CHARLOTTE OBSEEVEE ' jod pnmTinc.; ; j Tn Oor& JOD pepartnant ibf f been tuorougnly ' mppUel-''wiuri fcrery deeae want, ana wllatne latest Ktriea xa Type. every manner ol Job Wotjc can now oe Oon wlta neatness, aispatcb and eneapneawc We tan zuralan at snort notlo . " BLANKS, BILLHEADS, . : . ; ' . LETTEBH4J)3,CA1U)3, fy TAGSi KECHPTS, P0STEK3, f v: r - PB0QEA1OCE3, SAND' BILLS, - fampbuets, CHECKS, CA ' BUBaCRIPTIOH BAIiS. ; n ., I vi" (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 4 00 2 00 .75 . 3 nioo. ( w - - : i l tu.n WEEKLY EDITION. . v',VlT'(in tne county) in advance. .. - out of the county, postpaid. $2 00 2 10 1 00 VOIVXIIL: '4 ? 3 CHARLOTTE X C. FR. DAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1877 Liberal redactions for clubs, NO. 2,197. 3 TELEGRAPHIC; SEWS THECYCLOHiE. Death of a United States Sena- tor. 1SIPAMM:- , RUSSIA AND TURKEY, UNDEB THE NEW MANAGEMENT OFk - Russia Will not, Hear Proposals , of Peace. - ?I A.8 been Refurnished and Befitted m first-class style, and offers inducements . to travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market' affords H - The Turks Still Expect to Take : Shipka Pass. It Is Less Intense, but has been Very Terrific in its Ef fects Liosses In Oalves ton by Destruction of Property, dcc'V ;'() it changes Its" Location. at prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendance at meals, and! no. The Significance of the. Meeting of Prince Bismarck and J. nhlSil. pains or expense spared to render gue3ts comfortable. Moderate I erms tor iviomniy poaraers, OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. Count Andrassy. if i aprl ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLEfi, Anticipating a fine lde this Beaton, have bought largely, and now have th J '.pleasure Of inviting your attention to. -,r An -attractive E"all Stocli, ' Washington, Sept20.-The signal of fice reports thatthe cyclone yesterday in the east gulf States has remained near ly stationary, but is diminishing la in tersity, with the barometer rising at the center of the depression. High winds and heavy rains have, attended it. Indications are not threatening for to-day. However, cautionary signals continue at Mobile, St Marks, Jack- arm viITa fiavannert - Tav TaTas PltAwlAa day last, lost three hundred killed and ton, Wilmington? SmithvUle, Tybee wounded. iC M Island. Cane Lookout. Klttv Hkwk: . ;a telegram to tnen W A? dated Cape Henry, Cape May andi Norfolk. Adnanople, states thatstroDg hopes of J . . , j apeedy victory in Shipka - "pass are still I, , New Orleans, Sept. 20.-4-The Price I entertained, there.";. The Turks, by coni-1 Current estimates the damage to the . London, September 20.-rThe Stand ard's Bucharest correspondent says the Roumanians, in their abortive .attack on the redoubt before Flevna on Tues- At prices surprisingly cheap. DRESS GOODS Our stock is large, and so cheap that it is no loDgr econ omy to buy calico. BEADY MADE CLOTHING-Our stock is complete, at prices that defy competition. FANCY CASSIMEKES A nice aessortment.i CARPETS Beautiful in design, and cheaper than ever. KID GLOVES A specialty. In fact our stock is larger and cheaper in every department than here- y cua-a,,, EL,ftS CQHEH & MESSIER. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DXALXB IB ALL KINDS QF FTT&HITTJHJB, BEDDING, &C. A ' j CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of all KINP8 on BAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. jan3 FRESH (STOOD AT S . G-. IS. O G IF HLS, FURNITURE WAR E HOUSE CHILDREN'S OA RRIAGfiS, CHILD RE N ' S C A R R I A C E S, etant fire by night and day, ' prevent the repair of the Kussian works.. The Bussians are withdrawing a part of tneir jorce.. - . ; , ; The- 2mey.;Correstondent at. Bucha rest telegraphs : - "Russian officials of high rank here have declared that7 al-. though opposed to the .war in the nrst place, yet now they would not listen to suggestions for peace." j , A Belgrade dispatch ' to the '-Times says : "The news of the reported Rus sian disaster has created great uneasi ness here, especially as everything was prepared for the