55S3 iVilI.Y ORSUKVhH Sunday, November lit 18TT. SouiA Mtantio States, colder, clear or - rfniAu l weather, northwesterly winds tmdhieressurem in the morning at 11 j xiiU - - Pmrsnir. Services in the morn' in.tii nvinf flnndav School in the morning at 91 o'clock. AMtnmvn Bifobmhd CHAPEi-Corner of niwa onrl TPifth Streets Rev R M Mc- Anlay services o'clock. ' St. Mask's Luthkeak Church Rey E A Wineard, Pastor. Services m ine morning .f ii sv.ino.tr. Seats free. Sunday School in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. St. Pbtkb's (B.) Chxjech Rev. B. S. Bron son. Rector. Services -in the morning at 11 o clock ana in tne auernouu av i Sunday School in the morning at9J o clock tttimt PwsRVTicRrAw Church Rev Dr Mil ler, Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7J o clock. Seats free. Sunday School in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. St Pwum' Catholic Chubch. Very Rev. T,. P. O'Connell. V. G., Pastor. Services in th morninff at 101 o'clock, Catechism at 4 p.m. Vespers 4i p. m. SbcohdPbesbttebiajjChxjbch Rey. E. H. tt.m1tiv Pstnr No services in the morn ing In 'the evening, services at 7J o'clock hi Rev E A Wineard. 8eats free. Sunday School in the afternoon at 4 o'clock Twiw H-mnsm M. E. Chubch South T?ir a. A. Boshamer. Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the even ing at 7i o'clock, esunaay ocnooi iu mo -Amnnn at 4 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. Sunday Servicks of the Y. M. o. a. Devotional Meeting at the Hall in the after noon at 4:45 o'clock. Cai.vabt Mission Chubch- Rev J. F, Tntt. Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the eyening at 7i o'clock. Sunday School in the morning at ociock LOCAL BRIEFS. Gaston court will be opened to-mor row by Judge Kerr. The store of Mendel & Co., closed for several weeks, has been re-opened. Reserved seats for the red stocking , minstrels Monday night, can be gotten at the Central Hotel cigar stand to morrow: Nurserymen were delivering fruit trees yesterday by the wholesale, and every countryman who went out o: town carried one or more bunches with him. It is said that with tne change o schedule on the Richmond & Danville Railroad, the irregularities in the running of trains will cease. It is to be hoped so. A little son of Mr J S Shafer fel from a pair ot stilts yesterday and broke his fore arm. Only one of the bones was fractured, and he is doing "as well as could be expected under the circumstances." Capt R A Jenkins, a gentleman who was often here and was well known generally while soliciting agent for the Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad is soon to become the landlord of the Paxton Hotel, Danville, Va. A Cotton Factory in Mecklenburg. Messrs, E. C. drier ' & Spn, of Provi- denjce township, are erecting a cotton factory near ProYidence church. They will use Danforth machinery and will operate the "Clement Attachment, which has been so highly approved wherever introduced, be run by steam, the BAPTIST, CONVENTION. interesting Discussion and Facts About Missions. Reported for the Obsebvkb Oq Thursday the missionary work a 1J VI The factory will was tDe suDject oi a general discussion, pncrine beinz of 1 m wmcJ1 ine missionaries oi ine Doara ... - 1 vfl infarafltinrr a nAAiinra nf (Koir lo. I i i . . i i I -I- A ? .1 twelve horse power. Thi3 new enter- 5"' vx6 . - aneaa oi tne papers irom lticnmonu JU5I MrriVeU. prise will be commenced with one uutav . . and Raleigh, and intermediate points ,Hnr,fl hundred smndles-and it is Ane eaucauon ooaru, wnicu u locat- proportionately earlier. It will meet inMthB nnmher xurwn, uinue iw rcpuiv The Observer on tne Railroads. Under the new schedules the Obseev kb will possess unrivalled advantages on all of the railrr ad running but from Charlotte. Leaving lu re on