STA1E NEWS. There are now 145 studen'8 at Chaptl Hill. ; v ' ;;fc :;';:;rv V The Durham Tobacco Plant says a railroad from Durham t Chapel "Hill is a fixtdfact, but we reckon not. Receipts of cotton iii Raleigh list week were 832. .hales . receipts for the month of September 1240. Tom Evans pu s it in. the' Reidsville Times thi-i way . " That only is true rt-ligion which calk all men brotht-r aud reaches for all souls lo write them int'i the kingdom : whether . they get there by this church path or that, so they get there." , -1 The Fayetteville Gazette says thaa Mr. M. J. Blue, of Moore county, wa out deer hunting a , few days ago, and when near " Bynutn he killed, at one shot, three deer a doe, ft fawn and a yearling. This is vouched for as an incontrovertible fact. , y , 1 The Rockingham Spirit saya that two white men, one named Stephens, charged with the crime of rape, and the other, named Flyn Thompson, charged with stabbing Mr. Holliday in Richmond county some time ao, suc ceeded in breaking Uil at Rockingham on Tuesday night last aud made goou their escape. - ; ' The Raleigh Obse, ver says Adjutant Oeneral Johnstone Jones, acting as Brigadier General of State Militia, by order of His Excellency Gov. Vance, has appointed on his staff as A6s'stant Adjutant Generals, P. F. Pescud, Jr, of Raleigh, and Jno. M Cwzaux, of Wil mington, with the rank of captain. Mr Evarts on the Virginia Whis ky Bell Punch. The Prescient liked Virginia very well, but Mr. Evarts said he didn't see why in thunder, when an individual, journeying through the Old Dominion for diplomatic purposes, thought fit to approach an establish ment dealing in beverages of a refresh ing nature for the purpose of request ing a diminutive-portion of what some people might be inclined to term an exhilarating and thoroughly national compounded solution, the agent in charge of affairs at that establishment need be required before acceding, to the legitimate demands -of the party of the first part, to produce a disagree able and startling tintinabulation by means of a disreputable : invention, which should, and, in his judgment, was intended to be confined to the use of those having the direction of the monetary interests'of such ordinary street vehicles as were employed as common carriers by the general pub lic Boston Globe. Mr. Sumner and President Grant. Some of the remarks attributed to Gen. Grant in the conversation recent ly held by him with a New York Herald representative at Edinburg have created intense astonishment here where the circumstances of which bespeaks are so well known. Gen. Grant is reported to have said that he took no part in the displacement of Mr. Surfiner from the chairmanship of the committee on foreign relations. It is strange that Qen. Grant should make such a statement as this when there are Senators now living whom both he and members of the cabinet personally solicited to take part in the movement degrading Mr. Sumner. There were not less than half dozen Senators who, in private, expressly excused themselves for voting against Mr. Sumner by stating that they did so because of their reluctance to offend President Grant. At the same time they admitted that it was a burning shame for Mr. Sumner to be so treated. Washington Correspondence Baltimore Sun, 28th. Sometimes, what a dreamy, far-away picture-of the beautiful Had Been it calls up in your memory, when .you have loved a fair young girl with all the fervor and passionate ardor of a manly nature, when your very soul has caught the inspiration of heri presence, and her face has been for you the realisation of all that was ten der and fair and pure, and when the loss of this prize has swept over your heart like a sirocco of agony, and left it dry and bitter and hard, ten years after, to look over an alley fence4 when hunting for your runaway boy, and see her in the back yard of a corner grocery, with a draggled calico dress pinned up over a red flannel petticoat, a man's hat perched on her head, and stretching a flapping shirt over a line, while she holds two