu wut ub-jsitou i Davidson, Jennie G.ay.;; i ; Uan .0 Supreme Court Hu-.' AblJL&Adt In the Supreme Court on Monday,1 ; in- the South for the amount a full line of all grades and Variety of its large Stock, shall be maintained, and we shall constantly keep on hand is both houses B(K)1S van3 SHOES-V Having made this arrangement we have no hentancy in go to show our Good? ' Mt uro '.r - 1 t - - .-' -1 .1 . '1 fsAHi . .J i -.-'2 ' . ' ,! ' " feeling assured that we are able' to give to prompt paying customers as good turns as any other house North or south. 01 vr.w inrRRTISEMENTS. , I I Address; Letter Bex 169, P5VvW uireu""U8' uu j.-pn.rpr" 8 n ri 1 drunkenness ana noting were - raiaviaiA.ftpai4uoa wn.MAji .A .11 ie 1 :wMilI.OCAlV DOTS V-o v ail. The jgUil Iu : conclusion has been arrived at There opinions . ;were. hlea- m he-ibllowing (jT A DE ,S TREE OH ARLO TTB', i N. .0-, and 13 HI Q H. STREET, BOSTON,- MASSACHUSETTS seems to be iHtle nOubt that the p v- understood State. There were only three interments in rottnds to-day. j: tit wai' very flmall fire bat --it gave the boys an excuse for getting full. tjnn tbe fetors of Mr F B McDow ell from I the Greenbrier White Sul- nant. ' Three bullies entered the nstic arent as a feature of Sunday's exer cwesAud after beating each other up ject, when: it is thorouj eette4fjr it to the tune of $79. j by the voters of tbe city,; will be heSrti- By PliSoN, Wtl i It, is about time these camp-meetings uy approyea. :,;.fi' r n - i were abolished in civilized commum-j Ihe following is the text ot aoui Caldwell, et al.loinT'rEe ties, umeBS tsomeming can oe uonu w pwou ?&i!,w",i j?anz?r7 'V' I manaed lor account, &c. render life safe while the Lord eing authorizing thetabUshenfeot a B BYVTm Sl , ( n worshipped. " ,; ;i j graded school m ebarlottelH , J Ge bWa.neV from We solicit your orders or personal inspection to either of the above houses. K C Perkins, administrator, vs P K Re- GRET 'ATTRACTIONS FOR TfiS OITA-aiT-rrI . ha AT"-' ; i ! 'l - -?!!' . W M ampxxpiosion. V( Night before last about 9, o clock, ,jhavB-;auth!9rity;'-on-!h bf yt.Mjk- N3y FAIECtOTHf-J u. ;.' - - Jpnur Bprujgs,.uapt n aww-"'" kerosene lamp exploded m-jtho .resi- at least ten voters, of each ward.in Ube navexnargeoiweoou,. ; dence of Mrs Hannon, on - vnurca. city, tter;thtrty aya- notice;py,iyerv. Kn..ttair tTAB?uM Hr l,.llT!AflUi.r,lAn , Mrs Sallie Nance , died at her resi- street, and seriously burned a dauglfter tisement m. at least two mMmmM: -DW W VM.M4K Tt .ierna tTrnf Mis Hn. puuiiBucmu 'wio vji, uuiu-au creuuvu a - a - i - .ur. v. j in. . " dence incrnlyiownsbip, in the upper! 0f this lady. pwt cfchU; ;county, last Saturday, at nonwas attempting to fill the lamp qualified voters of the city on the'ques the advanced age. of 84 years. It is a mistake about Gen Hill hav ing gone to Canada to deliver a grange .address. ".The. day fixed is the 23d inst., t but As Gen Hill leaves two weeks from tLio-daylfor Jhls new home in 1 Arkansas he was not able to accept the invita tion which was extended, a? ,7?"be wife of Sam Clark," colored, came 'op t6wn late at night with tears in her f eyes) aqnivef in her voice and a hole ut in heri'hVad. ; It was a case of conju 1 gal infelicity; and the hole' in her ' ' head was' where the leg of the skillet catered. Samuel has not yet beep ar f; rested. . ; i ' I while it was burning, when the