- - - STATE N$ WS. A revival i in progress in the Meth 0(list church of Statesville. The United Istatea Circuit Court w in session at Wilmington. Col Stephen D Pool Is about Raleigh and take up his reeidencVih New Orleans. ...? , The yearly meeting of the Friends begins at New Garden, Guilford county, oSunuay. cil DLi The Goldsboro Messenger says ; that the Neuse river .rnust, be; cleansed out and dredged aaar ttpt as Smithfield, and an appropriation of $30,000 to $40, 000 is needed to this end. The Raleigh Observer says thatfSir Edward D Whitley,a prominent citi zen of Johnston county, died suddenjy at his resideiice, Id Wilder 'a to'Wnahip, on Saturday last, ot paralysis of the bram wron The Wadesboro Herald local man says the " dizzy blondes are one of the most indecent and imRolite sets of hu man beings he ever'fcanie-across, ami thinks ' bouthem people should not patronize them." Wilmington Star : The jury in the case of the Bank of New Hanover, vs Williams, Black & Co, of New York, returned a verdict yesterday HdTaf al relates to the facts in the case, the points of law to be hereafter decided by his honor. The News says that there SreP in the white departmeut.obtb0ODea,'J)umh and Blind Asylum, at Raleigh, 115 nnnils 60 deaf and dumb and 55 blind. In the colored department, whiebjis iftj a separate Dunuing dui unaer ine same management,- there are 69 pupil-r-47 deaf and dumb and 12 blind. "s i The " publio meeting " of the citi- zens of Orange, which was held, last week and passed resolutions which propose to revolutionize the system, of elections in the State, took 'place, accord ingto the Hillsboro Jtiecprder, on a street corner, near by where a patent medicine man was discoursing upon his wares.. !-V Wadesboro Herald : The two Cha vers. colored, who were confined in the Rockingham jail "for1 the killing of a colored man some timel during this year, made an attempt toJseape. yester day morning, by collarinljana choking the jailor. The jailori f Mr McPonald, drew his pistol and killed one and mortally wounded the other. The Wilmington .Star learns that a difficulty occurred at Marion J 8 -on Saturday night last, between Mr W L Gregg, formerly of Wilmington, but now in the emplow of Messrs Williams fc Murchison, of Wilmington, to attend to their business at Marion, and a man by the name of E P Ellis, during which the latter drew a knife and stabbed Mr Gregg through the left lung, inflicting a dangerous wounds 1 ' t The Washington iVmT"says: We were shown a few days ago by Mr B T Godly, the horns, of, two. Jargie-fcucksJ locked together as, they were iotind. They had been fighting, and their horns becoming locked theyj were, "un able to loose them. IThHeckf of one was found to have been broken and the other, unable tojfreehimself, had died in that condition -game to the last. The horns were takeug from, the heads of the animal bttlylifew days after death, and Mr Godly informs us that he hail found bnlyufie-'rtran who could unloose thern and, put them to gether again, ii; i')i;Ijjiniifv Ji Raleigh Observer,: At istOA uiXentipri of Col Turner, !supJeHntendeilr 6f Pubi lie Grounds and Buildings, to replace, at the earliest day possible, a new lot of full grown oaks' ini ith Sapitol. square, where those were blowji down last spring. Smith; 1 tiid grtatf North American house ; movistnand;! cblton pickist, says he can put up. full, grown oaks in the square, and insures' their living, and Col Turnerhasleided periment. , attBir4 fill n iduu ni.DC try the exi about 40 to nll.un the waeteviMftces.