CHKL0TTE0BS2RYEIt jod PRiriTinc Hue Ossebvxb Job Department has been - j filJBSrBIPTIOK RATT8 - rri.-i 1 ilv I veir (poif paid) ia advance, $8 (X . fi nibs. - w tnorongiay mppliea . wltn every neeae - , 00 4 V ivii want, ana witn tae latest styles ol Tyre, axs . every manner of Jon Wore can now be &m . 6 mjLa 00 " 3 nf8. .. l nibn 2 00 witb neatness, dispatch and clieapness. We ean fornlan at snort notice BLANKS, BILL HEADS, v , . i:UBrrTESHJBADS,0AIU)3,' , I ;. . TAGS, EEUiLUTS, P0STES3, ,t '. FBOGSAMME3, HAND BILLS, i . 1;,:,; FAixruLxrra, checks, fto', r1, 75 WEEKLY EDITION. w-kly "'(in the county) in advance--$2 00 ' . mfc-of the t!otmty, "postpaid" 2 10 6 months, - . " 1 00 Liberal reductions for clubs, -fe vol. xni. .1! A :; 1877.1 ; - ; N0. 183 ft TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 'it KUSSIA AND TURKEY, Strikes Cnded 9W. '1 7i xri' - -j-jj - " f(f$ $ ""it! ft! ill - 5 - f f i t ; 1 t UNDER THE NEW MANAGE MENTVOF i rT AB been Beforniahed and-Befitted fm first-class styleand offers -indncetnenta. to Travellers and Residents in Its' excellent table, snpplied with' the best the market 1 affords corps of waiters in attendance at meals, and , no ta i oorfnrortable: J v,Uut 4 ( JwU - otp rrr o'fr-? a rr-rfrr Moderate. Terms for Monthly Boarders. .i nrinAfl to sun ma Liuiea. au active i V i i - p pains or expense spared to render guests' comfortable: OUR IYiOTTO r - 1 ft a - r-i i SxTO PLEASE. aprl J f S FE CI Zav JKT T ICE! if ' 1 j from: washing to iv. fii .Ms The United I States and the Ar- 1 ! ! ;lington Estate. n Other News and Rotes. One off the Hardest Fought Bat-; ties of the war. - r , . . : ..f i.i .. '. ,' The Turks Kepeatedly Repuls ed, and Badly. Butchered, ; With Four. Times the" ... Loss of the Russians.' New.Yoek September 4. The Ser- aZd' Mauch Chunk, special says jthe backbone of the miners' strike in the Lehieh region is broken. ? A speedy resumption of work is expected! in thirty-seven -. collieries.- In ilazleton district, the heart .of the Lehigh re gion,3 thirty-two are in full operation.. - DkYtoxi U "September 4. The' uin- .The ' Russians , Capture torat SKSS VSLS brakem en ; are going to work at the ' . e .jr.. 3 ; company's ter ccs. . suspension ot fjotton jtjliiis; -rWASHiNGxoir, Sept ember.T 4 Before the United States Circuit .Court for the Eastern District o Virginia; sitting in Alexandria Judge 'Robert W; Hughes nresidins?." L: L: Lewis, of tnonnspl far the plaintiff.-addressed the conrt. and f 3 London. ; September 4-The - Daily said that by.consent of; the parties the 1 Newf special ifrom - Poredin, August J 4'iNe wpoet,B. I., September, 4.-Ber- h earing of, the suggestion as Uy the l oist, says: i-vusman irasnaa attacK on I ry s cotton mms nave suspenaea oper- The "Times" Cries for Peace Jealousy Amonjr, i ., ers""8 ' ' 5 5 k.v i Our Messrs sueeeation iurisdiction of the court in? the Arlinerw i 1 the Bussianrpositiohritt Felisat' and f ations pendingr finahcial difficnlties of ton estate suit wouia oe postponed till 1 me vicinity, was one 01 me most nara-1 we iewporauanuiaciuring company. the netfJanttary "tenli' or tne'oburtn iy iougnt oatues 01 me xurKa ueDj. men, an enaorser