DAILYOBSERYER.1 ;t HBGRscno6i,: Wednesday, August 15, ' 1817.. I Speech of Mayor Johnston in the lie Square, Jiast Night. c I Tins Weather To-Day. For f Ac Sou A 4f tontic Saie, Northerly winds, rising barometer and cooler, followed by warmer clear weather wiU prevail, v tnursuance of the announcement made in yesterday morning's Observer, mortgage. CbV.Wm T Johnston, mayor,: addressed s0& weu ; th horses did not, as an the citizens in: Independence Square average, bring good prices. The total last night, on the subject of the pro- amount of proceeds from' the sale is Sale of Property, v . ." J and desire to dispose of the right to its The horses, carriages, bugjries, omni- us,e i? North Carolina. The price s - . . asaea ia twenty thousand dollars, and bus, harness &c belonging to the it is estimated thai there are hand livery stable of Hunter & h arrow, were some profits on it. So plain, so simple, sold Yesterday at auction by O FHar- and yet so? effective is it that webe- rison, auctioneer, unaer ioreciosure 01 1 t" ??"j - "" ia"iu''.uw " " "O 1 DO J 7 take hold of it. posed graded school. The colored band was' out and play fed several pieces, and in the meantime quite a good crowd assembled.' Col Johnston began by explaining the provisions and ob jects of the public school law, in detail, and the peculiar advantages o.ffered by the system of graded schools. He stated that the board of aldermen had not appointed an election on the 6th of September without carefully consia ;nn ta aton thev had taken; The . Very large panties of spots m mar- ere fully aware; that the pres ket, yesterday. . . ' ttfas an inopportune time to im- Several persons have leturned from, nose" additional taxes on the citizens, the springs in the last few days . ; but thelmembers considered that in It is about time to observe that the tne e'nd it would prove an incalculable days are getting perceptibly shorter, advantage. He himself had favored Tt is nairiful but true that there is a the scheme eighteen months ago, and nrosnect of a rise in tne price oiine aia so Decausu ue uwroicu tor tne pUBllC gOOU. CUl wncu 4U v NEW. tpVEBTlSBEMTS. , , Tiddy Music. Wilson & Burwell Fruit Jars. i. University of North Carolina.' , MLichteastein-Tailor. ' . LOCAL briefs. . Some of the merchants are taking stock. . - $1,958, which is about $200 less than the mortgage deed under which the property was sold. shoes. ' r:r I y tt The regular session.pf the State Uni il ve'rsity ! begins iXn liheu 30 th iiof .this month. See advertisement. t Tn-Aaxr mftrlroff the first half of August, and reminds us that there! are . but two weeks left of s'u'mnier 1 '! ' 'The number of wagons and country people, on .the. streets now-a-days indi cates that the revival of 'trad" 4 has cbm menced ' ." Mr W M Morris, of the. firmfjH ''Morris & Bros.1, left this mornipg1; fa? New York, where he expects to pur chase their stock of dry goQds&c. : ; 1 Those who had it drew on heavier , "clodings' yesterday " those who didn't protested that thev couldn't per ceive that the weather, had grown any cooler. 's,ic!:. j Two Charlotte boys rhavfcently gotten into business elsewhere. Mr D C Malloy is travelling for Brown Bros., tobacco manufacturers of 'Winston, and Mr ErwinErikin is with a shoe house in Baltimore- Q ; ! It is said that through sleeping cars between Charlotte, Kaleigh, Norfolk and intermediate points, will begin running now in about a week over the Carolina Central Baleigh & Augusta AirsLine,i!BaleigK' Gaston aEtd'. Sea board & Boanoke Railroads. -j Where is John Byrne of the Baleigh Nevnt "We haven'trseenj thatfav6rite . j 5'brief'Vof his about lager Ibeer