- ThiB will, of course, 'ehtdiT 6me ex pense, but don't be-alairmHax-payers7 tne wood of the trees that were blown down will more than double pay hej amount to De expenaeojprjjranspiajits ing these trees. The Sodden Death' of im munsey. A corresDondent of LhftKnoxriile Tribune, writing from Jbnashoro.'iTes some further particulars of the death in that place last week of this 'eminent divine. He had been sugering intense ly from pain ra b'eadfierveral days, and hadJritSkeri df altghfpain in the region of his heart. He.said to his wife on fhere,vious Mgrt that he did not expect to live'throusrh the day, but as he was no Worse than he had been it was thought Ihafi. hie warfonlyjl "touuuent. xi is Dromeriniaw, xxur nedy Blair, had, been .with .hi tw- weeks past, but thirikihglie w&s' better, had sent for a hnrsfl tn en hrvme. The doctor was sitting ih-arf armhtr1 ari?l u uiair, seeing threftmed to he suffering, asked him if he did not want 10 ne down. The doctor was therras eisted to the bed, and seemed to be much weaker than Usual, i khlLMr aim had nsskted bini toj&e&hjLjslepp d out of the room for a few moments. When he returned the doctorwas Oft his knees bv thp. hednide. and Mr Blair. V 'C. 12 t.l-Tti t'i,i pim in his arms. The doctor called his name once, threw his head orrMrj fair's shoulder, and died instantly, "u without a stfrrggle, F.YOt? ftlong time the doctor'saervoutf systerA had oeen shattered, and he was unable tp undertake .any-Jwork-WhiW hfe hps oeen in very bad bealtbrhfii death was entirely unexnented. and was a ereat 8nock to the? (jbmmuoifrrWfiiB-lif - ...uuiu 1U 1 U1UU1CI UDIO ( X HI TV. I i LP t" Hon Ilia UinMiiaBfnnnm riF MAI'S A L (k,,.T A.iyjiawuuT-r- v-l. -o---jj..ei .. - on carrying it in their pocketasa kina yi amnlet. It is a native of Asia, and was introduced into this country about the mids e of the sixteenth century, and is alto Retijer worthv nf hioh rtenrA.M it nossesses area ior. -v.ia ffnir ni'at- (Qisrnoe ucc Jbe BnlaCJ)aWO anftbS. 8 line, detetmintd to annihilate the and I oussens' Lightning Liniment l disperse that lineof formidablediseases noWn M Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia, Stiff i01nt8 gore Throat, Contracted Muscles, frache, Toothache. Pain in the breast, side !il?k- No faailyshuildhout 8aVe a amount ot suner- 3. IT? liu actios, aai lack or krow, dog a. nd it ewily applied. . fiTorit upon ererr mil snUeman. FoBle al It l a -""ueriui curative rrpjerties wrpp IKISTA IV ir' live ri'ii in i Ivni'' F lor upon wTorr i Bill s!LS wtljmaii. Fo le6j 1 -an twisted h- T7 DALLY is "4 I. Fresh Coda try. , 2530 Goshen ,40a50 Poultby , ,jTom wagons. From stores. .3 Tufieya. i 75o85 90ol.25 Ducks, 20a25 25a30 fO 20a25 18o20 l.OOal.10 3a5 HClO6a8 -Chickens, , 16 ' ' Guineas, 16al8 Eoes 1 12ia)5 POTAXOKS U J i 8weetbosoi;8; Irish, - 85 Cabbage, FWHH MKATS-r? .., i 4 ... U. ...cBeetUJbJ Veal, 6al0 8al2J Mutton, Tallow 6a7i Bxxbwaz Fbuitb Lemons,. r '" J Dried Apples, per Jb: ' Apples, per bush., Peanats, country, " pr dozen 00a25 4.0Q 2)a3 40a75 85a90 L0 6.00 J DOMESTIC DRlr GOODS. (Jobbing Rate.) Shkti x xbo. Huutuiob Rockingham 4-4 Standard Woodlawn 4-4 7a7l 7a7i 5,6ia61 1" &r7- s-'. Other brands Brown drills Bleached i44 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and anbl'd. 5-4 Pillow otsine ' " 7 9al0i 5al3 31a40 18a22 Wam8utta Freemana Sprague dt Kiadred brands ; dv Other kood brands JlAJfS AND COTTONADK3 , 13al3i .'2a24 Table 'Rocks ' ."- , .- Ermine cloth - --- , . 30 Dbxss Goods-' i . V. , .Corded Alpacas iHlPlainLnstres' 18a21 17a22 ? iii 10al7 91 91 - 91 Ticking 'If; Oakland Conestoga Plaids Holts, Pee Dee ' Randelman GROCERIES WHOLESALE. Wheat, small offerings and sales. Corn demand light Flour a shade, firmer. Sugar, market steady. 