pi tne latter s ana tne oraer waa accorameiv so en lu vue uKuvvureu xuiBBian i unucu is iuo unuwusi uwucr. , a iaree defendant is that; the United States (be? Infthe course ofpne hftnr, this redoubt ploy ment; Other-disasters ' are pre- I f.flMTfi' iWV7MI StOkk WP TPM1IPM. :'0UV(-TM,a&- t-Xt ing in possession cannot bef sued; while" was taken by thol'urks, retaken bythejdicted-bey eral banfcs wiU immediate-1 "... m-f , ,.01t 'it.jiae h. theplaintcentends-'ithat'theViutcdJ Kawians-andtaken'by'theTurk8i-:Thely cl in reference to the matter, andi'.--i".- ' hrV.r r- ftr.." ' - r: . "! "" " v 7 -w otates is not Deing.Buey, joufc ne party i j-vuooiaitcii. vtiug w3 uitYcu uock.ou i wcu lcpicucui-auyco vviu, ptcsouv n.b who is absolutely in possession. r 1 ensat, in iront oi wnicn trencnes Tnaa i a meeting oi tne creaitors " A Washineton SDecial to the Tribune I been due and veere lined" with5 troops. I - I ... T ... ... I mi m j a ,ii I . says: wm. nenry cmitn nas beenap-i 4.uo.j.urta auvanoeu u vuougn ueter- liynchinff in Kentucky 9 in to f T PT TAR nrA R A"-PPTTT?N win nr now I Pointed collect orat Chicago JohesJT 1 - i. U LLIAb and S. A. COHbJN, W-?Jf. foted XZkaaviii, September" ' " s - - .,, -. 1 .- Vfaar '. k'Amiral Wnmnll aota oa fiont.a 1 thfl hill Jfl thftt liirpf.tinn inrtt With A V: 1 ct j. r 3: t- '. - J T.' the Northern Markets, - are sending forward rapidly ' a tary of rthe wnTS dm AMTrMT ATI . m A 9 T There was alwo hcrs Sfsion of.the- And idUffused. drLttlliAaV tf&L&VllVlN V lilLlJ UUWJJW, CabinetwOornellvavalfficeratNefa number of persons- in Owen and Henry , i - f J . i xoric, wno persiets in uoiuing nispiace i rewujg f vua an ujo i counties. which - we invite ' the ATTENTION'. OF PURCHASERS. SS3iS fi&life - -x , u - ... ' I , a -K-ii-. rt.,A J last fiv minnim hAfln"vrv h-flaw'iihhiit: I Chinese Immigration to be Mprrhnnta will tinci our 'fitock.larfirer than usual this season ; i .k ur, aw ThnHaiK;nfea nf I Seailmce. now beantorollaionp-thn I Checked. " ' TT C r . - ... 'I UVU VWWH VIM M. UUWI . I U 1 - . ' O " - rnmaiM ana. nrnunni in 7r - tiousp. wan?1 aa- " ' " 7-"l-" -; ,1V"' , , . .1 - I rr-ir opening our FALL STOCK we; Jftaltt $ett:t 1 ftV. aud the retail trade a better assortment, at extraordinary wnm nn 7) am ft. . . . . " 7". ..V . 7. I'sr-v IIT'W T1 -.V. J 1 ,J A- I - j, jL.r-,),( ijf,vi JV .. ' w vr.v ;wv , a. vaiiv vices mat state tnai juortonis aoing as , 1UC ua,m;e uuw veweu tu i resolutions for tne modification of the well as could be expectea. .s-a JBH,r uu went , at me xtussiau Burlingame treaty, with a view of usfffl.r n ijeiiran?e. BUDermienaem i wouwkw uu vjcou oi iuu mam, uo-i mpr inner i ninARA immicTtifln. an- i r-w-i -n -wt -r -v-t -t- w-r-m-r m -r of the mint at Iran Francisco, has been hweenPelisat : : iMlyjhFjJj I NUM iTsAtJ. SUSDenaeu. ;- V I ouuuv, upcuuig m c. axt buo eauie ixiu ..k vn ia vaa.maw k 1 run 1 nriTH npanpniipn 1 in . u nni- Department of State that a delegation lowand-were lost to sight for the-time Cleopatra, Appleton and B. I M. from the Jewish residents of Smyrna; I .while the Russian trenches flamed and Editoe Obsekveb: I was so much headed by their Grand! Rabbi, waited I