STATE NEWS. Wilmington finds herseif healthier than usual at this season. The strike among the Wilmington stevedores continues. ; Diphtheria is committing some rava ges in Wilmington. Pufiil" to the number of 420 are at tending the Kalejgh graded school.' The Oxford Torchlight1 records the discovery of a mine of tar in Granville county ' .mir The Raleigh Aew says no Baltimore colonists are coming to North Carolina and none need be looked for. , -r The North Carolina Freedman's Emigration Aid Society will convene in Raleigh on Monday, 8th of October, . ; . '.. - i, i . : Capt. Denson, : proprietor of the Kelvyn Nurseries, of Pittsboro, shipped last week 451 native ' plants to Euro pean markets. The Gleaner says that Judge Buxton, bas appointed John T. Vincent, clerk of Alamance Superior Court, vice W. A. Albright, resigned, but he has not yet filed his bond nor qualified. High Point ia doing a lively busi ness in the dried fruit line this year. Pleasant, Pagan & Co., had shipped up to last Saturday, seventeen car loads. In a difficulty at Dallas, last Satur day night, according to the Gastonia Herald, Mr. W. P. Holland was seri ously stabbed in the neck with a pen knife. And now the Elizabeth City Car Union, which was burned out last week, is about to "rise phoenix-like : from its ashes.."' Of course the oppor tunity 'foirsaying this is too good to be thrown away. Girls should be very careful how and with what ' they bore holes in their ears. Dr. Hunter informs the Gas tonia Herald that a few days ago he took off of the lobe of a woman's ear a very large tumor, which weighed fur and a quarter pounds. Prof. Hyams, of the botanical house of the Wallace Bros., of Statesvilfe, will deliver an essay at the State Fair upon the native medicinal plants of North Carolina ana their value in commerce. The Patriot says a letter has been received in Greensboro from J. A. M. Coble, proprietor of the "lightning mule," stating that he has been swin dled cut of his mule in Chicago, and that he is trying to make his way home. The letter was written at Free port, 111. Dr. Wheeler, the new collector of the Greensboro district, will appoint none but Republicans to office. The fact that he bad appointed Democrats was one of the big cards played against W instead, says the Greensboro Patriet. . The Raleigh Register understands that Mr. Marsh, of Bladen county, and deputy warden of the penitentiary, has been discharged on a charge of too free use of liquor. A Mr. Hum ber, of Warren county, has been elect ed to fill the vacancy and is now in the execution of the duties of the posi tion. The Raleigh News gives these facts in regard to the penitentiary convicts : The number now in the penitentiary is 325, of whom 315 are males and 10 females. The color division shows 51 white and 74 colored. Convicts on the public works are, Western North Carolina Railroad, 867 males, 28 females ; on the Spartanburg and Asbeville Railroad, 175, all males; on the Georgia and North Carolina Railroad, 44, all males ; on the Ches ter and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad, 19, all males ; making a grand aggre gate now undergoing penal servitude in the State, of 958920 males and 38 females. The .Esculus Hippocastanum, or Horse Chestnut, commonly known as the Back eye, is regarded with great reverence, many persons carrying it in their pocketas a kind of amulet. It is a natiye of Asia, and was introduced into this country about the mid dle oi the sixteenth century, and is alto gether worthy of high regard, as it possesses wonderful curative properties when used for Piles, and is recommended for nothing else. If afflicted with that disease use Tablets Buckeye Pile Ointment. 