jod pnirmncr VI II ThaGOBjttsvsft Job Department lias fib BUBSCEIPTIOH BATI8. nai t year (postpaid) In advance, $8 00 vu emoa. - u? , jj ,.4 00 .. 3 moa. - , , w ,. i.mon. " " :. 75 thoroughly - AippUaa - witn ererrr need! r want, ana wita toe latest styles of Type, is very manner ot Job Wane pan now be tton K wltn nearne. dispatch and enaapnm - r We can farnun at abort nottoe BILL HEADS, ... IiKTTEHHlADB.CABDa. TAGB.ElXXPTS.POTEBS.t V FBOQRAMVKR, JLA1TD BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CHSQKB. Atu, : WEXKLT IDITIOI. pekly (in the nnty) iB advance.-- $2 00 out ofthe county, postpaid 2 10 6 months,. ; m 1 W vol xm. CHARLOTTE N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1877 NO. 2,256, Liberal redactions for crabs: CHARLOTTE OBSEBVEB, .4 t . : -TllTJ II" r ,r 11 .-.,. ; u III i 117, - - . " 1 .- t f. : . . ;' . t I . " 1 t ' UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF tja.8 been Refurnished and Refitted,. in first-class etyle, and offers inducements to Xrayellers and Besidents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords ,t prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendance at meals, and .no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASED aprl BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL r DKAXXB in ALL KlfcDS OF FURNiTUKB, BEDDITSG, &C. A FXJ-L. LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEAD&, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. . No. 5, West Trade St., OHABLOTTE, N. C jui3 ELLAS, COHEN & ROESSLER, Anticipating a fine trade'this seaeon; liave bought largely, and now have the pleasure-of inviting yon r Attention to " An attractive Fall Stock, At prices surprisingly cheap. DRESS GOODS-Our stock is large, and so cheap that it is no longer econ omy to buy calico. EEADY MADE CLOTHING-Our stock is complete, at prices that defy competition. FANCY CASSIMERES A nice aessortment. CARPETS Beautiful in deeign, and cheaper than ever. KID GLOVES A specialty. In fact our stock is larger and cheaper in every department than here tofore. Call and inspect it. ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER. DO NOT BUY YOUR FTTjrjisir ji until you have seen the; -elegant stock of goods now in my warerooms.; The assortment is the largest and most complete everoffered in Charlotte,- . r: -., -'t S : - '- ' : J'--:' ":-'.7 -- "i :; ' ' TO INSPECT IT - AND GET MY PRICES. Respectfully, ; J (' C)l H '.'Hi i - "" S fjrUJAJyl 'J-UMAX ?JJJlua.MJMX. ' -v' A. i -; Trade Street, opposite the Market House. oct 14 C E 1 I E Mj HI T IE IL . This WelUCnQ!!ajnd Leading Hotel, tlZht .i jST2W-W sStmS Jk. iC.ji --JkJf .LOCATED IN fcBNTEB OF! THE CTTYj QFFEKS , .'' i ' ' ' j -if.' : : i Uli S U R P A S S li D ACCOM MOD ATION S TO THE TRAVBLLINQ"!PtJBLTC. ni FURNITURE ISSFIRST-CHSSi THE HPliSICfiRRETEO THROUGHOUT. Gat and Ic c trio Bells are in every roovS." Inilids, Florida Tourists or Persons Traveling rvm Pleasure, :this house offebs every facility .'( -, . , -r.r Trvr r.nw n? c " " TKLEGHAPHIC NEWS. WASHINGTON. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Tbe Discrepances la the Treas ury Department Harlan's Confirmation Doubtful The Senate Surrender ing on the Army Bill- Confirmations. Schurz Harping on American Forests Yellow Fever Dis appearing -The Supreme Court '; General News and Gossip. Washington, Nov 19, Senate Du ring the morning .hour, a nutuber of bills were introduced and referred to" appropriate committees, most of them being of a private character. ice beaate then resumed the con- sideration of unfinished business, be ing a resolution of Mr Davis, of West Virginia, providing for the appoint ment of a committee of five Senators to inquire into the alleged discrepances in the books and accounts of the Treas ury Department. The Democratic caucus met but did nothing beyond instructing Thurman to conter with the Democratic mem bers of the committee on Elections and report to an indefinitely adjourned caucus. The feeling seems to be in favor of the motion to discharge the committee from further consideration?, and bring the credentials squarely be fore the Senate. The committee on Privileges and tiff in error-, wag appointed commis sioner of the bank of Washington, and recovered a judgment against the defendant in error on a debt incurred as security under an act two years later. The Legislature provided that any debt or judgment dae to any of the State banks might be