smoked, and a storm of balls was pour- "taken" with the article on Cleopatra LOW PEICES. Call and te convinced ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER. ang 30 !l 1 ..UJ 1 li I ' w r Tawf : " fH "irr X" O - neaaea Dy xueir uranatiiaoDi,i waitea f-ww, "u owmuw uuio npm- inaeu wn W I 1 K It S ' J I 11 W I 1 I IS upon theVUnited States minister i at ed into : the advancing Turks. This from your U J t M JJ U U fel AJ- AJ 5 Turkev durinjr his recent visit to that must i have f lasted fifteen or twenty M.," that I WHOLESALE &-RETA1L U ----- - IIW1 II I! -V fair correspondent. "E. L. I was induced to refer to the ftitw. and tendered throuffh him their minutes, during which time a fearful I American Uvlopcedia. (Appleton's) and thanks 5 to the Government, of the loss of life must have occurred. Then involume 4, page 667, 1 find an article United States fnr its solicitude for the I we saw the Turks begin to with- on the same subiect, so similar, that I Jewish people in the Ottoman Empire, draw, carrying off their wounded. They j have come to the conclusion that, na Avincsn in i,nfi reMni. lnsirucufins Duuuti nimuion u uum uuo- i ciiuci uuun cjic niiticu uy iud oaixio from the Department of State, of &i&n nr.e tnan tney formed and advanc- J person, or the article in Appleton was whih thev Reem ed to he fullv inform- ed again. Many dead bodies of the stolen from your fair correspondent, for V T "R "Kf I'TUKB ed, and for which they appeared to be Turks were found within ten feet of they are more alike than the Declara- TUTTTISI r ArC1 ., """M'' I on the crest of which the trenches j the Mecklenburg Declaration. But XJ JUi m - i v 9 w E J). Mitt & ft w - -! 'I'll n sept 4 Leading Low Price 'ClotJiters. ' - . Y : , BKALXa. IB;, ALL KINDS r tu OF To the JTobb ins Trade. In view of the fact that the prospects for all crops" are unpre- Death of M. Theirs A were situated was literally covered with strange coincidences do happen some- ppflpntprll v anorl and Irnnwinff thit thp stnpV in trip pnnntrv ' r the dead. I counted seven on a space times? especially with literary charac- ceQenceaiy gOOQ, ana Knowing that tne StOCKS in tne t country , . . At wir4- V 4 rtiin tah fanf annu fViA I D im battiehere was terrible, but the Turks . Charlotte. N.C.. Sept. 3d. 1877. nave been ffreatly reduced, we anticipate an extraordinary London.. SeDtember 4. The an F XT iriii'Xji INB' nouncement of the death of M. Theirs werg - m repulse it will hardly be oyt:L - , ; n they wenfat it again, and I Iyon desire cheek8 with rose8 of heallh good trade the coming season. r' - .7 f - r I i var T nmr nii an r oaaman rv-i nnnnja I . . .... . . . I : . upuu' wioiu jrvrit nauv iu...fwuuai ujir ftilA or rently slight. iiCBeap bedsteads, lounges, I London, .Therefore, we. are buying, , this fall-a much larger stock ' - 3 I wnir.n rarnpii nil Ei-rreKiueiiL ineira t., t ' - i-i. i iv.. .n.ri:nn r : i : . - - . ' . T . . ,.T.t7rD aTTPra 1 T 7 if j -i? I lQe AUBSian lme never- waverea, wniie i "f"" . "Ut I ;,' - - j. PARIXR k CAMBERSIJrrS. was 8h0rt. It is i called ,m France apo the reserves were waiting behind ready an3 -.IAHTTHOlHlllAi 1i.woAi vnans SANDJBd: e waa apparently to m in at the aea8tn of waverine: BUod MUtur& .vy- mgooaeaita inline morning, ana The Bcene of carnage was again repeat, , Jj V I 5. West Trade St,, 'k usual walk after luncheon. He ed but ly lagt d &a raom en t, The Tbe Duty of Woman r,' w I felt, svmntnms nf illness, whifih Bneed- ri .