60 cents a bottle. The Russians have advanced to the ene my's line, determined to annihilate the Turks, and Coussens' Lightning Liniment will disperse that line of formidable diseases known as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Stiff Joints, Sore Throat, Contracted Muscles, Earache, Toothache, Pain in the breast side ana Decs, jso family sno ild be without Lightnirg Liniment. Ooly CO cents will buy it, and save a yast amount of suffer ing. B ?'Mtn4 the bet,to fcutaataaeotM In ita action, t4 I standard ipointM tol rnnrista and RO. Pro- Coal ! Coal ! Q AVING Contracted for the delivery of cw tens Anthracite and - Bituminous oal on this maiket, I am now taking or ders Jor early deliveiy of winter supplies at Jower ratrs delivtri d. than it can be purchased in other markets and deliyen d here. The price of coal is tending upward,' so to eecure it at present prices orders' should be s'ven at once. Quality and full weieht always guaranteed. our orders solicited. FJ2 PATRICK. ept25 - - . For Rent. rpWO Large Rooms over the front of our oiore. YVIlJSOrf ,HUKWJi.JjU MERCHANTS V Of Charlotte and vicinUgv YOTIRattentiop is'inyketl la tha PAPER BAR9 n. D.,1icvrr. rt' dV wn make and some made, at.lhe North, we offer both kinds at prices and discounts Proportioned tb quantities purchased, graded - maks it to the advantage of merchants to war nst before baying. ' ' - J x 8ePt 13 TIDDY & BRO. H.lMorris&Bros. : r , ........ f M D STEELE is with'Me&sra H Morris & Brds. where he would' be glad to see nis friends or receive their orders. . f s . I ADIL8' PEARK,:CaRD CASESr WRUE KXHIBIT of all the iew.' sBapek " iMeu s, Boys and Children's uiotwng, Bwurday, September 22, 1877- ' " -t BolMaim tha akin, and la uil rvnHvJTt S2i!TO. JOSEPH. fiftlSTADO ""'wi , u box viiaf. new v or DAILY PRICE CURRENT. RETAIL, MARKET. Butter scarce and in demand. Chickens heavy stock light demand Eggsfew on market. Irish Potatoes (o:d) yery'scarce: 1 Applesgood supply. . . . Sweet Potatoes-plentiful. ' - ' ' Cabbage good Bupply. "' Mattpn very scarce; good demand. Bdttib '.r-'.: Freeh Cmatry, 25a27 33a35 Goshen , r . 40a60 PoniTaY , From." wagons. From stores Turkeys, 76o86 90al.25 Geese, 30o40 45a50 , Dncks, , '.20a25 ! 25a30 OH Chickens, 15 - w; - ' '' JO -Guineas, 161al8 -20o25 Eggs 12Jal5 18a20 POTATOB--, ? 4 X o-i . 8weet, bushel, 65" s - 1 1.00 msn. m " 88 l.ooal.10 Cabbage, 3a5 Faxsa Mkats per lb - Beef, " '- - 6a8 Veal, 6al0 Muttou. 8al2i Lamb, 8ol2i Pork, 10a12J Tallow 6a7i Bkbbwax t 00a25 Fbuits Lemons, y s f 4.00 Dried Apples, per lb.. , 21o3J Apples, per bush., 40a60 Peanuts, country, 85a90 Wilraingtpn, - 1.50 Cocoanut8 6.00 " prdoaen c 15al.50 DOMESTIO DRY GOODS. Owing to the low prices realised for prints at the recent large auction sale, the market is unsettled, many manufacturers refusing o be governed by the standard of prices es ablished thereby. (Jobbing Rates.) Sbcxtibo akd Bhibtibgs Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7a7i Woodlawn 4-4 7o7i 7-8 6Ja6J S-4 5ia6 Other brands 7 Brown drills 9al0j Bleached 4-4 8iall 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbl'd. 31o40 5-4 Pillow casing" " 18a22 Pbihts- Pawnee 5a5i Wamsutta 5a5i Freemans 6 Sprague & Kindred brands 6ia6J . Other good brands 6ia7 JXAHS AKD COTTOWADKS York 15al5i Whittenden I4al5 Oriental 15 Leinbach & Co 22 Darco 12 Lincoln 13al3J Table Rocks 22a24 Ermine cloth 30 Daxss Goods Corded Alpacas 18a21 Plain Lustres 20a22 Lawn's Pacific 14al6 Parses Plaids . 