1 Coffee steady and in good demand. Salt nominal." ' - " Lard, firm. Bagging, Ties, new, per bundle, . " - old III to 14 2.75 2,25 ' per flt 9SalO 8a81 14al5 lli 12 Clear Rib Sides, Shoulders, Hajcs " Canvassed, Best refined tierce, " half Bbls, " Buckets & Tins, 121al3 25a30 29a32 Goshen SUGARS Cat loaf 13ial4 13al3i lllaJ2 HJallJ 10allJ per gal' 55o65 50a55 40a45 34a38 Granulated and A 1 ' 5 crashed ExC Yellows 4 X New Orleans, fair to choice, - Golden Drip (syrapj s j li Cub;: 'is i is J .1 J .. - ' BlackStrap, Tba Black 50a75. Green, 60al.20 LCifeR t Mixed, I MA EL. s.. ;B61s(fall weight) Jil) .1 bbls " 9.50al0.50 5.0Oa6.5O 145al.50 Kite. - ! i ! Family, Extra, Super, f i 3 per bbLJ 8.00a9.00 6.00a6.50 5.75a6.50 SIC Choice 8a81 cts, Good to prime 7ia8 :Ai--per bushel, 80al.00 uairs-rpeT DDL v e.ouao.ou Hokh iy per bbl 6.00a6.Z5 Corn, by car load, in sacks, i , , 80a 85 4i "bulk, 75 '7J From wagons in bulk, fr80a06 3"!. 40 vvniie, I Red. Oats White., 45a50 45a50 Blaci PAS Purtclay. J , 4 75o75 tAT TJhchopped Timothy per cwt. 1.20 Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.50 fl" jrrqnnd Aram 4 l.2paL30 VI '!. (WINES AND LIQUORS, Ample supply, light demand. , . t UWhoksale Rates. 4 "BaAigs W ireacn per gai, 2 75 ADDle " , 1.75a2.Q0 :isKT-- V f 1 Rve "4 1 Cor xrtt 1 yi-f i 5i Champanuev per has 2000o25 60 Sherry " gallo; 8cnppernong " 'V 2 50 s , ,2 50 ii 50 1 50 1 60 7 50 2 75 2 75 OH d3 VgaretU Porter u Maoaulav's life and Lettew, 2 vols $5 00 TfiMnph1 Persia bv Caravan Arnold 1 50 8colcb Naturalist..-.. Great Truths ..:. -f ou A "Syrian Discoveries, eo emim uu Land of AioaD...... xriDiom v LiviDgstoa's Lat,?oiiroa 5 00 pfrttr MAtirIftv"Tf?tares.......... Cook 1 50 iiXfoVif tinr!lTfirv of America 1 50 Hades and the Atonement...... y...-.. ou fynrfima ,Ornnnrdance oomplete....".'..w' 2 T5i (nnnihnm'a PAmnnnl Religion 1 00 Childhood and Religion. .AClodd 1.25 4 rtQKaTtw fftiit Tar&m ... j 04.,a 1 VY A TT Dwnmcuu - ." -w y v. TTT T.it 1 Mornings wlln Jesua.. ... "j uiMnrnra VI HI1 11 1 ........ i fjrriir-m-h F TTnliKPHn throneh Faith Hnnrinv HctlOOl ieip, DT A neu... Sunday School Manual,., Brooks Great Preparation, uy jyr vumuuugau, ta nf Lha T)ppr).. riwiui va r s F Brow -n-r - catechism 1 00 Memoir ox miiyriJ"...j"----.j RyleslThonght? on the Gospel...... ...... Jacobus' Notes on the Gl.'-$land 1 50 Commentary onRomans withgpi w 77 - eft Jesus, ......... ....hy lr iieemB w Lacillfl... .....Dy ji. juonoa . . ........ t l win n ... rsn(0nn of Faith 75 jj'or saie djt .TIDDY-.& BROr Saratoga "Springs JU 4- n We hav a udw; Char :kwv- m Lhlain.t aflJ 1i;4,-4 Mr Saratoga' th season fresh Willi QaMlf M! K.n nn draUKO stoffa Water on ice, - . Springs in Newjor jy-gjJQ STORE. " " . -.-r IT. Great Revival tbepwinernrmieB, u c by W, W Bennett, DDI 60 JrAfl 'inTrJmHi Kf Moodv ASankey 1 00 max v nux w te usf'Receieil " bass Coffee. VM bbls. Sogar. it akes heese .5 cases sters. m "Tomatoes. 3.0iand chests i Tea. boxes Soap. " TTviT . A TYT" iyil'lMl-lL- sept 28 F RE I OH VIA WILMINGTON, NOETH CAROLINA, Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the lransportation of Teight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN fiTTTES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. nsrSTJK-iTOE AND BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, - South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. sept30 fil WEST ALADDIN & SONS' SECURITY OIL, THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Test. WATER WHITE I2ff COLOR. Fully Deodorized. WILL NOT EXPLODE, HIGHEST AWARD AT Centennial Exposition -For Excellence of Manufacture AND HIGH FIRE