ffP"5rj . 'v ' :'' ... f -534,1:: ?IS : ' p -,ftIS'i-' -t,', JOD PRINTiriC. The Omibvu Job Department haa be Uiorottslxly applied tntli :? yery needed want, and witfl ta latest styles ot Typ. an Tery manner of Job Wotje can now o don wltn neatness, Olspatcn and caeapnesa. - Wecanfornisnatsaort notlca i BLANKS, BIlIi HBAD3, - -Jv - IiBTTKRfiJEaJ7S,OAXUDS,v:. , J " 1 1 . TAGS, BKCKIPT8, TOSTERS,; ' FBOQKAMMES, HAND BILUB, . PAMJPHLETS, CHECKS ftc ... SUBSCRIPTION AIM..s . Dai 1 vea? (postpaid indvnce, $8 00 ? a mae. t ' - " e 00 3nl")sr. -- " ' . '2 00 V lmon T " , r-r . ' ,? I Til A-SdOHW: WEEKLY EDITION. -f- " B months. 1 00 GHABLOTTE N. C TUE8DAT, OCTOBER 9 1877 NO. 2,212. UU. 4rA:"jiL k3'. X.UrZ.L.M.. ..Ji 7 l ' 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TOE WAR. CV Its - ' t i in ,n.i. r i n i ,1... ii Boat Race on the Thames. Mort Lake, October 8 A single lioi! no Kurro ili: jhi oi doiwimkt von oir. ovf ijoiiit ii i ff )OoO. II HAS been lEeftu-nished and Refitted in firs t-dasSi style,- and' oflfera Indacements to Trayellers and Beaidents 1ft its excellent table, supplied with the besfciheimarket affords st prices to salt tha-times. n.-T umibibtihi Una Hin: An actire corps 'of waiters in attendance at meals,' and no 1 J. ... -Ii ..w. .. 1 fw0 I pains or expensespared tb reader guests opmfortable.'-itM 1 b t iij rp; giJiHibH IVI pi?:ae;f smJ or onthlYi Boarder; . f. i iJo mi e T it '-f gisniifl oi r. i.-ji j-a IVI OTTO IS TO PLEASED f- j'-'U aunt Enon.ii.92 n-uat dT" -j t f-u t v i is ni ha i.'t 3d j rod n . ;: ., isU tutu o;e:oa lVI Jq FBOM WAfniNOTOlV. &Iierman and the Ohio Elections Thc Vacancy "on 1 the Su ;.; preme Court Bench The Louisiana Senator .TCSISf iieepubli--'-.u V . j . , . , cans Bound to vote tor Snow in Shipka Pass. Pacific Intentions ol Scrvia Mukhtar Pasha Tells Anoth er Story About Russian flosses. - is two Pinchback's Admission. Was&inqtok, October 8.- Sec retary Sherman, with a number of his subordinates, has left for Ohio for vot ing purposes.' ; ; ; . The Supreme bench, except Hunt, called on tne irresiaent this mom id g in regard to the regular term of the court. ! ,; ' . : ..- The committee to investigate the fire London. October 8. There feet of snow in Shipka pass. A Times dispatch fromQorny Studin, says : "JNewspaper correspondents win Hereafter only be admitted to the lines of active operations on days of engage ments. At other times they must re main at corps headquarters, because it is believed that information sent out by corespondents has several times compromised the success of the Rus sian plans." A letter to the Times from Odessa states that within ten days twenty--five ' hundred sick from Bulgaria have reach- ISLIAS, COilENU& ROESSLER, Anticipating &k&m tratfe thism8Cb,af ughtrargely,"nd" now have the 'XLlsasaie otirrti)togj&nr attention t&JL X An -tractive Fall Stock, iAticeaurprisirgly cheap. DBESS GOODS Our stock is large, and so cheap that it is no longer econ omy to buy calico. READY MAI)CiTHING-iQii Rtc ia;,ccnnplete$ atrprices that defy competition, VjmV tlklkl FANCY CASSIMERES A nice asssortment. - of the Interior Department, report unanimously that it was the work of ed Odessa'hospitals. The sick are chiefly 8unering wun iever CARPETS Beautiful in design, and cheaper than ever. X)Vmp!c&ly J () .C3 HL lVi KID GL( ahincendiary. The President is loosely quoted that he will fill the vacant seat on the Su preme Court bench by a person from the South, not over sixty years old. Harlan, of Kentucky, and Hunt, of Louisiana, are favorites among those who augur from His Excellency's expressions. .Blackburn, ol