-.! -t-.u. .1 ' , i-.-S w ' : ;uaiin . .nUr,ti(if TT. I, compieieiy Droiten,, jviipuxew, T beitlratliveisadntvsliiclieverTlidv fln a full lino f WATT, flnnnfi' of 'i''-?iiiA ;-.n-f' C HA RIO TTBJ -U. ded aVsii fai r owes to herself to her domestic circle, and " " -H T"' jears past.', which is . now daily j arriving. : 'Hence, '.'"j parties wishing to be first in their particular sections, can, now L.. -,l via rr rfe-jiU i lo JJT. -s 10- a'rr'OJn Tl ffl Erofb?.nd. laP'S!?1?10 were not aUowed to remain long there. V-Ki&llSi JJ JLV JCLi K3 UL',;,V tv-r-.-. Russian centre artm f plmhotta hnnw with na Deen. equally as . unsuccessiui as t her demeanor, or other meretricious attrac weighed. M. Gambetta is now with- that on the Russian trenches on the tiona ntm -which denend- ma nrach of h- i -gi;ju 1 ( .i.irilivj. 0 I AT- FUR N luTAJ ;RcE .cvV'A'RlB HO.U S E B.i.y. F".-yv - .1 they bad first taken, apparently- with I whenever possible, ia-- complexion and, in 1 . . - J - " " r--rrr;: A liberal discount alwavs made for cash " " ' ' 7 WITTKOWSEY" & RINTELS. W & R ' ' , ' i '"' RETAIL NOTICE ' ;v.!",;'::r"..1 Si. . ih t i -T put a nvai m tne repuoiicau party j left : - .. , H dominion and influence over man .-- The DUl nis aavancea views are so aiarm- i . . Th Pnsjin nn raned the ret reo t.inr woman who permits herself to become un- ine to the left center that the republi-1 tI lovely, who f resisns herself hhoplesBly l to I v ... till iu ia.o- v? c ajaj wa uvavuu tiavr wau--- i . - . . . . . . - .; i can party as a whole will probably I M;- tfot am KWAnai..-, the ravages of time, and the. spoliation of ..U: ' V rJ7ff nota ' I V, T'T". . . . i i vhj vuvia buu V... aTTTlS. VISl t. TI nfT hT friMldfl And a1- I -V c a . u 1 4T.cvlorUi swept them out Ofthe redoubt like a I mY a7OTrowful reeret that it becomes ' M. lheirs . removal, by putting, tor- wbjriwind. ; , At 4 o?clock the Turks I her to avert to the latest day. Of this social waru . ju. urery, ei-preaiutsut u uc were in a retreat everywhere, and the I dcty, it may truthfnlly be said that she can V JOti bib 99 'ii", I c h I Li: b" E fif rCQ',A; K ; R; I A C ' E; S v As we desire to extend our Retail lrade. we, bee ,leava ton sn . chamber of deputies, aa a candidate for I jtrig8ians -occupied the whole of their 1 bestacquit herself by the use:of Qonraud's L joa AA.m, W ; : 0---, K:-, fll ;r ..fft the succession to the presidency, in the I uL- Pr a;L, oiyon creamKo othet preparation a dvise consumers that it is our intention to present, this fall, " . event of President MacMahon's retire- I i I approaches this in excellence, in harmless-1 i ment. - rr Th KimsmnR wlrfi Abnnt oooft net"d wPBi wiit!!e the largest and best assorted Stock of Goods of an v. since -the, non a j . : - i numDer or SDonianeous wsumoniaisinai its i -... . - "; - . . strong. I heir loss ia estimated at nye I yirtnes have elicited. Its advertisement has j , ' . . - . , . , "mH.! srs-w! hundred, and the Turkish at 2,000 kill- J hitherto been its merit, its recommendation I war. 1 The MUlinfTll. Drest and WMif. Goods, in he Ladled viles I c i - I eu anu wounueu. .,; ' .. ; i Dy ail inai nayo uBea iw ana jio Dy sonna- i . i - . - .. .. :, vi-..fia. KnrHTRTTn. pnt.emher 4 IJr. 1 k. t" aue awics vieuuauiBuuiwj. review TTorfri'lr : nf rvotont. medinino fume., ia i in ST the .Operations . in Bulearia. 