the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, fresh from the press at 6:52 a. m., it will reach Salisbury ten hours ahead of any other daily paper. Greensboro six hours W L -AT- the Raleigh papers about Hillsboro, The immediate capacity of through Prof W B Royal. A year aS forty miles from their own doors, and meet the Richmon other side of Djnville and points along the Western North Carolina Railroad we will beat all other papers just twenty-four hours. On the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta the factory will be one hundred and ' Jbe board was in debt and consequent r, n;af vrn ner dav. The ly reduced the number of its beneficia building will be completed Tuesday ries.who are young ministers.pursuing ,o nart ffh mnP.hinerv their studies at the college. As con- 6 . , . . tributions increased, the number of is expected 10-morrow. . j.r. Tl,!. r,fln nnt in r.innintr order, ucucuviian ..,vw. ' . I TVia nuAnrocc nF fhcsa xrrtnncr mon la n- n.!i i ?n i t i 1 n TO5ll fho nnlv notion factory in x" i"u)"ro jvu"6 jaanroau we win leave nere aDOUi I ii vux v j , a Mecklenbure county. If this experi- couragmg. a. m., on the freight trains, and reach ment proves a success, other citizens ut" Ui BUWBM Ul vuc "u"" " rineviiie, Fort will, Rock mil, unes in the. Southern part of Mecklenburg due to the moessant labors of Prof L F ter Winnsboro and other points before ;n Mt.Hi.h aimilr enhemriaes. This MlIls wno. runout neglect oi uus tne Columbia papers get out of town. factory is to cost about $5,000, and its "oro "aa "cot & wn me wtsiern division oi ine uaro- nroiectors are satisfied that it will aSu" lur "ue uuaiu- . , na uentrai- we nave always been -arininstitntinn. X it is evident, however, irom tDe re- twenty-four hours ahead of all other f"Ja , I . 1 ftUonnm. . ., puit, bUMb mc iaigoui vji mo papers, and on tne eastern division ot Police Points and Court Qosslp. inaiion is uoi reauueu uy iuC picacu the same road we are ahead one-half ,. . ... agencies lor ministerial eaucauon. of the distance between Charlotte and ine ponce iorce win vw mu.u-.-j ia(lAfin v mnresaed with the rn a .i.-.. "u,wt 1U UC1"U f . fact that a large number ot young men lotte Air-Line we will continue to Ipav ana seventy pounus m WCiKu,. . gt t w evidence of being . 7-sn m 0 n..I.Un in of tVlO BldtfnrR ... ...... ... I vjmy 9u ovu x j poiiod of God to the mmistrv.are desti- tk,1b u kqqqq .v,j..i - I l Dt'Cil biiab tllC OOUCUUIC uuunjcciu.j tute of even mutuary school traimner. f,pi rQiimarnoo; nko-w,, ih,mi, tyarvaraa laro-A numhArl . . . - v. vuarliUvUO aillluuu v""w The board is impressed with tne ne- iainat fts we vnnM havo u;r Q nfnDnnlo nn the afreets AS 18 USUal On ., - . , . J " ' " " " "w ces9itv oi a Drenaratorv scnooi at tne uk a mairinn v.o n tu. " A . I nuw umaiuc vl blicui all. i HCtC UIC the usual schedules on the several Just Arrived, A splendid assortment ot Ladies' il TLteVme Neck Cnains and Lockets Ladies' Opera Chains, Ladies' and Gents' Sleeve Buttons, uenTS unams, uents Uo ar Butt And a Handsome Line of JETT GOODS. CALL AND SEE THE M. o n s aug24 JUST -AT- IHL the streets as is usual on Saturdays, there was not a single arrest cojlege during the day. A few suits against the proprietor of "the chicken farm" were decidedly the most interesting features of yesterday's courts. They were tried before Justice Davidson. Officer Blackwelder is the veteran policeman. He has served faithfully for twenty-three years in Charlotte, and has had many ups and downs A full assortment of Ladies' dlQa.h&m all new stvles. eWnnti, During the year the board has re- r6ade,, and are likely to stand, and with U;I imn U'c . x . . ceived $1,737.96. Contributions of pro- iw well kn0WH character for news full y M AAUlllcu at l"i"icuoc uaicwuo, aiOU a UUUJpieiU U&SUI LUient Of visions have raised