j it 4 1 S ANP;WI!1 RSa' SiE E ilDEHCl TWAINS. 1 1 e I' ,..1 ' .,, a.'- HH!iofl running nVUXB RULROaD- PAIL?. " 4 47 a m. u 8 p. 16. ..i.-HM .M leaves,... p ,00, arrives,.,. 15 P m W.n and FrU?htr arrives,... a iLcom- leaves, .-' p. za p. m TMa cK-.wn. -LJ-mi iSv-.:rr.'- 7 4op.m. CHKI-OTTB, COLUMBIA AtTGUSTA. - v ., cfr-VP9 m.4 20 a. m. Mal1 S9 " 7 28 p m. " , and Freight arrives' -X AS except Snndaye ....4 60 p7: d'5n and Freight leaves 2 00 p. m. AfTVt -leaves-daily except i aun- 6 20 p i Tta tH..- ulii arrives- v,,... -- "S ATLANTIC, TIHHISBES PHIOfc Mail arrives W t ln? .. leaves.----- 8 20 a. m. r . the benefitof the public thefoilewiBg direSory of the Tost Offige of this ityis PTfMai'l9 North of Richmond per day : Firtt fecond,. ......... viuato. ..u uv p ixi ......... rrens.2 00 win ..... close? .T.9 OOTp m opens... 8 30 p m ,. closes... 6 00 d m AT Line' nnns.:.8 GO a m ilm n and Charlotte, closes.. .5 1)0 pm opens... 8 00 a m -rlo'tte and tjhelb. closes.6 00 a m v,r ,...opensT 801 p,m j stntpsvilleand Charlotte .. 'closes.?, .ow am s,,rrav; opens...4 30 p m But one Mail per day East of Greens boro to Kaleigh and other points, which sg?3at one local Maifc per, diy? from Charlotte to Richmond, wbich -closes at 9 p. m. f rSce hours for deMvering Malls, from 8:30 a. m., to 7 p.m., anairom :wiOi D. "I ' Money Orders issued and paid, and. letters Kfgisiereu mmi o . v " j4y j j OrBce opened on Sundays from Std q a m-. and from 2 to 3 p, m. aa' ' W W JENKINS, Post Master. The Official Uses of a'6iiignon? i. t reasrer Thfi bill Daid by the State Treats to Messrs. J. H. and M. L. Kinard, on fhn pndorameni oi'J. w., wo., ior the account of C. Leslie, -Land Co; miwioner. contains some curious items of office furniture;..for pf fcoiirte, as the articles were paid for by the State, they must have been to supply the office of the Land Commissioner. We read in the bill of rugs, carpets, oil cloths aud Manilla paper, and canv brics, prints, longcloth, flannel an velvet. These may all have been used in window curtains and. ornamentation. Flax, binding and ribbon 'might, per haps, be classed as justifiable luxuries in stationery, and the commissioner might be allowed a 15fcent4K.comb in his office without being coBsidered ex travagant in his arrangements for his toilet, but when it comes to three handkerchiefs and a chignon,: buttons' and hooks and eyes and whalbone, we begin to be puzzled, not to say IstolS ished. - V We have it, however, upon good au thority, that there was nothingcriminal even in this apparent stretcor ' of the privilege of furnishing an office. Mr Leslie was notoriously industrious, im- patient, observant ana mvenuve. mine first days of his occupancy of hia luxur rious office he was excessively-annoyed by the interruption of callers, to gratify whose idle curiosity he was obliged to leave his work. Walking down the street one day, a 'well-dressed . female Ogure in a store -door caughthis eye and wondering why the lady tarried so long he approached, and discovered that the figure was ;a dummy.fHe passedon meditatpg? first IjabouC the figure, then, by a i natural assbciaion of idea, to women in geheralTand ilext about the politeness of Jouthenersr to women, and just here an original lidea struck him. He was, sjux that poppe, at least ne Southerner, ,ifouldf atempt to interrupt him while "he 'seemed to be talking to a woman. If a quick eighted New Yorker could mistake a dummy for, a :lady dv. rWiiF-nouiatnoi other peoDle? Noner lK)ui:hf tha uone. xne ngure was raaaeana ptacea in his office. Leslie