CHARLOTTE OBSERVEE jod pmrrnnc. The Obsxbtxb Job Department has been RTTBSCBIPTION SATES.4 i t i V thoroughly ' mppllM wun whj aeeawi ,5ly , Ver (postpaid) in advance,' 8 CO f, in os. ... ,. . ' 4 00 want, and wita tne latest atyiea 01 itpi very manner of Job Wane can now M aon Da' 6 ra os, 3 mos. t mon - 2 00 - 75 witn neatne&s, dlspaton ana cneapnemw - Li. 1 We can rornlsn at snort notice BLANKS, BILL HKADS, LBTTEB HKM3B. OABDB, TAGS, BECKDPTS, FOSTKBS,) FBOGBAMMSS, HARD BUSLfl, . pAllPHLKfa. CHTOKa, , WEEKLY EDITIOW. lv (in the county) in advance. $2 00 rut of the county, postpaid 2 10 .. months,- . 1.00 1 t VOL. XIII. g. Liberal reductions for crabs. CHARLOTTE N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1877 NO.2,165. Md1 UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OP ;, aww aJ. ..1-.. - - , ,.:,,.).... ,.:. , - . .... ,' .... i I... ,. . ,. , '. - - . ... .7 , i i TELEGBAPHIC NEWS, kim kusso-tvbkish wab. FROM WAniNOTOIV. r t .r General Notes and Gossip. ! Tremendous Massacre - of Clir ter tians From Twelve ' to Fif .'teen Thousand .Killed; i Property all Destroyed. '. Washington, August 14. Colonel John A Joyce, the, last of the whiskey eonvicts, was released from. the peni tentiary, subject to a bail of a thousand dollars to answer an anpeat. ii ; Tt was finallv' dftfeerrnirifid '- t.haf. ' fVU acuve corps 01 waiters, m attendance , at meals, and no I lector Worth ington eh all remain until HAS been Refurnished and,. Refitted in first-class style, and offers inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords at prices to suit the times, Russian Movements tJPostuoned Till tbe Reinforcements Ar-rlve.: December, whea8hisi iappoitttment ex,- m2 irr IHx" 'oSi: n:T;;i;! ' taryMcCraryV participating t in the i ... -r. ... i -1 ' Tns-PrRfiinfmc IpAtypa y discovery of a Conspiracy. pains or expense spared to' render guests comfortable. OURrJVlOTTO IS aprl (IW U.A TO. PLEASE. Blacfejiiiinrs, BlackAlpaccds; A Large Lot of Edging and Jflsertings, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF F AIMS, 1- M6i ii us'-ff . Xondon. August 15 The Daiw 2vew' Bucharest correspondent telegranhs: "I have been forwarding as I received it.' Th6 President' leaves W 9 d'ctocfc toll and from the terrible accounts which night. The 'Cabinet to-day ' excites. Lff f c9fltmaaMy briDg ?jer the any. JiODfia and. fears. .. r 1 1 'Hn muss oe omy too true. The State Departmenr3aTadTiceal QnJuly.31st, the day , of the Kussian that CTassb'obpers f ahtt locusts are 1 evacuation ol Jb.slc bagnara, the Turks - - i i j ii. i ii m tt umiu wa"fui. , vufuian men. wo men and children should be shot, as they left their houses.'''"- Those. who re mained withm.were burnt alive. The order, was given to . bum down and des troy, every particle of. C5hxistian rro- The Cabinet has decide that the AQ J18 place. Many leading Turk- taking the place of cod ree as bait fbr sardines. : This , causesrexcitement in 'Norway where forty . tbousand barrels of cod rOe h ave been prepared annual ly .as : bait'! for the; sardines ' in . the French fisheries governor; ox, x exas snjouia make a rcqaiaiiiou uajuexicoxoniiae 'persons iroin ine euier siue oi ine xtio wanae, who recently roke rjenihe jail and committed ojther ; 4epjejiation3( : at Ki6 Grande ,iiy.,v:,e, ,. )l " i ' Tt" was '"finally decidedt6 reinstate rB.f-F.i Campbell as- ' collector I of , the. tnud , lexas district, wee Brewster. ish merchants took: part in the affair. One dispatched a large number of Bashi Bazouks all over the , Tchirpan district. This district is one of the richest in that part of Turkey. It con tains a very large proportion of Chris tian inhabitants, over three hundred churches and five hundred schools and X-MOSQUITO "NETTINGANOYTTJN WHITE GOODSi TIES AND, SCARFS, Which wa will offer at very low prices, io suit the. times. iy -v! i-fiarizut lilt i : colleges, all of which have been burnt. At the" Cabinet meeting ,to-day it tJ6811"?10" f xt.ened the.vlllages was decided to tellRfi'ranH, fthral I juauuicoj, wun;iuiu xuauy Terry to know if he can possiblv: leave ?tners m a11 a?ou.fc Bix.4y. containing Mil! I 1 V janev i BURGESS NICHOLS WHOEALE & RETA1I. ;: Jim A hi l",;;::',? jj iV fl '5 S.' janS . '. ;! i :rii4. J"- ' ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF ! - ; CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOTJNGE8, PARLOR A; CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of all. KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C his post to take the position of member of the Sitting Bull -commission. Mr. welsh vrnrnot be appointed on the committee,. as Jhere are no , funds to pay cpfla.ns' fot'that service, and those goyernment officers wilt be qhosen who can be best spared with, the least ex pense. -' ' .. li :: I he -commission -sent to- New York iQrmDjM the ooatace- Wtam-ps, reports Mx liundTecf Vnd- fiftv'iBtamps short. valued at eighteen dollars and seven ty five cents. The stamps that were counted represent a value of seveu and a half million dollars, v Postmaster General Key considers the report high ly satisfactory in regard to, th,e charac ter of the work. " u P KISS & o o d s -AT- Ordered to Show Cause Tlie ; Forthcoming Convention oi Bankers. New Yoek, August 14. On the peti tion of a majority ot the directors. Judge Van Brunt has ordered that all persons interested in the New York Leather Manufacturing Company show cause before C. F. McLean, referee, why a receiver should not be appointed, and the company dissolv ed. A large number of responses have been received from banks in various parts of the United States, m answer to the call for a convention of bankers. to begin in this city on September 16th. Prominent bankers of this city stated to-day that they regard the national convention of bankers as one of para mount importance just now, as the subjects to be brought under discussion are of vital interest to the public prosperity. The ITIaine Democratic Conven tion. . ,1 iw'vii'i it.S FUR N ITU RE WARE HOUS E CHILllREN'S CARRIAGES, c h i M.wnr ! -Ji 1 ! I I I I . f i II ' ILDBEK'SCAEMAGIB, 'KeWt Btylesiarid I'sm rfcefvifyfu'll SWb1! owest prices. ; :!:!. j, i -j .' 1 !' Calhand raskeypoT selection wbil theaasortment i fall; i i . j .r. ,)': mps. marl4 Portland. Me.. August 14. The Democratic State Convention was call ed to order by Hon. E. F. Pillsbury, the chairman of the State Committee. Hon. Wm. L. Putnam, of Portland, was nominated temporary chairman. and Jno. B. Redman, of Ellsworth, secretary. Mr. Putnam, in a speech to the convention, said that the financial S I! Ak'K U t 53. He considered that the war had'but I J UBL CcilBcU, auu bunt vy o uun icci mo an inflated currency and an over pow erful control of the government. Out of those evils came corruption and ex travagance. In addition, out of civil war comes the inability of a ravaged country to receive the manufactures of a more successful portion, lhe longer war is kept up, the longer the fever. J The temporary organization was made i permar4ent,aiter which , recess.. Gibbon Gains a Substantial' Victory. Washington, August 14. The fol lowing dispatch was received at the War Department to-day :- - - 1 ; "Chicago, August 1& ''Gen. E. D. Townsend: "I have everv reason to believe that Uolonei''UiDDon nas naa a suDsianua, success, and take pleasure in com mending the ppurage of Colonel Gib-; bon and his' small commana. iney have inflicted a severe if not a fatal and disastrous punishment on, the hps- had lost his trains is untruthful. ' , ' a P. H. Sheridan, i Lieutenant General.? from one hundred and fifty to two hundred, familes each. Scarcely fifty persons have escaped alive. The Bul garian fugitives at Gabrara and Selvi, estimate that trom twelve thousand to