18 Percalls 14a20 Pequets 12a24 Ticking Palmer 8a8J Oakland Hi Conestoga ' 13al7 GROCERIES TV HOLES ALE. Wheat, small offerings and sales. Corn demand light Flour dull and declining. Sugar, market steady. Coffee steady and in good demand. Salt higher and in demand. Salt easy. Lard, quiet. Bulk Mkats per lb Clear Rib Sides, 8a9 Shoulders, 6a7 Hams " Canvassed, 13al4 Best refined tierce, Hi " halfBbls, 12 Buckets & Tins, 12Jal3 BUTTEE Country 20a22 Goshen 29a32 8TJGARS Cut loaf 13ial4 Granulated and crushed 13al3) A Hlal2 EzC lliall! Yellows lOialli Molas8ks per gal' New Orleans, fair to choice, 55a65 Golden Drip (syrup; 50a55 Cuba, 40a45 Black Strap, 34o38 Gonn Mocca, 34a37, Java, 27Ja29Rio, 20a231 Tia Black 50a75. Green, 50al.20 Mixed, 50a75 MACKEREL. Bbls (full weight) 9.50al0.50 I bbls " 5.50a6.50 Kits " 1.15al0 Floub per bbl. Family, 7.50a8.00 Extra, 6.00a6.50 SuDer. 5.75a6.50 Riux Choice 8a8J cts, Good to prime 7ia8 Mxal per bushel, 75a80 Grits per bbl 6.60a6.50 Hokhit per bbl 6.00a6.25 Gkaih Corn, by car load, in sacks, 80a83 "bulk, 78 From wagons in bulk, 73a75 Wheat l.OOal.10 White, 7 Red. I Oats White.. 45a50 Black 45a50 Peas Pure clay, lOOallO Mi fid. 85a95 Hay '-chopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 North Carolina, " oca70 Salt per saca Liverpool, fine table, 2.25o2.30 Ground Alum 1.20al.30 WINES AND LIQUORS Ample supply, light demand. (Wholesale Rates.) Brandt Peach per gal. Apple " 2 75 2 25 25u4 00 65al 75 Whisky Rye " Corn 1 1 Winks Champagne, per basket, Sherry ' gallon, Port Maderia 8cuppemong " " , Blackberry ' " 20 00o25 00 2 50 2 2 50 50 50 1 1 50 Claret " dozen 7 2 50 Ale Porter M tl 75 2 75 JUOO'PBOFIT ON Sill ' t ii - -a m kTV .tin Aatt in Vrmt nnfl CALLS. ln- JjJl vest according to your means; $10, $50 pr $10O, in Btock mvueges, naa nxougns n rn,inno tn fha rarAfiil investor. We DUUUl V .UUW V ww " J- -- adyiee when and how to operate Baieiy dress orders br mall, and telegraph to if'i haa Aaun mam vv .. Bankers, and Brokers, .17' Wall St., N. Y. may iw Goiton's Maps Atlases, Etc. VTJR POCKET MAPS, mailable, comprise 1' I Mvnntv: nfto.t.irma.1 and railroad of every .tate and Territory and the princi pal Foreign connvnwr r . ITOTJR WALL M APS ' are sttperror to ac curacy and execution and uur assortxrent the largest m inecouuwj. r , .v . . . . ?OTJB GENERAL' ATLAS is conceded to be the best published, being the latest, larg est and most completed ?:. t " t I" , f For Catalogues address j o -i - V - O. W & G R OOLTON, , I hint :'iX$nsH -imNewYwrk -4 m Si--. i T-Charlotte, N. O. : we bvb A nwBtStiorioup Saratoga -Fountain, ' an i BtogaWater en ice, as food as it is at the Bprmgs.NgpgTOKB. I- CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., ALEXANDRE, Art-the1 soley agents in Charlotte for the these celebrated mills. The goods manu factured by; these;mills are given up, to be the ibelt gdoBi for the moneys ever sold in this country. No use asking for them else whercr ; for this is the only house that keeps them. A complete assortment always on hand. J ust received, septic ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. F R E IOn h. " VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the : , , Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON "AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. XIST&JJTJSTCD -A-HSTID BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND tiie as qctioie:. INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. sept30 . LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel.Trade St,and is receiving his -Spring Stock of Goods fo Men's Wear, and will make vhem up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market. Orflerel SMrts a Specialty. HntHno nnrl rpnairinf rlnnfi nrnm'Dtlv. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled toaoa casn Dusmess. J S PHILLIPS, may 2 r' ' 1 Mr. R. P. Rutledge, I FORMERLY with J Mc Alexander, is ? with us, and will be glad to see his friends and former customers. BOYD & OVERMAN. sept23 POPULAR SONGS. Lullaby, (Birds in the night,) Sulliyan, -iOc ThreelFishers, Hullah, 35c Haunted Stream Barker, 35c Beautiful Isle of the Eea Thomas, 35c You and I Claribel, 30c Dublin Bay Barker, 30c I cannot sing the old songs..... Claribej, 30c Her bright smile haunts me still, Wrighton, 35c Rocked in the cradle of the dtep, .Knight, 40c Good-bje, SweetLeart, good-bye. Hutton, 40c For sale at sept 13 TIDDY & BRO. yESLEYAN FEMALE 1N8TI1UTE, i8TA.UMTON, VIRGINIA, With over Twenty teachers and officers, ranks among the first school for young ladies in the United States. In the beauti ful Valley of Virginia, far-famed for health. Attended by pupils lroni fifteen to twenty States. Great economy in expenses requir ed. Session opens September 20tb, 1877. Board and 'luitioh for, entire scholastic year $240. . i- For catalogue and full information, ad dress Rev W A HARRIS, D. D., Pres't, augl2 eod tf Staunton, Va. JjJXAMIKE THE RECORDS Of the Underwriters, Hartford, Phoenix and Phenii Insurance Companies. J C BURROUGHS, aug9 lm Agent. JF YOU WANT TO KNOW The Btanding of the companies I represent in Fire Insurance, give me a call. aug9 lm J C BURROUGHS. Positive Notice: mHE season of -business depression in : I i nnn.ii ttmUtM Tisnllv ends with our patrons when the fall season begins.' Quite a numDer oi our patrons uyp ucwiuo iu j.Mmi Ana Wo hoar tn Ktmind them that UWbta w w. -. - - , the prompt payment of our outstanding L . l 1 t , claims wouia De very acceputui. BeptS d&w,tf OBSERVER. : Just Received. k Lot of beautiful Linen Commercial Note A. Paper, which will be printed in a neat and creditable style. -This is something new for Charlottct For further particulars call on us at bur ' uuujniijnu xtwm. Septl tt " J " SEIGrLE & CO. 100 pieces, all grades T l i m UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. GROCERIES. If you wsh to buy FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES at reasoaable prices, call on me. I WOULD CALL ATTENTION to the following, as part of my stock : TEAS. Imperial Tea, (best quality,) Mixed Tea, (in one pound canisters,) English Breakfast and Oolong. COFFEES. JAVA and RIO, different grades, Roasted Coffee, in 1 lb packages and in bulk. SUGARS, Of various grades and qualities. Ferris & Co.'s Celebs ted HAMS, Breakfast STRIPS, Smoked BEEF and Smoked TONGUES. All kinds of CANNED G00D3, of the best qualities, and at low prices. Call and see me and I will endeavor to please, both in quality and prices. LeROY DAVIDSON. sept I Under Traders National Bank. Atlanta & CBarlotte Air-Lie Railway. OFFTOE SUPERINTENDENT, 1 Atlanta, Ga. J Takes effect Sunday, June 10th, 1877, at 1 o'clock, P, M. : COMING K ORTH TRAIN Leaves Atlanta 4 00 pm Arrives at Gainesville, 6 24 p m " Lula, (Athens' connec'n) 6 55 p m Seneca, 9 40 p m Greenville, 11 18 p m " Spartanburg 12 52 a m " Narrow Gauge Junc'n,.... 3 18 a m Charlotte, 4 12 a m " N C R R Junction, 4 20 a m GOING SOUTH TRAIN NO. 2. Leaves N C R R Junction " Charlotte Arrive at Narrow Gauge Jnnc'n. S,artanburg, " Greenville, " fenera, " Lula, (Athens' connec'n) " Gainesville, - " Atlanta, 7 00 p m 7 10pm 8 05 p m 10 45 p m 12 30 a m 2 20 am 5 08 a m 5 43 a m 8 45 a m Vroiottt. nrid Apmmninilfll'.inil leaves Char lotte daily, except Sunday, at 7 00 a. m. ; arrives cany, except aunaay, at o iu p. m. jul7 For Rent A good dwelling house, containing eignt rooms, with garden and stables: ad joining my residence on B street. A good store room, ceniraiiy locateu, iwo doors below Firat National Bank, Also, an elegant dry basement in the Smith Building," furnished with gas and water. Also, several desirable rooms for young men above "Chamber of Commerce" rooms. Also, a small farm of 50 acres, adjoining the corporate limits, on which is a fine or chard, weH suited for a dairy or track farm. o tf BMiiJi. sept9 lm Obstacles to Marriage Removed. ZEANHOOD