clothes-pins be , tween her teeth. One of Kentucky's prodigies is thus described by a newspaper printer in Henderson, that State: ."There is a white man in our city, a sober, sensi- ble gentleman, now in his forty -second ;year, who has a good common educa 'tion. He never wrote a letter in his life, never owned a postage stamp, and never received but one letter. He states that the letter was never read by him, but was deposited in his pocket and packed around until worn out, and he does not know till this day the ame of the author." ;r? T-r- now Savages Poieon Arrows. Archdeacon Dunbar writesto the Lon don rimes that, immediaetly before BuOOtins' arrnwa aavaotta nanall v nni'unn them by dipping the points into a small portion of mortified human flesh. Any person pierced with such arrows Jl die of mortification.: The Arch yeacon has known such cases.: Death J certain, but the pain", is ' Blight. Vegetable DoiRnn' kills, ha Pftvs.' when swallowed, but not when "applied "ex-J ri? . sculua Hippocastanum, or Horse oestnut, commonly known as the Buck le, is regarded with great reverence, many persons carryiDg it in their pocketasa kind ot amulet. It is a native of Asia, and was 'ntrodnrprl tnt. .v: . i . ii.. J V" WIS VUUUUJT BUUUb Ul U1IU- e sixtPDth century, and is alto Keiner worthy of high it possesses wonaerrul curative properties when osedfor tr 18 recommTdrrt for,nf-MrP " afflicted with that ei'feee o S-'Mn' -ucseye PileOintr l.t. 0 c i ts a botile.-f J e Russians have c( to the erie f?y s line, deteimirud ta annihilate the im i- an toustens!. Lightning Liniment will (ll8Dei6 that llnanf rmloKldisonsPJI , lnin S8 hentnatism, Neuralgia, Stiff iff i Sore Throat, Contracted Muscles, nj iT oomacbe, Jfain in the breast, side luk.?k" Ko family eho-ild be. without f',gntmnB'TJ,?ntTnen 'Onl Frt .onto nil On u i . in 8ave yast amount of snaer- ;' r mrftiaU and - 1 ; I Sfth!?!i.,P0,t ahwlas o f black or brown, doci kt Mtd a f tTorlta nixm itrrw wall .unnnintixi tnU DAILY PItlCE CURREMT" , . ; REUIL MABKET. 7 BatUr scarce and in demand. Chickens heavy. stock light demand. Eggs few on market, 'i Irish Potatoes (o:d) very scarce: Apples good supply. - . 8weet Potatoes plentiful. l v"A, Cabbage good supply, v r ' y -- . Mutton very scarce; good demand. Buttjlu " Fresh Country, 25o27 33a35 - Goshen . .-i 40a50 Pocxtby - From wagoni. From stores. Turkeys. - 75a85 Geese, 30o40 . ; Ducks, 20o25 Chickens, 15 --H . QuineaB, ltigal ' Egos 12Jol5 Potatoes 90aL25 45a50 - 25a30 - ' 20a25 18a20 (' 51.00 8weet, bushel, 65 j Irish. 3ft t-i.00ar.10 3a5 per lb , 6a8 41 6al0 8al2J . , 8al2i ?-i 10a12J 6a7i 00a25 4 00 21a3i 40a60 85a90 1.50 ' 6.00 1.25al.50 Cabbaere. Fbksb Mxats , ; Beef. , Veal, ' Mutton Lamb, Pork. Tallow Bxxswaz Fauns Lemons, "1 ' Dried Apples, per lb.. Apples per bush., Peanuts, country, Wilmington, Cocoanuts " pr dozen DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. OwiDg to the low trices realized for prints at the recent large auction sale, the market is unsettled, many manufacturers refusing o be governed by the standard of prices ea ablished thereby. , i 1 i (Jobbing SataS ' . i ? 8HKKTrBO AUD 8HIBTIHGB ' .. I. Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7a7J Woodlawn 4-4 7a7J 7-8 6ia61 ' 3-4 5Ja6 Other brands K . 4 ... .. 7 Brown drills . ' . - ' 9alOJ Bleached , 4 4 r i 84all 10-4 8heeting bl'd and unbl'd. 31a40 5-4 Pillow casine' " , 18a22 Pbihts Pawnee 5o5J Wamsutta , 5a5i . Free man s 6 Sprague & Kindred brands , 6ia6i Other good brands " 64 a7 JlAHS AND COTTONADES ... s York ! ; t I5al5i Whittenden " I4al5 , Oriental 15 Leinbach & Co 22 Darco . 