fire was tion of establishing and maintaining .Tm,1Tii.otpi in thft nil in the by taxation in the , city, public gradec Wm- muld throw schools, ana tne maximum rate 101 taxa- it from her hands, it exploded with a b nffhereb v vested with full lowers lamp, By. KEiDE State vs Giles Driver, from Yadkin, Ceritorarx allowed. ' E Sim'nions ys.CDowd, admin istra- 4 CONSISTING GREATLY of Spring and Summer Goods, ate: OP ill V-! REDUCED RATES i loud ;noise, and scattered the oil in as to the time and manner of holding 0?! Mti.? buJS- , Aff5- ? i; n . every direction. Fortunately the fire on S faV "ITO Jr.i Miller and the CarriaW I Orir fitnolr 1Q fttlll I TO-fl flUfl , WAwkh tft ' 1nSft: Ollf tflA hKnvn ulSli Goods before; purchimg our Tall .Goods. . , Just received, t a u, lot of 0MiitSQnd -:rflt8ll but was Miss Hannon was Carriage' After the occurrence of evening we can't Miller should have wanted Marahala. other persons, the whole party num ;rThe;; marshals of the 'approaching bering forty or fifty, had a picnic yes . j ,.iv,fla tne appoinimeni oi reeisirars ana m- wasnoouixuuutcu u , , ectoj.8 and all other things necessary but burned her hands very severely effectuate the aforesaid object : and noinfllllv And failffht her hair. P.ii77 TUv miiv in iVioi-r Aienre. f Ji ' 1 vw, ""Vl " .v""" .v M cV,M-.lrl V.o,q 11. sufferine considera- tl0n 11 maae in accoraance wnn iqis s""" noBa.uiiB ui ms - ..w nerson shall be deemea auannea as a voter unless he shall . have resided . in School Picnic. -i s ' the ward in which he offers to vote at The pupils of Miss Hattie Smith's least ninety days. ,v , , . o ... ... . - ,v 'tu Sec. 2. The board of aldermen shall school, in Smithyille, together with desienate the maximum rate of taxa- the parents of the children and some tion proposed to be imposed, which i ii ' i 4. - i snail never eAueeu vwbuiy-u ve wuia uu i . . ' , . -. . I the one hundred dollars value of prop-1'816??0 last enemy, which stand prepared to prove it. - Last evening he was lying'' on the street crossing, next to Scarr's. drug store,; when a carriage came along. Ofl course, he didn't get out of the way. The horses ran over him and both v'.I H. MOHRIS & BROS. July 24 te i'iCHARLOTTEi N. C. COTTON. Baltlmore-Oa(3 steady. Rye dull at 65a 67. Provisions firm and unchanged.' Cof- wji -Inn. v ,v . .i;e quiet ana steady: " wniSKey dull and iiiui. i ucu wreo wueeit 01 neia at i is. Sugar firmer at Hi. ? ' 1 - i State fair have been aDDointed. and are fn af . hfli.5fnl .nrin. r th- erty aua seyenty-nve cents on tne pouj ine carnage ran oyer mm ana hemade Miv k"RoiiVw niMM. Mr v 1 . a and. on other subjects of taxation in the I a dive (o ' cet: under Ihe fourth' but pnnlubed. in the aleign Observer. Mr jeWish . cemetery. Swinging, rope- anmL nrnWti'oh tbe ratA:fcn-rtforA.l ..l'... :T v . " . . aoul.n- DU .Duncan Cameron, of Orange county' is jumpihg.tree climbing and romping ty. Ifthl vote shall 'be in favor 6T the .r, ? gf. !"g a WoWi.0Ii Noik-DuII; middlings lH;-net re-chief.-Those from this section of the generally were entered into with the scheme proposed, , said board J shall the hfad from it which turned him pts 85; exports coastwise, bl. j 1 , -.r - 'in if . -- - b.iia nnirliT in lairs ail-V toy ao t Vl ts ftT"f)linfI fVlTPA FIT fniir Hmoa anrl Vnrtlr Tt . mwnnv Ttnll. IQln. ..la. mate are as iouows : messrauLiuoDD.i utmost zest, and were kept uo all the " rr4 w " - w . .7 . ""u""'1 i M"'.li""7- "'bdi ?