2S DAILY OBSERVER. 3npjdUy. November 11,1877. CHAS R. JONES, - , Cdltor Proprietor. Free from ; the doting temples that fitter oar free-horn reason." INFLEXIBLE RULES. We cannot notioe anon; mo is commnnlca dona. In all casea we require the writers name and address, not lor publication, trot M a gnaxantee of good faith. - " . We cannot, under any circumstances, re tarn rejected communications, nor eanwe Undertake to preserve manuscripts. ... Articles written on both sides of a sheet of paper cannot be accepted for publication. THE DEAD SENATOR. In an article abounding in classical references, the Greensboro Ntw North State criticises the recent utterances of the Observer in chronicling the death of Senator Morton. It is claimed that we have put forth our utmost strength to attain the bad eminence of champion slanderer of the dead. This is not the case, as our choleric contem porary quite well knows. If we had seen fit to slander the dead Senator, and at the same time scandalize our selves, we should have said of him that he told lies, as was said recently by the New North' State's beau idealof soldiery, statesmanship and manhood, ex-President Grant, of Charles Sumner, of Mas sachusetts, after the worms had des troyed the flesh ef this stalwart Sena tor. This is Republican consistency for you ! It is all right when Grant living says of Sumner dead that he dealt falsely by him and uttered untruths ; the North State has never once, we be lieve, mentioned these scandalous words ; but when a Democratic paper eays of Senator Morton that he was a malignant man and had worked the South incalculable injury, it is in arms at once and deprecates hostile criti cismj'when the awful moment has come for the soul to leave its tabernacle of clay.' No mention is made of the fact that the New York Times blackguarded Forrest before he was cold in his grave as it would not have dared done while he was living, but when we rehearsed over Morton certain facts concerning him which are as old as the man, which all the world knows to be true, and without which the history of his life cannot be truthfully written, we are accused of reminding the Omniscient Kuler of the Universe of what we con sider to be his duty in the premises. , While the North State would have us conceal our sentiments under glowing panegyric, the Cincinnati Enquirer, which evidently hates 'deception as heartily as did the dead Morton, says "a lot of hypocrites are pretending to mourn for Morton. They would rath er lose a left eye than have him come to life." We prefer not to be ranked with the hypocrites. His death has not changed our opinion of the man , nor are we silly enough to try to make it appear so. Hence the Observer said of him mildly after he was dead what it had often said severely while he liv ed, and all the Kepublican press is not possessed of power enough to make it change its opinion or make it pretend to do so. We can see no good, we can -ii . . see no nonesiy in painting a man a fiend incarnate to day and because he died to-night painting him an angel in glory to-morrow. We are not willing that Benedict Arnold and the Confed' erate generals should stand alone in all future ages as the only bad men who hadever lived on the American conti A. 1 il. 1 uent, ana mis column is not a grave stone to persuade the public that none but the righteous die while the evil men, if there are any, live on forever To praise Mr Morton now is to praise the Republican party; is to commend wholesale robbery and to approve of the quartering of troops upon the South when it was at peace with the world; it is to declare in favor of depriving a respectable mi nority of-the people of the United States of all political and personal rights, and in favor of fraud in all things from the Presidency . down. Senator Morton was the acknowledge leader of the party which consummat ed the unrighteousness of which we speak and he more than all others was responsible for it. Shall we say that he was a statesman, a just man and a pure patriot ? Those who will may, but we will not. We may err against charity, whose mantle is not wide enough to hide all this hideous deformity, but we err. on the side of sincerity and truth.. , Thanksgiving Day. His Excellen cy Gov. Vance has issued his procla-' mation, in conformity with that of Pres- vember 29th, a day of thanksgiving arid prayer to Almighty God for the laree degree ol health, peace and prosperity , wua.wnicD jae nas blessed us jag apeo- . pie, during the year now about to close. "And I earnestly invoke the people," says His Excellency,:f'to suspend,1 as far as may be praticabfe.aU secular busi ness, and to assemble together on that day in their usual places of worship for religious services, and, toremember'.that ; our praises will be : incomplete unless with a liberal hand we also relieve the poor, the widow and the orphan.'