12 Lincoln L3al31 Table Rocks ' 22a24 Ermine cloth 30 Dbks8 Goods . Corded Alpacas 18a21 Plain Lustres 20a22 Lawn's Pacific 14a36 Parsee Plaids 18 Percalls 14a20 Pequets 12a24 Ticking Palmer 8a8i Oakland Hi Cones toga 13al7 GROCERIES WHOLESALE. Wheat, small offerings and sales. Corn demand light Flour dull and declining. Sugar, market steady. Coffee steady and in good demand. Salt higher and in demand. Salt easy. Lard, quiet. Bulk Mcats per fi Clear Rib Sides, 8a9 Shoulders, 6ia7 Hams . " Canvassed, 13al4i Labs Best refined tierce, Hi " half Bbls, 12 ' Buckets & Tins, 12iaI3 B OTTER Country 20a22 Goshen 29a32 8UGAR8 Cut loaf 13ial4 Granulated and crushed 13al3J A Hlal2 EiG llialli Yellows iOkUk Molas8K8 . per gal' New Orleans, fair to choice, 55a65 Golden Drip (syrupj 50a55 Cuba, 40o45 BlackStrap, 34o38 Corrsx Mocca, 34a37, Jaya, 27ia29Rio,20a231 Txa Black 50a75- Green, 50al.20 Mixed, 50a75 MACKEREL. Bbls (full weight) 9.50al0.50 I bbls " 5.50a6.50 Kits " -l.15al.60 Flour per bbl. Family, 7.50o8.00 Extra, 6.00a6.50 " Super. 5.75a6.50 Riob Choice 8a81 cts, Good to prime 7a8i Mxaii per bushel, 7oooO Gam per bbl 6.e0a6.50 Hokkxt per bbl o.uuae.2 GSAIH Corn, by car load, in sacks, 80a83 "bulk, 78 From wagons in bulk, 73a75 Whiat l.OOal.10 White, Red. I Oats White., 45o50 Black 45a50 Pkab Pure clay, lOOollO - Miyd. 85a95 Hay "-'.ciiopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.20 iSOrth Carolina, ; " '" ooao Saw per sack Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 Ground Alum 1.20al.30 WINES AND LIQUORS. Ample supply, light demand. ( Wholesale Rata.) Bbahdy 1 Peach per gal. Apple " 2 75 2 25 25a4 00 65al 75 00a25 00 250 2 50 Whisky Rye ! 1 Corn " 1 Wuras ? Champagne, per basket, 20 8herry " gallon, Port Maderia Scuppernong " " Blackberry " " 2 50 1 50 50 .1 Claret dozen 7 50 Ale Porter 2 2 75 75 S1ATE MANAGEMENT And in daily operation over 37 years. $15,000 FOB -.7 TUESDAY, 0CT0BEE 16 and 27, 1877. STATE L 0 T ME H T 067,925 IN ;FBIZBS! . . ' v - i A. m AAA r 11 Tml,rrr ' j........ ....... ClQ.UUU ;1 Prize of ......" ; -1 Prize of -i f W r 1- Prize of ........ ..r.. "rnr , 1 Prize of . 1889. Other Prizes amounting to ; ,44, Total, $67,925 Whala Ticket il-OPl. CO Whol Tickets . : for 45, lOO -xioKoiB, w, -. ' Charterea ipr j " Tmder Charter jio P.i,8, occur All prizes P wTHrald of drawn numbers published in JT.Y, Heraia, W?Sun and Louisville Courier-Journal. It' ?ru' navMnnUrtl free. Circulars coniauiiuB r"-on, rr" Addre.. SIMMONS DI0KINSOW . Manager's Office, 72 8d St uiByiUKy ;r as Similar Allotments on the 15th and iksys of every month during the year. - sept 7 d&W-lm . , , . , 9 ust Received and to Arrive. 0 Mils. nai m Jioxes (Gracliers. alies 5 " beese m cases Oysters. 3, ... Tomatoes. W i and h chests f ea. sept 28 F R E I OH - J K: .' ' ' 7 VIA WILMINGTON, NOETH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEV1LLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, , TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all pointa in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, . South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. septSO New Advertisements. I am only Bilious, says the debilitated victim of sick headache, pain in the right side, constriction of the bowels, and hypo chondria. Are these trifles, then ? No ; unchecked they lead to mental disease. And yet as surely as dawn dispels the dark ness, Tarrant 8 Ji;rFEVKScKNT seltzer ap xsiekt will remove tbem. Try it. (ftl Q a day at home. Agents wanted. Ont tyL6 fit and terais free. TRUE fc CO., Augusta. Maine, a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. H. HALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. Extra Fine Mixed cards, with name,iu 60 cts., postpaid. L. JONES & CO , Nas sau, N. Y. GRACE'S SALVE. 1 WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing for the FIRESIDE -VISITOR.- (enlarged) Weekly and. Monthly JxARGEST PAPER IN THE World, witkMammothOrjromos Jttree. jsig Commissions to Agent.s.. Terms and Outfit Freer Address?. O. lUKJfiii , Augusta, Maine. ..... ., . Tf &OA P6 day at home. Samples tyU tXtyAyj: worth $5 freei Stihsoh & Co., Portland Maine. - , ; i OIL OF SASSAFRAS Of prime quality, bought in any quantity, for cash on aenvery, iree 01 Droaerage, - commissions, or storage expenses, by Dodge & Olcott. importers and exporters of 88Wniam St., -New York. . - Golton's MapsjAtlases, Etc. 0TJR POCKET MAPS, mailable, comprise township,' county, sectional and railroad of every State and Territory and the princi pal Foreign countries. r , . , . ' OUR WALL MAPS are superior in ac curacy and execution, and our assort ent the largest in the country. -' OUR GENERAL-ATLAS is conceded to be the best published, being the latest, larg est and most complete. . . '- . ...i ; For Catalogues address . . j ; -T 1 !'i-G4CB OOLTON, ,s , junl ' 1'. , sV 1 ' !