- , , - , , . . . . , , may uiiqk. proper w vum uie nmiMea Diui uowiii jig came up smilincr I BPl4Jucrf v day lone, onlv beine interrupted when Lr-;---; or,H o i05i oVioii . , . p ou,"g, . iilimiu' ' ,y ;n tefctnn tir gancea contemptuously at the dis . Boston-Quiet; middlings. , 121c; net re- of Lincoln ;J H Pearson, of Burke; ; and Erwin Harris, of Cabarrus. " ' : Anather Bonanza. We. mentioned deputy sheriff Grif ll nth 'a large potato in our last issUe. tWell, yesterday morning he sunk a shaft and struck a vien of them four feet below the surface,!and all day long was drawing them out by means of a windlass. He anticipates large results and wants a partner with a small capi- tai:- mnmi a ji J rpi ' a spreaa upon tne grouna, vine pany . Atthe time designated for the left the city about 8 o'dock in the aforesaid election there shall be elect morning and returned about 6 in the ed by ballot two school commissioners evening, after a day of unalloyed n- from each ward, who shall, if the ma joyment. . ; . . j f therfiof. be charged with carrvine the same into effect. VVomcn as Plw stock. , They shall hold oflice. for two years, 1 A colored man in the upper part of ad until their successors shall be Dull and nominal; "mid receipts, 10; sales none; ex ports cosstwise, 134. spot in which tbe horses and carriage had found himr Jack Miller is the most sagacious dog we have among us. He is as old ajs the everlasting hills, and still death, the devil arid the sausage net receipts, 78; gross, 78; sales, 20. maker wait for him in vain Philadelphia Du' !; middlings, 12c; net receipts, 79; gross, 111. Nkw Oeleans Quiet and easy: middlings. HJc; low middling, 10J; good ordinary, 10i; Dlatlrct Conference. the county who has a stand of cotton hoar . fifMaWfirrnftT1 mav. if neeeaaa- Whicii is the envy of his neighbors, got extend the term of those first elect- The district conference of the Char- it put in the ground in rather a novel ed beyond two years, so that the elec- lotte s district Methodist Church 1 manner: Atthe cotton planting sea- tion of their successors, if said board of frj t ia .'i...:a..v,.,i i. n i J deem it expedient, may be had on the 7r, uTV'n,' w "T" u,w 7u"t May of the regular election of alder w wuv vwuuuww w ax& to uuuounr & j nig i U XXig viaa bile XlllitCA VV1V1X kuC ly large, ninety delegates having al- animal; at aoy rate he was a geod ready reported. It is not known that deal non-plussed to know how he was anything more than the usual routine to get his crop covered. But necessity of business will come before the body is the mother of invehtion,and haying at tne present meeting. The delegates I three women on the premises, it occur- tied to vote only in case of a tie from this city are as follows : Rev A red to him to hitch them to' tho harrow! Sec. 5. Said, board of school corn- men. Sec 4. Said eight commissioners shall constitute a board, a majority; of whom shall be a quorum at all mee- A Negro's Skull Broken with a Hoe An fiffray occurred yesterday morn ing on the farm of Mr D P Hutchison, near the city, between, a desperate, ne gro, Rufe Lowrauce and another 'ne gro known as "Dock," when the form er raised a hoe and cut a terrible gash in the head of his antagonist. Low- Augusta Dull; 2; sa!e, 71. middlings, 112; receipts, ' Chabies row Nominal; net