paid in the bills of such banks. The defendant in error having tendered such bills in this case, objection was taken that the commis sioner was entitled to payment in coin or legal tenders, and that the act au thorizing tbe satisfaction in the bills of the bank was retrospective in its action. Admitting the retrospective character of the legislation, it is sustained here, as there is no constitutional inhibition, and it is said of such legislation that, though generally distrusted, it is often beneficial, and sometimes necessarj, unless it-violates some provision of the federal constitution. There is no pow er in this court to decide it void. Mr Justice Miller delivered the opinion. THE.W. The Capture of Kars Irrepara ble Loss to the Turks Heavy Slaughter of ffleo, and Many Prisoners Ta kenOther War Notes. London, November 19. It is believ ed that Osman Pasha can hold out un til the beginning of December. The Times' correspondent at Belgrade telegraphs as follows : "Gen Howato vitch has informed the Servian gov ernment that if it wishes to join in the war, it should do so immediately, as the Turks are throwing up strong en trenchments mounted with heavy Elections- bad a full-meeting andor---Krupp guns, all along the eastern fron tier, and also are concentrating troops near Illuria and Tirnova, and may any day determine on an invasion." A special dispatch to the Daily Sews, dated Veran Kaleh, Sunday evening, says : ''The fortress arid city of Kara, with three hundred cannon, stores, ammunition, cash, etc , fell into the Russian hauds. The Turks lost five thousand killed and wounded, ten thousand prisoners and many flags. The Russian lots was about twenty seven hundred. The Russian soldiers made but trifling booty, and spared peaceful citizens, women and children. General Lovis Meiikoff directed the battle during the day. Grand Duke Michael was present also- The former entered the city at 11 o'clock Sunday morning." London, November 19. The Daily Hews' Veran Kaleh special says Kars was captured by about 15,000 Russians, who climbed the steep rocks, ramparts and walls, and stormed an equal num ber of desperately fighting Turks in a headlong flight over their ditches and parapets, compelling them to die or surrender. The escalade had been originally fixed for the 13: h, but was postponed owingto bad weather. The principal attack was made on the southern forts. General Laztroff com manded the right wing, consisting of the 40th division, and attacked Hfefiz Basha, a fort crowning a steep, rocky height. General Count Grabbe, with a regiment of Moscow Grenadiers and a regiment of the 39th division, assailed in the centre the Kuanii, Tibia, Sur varn, Tobia. the three towers and the citadel. The Ardahan brigade and an other regiment of Moscow Grenadiers, under Roop and Kermaroff, forming the left wing, assaulted Fort Inglis on the north. The attack began in the centre at 8:30 o'clock on Saturday even ing, when Count Grabbe led his, brig ade 8gainst the Kuanti redoubt, and himseif fell dead at first onset, pierced by a bullet. Capt Kivadtimiki, of the 30th regiment, was first to enter the re doubt at eleven o'clock at night. His sword was cut clean out of his hand and his clothes pierced. The redoubt surrendered early in the morning and then the three towers almost simulta neously with the Kuanti redoubt, the citadel, Fort Suwari, Fort Hafiz Pasha were carried by assault. By daylight on Sunday morning, General Hazreoff's troops had made progress as far as the capture of Fort KaraDagh. Tbe other forts, especially the Arab-Tabia, on the east, and Takmah Tabia on the west, maintained a stubborn resistance until 8 o'clock, when all the garrisons which could escape fled toward Erzeroum; but these were subsequently overtaken by dragoons and Cossacks and brought back prisoners. dered the papers of Spofford and Kel logg to be printed. A motion, by Saulsbury, to take up the Eustis case was laid on the table until the sub committee on the Spof-ford-Kellogg case had reported some indication as to the length of time it would require. The policy of delay seems determined upon by the Repub licans, and the Democrats are not over anxious to press the matter. The com mittee meets to-morrow. The House Privileges and Elections committee had an informal test of sen timent in the Colorado case. Three favor Bedford, three favor Patterson, four favor no election and two are non committal. The chances