CHARLOTTE OBSEEVEBU . " Th OxaxKVxs Job Depamnant haa be tnoroosnly mppUed wiui rrery AMdai want, and wita to latest attiM or Typ, mm Try maxmar ot Job Wont can now M don wlta neatneo, diipaten and enaapnem s V ean nurnlcn at inert node . -ELABXa, BTT.L THIATO, - . TAGS, RBCKIPT3, POSTKKS, 0 : v. fBOOftu Mura, bawd bills, r-s s : . a ,r PAJintLEia. CHxesa, - BUBSCBIPTIOH BATES. Dai - Wear (postpaid) in advance $8 00 -fl mos.. -i V; f 4 00 " 1 mon. WKJXlY-'KbmOH... CI. TW. Veekly iOtibe coanty) in adyanoe.w$2 00 ' -i ttt of the county, postpaid. 2'10, ' r.l montha, -' l. iiimr i QQ a. Liberal redactions forclabs. tt j""11'1 k " ""g! ffl.1 mr ipw.M'tllW - - ... - . ... i 'i J i i i i i - -T"T""'TjiiTjLLiMMlijLrrr ySlkjaSP CLiBIATTE. KA G9 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8; 1877 NO. 8,246 1 'F i :K.riM.iA' 5 UNDER THE NEW1 MANAGEMENT OF r r 1 jo.- m, 1 HAS been Refurnished and Befitted in first-class style, and 6ffera inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords ' . 'j ;. f - . " , i,-.- . - at prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendance at meals, and, no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. : '!. ' ! ' ; ' .. . ... ...... .... . Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl BURGESS i v WHOLESALE jan3 " ' ' " ' ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER, Anticipating a fine trade this season, have bought largely, and now have the pleasure of inviting your attention to An Attractive Fall Stock, At prices surprisingly cheap. DRESS GOODS Our stock Js large, and, so cheap that it is no loDger econ omy to buy calico. READY MADE CLOTHING-Our stock is complete, at prices that defy competition. FANCY CASSIMERES A nice assortment. CARPETS Beautiful in design, and cheaper than ever. KID GLOVES A specialty. In fact our stock is larger and cheaper in every department than here tofore. Call acd inspect it. ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. DO NOT BUY YOUR 3P TO" IE EOI l3F TXJT1E& IES until you have . seen. 4;he ,elegant stock of goods now in my- warerooms. The assortment is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, AMU ' milflEa PAlToirOflJ TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICES. Kcspectfully, H-w 1EL O G BL S 9 Trade Street, opposite the Market House. oct 14 ' - C E M MM:: 1 f E IL . This Well 'Known .j. LOCATED IiTCEOTBE i; k d RpiMKD FUBHIWRE THE HOUSE IS ftRPETE0BO!li Gat and Electric Bells To I sivnlids; Florida Tourists rlTersonsTellng X'JLiJ!iAailttJS JJ0.10 nUUOA '.t.i -all fit tow n H IIMS-$3.00, $2,50 and iiiirj .u'jw ' i rj ? t . ''.if NICHOLS, I & RETAIL DXAIiXB IB ALL KIKDS OF FURNITUKB, s BEDDING, &C. F Ij .1 CHEAP BEDSTEADd, LOUNGES, PARLOR dk. CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., rj ? " - i ' CHARLOTTE, N. C arid Leading Hotel, re'ii 1' aZT F j JHE flTY, OFFEE8, , , .. , Accommodations : - ! -Jen ,MHiii .U--1 b -u T !7.T.liHTT IllFIMlOMSIr are in every room, - ; , L UXifW "'"1 ' m - v'H.ijrt ., f ffir tn'- d lo B-;avj0 .rnuin.ny JOjaaCCOrdilig ELECTION NEWS. Kew York. New York, Nov 7. The Herald says : "The results of yesterday's election, given herewith, in this city and coun ty, ii that the Democrats elect Low as Register by a majority of about 2,500, Over Hees, the combination candidate. They also elect State Senators from the fourth, fifth and, probably, eighth diss tricts. Morrisey, the anti-Tammany candidate, was elected 1 Senator from the seventh district by a majority of 3,800 over Schell, the regular Tam many candidate. Goebel, Republican, was elected to the Senate from the sixth district. The majority for Beach, for Secretary of State, is about 27,000 in the county. The State is Democrat ic by at least 15,000. The Legislature is probably Republican by a very close vote,,. . , , . Gen McClellan", Democrat, is elected Governor of New Jersey by about 13,000 majority. So far as known the Democrats have also a sufficient ma jority in the Legislature to control leg islation. The indications' from Pennsylvania tend to show that the Democrats have overcome the Republican . figures gf last year, and that their present State ticket is elected by 10,000 to 12,000. The new labor party polled a large vote and Completely upset the calculations of the two regular parties. Virginia elects the entire Democrat ic ticket, there being no opposition. In Connecticut, the Republicans re tain