CHARLOTTE OBSERVER - jos pnirrnnc. . Tne Ossxxvxa Job Department has bee: thoroughly applied with every neeaet want, ana wtta tae latest style of Type, ant 8TJB3CBIPTION RATES. Daily 1 vear (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 4 00 2 00 75 " 6 nios. . . 3 mos. 44 . 1 nion WEEKLY XDITIOIf. ? Wwkly (in the county) in advance. rut of the county, postpaid " 6 month 8, . every manner of Job Wot can now M Aon with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can furnish at short noOoe BXJLNZa.BIIXiHKADB, UTXTCTt WK A DW, OA3&DB, ' ., TAGS,BECSIPTa.P06TZBa, FBOGSAlOfEa, HAHD BTXJUS, PAKFULEta, CHS2K8. e. $2 00 2 10 1 00 V. Y0L.3 Liberal reductions for clubs CHAEMTTE N. ... WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 1877 NO. 3,17U '1; f-1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE BUSSO-TUIIKIn WAK. .UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT 0$ JJ AS been Refurnished and Refitted in first claBs style, and offers inducements to Trayellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords at prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendimce at mealSr and no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. i FKOin WASHINGTON. I ,.Workingmcn in Council. I . .... fcJ-l J. 'J ia JLJ. li i - . .nil. V ' - - ' ' The War Continues, bat With Utile Activity Moving: of ' ine Armies - out ' no ' Fighiingr. ' 1 Baam Agrainst EmploylDff Kins men An Old , Lady Makes a ! illy RemarkIennsyl? ri vania Bepnblicaa' As-" sociation) OiV bands, li Excuse lor Gen Gourko The To tal Russian Loss at Plevna. London. August 2L The German nil I X- T-' L A us s-s l lX)NDON, August IYI UUtSlrtlO I errnS TOP IVlOnini V DOara6rS I squadron has gone to Salonica in con OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl T'v, JT Iff fS X VR 3S5 C ES; I1T E M . 1- Black Cashmeres, Blade Alpaccas, who were implicated, in the murder of theeensul8. ; a. A special to ihe Standard from Dres den announced that the powers at the request of Germany, are reported to have agreed upon a common protest to the Porte concerning the release of the murderers in the above connection, A Beuter'a Berlin telegram confirms the report that the German squadron has left Piracas in the direction of Paro. The Daily N ewf correspondent tele graphs from Sistova, - August 18th, a detailed account of - the events which A Large Lot bfsEdgingi and vjnsertings, SKSSJS '-... -&' . t. . ...... I auuuuuits oiiww tiiivii even luuepenaenuy. LADIES SUII DIIBRELLA& of the retreat being n ecessary , by the j disaster at Plevna, General Gourko's A. am pam sav SHSB am pa. av A mmmBv amw mm mm amui mmmmm mv'mmi - mmml A Ml mmv I auaVo l C uiwn UC1UICU UJ DUO DUUtr LARGE ASSORTRflEWT OF FAWS, at Geni Saghra, on July 80th, General Gourko was compelled to retreat on the following day, although in sight of Eski Saghra, where he was obliged to leave the Bulgarian legion, who were operating as a separate body, to their late. jv me ouiganan legion wnicn MOSQUITO NETTING, CANOPY NETTING, WHITE GOODS, TIES AND SCARFS. . , ; Which we will offer at very low prices, to suit the times T? T T A Q rrTTT? TV" ; X fW7 CQT Q h48 originally sixteen hundred strong, HiXjXix, ; V W.JLA'-CjIi 0 JLvV-1JLV ony four or five hundred managed to Other Notes and News. ; Washington August 21. An absurd circular has been issued from Commis sioner iiaum, that his' eubordmates lav onlv em dIov one kinsman. It is supposed that this system is instigated oy Bcnurz tor the benefit of foreigners. ,An' elderly lady -of .Washineton is Quoted that if she nsrere collector of interloai : revenue in Virginia, every white person and some colored, in tho grand s old State, would be excluded from deputy8hip8.,' . ' ! 