worked with, his back to the door and hifafcef Jditho figure. People came and looked, and waited, and walked away. The thing acted like a charm, and the few cents for calico, buttons, hooks and eyes, .and, a chignon, were amply repaid, ibyithe5 saving in the valuable time of the Land Commissioner. CkaleeUmetOs. and Courier. A New lNvfeNTi6N.WCblonel Ei F, Jones, of North Carolina', -'with-'his brother, Mr. Lafayette Jones, are. in this city with a new invention,- worth,' t is claimed, millions to Virginia. It is a machine for fmanufaetiirinj jplugv tobacco, and "reduces, it is said.'lhe cost ormanufacturing a hundred . per cent., and is capable of making from 1,000 to 2,000 nounds tier,. day.Its construction ia substantial Sand simpler and can be worked by ateh-yeafeola boy. It possesses great tpower, and should it need repairs at any time any cross-roads carpenter could do the job m an hour. The,, Messrs. IJones, of Greensboro' TJ-; f!. ht-a Wiildine- these machines !n 'ta mtr'-anil KkvA -nnA I now in successful operation at the factory of Messrs. Joseph f Dill & iBro ther. It ia said to be the only machine ever patented whif.h forma. Dresses. and cuts the plugsfready fo the Jvra) v.-mchmond Dispatch, Zd. J Truth is Greater than Fiction. .. ion are sallow. icr and neevish i vour hver needs regulating ; yon have chills and fever; often your liver-istorpid.' YotrH " i. ue curea until you use . xaoiers laver . i-nce CO cents. . The question no longer saeitaites the pub lic mind, whether Coussens' lightning iniment is better than all other! Iinlmebta. We think it is the bat Liniment f r i-hwr-1 mati8m, neuralgia. roiair.F. bmWf. i?;rer, 'B joints, pains in breaBtf, sideband "back; u umg is superior to it for horses. caUle na nogs, removes warts' bnofcvsplint, and crea distember and eDizootic. Price 50 ceo ta. For sale bv all Drueriita.r bhuoz mm dohos it SSffeit ? th to ntiitMMH InTte wstloB, mi SSS5S,e "ottif hcle o fbUck or brown, doM Ltlnn. mnA ... i .Tory weii-upointea wi- ie pr kit jji Pi Q Bos 81 fa, Wewnrorkj . - aivSrt.VIJMU&ypl.l A T CharlottNJdJJ W2 T-U 1 ? . operation our Saratoga . Fodntainy will have on draught all iths season : Ocertinn nn o.nu.,, .Vn,inian't t ani earatoga Water on ioe, asood aa ft is aUhe McADEN'S DRUG STORE. ' . ""'''03 V-;iir.. ftlit'SlifaM ftlHVtS ..... I.otal i9-en' laid A Butter.- scarce and in good demand Eggsplentiful. - aemaEdT !0 . tifllx Potatoes(o-d) very scarce: - . Applesgood supply.' ' .''. ul. 1 Oranges-- small stock. ' ."-;' - . , . ,Cbbage-in good .demand for new. SwBT'?7Bca,cej800d demnd. - , Spring chickens Bcarce and in ! good de- BUTTKB 25a30 r:! 40a50 1 Proni stores. wuoucu rOULTBT From wagons. ;-Tnrkeysi 90al.25 f'45a50 25a30 I 'Ma25 20a25 , 12Jal5 1.50al.60 1.00ai5 Geese, ? -( :. Ducks, i J-Chickens, Guineas, PQTATOia Ji. , 30o40 wJ6ij 20o25 12ial8'i '-: 163ol8 Sweet, bushel,! 00al 25 f, Irish. nf -caooage, Feesh Meats per lb ,6a$ i 6al0 ijeal, i - button: Lamb, 8al2i 6a7i O0a25 4 50a5.00 3.50 2Jo3i -T5a90 1.75 10al2i 1.25al.50 ft - 4 Z,Jrm Fbuhw Oranges, per hundred, ; Lemons, t- ,.- r -. ' Dried Apples. ter lb:. 4 Pj6autsuntry, f if ifWilmingtonj Cocoanuts ,H 1 1 , pQMJSTia DR3 GOODS. a4, f The market is unchanged, but as print clothes have advanced, an early advance in prints is not unlikely ? (Jobbina Rates. Shkkttng ASD Bhibtinsb i if 5 ? ! Rockingham 4-4 Standard " 7a7i Woctdlawn 4-4 7a7i ? i r r r-8r i- t ia6i f'v M'il t 34! 5a6 "-'Othef brands r Brown, drills ( y Bleached ? ' 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and1inblcf. 