io-. CHARLOTTE OBSERVES . The Ossxsro Job Department has be X. - SUBSCBIPTIOV RATI. "r t year (postpaid) in ad ranee, 6 mos. " S rnoa. . b -' 1 num. tnoroacnly rapplled wiux Dal it want, ana wita tae latest atyiea or Type, ani every mannwr at Job Wane can now MOon with neatness, dispatch and eneapi We eanrornlshtt short notlee EULUKJS, BILL HEADS, : LXTTEBHXADB.OAJIDS, T TAGS, RBGXIPT8. POBTKKS,' tBOGRAJOOS, HAHD BTJJJ3, . , FAMfHJUSTS, CmCCKa. fte Weekly, (m the county) in advance. $2 00 " v out of the county, postpaid J 2 10 " ' fi months,' "f . 100 CHARLOTTE C SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 1877 NO. 2,238 liberal reductions for clubs. i7 ir,it ST ' U "5 " . - ..t-iii.n-) ' ' ". 1 1 ' . ..,. i i , ; --ir - - - ... . v ' cesser iJ'7"ir,-t;! : - "-vif f jod pRirJTiric. ; n K I Till 11 II If m . UVIUI IH 111 III 111 IH III 1ILIU III III ILX til 111 I iff III ill II Z- ll Ml . I II 'III lll III f iuuwmaiy mppUM wit tt amm " vnr. yttt ''''' ': ijC , UNDEB THE NEW. MANAGEMENT. OF V.r-4h Dili iu-.d-M') '-. 1:t-.;ii. -x:s. :ii0-n JJA8 been Refurnished and Befitted in first-class style, and offers inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market afford? at prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendance t meals, and no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. V IVI oderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR IVI OTTO IS TO PLEASE. sprl ELIAS CGHEN Anticipating a fine trade this seaeon, have bought largely, and now have the; pleasure of inviting your attention to An ilttractive JFall Stock, At prices surprisingly cheap. DRESS GOODS Our stock is large, and so cheap that it is no longtr econ omy to buy caJico. f r C V3 M'V fc'1 f Vs, 1 EEADY MADE CLOTHING-Our stock is complete, at pricts that defy competition. ' - ' FANCY CASSI M ERES A nice asssortment . .... "I ' J T fv r V C i ... CARPETSVBeactifiiP in, design, and cheaper than ever. KID GLOVES--A; specialty; . In fact our stock is larger and cheaper in every department thaa here tofore. Call and inspect it. , , ; A ! EU1S, COHEII X ROESSLER. 3SS WHOLESALE . jan3 BURG DO NOT BUY YOUR until you have jeen the jxow in my warerooms. :'" f ... -T.. 1 ;rri.f:. ' .1 . : Urgest and most complete if t xi.' i ' - TO INSPECT IT AND Respectfully, - . FURNITURE DEALMRf t "Trade Street, oct 14 ftj-1. aft- " This Well Known LOCATED IN cWtEB OF TO THK ,TKAVKIiIiN rvuijw. THE FURNITUREI THE HOUSE IS CARPETED THROUGHOUT. i !.!!7 .. Gat and Electric Bells r To Invalids, Florlda.Toiirlsts or .PewoBsvpti JOR PLEASURE THJS MUSE il H.I "i --J FOR COMFORT. rim$3.00,;:$2;:50Vnd;$.2,?0 per y.Wrding & R0ESSLER, NICHOLS & RETAIL DUXSX IH . ALL KINDS OF FURN JTURBj BEDDING, &C. A FIJI, LINE CHEAP BED8TEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., OSAJiLOTTE, N. C. elegant stock of goods The assortment is the eyer ofifered inCharlotte, GET MY PRICES. opposite the Market House, :1t' and Leading THK CXTY, OFFEE8 IS FIRST i Its are in every room. OFFERS EVERY.FACILI1 Y - -r r"-V I .on? mwto TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. WASHINGTON. The, Republican's Rabid uess General Political and Per . . .sonal Notes. ' Washington, Oct. 27. The Republi can, in an article on the duty of the Senate, - among other bitter things, says i "We should regard it as a palpa ble" dereliction of duty, on their part if they should yield their approval to a prescriptive line ' of c policy; that: , re moves capable and honest Bepublicans from office, and places in their stead the 'enemies of Republicanism or Re publicans who are not their peers in any regard.!' " . " ' " , In a separate paragraph, the paper says: "The fact has leaked out, that Fitzsimmons, the Democrat who has been appointed marshal of Georgia," is a nephew of Wade Hampton, and that his app ointment was asked by: the South ' Carolina Governor. Perhaps Mr Hampton will be called upon to suggest a name for the English Mis sion.'' The extracts "are teTegYaphed as in dicative of the policy which animates thelwing of the Radical party of which the Republican is the organ. . NIGHT DISPATCHES There is claimed to be a majority in the Senate an favor of restoring the dollar de mbii pereA T i i The railway postoffice officials and route agents are required to dress in blue And brass buttons. The Judiciary committee heard Jay