this amount proba- maintained at all times, and with these RflVS flTlH M Pll S G 2 I rT. n 1 T TTIATIIlf APTlirPfl tn nrrlor f.,n. observer will of course continue to medium to the JLniest grades, which must be sold regardless of be, a8 it has long ;been, the paper of the cost as we are determined not to carry any ffoods over this season people within a hundred and fifty miles ' ,. J J O v o ovaouil, aiso a mil line oi bly to $1,800. The following reaolutions were in troduced by Dr T H Pritchard, and will be of general interest to the ladies of the Baptist church : Resolved, That the convention has heard with pleasure of the formation One of the forde believes as firmly as 0f the central committee of the Wo he believes in any object of his faith that man's Mission Societies of the State if a dog howls on the streetsjhere is hf lQe gouu wurK 11 sure to be a fire : that night, and he is p-ww That top f.rnnmenrl t.hia en the veteran policeman too. terprise, w'hich has as its end the em The citv marshal vesterdav received ployment of the gifts and graces of the rf ; - - I - , 1 .. c. . .l :n.mn(;An !, nn TTirrV, tho mn cnri8U8n women oi ine oiaie, as woriuv . , . . A of the confidence and support of all wnom tnesnerin oi oiumnus county our ministera and churches. telegraphed Mayor Johnston to arrest, Resolved, That we cordially invite had been cantured in Greenville. It the committee to report the work they seema that he was chareed with havine may be able to accomplish, to this uuu vtsuuuu, aii its uiiuum ocooiuiio. of Charlotte in every direction. beaten his father and left him in a dy ing condition. A Small Ron Off. The delay of the Wilmington train Friday night was due to a run off near Wilmington, caused by a wash in the road. Five cars were ditched, but the passenger car remained on the track, and no one was hurt. The engine and two ot the cars passed over the wreck and the passengers were transferred. Knocked Off the Track. The Concord Sun gives the name of the man who was knocked off the Carolina Central Railroad near Char lotte one day last week, and had his wagon smashed all to pieces and a bale of cotton knocked oyer the fence, as James Morrison, of Pioneer Mills, Ca barrus county. The Sun says that al though he was not much injured a heavy brogan shoe was knocked off one of his feet, and a darkey who was in the wagon with him was "ditched" and knocked senseless. Change of Schedules. On and after to-day the schedule of passenger trains on the Richmond & Dauville Railroad will be as follows : No. 1, leave Richmond at 8:30, a. m. and arrive in Charlotte at 9:23, p. m.; No. 2, leave Charlotte at 6:52, a. m and arrive in Richmond at 7:45, p. m.; No. 3, leave Richmond at 11:35, p. m , and arrive in Charlotte at 12:25, p. m No. 4, leave Charlotte at 6:17, p. m., and arrive in Richmond at 7:30, a. m. All of these trains run through from Charlotte to Richmond without change. The trains which leave Charlotte.in the morning will connect at Greens boro with a train which rung through to Goldsboro, arriving there at 8:45, p. m., and passing Raleigh at 4:10, p. m. The train which arrives in Charlotte at 9 23, p. m., will also connect at Greens boro with the train on the Raleigh division which leaves Goldsboro at 30, a. m., and arrives in Greensboro at 4:52, p. m. An express train will run between Raleigh and Goldsboro with the fol owing schedule : Leave Raleigh at The object of this committee is the collection of funds for the foreign mission work. It is located in Raleigh with Mrs J M Heck, president, Mrs J C Scarborough, secretary, Mrs T H Pritchard, treasurer. DRY-a00DS, DOMESTICS, CARPETS, BOOTS and SHOES JVEen's and. Ladies' Hats. All this season's goods at the lowest possible prices. All we ask is a. mil ns wo sVmll ftnrlpavnr tn mnkfi nnr nrinps tViP cmw nfnii