crossing of the Dan ube at Gladova bjr' the Russians, and their reception in Negatin and the Tunak villages. ' ' . "It is announced that the cabinet here agreed to postpone eritenij into ac tion. Gt&elxdops who ever e marching to the frontiers have been,' recalled, in the towns not so near the border, in or der to give no umbrage to the Porte." The Vienna correspondent of the Times, whose information on diplomat ic matters is conspicuously accurate and thorough, makes the following commeDt on the conference at Salse burg, between Bismarck and Andras By: ''Its importance ought not to be understood, not only as regards Ger many and Austria, but touching the Eastern question itself. The triple alli ance about the existence or non-existence of which, there has been so much talk, had indeed become a woeful an achronism since Russia stepped out of it and took her own line. But it must not be forgotten that it had an other, perhaps a deeper meaning, and as regards that, happily not only for the parties concerned but for Hiurope at large, it still exists, and it may be hoped will be strengthened anew by the Salseburg interview. Except for the oppostion of the permanent mediator, constantly at work since the Berlin meeting in 1872, which laid the foun dation of the triple alliance, to smooth down the differences which exist be tween the interests of Austria and Rus sia regarding the solution of the East ern question, probably by this time, in stead of a local struggle, Europe would have found itself in tbe midst of an European war." Berlin, September 20. The meet ing of Prince Bismarck and Count An drassy at Salseburg is to be regarded as a sequel of the recent interview be tween the Austrian and German Em perors, as merely strengthening the views then exchanged between the two sovereigns regarding the continuance Pt the unaerstanaing between meir im perial courts upon the means of avert ing European complications.. This result is secured without formal treaty stipulations, inasmuch as it represents the comnlete personal agreement ex isting between the three Emperors. Lonpon, September 20. The fore- rice crop from the cyclone. on the lower coast at 35 per cent, v ; Houston, Sept. 20.' The '-following is the estimated damage ' by the late cyclone around Galveston : Govern ment works in Bolivar- Channel, in cluding a portion of the fleet, $75,000 ; the Galveston, Houston & Henderson railroad, loss of track and bay bridge,' $20,000; the Gulf Colorado & Santa Fee railroad, lo of track and bridge, $20,000; cotton press, $18,500; uncom pleted buildings in the city, $2,500 : bath houses on the beach, $3,5000 ; seven small schooners capsized, loss, $5,000 ; private building property, $10, 000. Washington, Sept 20. The cyclone that since Sunday has been so severe in th e gulf States has moved to the eastward and is now central in south ern Georgia and northern Florida. The barometer has risen at the cen ter of the depression and the storm has diminished very much in severity. It can no longer be considered danger ous, it is attended by northeasterly winds and rain in the South Atlantic and East Gulf States. THE PRESIDENT'S GRESS. PRO- V here He is and How He is Be- ceiredWhat is Thought of the Tour and its Effects, in England. V St. Louis, Sept. 20. United States Senator Lewis V Bogy died at eleven o clock this morning. He had been affected with malarial fever several months, and lately an abcess of the I f"1 H liver was discovered which hastened, I Irn Eri flf I nerhaps directly caused, his death. 1 Wii-lVi. ? Cg3s"6 - Simattaneons - UPpebnog Telegraphic Notes. New York, Sept. 20. John E Wil Hams, President of the Metropolitan isanK, is aeaa. i :. A"striney." f'rattline" voice and a con stant disposition to expectorate, indicate incipient tnroat trouble ot . dangerous ten dency. Use Dr Bull's Coagb Syrup in time, and be saved ruuch trouble and lannovance. '" : ' . I .