Gould, to-day, on the Pacific Railroad. The committee has not yet considered Harlan's nomination to the Supreme Court bench. Sir Edward Thornton returns to Washington as British minister. Gen'l Howard is reported to have said that he has much to grieve him and that the telegraph reporters have lied. Tears glistened in the general's eyes. The Secretary of State has had ad vices from special agents on the Rio Grande border, which are of sufficient importance to render a conference be tween Mr Evarts and the President necessary this afternoon. It is stated that all the Louisiana nominations, except King's, will go to he Senate on Monday. .Blaine is better but still bed ridden. Th.e artillery have returned from .Pennsylvania. Battery C goes to Fort Johnson, N, C and batteries B and M go to Pe'nsacola. ' FRANCE: Rumors of a Dlctatorsbip and that MaclVIabon wf 11 Combat the Will of the Nation. London, October 27. The Paris cor respondent of the Times telegraphs that he believes that President Mac Mahon has fallen under the influence of those who are determined ,to resist the will of the nation, but the cabinet is divided about how far such resistance ought to be carried. The Duke de Broglie, President of the Council and Minister of Justice, Duke Delazes, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Gen B Erthaul, Minister of War and Vis count de Maux, Minister of Agricul ture, might go as far as a second disso lution of the Chamber of Deputies, but if the Senate refused this ' they would resign. There are others who dream of establishing a dictatorship on the ruins of the constitution. The correspondent does not believe Presi dent MacMahon will follow them that far. Well-informed conservatives think that the majority of the Cabinet would be pleased to have the Senate refuse a second dissolution, and thereby afford them the opportunity to bow to the will of the Senate instead of the Cham ber of Deputies. The correspondent adds : "If such is really the idea of the government, I think the Senate will be disposed to facilitate their retreat." Note It may be remembered that Gambetta, in his recent speech at Chateau Chinon, bitterly attacked the Empire and the Bonapartists, but spoke in a very conciliatory tone of the other parties, and predicted an eventual alli ance between them and the Republi cans when the present : passions had time to cool off.J ; THE WAR. The Turks Fljingr-Uassian Re inforcements Plevna Bp- sieged. London, October 2711 is re ported that the Russians are pursuing tinazi ana jnouKmar; anu have advanced as tar as iuiorassan, ana Mouk h tar has retreated to JKaprikoi , between Kborassan and Hassan Kalch Erzeroum is. preparing for a siege. The inhabitants are arming and rein forcements are,;ha8temng up from Trebezobd:. Ghazi, , however, reports that the Russians have not advanced further than Mellidoaz on the western slope of Saghanli Dagh, which is more probable jthan; the first statement. TheDai7 News' Bucharest correa pondent represents the investment of Plevna complete. The Russians lappeaa determined to surround rievna by a se ries of wprksas the Germans did Paris. The correspondent doubts whether Plevna is provisioned for a winter siege. The oorr s pondent concludes i "I mus t say bow thattbe question ot a second compaign is resoiuwjiy iwu, uu; mp prospect Jookb more nopeiauior-xne Russians, than at any wme since sen Krudener's defeat in July." "" iha-su. "t"1"' ' . --' i ...? , . hi-!- u tr - Parliament :iProTogued-'The " . " Striking Masons.y. & - London. October- 27. Parliamen t has been further prorogued to Decern The 1 Daihi 1 Nev"bkt : VTh e m aster masons will prosecute the men who ac cepted' passage from Am erica under contract to work, anxLfurther rendered themselves liable by, actually entering tfppnUhe.'work as contracted, if they persist in. acting with the strikers." . O. .Tammany-Nomination., New Yoke, Oct. 27. The Tammany Democrats' of the seventh senatorial district, have nominated Augustus Schell in opposition to John Morrissey. ; CIVIL SERVICE REFORITI. Devens Weakns on the Order in Regard to Politics. Boston, October 27. Attorney-Gen eral Devens, writing from Washington, excusing hlnaself from active participa tion in the State campaign, says : "I learn with surprise and regret that any of the Republican officials hesitate either to speak or vote, alleging as a reason the President's recent civil ser vice order. In distinct terms that or der states tht the right of officials to vote and express their views on public questions, either orally er through the press, is not denied, provided . it does not interfere i with the discharge of their official 'duties. If such gentle men choose 'not .to vote or not to ex press or enforce their. views in support of the principles of the Republican party, either oirally or otherwise, they at least should not give a reason for such a course, which is not justified by the order referred to, ana which is simply a perversion, of it."