fifteen thousand Christians have been massacred in the Eski Saghara and Tchirpan district alone. Soldiers were posted along tbe road from Eski Sag hara to Kassanlik with orders to shoot everybody passing." The Jxewr dispatch from Athens says: "J&ight thousand troops of re serves have joined the army, also one thousand volunteers and many Greeks from abroad." The News' Vienna dispatch says: "The passage : of the Danube by the main body of the Roumanian armylhas been postponed until the large Russian reinforcement arrives. A portion of the imperial guards have already reach edKischeneen. lhe army will be em ployed partly to strengthen the troops in the Dobrudscha. The Ttmeg'-Bucharest correspondent says : "The decision to withdraw all pretensions of occupying the other side of the Balkans this campaign, caused an order to be issued for the re tirement of General Gourkes' force be hind the mountains. The cavalry could be of no use among the woods and precipices of the Balkans, and are required on this side where besides, forage is more easily obtained." The JSefws Vienna dispatch reports that the Egyptians under Prince Has san commenced on Saturday an offen give movement from Varna towards the Trojans' wall. An attack on ,Kus- tendii will be made by the lurks alter the arrival of Hobart Pasha s fleet, whice has embarked the troops at Su kum Kalep. The Times military correspondent at Bucharest gives the particulars of the Eski Saghara massacre, similar to those telegraphed by the Daily News' correspondent. A Reuter from Shunila says : "Offi cial intelligence is received here of the discovery of a Russian conspiracy against the Ameer of Cabool in the province of Kandahan. a our omciais were executed by order of the Ameer for complicity in the conspiracy." ENGLAND. The Queen's Speech Upon the ; ; Prorogation of Parliament. London, August 14. Parliament was prorogued this after noon. The following is the Queen's speech which' was read by commission: ftMy Lords and Gentlemen : "X am happy to be able to release you from your attendance upon parliament. My relations with all foreign powers continue friendly. The exertions which, since the commencement of the disturbances in Eastern Europe I have not ceased' to make for the mainte nance of general peace, unfortunately haye not been successful. On the out break of the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, I declared my intention of preserving an attitude of neutrality &8 long as the interests of the country remained unaffected. The extent' and nature of those' interest's were further defined in a communica tion which I caused to be. addressed to the government of Russia and whieh elicited a reply indicating friendly dis positions1 on the part of that State. I shall not fail to use my best efforts, when a suitable opportunity occurs, for the restoration of peace on terms compatible with the honor of the bel ligerents and with the general safety and welfare of other nations. If, in the course of the contest, the rights of my empire should be assailed or endanger ed, I should confidently rely on your help to vindicate and maintain them. The apprehensions of a serious famine In southern India, which I communi cated to you at the opening of the ses sion, I grieve to ray have been fully verified. The visitation which has fal len upon subjects in Madras and Bombay, and upon the people of Mig sare, has been of extreme severity, and its duration is .likely to be prolonged. No exertion will be wanting on the part of my Indian government to mitigate this terrible calamity. The proclama tion of my sovereignty in trans-India, has been received throughout the pro vince with enthusiasm. It has also been accepted with marked satisfac tion by the native chiefs and tribes, and the war which threatened in its pro gress to compromise the safety of my subjects in South Africa is