442'- JUevens, in an omciat communica tion. thinks that the Pennsylvania Ee- I publican Association is a' political or ganization, and that President Hayes' order "to "the members who hold positions under the government ; therefore ' the association met : last night and "voted that all the money in hand, after the debts were paid, should be sent to the ; State Soldiers Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania, and then adjourned sine ate. Dispatches report Morton as restless last night. - Major James Forney, of the marines, has been ordered to his headquarters by Colonel Haywood. It is a matter of behavior, Forney having withheld a parade salute, to which the Uolonel was entitled. jane1: BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL ian3 ' t : - ': : : i ; - - . DXAXZB IB ALUKIKDS OF BEDDING, &C. A CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR &CH AMBER STUTS, COFFlNB of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C goo:d s -AT- E vl . l O G- EMS, . .... : v. ri i . r -'Vv ' ' " F U R N ITU RE W A R EHOU S E CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, C H li. D R E N ' S C AR Rl AGES, I.m ;l7ll.B foil Steel ot CBlLDEM'BCAir.lAPESt -KeKl Elyl' lowest prioes.j . : ..... ',. ' - I Call and ioak'e yoQT selection wbil the assortment is full. ;i and marl 4 IN connection with i he Fnrnitnre Business of Mr E G Rogers, at my dd stand on Bouth Trade Street, I will conduct the Un dertaking Business on my own account, giving it my personal attention. '. I will keep a complete Stock, from the BurialCby IE W IMi -1 TTE L . .iji This Well Known and ; Leading Hotel, rirtUiij i XOCA.TED IN CENTRE OF THE CITY, UiN:6tJ;Rpi S'SED : ; AdcoilMODATlONS, h'u.'t r TO "THE TEA VELliNa PTJBLtC. ; . reach Schipkapass. Exclusive of the Bulgarian loss, General Gourko lost three thousand men in the two days fighting of the 80th an4 81st of July. During Gen Gourko's retreat through. Narrow Dalbaka and Hainkoi passes, which was accomplished on the 2nd inst., the wounded died like, flies from the jolting of their conveyances and exposure. Hale men 'succumbed from fatigue and sunstroke. ' The Russian cavalry is now all on . this . side of the Balkans. . Schipka pass is strongly for tified, armed with twenty-eight guns, and garrisoned by a regiment of the 8th division. Two regiments hold Hainkoi pass, which presents a series of formidable defenses. Note. Re lative to Hainkoi pass, there have been 'much confusion and contradiction, a number of accounts declaring that the Turks have traversed it. St Petersburg, August 21 .-A special dispatch to the Galas, reproduced by the official Russian agency, admits that the Russian losses in the two battles before Plevna were from eight thou sand to ten thousand men half of whom were killed or seriously wound ed. About five thousand are in the hospitals at Sistova, Simnitza, and Turna Magueseli. Of the two hundred persons attached to the red cross am bulances, forty were killed while col lecting the wounded. London, August 21. The Hnus' Vi enna'correspondentstates that Kossuth has addressed a proclamation to the Hungarians urging Austro-Hungary to come to an understanding ; with the Porte as to the extent of the conces sions to Christians, which can be made without compromising the integrity of the Turkish empire. He says : "On the basis of this arrangement, an alli ance with the Porte ought to be con cluded. Russia should then be called upon to terminate the war." A Vienna dispatch to the Times' says : "A telegram received here from Constantinople yesterday states that for five days there has been no news from Osman Pasha. This has caused uneasiness here. It is feared his com munications with Sofia have been in terrupted by the Russians. The Porte, however, denies that Osman Pasha is hemmed in." A Reuter telegram has advices from Osman Pasha's army, dated August 19th. The Times' Theropia special says : "The British military attache with the, Turkish army telegraphs from Eski Djuna that there are 15,000 des titute refugee Musselmans there.!? The Dailv News summarizing the ; telegrams of its correspondent with the Russian AEiatic army at JLurkdora, concludes as follows : "Saturday's en gagement before Kars was merely a reconnoisance in force. Only thin skirmishing lines were engaged. The Russians withdrew in accordance with a pre-arranged plan." The Uifyes' Jieigrade dispatcn says : "The Russian Generals j Fabyeff. and Kidrof have arrived ; also M M Baja dunovich and Veselitzkil . from Mon- , tenegro.. .They were received ; by, Ris tics. A council of ministers was. after t wards held which lasted till four o'clock in