RESTORED. New method of treatment. New and re markable remedies. Books and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia,' Pa. An Institution having a .high reputation tor honorame conduct and. professional skill. - aug 4 ly , t . Fine Imported FRENCH BRANDY, Sherry, Port and Madeira ' Wine, and . Robertson County Whiskey, the best in the world, sold strictly for medicine, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl ; . R. N Littlejohn, GENERAL-COMMISSION MERCHANT . CHARLOTTE, N. O. , : ; ' Handles all kinds of Produce- - Office with Jno W Hall & Co., Wholesale Grocers. - mayl5 , , - ; . . iTIISCEIJLANEOUS. THE WORLD'S STANDARD S C ALES , EKCEIVKD HIGHEST MKD4LS AT World's Fair, London, 1751 World's Fair. N. Y., 1853 World's Fair, Paris 1867 World's Fair, Vienna, 1873 World's Fair, Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 World's Fair, Sidney, Australia, 1877 Also sole Agents for MILEa' ALA.HM MONEY DRAWERS, HANCOCK'S INSPIRATORS, (The Best Feeder known for Stationary, Marine, and Locomotive Boilers), also OSCILLATING PUMP CO'S PUMP8. Fairbanks & Co., 311 BROADWAY, N. Y. augl2 taw d-w4m Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing un der the firm name and style of Jones & McDowell, as Editors, Publishers and Pro prietors of the Chablotts Observes Print ing establishment, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Chas. R. Jones purchases F. B. McDowell's interest in the business of the late firm, together with the books of the concern, assumes all debts due by the late partnership, and will pay all obligations of the late firm on presentation. CHA8 R JONES, F BREVARD McDOWELL. Charlotte, N. C, May 19th, 1877 may20 dw tf 20caNumber$2alear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapest. or an agency, ssnd to D LOTHiiOP & CO., feb25 Boston. Ln Cream SaM Oil. IpiNEST imported brand of Salad Oil, finest qualities of English Spices, Cloves, Mace, Allspice Nutmegs, Ginger, Pepper, &c, whole and ground. Pure French Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, &c, for medicinal purposes only. Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago, Macaroni, Epps Cocoa, Chocolate. &c. Dooley's, Royal, Price's, Foam, and Hors ford Baking Powders. For sale at SCARR & CO'S, may 16 Drug Store. GOLD MINE PROPERTY FOR SALE. A NEWLY discovered mine at Htmtexs- Jx. ville, N. C, on the A., T. & O. Railroad 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said mine has been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners have examined the mine and ore and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof W 0 Kerr, of Raleigh, Dr C L Hunter, of Lin- cointon and irrei ilanna, of Uharlorte. have seen the mine and ore and pronounce it very one. With these recommendation and many moi e that could be brought up we now offer this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 acres of land in ana around said mine, of which there are somi 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half mile from a saw-mill. Any one wishing to see specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at our Office When we say specimens, we mean to show yon something that Is worth looking at. For further information, address H. A. HUNTER, June 17 Huntersville, N. 0 New and Splendid Stock OF KENTUCKY, GEORGIA, and SALEM (N. C.) JEANS. ALSO? A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OP Fall PrintS JUST RECEIVED AT BarriBner & Trotter's. ang 31 ClarlottelistiltttefirYeiELaiies 1? ALL TfT V U r ir s September 28th, 1877, J? and (v.O.i i el lumy 6th, 1878. Expenses per term : Collegiate Department, $25 ; Pre paratory Department, $20 ; Primary Depart ment, $15 ; Contingent Fee, $2. Address S TAYLOR MARTIN, aug28tawdwtf Principal. ua- 