- , . ."' " : I;' i-iv Now and Then. It is only now and then that inch men as x-ov tsrown, or a., endorse a medicine I JJuJ JL cl I Vj Cri XDQ UlOrOUgn mCUViauailiy Charlotte and (DhesterEIiSlf g, ;7 , v : Saturday,:Septemljer.vZZ1il877j J.J. JS Then will be presented all the new additions, changes of shap6, and every new feature possible , to be securedt$o our CIidTHITSrCi. The thoroup-h individualitv; a and,i aetiatio. itLJettyCJoeviSriw"i?t rmed? excellency of our styles have constantly been remarked upon, jjj while the iavorable acceptance 01 our garments and - theper iei? feet and universal satisfaction they have given had been" most tn j i Ttr i n ii ' - t ,i-"J'' ,!''k '' Hew Advertisements. must be good for the care of coughs, colds and lung affections. Thev recommend the Globe Flowxb CotGH Syrup, and their !Smim to us. We in return for this remarkableTbut we ibvrftcStSi lh deserved support, shall continue to work wui cure sore throat. Begalar size bottles. I WstB . OI OUT pavrons. . i;l.:)Hin (u'ut fifty doses, $i. I r rn,o.i nv,a ment. The styles, fabrics and prices are the same.' Weidis tribute our favors equally; show no partiality' and jnakfe it our sole aim that every patron shall receive fullavaluef0jfjjiiis money and proper treatment in each and every, transition. Those who have not already discovered tKo advantaged we offer in fine custom-made and medium grade garinentsifor meni boy s and children, and the very moderate prices' 'It vrhich the same may be purchased, we trust will take the time to Orders solicited and promptly attended to. call on us in person, and we desire the inspection' of the. mbst cuiiiyatea tastes, ieeiing assurea tnat our new stocK :wm meet all their wishes. It is not necessary to wait until the opening day to see the large portions of the new styles, as we always Grand fall opening of all depart- work in advance, in order to have every thing in readiness? on menta-Satiirday, BeDtember 22d. 1877. -A A. nP J & ; . .a M. Lichtenstein, Merchant Tailor Coner Trade and Tryon Streets, CHARLOTTE, N.C. Special attention given to (Tutting and Repairing, E. D. LATTA & BRO. V'' City Resilience For. Sale ANY person dmimna of purchasing a comfortable and convenient city resi dence, can be accommodated by applying at THIS OFFICE. sept20 sept 16 ie. dd. h&im & HtiP., Leading Low Price Clothiers O ( Washington, September 20. The speeches of the Presidential party are highly patriotic, but the verbosity which characterizes them, exclude them from the npjon report. The bub bub from Tennessee is so great that it s impossible to say exactly where Hayes is. LATER DISPATCH. The President and Mrs Hayes occu pied the rear platform and admired the scenery and seemed equally inter ested in the battle fields, whether the Yankees had the better or worse. Chattanooga, Sept. 20.---0n Market street a large monogram atic arch, con sisting of the letters "R. B. H.,",had been erected, from the center of which a large key was suspended. London, September 20. The Times editorially commenting on President Hayes' Southern tour, says : "In lit tle more than half a year the President has succeeded in beating down a com pact mass of prejudices and in allay ing a host of conflicting passions. The visible triumph of his policy is now being assured. He has this week be gun a journey through the Southern States which is intended to show that 1,000 bushels choice White Winter Oats, Just received, W. W. WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. 4- Office of WITTMSKY & RINTELS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. coins, which is a sexm-omciai com- tne wors oi pacin cation is not lar irem munique is identical in meaning with completement. The federal government - i r ii T 1 rn:noi I 1 r :p: iv. m I mr ivii e a fall Stock of CBILDBEK V 'JARMAGE8, lowest prices. ,-;-rS?N. '.54 I fsr Call and nmleyour Belectionwbiie the assortment is full. Vienna correspondent as contained in the above Loudon dispatch, a Rus sian official dispatch, dated Gorney Studin, Sept 19th, says : "Yesterday affairs were auiet every where , The blockade and bombardment of Plevna continue."1 - - St Petebsbueq, September 20. The Galas nublishes a telegram from lgayr, "Newest Stylet" and Asia Minor, which shows that the Turk 8 on the 18th mst., were cannonaamg Gen Tirkagossoff's position there. mar!4 T N connection with the i Furniture Busrnesa s -l Ol Mr K fi Vncrorm mv nM ntand on South TtaAp Rtroet. T mi nnnlnri tha Uh- dertaking Business on my own account," givine it mv DersonaT attention.