Jientucky, has ar rived. Morrison, of Illinois, is reported as opposed to the Texas Pacific, which Is equivalent to retiring trom the contest for Speaker. ; The employes of the House, many of whom are gentlemen of influence, favor- generally the present incumbents. Senator Dennis, of Maryland, will be inr his seat on the 15th. Justice Hunt was- in town and, it is hinted, failed to accompany his breth ren in their usual pilgrimage to the White House in the interest of Mr Constantinople, October 8. Ex- tremelv bad weather nre vails, snow and rain continually falling. A con tinuance of unfavorable weather is pro bable and it is thought it will suspend operations in Bulgaria and the Bal kans. London, October 8. A Reuter from Constantinople says the Servian diplo matic agent has .formally renewed to the Porte his assurances of the pacific intentions of Bervia. A despatch received to-day from Mukhtar Pasha increases his former estimates of the Russian looses during the recent fighting, to 15,000, and places the loss of the Turks at 2,o00. scull race " for 400 - pounds and the championship was rowed ; On the Thames to-day, from Puney to Mort lake, between Higgins and Boyd; Hig- gins defeated Boyd the champion. The betting was seven to four in favor of Boyd; : Miggins won by six lengths;' time 24 minutes, 10 seconds. , . MARRIED. ;.. At the residence of the bride's father. hi Tarnersburg township, Iredell county, on September 6tb, Mr J A Owiogs and Misi Mohie Tomnnson. No cards. FTJNERAli NOTICE. The funeral services of William Knox. in. font son of J T and D J Coit will take nlace from their residence to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.: t Friends and acquaintances are requested to attend. : .'. . - Modern -Chemistry. By the chemical skill of Dr Price, we have now for our ices, creams and pastry; the most delicious fruit flavors. Those who' wish to make their delicacies enjoyable, will make use of Dr Price's Special Flavor ing Extracts, on account of their nice flavor and safety. UP, .? I; ".1,1 ,Jn fact our tocij(is .largerx and eape-,mf eyerydepartmeolrlhan herK Conkling. The sore has not yet come tofore. Call and inspect ,it. tepl6 "! i i '' ELIAS,' COHEN &' fiOESSLER. B ITR M $ NIGH OLS, WHOLESALE & RKI'AIL nn1 tAfWtJt'Hl'l Mill !.. i '!i ' hi " V M1V I Hi: u !!:. i BEDDING, &C. -A. CHfiAP BED8TEADS, LOTJNGE8, .PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS. " iCOFFIN8 of all KIND8 on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., i CHARLOTTE , N. C PRE-SH &QiOD , ... -i' --- to the cuticle. Judge Leonard, Republican mem ber of Congress from he fifth Louis iana district, formerly represented by lien Morey, who was ousted from his seat : by Col Spencer, who vacated it to become Chief Justice under the Nicholls government, is quoted as say ing "he did not see how the Senate could longer refuse to admit Mr Eus- tes from a party stand point ; that the Republicans were bound to admit Pinch back, as he was a part and parcel of the Kellogg government. But hav ing declined to do this thing, declared in effect that the seat was vacant from the of time Kellogg's resignation to as sume the Governorship of the State. buch being the case, the undoubted Legislature, organized under the Wheeler compromise, clearly had the right to fill the vacancy." Judge Leonard says he remembers having heard Mr Morton declare that the seat belonged either to Pinch back or Eus- tes, and that he aiterwards could not see where the forms of law bad not been complied with in the election of Mr Euste8, and that the Republicans would stultify themselves if they kept