TEST. Snlofsei by the Insurance Companies. Rtad this Certificate One of Many. Howard Fire Insurance Co. op Bamtmore. Baltimore, Dec. 23d, X&iA.Mestrt. C. West Sons, Gentlemen: Having used the various oils sold in this city focilluminating purposes, I take pleas ure in recommending your " Aladdin Security Oil" as the safest and best ever used in our house hold. Yours truly, (.SignedJ ANDREW KEESE, President. Manufactured try C. WEST &. SONS, Baltimore. Try It, and you will un uo other. THE SOUTHERN EMPORIUM ti FOR PATTERNS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES SILK and COTTON THREAD AND CORD, MACHINE OIL, SHEARS, &C, &C. BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS are the most reliable, the most fashionable and the best By using these celebrated patterns, every lady can make her own garments. My, stock is complete, and I keep constantly on band Bewing Machine Needles (for all different machines) Silk and Cotton Thread, and Cords, Machine Oil, Shears, &c. $ I am in the daily receipt of all the latest styles j of patterns for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. , , Orders , by fioail promptly filled. Send stamp; &c, for Illustrated Catalogue. JiATiS U 1JAJNA11A, .' 9th and Franklin eta., Richmond, Va. Ju22dwt V ,JUSX PUBLISHED: 'COOPER ON BELTING." hi j A Treatise ob ibi Use op Bbltiks fob "THE TBAHSMI6BIOH OF' A-OWEB. (VllD UU- meroud illustrations of approved and actual methods of arranning Main Driving and Quarter Twist Belts and of Belt Fastenings. Examples and Rules jn great number for exhibiting ana caicmaung ine size ana driving I power of . Belts. Plain, Y articular and Practical Directions for tne ireatment, Care and Management of Bells. Descrip tion of n: aiuy ' varieties of Belting: together with cL- i ters on - the- Transmission of Power by Hopes ; by lion and Wood Fric tionalGiarir'g on the Strengths of Belt Leather i and on tne .Experimental investi gations, of Monn, Bnggs, and others for de- termimng . tne nctioa 01 Jjeiis unaer au ferent tesions, which are presented clearly and fully with the text and tabies unabridg ed. Bv Johs H. Cooseb. M. E. 1 vol., idemy octavo, cloth, $3.50. ' ' V- J . .. . - TIDDY&BRO. Notice. T iHavetbis day appointed Mr F E Patrick J. mv agent to condoet the dray budiness formerly in charge of Mr Allen Cruse. He ia 'authorized to J collect1 and. disburae all moneyfr'eonmeted'witiri.ihts business. His office will be at the stables, formerly owned bv Mr J Riley Davidson, and he will have at eacn. depot a competent man to atiena to the careful and prompt naming ot ail freights epjrue4 $ ix j tifti 1. out J A WILSON. F"E Patrick wilL continue the coal busi ness and is now prepared-to sell all kinds of coal and deliver same at tne snoneai nowce, and 5 " :, .,.f: i'-' O - 5p)fID .2(D) T LINES ANY COMPETING LINE, AND UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington. N. 0 T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. New Advertisements. I am only Billons, says the debilitated victim of sick headache, pain in the right side, constriction of the bowels, and hypo chondria. Are these trifles, then ? No ; unchecked they lead to mental disease. And yet as surely as dawn dispels the dark ness, Tarbant's ErFEBTEscKNT Seltzer Ap erient will remove tbem. Try it. a day at home, A gen ts wanted. Out- qPlV fit and terms free. TRUJfi & CO., Augusta, Maine, $66 a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. H. HALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. Qr Extra Pine Mixed Cards. with name.lO Aid cts., postpaid. L. JONES & CO , Nas sau, N. Y. GRACE'S