Baltimore-Ot a stead v. R tour at I 9 " f v" T J U1 6466. Provisions quiet. Pork, 14 75. Ba- Competition, r--, t .i: ,i m x rs t j. x , xjauies uuu vjreuis xiruxuiE m grtJtlt variety, at re duced rates. TRLEGBAfHlC H.UtKK'N. NOVEMBER lO, -';. PRODUCE. con, packed shoulders 8J, c ear ribs &$ Lard, refined, 91. Coffee nominal. Whis key weak at 1 lChl 10J. Sugar steady at 91. Louisville Flour quiet; family 5 00a5 25. Wheat quiet; red 1 25al 28, amber and white 1 30al 35. Cora dull; old white 50. old mixed 45. Oats dull; white 32, mixed 30. Bye dull at 67. Pork quiet at 13 50. Bulk meat9 in fair demand and firm for 10 days The committee was organized a year in salt; Bhoulders 5,clear ribs 63, cU?ar sides MaeattudPiiDsi GO TO THE (DfloitDnfinD The Widows and Widowers, A lady of this city has taken the pains to count up, as far as she is able, the number of widows and widowers in town. The general public will be surprised to learn that this unofficial count has resulted in finding within our corporate limits no less than seventy of the former and no more than eight of the latter. Of course there are quite a number of people in the city with whom the lady is not acquainted, and she does not claim that her returns are complete. A Slandered Tramp. , . It has come to be so popular here of late to call upon newspaper men for ex' planations and apologies for what they print and say, that hanged if. it ain't getting dangerous to follow the profes sion unless you are going to have ?'I apologize" printed on a card and wear the card on your breast. Yesterday morning the Obsebyeb published an item about two tramps stealing a ride on one of the, railroads running Into Charlotte and may we die like a dog if one of them didn't come up yesterday and want an explanation and correc tion! ' - '' Much of a Man. Mr White, the Baltimore drummer 9:30, a. m., and arrive in Goldsboro at who is known allover the country for his 2, m.; leave Goldsboro at 4, p. ra., and extraordinary muscular development, arrive in Raleigh at 6:30, p. m. is in town again, selling goods and as- prime steam 8 50. The passenger trains on the Char- tonishing the natives. "How much and nominally unchanged. Rice unchang nttP finlnmhia & A 11 an R ha., and Atlan- can von holdout?" an Observer re- I ed with a moderate inquiry. Molasses ' w . 1 ta& Charlotte Air-Line Railroads, which porter asked him as he leaned on the now connect here with the north trains, counter of the Central Hotel last night, will also change to-day so as to con- "Well, I don't like to hold out more w m 1 tinue the connection. than a hundred pounds in each hand," Itmayal80be added that after the he responded; "you see it strains ma Columbia Fair, a train will be put on but the other day I held out two kegs the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta of nails for the mayor; the kegs weigh Railroad to connect with the north 104 pounds each." It was a fact. He train which by the new schedule ar- straightens out bis arms with four bags rives at 12:25, p. m. of shot, 25 pounds to the bag, without any difficulty. Last night he stood T. M. O. A. Week of Prayer. r 1 .7 . 6 . , i pounds, caugnt mm ny tne einows ana To day begins tne week ot prayer lifted nim 0ffofhis feet. He is about appointed by the international com- 28 years of age, of slight rather Colored Military. i The Adjutant-General has issued an order, organizing the ; colored military companies of the State in the fourth and fifth battalion of the North Caro lina State Guards, and ordering the omcers to assemble for the purpose 6: electing a Xieutent-Colonel.and Major of each battalion. The Charlotte Blues together with the Hanover Light In . fantry, Cape Fear ; Light Infantry . Howard Light' Infantrv. '- Favetteillln ttie Guard, constitute the fifth bat taUbnT Thelifficergof thpsfl