'savs dead.--; . ;f s? I'luere is believed to be a certain amount Telegraphic Briefs- . naWf iiiiiJvpjSm Department and Clothing and j3afe, in the Gentlemen's De -:s SL J 1 edto$l.i ' AttCIOUliATJD, , , . , V ' ' 4 , ' k.? - 8treet' N- Yi nnrtmpnL will receive our serial attention. - Piiilapelphia, September 4.'-Robert of jealousy between the ; . gold by Bnghra ol " 1 partment, Will receive OUT special attention. , Howell, of the grain house of DeRay manders, Dsman Pasha. t Sulieman & Howell, committed suicide by lump- I rasna aau aieuemitAji xaeuu, wuiuu For sale by T C Smith, Charlotte ' cl Xr 1 lowest prices. ing into the Schuylkill. He was just re prevents ittiem working thoroughly in 1 . r f3A-a'-.i- '-1L M "ooc covering from typhoid fever. rf Concert."; . " . , ,., ITeW- AClVertlSemeiltS-' 1 . ?ang25 WITTK0 WSKYWltntTJSLjS. ? r?jS?Xn'(?i3'4 jNvf-yoBX, pemer 'iRobef 1 1 A.CRussian official'. "dispatch, dated If 'fZLia .a .03111 l Call and make yoaTBeiecfiCn'Vbft" the assortmentis-ral-;' .il rnarU wnf A Pf! f T ! 1 v fi'Ji? J Ii JiUL . LeitctV a bcotcnman.wDo naa just ar- wmy oiuum, ;ou o uiouit ,uim mum-1 , - . .. , , . . , i j . , rived from Florida, died in the New ing, says : "Lovatz was yesterday carv , , AllfiMlGL- lflH6uuM6HlS "V" '. ' tussian , troops r: ,,7:,.:!..,' ft" F- f wr-' i ' . .X a 1 . . ... . ',A Large and; Attractive Sale- of,.- t.. i- 4 IN connection with the Fnrnitore Eusinees of Mr E G Boeers. at mv old stand on uertaking Business on my own account, ; - giving it my personal attention. w,-H?-i will keep a complete Stock, from the . . Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metalic Vnrlr hnsnital on Satnrdav niffht. of! ried by afSaulfby the Russian yellow fever. The health authorities under Generals Meretinsky and Skabe h owe riiRin tented the indinnc ann taken iou. ueiaiiB.. ' , ; -. all other necessary precautions. : A special correspondent 6 the . 2Tcu? PncrmiwirrTVi Sent.. 54. The ; "Raffle 1 at Poredin. Sept 1st,, telegraphs ;; ,v"I flnnrincr Mills at. Oakvillr: TIL. together I rode Over" the ,, battle., field when the 4 il with 25,000 bushels of wheat, were relisat afiair was over... I he lurks Jelt finrned tnJdnv. .I Stf5 (W). . 1 very few wounded and ;only about two , m mm J nunarea aeaa oo lae neia xneir losses .-.f r.'-TIIE GREAT FIRS;. : could be better judsred by- tne number Burial Case. Ordemby tefegraph br otherwise JWTA'ffl A Summary of the Property MV T . v v. q j 5 ' L jCi t i 'O-tx a t -t"i a, " - ' 4 R E A D Y a A D E C L OTH IIM C, ' BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FURNISHING, GOODS, &c.,.AX,, i si I i rXZl' TOT 37 E3I l ffis, S;3SI Oi , CORNER OF TRADE AND TRY0N STREETS. c ra t in; iflp ariEiLr tosses. This Weft1' r ' wn ana LeadinglHotel, of knapsacks with .which the "ground 1 wn a , ofvAwn- ; Tr: -FfrSrit Z :irf ' r Via - Ktioaia r TI CbO BVM. V fl W. JL j VI .. VUU MUOO.CU. I - . oeaemnce;inxurii.ieiiueau were ivibk roV. .nn so close" that they miehtf have shaken t h al I . A rirfl!