cbeiks being receivable in Raleigh for every . thing but taxes in so long a time that we -are seized j with a harrowing fear . that some untoward fate has, overtaken him. ' We understand that Arrington's cir cus will give an exhibition at Hamlet, the junction of the Carolina Central and Raleigh. & Augusta - Railroads about a week from to-day, or so soon as the bill-poster can get through with the operatic tour of the State, which he is now making, and return to duty with the menagerie. I ; Chicken House Robbed. It seems hard for a thief to pass the - premises of Mr. W I Eddings without turning in. About two weeks ago his house was robbed , of a , quantity ' of clothing, and night before last a thief foraged upon his chicken coop and captured a fine Brahma rooster and five fine half-grown Cochin chickens. For the eggs which produced these he had paid $3 per dozen. Total Eclipse of the Moon. On the 23rd of this month a total Lunar eclipse will be-visible more Or less to the world generally,, except to the " western l half of North America, Australia and the Pacific ocean. By an. observer , at Charlotte, the eclipse will be only pajtly;V.isibe, .and will be seen immediately tef the moon rises. oWaBhington tine: tWf phaseswill be ; as follows : ' Middles Df .eclipse l minute" past 6 p. m;. ; total eclipse ends, 51 minutes past 6 p. m. ; moon leaves the shadow, 52 minutes past 7 p.m. ; moon leaves the penumbra, 57 minutes past 8 p. m. ;The magniluda ofi the eclipse will be equal to , 1.761, the moon's diameter being equal to 1. ' BUSINESS WOTICES; A thing of beautv is a iov forever. Although Dooley's Yeast Powder lays no claim, in itself, to beautv. it nro- duces the most beautiful, elegant anal he bays his Fall Stock, .1a1::.. M V :i. . 1 1 I -wrr-nT si ucubiuug xuiib, uisuuius, uajt. unci pas try imaginable, and such that are a joy and pleasure in the household. Use it for the celebrated Vien na rolls. G.000 (DASI3S OI? BOOTBr ABT -SHOES THE -A-XjXj THADB Ol1 X877. 1 , We are offering to the Fall Trade the BEST and CHEAPEST. STCCK oi EVER OFFERED ON THIS MARKET. THE prospects for increased business the present season, and oar nnrivalled facilities, ha indaod as to lay in a larger tocV of Goods than ever, and we hope to see every .Merchant, who ever bought a dollar's woith of Goods io C.iarlotu. tk ,! another light, he' Was1 Confident that it would in the end prove an advantage m firtv holders. ': Killed by Lightning The enly objection which; had", been Intelligence was received here, yes urged against the graded 'school was terday, that a telegraph repairer by thatthe tax would fall almost exclu- the name of Boyd was killed by light sively n the white population, while ning Monday on the Air-Line Rail the constitution required that, the road soon after the explosion f the colored people should enjoy eq'ual engine, (an account "of which waff pub educational advantages: This was lished yesterday), and near the point true but it could not be helped, jifc where this catastrophe occurred. He was a poor argument, howeyer, which had climbed' to the toj of a telegraph ioTight to exclude white children from post while '.the storm was progressing, these privileges on this ground. for the purpose of joining a broken Passing from this, he spoke in gen- wife., While, in the act of clinching eral terms of the blessings of education the wire, he suddenly fell dead to the and adverted to the great lack ef it;in ground. As the storm had passed our State. He was ashamed to make over the spot where he was killed, the the confession, ' but ! it is true that presumption is that the lightning North Carolina is