the seat open. Devens will ask Congress at the extra session to appropriate $225,000 to cover the dehciency in the appropriations for the Department of Justice during the past nscal year. INDIAN FIGHTS. FRENCH AFFAIRS. The Trial ol HI Gambetta to Re-Co mmenced. Now and Then. It is only now and then that inch men as Hon Alex H Stephens, -Ex-Gov Smith and Ex-Gov Brown, of Ga., endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they dd it is pretty good evidence that the remedy must be good for the cure of coughs, colds and lung affections. They recommend the Globs Fiowkr Cot gh Syrup, and '.their testimonials are to be be seen round the ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by all druggists in Charlotte. A sample bottle relieves the worst cough and win cure sore tnroat. Kegular size bottles, fifty doses, $1. ' New Advertisements. be Paeis, October 8. The Francaise an nounces that the government has or dered the prosecution of M Gambetta for his manifesto. It says that the au dacious reproduction in his manifesto of the phrase : 11 jam se soumettre on se demettre," is not only a repetition of the oflense against the Marshal, but as M Gambetta has already been con demned therefor by the tribunal of the beme, it constitutes an outrage against the magistracy whose decisions are publicly ignored, London, October 8. The Times' Paris special confirms the Francaise an nouncement that M Gambetta is to be prosecuted again. Perfect tranquility, however, prevails in Paris. The Repub licans are too conhdent of success at the elections to be enticed into any de monstrations. Admi n istrator's Sale. WILL be sold or cash at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Tuesday, Oct. 9tb, 1877, at 12 o'clock m., the following property belonging to the estate of J H Boss, dee'd, viz: 16 shares in Merchants & Farm ers National Bank ; 10 Mecklenburg Coun ty Bonds (one hundred dollars each.) J M 8TBONG, septll tds Administrator. IMPORTANT TO ALL. I have recently added largely to my st jck of GROCERIES. It is now COMPLETK in eyery particular. -AT- F U R N I T;U R E W A R tH O USE Gen. Miles Tackle The Indians with Successs Several Chiefs Killed. Washington, Octobor 8. Gen Miles telegraphs from Bear Paw, Oct. 3d, - Resumed Work. Pittston, Pa., October 8. This morning the employes of the Pennsyl vania Coal Company resumed work, but the car runners on the heavy gravi ty track were prevented from shipping coal over the fiawley fe Erie road to JNew York, by the results of an act of incendiarism on the Springbrook tres tle work. They ask protection from the striking agitators. The men in the employ of the mines are exasperated at this second attempt of the strikers, at this same point and by the same means, to deprive them of work. It is my aim and desire to keep the BE8T stock of Goods, in mv line, in the city, and showing my good, which consist, in part, of the following Akk1VA1S : .VI! .. Our preparations, for the present season havesbeerj brought ,io a successful termination. Our stock is now- iull Iwioi 'aom- plete in every department. ': Two jloors Crowded to their Will acity i: with the latest productions of both Foreign and American Looms, manufactured in New York by . the . highest art of tailoring skill, with beauty of style, excellence of fit, and .'finish of garments displayed, unusual lowness in prices, all marked in plain figures; and our unequalled system of Conducting business, place us far beyond the reach of any competition. -The wide spread reputation we enjoy as being leaders in our line of business, is thus fully sustained. We request a personal