4-L vm. wIia nA s safe And. re liable tnadicine. The immense aemana wnw-n im so rapidly followed their introduction is evidence that fhev do sunolvthis want, and proves them to be 5 THE MOST POPULAR PILL CVCI llillllnllWU HIV swu)ra, a - . medical authorities coincdc their &uporiprity over all . . r. n 1 f -'t4 Sara ifnir ri nrl Ilfilllllt: jHUJA.1 Uto vw. ..wwu ' , t- z nMnlif AntS r.M'iAne ihptrovtvil all nnmnrt. correct a vitiated sla'e of the system," and,' being purely vegetable, th y do not, like otlier pills, leave -the stomach and lm;cls a worse condition than they found tnem, out, on ine coninuy, iinjjiui. a xjeaiiuy iouu auu tijut uviwu. nuvwv. OUR WORDS INDORSED. I Dr. C. L. MITCHELL; Ft. Meade, Fla.( says: . . . 1 know the superiority of your pills. and want to see them used instead of lite wortmess i r- II 1 1. . mM a f.u ' i .. . . - Rev. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky., says: . . . i'TutPs pills ore toorth their weight in gold." Had Sick Headache and Piles 30 Years.: ... ' am well. Gaining strength and flesh everyday. ... . R. S. Austin, Springfield, Mass, C m noflAA Chitla and Fever. V. . "With Tntfs fills, w defy chills f. Illinois vtjcs yaa a ucu vj . "? ,rr. i.ji.i - v .ir F. aipley,3ucago, HI. Sold everywhere." - Price 2$ cents. ; Office, 35 -. r c. -.T . Vt. - . fiiurray ourcuv, new a v. Arw k.; i. ihanniwl in i chm blaeK dt a single applicavion of this dye. s It. is easily appliefl 'j acts like magic, ana is as narmjcaw aa ainriig wr , Never disappoints. Sold bv druggists. Price frYwT Ofiicc, 35 Murray Street, New xora. q M. IAchtenstein, 41 Merchant Tailor iM. Comer Trade and Tryou Streets, . v s CHARLOTTE, N. O. Orders solicited and promptly atterdad to. Special attention given to Cutting - ' and Repairin, OATS, OATS, 1,000 bushels choice White Winter Oats, Just received. W.W.WARD, Comer Fourth and College Streets. FOR SALE. Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings. CHAS R JONES, septl8 tf City Resiaence For Sale. ANY. person desirous of purchasing a comfortable and convenient city resi dence, can be accommodated by applying at THIS OFFICE. sept20 ; "Babyland. 99 LARGEST PROFIT YET. Specimen cop ies free. For an Agency send to D LOTHBOP & CO. feb25 Boston. Wanted, 0OW PEAS IN UNLIMITED QUANTI ties, at WITTKOWSKY & RINTEL S. L. Dawson's GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Represents Life and Fire Combined. Assets, $6,000,000.00 Insures all kinds of insurable property. dwellings, furniture, barns and contents. cotton gins, &c, at current rates. Agents wanted throughout North and South Carolina. jull Metropolitan Works, Canal Street, from Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary. 8AW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS, BOILERS, CAST INGS of BRASS and IRON, FORCINGS. &c. MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c. We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to our new styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for bauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. ( The best Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to any in use. - Send for illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being equal encourge Southern institutions. Repair work solicited and promptly done. Shafting, Pulleys, &c, for Gin Houses. Wm E TANNER & CO. may 15 d&w ly A SPLENDID LOT -or- WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CANVASSED HALIS, SomethicgEnew, (and superior) on this'mar- ket, JUST SBECElVFTJ.AUDIORBAlEJOW -BY- tlAYERtROSS&JOHES WHOLESALE GROCERS.; Qjseptl5 1 wywm m w vvoifT B IflfT PftTTIYTfl TfR All KST A 1 H Llllllliu , 7 AiAi . AJTD Immigration Agency. FOR selling, buying and renting Mines, T.a.nd and Hoasea. and nrovidine homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being connected with the "BoTTTHisv Ricoed," circulated in this country and i.nrope twice a month, 1 will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. aug9 Charlotte, N. 0. Misses-Long's School. l CHURCH STREET. : fHHE next ' session will open Sept 20th. X Annly for circulars to Miss Lone, at the I residence or Uen iJarnngers, - - septs eod 4w . . . . . . 