far behind, many of must have struck the wire some dis her sister States, even those of c the tance off, and was communicated from South, in the educational condition, of lit to his body through the instrument her people. The proportion of illiterate br tool with which he was clinching it. tifirsnna in South Carolina and Louis- iana, where the colored people were . " For the Ob3kbvkr larlv in the maioritv. was less than n Constable. Election. in our own State. Out of the million A good deal has been said about the and seven hundred thousand popula tion in the State there were at least Injtiucilon 11 -1 have to notifv the trade and Dablic ereii ' erally that on the 8th of May last I obtained an injunction from judge J F Daly, of the Court of Common Pleas for the Cifcv and County of New York, against a pexson styl ing nerseu "Madame Gouraud," restraining her from 'fcelling. trans faring, interfering with, or ip any manner disposing of the goods, chattels, Proprietary Artic'es, and trade marks of the late Dr T Felix Gon- mud." This enjoins the sale of the Oriental Cream, Italian Medicated Soap, and all other of the proprietary artie'es of my deceased lather. 1 have therefore to warn the trade against purchasing from the said "Madame Gouraud" any ot the said preparations or rrom dealing in the same daring the contin- ance of the taid injonction Mean while my Ultmpiak Uebasi is free from legal en tanglement, and my right to its manufac ture and i sale unquestioned. .' The public will find in it a Toilet article superior to its late competitor and its price reduced to one dojhtit ' Trial bottle 25, cents. Unequalled asa Deauuner or tne complexion. ' -.1 . i ' AH GOURAUD, -: . - : 98 Greenwich St. New York, July . 15th, 1 W7, . . Hughes & Naulty, Agents fQJWPT G SruithCharlottel ? T wic w nnw rAnniviner in our CHAHLOTTE HOUSE, a full, line of all grades if BOOT8 and SHOES . Havimt BOOTS and SHOES in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, with success beyond our expectation we have V.' cenUy established a house at Headquarters, NO. IS, HIGH STREET .BOSTON, MASS., which will unable n to fully compete wi,l' other Jobbing Houses North, and to extend our trade into other States. : - - We Bell only by tne case rrom our kuoiuin nuuon, uu u umera mrwamm i uem Wm ihwitb prompi surauon, and if r,rfB red, be shipped and billed direct. The former reputation of our CHARLOTTE HOUSE, unsurpassed in tbe Bouth for the anioum and variety of its large Stock, shall be maintained, and weshall constantly keep on hand in both houses a full line of all grades of BOOTS and SHOEo. .Having maae inis arrangement we uvs w uesiwuBy m guiug ww xargo ww or ernes io snow onr Good feeling assured that we are able to giye to prompt paying customers a good teims as any other house North or Bouth. We solicit your orders or personal inspection to either of the above houses. SEHITM FOEBES, aug. 4, 1877. 13 High Street, Boston. Wass.. and Trade Street Charlotte. IV'. GREAT ATTRACTIONS FOR THE AT- H. MO RR IS & B R OTHERS'. FIMMfiO CQMMERGUL. lour iiurKlred thousana wno couia not xead and write. The sooner we recog- nize: these things, the better the. more likely there is of their being inproed. The public school fund wen divided among those who were entitled to it , scarcely amounted to fifty cents per head. If education was therefore to be disseminated among the people, it must .bedone by a special tax like that proposed for .rati fication by the citizens of - Charlotte. He called attention to the fact that in the matter of graded schools, Raleigh, Wilmington and Greensboro were far outstripping her . sister. In the last