- "! ' "New York.,: LADIES'. PEARL. CARD CASES. ? TIDDY & BRO: - FREJE EXHI BIT6f all. the new.' shapes , in Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing, Saturday, September 22, 1877. . ' -- . - ? .E. DLATTA & BR0. t SU)U - . .. . SODS 43 T Li I H E 8 , UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. GROCERIES. If you wish to buy FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES at reasonable prices, call on me. I WOULD CAI L ATTENTION to the following, as part of my stock : TEAS. Imperial Te3, (btst quality,) Mixed Tea, (in one pound canister,) English Breakfast and Ooloa. COFFEES. JAVA and RIO, different grades, Roasted Coffee, in 1 lb packages and in bulk. .SUGARS, Of various grades and qualities. Ferris & Co.'s Celebrated HAMS, Breakfast STRIPS, Smoked BEEF and Smoked TONGUES. All kinds of CANNED GOOD3, of the best qualities, and at low prices. Call and see me and I will endeavor to please, both in quality and prices. LeROY DAVIDSON. sept t Under Traders National Bank. yESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUfST" LSTAUNTON, VIRGINIA, With over Twenty teachers and officers, ranks among the first school for young ladies in the United States. In the beauti ful Valley of Virginia, far-famed for health. Attended by pupils from fifteen to twenty States Great economy in expenses requir ed. Session opens September 20th, 1877. Board and Tuition for entire scholastic year $240. For catalogue and full information, ad dress Rev W A HARRIS, D. D., Pres't, augl2eodtf : Staunton, Va, Ciarlotle Institute for Yen Ladies FALL TERM begins September 28th, 1877, and ends February 6th, 1878. Expenses per term : Collegiate Department, $25 ; Pre paratory Department, $20 ; Primary Depart ment, $15 : Contingent Fee, $2. Address 8 TAYLOR MARTIN, aug28 tawd wtf Principal. Just" Received. A Lot of beautiful linen Commercial Note Paper, which will be printed in a neat and creditable style. - - This is something new for Charlotte. For further particulars call on us at our COUNTLNG ROOM, septl'tf R. N. Littlejohn, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT K :-' CHARLOTTE, N. O. Handlesall kinds of Produce. Office with Jno W Hall & Co., Wholesale Grocers. maylS - 1 Saratoga Springs , AT Charlotte, N. C We have now in operation our- Saratoga- Fountain, and will have on .draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water en ice, as good as it is at the Springs Jn New York. - McADEN'S DRUG STORE. 1 marl " ' ;- t I 40 boxes Starch. W " CaD(31es. 4 ihegs & bis 6da. iPjpligs laisios. Mm bnottles TTies r)lls JBaggiQg. inckets. JTUSCELLANEOVS. THE WORLD'S STANDARD SCALES RECEIVED HIQQEST MEDALS AT World's Fair, London, 1751 World's Fair. N. Y., 1853 World's Fair, Paris 1867 World's Fair, Vienna, 1873 World's Fair,'.Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 World's Fair, Sidney, Australia, 1877 Also sole Agents for MILE6' ALARM MONEY DRAWERS, HaNCO K'S INSPIRATORS, (The Best Feeder known for Stationary, Marine, Locomotive Boilers), ALSO O&CILLITISG PUMP GO'S PUMPS, Fairbanks & Co., 311 BROADWAY, N. Y. augl2 taw d-w4m GOLD MINE PR0PMT1 FOR SALE. A NEWLY discovered mine at Hunters ville, N. C. on the A., T. & O. Railroad 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said mine has been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners have examined the mine and ore and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof W 0 Kerr, ot Raleigh, Dr O L Hunter, of Lin colnton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte, have Been the mine and ore and pronounce it very fine. With these recommendation and man; aiui e that could be brought up we now offer this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 