receipts, 36; sales, 10. middlings lljc; i ;Nw Yosx-rQuiet; uplands, 12c; Orleans, 12jc; sales, 542; consolidated net receipts, 1,344; exports to Great Britain, 9,930 - LavMPOOL Noon Dull and easier; mid dling uplands, 6 3-16d; ' middling Orleans, 63d; sales, 5,000; speculation and exports, 500: receipts, 8,500 all American. Futures l-16d cheaper; uplands low m:d Jling clause, July delivery,- 6 3-32ad; August and x Sep- i A $oshamer, J G McCorkle, A Hales, I and thus cover the ranee had last week announced his - - v.. " I ' . . . - : ' r I Inlir - H. imm . fi B.9hU. A ..mm- r.' Un . . -. - m. m 1 nnaAAOi. Il.i 1 . f. T"V 1 , . 1 I tf UX W UC11 V Vl T . " V ITUJARU. .AUKUaV BUM QCU ings au y called, xne mayor or me Wrtuwl tember deliyery,' 6H5-32dr September and uuy Bumi ue e vjjww tuaiuiiou, cuu- jresi.rrujr mormug aiier reiieraung uctOBer aenvery, eja; October and JN overa ll ed to vote only in case f a tie. ,r this determination in the ?presenee of her delivery 6-3id; new crop, shipped No Sec. 5. Said, board of school cornr M. a , . U vemberand December, sail. etdY'--:i ! ,r, - rV , i, . , I Several Of hia irienns. n won t In (ho is.m t r M g.i, r : ! otnn . . . i mieaiAtiara oha l nava nnvcv ann a n- I " . , 3 ' . - w w w.crv x. w. wcg vi aainiuiu. 7.ov. Crop, ,le carnea 1 . , .:V-!-X.ij t,:u field where he vi nt nrt And immo. Market for yarhs and fabrics; qfliet: Man- :.tt n:Mn n a.,!i. .11 t. . m I 1 1 : . 1 ..-i iuiuiv w uuidumo oikco uu uunu , 1 , , . - . jT..y,J7 w ?D?MDtV Vl? rU DB 'W10 execmi?n ' w M school houses in the city, open and ,1 djately ; soiigh a difficulty with1 him. . , itueypiumoea tne rows same as amuieiregulate schools therein, appoint ex-I Ha annlied to him:vAral nf th and the present condition ef the crop aminers, employ teachers, ancLfix their 1 0TjT1-0briwis MtHpf s 'lrnnwtr i .h.w.h6wwaU they did their work, series, eribe necessary to establish and continue I hearing patiently for some time, the Mr Bason's Reply. ' within said city a good system of assailed nartv manifested . nnrnnan n tttleruL mm- . UvrOwmumT y Absentees. -t. ,.v.! .Col JhotL;Morehead and 'claughter, . Miss MaggieC left yesterday, afternoon . . for Greenbrier.White Sulphhr Springs, miss Aiouie moreneaa is in Chester dull and tends down -; 6 P. M Futures steady. i-'- " " FINANCIAL.. Nxw Yoaki-Money easy at lalj. Steil ing steady at 6. Gold quiet at 5i. Govern ments firm New five's 10&' States fquiet FTJTDHES ' ; f2? - A recent issue of the Gastonia Herald graded public schools to be kept QpenK8tfi tadnnchanged." -iu- Morgans B i,,.: rt v at least nine monthsl in the year,' with-T cS l . . . .i!'' msjinv contoinsan explanation from Mr G F rtIlf p1).Ty- fnr tv, nnnn 'f tr, ground and telling the aggressor that -wrrxm ' ' Mr Jno P Orr left vesterdav for the Bft801V of, DaUas' of the motives which children of the city, within the aged Mlhe? w6s getting ti.pf busf As n;Mi:fl. Tin,;. B;u alJl. prompted him to request the Observes six and twenty-one. ' , . . I this was said Lb wrence seized , a hoe ,rr Sn in LtIS " ln " . . to call attention to the fact1 that com- . Sec. 6. The said board shall be ..a which was lying neambynd dealt his m.mm.m, mm w M V 1U , Vy AVI A fcUU 1C1V ai l" 1" ' V"'fV . . with all lhelBiue 0i tue neaa, iemng mm; to tne ment of convicts at work on the Ches- rights and powers of the school c9m-ground. This teoklace in