named place, a tax of twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation of vacancy in the omces ol constables in this township, and in the whole coun ty, and many opinions exist and have been; expressed, as to the; appointing power in such ' cases. Soine think. the Governor has the power ; some .think the commissioners haye.it; others think neither of them have it In the first place, it is necessary to enquire wheth er thefe are any vacancies in T the of fice of constable In this county? Do the constables refuse to act ? Have any of them died or left the county; no.- Have the people refused to elect them; no. Then from what cause do the vacancies, if any, exist? Where does the fault lie ? The answer is, that it lies simply in the neglect or refusal of the county commissioners to order an election at tbe proper time, as the law directs. The next question arises, can this neglect of the county commis sioners be remedied ? Yes, by taking the bonds of the constables last elected by the people of the different town- :TEL.EGtfXPIIIC MARKIiTji AUGUST 14, 111. PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats quiet, Southern prime at 34a38- Kye dull and steady at 65a67. Provisions Coffee dull and unchanged, Whiskey dull at 1.1 1. Sugar quiet and steady at 111 alii. - Cincinnati Tlour easy, family 5.90a6.00. Wheat heavy; red l,15al.25. Corn in fair demand at 47a49c. Oats dull at 23a28c. Rye dull at 5a57o. Barley dull and noml- al. Pork dull: lobbing at 13.50. Lard in fair demand: team 81c; kettle 91al0c. Balk meats heavy: shoulders, 4 85 Did,' 42c asked: short rib and middles 61, short clear ditto 71; bacon dull; v5s5, 7Ja7f and 8c for shoulders,, clear rib and elear -sides. . Whis key activeard firm tsl 03. Butter' steady; prime to choice Western Reserve 16al8c, Central Ohio. 13al5c. Sugar firmer and prices unchanged.' 'Hos firm and in air demand for packing, at . 4.80a0 00; receipts, 1J187; shipments, 365. & St. I.oul8 Flenr unsettled; extra fall 5.75a6.00, good family 6.15a6 30. Wheat active; No. S red fall 1.1SJ. Corn firmer and nominal at 40ia41c. Oats quiet and nominal at 25c Rye 53a535c. Whiskey steady at 1.08 Pork inactive at 13al3 15. Lard dull and nominal. Dry salted meats dull and lower; shoulders 42c bid. clear rib sides 5c bid; bacon dull; 5fi, 71 and 7J; for shoulders, clear rib aad clear sides. Hogs strong at 4.75ao.2U. Louisville Flour dull and .unchanged. Wheat dull; red 1.20. amber 1.25al.27, waite 1 25al.30. Corn in fair demand; mixed 44c. Rye quiet at 57c. Oats dull and unchanged. Pork dull at 13.75al4.C0. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 51c, clear ribs 71c and clear sid 7ic; bacon dull and lower; shoulders ( io, clear ribs 7.6S and clear sides S.LHc; sugar We shall offer our complete stock of Spring and Summer Goods, v CONSISTING OF . " i cC- ..... . . , . ...,.. AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Our stock is still large, and we wish to close out the above Goods before purchasing our Fall Goods. Just received, a new lot of iHgpfp and fs IfcOTWeQ H. MORRIS & BROS. July 24 CHARLOTTE, . N. C. Ordinary 8 Good Ordinary - 9i Low Middling 9 Middling 10 Gorki Middling... 101 Receipts for the day, 12 bales. Receipts in all Ports, 433 bales. Consolidated, 1.139 bales. Exports to Great Britain 1.454 bales. Exports to France, none. Exports to the Continent 425 bales. Exports to the Channel, none. Stock, 147.636 bales. Davenport's Balm Preserving Fluid. I 1 " 3 T . A . 