happily brought to a close. I trust that the measure which has been passed to en able the European communities of South Africa to unite upon such terms as may be agreed on, will be the means of preventing a recurence of similar dangers, and will increase and con solidate the prosperity of this import ant part of my dominion. "Gentlemen of the House of Com mons, I thank you for the liberal sums you haye voted for the public seryice. In bidding you farewell. I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest on your recent labors and accompany you in the discharge of all your du ties." , Telegraphic Briefs. T N connection with the .Furnitjjrf Business tJLlrf 1 of Mr E G Rogers, at my old stand ' on JF V'f ooutu Trade Sbreetfc Will conanctdtse;at dertaking : Business etttmyowh.accounti'vj giving it my personal attention. f ii j a.a a - I will keep a complete; Stocky ifrora jthee Burial Case. Orders. by. telegraph OTiotherwise promptly attendedto. ' it Bt- i t if- it- This Well'KnoWn andifiEeadirVg!Hotel, - ,:nio.iijr :-.jj,ii .hsria wwWi-l f-ija isTlalt A'ftr nil hit LO-CATEDi IN CENTRE OF, , , THK v A X t '.u.f,iViT?i i is d 1 ;X 10 -r; Chas. N. Bennett, editor of the Ful ton, N. Y. Patriot, is dead. Schofield struck a small 1 camp of Mexican revolutionist on the morning of the 5th, and took what was in : it, viz: forty-four in en and forty-three horses. Lieut. Bullis surrounded a thieving ranche on the 4th and took five American horses'. . . . Thursday Adams' Express Company will withdraw its agents and messen- ers from the Marietta & Cincinnati lailroed. : The -express business will then be carried - on by the railroad company -through its freight depart mont " ... i The; moulders in, the bell foundry at Wheeling,. West 4i ; Virginia, struck, yes terdayfor higher wages. ( r Full '' rethms ; indicate that Charles ton has been selected as the permanent capital of West Virginia. s:A Rioting took place. at Londondery yesterday on aceountof-the opening of the prentice .boys .memorial ball. ; A number of persons were injured and tine fatally stabbed. The military was calledout.,; .. ' .. -;:;,::;..;;;;.V. "rj Intelligence has, reached Paris that Kalafer hag been destroyed by the -Ac cidental explosion of a powder maga- ine. : r':: 1 : r -t Death' of a Philanthropist. UiN S URP-ASSEM ACCOMMODATIONS, THE FPMffURE ISFIBSTrCLASS "f.l'H .it l..f s: 4f I v,f jt,' jjJ(GafiidJkBctfi4 jBells are in every rodin. .i.Ut nuo,:tnit bna tiuumo ,0 nc,tiihlp, .Till Tl" - THE.llftiaFrflhPETEDiTHROUGHOUT. .bncivdGb" Acident Failure. Chicago, August 14. A freight train on the Illinois Central Kailroad was thrown; from the track; near Decathr, at an early hour .yesterday morning The engineer and wo? hrakemen wiere instantly killed, several cars f were Bopleteiy-wrecJted.- Terre" Haute. ; Ikd.. : August 14. Chauncey Rose died to-day aged 83 yeara; He, was toe originator ana hrst president or me- Pierre Jtiaute In dianapolis jxaiiroao- ana -! was : prime mover in the Evansville & Crawfords- ville,"-the EvansvilleTerre' Haute &. Chicago, and the. Vandaha. He has given larger f sums for charitable and benevolent purposes, which aggregate more than twoTmilli6n8.! He has lately 1 ,vm-fTT-j -. . l i ouiib anu enuwwBu rieSB xoiytecnmc LARMeeks-&Co.. yesterday tiled a 1 Ttut j aa- trfnntntsihRlitiPnin bankTUDtcv. with I 'sxi.vt --J rt,..i.f!L-j'v'- secured habilitiesam ounting to Wfeior-: X Ammunition for Turkey. , l.'t J '-4VI n: .v; A Defalcation of Republican. Chester, Pa., August 14. 0. F. Bal ard, who represents Delaware county in the state legislature, has been re quested by the Republican county executive committee to resign , on ac count of alleged irregularities while he was secretary of the Amedea Build ing Association. The beanty of the ladies of Baltimore has become the standard of comparison the world over. They maintain their peculiar clearness and richness of complexion by the occasional use (as required) of Dr Bull's Blood Mixture. Kew Advertisements. Encourage Home Industry 1st. It is the making of your City ! 