fayor refer ence back to the people. oenate lhe Judiciary committee considered the nomination of Harlan to the Supreme Court Bench without reaching a conclusion. The prospects of his confirmation are not encourag ing. The House is considering the appro priation for a representation at the Paris Exposition. NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Finance committee failed to secure a quorum today and took no action on the silver biil. Victor Druminood, the new secretary of the English Legation, has been in stalled. The sub-committee of the Ways and Means committee are holding daily sessions, with a view to presenting a new tarin bill early in the regular ses sion. Secretary Schurz is represented as enthusiastic for the preservation of American forests. He is quoted as saying that this matter has been dallied with for seventy -five years. Jhe fol lowing, furnished by a person some what interesteu, amplifies the views of the Secretary : Maj T H Price, backed by Representatives Herbert, of Alaba ma, and Hooker, ot Mississippi, had an interview to day with the Secretary of the Interior in repnrd o the govern ment raids on the timl er getters of the Gulf. The Secretary is firmly set in his determination to institute suits for all logs, timber, turpentine and lumber taken from the puMic lands, whether in the hands of innocent men or not. He admits that the proceedings recent ly quashed by Judge Hill were inegu lar, but says new orders are issued for suits in the regular way. His notions about protecting the American forests are sufficiently extreme to amount to the destruction of large numbers of the American people. " Woodman, spare that tree." Bills will be proposed in Congress to restrain this ruinous policy, if possible. ; Senate On motion the Senate re ceded from its amendments to the army bill in which the House did not concur, and the bill goes to the president. - . ; The Senate agreed to Senator Davis' resolution for a committee of five to investigate the Treasury system of book keeping, with a view of removing the alleged discrepancies. Confirmations Tyler, postmaster at Baltimore; also, quite a number of consuls ; Bell, assistant secretary of the Interior ;Filley, postmaster at St Louis; Bozman, postmaster at Charleston; TJorth, postmaster at Brunswick, Ga; Draper, postmaster at Oxford, Ala; 8cottv postmaster at Dennison, Texas. House The bill in reference to the Paris Exposition cajoe up the first thing to-day, and kept its place up to the adjournment. After a funny speech by Cox, of New York, the general debate cloeed. A motion to strike out the enacting clause, which would be equivalent to a defeat of the bill, was made by Mills, of Texas, and was rejected by a majority of forty. All who voted for the motion were Democrats. An amendment was adopted on motion of Steele,;of North Carolina, requiring that four of the commissioners be practical agriculttu rists The bill will probably be disposed of to morrow. - Capt Belknap, commandant of the Pensacola i navy - yard,5' reports to the Secretary of the Navy that tbe quaran tine has been raised at that harbor. No case of yellow fever has .. been introduced into the bay during the recent hot - weather. - The - Navy Department is also advised of the disappearance of yellow fever at Port Koyal;and ' vicinity, and it u now pronounced by physicians on the shore, as well, as the naval surgeons, as per fectly safe . communicate with the placet i.AU quarantine regulations are removed. - ' i e - -f; Supeeme' OoUET.JBfottnf vs Windlev Error r To ' the Supreme v Court : -of North Carolina; J Under a . statute' of the State,' passed in 1866, to enable its banks to close their business, the plain- Mnils Between Great Britain and the United States. London, November 19. The British postoffice authorities have concluded the contract whereby the Cunard, In man and White Star 6teamship lines will have the sole carriage of the mails to the United States, from December first. The agreement provides that the owners of the Cunard, Inman and White Star lines will furnish despatch from Liverpool every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, calling at Queens town. The Inman and White Star lines have undertaken between them the Tuesday and Thursday sailings al ternately, arid the Cunard line the Sat urday sailings. By the terms of agree ment, atl mails from Great Britain and Ireland for the United States, are to be