inspection of our stock and prices, the information gained by so doing, will serve as a guide for future purchasers. "With the people's interest at heart, we will continue the LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, and remain Very respectfully, IE. DD. MWA & DBO., I , OF - READY MADE CLOTHING, Which we will sell cheaper than any other house in the city, OR ANYWHERE ELSE. ofevebtbody8 wlif takl pSfsSrVS Give a cal1 J wiU be suited in quality, style and price. Dr J C Aver remains in an asylum in Athol, Mass., an incurable maniac. A correspondent of the Rochester Tip.rn.nnmi savs hfi ia at times vnrv vin- inai ne -surprised me nez jrerues lent, and at others quiet to a degree QHILDEN'SiOlRRIAGES, o C H 1 1 D R E N ' S C 'A R R I A C E S, camp, capturing about ouu norses, mules and ponies. The engagement was severe. The Indians lost seven teen killed, including Looking Glass and Joseph's brother, and three other chiefs and torty wounded. Joseph gave me his solemn pledge yesterday that indicates ioftening of the brain. The same writer gives the following as facts : Ayer came to Lowell a poor ad venturer, and obtained employment in a factory, where his services as a chemist gave him good wages. He was economical and saved money. It 1 - it. f-. ; -- a full Stork of CfalLDRErTS (CABRIAGES, pS$ep$W'r Oi SW.. .-,:-!: . - -) c;;:i:;,;vii(V,; !;..,-, -..-Ii. i t7anind'roakyodrselectionwbiltheassortmentisruii. ; : - I am receiving lowest nrinAB tH 11 .-.rz raarH Ik eonueetloti wnn tbFTrnntUTe uusmess of Mr E G Bogers. at my old stand on, eouth Trade Street, I will conduct the TTn- dertakiner Business on mv own account. giving it Qtueibil afltotlbiiffj- ' I will eety a temTetTBtocTrnff6m 'the Cheapest Wood .Coffin to .the finest MetaJiCrj, ,T tyltUyVli - A Burial CW )raerrfDy&fegrep& .; gSKff ;that he would surrender, but did not, Then he became acquainted with a ana mey are eviuenwy waniug iur iu from other Indians. The Sioux are coming to their aid. They are closely invested in some deep ravines and kept under fire. To take them by assault would cost many lives. I may wear them out and eventually compel them to give uo. They tight with more des Deration than any Indians I ever met. Our killed are Cant Erwin Hob, 7th Cavalry ; 2d Lieutenant Jbiddle, 7tn Cavalry : non commissioned officers -and Drivates wounded : Captains May' lor and Godfrey, first Lieutenant and Adjutant iiaird and .Lieutenant no mevn. thirty-eight non-commission ed officers and privates and two Indi an scouts. SUGARS. Cut Loaf, A, Ertra C, and Golden C. COFFaES. JAVA and RIO. Best GROUND and ROASTED COFFEE. Pearl Hominy. Gilt Ed.ed Goshen Butter. Cream Cheese. Ground and Whole Pepper. . Ginger; Citron, German Sweet Chocolate, Double Vanilla and Baker's Chocolate. Sea Foam and Boyal Baking Powder, and Patspsco Bread Powder. Best White Wine Vinegar. All kinds of CANNED GOODS, and every tnine usually Kept in a nrst class grocery. I have for sale 12 SCHOOL Djssk.8. latest improvement and in good order. Also, 2 large BLACK BOARDS, which I will sell low for cash. LeROY DAVIDSON. sept 22 CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS Springs' Comer, Charlotte, N. 0. WTTKOWSKY&RIWTELS THIS JJBlJDXlSrG- mmnu ESTABLISHA1INT This WraCnown anjd, teadrriHpJfe ) . . ..JlohariU ,aiI.a-.Ki- fata I i!' ' i The Episcopal Convention. Boston. October 8. The Episcopal Convention adopted the fifteen minute rule for debate. Pr Steele, of Florida, offered a reso lution that a subscription paper be ODened for '.he Telief of the sufferers mom yellow fever in Fernandina. The iKAinlnhnn vug .rinntpn ; i The