-! '6rt BmallsV colored, ex-Congress- , .mantrotict the Beaufort district of South Carounafis how on ? trial in Columbia "for receiving a bribe while , serving as State Senator in the Soulhr Carolina Legislature. On Thursday his counsel made a motion to transfer the case to .the United States'Court. whichmotion ouage Townsend pronerlr refused tn grant, the 8tate court WW rni the nroner tribal the nroner trfK'.i v T. . wuuai lit i lhkh inriar iAMAt or such cases as that for which Smalls is on. trial; The South ' Carolina v pers seem to be of the opinion that ih .-defcnaabtwme penilen' THE 66.NGRESSION AIi ELECTION, Tne communication published in yesterday's paper from John S Hender j son, Esq., ef Salisbury, in regard to the alleged conflict bet ween;the United States and-State constitutions upon the matter of the Congressional elections in this State, has been no doubt gen erally read. This is a question which belongs more properly to the lawyers than to the journalists and we are glad to see that more than one legal gentle man has entered the debate through the columns of the Raleigh Observer. Mr Hfindfirson seems to have no fears of ttnv fivil resultine from the conflict which is supposed by some to exist in rpcrard to this imDortant matter. He Q M. - - may or may not be right. Other good lawyers think otherwise, and while there is any doubt on the subject we think the Bafeside the best side. Since, however, the second view of the case presented by Mr Henderson, to-wit that of passing a bill through Congress to provide for whatever defect may ex ist, we confess that we do not see so much necessity for an extra session of the Legislature to amend the law. if a higher body which is already in session can apply the remedy as "well. We would not feel comfortable going into another namnaiern with any doubt as to the regularity of the election which was to follow, and if one of the alter natives eueeested for removing the doubt ia not resorted to. then it is to - be hoped that the' other will. THE RAY CASE. A communication will be seen else' where in this mornings Observer in reference to Judge Cloud's alleged re cent holding of the right of a revenue officer indicted for rape to move his case from the State to the United States court. It is, as our correspondent says, a great outrage in the name of justice, if the facts in the case are as they have been stated. We cannot, however, think so badly of Judge Cloud as to be lieye, without further evidence, that he would be a party to so palpable a wrong. We hope to be 60on in pos session of a full statement of the case, which will be laid before our readers in oraer mat tne punnc may see tne 1 . 1 . . 1 1 A full scope of his honor's holding in thi3 matter. The majority for the Democratic State ticket in New York, while it falls lareelv below that eiven for Tilden for President, is larger than the majority for the Democratic State officers in 1875to which the present off-year cor responds. Judge Cloud and the Ray Case. Editor of the Observer : Under the caption of "A Monstrous Idea," you comrcent on the fact that Judge Cloud ordered tne indictment against Ray, for an assault with mtentto com mit rape, to be removed to the Federal Court from Wilkes county. J5ut this is only following out the political opin ion of our Supreme Court in the State vs Deaver, from Rutherford county, which was an indictment for conspira cy. It is not more absurd to say that a rape might be committed "under color of a revenue office than that a conspiracy should be committed "under color of office." 11 such a proposition striKes an un professional man with disgust and amazement, how infinitely shocking is it to a lawyer who is trained and edu cated to believe that law is the "per fection of human reason." Judge Cloud, in following the decision rendered by our Supreme Court to its legitimate and logical conclusion, has only dem onstrated the absurdity of the reason ing in that opinion. If our Supreme Court is correct, an indictment for for nication and adultery may be removed with as much ease as murder, and then what a scene will our Federal docket present ? it tne witnesses are to believed in this last Ray case, the offence was committed on a girl not yet arrived at the age .of puberty, and