1 . I A 1 I . . i ' m a. w property was imposed, while only half fips accoraing v mw ana let inem curea nams quiet ana unchanged. Lam - XT J ' hnM nifrtv until fViA nAvt .omilA. Alan. Irlnll AhntPA loaf tUrM 1 0f. V oe nnmin.l UV1U VTCX. U11V11 U"V AKUta iiCT 1 . . . that amount was asked of the citizens of Charlotte. While in Boston recently he took occasion to examine the wor Kings of the public school system in the hub of the universe, and found it a magnifi cent success. The poorest boy could tion. We don't think, the Governor has the power to appoint constables in this case, and to assume that the coun ty, commissioners have the power te appoint in such cases as this, would be monstrous, lor that would be giving them power to create a vacancy in or der to fill it, and in the same way they fit himself for any business, or for en- could vacate tne omce oi snerm or any c.,-; Oiwt fv, ,;f other county omce and fill it. But tering any college in the land, without doeg the iawprovideno penalty against the payment of a single cent. the county commissioners for such neg- He closed by reminding his hearers lectofduty? Yes; Bee Battle's Revisal, that Mecklenburg bad always taken chapter 27, section 17, page 279; this, the lead in matters of nnblic interest, uowever, aoes no relieve ne aimcuiiy, The Supreme Court Judge Bynum. "H," the: brilliant Statesville corres pondent of .the Ealeigh Observer, writ i injg to that paper a general letter, takes X Hup;:tbe Supreme .j Court among other .r subjects, and-slaps every, member of respppded the .bench except Judge Bynum j of whom f he says : i Justice Bynum is perhaps the best lawyer 'on,Jthe behch. His talents better fit himifor thejfo- ? ram than the benchiHIIef Jhad1 jfew 'l equals at the' barviivi. v, She was the first county to petition the 'Legislature to establish a State University, and he hoped that the citizens ; of Charlotte would not be backward in a movement which was of greater moment to her people. (Owiergentlemen were called on after uou jonnston conciuaea, out no one and we don't advise that course to be mi a j.t a v ; - ' taaen. xne truin is, mere is no va cancy in the ofi&ces of constables from any cause contemplated by the law, and the only way tney can act legally, is to give their bonds and hold over until next election. So mote it be. . . X. whiskey steady and unchanged. Bagging quiet at 13c. Tobacco steady and in fair demand. New York Floar heavy and unsettled and again decidedly lower; moderate busi ness; superfine Western and State; 4.25a 4.85; Southern flour lower, common to fir extra 6.00a6.75; good to choice do 6.&0a8.25; wheat heavy and decidedly lower, generally 2a3c; moderate demand; red and amber Western, l.fi0al.5J; choice white ditto; 1.30 for poor red Western; 1.25 for poor red Tex as; 1.20 for inferior red Southern; 1.48al.50 for white State. Com, laic lower and unset tled. , Coffee, Bio, steady. Sugar dull and nominal, at 8a81c for fair refining; refined unchanged. Molasses dull and nominally unchanged. Bice steady and a fair enquiry. Pork heavy and lower; new mess 13.75. Whiskey quiet and steady at 1.12. Freights firmer.' . COTTON. Noaroir Doll; middlings, lOjc; net re ceipts, 14; sales, 25; exports coastwise, 114. Itid by reqaest 'from yesterday's An Insufficiency of copies f I.awr . " t ! .y . Another blunder of the last Legisla ture has just come to vlightj. TfceRal- . . a a- i . ' . . 