acres of land in ana around said mine, of which there are somi 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half mile from a saw-mill. Any one wishing to see specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at our Office When we cay specimens, we mean to show you something that Is worth looking at. For further information, address H. A. HUNTER, June 17 Huntersville, N. O Positive Notice. THE season of business depression in money matters usually ends with our patrons when the fall season begins. Quite a number of our patrons have become in debted to us. We beg to remind them that the prompt payment of our outstanding claims would be very acceptable: sept5d&wtf OBSERVER. 20eaiumber-$2alcar WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the yery best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapest. For an agency, ssnd to D LOTHEOP & CO., feb25 Boston. CANARY SEED, AT Wilson &BurweU's. sept26 ' 1 New and Splendid Stock or KENTUCKY, GEORGIA, 3 and SALEM (N. C.) JEANS. ALSO A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION of :- New Fall Prints, 4 1" JUST RECEIVED AT - - .' - - Barriipr:& -..Trotter's.:', ang SI E, D. LATTA & BRO., Charlotte N. O, and Chester, 8. 0., Fall . opening, : on Saturday, September 22, 1877. , -:" ' 1 -' Jl. Licli tenstein, V Merchant Tailor s : ' Comer Trade and Tryon Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Special attention given to Cutting and Repairin , - OATS, OATS, 1,000 bushels choice White Winter Oats, Just received. . W.W.WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. SAFE FOR SAL E . Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings. CHAS R JONES, sept!8 tf L. Dawson's GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Represents Life and Fire Combined. Assets t $6,000,000.00 - Insures all kinds of insurable property, dwellings, furniture, barns and contents, cotton gins, &c, at current rates. Aeenta wanted throughout North and South Carolina. jull LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW 6 0 0 D S J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHDSG GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel.Trade Stand is receiving his Spring Stock of Goods fo Men's Wear, and will make ihem up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same olass of Goods have ever been offered in this market. Ordered Slirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business. J o PHILLIPS, may 2 Metropolitan Works, Canal Street, from Sixth to Seventh RICHMOND, VA ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS. BOILERS, CAST INGS of BRASS and IRON, FORGINGS, &c. MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c. We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to our new styles 8MALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. The best Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to any in use. Send for illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being equal encourge Southern institutions. Repair work solicited and promptly done. Shafting, Pulleys, Ac. for Gin Houses. Wm E TANNER & CO. may 15 dw ly REAL ESTATE, LIMING AJTD Immigration Agency. FOR selling, buying and renting Mines, Land and Houses, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being connected with the "Southkeh Rzcoan," circulated in this country and Europe twice a month, I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my bands, for sale. THOS F DRAYTON, aug9 Charlotte, N. C. Misses Long's School. CHURCH STREET. rnHE next session will open Sept. 20th. X Apply for circulars to Miss Long, at the residence of Gen Barringer's, sept8 eod 4w Obstacles to Marriage Removed. MANHOOD RESTORKD. New method of treatment. New and re markable remedies. Books and circulars Bent free in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. ang 4 ly For Rent A good dwelling house, containing eight zooms, with garden and .stables ; ad joining my residence on B street. - A good store room, centrally located, two doors below First National Bank, Also, an elegant