the triorhing. - The conclusions ar rived at have not transpired. It is be lieved here that before long Ser via will take part in the war. jThe Moscow committee has asked Servia 1dxd and has offered if she consents to as sist her. with money." ; , , , . , K. Consolidation of the; Telegraph Companies at Last. .4. ,i 'H.. -- Heavy Losses by Fire in Soatreal. Montreal, August 21. At 2 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in the upper; story of Jame McDougall fc Go's grain elevator, adjoining, their flour mills, on the canal bank, Welling ton bridge. la a short time the. eleva tor and the whole of two upper floors of the store house, where a large quan tity of wheat was stored, was inflames. The fire' burned from the top of the elevator down to the lower flat. Not withstanding the eflorts of the firemen, the fire spread rapidly, and the neigh borhood being-covered with mills and factories, the flames caught the extent sive flouring mills of Ira Gould &Sons, known as the city mills, which, with a heavy stock of grain, were reduced to ashes. W M Mooring & Co's horse nail factory and part of their rolling mills were destroyed. The fire was gotten under control about 5 o'clock. Loss very heavy. Latest Reports from War. the Iudian The followiug dispatch was received at the War Department .late last evening: Chicago, August 21. Gen. Townsend : . I -have no official news since the 17th instant, the lines from Montana being down. On the 16th the Indians were reported by Captain Bainbridge of Fort Hall, as having crossed the stage road, near Dry Creek station, north of Hole-in-the-Rock, and Gen. Howard was not far behind them in pursuit to-day. An official telegram from Snake river bridge, reports the Indians as camped on the stage) road, at Hole-in-the-Rock, but little confix dence should be placed in their re port. (Signed.) P. H. Sheridan, Lieutenant-General. Boyal and Select Masters' Convention. Buffalo, August 21. The National Convention of Royal and Select Mas ters of the United Slates is in session here. Delegates are present from nearly every State in the Union. The plan of degrees in the American Masonic rite was discussed, and it was agreed- to memorialize the grand en campment of Knights Templar of the United States at their meeting at Cleveland next week to make these degrees a prerequisite to orders of Knighthood. The convention ad journed subject to the order of the rreeident. Baltimore, August 20. A conven tion of workingmen, composed of dele gates from nineteen of the twenty wards of: the city was held to-night. After the report of the committee on credentials and permanent officers, a resolution was adopted requesting all officers to withdraw their connection with any political party before assum ing officiaL position in the convention. Tue following preamble and resolu tion was adopted : QWhereas, The aim and object " of this movement of the workingmen of the State of Maryland has been mis represented in various ways through the press and by several pronounced politicians; and whereas the prosperi ty of the workingmen .means the pros perity of all the people, including capi talists ; and whereas the Republican, and Democratic, and Reform parties having failed in the past to secure this result, they have lost the confidence of the working people ; . therefore s ' Resolved, That we . hereby declare ourselves independent pfallpast po litical affiliations ; that we cept or entertain any from any political party looking wards a compromise or endorsement of their candidates. : ; ' : The platform of the mass-meeting of workwomen- held at Rechabit Hall August 6th was endorsed and-adop ted. xne convention aeciuea 10 nominate candidates-'for municipal and State offices, and ward lyceums were in structed to authorize" primaries for the nomination of candidates for muni cipal offices. An executive committee for the city was appointed, and also a committee of five to prepare an address to the workingmen of Maryland. Adjourned till Thursday night. Outcome of the Riots. Col. T. A. Scott, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has issued a circular in which he states that parties 1 having . claims for