will meet in Wilmincton day, the 21st of November for the pur pose of electing; the officers of the ba taJiaa meatinjaed ahote. The offiaera umer nattajion meet in GblJ ' "u "e.eam day, i4'j ? . -Q ago, and since tnat time ii societies, or assistant committees have been or ganized, which have reported $342.16 collected for the foriegn work. It is interesting to note the recent development of the sympathies of chris tian women in this country for their unfortunate sisters in heathen lands. The Women's Union Missionary Society raised in 6 years $303,612.12. The women of the congregational churches organized their society in 1868, and up to 1876, raised $414,634.81. The women of the Methodist Church, North, raised iu 7 years $319,480.00. The women of the Presbyterian Church raised in, 6 years $316,831.69. The Baptist women of the North raised in 5 years $119,000, These contributions have supported 287 missionaries in foreign fields. 7i all loose. Bacon quiet and firm; shoul ders 7i, cli'ar ribs 91, clear sides 92 all loose. Lard, choice les fin tierce 9i. Whis key firm at 1 07. Bagging qniet at 12J Tobacco firm but not higher. I S 'I 1 tm-m tk a New Goods, New Styles and Lower Prices than any House TSIB SIDE QJP WSTW YOBE, Cincinnati-Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat in good d- mand with full price?; red 1 20al 30. Corn quiet for old at 43h44, new active at 35a36. Oats in good demand at 27 a31. Eye quiet and firm at 9360. Barley steady and in fair deir.and; common to good western spring 50a' 5. Pork steady; new 13 00, old 13 25. Lard easier; steam ren ed 8 10, kettle 8Ja9, Bulk meats stiong; sales in salt 10 to clear ribs 6$a63, clear sidts 7 all loose, Bacon quiet; shoulder 71, clear ribs 9J, clear rides 9J. Whiskey rasier at 106 Butter steady and unchanged. Sugar quiet end unchanged. Hogs active and firm, and higher at 4 40, packing 4 6oa4 85. New York Flour a shade firmer for shipping grades and more doing in export, 5 75a6 25 for common to fair extra- South era flour 6 308 50, good to choice, do Wheat very quiet, the demand mainly spec ulative. Corn fairly active at 6! J. Oats Jc better. Pork dull; mess 14 25. Lard heavy CofFee quiet. Sugar dull 9 Tm 0 w m All New and Fresh Goods of the Finest Manufacture. No auction or old laid-up goods. Suits for Men, Youths and der- Boys. A fine Stock of Children's Clothing at Manufacturers' cost 20 days; shoulders 5g&5f, Our stock of Underwear, Gloves, White Shirts, Neck wear, &c., is complete, ' The acknowledgement of the superiority of our stock has proved itself by the many fine gar ments we have sold, and made to order. 1000 different styles to take choice from. Any garment we make to order we guarantee to fit or no sale. Polite attention shown to every cus tomer. A call will convince YOU' of all the farts and will an.vA vnn mnnpv Charlotte, N. C. Clothiers and Tailors. quief. Nobfolx. e ceipts, 2,502; 841. COTTON. trong; middlings, 10ic; net re exports-coastwise, 339; sales, KIN A NCI A I . New Yobk Money 6. Slerling 1. Gold 2S. Governments dull. New 5's 6i. States quiet. BADK STATEMENT. Loans decreased J million, specie increase 2J millions, legal tenders decrease 1 million, deposits increase 1J million , reserve increase U million. Baltimore Firm; middlings, 10?al0gc; gross receipts, 560; sales, 200; exports coast wise 250; spinners, 100. Bostoh Nominal; middlings, lljc; net receipts, 513; gross, 513. Wilmihqtoh Firm: middling 108c; net receipts, 815; sales, 795; exports coastwise, 1,311. Philadelphia Firm ; middlings, 11 Jc; mitteeofthe Young Men s Christian than heavy build, and the muscles of net receipts, 60; gross, 185; sales, 308; spin- Asaociation. As previously announc his arms are almost as hard as mar- ners, 258 ed, the first public, service will be held ble. You don't want him to hit you. in the Second Presbyterian church t.n.noht t. ww.h Hmfi th ftsanriatinn he Chorchea and the Preachers. ;n u nAA.A u -d a w;. There will be a prayer meeting of ard. On each evening during the te vanous churches and of the Young -' ... . ..I 1 an a llhi-isfian AoaniatiAn ot. 