the pre Mr LT m Smii Capt T S Armistead leave morning for Old Ppint Comfort. Speelmeaa t Gald. Mr. TVb&jl to us yes terday several" Bpecimens of gold ore found !ob, his land near Huntersville, ter& Lenoir Narrow Gauge Bailroad. I mittees of the respective townships in I fence diTone or two! witSessf ) :and after It is written in a calm ahdidienified addiio? to the Powers' u in this actHin ransacCronwXowrlnce an to; his" i vvflnron manner and fully exculpates Mr Basoh Sec. 7. The said board shall appoint nome' bade hw wife gd and fled uuiu nujiiuui : iuuj uiuiiKuiiy nuu i a treasurer ana .nrescriDe . uis . auuea i ""v vvr. Nxw York Futures closed steady. 33,000. August It 96ac97. -September, 1177a78c October, 11 42c. November. 11 23a24c December, 11 25a 26c. January; 11 38a39o. February,1 11 51a53c. March, 11 63a65c Sales, Hi personal, feeling towards any of the j and compensation. He shall give bond I ; The injured man-was moved from The Cotton Market. ' , I, .... - i , 1 a , . ... i v.A,rfivmantA r nioilil. ... .. i Imonaovri rttttio rnnoipf lahnr mh laofTllll mcuumiui uwiwiunuvo uijiio.uu- wrien muea irom mis city. Me tells r" ""T iT .7 V . .' ""' ties in such sum as thev may prescribe. i the field arid Dr. J. P. McCombs kutii- us that on a tract of nearly 70 acres th 8amA time ifc convely proves JJj lessdohWe S relief- A piece, of the mere are tnree veins of gold, from all of "0,"1,"if1 i0 wcoi.iuci.uuu iut may prooaoiy De mnisnanas iitiany wu u iuvb-mu um m which ore has been taken He offers could be adopted to secure an investi- one time, and with 'sufficient iseCuHty, length andaainiph aijtridth, was criish- ,3 ItoVhtiid for sale and his Udvertise- gajioninto the matter. He heard what toBf gif Se'dutv ? of 1 the tifijth omreeuarters of. ment can be found manomer column K authorized u3 to publish, hdien CpvWelfor! me causing an injury:which ren The editor of thispaper can give any ffOf?.. purees , which he considered payment to said treasurer of all; the oere4.-tb-conitimi. olthe.tnan.tritical information which may be needed reable arid felt it his duty to. give moneys collected unde IconcetningU byanycone who has an P-city. a ;; r. . j 1 At --AAt More About Freight Rates tan idea of purchasing. Another Proposed Eneampment. ! ; AMiUornv jnestiJtunemen hold a meeting to-morrow night for the pur- the Western N. C. Railroad.'- 0 s Apropos of the recent discu'ssion as to rates of freight on thei Western poseof :talrinto;considerationj the adyisability of having an J encampment itC? uroaa' ana ine enec CT i r -a?. ... .. Of thbse rates nnon the hnainpss men 1 schools Of MNn:pouii on me Atlantic coast. f ,tl' 1rtft1 T T" township surer, woe on(iri, nrn ;u j u a L . used in carrying out the objects of this ZlIiri act, all school moneys in his hands 1 uccoryf xuib ciperairon b- bwi.tin.n lima tn'nl!lk t1l'm'tn nf I TlOrfrirmOl onanmoofi.11,. . 