1 . ."a. - leisn uoserver states that t the statute I Motel, in this city, for a week or so on the subiect rertnTres 'Hi'7 nhhlio I past, engaged in arranging the details nrinter to tirint onlv nk thnnRRn exhibition of a patented process Be-publi8hed SSSBVXX.J A Novel and Wonderful Process. Gen AT Hawthorne and Col Chas Baakerville, both of the State of Texas, have been sojourning at, the Central XLOtei, m inis cuy, Baltimori Dull and life; . gross receipts 32; I coastwise, 25. lower; middlings, sales, 50; exports Boston Dull; ceipts, 46; gross, middlings, 46. lljc; net re- Registration " Election... for the. Graded So hool V . tUUUoauu I 4Vo ni-Bgarvotinn lf frnito XT curat o seven nunarea nan Dound copies oi kio Mt.m s Votiiv nin the arrangements being complete, a : Hand . bills put uporxHei streets yp8 terday b the dty' clerk and treasdrer, 'annbuhce tljatth ;Jrlgstration books Sot the cbmibg ; 'election ''upon the sub' t if-,f .Sit ; First TFardUp stairs over J Harty's store ; J . A, x oung,. registrar. ,pwTOt.' warar j uuncan's store. radestreetjHilliamsgistrar. Third TTardAt Hayes EHcGlnn's the acts of tho Geueral Assembly, to be distributed among the county commis sioners ; arid magistrates, and as there are fbiMr hundred and seventy .of the firetj and more . than , two thousand . Wilmingtoh Nominal; middling, lljc; net receipts, 2. Philadklphia Firm; middlings, lljc; net receipts, 84; gross, 14; sales, spin ners, 382. New Oslbans Dull; middlings, 11c; low middling 101; good ordinary, 9c; net re ceipts 93; gross, 115; sales, 200. party of about a dozen gentlemen were invited to tea in the dining room of the central, to test tne preserving proper- , AuotrsrA-Quiet; middlings, lie; receipts, lies oi.vue pawem ur i w pamnteu ai n sales, 20. - t J am all tmcA things thfiafl dftvs and flan- I eight jiunlred of the latter, the Secre- hot be used without paying the paten- 1 m!ddlinga' lc; net half lee royaibj. . 1 . I - . - I Tr4f CffftoTj- wVtitTt V a 1 Kaoti 1 1 ri eiv I T "TT A-!. 1. -1 4 1 1 : m I ' XICCl DUGiUk WW UAUU UGH LTbU JLA1ICU D1A I IV EW T 11RK v-LIIll HI.' II Til HTIIlH I I ffr' nnMini i tne counties reQuireuianu lava wt.n hptvaH. fi.nH. & ily dill vititAr I m .aia kr97 mnWu ' n2r the law directed, to be distributed. I whir. h was rut5 afresh from thlwwf TJltSDorOreat-'Britaialf to the Thus the Legislature' increased i the months ago was on exhibition, as Were Continent, 425.; . .. number of persons to be supplied With also mutton chops, fresh, tender ;and LivxapooL-NoonQuiet and unchang these books more than nalfj bui did 5! -21 edjimlddUngrpplae.l.ieth; middling. not change the law which' fixed the chicken which had- beetf-kffled! six exports. I.OOO: Receipts'. 4950: American. Futl s omce , . oyer Harty's, store K PTrQsbbrne J..J a." l "; . j .i i.j ;ia, - f: '1 -Xttl WSttZMW lWMti. H ;Hr thSfcublic square in charee ef a Waeon C'TioAtlata&LhxU!lo.te Aurlfihe I and f.nm. and tV flxl li'11i1nffAiriMVrk'WfisJxa 1 4(tVTX 'JW V. .-J x"- . x:i It. rlV. iftwr 1 liXJBir IU IT aLM, II 11DUU QtiU UU AO 11 Ulli VBhaiT LJI "places'8upplied by Wdstibstantial counVlia beenvery drunk.' JBte i ; 7 .vuVAyBaHigs ax.e. pemg naacirciea inrougn vxive x;qinis ' ana i?tCiTedl talcing ;up " the "planks other disreputable localities and wW :irLnxohhave.hi and he came t0 he waa fafafa 1$-i, pOr V x I ftwm a waya roertairtnd -dan- tion of the money helhad gottenitot. f. , . . "ooluJ4B "n aocount w the his wagon load of noipf- jie trelated -WiJal1MWj?LelBeoo8i,ftad his misfortunes to the-properjauthori-V. ' '-h ?r0fflln'"ee)QgWlald; with ties, and two men hb hao Been seen ,""".?(,'7U( j ran wun nun, r rann bwiqu miu sou Jra, r.ff .being bent on .ithe,side,pf0the tract iwtre aft&tedHtheBhafgeTeiiiiavine f a h -Kr.t ?t 9 ,' A Y, i to the nreservine vroeess. had lain for uplaudV low. mlddlmg, clause, August and J T- ;V. tilK t fiye,day8rin the .how window. otXDtlSAlWf , PeU Among Thieve.. ,A 0 ftj. McAdw'i drngitore I TiVijftirsL.xt. ii:tiiud . -4 . , Ji :i hurt heen kfmt Binca the first dn.v mt I rtnn;KA. .'