-'. v " '- .'V. I will keep a complete Stock, from e.vGv X - " " !l3 Destruction of Steamboats The Largest and Finest on Wes tern Waters Burned. local administration of the Southern States: the Southern States have no desire to disturb the great achieve ments of the civil war, which! have been embodied in the constitutional amendment. The removal of the objects of contention makes it easy to re-estab lish friendly relations between the peo pie who respect each other, and the sympathetic meeting of the President aud General Hampton, is an omen of the com mg time when the north and the South will no longer be separated by the lines of division which the civil war had traced." Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metallcvi r? , A iJ ffnii. Orders by telegraph or otherwise promptly awenaeu w. Bnrial Case. St. Louis, Sept ,20. The steamer Grand Republic, the largest and finest steamboat on the western waters, took fire at 12 o'clock last night and burned nearly to the water s edge. JLhe names were communicated to the steamer Carondalet. lying alongside, and all her upper works were destroyed. Her hull of iron will be saved, but the ma chinery will no doubt be badly dam aged. Both boats were lying up at the j foot of Lesperance street, about 2J Ti . ... .ii-'-' i- uil miles trom tne centre oi tne city. Ihic AaII lcvrkin nnrT I PflinP tlOiei. SDecial despatches place the loss by at near $300,000, The steamer Grand Republic was insured for $200,000 in the Howe, Carroll and Powell Agency LOCATED IN CENTBB OP THB CITY, OFFERS UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS, TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. i IE F r F 'i 1 W B l I S FIB ST-C L ASS THE KCLSL IS CARPETED THROUGHOUT. Gat and Electric Bells are in every room. I. O. O. F. E fieri s to Change the Name Fail; jBiltimobje, Sept. 20. In the . Grand Lodge - the special order i the am end ment to change the name, of the Grand Lodge from "Grand Lodge of the Uni ted States" to' "Supreme Lodge I. O. O. F. " was taken up. : The yeas and nays were called, and. the ; amendment lost : V veas.: 74 : nays; 61 not a three-1 fourth vote, as required by the consti-1 tution.' It was censidered inexpedi ent and impracticable on account of tne laws oi tne cpaniengovcruuicui, iu FRENCH AFFAIRS. The Effect of Presideot TIac Ma- lion's Manifesto. London, Sept. 20. The Standard's correspondent at Paris reports that President MacMahon's manifesto has created an immense sensation. The Bonapartists and clerical applaud it as a !declaration of no surrender. The Le Temps, which is the most outspoken of the Republican papers, declares the manifest unprecedented. The Times Paris correspondent says the people look upon president MacMahon's man ifesto as only an electoral artifice da signed to frighten timid electors into supporting the official candidates, and to encourage tuntionaries to exert pres sure. To Invalids, Florida Tonrists or Persons TnmUng lodge in Havana, Cuba. Failure of a Chicago Bank. Chicaoo, Sept. 20.-The Merchants' Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank has failed.- ; - - :;,..,:. Judge Williams granted a petition signed by a number of the depositors, and appointed as receiver 8 D Wards. His bond was fixed at $300,000. There is little excitement on account of the failure, as it is generally believed that it will not prove disastrous to the de positors or the general public. The depositors number about 2,500; FOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY FACILITY 1 FOR COMFOET Destructive Rains in Alabama A Floor Gives Away- Its Conse- Wittkowsky & Eintels, WW FALL STOCK! D LATTA & BRO.. Charlotte N. C. and Chester, S. U., Fall openins. on Saturday, September 22, 1877. E. THE LEADING School Notice, Miss H Moore will open her school fori girls on Monday 24th of September. reptlS lw H. Morris & Bros. MD STEELE is with