1 - i. l.,.t ijfT' Ch4urlnt-?n?l!Sy !iUWti counts the negro-was stUi living. ! Hia Sec.9. The board of school conimis- ronnar ta ,Tnu ii.JL. piWUCi5iuu ioj uynsi ,.m;vuvu vio -i . jj. . Jjs - - , . receive mio me pjuouo --- .RinjT? SSVttJinrRrT xne city cnuaren 01 tneiouiuciubcrest mae wnen ne was a bOV in which Charlotte is situa-1 this neero's skull was broken in eVaAt. bro- " a Wi...Ai, . oV,A-. .a , leu, uu wsu wiuureu-uut uswecu Mv the namo orwiH i.kU : arvonnt. f ; fh nlpaanrofl . A I w"w" M wlu ireigni paia on opx airfta hArAin.hAfore mentioned, on such I iwu urn ihcmji flni T.nar. manv At ti,M u.n t - umw. i vex luo 00 vu . "im . vu.un. ivrnvuMwui 1 . - - - v : " . "-"V"c. I m-i , i 1 .. I - m nrt,. l v,iv rnvn I pw Men are nnite in ih f; r t i"B' wmbbu uicKory ana f cinariotte. nwu. :auo;diuuj vpiu,pu.iiu0a.o " " j x V nT 0rl?tw6 bales of sheeting the freicrbt reports annually, and as often as they wg out immediately. There is, how- KIi 17 - . Dg ft6,?" mSy be requested, to the board! if af- n I,; 7 r"uul. "caory: to otates- dermen of the city and to the Superin- a the was J6 i ,. .'. ; OBSERVER OFFKji;. Vi Chaklott, N. C, July 81, 1877.1 The market contfnueV declinine. but transactions are so light, its actual quotable wuui Liuii utuuuk wo DBtciuiiueu. lug prices fiven Deiow are as nearly correct as ut may be regarded as nominal; Stained .. Tineed Ordinary...-..., Good Ordinary,. Low Middling., MIddhng....... Good Middllnar.J. Keceipts tor the day: 8 bales.- : .; Beceipts in all . Ports, 625 bales, a Consolidated, 1,344 balea. Exports to Great Britain. 9.930 bales. Lxporla to France. 4.652 bales. ; ; axports to, the Continent 4,035 Stock,, 177,966 bales. . r u i BUSINESS NOTICES. , Pyspeptio PalienteP and nthera nf. immm a .1 n lAtArt'ikil Sa k-J.. - w : t . irvwuuv ui nuo lavu III lib ID any OI tllOli - . " " r . I "viauwaau w .udVAuwvwMf t au uiprjoec liCCU Ucot ftUU IU t' $ompany'will be unable to Heave h;r 10"e un 1116 0.x ormerchapdise manner ana 10 me extent s mat tne purest iooa. This is par excellence the work rjn- 7i" rr" " " '. I "e lreignt was twenty-nve csntsiour-1 . "J i,ow uv, uvwv,.u.n,u . .v cu, iuia, uwemi anaower - - ul"7 I teen cents from Hicfcor ubarlotte. It must be borne ; in mind I der. tha flame . Dains and Denalties for tion once establish in n. rmnonhiri m ;i- : i j . . i . . I . ... r.pn frnrw: 5- we oaye in our omce a beautiful 'jZ?Ppunen of German-or golden millet, that the distance from f Hickory . topainnS,8 t6 Ao as said officers are lia five feet hieh. which was rained !nn :a flt.tM.ni.':'i. ;h-n.i 4 ' uiii lable to forlike failure. c , . j sjzrj:?.?"r"-.?rh -merooanu 8tuir5orapiaui that suit of said election ."if the1 sanie is in using three-quarters of a bushel of seed the Western TTnAr. 'itU favoi of tha flcheme -nrnnnsed. tn k.a11 a , - - , ., - ... 1 w ni -www w Miuvm i . - - . -.rfc-r'"!1 i" I becomes an article of necessity. FU1BEIILXI011T 'GIUUEBtUb a half tons to the acre. dirca 3415 seed. From this twdfacres be One seed pro eaual - . s . Imeerino' rrf aairi.' ernntniflamnerai vithin weighs one Quarter "UI This grass i favor. L' 7r, safk ,f?r an at said meetin-or. af any subsequent g witlrplacey rjotside the meeting, the said board? shall lhave -.- Vl'lA-l TtTM- I '' 11 nAiira In 'm Al. j.' ' ill..!. such byrlaws; for; their such rules and regu-" "A Sintrle stalk irreen I Rfata arA k. p i..vi uuiuud.IiUiio iuui. nnaiin wiim funci luaiLe oi a pouna.i and r vet find it in the infroat p i;, . k ; government, and i or; aliLtlamorethRn Vialfiliof ,'KT?1-i . m ji f vt latirtna tnwarda v Yur. yu uecomes immensely nnnni.. 1 . xt. .. 7 l .. ,r,f. w. vwo -,v x. ""6s- quiet i m ( 1 1 ton'oVawn. iniuj''."''' j , " w i-wiBivetuem, a cnance at tne uaws oime iana.. .t j- i..- aaix meats nrm: shouldr. 51: ' .,: wherever introduced, and we would be trade wi' W-.u SEn:i2l :Thi "ier.r..ir-t,V- Lir ribs. 71:'clear sides.