- of York. Sentember 4. The latest hands with the Russians lying inside. It ? B . JT HriraTcuTr. summary! of yesterday's fires: shows was a desperate attack, and' a Vesper- ' i.Secretary. i that, the net. result will stand-about as ate resistance. : in& attacic seems to - r.-iu Tlnin rin 'a I li a wo hoon trell nireeren r. If too a marie I factories and con tents'." 225jOOO:vGra- so suddenly, and j with such violence, L- r . . . ... . -ar-k t . .... . .- a ;. hamWSons, $150,000;.. "Vyalker, $8,000; that the itussian reuouotwas taicen ai-1"; rnnnetlv. S15.O00:' fortr Hrucks were most by surprise trie- nrst time. It I mtifl- c burneo, $zu,uuu; eignieen si.aoies,Bneas i iu.iviu, .oi4 muiusu uciwc iawu i 4. money and- Ismail factories.' $20,000: fifteen knew the attack had begun. - From a patrons wh it--? jlcII -srl irur;i t- xKB-Vinr-. . , , . . -1 . r o . 1. fiaVjHfc li We ; will seJL withm the, next. 30 days the 1 Ji, mVym! V - 5i6llovii)g: lots ;of -merchandise ''7jAflHi& OOO airs PAN TS, - consisting - of Men'sV Boyst and Youths'; 'VJ President, r 1UUU. UUAlb. Ot all kinds. ' ' 1 '"1 X 'fT Which we will sell regardless of cost. THE TO THIS TEAVELLINQ FUBLtO.- ,j't I .. . r . . -' - . I T.i ' -ii. Z ! T 1 . il. : 1. e a i. i i 1 ' - " . f ' S . . j J. . an-r tTrti. .k.ndiia K i M If ' :. fllYUan tonomant. I XLIISMlRTl Tiulllb Ul flew. 1 1)(K UIKjn- LUB I' H DUIDUCI Wl OUT Kb HUlia USTB ill1 UNSURPASSED' -ACCOMMOD Aliurio, " Sgj tiJtonStakelfit wi SJSS "we?t loawSSnl ; -onn?: innffnrf ' -J ' .3 i damaged, $20,000; twenty-two tenement J tions as a mutaKen one it wouia nave j rl j, rtliiiV,ft.TPT afiritabie. uuubb. uouivijcvi,l.s.UjUW,--.0- v 1 r ---- -- r . -I . septoa&wtt -va- vbojshw xua. 1 hOusehow gooas to two nunarea iami- niave reuremeu uu uiwu.. lUB- jlui i- - - - inn ia. ua...... a. ai mm .... , ..i .ant. a a. ..a . a. a a . . a f a., .a a ..u l. u u. w - .- aaa...f"ajaa.a. . I . .... " ... . ... j. . .... . .7 a. ... a ' ' . . f l.a-i;,-;- ' co, vwjyw, veaa.v a.,. --r- - " . J U I . T.n flrft OnlnJ flJl ' " ' ' h-the ' well drill ) ' l i ". . : jll. V ed 1; -Iiff-W:-! V. f ! u,r''.-i ;-a,:.' -4iJv "4.1 PncitlW ll AtlPA' ' t J uivena a call before purchasing and examine our stock, as you wiilhnd. it , w wi w w w w w mr nnnnr in nn ir.T ma it o . ttt o ronn ' i i gnr m : nnrn I nxn inv in in a ' - of bnsiiiess . depression in - ' TT A TTT7M A M "RPO . , ,; ' s-!vr.u matters nsnally ends witn onri v, ? ris, v , ,'.irt .,' ' v -a., v ..r . en the fall season begins. Quite 1 aujrl6j. , . Springs Corner. CharlQtte.N. C. v irciiij ' - . " : . ....... .. ....... .. i . . , l.. - t . i. -r ijrt m trtir.nn Ti". fl.i.TLriaO fflfl A-0 0 lrtBfie ftntside rf the area of. the fire! J field of battle would- ha r U It 'If IT U 11 II ID I1A0 I U 11 HP O'l $2,000.' Total. $5G2,500. , . great disadvantage, with TO .FARMERS. 