1 MU III I II lt I cl I U I WILL be sold for cash at the Court House I fhvnr fa flharlnttfl 'An TnesdaT. Oct., 5tb,;1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following ravtrwtvfv holnncrmff tn th Mtate of J H RoStr detfd, via : t6shares iri Merchants en Nauonai jsanK ; iv uecKienDurg joun ty Bonds (one hundred dollars each.) r. : .. -JM STRONG, eptll tds .Administrator. THE; SOUTHERN lUPORTOn PATTERKS, SEWING' V; r ; MACHINE NEEDLES, SILK and. COTTON THREAD AND WRD, MACHINE OIL, --3rSHEiBSi AC., &G. BTJTTERICK'S PATTERNS are the most reliable, the most fashiohable and the best. By using these celebrated patterns, every lady can make her own, garments. My stock is complete, and I keep constantly on hand Sewing Machine Needles (for all different machines) Silk and Cotton Thread, and Cords, Machine Oil, Shears, &c. I am in the daily receipt of all the latest styles of patterns 'for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. ? ; Orders by mail, promptly .filled. Send 8 tamp, &c, for Illustrated Catalogue. KATE O DAN AH A, 9th and Franklin sts., Richmond, Va. ju22dwtf ERIE CITY IRON WORZ8, ) 1 1 Uharlotte, N. U., April 7th, '77-. j 1 1 WE hereby notify our many friends and the Dubhc irenerallv that tha manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands of Capt John Wilkes, of this city, who Is pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. JOHN H BLISS, Secretary Erie City Iron Works. Referring to the above notice of chance. I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not Dear freight charges such as Grate Bars, Stacks, Spark Arresters, fec, and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer oeiore. Be sure to give me a call, or write for cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. 0. aprzu rREAT REDUCTION is i HAVE just taken Stock, and find 1 bave more Gccds then I went to cany, to I wi sell one half off at COST to fcuit the times Iiwill sell a fine Silver American Watch for 12.00. I will sell Gold Chains at$l.C0 pe dwt. Watch Glasses fitted at 10c each, and everything else in propoition. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, AT J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE CHARLOTTE, N. 0. ja21 Fresh Spices FOR Pickling. A SUPPLY OE THE FINEST English Spices JUST RECEIVED AT SCARR & CO.'S ept7 Drug Store. First Bale of Cotton AND more to follow, can be ginned and bagging and ties obtained by payment in seed cotton at the City Mills. Our popular 8VRGAM FLOUR and MEAL, as well as food for Hcrses. Cows, Pigs and Chickens; exchanged for all kinds of grain, and for cash. Highest mar ket price paid for grain. CHARLOTTE CITY MILLS. sept!3 15t ' ' ' - Watches i Jewelry, VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's WK HAVE A AND WILL .'NOT BE ". rrERSOLD. k in U a line neatlT done and warrantea. Jan28 ' 7 IndeliUe TaUets A new and ' good article for Marking d uotnes, 00 vemo aw. sept 7 u t I - HDD Y & BRO. TVtctfana of youthful imprudeoo, mho Ware tried In vain every known rernedy, will learn of n. nlmnl a nrascrintiflm. -FRKfiL for the speedy cure of nerrous deoUitr, irematnre oecay. ipse nianpooa,.ama u iMnrdnr. hrnnehC (tn bv exoesses. Any Awitrrriut. Iina fliA inomd'AntiL.. AddrAflS PAV1DSON Ac CO., btf Massaa SU, N.V' E. D, LATTA & JBKU.

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