goods destroyed by mob and riot on the premises of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in the city of Pitts burg, Alleghany county. Penn., on July 21 and 22, 1877, are notified: if their claims are made out according to di rections, which he gives at lengtk, and forwarded to him, they will be examin ed and put into shape and presented by counsel to the proper authorities of said county without expense to the claimant, the said county being, re sponsible to the owners . of said goods for such loss. If it should be necessa ry to institute suit against the county, such suit will be prosecuted by counsel without charge, upon the execution of the proper power of attorney for that purpose, form ot which will be furnished. A Life Insurance Decision. The United States Supreme i Court has re cently rendered . a very important de cision in a suit brought against the New Jersey Life Insurance Company mm . upon a policy which the company I sought to make void after death . be cause of an alledeed false statement. it was in evidence mat two ot the as sured party's family had died of pul-j monaiy disease, and that in making the usual statement in her application for insurance it was said by the. insur ed that there was a doubt about it, as the physicians had disagreed. - The agent wrote down the answer to the question, "don't know," and the applicant sign ed it without reading. The court held that the agent had construed the an swers given, that the company was re sponsible for its aeent's act. and that the company was liable upon the poli cy ior tne amount insurea. Available Government Land The Extent of it Left Very; Small. in charge of the Geological Survey of the Territories, recently made a state ment that there is comparatively a small area only of available land now owned by the United States, This statement has been frequently contro verted. Maj. Powell is preparing for Congress, at the direction of the com mittee on Public Lands, an accurate statement of this question. The re sults of his survey will attract general attention.. -. mm i f it I C LJ i Mi 1 AT If ' i- ? I- 1 D LiAxTA iSi BMS Mew lorli lotbier. One door below First National Bank, CEEAE3LiOTTI3, H. au4 wmm mmmmmimm F ALL PR ITS t 1 j" AND 1. H ARE ARRIVING DAILY Exhibited His; Instrument and -V;. ' Died. , New York, August - 21. Hardman, the manufacturer of t. Kinyon'e fiire escape, was giving ah ' i exhibitipnM of bis apparatus at the Astor1 House to-; day, which ended in losing 'his life: He fastened the instrument- to his breast, and lowered himself, out of the third-story window, when the5 brass bands parted. Hardman . fell ; head- long, to the ground, and was instant Kiueu. : -.! An Invitation From Ittr Blaine for the Chief Executire to . Visit Augusta.,. Augusta, Me., August 20. 44 To His Excellency President Hayes, ' North Con way, N. H. :, I sincerely hope you will find it practicable and agreeable to visit Augusta in response to Governor Connor's invitation, and I trust that you and Mrs Hayes and all the members of your suite will accept the hospitali ties of my house during your say. I have consulted Governor Connor, and find that this arrangement for your private entertainment will entirely har monize with the public courtesies to be extended to you by the State. ; Signed ' "J. G. Blaine." The multiplication of poison germs m dis eases of the blood is exceedingly rapid, . and if unchecked vitiates all the blood of the body. Dr Bull's Blood Mixture by its pecu , liar Influence kills . these germs, and. puri fies the blood, removes all pessible chance j oroisease estabusbuig itself: ug8 4.. ; IV. - A Large and Attractiye. Sale ; of s READY MADE C L O T H I (1 C BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FUKN1SHIKG GTOM, 4c., AT, es zTEir 3?ri zxij ' Cs ; sst o o CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS. We will sell within the next 30 days, th following lots of merchandise : 2000 pairs PANTS, consisting of Men's; Boys' and YoutW y iuuu vuaid, oi au,Kinas. i 1000 VESTS, assorted, ' Which we will sell regardless of cost. , ' Give us a call before purchasing and examine our stock, as you will find i: ' J.! ! . 