- wifi: 1 I m m .-'.. - I ;. w VMWVAM , , UJUUllilB. I " ' wuwit . tMiab CUULIl 1 : . l0. 5now, Pf. w k bemg, introduced which wUl naturally come here if it is - V? .fttifition 4 . M " - ; extensively among our farmers.'4. kllowed thn "J omJ ?fw - : Katified.the 22d day of March, JA. . TELEGBAPHIC: MABKET. PRODUCE. - - -I'T1,10"' dull; extfaUiS; (kmt .toecarryingJatoect 1 thistact is t. they i may Wheat active but. not higher. ' Vwtfcaii .ioatf "clear iinchanged. - Sugar-cured bamS'steadiAnd a Aujaiit. iara quiet: 'cnoice leafJia Uerce, lOlalOJ; do. ia kegs, 11; .Whiskey nrmer at 1.08. Bagging quiet at 13813. : ' MMVWW tM IMMf j ft 59i 10 9 10 10 101 ; 11 GREAT B A R G A 1 N S can now be had in F I N E r M I L L I N E R Y, Which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. LKEW SUN HATS just re ceived. L,arge lot uAMui rjiuiiiistia, jn juk Buutiiwti, -Neck Ties, Bib Collars, LINEN SUITING and.TBIMMING, LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS, lost received and selling at the LOWEST prices for Cash. MRS . jun26 P . Q XI E R Y 1 ST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, ' i V' : HAVE CONSTANTLY Qit HAND A ' Large & Weli-selectecl;Stock of BOOTS FOR LADIES, GENTS, BOY MISSES & CHILDREN, AT LOWEST PRICESi i fft:' ,0 Hi: 4 . . ALSO," SOFT STSFMLATS Latest Styles. , 'OA TRUNKS & Tit AY ELING B AGfS YERY LOW WE ABE CLOSING 0TIT ; & ODD LOTS ,! AT PRICES, REGARDLESS OP COOT. A Gall is mostespectfuilY Solicited. july3 ;r-r Kfew ii t Si i 1U Q54A 33L-. WE HAVE JUBT RECEIVED Crop of .7' ? vt 1 I -i -v- A PULL 8UPPtpAtt' ioirtW OF .f,';i J- Ja rl aaip:;. Seed, SpartMhurii &' Asneville RailPDuflJ i . - . j . ytlH E following schedule will be operated d-on the Spartanbure & Ashevilie Eailroad. in connection with, the Charlotte. Air-Line Eailroadj and the Stages at the head of the road, to Hendersonyille, Asheyille and the Warm;Springs, on and after this date : : Leave Charlotte via Air Line R R, 7:30 a. m. Arrive at Spartanburg at.:.....;;..v 1:30 p. ro. Leave frpartanburg for ML Try on,, ;i:40 ' l Arrive at Mt,Tryon U...?.Z$o . Arrive at1Hendersonyille,..J.(l 8:00 ,n5Vil Lrs flU.V.PARE.- H ;. . Round Trip Tickets, to go and' return any time within three months, ;v. Charlotte to WarmSprhigs and return, $21.30' 'iat Jtockt c jtv. r i 100 l-.vTloka for sale at the Air-,Line Depot iXheeWOffiM-liparent' at Washing 4on has ordered dally mails to be carried on this route. " -e--v D.f R.;DUNCAN, June 29 tf . Prest. 8. & A. Railroad "' WHICH WE ARE OPPE RING At L0WP3T MARKET PRICES. 1U -.-tiiv.. . , , . . . ... ... " " v-f""-t'iP' : i.no; a.- avivJfn'fJ- cn;..-i us Jit f-j nuni yiiijs ; CflMLOTTE; a LjING : OUT commence we wawi 6 me whe'n;we ajways offer goods vry cheap. '- We co Wyto , close out such Goods asT we-do not wish j to carry over, for if uuw ACMuu iB pasi, mereis no aemana lor them, -our dress goods VA1U t$fc BOUGHT VERY- CHEAP JJviJt THE OS42JXT SIXTX XJAYS. , ...r: rbMLMSHW,BftS90Q MtJST BE S0Li) 'AT SOME PRICE. Ij.jjI vt-w. - 1 fco;t "it-Li S:3V4lof ." '"jr Hamburg rEdging pheap LUZE SHI ier. tnan Atni OS OUR STOCK GENTS! a4ffRTrf WoYtfYJCti.5 s:r;i.'AA IondtfaU to caUina geA pair, n .. , A splendid stooVof Gents! S61?d Ia)id-Bt4pe4 icm!mMm4lMM SoW -and Fancy Hose. ,A' Job L6t of Geftta'iwimare lHats:tddcse;out r.iij if f o - - i some prices i: nLZUiliiin, SniGLQ G CO. mtlM'l