dry basement in the "Smith Building," furnished with gas and water. :. . Also, several desirable rooms for young men above "Chamber of Commerce" rooms. : Also, a small farm of 60 acres, adjoining the corporate limits, on which is a fine or chard, well suited for a dairy or truck farm. S P SMITH. sept9 lm , , . Coal ! Coal ! CTAVING Contracted for the delivery of -la- ouu tons Anthracite and Bituminous Coal on this market. I am now taking : or ders for early delivery of winter supplies at lower rates delivered, than - it can. be purchased in other markets and delivered here. .,,..fVj;;.5jvtj;'- "The price of coal is tending upward, so to secure it at present prices orders should be given at once. - ? Quality and full weight always guaranteed, Your orders solicited; F E PATRICK. 'sept25- t - Fine Imported :l IP BENCH BRANDY, Sherry, Port end Madeira Wine, and Robertson County Whiskey, the best in the world, sold strictly for medicine, at - ' " - !.?. s.t'j McADEN'S DRUG STORE, f marl ' , - i 7 THE SOUTHERN ElIPORIOII FOB- 3T PATTERNS, ;8EW1NG x MACHINE NEEDLES, r , - SILK and COTTON THREAD AND CORD, MACHINE OIL, . "-"".V., - ' SHEAR& C., AC. BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS are the most reliable, the most fashionable and the best. By using -these celebrated 'patterns, every lady, can ;maka 'her own garments. My stock is complete, and I keep constantly on hand Sewing Machine Needles (for all different machines) Silk and Cotton Thread, and Cords, Machine Oil, Shears, &o. I am in the daily receipt of' all the latest styles : of patterns lor ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. v..f Orders by mail, promptly -filled. Bend stamp, &c., for Illustrated Catalogue. - KATE O DANAHA, 9th and Franklin sta Richmond. Va. juza aw ti : - ERIE CITY IRON wd&X& 1 Charlotte, N. 0., April 7th, 77; J WE hereby notify our many friends and the public generally that the manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Brie City Iron Works is now in the hands of Oapt John Wilkes, of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. JOHN H BLISS, 1 Secretary Erie City Iron Worfca. Referring to the abo?e notice of change, I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not bear freight charges such as Grate Bars, Stacks, 8 park Arresters, Ac, and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer before. Be sure to giye me a call, or write for cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. 0. apr20 GREAT REDUCTION f J HAVE just taken Stock, and find I have more Gccds than I went to teny, to 1 i Bell one half off at COST to tuit tie tin ts I will sell a fine Silver American atcb tct $12.00. I will sell Geld CLeirs atjl.10 ye dwt. Watch Glasses fitted at 10c each, nna everything else in proroition. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF CCOlb WARRANTED AS REPRIB1NTED, AT J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE CHARLOTTE, N. O. ja Fresh Spices FOR Pickling. A SUPPLY OF THE FINEST English .Spices JUST RECEIVED AT SCARR 4 CO.'S ep.7 Drug Store. Watches JeWelry, VEBY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's W1C HAVE A AND WILL NOT BE vrERSOLD. All work in the line neatly done and Warranted. Jan28 Admin istrator's WILL be sold for cash at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Tuesday, Oct. 9tb, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following Sroperty belonging to the estate of J H Ross, ecfd, viz : 16 shares in Merchants A Fann ers National Bank ,'10 Mecklenburg Coun ty Bonds (one hundred dollars each.) . " . JM STRONG, septlltds 'Administrator. Indelible Tablets A new and good article for Marking Clothes, 85 cents each. " sept 7, TIDDYxAi.BRO. AiraooD ; RESTORED. Victim of youthfut Impradenooi, wbtf have tried In vain every known remedy. yUl learn of a simple prescription, FKKH, for tne BDeedr cure of nsrrom debUitv. .11 J ' Prematura decay, lost . manhood, and ail I tJaisordera broncrht on by excesses. Ant" PATIDSON CO., M NassauSt. N.Y

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