Messrs H Morris & Bros, where he would be slad to see his frien ds or receive their orders. SAFE FOR SALE Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings. Apply to sept!8 tf CHAS R JONES, Wholesale EstaWMt of tlie State. AS OTHERS SEE THEM, A letter received from a gentleman, who recently visited Charlotte, con tains the following in reference to our house, and we submit it to our patrons as an evidence of our ability to make all our promises good: - 'The house of Wittkowjky & Rintels seems to me as a wholesale establish ment to stand pre eminent in being able to supply such goods, and on as favorable terms to merchants as can be secured south of Baltim ore. I reached this conclusion, after' a careful exam ination of their immense stock, and a personal interview with Mr. Witt- kowsky." A MARKED EVENT ED LATTA & BRO.'S FALL EXHIBITION: Satur day, September 22, 1877, at Charlotte N. C. and Chester, 8. C. : A GTJT BWTVrn TAI7 a OrUDllJJliJ UUi A NOVEL SIGHT. THE STORE HOUSE OF WITT- KOWSKY & RINTELS, THREE FLOORS, 54 BY 94 FEET, ALL PACKED AND CRAMMED FULL OF GOODS. -or- The largest and most complete since 1872," ' , is now ready for. inspection inboth the WHOLESALE as well as the RETAIL DEPARTMENTS, and we' 1 z COURT AND DEFY COMElITtON, let it come from whatever quarter it may whether New York Philadelphia, the ever present Baltimore drummer, or our local establishments fi,.!(-i IN WHOLESALE WE ABE READY TC'o A Duplicate an' Bill, no matter where boujght. In RETAIL we present the most complete assortment of the ' j Latest Noyeltjgs ever offered Wcharlotte?' To give the reader some ddriception of the immensity of our stock we cite AH fnllnwa -i! ; r " - iiw 125 CASESPRlNTB about 6,000JJieces.a'TU, ao CASES BIJEL1CHED QbDs about 1,009 pieces. 20,BALES FLANNELS and LINSBYS aboui!00pilc8H,JC 30 CASES JEANS and CASSIMERES about 500 'fe. nl aboutb00 suits?3 600 diSES!SHOES"!, x abouOOO pairs? i, : " ' 1 150 6AiES' HATS','V f ; about m&bz; And everything else In' proportion at WITTKOWSKY'iS; filN'TELS. TH A Xarge and Attractive Sale of imim MTH CAROLINA READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, cStcATtfJ O 21 TOT W ES .ET &z JMSuS m CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS CANVASSED HAHS, Something new, (and superior) on this mar ket, We will sell within the next 30; the following lots of merchandise 2000 pairs : PAKTS, consisting of Men, EovV1 aa'outhB', 1000 coats, of ail kinds. 1000 VESTS, assorted, .,1 ."rwib Which we will sell regardless of ccst. , , --,;, .r;fn nZ ' Give us a call before purchasing and examine our stock, as you, wflf find; it far superior in quality, make, style, and cheaper, in price than' any in the market." - - " ' s-1 hum KAUFMAN &BRO augl6 Springs' Corner, dharklJl N. C. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE IX) W -Br- We offer the largest- ! 'v'. Dim UAYER.ROSSGJOIIES f i 4. t r 1 " ji S"A : 4 CrNCTiiNATi, Sept 18. Last nightKthe rior river, ritMS-$3.00,:$2,50! and tfo'-per day,vficcording K t$t to location of r room which rested about fifteen r thousand r 10. lOCailOJl OirrUOlU-r r-: . DBH.eoluwrr : J Vtl i it -ST.' V , ' 11 -w T7REE EXHIBIT of arf the hew! shaped " r trmi.n.1 t.a i ' . 1 - " - -t- i1--- - all te floors below, to the cellar, at the riterhaabeaten down in immense H faBovaan , - ! V :iy samltmie -forSng out the south wall.- quantity ttf cotton ti - r x TppT "PTJOPPTRTOR. ; I The loss will exceed $20,000. , 1 ipg" since Tuesday. . ; ; , " .turaay.DeP & BEO. - JltwUlU Ur OU Montgomery, Sept. 20. -The War- has nsen ; sixty feet and la rapiaiy. xne entire river submerged. '-The loss of the crop- is calamitous. The Alabama river is riBing siowiy at?tnis pomt. "The WHOLESALE GROCERS, r : &eptl5 ;m -.ff .t; jc.;: EEEE EXHIBIT of alf the hew! shaped 'r v f!"; in Men's, Boys and Childreo's Clothing1, j rid' . STOCKOEDBnW . . . t ' , j . , ... .-... i.. -. f ( . . . : ' MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, s 1 .'.'...-' - 1 'r 1 " ' ' T r , - - t AD GOODS USUALLY KEPT IN Q0a;imE, . IN WESTERN;, ' t,.tT t: ; oi OlSTORTH i-! u ma on tsuli - : lib thte JjI