.'..''flt o " v ; -. i , a ,wbb eiaiea vesieraav mat a dov i - . . . . wuuu uivxjr, -v , , . v-, . . Chaeloite, N. C, Aug. 13,1877. The undersigned, physicians, take pleasure in certifying that they have examined into the merits of "Max well's patent" and "Davenport's Balm Preserving Fluid," and that the chemi cals used do possess the preserving qualities claimed for them, and are perfectly harmless. They further cer tify thai the gases or fluid used in the preservation of meats, vegetables or fruits, are readily expelled by the prop er method of cooking. They further believe that these agen cies will proye to be an excellent reme dial agent in many diseases. J U McAden, M. D., ; Robert Gibbon, M. D., J P McCombs, M. D., L W Battle, M. D., J M Miller, M. D., J B Jones, M. D., Wm W Gregory, M. D., R Sid Witherspoon, M. D. Chjlelotte, N. C, Aug. 13, 1877. The undersigned, citizens Of Charlotte,- N. C, having been invited by Messrs Hawthorn & BaskerTille,(agents of Davenport's process for preserving meats, fruits and vegetables) desire to state that they partook of a variety of vegetables and fruits, also of beef, mut ton and chickens, cooked in their or dinary way. The fruits and vegetables had been brought from Texas, and had been pre served for over two months. The meats and fowls had been preserved for aix days when cooked. They were found to be perfectly sound. The vegetables were as fresh and perfect as if just gathered. Messrs Hawthorn & Baskervilie also exhibited corn , which had been pre served for fourteen months, also meats, oysters and shrimps which had been preserved for five months. The oysters and shrimps when tast ed were found as Tierfectly fresh as if just taken from the water. We therefore recommend this method of preserving meats, fruits and vegetables, as ' -the simplest, cheapest and most effectual ever before present ed to the public. ,, :t L8 Williams, James H Okr, - Ii W, Sanders, JOHIT A YoTJNGy Chas R Jones, Wm W Gregory, augl5 o R Sid ; .Witherspoon. 00 I about ten years old had been found on . r '...k ' . f improvement8n , several respects j of jithe' boy ceuld. be found. . :;i, " 01urKe;:esc? aii robbed him. - The former. was tried in . .::,the vepace :l)eli?eehi.tne 'falls' (filled &V''hi6roingf WoWM .:wtht0nh bld ceiphiWa. . T7 Vle learn t0? tbAt-Antong'-the j other circumstantial,it was deemed sufficient juiy, ana green com wmcn naa been preserved for'the' Bamelength of time t oysters and shrimps which-had been kept fresh since the first dayrof April, all wereserved tolthe invited guests, who had been!called together as cormois- ieuri ip; Epicurean matters. Oranges were on" the table whioh had' been kept eight months, and, peaches and apples Whioh had beeiol pTeseryed.'fdr jflong ij-i,. .c.j.jq4; :-a- :0 i...vvv ,!i,;i i - 0 .,4.Messrs Hawthorne & Baskervilie frpessess certamighteVtptiiis new and wonderiul preserving process which Is amaryel for itsiieheapness and its simplicity-fand they Had invited these gentlemen to test the' propess. While the party of gentlemen went to th&ta bledoubting the wonderful preserving Srpperties of thepr'ocess.truth and can 6r compelled them' to Etate'thal they wereosuccessful in , eyery sfparticular. ThSar.meats came to the table (with one m explainedby 20)0PiMj-Uplands. lowniiddline clause. sew crop, , shipped November , and De cember delivery, per sail, G l-32r,:ii v :i i . ' i. ifOOP.MSalea included 6,250 Ameri can. Yarns and fabrics dull but not lower. ' 8P, M. Futures stead. . 1 trWyemenis a new depbt at Gastonia to bind hirn 'Mb to nnnrt A -m ismcontemnlatmn.