6-4 Pillow casing ' . " " , , Pbistb--' " ' 1 -- ' .5. 1 1 Pawnee Wamsntfa . 9al0i 8iall 31a40 ,18022. 5a5t . 5a5i J 6 Sprague & Kindred brands 6a61 6i 15al5J 14al5 k15 'ft f Otaer good brands J - 8 Cottonades xorK Whittenden Oriental Leinbach Co ...22 7 12 i Lincoln Table Kocks Ermine cloth . Deess Goods-' : Carded Alapacas Plain Lustres I j Lawn's Pacific : f J Parsee Plaids ; i Percalls , Pequets Ticking Palmer ; Oakland 15al5i J 22a24 30 18a21 20a22 - 14al6 i 18 14a20 12a24 8a8i !tl2i Conestoga - 14al8 GROCERIES "WHOLESALE. Corn demand light Flour dull and declining. Rncar maTkfit steadv. Coffee adyanced and in 'gobd demand h ' Bait higher Jand in demand. Salt meats actiye. Lard, aniet. Clear Rib Sides? 8Ja9i 84a8 Long Clears, 1 Shemders, 7a7i Hams .Canvassed, ,13al41 Labd Best refined tierce, llf half Bbls, 12 121al3 ' ' . .. Buckets & Tins, BUTTER-f t . Cbnatry v - .:"zV, Goshen 16a20 ' 29a32 lS!al4i 13ial4 SUGARS l flnlUf 9 e ' Granulated and crush e MrtT.ARfiKfl per gal ,V ( !f New Orleans, fair to choice, i J58o70 uoiaen unp syrup; ouuoo Saba. 40o45 laJtfStraD. T A 34o38 Mocca. 34a37. Java, 274a29Rio,20o231 TA Black 50a75. Greep, 60al.20 Mixed. fe.. 60o75 m&ckj&kjsij: ir r Tx BUs.tfflEwdgWl iA60al0.50 v80a.56 y" 1.15al.50 per bbl . j i. Family " Extra, .. . . Super, Rid Choice 8a81 cts, 9.00a9.60 7.00a8.0Q 6.50a7.00 Good to prime 7a81 Mbai per bushel . GEiTP-oerbbl A - rJ, J Howuky Derbbl - - 'e.ooaff.25 GaAm . . . , - . '.i. Goto? by ear load, in sacks, 83o85 "bulk, 80 From,waeons in bulk. 80o85 WriKA-- Frc-m wiebns. i I From Strea . i ) -:Seed.wheat l i. k - White, none in market. -i i ; Red. : ; SJ '; Oats White., 60a65 a AJ1UVIB- . Black . ; rwaoo Rin9- 1 j c, ,80a35f J w'qrietors of the Chablottb Obsebvkb Print Pit ah Pure clay, . lOOallO ' " Mixed, 85a95 Hat Unchopped TJmothj , per cwt. 1.20 a' H NolfthiOardlina, " " 6"a75 ft J Is v per sack Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 Ground Alum l-0al 30 WINES AND LIQUORS. nr?Tf .;i BaAKDT Peach per gal. 2 75 2 25 ; Apple " T' 7 B WHISKT " ' Rye. 1 25a4 00 ni .L65oli75 J. Chamnaeme. Der basket. 20 00o25 00 vi Sherry, i . u'r galloniiiiV' 2 50 Port " " 2 50 Maderia " " 2 50 f11rt AGiteTT 1 93 Ale " ,4 2 75 Porter J' " 2 75 $1,200 PROFIT OH H r A TK 8tit dav in Prrrs and CAlxsrIn iYlwest according tdyour fneans, J10, $50 Or f jWliiltOckPriEilegetJias brought a amaii fortune to the careful investor. We adyiee . whea. and' how?4o operate-tsafel; Ronlr with frill information sent free.-, A dress brders by mail and Jelegraph tp; "s h . i,Hi.i.u oa.c-j3 BAXTER & Cdh aia. RanVnwi nd Brokers. 17 Wall St.j N. Y. Coltonfs, Maps, Atlases, Etc j J township, county ,sectional and railroad OURWALEMAP3 4f4 super in ac eot ttffil " IxiiATTti : fi cnw.b & T. A TT. A fl in nnnceded to be the best published being; the latest, laS-g entmndtaOBt complete "fU'i X iaa' VJIHtOtyrflfi New York. anpiejrappiyiigaueuiawifcj,: f r e i a n , VIA WILMINGTON, . Through, Freight Eonte This line jbeing fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the -''--..v. Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ' ALL ' NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO : ; CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, . ASHEVILLE, BUTHERFORDTON, w .7 GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON.. THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, no . . v , . v. TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and , MISSISSIPPI. 