- Organization of the National liberal league. Rochester, N. Y., October 27. The National Liberal League organized to day with the election of GE Abbott, of Boston, president, and forty vice presidents,' among them R G Ingersoll, G W Julian, O B Frothingham, Elzur Wright andJRobt Colyer. Aplatform was adopted advocating a total separa tion of church and State ; national pro tection for national citizens, and uni versal education on the basis of univer sal suffrage. A Virulent Dorse and Hog: Dis , ease. New Yomc, October 27. A Port Republic, N J, dispatch says the horse disease, which has prevailed extensively in other sections, has arrived there in most violent iorm. Already nearly fifty horses and mules have succumb ed. Now the malady is affecting the hogs, which are dymg rapidly. The people in this vicinity are kilN ing the pork to prevent it from falling victims. A Quietus on a Robber Band. Whiting, Ala., October 27. Henry Sutton, the father in-law of Brown Bowen, and McOall, the chum of John Wesley Hardin, were arrested near this place last night by sheriff Hutchinson, of . Escambia county," Florida. This about disposes of the gang which has so long bid law defiance hereabouts. Grant .Reticent as to the French' JSituatibn. Paris, October 27. Several represen tatives of French newspapers inter viewed ex-President Grant, but found him very reticent. He declined to ex press an opinion on the political .situa tion -here. He said his. first impression of France was that it wore a prosper ous, well-ordered and happy aspect. Derby SoftHSoldering Greece. Athens, Oct 27. Earl Derby, British Minister of Foreign Affairs, has sent a note to the Greek government declar ing that the British government never intended to question Greeces liberty of action, and recommending respect for treaty obligations. The greatest anxiety is experienced lest (here should be a flaw in the title to prop erty; yet a flaw in the title to heal as a cough or cold is disregarded, Dr Ball's Cough Syrup removes all such at once. Unwholesome Food. By the unnatural combination by ignor ant persons, for baking powders, they ren der the food very indigestible, as the chem ical action in the stomach prevents their be ing digested. Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder is prepared by the application of scientific principles, forming a perfect pow der. L TELEGRAPHIC MAKKETM. OCTOBER 2T, 1817. PRODUCE. Baltimore -Oats and rye quiet. Provis ions unchanged, uonee Bteady. Wniskey dull at 1 11. Sugar steady at 10. Louisville Flour dull, extra 4 504 75, family 5 00a5 50. Wheat quiet and unchang ed Corn quiet and firm. Oats dull, white 31, mixed 30. Rye dull and unchanged. Pork nominal. Bacon quiet, shoulder 7. clear ribs 9t, clear sides 9jal0. Bulk meats scarce and firm, clear sides 7ja8. Sugar cured hams scarce and firm at 14. Whiskey steady and unchanged. Bagging quiet at 124, Tobacco quiet and unchanged- St. Leula yionr dull and lower to sell. Wheat steady and in fair demand. Corn quiet, No 2 mixed 43. Oats dull, No 2, 1 24$ al 25.: Bye dull at 64. Barley quiet and unchanged, wniskey steady at i us. rork firmer, jobbing 14. Lard dull, summer 8ia 8i. Bacon firm, 73, 9a9J and 9 for shoul ders, clear ribs and clear sides. " Cattle mar- xew nncBangeu. -, ?t n New" York Flour slightly in buyers' favor without decided change in price, with a moderate export ana nome trade demand Wheat la2c lower with a moderate export and light city milling demand, and a fair sneculative business, uorn a shade hrmer. Pork firmer and more doing on spot; futures quiet, me8S 14 35al4 50. - Lard quiet "and steady, Copee firm and: in moderate0 de mahd. 1 Sugar dull and heavy, Rice steady Molasses steady, .