111" 1 1 -1 , tI 1 S superior iu quauiy, stjie, miu Kuvuyvs y in. yaw tuau any in ic t 4 1 S i r. "Sew Advertisements. m Hi far market. auglG kaufman;& bro , : t Springs' Corner, Charlotte, IT. C. TO "THE TRAVELEEN' Bad on Scotland's Crops. ' THE FUBHITUBE ,IS . FIRST-CLASS. THE HOL'St iS CARPETED THROUGHOUT. GaPand Electric Bells ar6 in every room.-. 4 i t To Invalids, Florida Tourists or Persons iTrayellng that ' ' li' ' Anna tpxttt'DV- 1? A flTTTTYt . :r lu ' Vcl tilflJflABUJi-miwaxf-- ; . whereby '"iA -. t 'A ' ; : m lreceive . -'FORI cvoin FOR COMFORT. ri. 1 10 TEKMS $3.00, $2,50 and $2.00 per day, .according IU lUUiltlUU Ul ' New YORK" Aueust 21iThe West f : TlnKnOwftiDrnkt ':2li tha weathein era Union and the Atlantic' & Pacific r London yesterday, was very hot," and ieieKraputuuiuiwmoa -uino -u"'-1 lo-uav it is , DoiBterouB ana .unsetneu. President Orton, of he Western Un ion vTelesrapb Company,- was inter viewed this morning in regard; to the terms of the contract drawn np : be tween his company and the Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company, at a meet ing held last evening in the parlors of the WididsoT Hotel.; MrteOMoff said all that could be made public, was an arrangement had been entered between, these, two companies the .Western , (Union would eighty-seven and a half per rent., and I the Atlantio racinc twelve and a half pertri' t 16 earnings bf the pooled refceiptffT boxir nomnanies. The contract drawn up. was, he said, a lengthy document; bat he refused to mate pupae anytnmg mnret t about its provisionsi"5 The ar rangement referred to,-went ind effect is; In Scotland -during the past, ;week,, there have been ceaseless heavy 'rains doing much harm: to standing t and root crops. They are j said to have been the severest summer rains in for' ty years.- - - -:4, - .-.-''..rGeorBia'sCaiCal. . f:nit ; f. : .i v.!'"?. !. ; ..v 7 Atlanta, Ga., August 21 The con BtiUohal convention to-day decided to 'leave the 'location , of the ;, capital to a decision by A- vot of the' people separate ironx the cohstitution. 5 vHoticsCilj Ordinance.': TIB IT OKDAINKp, That no cigar shop XJ or otner place for selling cigars, tobacco,: Ac. shall be opened for the purpose of traf- ; fie on the Sabbath' day ; and that no drag'-l . gist, toDacconisi, or otner ; person, Keeping : cigars . and .tobacco for sale, shall sell any i cigars tr tobacco on the Sabbath day ; and ' that any person violating this 'ordinance snau oe naDie 10 a penalty oi xen xrouars i (I10 for each offense, to be recovered, before i the mayor as other fines and penalties, one half to go to the. informer. ; . rj. LJ.Tiie above is an extract from the proceed ings ortne uoara , oi, Aiaermen, in regular meeting neia an Angus t :un, 1S77, 'and is pabluned by order or tne board. : -J.. , - P NASH. Clerk & Treas. Harris lire; TO FARMERS. Compost. ) i I uu H. C ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. I V feSi SmaJIjo mho! . - j "V X'l - i nrj CHiCAdo;TAugu8tl21f4TheT boardjof. health .has brdered' a Wholesale vacci- O 1 il. JJ.!.!. l' . iti .4'. i.' - ... t a t -v this morning, ana me; ueuision. ;oi tne i nation, on account OLne xiew urieans conference, would, he added, be final. small-pox. - V ' Public: Sale ATTFriday, August 31st, 1877, at 11 o'clock .v-a. ra - we will expose to public Bale 'to the highest bidder, in front; of the Codrt E would call the attention of Fanners to the fact tha-1 i,we sell, and: have now, on hand., the Chemicals for maid ? ing H AREIS'. EMPIRE COMPOST, which has been tried ii this section for a number of years, and many farmers will tes iuy to us Taiue, ana ineir entire satisracuon m, using n. , u Don annlication we lurmsa circulars, witn.. certincates o: reliable farmers in this and adjoining counties,, : j ; VFor, "Wheat it has no .superior. anoU is the cheapest articl ever offered, andsparties purchasing fit'j can rely upon gettinf j sometning free from- adulteration and in all respects reliable. i ambuut of $1559.00, left With us as collateral .T.v ! -'- k ' ?" ;'-' ' ' 'V . f security? for goods purchased of csby J W 4 -r-u ,i 1 Lai v'nsi? a -ELIA8. COHEN' E50ESSLKU.V M nob Til QOPil Tf RUnLJlF-L- ang22 lQt