forwarded only by the aforesaid lines, and the aggregate money earned is to be divided equally among thero.sFrom New York there' will be an Inman and a White Star steamefevery Thursday, alternately. , , . : k i ; : fkYhce. : r :. The Discussion of the electoral Inquiry in the Senate. - " .Versailles, November 19 In the Senate this afternoon. M'Arago,"in the name of the Left, moved the preyio us question in regard to . M. - Andreu de Kerdret's interpolation as to chow the ministers have instructed officials to inquire in regard to the electoral in auiry voted by the Chamber cf Denu ties on the ground that Uis'nqconstii tutiohal, and an encroachment-, upon the rights of jthe Chamber of Deputies M'Arago's I motion was rejected by a vote bt .155 to 130. De Kerdiet then began an address on his interpolation. fir'A congh isnature's jrid the sys tem of waste matter.: Assist natnr-, then, by using Dr. Ball's Coogh tfyrap. Price, ,25 cents a bottle, . v us in vj " , Telegraphic BrietW Two men have been arrested at Har risonburg, Va,for placing obstructors on the railroad track, whereby a cattle train frefm Staunton was wrecked, and Thomas Chillon, engineer, and John Thompson, fireman, were fatally in jured. A special dispatch from Berlin to tbe London Times says it is expected that the German government will ask Par liament for permission to contract a loan of one hundred and fifty millions of marks, fifty millions of which are represented by loss on the resumption of gold currenoy. Fever at Jacksonville Subsided. Jacksonville, November 19. There have been no new cases or deaths since tbe last report. The general health of the city is excellent. Mayor Boyd an swers inquiries if it is safe to come here in the affirmative. Ajsrm has sub sided. Defacment of n Confederate Monument. Chattanooga, November 19. The Confederate monument, completed and ready for erection, was defaced beyond repair on Saturday night by an un known person. Hon. James G. Blaine The Spring field (Mass.) Republican of the 15th inst., say 8 there seems no reason to doujbt that. Mr. Blaine is in a very critical condition. It declares that he has grown worse since he went to his Augusta home a fortnight ago. A Tery Good Reason. The reason why only one sample bottle of Merxelfs Hepatine for tbe Liver will be sold to tbe same person, for ten cents, by oar druggists, in ( hsrlotte, is because of the enormous expense of importing tbe Hepa tine into this country, but as there are fifty doses in the large size bottles, it seems two cents a dose is cheap enough fcr a medi cine that cures dyspepsia and liver com p.aint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents at all druggists. Three doses relieves any case of dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver complaint, inthe world Regular size bot tles, fity doses $1, A CARD. To atl who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, 4c, I will sand a receipt that will cure you FREE OF CHAEGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Riv Jcskih T Ik man, Station D, Bible Home, e.w York Citv. Hew Advertisements. To Cotton Manufacturers. FOR SALE. TWENTY-FOUR Ring Spinning Frames, 132 spindles each ; 3 Spooling Frames ; 16 Tlrfequiritr Looms; 40 Four quarter ditto; 1 Van Winkle Cotton Opener. Tbe above machines can how be seen in operation at thi Old Dominion Cotton Mills, Manchester, Va. Any desired information will be prompt ly given by the Treasurer & Agent, either by tetter or in person, at the company's of fice at the mills A bargain can be had in any or all the machiLes by application to EDWARD GRAHAM, O.d Dominion Cotton Mills, P.O. nov20 Richmond, Va. J UST RECEIVED, TODAY, Pigs' Feet, Bolopa Sausage, tried Beef. Breakfast Bacon, and the Best Bams in the city. noy 15 J. B. FRANKLIN. Ciarlotte.ColBiliia&AiipstaR.R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and; after Sunday, Nov. i8th, 1877 the following schedule for passenger trains will be run on; this road: ; No. 1 -GOING SOUTH. . (Daily, except SundavJ ,- Leave Charlotte, 12 fO Arrive at Colombia, . ' 6 02 Leave Columbia, ' , ; ' 6 11 Arrive at Augusta, ; 10 40 No. 2 GOI STG NORTH. - (Daily, except Sunday.) Leave Augusta, . 7 30 Arrive at t olumbia, , . 11 55 Leave Columbia, . ,12 10 Arrive at Charlotte, . ' 5 So No. 8 GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, ' ' 9 28 Arrive at Colombia : 2 84 Leave Colombia,! . 2 44 Arrive at Augusta, . . 