SALVE. WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing for the FIRESIDE "VISITOR, (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. LARGEST PAPER IN THE World, with Mammoth Chromos Fiee. Big Commissions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free. Address P. O. YICKERY, Augusta, Maine. $K rrrk $OA per day at home. Samples tyO dpU worth $5 free. Stihsoh fc Co., Portland, Maine. OIL OF SASSAFRAS, Of prime quality, bought in any quantity, tor cash on delivery, tree or brokerage, commissions, or storage expenses, by Dodge & Olcott, importers and exporters of . DRUGS, ESSENTIAL OILS, Ac 88 William St., New York. sept29 " tr " : A 1 arge Lot of New Books for Children, Xx. received ana tor sale by TEDDY & BRO CATALOGUES of oui e MUSIC are now ready for distribution. They contain oyer l&ou pieces oy tne best-composers. - - TIYDY & BRO Positive Ndtice. TT1HE season' "of business depression in jl money matters usuany enas with oux patrons When the fait season begins.. .Quite 2 number of our patrons have become in debted to us.We beg to remind them that he "pronfpt payment of our; outstanding -' aims wouii oe very acceptaD(e.,,.; - ': , sept5 d&wtf - j1 OBSERVER.,1 to 4iftoxes tarcli. Candles. tbxsSoda. ..... : i SdD pkgs MaisiDS. " Lard. bundles Ties. rolls T BBaggioj QiV doz QSrooms. 40 doz Bockels. MISCELLANEOUS. THE WORLD'S STANDARD SCALES RECEIVED HIGHEST MEDALS AT World's Fair. London. 1751 World's Fair, N. Y., 1853 World's Fair. Paris , 1867 World's Fair. Vienna. 1873 World's Fair. Santaga, Chili, 1875 World's Fair, Phila., 1876 World's Fair. Sidney. Australia, 1877 Also sole Agents for MILES' ALARM MONEY DRAWEES. HANCOCK'S INSPIRATORS, (The Best Feeder known for Stationary, Marine, and Locomotive Boilers), also OSCILLATING PUMP CO'S PUMPS, Fairbanks & Co., 311 BROADWAY, N. Y. augl2 taw d-w4m LOOK!!! At our Carpets and Rngs BEFORE YOU BUY. Another lot of those excellent ADJUSTABLE CORSET3 . just received. Oar Ladies' CLOAKS are given up to be the prettiest and cheapest in town. UNPRECEDENTED RUN on Ladies', Misses' and Children's Striped and Solid Colored -HOSE. Good supply of Knitting Yarn always on hands at 1 Barrinpr & Trotter's oct 25 RE AL EST ATE, UlIiniG . Immigration Agency. ! COR selling, buying and renting Mines, X Land and .Souses, and providing! homes in the .Piedmont regions of Worth (Jarouna and Sonth ' Brolina, and, being connected with the '- ccthjrh JJkcOud," circulated in this country and Europe twice' a month,1 I will advertise, free of cost,' all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. aug9 ; . , ; Charlott9, N. C. 20eanmber-$2aYear WIDE AWAKE an illustrated Magaxine for Young People; is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapert. For an agency, trand to ". ; D lAjExUilJr & COn feb25 - Boston. Wilson & Company, BANKERS & BROKERS, Dealers in Stock Privileges, U. 8. Bonds, Cotton and MiscellaneeusSecuriti3, etc.'; The greatest opportunity ever before offered for investment. . lOOO dollars made from invest ment of tlOO dollars in 30 days. Smaller amounts invested will pay In proportion ; mi). r Investments large or small can be trebled in SO davs. '.! I ' -. V. WesxLL or fcbchass as desired 5 shares of stocks and upward on margins of from one to two percent. f iufc-iKirap.l i- iSEk letters of credit and drafts payable in any part of Europe and America, issued for the convenience or travelers.. , ,, Full information sent on ;. application. WILSON A: CO., 35 and" 37' Broad Street,' P. O. Box 2485,-ew York. Near Gold and Stock , Exchange. . j H . r 4 ct23 dw 8m - r; ;, ; r ,;.ti i4i H. Morris & Bros: f ." HT vD 8TEELE Is with Messrs H Morris A iJX