1 :DD5JSTJ!R-A.25T;OEi GUARANTEED AS LOW ' AS VIA; W INFORMATION FURNISHED -f' WM A MOODY, i i; South Western Freight Agt. ' Charlotte, N. C. ' sept30 Dr JOHN H. Mc ADEN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL, I 3F, 1 ! 4 ? No. 1, Parks' Building; 1 1 Uktl&&iit'J. Tl ButlersMewelry Store OW 6ffers to the trade an unusually large ll and well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CI LS and DYE STUFFS. -- Our new store room is now complete and we nave ample room ; three stories well filled with everything in our line, bought for Cash at the lowest market price. Our old customers and friends, and the public gen rally are invited to call and see. as wrwitriak-e-greaf pleaure'Tfrwaitmg on mem, ana ottering the best articles for: the least money, ; ; . . - : marl Just Received AT McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 20 Cases BufBsilo Lithia Water, fresh from the Springs : 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water : a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs. apr8 Lucca Cream SaM Oil. IpiNEST imported brand of Salad Oil, finest qualities of English Spices, Cloyes, Mace, Allspice Nutmegs, Ginger, Pepper, Ac, whole and ground. Pure French Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, (Sc., for medicinal purposes only. . ; Corn Starch, "Tapioca, Sago, Macafonr, Epps Cocoa, Chocolate, Ac. Dooley's, Royal, Price's, Foam, and Hors ford Baking Powders. For sale at 8CARR & CO'S, , may 16 Drug Store. 10 Cases BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, just re ceived. We have made arrangements to receive these Mineral Waters eyery week right fresh from the Springs, at McADEN'S- DRUG STORE. marl 5 Cases OF Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent article for invalids and those suffering from general debility, at , i McADflTS DRUG STORE, marl For Rent. TTIWO Larere Rooms over the front of our J, Store. WILSON & BURWELL, i 50 Gases HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 25 cases Vine tar .Bitters, 5 gross Simmons' Liver Regular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at ; - McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl Dissolution. mHE tartnershiD heretofore existing un- X ider the firm name and style of Jones & McDowell, as Editors, Publishers and Pro- ing establishment, is this day dissolved by rantnal consent. c;Das. it. j ones purcnases Ft B. McDowell's interest in the business of the late firm. - together with the books of the concern, assumed all debts due by the ate partnership, and will pay ail obligations fa ?af.O Ttr ATT TWWWnlTAItrTTl ..wswisasawr.. e'AmrM? BBEYARD McDO cbar1eitUNiC May; i 9th,' 1877- may 20 dw tf Meet the wants of those who need a safe and re- . . . . T . rV, I . . J n n 4 W. K tin. MniHIrrnllnneil their introdoct'ion is'vidence thai thewd&suDDlvthiswant.and proves them tp be, ITHMOST POPULAR PILI Y ivef ftirfiiFd fee;AWrfcart h'epte.' "The highest ' Imva ; hfrrtiAi; the possess nkcmllve. tonic, and keaiwgiW!,'r"?s CQ'!it,i-,u other medicine i Bcingsiruy:l j !Aiitj-UiJipiis,'UicS- expctall hnmors, correct n vni.i-w ai.in.ui -- j " - j ' -. , vpcefablc.'tln.-v da notvlikc other pills, leave thf tfmiich and bowels in a Avorse condaioa than thev found them, but, on thc'.cotitrary, impart a healthy lone and vjgor bclore unknown. ' ' ..- I QURJWQRDS- INDORSED. pr. C. L'WTCHClt, FJt. Meade, Fla., says: and want to see them used instead of .' 1 kHOW HI enperiurnjr vj rvnr tue -i worthless conpounds soiatu tats country dm. r. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky., says: ! , . "Tttlfs fills are -worth their -weight in gold." -i r-irn ua strk Headache and Piles 30 Years. ; t n ta mell. GaiuitoT strenfft A and flesh imertoda v.wU'4l K. S. Austin, Spriqgficld, Mass. f j-iiwy t ...... j. fUilJ w. (tairiiii v i r Ha neflM emus ana revercrv. ! " , . Wiih .JTute pills,- we dqfy eiilh. Illinois owes you a debt ot gratiinat' ' Sold everywhere. Price 25 cenU, Office, j luray Street,,.New or, m- IJbt fW . ".'iiS-Trf "Ali Tdve.' If is easllT anplied 5 ... I lm AMMflan -' f A OIOBSV DUCK W r I I I by a N ever disappoints, aoio Dy.uruKB. S?Z. XiWrrad Street, New York. . Y , ,""""1 M .7 " : -: litlli 1 : : : . . . . j t it N0BTH CAROLINA. to all Points South. RATES ANY COMPETING LINE, AND UPON APPLICATION TO F;W CLARK General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. , T T SMITH, . Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Sunday School Books. Union Questions, 12 numbers, (12J Child's Scripture Question Book, 15 Consecutive Union Quest. Book, 25 i?abbath School Helps, by Alfred Nevin, D. D., 50 Catechetical Question Book, . . Matt, to Acta, by Jacobus, SO Exposition of Epistle to Romans, Questions jaxxd answers by J. J ' . Janeway, D. D., 25 Luther's Smaller Catechism, ; 30 Luther's Small Catechism, in'clud-' - ing Augsburg's Confession, ; , . SO Weed's Questions on the Confess'nt ' of Faith, 20 Mimpriss' Life of Christ, grade 2nd, with map showing the path of Jesus on earth, 25 Dr. .Hodges' Com'y on Romans, with questions, 2.00 Jacobus' Notes on the Gospel and Acts, per volume, 1.00 to 1.50 Nevin's Notes on Exodus, 1.50 Ryles' Expository Thoughts on Ihe Gospel, per volume, 1.50 Brown's Explication of the Aesem- bly's Shorter Catechism, 1.00 Fisher's Catechism, 1.50 Confession of Faith, . 75 Union Bible Dictionary, 1 50 TIDDY & BRO. Tie Hei on Popnlar Billad, " Whisper You'll be Mine, Price'40 cents. Love,' For sale by, TIDDY A BRO. PMunt Air-Lii Railiay. Richmond & Danvho-k R. Division fJoNDENSED . TIME-TABLE. June 24, 1877.; , , o t statiohs. , No. 1. No. 3. Leave Richmond, 7 25am 10 50 pm Arrive at Charlotte.'J 7 28 p m 1 15 p m GOIHQ NOKTH 4 STATIOHB. No. 2. No. Leave Charlotte, 4 38am 525pm 5 00am 5 35 p m 631am 751pm 8 31 a m 10 05 p m ; Air-Line J'n, Salisbury, Greensboro, Danville, Dundee, ' Burkeyille, 10 38 am 12 25 am 10 41 am 12 28 am 218pm 4 45 a m 433pm 741 am Arrive at Richmond, No. 2 Connects at Greensboro for Raleigh Goldsboro. and all points on Salem andK.C Railroad Divisions; at Euikevuie wita A. M. fe O.. Railroad for Petersburg, etc.: at Belle Isle with Richmond. Fredericksburg & FotOmaC-Railroad -for all points North. East and West: at .Richmond, with U. & U Railroad tor Virginia Bpnngs and the west. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro for Kaleigh UDiasDoro, ana an points on ine . ruin- road Division; at Bellelsle with Richmond. points JMortn, .astana west. ; , , . i . . ' -rr - A i i TIT A - ' ' " - r-; .-'.- I i Bleeping. Cars without change run both ways witn. Trains (jos. i ana. zl. Between i New York Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wash ington and Richmond Richmond and At lanta : Atlanta ana Jew urieans. . - Tbronern Tickets on Gale at all prin cipal points South, Southwest5 West' North and East.1 at Richmond. Danville; Greens boro. "Raleigh,' S Goldsboro. Salisbury and Charlotte. 'or emigrant rates to points in 1,1 JOHN R MACMXLRDO, Genl Passenger Agent, july7 v H Richmond, Ya. I 20caNumber-S2aearS 117 IDE AWAKE an illustrated Maganne III fnr Vnnnff Pennln. ia thAVArv Hnnt nnh. Jication of the kind-in our Country, as well 1 as tne cneapen. hot an agency, ssnato D LOTHfiOP.A CO, feb25 Boston. t rf Dissolution-'Notice. rnHB' firm of Bwroughs' & Springs tfwas dissolved by - mutual coriBtnt'on the 25th da.flnlv.'1877: :!..4 ! J :. t 1 f lli 1 -t. '' :l ' lie .J.i.K L The business of ihe firm will be closed up ; by 0 0Vbsi ls9ly. empowered to pay debts and collect claims.