2nd. It brings here Mechanics I 3rd. The money then is secured and yju will get it back again ! . 4th. It helts paying taxes! 5th. You CAN be pleased! if you only try M. Lichtenstein, Merchant Tailor y 1 OVER F. SCARR & CO'S DRTJQ STORE. angl5 s : MUSlGB00KS. American Tune Book. Timbrel Zi on Tabor,-r ; Temple Choir -Carmina Sacra, , Boston Academy, Presbyterian Psalmdists, Hour of Singingj ; New Coronet, Christian Minstrel, . v' ' 11 Christian Harmony, , ' Diapason, voice of Praise, Happy -Voices, : . ; . S. S. Timbrel, .j 5 , S. S, Bell, . S. S. Service and Tune Book, Golden Censer, . - . The Gem, Gospel ymns, r : s: School 8inger or Young Scholar's Companion Musical Album if Lnft v'-nY --..j v; r:'. New York and Philadelphia Glee Book, Olwer's Musical Text Book,"' , . Burrowe's Piano Primerr " ''' Bertini's Piaao Method, abridged, Spohrt Grand Violin School! -' .i q Bassini's Ar; of binging, abridged, L r: ; All in stock and for sale by . TIDDY & BRO. , a v Piano Musics f ; by Henselt, M 1 1 a- Preparatory to TTaldug Stock 9 AT E. D.LATTA & DDHS mm 5 Kcw fork Clothiers, One door below First National Bank, CHABIjOTTHJ, 0. ail wmm -gun m iiie mmm FALL PRINTS AND J IU1 o in ARE ARRIVING DAILY. TlgS rwoM WOfi -I , hV FOR PLEASURE. THIS HOUaJ4.UJf4iyAftAiWirV rt,mATOmvt(i i7 7!iT'm r . il. . y - - - 1 I -'" jdoston', August , J.4. The - xaieash TTictEiiiMiArAugustl4.4-The io- steamer, John" Bramalla, sailed from rivrnMstg itist' -been received frbm I New 4 Haven, ;.sometim& . on Saturday rr-nii-aan bA-Wt KcT ""lU'-Jiifoci J'ln'lortnrilfflfJr Ttannor.k : "The Indians crossed at the 1 night,.with ayaluable wea olaauna-. n i ITLO, f?yj HW :JJ U istJphenson'.: thism '111- 1 1 ll'.II I I II 1 1 ill . I lllllll. i m.:U.m4 . I frU liner ids ' tieru3 uiuiucjb. . nuu I vwmiuko f dim suiuueu buirtYrbWU. M.-w. . I i-. ....... r i r i ...... fm ; I . '.i. V A Ant ei' i JTYtav or a am . I Mr larta rt portniroa ami tlia wiiA&l i ' 1 .... t o.v.J I - . . .. xl. o 1 I I , e w nr L . Loye Song for the Piano, Cachoucha, Caprice, Berceuse (cradle song). The Twittering of Birds, Convent Bells, - Dancing Leaves, -Amarylli ir i : la.Gazellevai j. ii r . Thine, Own,; - ur . i La Baladine, ... , : Fresh Life, ' 9 bvRaff. , by Lysberg; i by Billemai . by Spindler. by Mattel by Henry Ghys. . i by Hofmian. by Laage. by Lysberg. by Spindler, . ni ', tv .X .A -r The. above is a partial; list of the Piano Music we have on hand., Each niece can be recommended to those wishing effective saloon music . ... ..'. -. ,y p&?, Call and examine7 bur stock of new Music. ' JNO trouble to show it. -- -J j ug 15 ' " -. i st I- TI DDY & BRO. "PXAMINE THE RECORDS: s:ov ltd . Of the' TJnderwritersV.HartforcV Phoenix ana rnemx insurance uompames. ': : WittkowIiy & lintels. A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE ' " i " . : ' K . . OF ' , . BeadymadoClottog, Boots, ShoeHatlurnishing od$,&o AT CORNER OP TRADE AND TRY0N STREETS, CHARIX)TTE, N. 0. ' ' ( - I O - -..y- We will sell within the next 30 days, the following lots of merchandise : 2000 pairs PANTS, consisting of Men's, Boys' and Youths, 1000 COATS, of all kinds. : 1000 VESTSi assorted. , & - ,.: ; which we will sell regardless of cost! J'Giveus a call before purchasing, and examine our Stock. As you will nnd it far superior m quality, make, style, ancl cheaper . in price than anyriri the market.' ,r i KAUFMAN & BKQ9 aug Springs Corner, Charlotte, If , ft lilson k mm '-T if.- frl!-'-"' - iUUilD lltl . r - . -' ft- . r u J to' .-1 'Si ' ' . : 3-'V' 1 i r f, ' '! !-. V . !'. , i j5i V i f- ' CHARLOTTE r N. . t i i euuuucu wo uaittuuc.ui.iii6 cargo. niaugQlm ,1'fft 5i1iiS:lrT. j ,i-i . .... 0 ; : j - . ., . - -