(freights quiet. ,. , , r . Clnclunati plour dull and unchanged, Wheat doll, red 1 20al 28. Corn easier but not lower. Oats qniet and steady. Rye dull at 58a60. Barley doll and unchanged. ,-. Park in good demand at 14 75; Lard quiet, steam 8 35, kettle 9a91. Bulk' meats nominally unchanged and no offerings Bacon in fair demand and firm at 7ia7J loose. Whiskey steady and in fair demand at 1 07. Butter steady and unchanged. Sugar steady,, and unchanged: Jiogs quiet, packing 4 ooao 05, receipts i,9uo, snipments 895. ?!a5Hi-'- , COTTON; " - Nobvolk Quiet; middlings, lOfalO ll-16c net receipts, 3,871; exports to Great Britain 4,727; coastwise. Hi; sales, 300 v Baltimore Quiet; middlings, 11c; net re receipts, 489; gross, 1,675; sales, 200 spin ners. 60.1' - - - - Bostoh Dull;2 middlings. 1116: net' re ceipts, 422; gross, 439j exports to Great Bti- tainzKdowT Ai. i - , WrjjiroTOa---Quiet;middings;10ic: net receipts, 7oa; eaiea, xuu. -. Philadelphia -Steady ; middlings. 111c: net receipts, 137; gross, 976; sales, 641; spin- Nw Obleaks 8teady; middlings, 10c; good ordinary, lOcJ; net receipts. 853, gro8, 9.709; sales, 6,000; exports to Great Britain, 6,344. Aususta Quiet and easy; middlings, lCfc; receipts, 1,481; sales, 1,203. Charlbstoh Easy; middlings, 10ic; net receipts, 4,715; sales, 1.200; exports to Great Britain, 2,690; to France, 306. Nxw York weak; uplands, lite; Orleans, lite: sales, 1,118; consolidated net receipts, 27,118; exports to Great Britain, 16,087; to France, 3,060. Liverpool Noon A shade easier; mid dling uplands. 6 9-16d; middling Orleans, 6Jd; sales, 8,000; speculations and exports, 7,000; receipts, 5,100 - all American. Fu tures l-32d cheaper; uplands, . low mid dling clause, October delivery 6 7-16a3 32d, November and December 6 1 1-325-1 6d, De cember and January 6 5-16d. February and March 6 ll-32d, new crap, shipped Septem ber and October, sail omitted, 6 b-16d; fu tures weaker for sellers at the last quota tions 2:30 P M Sales, American, 5,900; futures doll; uplands, low middling clause, Novem ber delivery 6d. FUTURES New Yoek Futures closed Bteady. 40,000. October, 11 18c. November. 11 04c. December, 11c. January, 11 16al 7c. February, 11 19a20c. March, 11 32a33c. April, 11 45a46c. May, 11 57a59c. June, 11 71a72c. Saks, FINANCIAL. New York Money 5. Sterling quiet and firm at 1. Gold dull at 2. Governments steady. New 5 s 71, States dull. The Cotton Market. OBSERVER OFFICE. ) Charlotte. N. C., October 28, 1877 J The market closed steady yesterday, at the following quotations; Stained Nominal. Tineed " Ordinary Good Ordinary Low Middling M Middling . Good Middling Receipts for the day CI 10 1-16 10ia5-16 10 516ai 376 bales. Receipts in all ports, 27,118 Exports to Great Britain,...- 16,087 Exports to France, 8,060 Exports to the Continent,... Exports to the Channel, Stock,.... 367,518 Hew Mvertisements. fJIO THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRE COMPANIE3 AND OTHERS. Gentlemen It is with feelings of deep gratitude we tender to you our sincere thanks for your earnest exertions by which alone our property was saved from destruc tion. Yours, very gratefully. oct28 It F 8CARR & CO. pERRI8 MINE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. All parties who hold claims against the FERRIS MINE for supplies furnished or material, since July 21st, 1877, will please present the same for settlement to UJCNKl tsvvx, Bupt. October 27th, 1877. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undeisigned, owners of the controll ing interest in tne .t.tuiis mime, near j Charlotte, N. C, will not be responsible for any debts contracted on account of said mine from and after this date, save through ti&JNKx BODY, Superintendent. J D EARLE, THOS DUN LAP. October 27th, 77 oct28 eod3t 1,000 Bushels choice Seed Oats, 20,000 Pounds Wheat Bran, 200 Bales Timothy Hay, 200 Bbls. Indian Rock (Ya.) Jiime, 100 " Calcined Plaster, 100 " Bosendale Cement, 100 " Novia Scotia Land Plaster. 100,000 Cypress and Pine SHINGLES, low for cash. W. W. WARD, Corner Fourth and College Streets. ect 27 JUST RECEIVED - AT D. M. lUGLER'S. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF also we have a lot of OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. Taffey, . Cocoanut, Almond, ' and Peanut Candies and FRUITS. Bananas, Oranges, Catawba and Mala ga Grapes, California Pears, Northern Apples. CRACKKRS. Leaflet, Oswego, NicNac. Soda, Oyster, Butter and Cream. California Honey. Wilson's Pressed Corn Beef. -Raisins, and a full assort ment of Canned Goods. Give me a calk , . 