since the ini dictment she has been spirited away and cannot be found, so outraged were the citizens of Watauga at the foulness of the crime, that they have employed Col Folk and Judge Cilley to assist in tne prosecution of the case. Let Maj Robbins be furnished with the facts by Solicitor Cowles, that he may use them in eurjDort of his bill to re peal this infamous and unconstitution al statute. State Rights. Statesville, Nov. 9th, 1877. Heavy Earthquake, On the night of the 29th ulto. our friends in lower Haywood, Transylvania arid Hender son, and perhaps other sections, were treated to a genuine earthquake shock, frighten the women and children (and some members of the JBuncombe bar) and to roll the editor of the Citizen in bed; Mr. James Clayton, some miles from Brevard, said it shook some loose brick from the top of the chimney. which falling down upon the roof of J the . house alarmed him greatly for awhile. All the dogs and chickens in the neighborhood were greatly anected. and kept - up a disturbance for some time. It was a severe shock, ' lasting some - seconds, traneing 'from a little north of west to south of east. Another lighter shock was felt just before day throughout the same sec tion. Ashevtue Citizen. The Reidsyille Times says : A hare lipped negro named Brandon had his hare-lip reshaped and made whole at Milton, the other day ' under the skill ful surgery of Drs John" Wilson and Charles R Uodson. We were there at the time of the operation. The raw surface in the cleft of the lip was part- ea zrom eitner side and securely sewed together. Then the needles were left in the lip to .hold the sewed parts" to gather The 'negro was 'to be married in a; few weeks, and went home happy, though he couldn't smile "just then. But his lip' has now healed nicely, and ne is all hanky; for saluting tne- bride. tArto rva i ' mabvi . 'nKoorvofiAn the Oincinnatii Commercial has" special signincance Decause ine editor (Mr. "eaaj .nas just been visiting Wash "Kan" u8wn". ? uuiiuiawj personal i ktrwx w a9n-i s - - a necessary to lay awake at night through apprehension- that the President is we,akeninK on his Southern and civil pA-j -JJ. b m "sand i hi. STATB NEWS. Salisbury again has streot lights. Anson has just sent eight to the pen. Judee Edward Cant well will shortly open a law school in Wilmington. Dr W H Wheeler has been confirm ed as collector of the fifth North Care lins district. s " Who will do it ?" stands as the cap tion of an article in the Wiljtiington Review. They all will. A colored female Quaker preacher explained spiritual doctrine to the colored folks in Winston last Tuesday. Mrs Judge Brevard has removed from Cleaveland Springs to bhelby where she will open school in January. The Methodist Protestant Confer ence of North Carolina will nieetm Salem on the 14th inst. Mr Horatio Davis, formerly of Wil mington, was elected to the Legislature from Pittsvlvania county. Va, at the election on Tuesday last. Mr D B Morrison and Miss Mollie Goodson, of Concord, were married in the Presbvtenan church ot that town last Thursday evening. The present clerk of the Wilming ton market, who has held ofhee only four months, has thus far paid into the city treasury $1,100. Rev P J Carraway has for a month oast been conducting with great suc cess a revival meeting in the Metho dist church at Winston. Mr Jno Suminerell, aged ninety-two years, the tatner oi vi j j nummereu, of Salisbury, died at his home, in Northampton county, on the 2nd in6t. Hon A M Waddell has written to the Raleieh Observer that postal ser vice is about to commence on the Ral eigh & Augusta Air-line Railroad, and that offices have been established at Keyser and Blue's Crossing. Reidsyille Times : A free fight among neero men and women came on oun- day evening. Two women and a man on a neero named Hard Price. Hard is badly stabbed and may die. Lind say Williams, who did the cutting, is at large. The Messenaer says that a series of protracted meetings were begun in the Presbyterian church or tioidsboro last Tuesday, and are already attended with a good deal of interest. The pas tor. Mr Marable, is assisted by Rev Mr Vass, of Newbern. The Winston (Sentinel learns irom a letter from Congressman Scales that he has succeeded in getting mail service established on the route from German- ton to Danbury three times a week, to run in connection with the route from Winston to Madison. Mr A S Murphy, aged twenty-five years, a son of Mr Andrew Murphy, of Salisbury, died at his lather s residence in that town a week or ten days since. The Watchman