6 26 5 No, 4 GOING NORTH, i-eave AuguBta "'" ; 1 9 27 Airive at Colombia 3 ; f f ; 1 1 i 05 Lave uoiomoia, - ' ' I id am Arrive at Charlotte, v 6v26 am LOCAL FREIGHT & PASSENGER. h' No. 5 GOING SOUTH, I Leave Charlotte, 4 50 m Arrive at Colombia, ' 3 10 pra LOCAL EREIGHT & PA88ENGER. ' i - . No. 6 GOING NORTH. Leave uoramrjia, - o 00 am Arrive at Charlotte,' ; - : ' ;? 8 00 p m Trains Moa.- 3 and 4 stop at the following stations r i i '! $3 :.;' i ..?.- . Fgrt;Uilb Book Hill, x Chester, Black tocks, , Winnaboro, Ridgeway, Doko, i Co lumbia, .Batesburg, . Bidge Springs, John ton's, Pine, House, Graojteyille. T ; Morrows and Lexington will, be recognlz ed as flg stations. ' :- :v- . .' - - p m p m p m 'p m a m a m p m p m ? p m am a m am p m ; am General Passenger Agent.1 S)l&lr0 The busy season continues; every depart ment is full of life and activity, supplying the numerous demands for our Men's, JLoys' and Children's CEaOTMIEff. The demand, up to the present, warrants us in the belief that this will be our banner season. Limited capital and poor credit Cannot Compete mth MANUFACTURERS who with unlimited facilities and resources have the power to name prices that cannot he equalled. We work for and in the interest of the people. We have but one price, that being the lowest possible for any reliable house to name, and we personally guarantee the value of any article purchased of us. Wholesale close buyers will find it to their interest to examine our stock Goods sent from Charlotte C. O. D. to all sections, with the privilege of opening and inspecting before payment of bill. Self-measurement Cards furnished free on application. All goods marked in plain figures. One and the same price to all, both far and near. Every style of garment; every varie ty of texture and fabric. E. DP. LATTA & Largest Clothiers in the South Clothing, Boot, Shoes and Mats, Heavy purchases, in addition to our immense stock, enable us to display during the ensuing month the largest and finest assortment of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ever offered at retail in this city. Good Suits of Clothing, worth $10, for $6.50. The best kind of whole stock Kip and Calf Boots, $2.75 to $3.00. Prices reduced in all grades from 15 to 25 -per cent. Give us & call before purchasing. 'KAUFMAN t BRO. CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS, nov 3 Springs' Corner. Charlotte, N. C. WITTKOWSKY& RIWTELS mTTTTi t cn a -r-r-rv-rT!L -L. I J I 1 I -I ltUC3 I J lN JZT WHOLESALE IM AliLISIIMJ T I D KLINE. Til,' . j'xi sWr -A Qflnml aperhxtendent. OIF1 THE STATE I AS OTHERS SEE THEM. A letter received from a gentleman, who recently visited Charlotte, contains the following in reference to our house, and we submit it to our patrons as an evidence 01 our ammy 10 maire an our promises gooa : "lhe house of WrrrKOWiKY & Kintels seems to me as a wholesale establish ment to stand pre-eminent in being able to supply such goods, and on as favor able terms to merchants as can be secured south of .Baltimore. 1 reached this conclusion, after a careful examination of their immense stock, and a personal interview with Mr. Wittkowsky." .A. iLsrov o- H3I SIGHT ! The Store House of Wittkowsky & Eintelsr three floors, 54 by 94 feet, all packed and crammed full of Goods. The largest and most complete since 1872, is now ready for inspection in both the Wholesale as well as the Ketail Departments, and we court akd defy COM PETITION, let it come from whatever quarter it may whether New Yoik Phila delphia, the ever present Baltimore drummer, or our local establishments. IN WHOLESALE we are ready to DUPLICATE ANY BILL, no matter where bought. IN RETAIL we present the most complete essortment of the LATEST NOVELTIES ever offered in Charlotte. ! To give the reader some conception of the immersity of our stock we cite as follows: & N A so 14 r n And E-voirytlxlxxs el sept 29 ixx Proportion, At, We have received direct from the Manufacturers a good supply of Lanterns at low prices. ; , WILSON & BUR WELL. Our stock of Lamps and Lamp goods is complete. ; r WILSON & BUR WELL, 75 ozs Sulph. Morphine. :; clll:B 200 lbs Spanish Float Indigo. ' i f;; :f j. 25, Boxes Refined Pearl Starch. , vjiuso j at u i-iuiui Du.awju.t;. 6000 lbs Pure White Lead. Just received by 1 ,i:x WILSON & BURWELL; ; : " - ;i Drusreists. C, West:& Sons Alladdxn Secutrity Oil ;yic ;i"'-rJ,l!;ul'B VJILSON C DURVJELLj : " ou-iijix' ;i tit7 x:ts py i '.'i ilt i