1. M. RIGLER. bet 27 . , .1; A..T. 0. & R. Ri SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlotte, N, C, Oct. 27, 1877. j 0 foiling schedule wui be run over this roaa: . . . t .- .. , ''.';7 ; GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte,' " D. College, 9.00 a. m 10.60 " 11.24 " " Mooresville,' Arrive Statesville, ,. ; :. ; ; ; going south. Leave Statesville, : ; . .Mooresville, ; p. College,. V: - Arrive Charlotte. ' ,'f ' . . , 120 p. m. 3.10 p.m. . 4.1 ;n:ckdnioiiftel4(i Statesville with trains over tne w. w. u. All charges must be pre-paid on Freigh offered for shipment to Section- House. Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell's These being "Flag Stations,''; the Oompanv Lis not liable for loss, or damage - to freight after it is nnioaaea at eitnex or-the above named "Flag Stations." :';ri J No freight will be received ' bv Aeenta for shipment unless tne name or consignee and destination is aisuncuy marked tnereon. JJGORMLEY, oct2S . . Superintendent, MWfIf . D. UrTA &BR0. lne puoiic goods and prices. We detenu ined to keep Clothing down and have snc ceeded in so doing. CHAELOTTE J he prediction that our low prices wouia known and result in an in creased business, has bee verified. AND Falsa assertions bring quick distrust No disappointed visitors at our house. The perfection in shape and CHESTER, fit of our garments indicates the artistic talent employed. ratrons 01 money m tneir clothing purchases. The people ONE With us they We undersell irrespective 01 Goods exchanged, if unsoiled, PRICE within 10 days purchase. We manufacture and sell such fine-fitting clothing that every one who has worn our goods recommend their friends to buy CLOTHIERS, IE. DP. MUM & Largest Clothiers in the South. 4 Ikiifp Qi OF READY MADE CLOTH1IMC. Which we will sell cheaper than any other house in tbe city, OR ANYWHERE ELSE. Give a call and you will be suited in quality, style and price. ... j . , . . t- -" . . . CORNER OF TBADE sept 22 OF THE AS OTHERS SEE THEM. A letter received from a gentleman, who recently visited Charlotte, contains the following in reference to our house, and we submit it to pur patrons as an evidence of our ability to make all our promises good : , ' "The house of Wittkowsky & Rintelb seems to me as a wholesale establish ment to stand pre-eminent in being able to supply such goods, and on as favor- aDie terms to mercnanis as can do Becurea soum 01 iaiiimore. l reacnea this conclusion, after a careful examination of their immense stock, and ft personal interview with Mr. Wittkowsky." The Store House of Wittkowsky & Kintels, three floors, 4 by 94 feet, all packed 5 The largest and most complete since the Wholesale as well as the Retail Departments, and we cotjbt asd deft com petition, let it come from whatever quarter it maywhether New Yoik. Phila delphia, the ever present Baltimore IN WHOLESALE we are ready to DUPLICATE AMY HILL, no matter where bought. IN RETAIL we present the most complete assortment of the LATEST NOVELTIES ever offered To give the reader some conception as loiiows: tCY rs cSV E-re xrytTil-n & else lxx WZTTKOWSST sept 29 2000 lbs. Lewis Pure 4000 lbs. St. Louis 10 bbls. Haw and Soil d Linseed Oil. 75 Kerosene Oil. Aladdin Security Oil. 10 We keep all goods usuallv large and of the best quality and : we offer at3 lowest :market prices-We pay "special attention to Ketail Prescription Trade. i ;i: Agents for W: B. WaroeVs Fluitf ibrtracts,' Pills,"- &c,' f" ' C. West & Sons Aladdin Security Oil, "Best in use." will not Explode. English Breakfast Packet Tea Company, IFIEAVOTIES ! beueve m our MEN'S the price for fine BOYS become widely AND ; Children's CLOTHING, our nouses save desire full value. receive it. FOK all competition their prices. from date of EVE RY KNOWN WANT. (Bomtoto AND TRYON STREETS. Springs' Corner, Charlotte, N. C. i . -o- and crammed full of Goods. . 1872, is now ready for inspection in both drummer, or our local establishments. in Charlotte. of the immensity of our stock we cite Proportion, At White Lead. a kept by Druggists. Our stock is 1 i' u W C. ECCliES. PKOPRIKIOK.

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