-'i iJQ26 lm r MISCEI.I.AIVCOU8. THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS - if It :r ' . --, nouiEoPATnic . specifics J- Been In general use for twenty years. Jbvery where proved the most SAFE, SIMPLE ECONO MICAL and EFFICIENT medi cines., known. They are Jast what the people, want savins time and money, averting: sick ness and suffering. Each single specific the well tried prescrip- ion or an eminent physician. No Cures - ' Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 2 Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fanta,. . ... 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting........... 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis,. ... 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faoeache,.. 9 Headaches, bick Headache, "Ver tigo, 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach......... 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods,.. 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, X4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, 16 Fever and Ague.Chill Fever, Atmes, 7 Piles, blind or bleeding.................. 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 20 Whooping-Cough,' violent coughs, 21 Asthma, oppressed' Breathing....... 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, , enlarged glands, Swel- llTlffS) MHMt 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak ness,...................................... 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions,.. 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease. Gravel 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth, Canker 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms....... 32 Disease of Heart, naloitations. etc: 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 52 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 50 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, 8t. Vitus' Dance,- 1 00 a JJipntnena,-uiceratea sore tnroat, oo 35 Chronic, Congestions and Eruptions,.....;;.............-. 5 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, ' $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 huge vials and Book eoo tdT These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free ol charge, on receipt of price. Address nUMPHttETS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office fc Depot, No 562 Broadway,. N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents, Preserve Your Health, Man cannot ennnot enjoy life unless he hai good health. To preserve it, it is necesT sary to observe certain luies, ana n is very important to have GOOD DIET. This explains why the people patronize me. Knowing tnat l Keep on nana at an times a LARGE and ASSORTED STOCK of the BEST QUALITY of GOODS. My CANNED GOOD3 and FANCY GROCE RIES of all kinds are "excelsior." I would call especial attention to Bbcugh- ! ham's Cooked CORN BEEF, 1, 2 and 4 ft. cans, and a very superior quality oi ieei. TEA, in pound cans, canned PINE APPLE, SALMON and LOBSTERS, F. A. Ferris & CO.'S fABVABEED HAMS, SmCKED TONGUES, and SMOKED BEEF, &c. My Chadboeh BEEF CUTTER merits the attention of the public ; it slices Smoked Beeffor table use excellently.' The best Broom in the city, at a reduced price. Fine lot of, NEW FLOUR, just