says he had just ob tained his license to practice law, and had entered life with cheering pros pects. Raleieh Farmer and Mechanic : The latest intelligence from the salmon hatchery at .Henry's says the nsh are all out and doing nnely. Less than 100 eggs remain in the troughs. And the day is coming fast when those quarter of a million of salmon will fur nish many a poor man his summers meat. The Winston Sentinel says deputy marshal McCormick made a raid last Saturday evening on the premises oc cupied by Maj W B Stipe, living just within the Salem corporation, and captured oyer twenty barrels of crook ed whiskey, and three empty stamped barrels, that were stowed away in the cellar. No one claimed the property. The Winston Sentinel says that while engaged in raising the roof of a house in Mt Airy, on last Saturday, in order to add another story to the building, some of the props gave way, letting the roof fall which threw down a por tion of the brick wall which fell on a man named Jones, killing him instant ly, and seriously, if not fatally, crush ing another workman by the name of Shelton. Greensboro New North State: The foundations have been laid, and work is now finely progressing on quite a large building intended for a colored seminary, a sbort distance east of Mc- Mahon's spoke and Handle factory, near the .North Carolina Kailroad. ine funds for this building are contributed bv a Northern association, and the numoses for which- tne building is to be used is the advancement of the col ored race in education and morals. The Gleaner says that last Saturday evening Mr Samuel Turner, oi ine Hawfields neighborhood, in Alamance county, went to the woods to cut ana split wood. Night came on and he did not return, and upon search being made he was found dead where he bad gone to work. Seventy years old and a bachelor. He had a brother named James, who went to Tennessee, and ten years ago he too went to the woods to chop wood, and was round dead by! the hauler where he had been at work. The Reidsville Times wants Colonel Tom Ruffin, of Hillsboro, for one of of the judges of the Supreme Court. Tbe Times says : Look at that name, brethren. Think about it. Did you know him in the war, when true steel glittered ? Have you known him since tbe war, that his splendid legal abili ties nave ever graced aught but a brave man and a gentleman ? Don't yon believe he would stand his ground and dole out justice to a man though all the world were up in arms against him Think of these things, breth ren. The Farmer and Mechanic says the postofhee officials in Raleigh expect to get into the new postomce building by tne 1st oi January. The building will not be completed at that time, but the postal rooms, it is hoped, will be ready. TheF. &M. then .-adds: "The Raleigh postomce will then be the hansomest in the State, and, we doubt not, the most convenient., Certainly a change is needed ; for the present office is half a century behind those of either Char lotte or Wilmington.' At both of the latter , places there are lock boxes for Df those who wish them : shelter for per- aon,8 awaiting the opening of the mail, and the doors are open until late at night.' A Liberal Donation: from the Pres ident. President Hayes has sent a check for $100 to the ladies of the Grace Street Presbyterian chnrch to aid them in paying off their church debt.RcA mond Dispatch.' : t ; ; 5 Sm alley writes from Washington to the New. York Tribune that ''the Democrat ic party has taken defeat niled on de feat fqr nearly twenty years, and after each euccessu e bi netting it lias -come up smiling and requite for the next contest ; but the moment the Republi cans fear they are going to lose their noid on the general government , tney haye no more courage than a sea sick man when he imagines that the whole universe is out of gear, and is devoting its energies to making him uncomfort able." The cause of this great contrast is simply the matter of conscience, which makes cowards of th& Republi cans who have an intolerable burden of sin resting upon them. Conscience strirken people alwajs tremble and seek cover when a thunderstorm co i es along. Raleigh Observrr : There is a man that resides in Buckhorn township, this county, who has, until recently, been a county official for thirty years. He is an illiterate man, cannot read a line of print or manuscript, but can write page after page as smoothly and correctly as any book keeper in the city. He is very fond of writing, especially if any one dictates, and then when the manuscript is complete, he knows no more