committee on canons reported it not expedient to change the term of l .r .1 - : nroDation ixuuj luiec vemo i,u bia. months. I he committee druggist who sold a cough- medicine which was very popular. Ayer obtain ed the recipe and advertised the medi cine freelv. His agents snread ranidlv through the country, ai.d Ayer built up an immense trafhe. lie kept his profits secret, but his frequent invest ments indicated rapidly grow ing wealth. He became one of the largest cotton mill proprietors in .Low ell, and the largest owner of bank stock. Investments were also made in other places, in order to avoid notice and prevent that rush for charity which so often follows the increase of wealth. - This absorbed the entire energies of the proprietor until he was ordered by his physician to go to Europe. He escaped from domestic trouble by be coming absorbed in business to such an extent as to destroy the balance of his mind. oct7 Under Traders National Bank. Wanted. A situation as teacher, apply immediately XX to t? W WHITE, A. d.. : Salisbury, N C to oct2 eod A..T. O. & R. R. OF THE STATE! AS OTHERS SEE THEM. 7 , A letter received from a gentleman, who recently visited Charlotte, contains the following in reference to our' house, and we submit it to bur patrons as an evidence of our ability to make all our promises good : - - l- '-ii"L ''The house of Wittkowsky & Rintels seems to me as a wholesale establish ment to stand pre-eminent in being able to supply such goods, and on as favor able terms to merchants as can be secured south of .Baltimore, l reached this conclusion, after a careful examination of their immense stock, and a personal interview with Mr. Wittkowsky." ' The Store House of Wittkowsky & Rintels, three floors, 54 by 94 feet, all packed and crammed full of Goods. ' QTDT2&' WJ&EmTU STOC'S": The largest and most complete since 1872, is now ready for inspection in both, the Wholesale as well as the .Retail Departments, ana we coubt and defy com petition, let it come from whatever quarter it may whether New York, Phila delphia, the ever present Baltimore drummer, or our local establishments. 7 IN WHOLESALE we are ready to DU.FLIUAT.E A1NY JB1LL, no matter where bought. ' IN RETAIL we present the most complete assortment of the LATEST NOVELTIES ever offered in Charlotte.' To give the reader some conception of the immensity of our stock we cite as follows: "Here.take the pencil," were the dy ing words of Mr Wm A Shorter, late editor of the Rome Uourier. Hon Eh Shortor, bis father, relates that on the night of the death of his son in Rome, his wife, at. borne . in Eufala, Ala., awoke him asking the time of night, saying : wune is dead : l teel that Willie is dead." He looked and found SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlotte, N. C. July 6, 1877. J fm and after Monday, July , Oth, the J following Schedule will be run over this road: GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte. " D. College. " Mooresyille, Arrive Statesyille, 8.30 a.m. 10.20, 1A EJ' II 13.U0 , m. GOING SOUTH. IVjAeCOMMOnATlfJNB w!A I illi TOYT&ka'VfxiNa PUBLIC An rnna ( reported gainst shortening the morn- " lti mTSSffiS inxr- snn eronintr nravATO. nnn a minor- I r v V - , r, ltv rertort was maae in iavor oi me t JL change.. S:u8 i.iftiii'i will m ' .x... ; - - , . i 1 TBT TTOiIURl- IS -EIRSTLaSS nnri s .1 CARPETED THROUGHOUT. w - W - - - Ill . ( .Ll:WW)& i AOH IL'i irilYiJ 'ftolta am in vrv room. It. Oatlierlt k in the South Carolina . Vhieves. r fc : - - Co xtrMBiA., S. C October 8. Con- erressman Smalls had a preliminary ex- naid Smalls-$5,000 as a bribe' to vote for 9 