'IVrAtl week, there will be prayer meetings held at the rooms of the association over the Traders' National Bank from to 7:15. ' : The follOwine subjects haye . been chosen for special prayer each day : Men's Christian Association atTryon Street Methodist church this morning at 9 o'clock. Eev E H Harding is in Leaksville, consequently there will be no morning service at the second Presbyterian re- church. As mentioned elsewhere. Eev w ' i -- n m . I Aionoay-rrayer lor me iocm asso. E A . Wmtrard wU1 preach there at CiatlOn. niffk trt tha Vnnnn Man's nhriution ' . J Tuesdav-Prayer for God's blessing " 6 7 nel2'975 on-'christian association work gener ally. Wednesday Prayer that christian young men jn ay realize their respon : L -t a sibihties to others. New Obleans Active and strong; mid dlings, lOf c; low middling, lOJc; good ordi nary, 9fc; net receipts, 4,893; gross, 6,728; sales, 9,000, exports to the Continent, 784. Augusta Firm ; middlings, lCJc ; ceipts, 2,078; sales, 1,164. Chablestok Firm; middlings, lOfc; net receipts, 4,129; sales, 2,000; to the Channel, 2,975. New Yoek Cotton strong; uplands, lljc; Orleans 111c, sales, 604; consolidated net receipts 22,876; exports to Great Britain, 7.C86; to the Continent, 2,785; to the Cban- Tfce Cotton Market. OBSERVER OFH-. -K. ) Oharlottx. N. C, November 11, 1S77 J The market clcsed firm yesterday at the following quotations: Stained Nominal. Tinged " Ordinary ' Good Ordinary " Low Middling 10 Middling 10 3-16 Good Middling 10 3-16a.40 Receipts for the day, 331 bales. Piedmont Air-Line Railway. Richmond & Danville K. B. Divisiom. o CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. June 24, 1877. GOING SOUTH. Association. Eev Dr Chapman, formerly of Char lotte, is preaching at Sand Hill church, near Asheville. Rev Father O'Connell begins his se ries of sermons on the sacraments and Liverpool Noon In good demand; middling uplands 6 5-16d, middling Orleans 6 ll-16d, sales, 10,000; speculation and ex port 1,000, receipts 6,100, American 3,300. Futures opened partially l-32d cheaper, but tne decline nas since Dcen recovered; up- I . . a ma . a mm n .- . I Rv Thon WhitfiftM. U ftt thft Bantist er oay-3za, ecemoer ana January o -aza convention, in session at Durham. id, January and lebiuary 6 7-32aJd, Feb ruary and March 6id, March and April Eev RH McAulay, recently licensed U 5-16d, new crop, shipped October and No- M-& T- Kaiiroad for Petersburg, etc.; at Thursdayr-Prayer for God's blessing form. ftf wnBh;t. of h- purfth thiR lands, low middline clause. November de ii - f x e i . . - '. . uuwciucaugu grave iu unuuuverwju young men 1 . Friday Prayer that the churches may properly, instruct and guide the young. Saturday Prayer for the young in the Sabbath schools and institutions of I learnini. flM iy In this connection , we eive below the list of ihelofilcers of the local associa-l tion, recently .elected, the one furnish ed us having been incorrect ': 'President George B Hanna. Vice Presidents I H Foust, Bev J F stations. No. 1. No. 3. Leave Bicbmond, 7 25 a m 10 50 pm Arrive at Charlotte, 7 28 p m 1 15 p m OOINd nokth stations. No. 2, No. 4. Leave Charlotte, 4 38am 5 25 p m Air-Line J'n, 5 00am 535pm " Salisbury, 6 31 a m 7 51 p m " Greensboro, 8 31am 10 05 p m " Danville, 10 38 a m 12 25 a m " Dundee, 10 41 a m 12 28 a m Burkeyille, 2 18pm 4 45 a m Arrive at Richmond, . 