received. Call and examine my stock. j , ., ; LeROY DAVIDSON.1 july2l Under Traders National Bank. Ground Horse Food. Ground tow food. 1 TV It a a f R r a tl I If IlCtl I lilall. i mm i a Q tOm. jleftL UaiS, &C W W. WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. I june 22 GOOiD ADVERTISING! OKfX'A C Worth of space in various &06uJ&J newspapers distributed through thirty States, will be sold for $7.00 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. A list of the papers, giving; daily ahd weekly circulation. and printed schedule of rates. Bent rree on application w uw r w vv xtiiu & CO newspaper Advertising Agents, no. 41 Park Row.ew lork.- nov21 THE fresh country milk- from Craighead l : Farm has met with such ready sale that ore fine .cows have been purchased, and ilk can how be supplied to all who wish it. Inanvbart'oftheoity.-'.' via -.it-j .J . j The Milk .is .from, firet-class cows : the Mils, is ironi property . ieu cows : tne aaua is thoroughly 'deodsrised : 1 ihe Milk is thor oughly cooled Deioreoeuvery ;; neMiiKisif A TOC APP O TATTOC 1 1 1 , , I lit V xt. A the Milk cbnrn wnile berog dei Milk is (iree from livered.iA o.wr '.v-nsui oi - ' J j j; a A" SHORTER CALDTfELLP- GROCERIES WHOLESALE. M R A J ' HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS r In unlimited su ACON , -BACON BACON BACON BAOON BACON BACON BAOON BACON BACON In unlimited supply, LARD LARD LARD LAB D LARD LAB D LARD LARD LARD LARD In unlimited supply, FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR u F L OUR .FLOUR ELOUR FLOUR FLOUR In unlimited supply. SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR In unlimited supply, cOFFEE - C O F PE E COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE In unlimited supply, MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES MOLASSES In unlimited supply, SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT SALT In unlimited supply, N D L E 8 N D L E S N D L E 8 N D L E 8 N D L E S N DIE S N D L B 8 N D L E 8 N D L E 8 NDLE8, , In unlimited supply ST A s;t a 8 T A 8 T A 8 T A 8 T A ST A ST A 8 T A 8 T A In unlimited supply, 8 T B BS 8 T E R 8 S T E R 8 C C C C C O C C c C C H C H OH 0 H 0 H RC H BOH BOH R C HI ECH ST BR 8 ST BBS ST. EES S T E BB STB R 8 8 T E B 8 ST B BS Id unlimited supply, CRACKERS CRACKERS C BACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS CRACKERS ORACKBB8 CBAOKEEB OBACKKBB In unlimited supply. SOD A ISO D A A A A A A A A A SOD SO D SOD 8 O SO B O S O 8 O In unlimited supplj ppiy. TOBAOOO TOBACCO rr: TOBAOOO TO BAG 0,0 TOBAOOO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBAGCO TOBACCO f. In unlimited supply, ABB., . :,. CI 0 1 IBS C I G AK 8 C.J GABS 0 1 GABS CM GABS C I G-A. B8 C I G A.RS CIGARS O I G A R S I In unlimited-supply, AND -FRESH NEWARK CIDER, I " ' J " in original packages, at the WHOLESALE GROCERY f : ? -I-'qjiJ- -v 1 .t V I jV, W VW o 3t-d .j: -ri .'tJ!: .o ki.i. rCojner JradeA College ta.; .."..'.t'v; ';'.?-"'' r---',.r T'vi i .; . fOIl JfALE OBBEIUT., PR0PERCT:F0R;SALEV7 A NEWLY discovered mine at Hunters-r, J tiUe, N. O.; on the A T. & O. Railroad : 13 miles North of Charlotte. Bald mine has p-: been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners have examined the mine and ore and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof W 0 " , Kerr, of Raleigh, DrO L Hunter, : of Iin- - ' coin ton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte, have ; seen the mine and ore and pronounce it b With these recommendation and many r moi e that could be brought up we now offer