about it than a hog does of Greek. He bought a common cedar pen staff and holder thirty years ago, and has used that and no other since. These facts can be vouched for ba number of reliable citizens of this city To Walk One Hundred Miles in Twenty-eight Hours. At Horticultu ral Hall on Monday evening next. promptly at 7 o'clock, Miss Bertha Von Hillern will start to walk one hundred miles in twenty eight hours. The feat admits of no sleep land hut few rests, the first at the completion of the fiftieth mile. In this great trial Miss Von Hillern will practically ex emplify her theory that, with proper diet, strict temperance and systematic exercise, women are capable of extra ordinary muscular power without un usual fatigue. Philadelphia Times. Book Agents. The crop of book agents is unusually large this season. Just about the time the mosauitoes manifested an intention of retiring in to winter quarters, a lively set of book agents appeared. Such are the inscru tible ways of Providence. No means of escape from a book agent has ever been suggested. Once attacked, capit ulation with the honors of war is the most prudent course to pursue Bad Result. One. farmer reports having used nine bags guano on an 8 acre lot of cotton, and will make only about two and a half bales of cotton. It will take one bale to pay for the fertili zers, and he will have one and'a half bales for all his labor on the lot. Ergo, in his opinion it is time to quit using foreign fertilizsrs. Salisbury Watch man. The "Bone and Sinew" Of our country have often especially about election time--been made tbe subject of laudation ; but when those cseful parts of the human structure become too visible in ODsequence of leanness, they can scarcely be called graceful. The eye d-ligbts not to dwell upon angles and ridges in either Euan or woman. Moreover, extreme emaciiiinn is a sign of imp rfect digestion and conse quent poverty of the blood. Both these evils are remedied by Hosieuer s blomach Bitters, which rtn ier digestion ao assimila tion certainties, in constquence of which the blocd acquires richness and the bxiy sul stance. Ibus are the hollow p aces fill ed up and the angles romded off. Through the instrumentality of this perks3 aid to digestion and promoter of physical well be ing the body rapidly gains in vigor, color re turns to the hollow cheek, the appe:ite im proves, nervous symptoms vanish, arid a healthfal impetus is given to every yi'al fun ;tion. SPECIAL NOTICES. How It Is Done. The first object in life with the American people is to "get rich"; the second, bow to regain good health. The first can be ob tained by energy, honesty and saving, the second (good health) by using Green's Au gust lower, Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver l ;om plaint, Indigestion. sc, such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Oo3tivenes3, Dizzi ness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low 8pirits, Ac, you need not suffer another day. Two doses of August Flower will re lieve you at once. Sample bottles 10 cents. Kegular size 75 cents. Positively sold bv all first-class druggists in the TJ. S. A..T. O. & R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I Charlotte, N. 0, Oct. 27, 1877. j fiy and after Monday, October 29th, the J following Schedule will be ran over this road : GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte. 9.uo a. m. " D. College, " Mooresville, 10.50 11.24 Arrive Statesville, 12.30 p. m. 3-10 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville. " Mooresville, " D. College, 4.19 " 4.53 " a An Arrive Charlotte, Close connection made at Statesville with trains over the W. N. C. E. K. All ch&rees mnst be rre-Daid on Freieh ofiered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson'8, Alexandriana and Caldwell's These being "Flag Stations," tne uompany is not liable for loss, or damage ' to freight after it is unloaded at either of f the above named "Flag Stations." No freight will be received; by Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marcea tnereon. J J GORMLEY, oet28 Superintendent Atlanta & Charlotte Air-line Railway. OFFJE SUPERINTENDENT, ) Atlanta, Ga. J Takes effect Sunday, June 10th, 1877, at 1 o'clock, P, M. : COMING NORTH TRAIN Leaves Atlanta,; v 4 00 p m Arrives at Gainesville, z4pm " Lula. f Athens' connec'n) 6 55 pm " Seneca, 9 40 pm 11 18 p m Greenville,.. " , Spartanburg, 13 52 a m " Narrow Gauge Junc'fl,.,,. 3 is a m 4 12 am Charlotte, . ........ ............. N O R R Junction,.. ....... 4 a m GOING SOUTH TRAIN NO. 2. Leaves N C R R Junctiont...,.