control "of the Legislature, adding several new members to their ma jority. ; Massachusetts is Republican. Rice is re elected Governor by a plurality of about 13,000 The council is all Re publican a gain of one seat. . Gaston, Democratic" candidate fr Governor, ran behind even in Boston, where he was considered strongest. Partial returns from Wisconsin in dicate the election of Smith, Repub lican, for Governor, by an increase of the Republican majority of last year. Maryland and Mississippi are Demo cratic. Minnesota and Kansas are Repub lican. NIGHT DISPATCHES. New "Fork. New York, November 7. The Post figures the State Senate according to present returns as follows : Republi cans 17; Democrats 13; doubtful 2. The Express figures: 15 Democrats, 15 Re publicans and 2 anti-Tammany and Republican combinationists. Morrissy and Goebel. i .' . ; A special to the Commercial Adver tiser Irom Albany says : Returns from the interior of the State come slowly. The majority of the Democratic State ticket ranges from 12,000 to 15,000. The Republicans claim 20 of the 32 Senator?, and 68 of 128 members of the Assembly,' wbieh gives them a clear majority in both houses. The Brooklyn Democrats have gain ed a mayor, Jas Howell, Jr., in place of the present incumbent, Fred Schroe- der, Republican. Wisconsin. ! Milwaukee, Nov 7. The chairman of the Republican State Central com mittee telegraphs as follows : " I think the State may be safely counted on for 5,000 or 6,000 majority for the Repub- lcan ticket. The vote for the green back ticket in the State is 30,000. Mil waukee county, complete, cives a majority ot 5,000 for the Democratic candidate for Governor, lilden's ma jority in the county , was 2 045. , Only eleven towns' have been heard irora since last night, and they reduce "the Republican gain 56 votes. Returns from 216 precincts show a Republican gain of 1,050. . New. Jersey. Newark, Nov 7. The latest returns give Mcueiian iz,oou majority, ine .Legislature is Democratic in both houses. ; -: ' " Burniog of the Best Paper Mill a In the World, k H Sprikgfield, Mass. November 7. The original cost of the Kieth paper mill burned at.Aurner's Falls last night, was over $400,000. The fire began in the lower story from an unknown cause. The loss: will be $500,000; insurance $265,00l. This mill was noteworthy for its superior construction and its per fect adaptation to its work. It was. unhesitatingly pronounced by experi enced paper n akers the best mill hi the world. The main building was 270 feet deep by 45 feet wide and five stories high, with two "L s projecting to ward the railroad, one oO by 100 feet, and the otner 4o by to leet. it bad a capacity of five tons daily and em ployed 300 hands. The machinery was all of the most approved pattern. The Navigation tf the Tennessee IVi'f ' :,'', - -Uiver. ' "" " Chattanooga; November 7. r A meet ine of citizens inaugurated measures to establish a weekly line of steamers between - Chattanooga and Decatur. Merchants here will give bonds of fifty dollars for each trip, and will request the government to help the project by givii-g' the line the mail contract. This will bring considerable cotton to this plaqe. A convention is , called. here from all river towns to meet De cember 6th i for the purpose of impres sing upon Congress the of opening leuucBBctj ,f oer uaviga , tlOU. , -, 7., ... ivi,vi.;. -r : ; -.V ' : ; The Pope's Condition, "R.nnfw November Thp Btatpmpnti that Cardinal Manning-had beennv moned to Rome by the Pope is" urP. founded. v,v The7 Pope con tmues--very weair, out -maxes enortBJtoi give' audi ehces.ft77 i.. i?iJU . las r Catholic nierarchy in. Scot t -RTf4 wdi'ib-4-. LSndon, Noveniber!X-A 5 R'iufer4 te' ed-that Christmas is thofum'e.'fiidj. ine xope v losguBj an aposiouc leiier re-estabiMhu3gJthe;;jyatholM.hierarchy Ot HC0tlancU"rfff ? - - m WASHINGTON. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. . '.' General News and Gossip. Washington, Nov 7. Henry S San ford, of Florida, has been selected as minister to Belgium. This is under stood to be upon the recommendation of Senator Conover, who feels that Florida, has been long neglected. . ' Major George ; Bell, commissary of 'subsistence has been ordered to re sume his duties at Atlanta, Ga. In correction of tf general misappre hension, it is stated that the elections yesterday in New York, Connecticut and Wisconsin do not affect the United States Senatorships, except so far as the holding over Senators may control it. A majority of both houses, how ever, is important in this respect, as a re-districting of the States may have an important bearieg on the lower house, which is' to be elected next year. - The committee on Privileges and Elections met, but Hill and Hoar be ing absent, it adjourned, subject to the call of the chairman. Senator Merrimon, of North Caro lina, made an elaborate argument in favor of Spofford: to-day. House. Dr Poisal has resigned the chaplaincy of the House. The committee on Appropriations desired a delay on the army bill, and the repeal of the resumption act is un der consideration. NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Star says a dispatch from Col Robert M Ingersoll's home says he has been offered the mission to Germany, and is now on his way to Washington to see about it. The Star also says, in its sensational column: "Senators Bayard, Maxey, Garland, Gordon, Randolph and Ker nan were in the Senate chamber this morning comparing notes on the re suit of yesterday's elections. All the gentlemen were in good spirits, and expressed their entire satisfaction with the manner in which the elections had resulted." It is thought when Senators Hill and Hoar return, the committee on Priv ileges, and Elections will act on the Louisiana Senatorial representation. Houe Nothing of public interest took pl-ce in the House to-day, ex cept the discussion on the bill to repeal the resumption act. The naval deficiency hill was report ed by Blount, of Georgia, and is to be taken up as soon as the army bill is disposed of. FRANCE. MacMalion and His Relation to the Ministries. London, November 7. The Paris correspondent of the Times asserts posi tively that President MacMahon does not approve of a coup d'etat. He is equally determined not to take a cabi net from the Left. If he adheres to this resolution his only course is to re sign. The correspondent thinks, how ever, that the President will consent to take a ministry from the Left. Paris, November 7. The official journal announces that the De Broglie ministry, at President MacMahon s re quest, have withdrawn their resigna tions. They, however, insist it shall be ullv understood that while continuing to discharge their functions, this shall in no wise . prejudice the President s subsequent decisions. There was a great crowd at the rail way station tnis AiternooL to witness the departure of the parliamentary trains for Versailles. President Mac Mahon started at 1 o'clock. Versailles, November 7. The Sen ate re-assembled this afternoon and the nomination of the members of the bureaux began; M Grevy was elected provisionally, President of the Chamber of Deputies ; vote 290 against 170. Remand, moderate Republican, and Lepere, Radical Republican, were elect ed Vice Presidents. Grevy, in taking the chair, thanked the Chamber in a brief and colorless speech for the hon or, ine sitting then terminated. Papis, November 6. The banquet given in honor of General Grant by the American residents of Paris to-night was a remarkably brilliant anair. The guest, to the number of 350, filled sev en tables. THE WAIt Russian c Victory Arrest Dignitaries. of London, November 7- A special to the Post dated Constantinople, Tues day, 'announces that after some resist ance Moukhtar Pasha, finding his posu tion on the Deye-Jooyun seriously com promised, abandoned it, and is falling back on Erzingan and Trebizand. The Russians have occupied Erzeroum. - V iennav November 6.-The Political Oorrt&pondence publishes a special dis natch -from Constantinople , saying : jjiany prominent flignuaries nave oeen arrested by order of the Grand Vizier. It is said that a conspiracy on the part of a party of ex-Suttaii Mu'rad has been discovered. s , i Cardozo Cpnyicted. . j CoLUMBiA7S.