this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 acres of land in ana around said mine, of which there are some -20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half nito from a fawmOL' whtfi ;H Any one wishing to see specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at our Office When we say specimens,' we mean to show yon something that Is worth looking at. For farther Information, address; H. A. HUNTER, June 17 , Huntersville, N.O TBI SOUTHERN EMPORIUU FOR PATTERNS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, SILK and COTON THREAD AND CORD, MACHINE OIL, SHEARS, AC, &C. BUTTERIck'S PATTERNS are the most 1 reliable, the most fashionable and .the best. By using these celebrated patterns. . every lady can make her own garments. My slock is complete, and I keep constantly . on hand Sewing Machine Needles, (for all different machines) Silk and Cotton Thread, and Cords, Machine Oil, Shears, &c j I am in the daily receipt of all the latest styles of patterns for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. Orders by mail promptly filled. Send one stamp for Illustrated Catalogue. - KO DANAHA. 9th and Franklin sts., Richmond, Ya. ju22dwtf MOSQUITO PIMK and white. JUST RECEIVED AT Baniipr & Trotter's. Atlanta & Cfiarlotte Air-line Railway. , OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT, ) Atlanta. Ga.? I Takes effect Sunday, June 10th, 1877, at 1 o'clock, P, M. : COMINGOIIH-IR yJ N Leaves Atlanta....... 4 00 Arrives at Gainesville 6 24 m m m m m m ' Lula, (Athens' connec n) 6 55 Seneca......... 9 40 GTGIi Villfif 11 18 Spartanburg,... 12 62 a JS arrow Gauge June n,.... a is Charlotte 4 12 a m a m N C R R Junction, 4 20 a GOING SOUTH TRAIN NO. 2. m Leaves N C R R Junction,., 7 00 7 10 8 05 10 45 12 80 2 20 5 08 5 43 8 45 m Bl m m m m , m Charlotte Arriye at Narrow Gauge Junc'n. Spartanburg,.. GreenyiUe, Seneca, Lula, (Athens' connec'n) Gainesville..... am a m ..Atlanta,.., Freight and Accommodation leaves Char lotte daily, except Sunday, at 7 00 a. m. ; arrives daily, except Sunday, at 6 10 p. m. JU17 , SpartanouTs: & AsMeRaW. THE following schedule will be operated on the Spartanburg AAsheville Railroad, in connection with the Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and the Stages at the head of the road, to Hendersonyille, Asheyille and the WarmlSprings, on and after this date : Leave Charlotte via Air-Line R R, 7:30 a. m. Arrive at Spartanburg at 1:30 p. m. Leave Spartanburg for Mt. Tryon, 1:40 " Arrive at Mt. Tryon 3:00 " Arrive at Hendersonyille 8:00 FABB. DinA rIV?rv T'trtVifa t err. arA rofrtrn anv : time within three montns, Charlotte to Warm Springs and return, $21 .SO " " A8hevuie " " . X4.i " Flat Rock " " 10.30 " " Hendersonyille " " 10.30 OStr Tickets for sale at the Air-Line Depot I in Charlotte.; , Th a Poat-Offica Department at Washing ton has ordered daily mails to be carried on this route. D. R. DUNCAN june 29 tf Presu p. at A xumroaa A FIRST CLASS fire-proof MILLER'S ' 'SAFE"' ;J will be sold for less than half cost, by julylS MAYER, BOSS & JONES. ,r.j 10,000 FINE CIGARS of all brands of the finest quality, at MCAiJkN 0 WUU BIV&D . marl Chewing : Tobacc 6 ITIBAVELEYS finest brands of Chewing Ij Tobacco, uipaed It rwy market, at j i t- f, MCAXMUX P VAUU 01UAA.; marj sil mi. Victlnui of yontluTal Imprudence, who wiU learn of i simple presort pt ion, t 9 prCrl pt ion, FKKfS, i Of aerrona debUitr, ist manhood, and all fnr Uii.iMtdT tnrti j ,..J u uMtsoraenr Droagnc on dt ctwsiw. . ?Int few tna lOcredlents. wlddrea 010PI nfTANHOOD I III i.i it it f :i