-.. ; 7 00 p m ; ? Charlot(e...........;.... - 7 10 p m Arrive at Narrow Gauge Jonc'n 8 03 pm Vf wu iui g, ...... Greenville,-... . 10 45 p m vz ao a m 2 20 a m 5 08 am . 5 43 am f-eneca. - Lula, (Athens' connec'n) uamesville, I HNMflHMM: Atlanta, H 4a a m Freight and Accommodation leaves Char' lotte daily, except Sunday, at 7 00 a., m arrives daily, except Sunday, at 6 10 p. m AN' OPEN. LETTER - - - T - .-.'. ".. "-. TO THE PUBLIC; New Yobk, Ootob r 1st, 1877. I have devoted twenty years of patient study to tbe liver and its relations to the ha m an body, in search of a remedy which would restore it, when diseased, to it3 nor mal condition. 1 be result of that labor has been the production of - TUTT'S LI Eli PILLS, Their popularity has become so extended and the demand so great as to induce un scrupulous parties to counterfeit them, thereby robbing me of tbe reward, and tbe affl.cted of their virtues, to c aution the public, and protect them from vile mpositin, I have adopted a new label' which bea-s ray trade-mark and notice of its entry in the Office of the Librarian of tongress, a so my signature, thus: COUNTERFEIT THIS IS FOEGEBY.'Si: - Before purchasing, examine the label closely. THE GENUINE TUTf'S PILLS exert a peculiar influer ce on the system Their action is prompt, and their good ef fects are felt in a few honrs. A qu niter of a century of study of the Liver has dpmon strated that it exerts a greater influence over the system than any other organ of the body, and when diseased the entire organ ism is deranged. It is specially for the healing of this vital organ that I have spem to many years of toil, and having founci the remedy, wt i-,h has proved the greatest boon ever furnished the afflicted, shall they be deprived of its benefit, aud a vile imita tion imposed upon them ? ' Let the hob est people of America see to it that thky abe mot defkauded. Scru tinize tbe label closely, see that it bears all the marks above mentioned, and buy the medicine only from respect ab'e dealers. It can be found everywhere. Very resrxc fully, W. H. TUTT. OPERA HOUSE. ffionQa; Evening, flovertsr 12il. ONE NIGHT ONLY! The Greatest Attraction of Them All. M'LLE MARIE D'EST'S PARISIAN BLONDES AND LIVING ART PICTURES. M'LLE FRANCO INE ROUSSELL'S RED STOCKING MINSTRELS. THE GREACO-ROMAN FEMALE WRESTLERS, and the latest sensation, the FEMALE BATHERS Admission 50c and 75c. novlO 2t TO-DAY WE WILL RECEIVE bar re's ib 'Qui.n of the South" APPLES, ery best eating, to be found at FRANKLIN'S. I have the bast HAMS in tbe city. So 8iys everyrodv at FRANKLIN'S. Best Family FLOUR and MEAL at FRANKLIN'S A fine lot of Mountain CABBAGE and CHESTNUTS, at ' FRANKLIN'S 1 barrel. Noit hern ONIONS, at, FRANKLIN'S. MACCARONI, and the best CHEESE and CRACKERS in the State. All of the above, and other Gocds too nu merous to mention, can be found at my store, and at prices that will defy competition. J. B. FRANKLIN. oct 31 GOLD MINE PROPERTY FOR SALE. A NEWLY discovered mine at Hunte JX ville, N. C, on the A., T. & O. Railroad 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said mine has been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners have examined the mine and ore and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof W Kerr, ot R vleigh, Dr C L Hunter, of Luv- colnton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte, have seen the mine and ore and pronounce it very one. With these recommendation and man uioj e that could be brought up we now offer this valuable property for sale, including Detween 7U ana u acres ot land in ant around said mine, of which there are some S2U or 30 acres or valuable pine timber, hall mile from a saw-mill. Any one wishing to see specimens of sai mine can do so by calling at our Office VYnen we say specimens, we mean to show you something that Is worth looking at. For further information, address H. A HUNTER. June 17 HuntersYillej N.C A ND STILL THEY COME ! I.haveanotber large lot of those NORTH ERN CABBAGE, APPLES and POTA TOES, on hand, and a full supply of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, which I will sell lower than the lowest. ' CMcNELIS. Trade Street, opposite Court House, nov2 Charlotte, N. C. C A N A R Y SEED -AT Wilson & Burwell's. Sept26. . . . v;;-K:Hc;' : . 