measure before the Legislature in lSiii.f emaus is neia io pan. maiweu, 8AnktoT frnmifMarlbof d countv. in de fault of bail was imprisoned on a simi- lar charge, 'rnecnargeg oi prioery are Shorter knew of her son's illness, but nevertheless, it is very strange that the impression should have been vivid enough just at the moment of his de parture to cause her to arouse her hus band m order to get the time of night Atlanta Lonstuution. Leave Statesville, " Mooresville, " D. College, Arrive Charlotte, TJJivrallds,lsBorida;Touri8t8:,or,Eer8onS( JWP ,fcKM.Miw ,n n ban , .m pun r nT1 ion.- which Woodruff was the head centre. F(IP PT."R ARHRICrT41S TTftTTSE OFFEJ'EVERy'F ACILIT X ' niimAnvuhonnnnmn. rOR PLEABUREVTHI8 HOUSE OFFERS EVERY rrr , -" Jin 'AtV'isd ofira His testimony. is based upon a memo jandum book he kept in short hand. Telegraphic Briefsr; f v - - FO I !! .iUUV lilt ' . : . -L -.y. . ; " I i TCaE43.W WCOtMilg - WpionVenlird d Loan Bank ' suohad'j ,.oV s, bi ,ineiViS!tU '"y ' '. I . of ;..San.: Franoisoo ' has gone into v ,: m MUtwji) ,lA4'Inatioiif) Of "rbom.j-I ovs .WJ tv I"- Uquidation; .Liabilities 1 maiioni.;- (,.:i;Vwr Vr.-"1 1 La ,,ui' : " - Paws. .October 8:Senator Louis Oliver Bourbeau is dead. WOHKIKQ OP MoFFET LlQUOR REGIS TER. Richmond, Va:, Oct. 3. The first official returns under the Moffett regis ter liquor law in this city for seventeen days in September show that the num ber of malt dnnks sold in that time was 135 550, and alcoholic drinks near ly 127,000;. the tax thereon amounting to $3,85p.. This ; amount " averaged through the year and . added to . other sources of liquor revenue makes ; the annual aggregate for Richmond $102,640 t- : i t , i t - i " xviuumuuu ueretuiore paiu aoout one fifth the liauor revenue of the whole State, such being the case , now ' the total liquor tax in the State will agqre gate about $500,000. ? .... j i. r . , h 'vV':. ! m'. 1 m,:,.,;,nW&-l .Vi " , Thirty -four years of const an tlv increasing use have establish ed a reputation forDrBuli's Cough 8yrup second no similar Drena ration. v t relieves instantly ,"and cures all coughB, MA '':l 1.30 p.m.i 1!- 2.39 - ' 8.13 :' .-,;';-, 5.00 M Close connection made at Statesville with trains over the W. Si O. R. B. Bound trip tickets to Newton' and return S4.40. to Hickory aca return $5.00, to Mor gan ton and return fo.10, to Jdanon and re turn $7.65, to Henry's and return $8.40, to Asheviue and return f 514.40,. to Warm Springs and return S18 40.1 These' tickets are good Tor return passage until November 1st, 1877. ;:;;'s;v ,r ..;.J.V reB must be pre'-paid on Freigh .On Jb ' .xid , EverytTi lng SeP 29; else 1n Proportion, at WX'l'TgOWBgY d amTEIiS.'; W e liave jtit received. WM flidlDSA ID !(&, Hi I J2fi8Xi&S& for retail trade, to which, derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell's! J- sf yn 9 . ; (, n:. ,-ui.- call tie attention of smokers: We' 61Ter: These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to ' freight after it is unloaded, at eitner or the above named "Flae Stations." , t , : No freight will be received by Agents fox shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is aisunctiy maricea tnereon. r : a july7 i Superintendent.' a tn.i 'iit : Tent G ent Column tWZlest a aiid 10 cent CffiAR in townV j SCHOOL NOTICE Miss H Moore open ed her school for GIRLS on Monday; 24th. Terms, for, 1 beginners. , 5. 1 irnmary. . 16.C0. Grammar and advanced classes fS.per. quar ter. , - . oct5 lw 1 - 1 1 . 4 siiJU J s no nviLSOW Ci: EURVJELL. ists. ." ' " 3 ;.' .a kVj m. it 1.V . 1 aP'-.i 1 H. C-ECCLES. ; PltOPRTETOB. " years of age. oios, etc.