4 33 p ra 7 41 a m PEGRAM & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, A O ? E W. Or J HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Large & Wei I -selected Stock of BOOTS km FOR LADIES, GENTS, BOYS, MISSES & CHILDREN1, AT LOWEST PRICES. ATI ALSO. SOFT & STIFF HAT OF THE LATEST STYLES. TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, SHAWL STRAP &c, fec. o- spectfully ask an examination of our Goods before purchasing elsewDew JOT FRANK GILEEATH is with us, and would be glad to hate a1 mends-call and see him. No. 2- Goldsboro, and all points on Salem and N. O. Railroad Divisions; at Buikeville with A. by the First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Church, is in the city on his way to Corsicana, Texas, to take charge of a church there. He will preach in the A. E. church to-day. The Baptist ladies are working no bly to raise a fund sufficient to erect a new church building, , and they are bound to succeed. The revival meetings at the two verober per sail 6Jd, November and Decem ber 61d. 2:30 P M Sales, American, 7,000; futures closed quiet bat steady; uplands, low mid dling clause; Bhipped February and March, per ail 63d. Butt,VA.lfred Aldrich, C S Holton and Methodist churches continue with un Gen T F Dray ton, '- - Vi ' i .. Corresponding Secretary T M Pitt- man, i t , ,j . : , p Recording SecretaryDatfl A John ston. " :-' . v Treasurer Wm B Nfabet. r i abated interest, and are accomplishing much good. . , - j-, j-Purity, jSirength,: Economy. - These - three reauisites' ? are combined in Dooley's well-knjwn Yeast Powder. A few tnala will convince von that it la not onlv the best, bat also the cheapest. i r i , FUTURES. 4 Nw Yoex, 5"ut Ores closed steady. 68,000 bales. ; - ' November, 11 15c. , December, 11 14al5c. . January, 11 20a21c. February, 11 33a34c. , March, 1147c. f . April, 11 61c. .. . , May; 1174o. i Il June, 11 88a90e. Bales, Belie Isle with Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad for all points North, East and West; at Richmond with C. & O Railroad for Virginia Springs and the West. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro for Raleigh Goldsboro. and all points on the N. C, Rail road Division ; at Belle Isle with Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad for all points North. East and West. Sleeping Cars without change run both ways with Trains (Nos. 1 and 2) between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Richmond ; Richmond and, At lanta; Atlanta and New Orleans. - Through Tickets on sale at all prin-. cipal points feouth, Southwest, West, North and East, at Richmond, Danville, Greens boro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, For-Emigrant rates to points in Arkansas and Texas, address ; : JOHN R MACMURDO, GenlPasseneer Aeent. -' r. julyT Richmond, Ya. You could find a COAT at ALEXANDER, SEIGLE& CO for $3.50 worth more monev than anv Coat in the city at H price, would it not pay to call and eet one ? And suppose f can get , a Wamsutta Muslin Shirt, with 3 ply linen Front-1 85 cents, which is thirteen cents less than the material worthy would it not pay to get at least six? Suppose you could get a better pair of Shoes than ever j sold m this city tor the money, had you better not get own Alesan la Vl ora anir iioa fnkl!nr.TniiaAlP in nil Atror f nWIl , vuv. , "jr uog tx c Ll Willi g J VJ Ul ?Cli iJ gJ ail v v v" ' you can find a better assortment of Dress Goods at Seigle & Co's than is to be found elsfiwhere ? ;1 What is the;use looking around for Pant Goods whej have everv f riirior vnn want ? Wr lioro Aollarl psnecial a" tion to the above lines of Goods onlv for the benefit of the! new wnoao not appreciate our house enough to call anu aue great mass oi tne: neon fi who tradfi witn us uu u to be reminded of our stock. . l!f: :' ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & J P. S. Now while we are HiinnrMino' thn cma nrtnnaft we divide tne P of the next bale of Cotton you sell, for if you do we will be made g1