1 FORMERLY with J Mc ; Alexander, is . with ns, and will be glad to see. his friends and for mercufetomeis. ; ' i ; . . BOYD & OVEBMAN. sept28 ' ; rasafesti-: .; A ' large Lot of New Books for Children, xv. received ana for sale ty TIDDY & BRO NOTICE TO 1'& '(! No. 1 Parks Building, East Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE, 1ST. O. ow oners to the trade an Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS OILS, DYE STUFFS and WINDOW GLASS. ' We have just received our Fall Stock, and with three stonV well filled we are now prepared Ail Ijooqs are Dougnt lor cash, s It LE( T ENGI I?H SPICES, inst received: Nutmegs, Mace, White Ginger. Cloves. Cinnamon, Allspice, Mustard, Pepper, Ac, whoie and ground .Nelsou s and Coxe s G'letme. Italian Ver- mecelli and Maccaroni Tapioca, Sago, Ber muda Arrew Root, German Sweet Chocalate and Corn Starch. Believing that the trade of this country will support the higher grades of Snices than haye heretofore been found outside of Euro pean markets, we have perfected arrange ments for giving such gocds to tbe public. we shall endeavor to keep constantly in stock selections from the choicest goods to be found in any market. The above goods are bought in the original cae, and will be sold at low prices J. H. McAl'EN, sept 12J Wholesale and Eetail Druggist. GO T. For the MM VAMHE STLWIE. Bept 2 t MRS. P. Has returned from New York, Largest and Handsomest Stock of Fine MILLINERY AND FANCY COODS, EVER OFFERED IN CHARLOTTE. Ladies will find me at my New Store in the Central Hotel buildng, where they will find the cheapest stock of goods in the city. I ine Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves, Week Wear, Cor sets, Cloaks, Mnbrotderies, and all the novelties of the season, bought m the last few days, from 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than goods bought 3 or 4 weeks ago and be will besold cheaper city. J. W. HUBBARD. THE SOUTHERN CIGAR MANUFACTORY, H h a Pi h o H OHABL'OTTll, IN". O- Is the place to buy good home manufactured Cigars for the least money. The -following brands are specialties : THE GOLDEN EAGLE Warranted to be made of as good Tobacco as cau be pur chased anywhere, and equal to any 10 cent THE KlENA ViurOKlA Havana ntled seven for 25 cants. THE REFRESHER Havana filled eight for 25 cents. THE INDIAN PRINCES Large Cigar, Havana, three for 25 cents. I will also sell twelve Cigars for 25 cents, as good as any 5 cent cigar. All the finest brands of CHEWING and SMOKING 70BACCO kept on hand. My motto is, : Qaiek Sale and Small Profits." Oisht'r all Goods on delivery. Orders promptly filled. J. W. HUBBARD & CO.. Proprietors. BOOTS and SHOES IR01T -BUILDING, WE are receiving oar FALL and WINTER Stock of BOOTS and SHOES',, nd are able to show not only the largest but the best and most com plete assortment of all kinds oL i V ! .,- . : i 3BOO"3TSi &z SSOIS Ever before offered ia . this market. We have bought direct from large manu facturers, in large quantities, for CASH, at the very lowest prices. We solicit an examination of our BOOTS and SHOES, feeling confident that we can sen cheaper than any other house here or 8ept23 Fashionable Dressmaking DURABILITY and Fit guaranteed, pat terns cat to measure, and millinery or ders executed with taste. The latest styles of dress and other patterns always on hand. MRS EPA S3AILLAIGUE, Room next to- Van Ness' Gallery. septs tfj RE AL EST ATE, nilUIIG A1TD Imnugration .Agency. EOR selling, buying and renting Mima, Land and Houses,. and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North Carolina and Sonth Carolina, and being connected with the " Sottthibbt, Bzcord," circulated in this country and Europe twice 'a month, "I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. is t t'l THOSF DRAYTOW.'. ? ang9 Charlotte. N. CL - MERCHANTS. o- S TJT" unusuallv lar-fro nnrl wll Boi.i to fill all orders on short notice at the Lowest Market Prices CIGARS. Twer. ty Thousand CIGARS -Best Brands For Wholesale and Kctaii Trade, at J. H. McA DEN'S Drup Store. PAINT3 and OILS. JUST RECEIVE l 2 Tons WBITE LEAD 1 Ton Fire-Proof Pi INT, 2 Tous Assorted Colors, 10 Barrels Haw and Boilel Lirsee l O L 5 Barrels Ppirits Turpentine, 8 Barrels Varnish, 10 Barrels Lubricating Oil. J. H. McADEN, Wholesale and Ketail Dpi TO BUTLER Popular QUERY and is now ready to show the Laces, Trimmings, White Goods, for cash than any honse in the MRS. P. QUERY. F. A. McNINCH , hi H l H H ft 1 cigar Sonth, for 5 cents cash. -AT- TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C- o o " elsewhere. BOYD & OvEUMAJN, Iron Front Building, Charlotte, N. c. Watches Jewelry VEET LOW AT Hales & Farrior's WM HAVE A AND WILL NOT BE tJEbv1'' ST- All. work in the line neatly au and Warranted. jan28 X ' For Rent. TWO Large Room? over the front of oi Store. WILSON & BURWELL. of onf may 15 7"A