1 I -' THB'iioiIstelSrCfiRPEfEDTHROUGHOUT. TV;: Jrf il $2,000.; f Total, $562,500. j Burning of a Steamer. d Russian troops.The Russians have I T?INE8T- imported f nrand of Salad Oil, Iways been wanting the Turks to come A .finest qualities of P.ngliBh Spices, Cloyes, lit i, i ; ; i i . -i E would call the attention' of : Farmers r to tne fact that rit 1 1 5 out and fight in the openfield, yet they Mcer Allspice mm-gs, uinger, repper, yy, we sen, auu uave now on uauu, lue vueimcaisj lur.inai.- wiuni entrench themselves in such a mariner Zt'fJE T' 11 ins HARRIS, EMPIRE COMPOST, which has been tried innnl nf T7P jits ! and manv, farmpm Tirill fes- i-i -Corn Starch, . Tapioca,) Bago,; Macaroni, . . j .1 !- V c ix. 5. '- -'io iait..8 eiiuic cauBicvuuuii iu usiu xi, . i f. v 1 1 Ac., whole and eround.". Pure French tt a TOTiTCJ 17 vv -0X0-1? rAHf XncT : t i WHITEHALL, N. Y., September 4.-- ra a" rtZnw . Brandy.Whiskey.'Wine, 4c., to medicinal uaamumiuu wiuiui,wiuviuuw.. L,"rrrL'iir.-' 1 .lthat the Turks have no temptation to 1 hnrrvVa nniv t ..- , ''.,.1,1.- . Ul,;a cnnfinn v.;Vi P tiiy to its value, and their entire satistaction in msmg Epps Oocoa, Chocolate, PI "4 i,'.V .,? i:.,fJi,i.-r ('r-e vTwmil 1 w r . ware&.Hudso FOR PLEASURE. THI8 H0USEVOFFERS EVERY -FAUliixi - j r n t r -FOB COMFORT, i 1 J " jL'Viii T-l I BJiUUlU UUW tUvIIJ liCIIJ UtttLlUUS Hudson railroad,burned to the " j.v "f . ' J ""!x 0 waters eqge lasi. niguu "T,IU1S. - The 5Tim leading artlrTe- vesrdav -.5 'RTrt tria nani Alt.'r' n 1APB AI I : ' . ' ' . . . 7 . - nrnnertv was $25,000. - ' " I ji.. e x i - . . . . , i , i .i uetsuieeisueeB ui fcue utesenv war. na ex' Lavie i-U-Dr;gsre,M ana aajoining counties, .- i;i " tcT'lbcationiroom-'-Titr:-". " The tast Hours ot O wens, tate cessive costliness m men wid .money m ff" " - ... far -oufweighmg its possibilities for of South Carolina. good, and the dtpger of .eventual Rus- V ' ! f-x- T-'CT '-1' ' sian failure: from: alb-of which i the I lis Sri Kirw York. September 4. A World 1 Times concludes that the present mo- Baltimore dispatch-says that 'ex-State j ment is propitious for intervention Senator Owens; ot ooutn Carolina, re-1 ana inai uermany anaxingiana ougnt .TTf -,.'"( t -! c wii; 4 . . 4- r , .pntlvi charged, with connection with j to take the initiative to bring about a ELmCECGLmiOPRIETOR: tS frauds, is dyingthere. I truce- 7; -Ten fcient Column. o superior, ana is tne cneapesi. axuuiej r.o.w 3 ever offered,ahd parties purchasing it can'Vrely4 upon- getting ciw ........ u1 -m rr r.1 V. la w.nVna A . .wi ar An a. f i a r a a .-aaaai i a aa . a m a a a m a a a a. . ' r . . ' 1 . . a. 11 1 i ' DUUU.CliUa.llg JLXCC ;JU.LiXl UUUllCiaUvU (Uiu- iu uva,a.vvjuvu ly-wmvi.;, .u ; ARTISTIC Dressmaking; a perfect -fit (A ,i-, ' 1.-.' ,' r : - -',r J v.;: I';Iu"..'.S-iC"i warranted, patterns cut to measure, at the a.-..? ' ' ' . r V ; "t - . ' (- f ''n .xJ "i-re r';;U t room nextto BPffiLilQTjiC rtCefof foV 1812.50 f ' , FOK 8AL1 A lot and dwelling with six I rooms..- Terms easy. For other information apply at . - . . Til 13 OJflflCIL aug29 tf - - , C 3. VJILSOrJ 6 BU.VJELL. r-f --'ft ; oif

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