-e0vembeT7. A verdict of guilty, was, rendered this rridrnih'g in the Cardozo case. Ah ap peal wm oouDtiess De taKen.j I -.'The Jate 'Senator' Morton isfsaid to hate ' read "newspapers rather ; than bfioks. ' He." often , felt the want of more general acquaintance with litera ture,. but; never j pretended . to know ledge. hes;didn t possess, : nor was he unwilling it? aky for information. ft!His fayotitej poetry was t' Faradise Lost ' He was a" firm 'believer in revelation but dhce said to a friend; who was. with him, in Europe, that ; he was afraid to investigate the sources of hia belief, or to subject it t the attacks of an acute and - well-informed ; skeptic.T Onbls death bed he said, as well as, he could for his failing breatht that lie had trie4 to live right, whichj ,wa9 . the.only.acr. cepted preparation for death, or words to thati effect.1 A New Constitutional Amendment. A joint resolution introduced on Monday by Representative Buckner, of Missouri, proposes the adoption of a new constitutional amendment, as foN Sows : "Article 17. All of that part, of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States which pro vides that 'the right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition,' shall only apply or extend to, comprehend, or include persons who were citizens of the United States on the 30th day of March, 1870 (when said amendment was adopted), and their issue." The purpose of the above is under stood to be to prevent Chinese or their descendants in this country from be coming voters. The heathen are organizing foreign missions for the conversion of Chris tians. The Hindoos of the sacred city of Benares have founded a society for the propagation of Br ah minis m among the Christians of Australia. An emi nent Brahmin of the name of Surad schi, a man of great, authority, has re cently been visiting some of the Eng lish colonics, and while traveling in Australia, was appalled and grieved at the fearful prevalence of drunkenness among the Christians. On returning to India he called together a number of thoughtful Brahmins, to whom he communicated his glowing zeal to do something for the salvation of their degraded fellow men and fellow sub jects in Australia. The only perfect remedy, he considered, would be the conversion of these Christians to abet ter and purer faith. A large sum was collected for the pious and benevolent enterprise, and some of the Brahmins declared their willingness to devote themselves to the work, and to spend and be spent in the humane and holy cause. Suradschi is now engaged in translating fitting passages from the vedas into tne English tongue, for the use of the missionaries. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of Miss Akh Sterling will take place this morning, at haf-past 10 i o'clock from the First Presbyterian Church. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. If you are coughing or not, bat feel the p esence ot a cold in the system, use Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup and feel immediate re lief. Price, 25 cents a bottle. The piquant and charming actress, Miss Marian Mordaunt, of the Broadway Theatre, New York, was taken suddenly with a severe hoarseness was unable to perform. A tnend recommended Giles' I-iniment Iodide of Ammonia; the cure was rapid and complete. 8old by T. C. Smith. Now and Tben. It is only now and then that tuch men as Hon Alex H Stephens, Ex-Gov Smith and Kx-uov Brown, of Ga., endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they do u is preity good evidence tnat tne remedy must be good for the cure of conghs. colds and lung affections. They recommend the Globe Floweb CoroH Syrup, and their testimonials are to be be seen round the ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by all druggists in Charlotte. A sample bottle relieves the worst congh and will cure sore throat. Regular tize bottles. fifty deses, $1. Hew Advertisements. Notice. THE Regular Monthly Meeting of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce for November, will be held at their rooms on Tryon 8treet To-Night, at 7 30 o'clock. no8-l JNO. Li. BROWN, President. jpiE GOSHEN BTJTTR, Just received, and for sale by nov7 3t M M & S C WOLFE. fOR RENT. Low to a good tenant, a house with six! rooms, opposite Gov Vance. Apply to nov7,fct,eod W R BtJRWELL. Fruit Trees. ALL persons who bought trees c f en agents this year to be delivered in Char lotteare hereby notified that the trees wil be delivered at the old stand of Hunter & Farrow.on Friday, November 9th. We hope to see all our customers on that day without fail, Feasklih Davis & Co,, Nurserymen, Richmond, Va noy6 3t Skating Rink. THE ui:dt is'gntd having leased the third srory it the new Insurance Building, on Tryon street, take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Charlotte that they have opened it as a Skating Riak, four nights of each week, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. . ; Admmission 25 cents. Ladies Free. RIDDIUK A BONDURANT. , nov6tf CATALOGUES of our MUSIC are, now J ready for distribution They contain oyer 1500 pieces by tne best composers. TIYDY & BKO Mr. R. P. Rutledge, IpOKMEKLY with J MC 1 Alexander, is with ns, and will be glad to see his friends and former customers. : i ; . . BOYD A OVERMAN. sept23 , i , Ten Cent Column. 