Bros, where he would be glad to see his friends or receive their orders.' F OR SALE. Choice of two, one Miller's and one Herrings. CH AS R JONES, sept!8 tf L. Dawson's GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY CHARLOTTE, N. C. Represents Life and Fire Combined. Assets, 16,000,000.00 Insures all kindB ot insurable property, dwellings, furniture, barns and contents, cotton gins, &c, at current rates. Agents wanted throughout North and South Carolina. jail LATEST ARRIVAL or N E W 6 0 0 0 J. S. PHILLIPS, s MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IK GENT8 FURNISHING GOOD8. H1 AS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel.Trade Stand is receiving his Spring Stock of Goods fo Men's Wear, and will make them up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market. Ortofl Shirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business. J o PHILLIPS, may 2 yESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA, With over Twenty teachers and officers, ranks among the first school for young ladies in the United States. In the beauti ful Valley of Virginia, far-famed for health. Attended by pupils from fifteen to twenty otate8. Great economy in expenses requir ed. Session opens September 20th, 1877. Board and Tuition for entire scholastic year $240. For catalogue and full information, ad dress Rev W A HAKRIS. D. D.. Pres't. augl2 eod tf 8taunton, Va. Hyacinths, Tulips, AND OTHER JUST RECEIVED FROM HOLLAND, a choice Lot of Bu!t Now is the time to plant F. SCARR & CO. Druggists oct 22 Do You Owe ANY MONEY to Wittkowsky & Rintels ? if so we request you to pay it, or we will give it out for collection. WITTKOWSKY & RINTEL8. oet2 d w tf Colton's Maps, Atlases, Etc. OUR POCKET MAPS, mailable, comprise township, countv. sectional and railroad of every State and Territory and the princi pal Foreign countries. OUR WALL MAPS are superior in ac curacy and execution, and our assort ent the largest in the country. OUR GENERAL ATLAS is conceded to be the best published, being the latest, larg est and most complete. r or catalogues address G W & 0 B COLTON, junl New York. NEW ARRIVALS. New Buckwheat FLOUR "Scottrach Chief" OAT MEAL French .'PRUNES Turkish , PRUNES Salmon in one and two pound cans Italian Maccaroni (in one pound packages) Cream Cheese Sardines, i and i boxes Oranges and Lemons Cocoa Nuts Pearl Barley, No. 60 and 2 Satin Gloss Starch Lee & Co's Pearl Staich. 1 lb Dackarres Farina Oyster Crackers Honey Cakes inger Snaps. TEAS. Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial, Oolong and English Breakfast Teas. -ALL KINDS OF CANNED GOODS, too numerous tol mention. Please call and examine for youiself before buying elsewhere, at LeBoy Dayidson'e, Under the Traders' National Bank 1,000 Bushels choice Seed Oats, 20,000 Pounds Wheat Bran, . 2uU xJales Timothy llay, 200 BWs. Indian Rock (Va.) Lime, 100 , " Calcined Plaster, 100 " Rosendale Cement, 1100 " Novia Scotia Land Plaster. 100,000 Cypress and Pine SHINGLES, low for cash. W. W. WARD, . ' Corner Fourth and Colleze Streets. ect27 . . R. N. Littlejohn, GENERA, COMMISSION ME B CHANT ! CHARLOTTE, N. C. , i J Handles all kinds of Produce. . Office with Jno W Hall Co., Wholesale Grocers mayl5j . . i:, .. ,r . ' . CANARY : s E D AT Wilson &Bu S. sept2S 1 vr mHlRTY-FOUR 1 YEARS An American 1 8tory of Southern Life. . by a Lady of Spartanburg, .8 C --. For sale by. t : - -' ' TIDDY&BRO i ! J?W SUPPLY of "PAINT PENCILS X3L 25 cents. ept7 TTDDY & BRO WorLs. V i"jttV-jrirt Mishit's ?38 Canal Street, from Sixth y to - RICHMOND, VA. Seventh ENGINES, portable and stationary, SAW MILLS, GRIST-MILLS, BOILERS, CAST