- - ti. I it JY. . , V ," rrXn;hir management of thel rJUhU 7k G&KrfttZ Whitley tried the 'S .;:r5;w;::"P captured by constable r:: TIt:7 "' oreacre about nine miles from-town, wa. ..... I J lsum.of$ioa A H All U i . ..Njiw . Yoax Futures closed steadier. Bales, 85,000. . - r - , September, 11 20a22c. October, 10 89a90c. " ' November, 10 80a81c. " iTDreemberjvl0 83a84c. ; Xjf January,.10 96a97c. February, 11 09allc. -, . March, I158a30c. ". AprU, 11 S6t&$a, ;a . FINANCIAL exbeption, andthat? waa the waiter to be' because & mistake had been made.m.'lfebokwgy'perfectiyl1' tu Cotto fresh-; IfrouMdegetableMf.were1 takfe l;&t'' while -oystersT-among , the imosn deli- Nxw Yoax Money easy at la2. Bte'il ng.flfiietat 4i. Gold:qniet at L05i.i Gov- mnenw Arm. States Steady; s i Cotton' Market;! r OlteERVEIt offioeI Ohablotxs, N. 0., August 14, cate' arid difficult J to presenie--whichiT I JThe market ! continues weak and!uhstf had befen kept for five mobths Were as 1 tled ba inotably unchanged ! 4 Qaatations fresh and delicious as if they 'had just left Lynnhaven Bay." ,k ..,ir...n TCT-V J f-'irti-Viti . -, ! 5irv V The foEomw quotations are avnaaed trom Messrs. Hawthorne & Bask'erville are SSSfi ? V J " - agents for the patentee of ibis prooeasJTined. 4a9 9 UNIVERSITY or NORTH CAR0LIHA. The next Session of the Uoirersfty will Ve- K ' gin . " THURSDAY, AUGUST S0TH. j - Candidates for admission shonld. If tw sible, present "themselves ror examination promptly on the moraine of that dav. , . For catalogues, Ac., apply to . Prof Geo T vyinsion, oecreiary. , , - KEMP P BATTLE, . -.u, : i. . o- ,; ,; president. ft "Chapel Hill, NV 0.," August 1st, 1877. f angiS ltdltw,. t - i. l 20 c a Nuaber-$2aYe8r, " ; ' . - , :r t AWAKlit-ttn limstiated Magarine 1 1:, for Youne Peoble.5 is th vpw hw nnh. lication of the .kind in our countryi'aa Well' oo ixd iiucirt,-.Jf or au agency, ssna to 11 O -r..-.j :-. , iD.LOTHliOP A no -.'in feb25 -f.Y ; -'Boston. I; ;TenjOentToltiiiui, ..TipBALB-A FireJProof Herring Safe nux buxu.ui)iailUU JUCJL, vail ai i . J M MENDEL ' St CO'S. "-.augl4 4t "Ji'i ..'i..J,i ,.- j, . , GREAT BARGAINS can now be had in re- F I N E M I L L I N E R Y, Which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. NEW SUN HATS just ceived. Large lot HAMBUKU JSDtflJSUS, RUUU1ING, Neck Ties, Bib Collars, LINEN SUITING and TRIMMING, LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS, iust received and selling at the LOWEST prices for Cash. MRS. P . O U ER jun26 Y PEGrRAM & CO., 1ST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, O BE Em O X S ; ET- C.? HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND a' Large & Well-selected Stock of BOOTS & SHOES FOB LADIES, GENTS, BOYS, MISSES & CHILDREN, AT LOWEST PRICES. ALSO, SOFT & STIFF HATS Of the Latest Styles. TRUNKS & TRAVELING BAGS VERY LOW ARE CLOSING OUT ALL REMNANTS & ODD LOTS AT PRICES REGARDLESS OF C03T. A Call ju1y3 is most Respectfully Solicited. a-. If I E G- R OSS MASON'S. IMPROVED .'.it JUST RECEIVED mms, J5F v:m;-I i ! eugust 15 ill-' "j CHARLOTTE, N. C. SELLING OUT The time has come when we always offer goods very cheap. We commence early to close out such Goods as we do not wish to carry over, for if we seasoUjis past,. thereis.no demand for them; ; Our dress goods bW BE BOUGHT VERY CHEAP j OUR SUMMER CLOTHING; MUST BE SOLD AT SOME PRICE. Hamburgj Edgingcheaperthan ever v"; ' -S p&Qimra: gauzjS Ifis unequalled. i i tV'Vw.Do not fail to calland'geta pair, fc.,JU C - , aAiid A jplendid stock of G6nta Rftiifi mursiTSnM Rrvi f T:;;i. ond Misses' Son" . . ... UUk and Tncy, Hose. r A.obi Lot otGehtaa38iQ.ere;Hats or!cl .'j'-itijvi i- s. !f,f;jj at some price.;1 S'"-' v , 3