3i! ; RESIDENCES Geri.' W.L'.T.Prince for sale or rent.' Possession given immediately. Apply to & J. COCHRANE. noiw THE Ladies of the Baptist Chnrch will give an Oyster:- Sapper, . Thursday and Fri day Nights, November 8 and 9, at Store room adjoining Wittkowsky & Bintels, for the benefit of .the church. Admission 10 cents, Kemember the cause. ; -.. -..; no82i - FOUND. -A new Silk :i Pocket? Handker chief, i The owner can get it at this office by proving property ana paying lor uiis adver-. t)9,enient. A Good Stand for Rent. ODOOsite Central Hotel, "suitable for a confectionery or fancy. store. ' nov2 tf 1 OYSTERS ON THE HALF-SHELK-Oo to; Fischesser's :td get: oysters! on thiuUfi shell. He always hss the bed and keeps them frtfsh. i s . 0cl5-tf Ml E Will f E D. LATTA & BRO. ne puDiic goods and prices. ined to keep vviotnmg aown ceeded in so doing. CHARLOTTE J he prediction that our low prices would known and result in an m creased business, has beenH verified. And False assertions bring' quick distrust. JNo disappointed visitors at our house. The perfection in shape and CHESTER, ht of our garments indicates the artistic talent employed. ratrons of money m their chases. The people ONE With us they We undersell irrespective of uoods exchanged, if unsoiled PRICE within 10 days purchase. We manufacture and sell such fine-fitting clothing that every one wno Has CLOTHIERS, IE. recommend their m. mum & no.9 Largest Clothiers in the South. Clothing, Moots, Heavy purchases, in addition to our immense 9tock, enable us to display during the ensuing month the largest and finest assortment of C LOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ever offered at retail in this city. Good Suits of Clothing, worth $10, for $6.50. The best kind of whole stock Kip and Calf Boots, $2.75 to $3.00. Prices reduced in all grades from 15 to 25 -per cent. Give us a call before purchasing. KAUFMAN & BRO. CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS, nov 3 Springs' Comer, Charlotte, N. C. WITTKOWSKY & RIWTELS raw i OF THE -o- -Sf OTHERS SEE THEM. A letter received from a gentleman, who recently viaited Charlotte, contains the following in reference to our house, and we submit it to our patrons as an evidence of our ability to make all our promises good : "The house of Wittkowsky & Rintels seems to me as a wholesale establish' ment to stand preeminent in being able to supply such goods, and on as favor able terms to merchants as can be secured south of Baltimore. I reached this conclusion, after a careful examination of their immense stock, and a personal interview wun jot. w uiKowsKy." The Store House of Wittkowsky & Rintels, three floors, by 94 feet, all packed Torxa wjEmEm stock The largest and most complete since the Wholesale as well as ine detail uepanments, and we court akd defy com petition, let it come from whatever delphia, the ever present Baltimore IN WHOLESALE we are ready where bought. IN RETAIL we present the most complete assortment of the LATEST NOVELTIES ever offered in Charlotte. To give the reader some-'cOnception All as iouows: J-N N J&? .O1 Jfe A kv c E-crerytlxa3.6 ele in Proportioj sept 29 , WXTTKO WSSIT efts r - ") 3h?eat Blood Purifier Remedy for Diseases of the Blood. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY .iip T) hmDo oT.;..3i hnoHihmfWi' 'vd so"I1hos IFEMTOIES ! Deiieve in our MEN'S We determ the price for fine ana nave suc BOYS become widely AND Children's our houses save (LOTHIM, clothing pur desire full value receive it. FOK all competition their prices. from date ofl EVE RY KNOWN worn our goods friends to buy WANT. Shoes and late, 3TA.TjB I 54 and crammed full of Goods. 1872, is now ready for inspection in both quarter it may whether New York. Phila drummer, or our local establishments. to JULTLICATE ANY BILL, no matter of the immecsity of our stock we cite at THE AND ESTABLISHMENT IVILSOIU BURVVELL, 5 32 , ' . ... 9: - Charlotte, WC Hi- 1 ".. if ;. mi-; V mil 1 ' my ft; j' i" "' St ,3 : ...r mi: "r'r'i dim. I r.; 3 - hi- y.i, tr. i -

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