INGS of BRASS and IRON, FORCINGS, Ac MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, Ac. We call special attention to our IMPROV ED PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural and other purposes. Also, to our new Btyles 8MALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lum ber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. The best Planters regard our GINNING ENGINES superior to auy in use. Send for illustrated Catalogue free. Other things being equal encourge Southern institutions. Repair work solicited and promptly done. Shafting, Pulleys, &c, for Gin Houses. Wm E TANNER & CO. may 15 daw ly : ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, l Charlotte, N. a, April 7th, '17. f WE hereby notify our many friends and the public generally that the manage ment of the Charlotte Branch of the Erie City Iron Works is now in the hands of Capt John Wilkes, of this city, who is pre pared to fill orders for our well known En gines and Saw Mills on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. - JOHN H BLISS, Secretary Erie City Iron Works. Referring to the above notice of change, I feel confident that it will be advantageous to purchasers of Machinery of all kinds, as it places me in position to meet any and all competition. With my facilities on the spot, I can manufacture all parts of the Erie Engines which will not bear freight charges such as Grate Bars, Stacks, Spark Arresters, &c, and handle the Erie City Engines and Boilers with little extra ex pense, thus enabling me to offer Machinery at better figures to the purchaser than eyer before. Be sure to give me a call, or write for cir culars, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN WILKES, Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte, N. C. apr20 GREAT REDUCTION as i HAVE joet taken Stock, and find I have more Gccds than I ent to ceny, to I wi sell one half off at COST to euit the times will sell a fine Silver American Watch f 12.00. I will sell Gold Chains at$l.G0 p dwt. -.Watch Glasses fitted at 10c each, an everything else in propoition. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF GOOD WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, AT J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE CHARLOTTE, N. C. ja21 Fresh Spices FOR Pickling. A SUPPLY OF THE FINEST , English Spices', JUST RECEIVED AT SCAKR & CO.'S ept7; Drug Stor Watches I Jewelry VKEY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's WE HAVE A xi--' AND WILL NOT BE U?T)ERS0LD ; ...::'..': ., .... : - - "'o''' V : '9&f All work in the line neatly donT' and warranteo. jan28 Utib Anti-RUst Wheat. i i V.li,:': i UiU - 'i'-'i ! WE offer and guarantee the "KIRKPAT- , , , - RJCK"" RUST PROOF WHEAT. . which has been planted near this city more ' ' than twenty years. Put up in two bushel bags. Price fo per bushel. JTor eaie Dy - i j- : ; J.O.MATHEWSON&OO.; " ;ocl8-2w i ash v i Angusta, Ca. c ? I Cabbage and Potatoes, IlhaVe' lust received1 2,000 lbs1 'koittfem5 Cabbage, and 25 bbls Early Rose Potatoes; f-3 which I will seu at pnees to .suit tne timesy Zf t&u.J? c MclO:LIS,'Trade Street, if " h actii a s di Tisl ; Obnoeite Oonrf Hbuse.'Ai . 0Ctl2 Oppoe! '. " " . i : .. yj illi.it ii !"" who njaiD ievery Known' wmeflT, t if. will learn of simple prescrtptton; FREB, for tbe neAT oiim nfrtinrrana dhilU..i ' ' I -prematura deoar, lost niaq&ood, and sll S- 'A kaMisorders broueot on br excsses.'. .An-...A -J .ragBtot has the Ingredients.' - Address '-V DAVIDSON A: CO., btf Hmmu 8U, N.Y b DT all pniirgww auq TAOORO, Pro W:L ..yt m t. 'J1 WW 1 V

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