Hi hi! t V J L iaDMI yOBSEBVjSB. IT I . s. -J. 3 v 4m iw Sunday; No Yetoer25 Free from tne dottogjsf upiesLihtl4ndence to thirty-seven, even counting etter our Cree-born reaaon." 5 ' Oueaa VictoVla has teeivs. havinsr some Kmore'giaSid-cliildrMJC) 'lOl . w aw' -mananrnMBe .. the "House thtfjaate'aut oftbViir thatandeto:?' 9ft t Pi H Tha Hanital A? MrrasnAndent SSVS Don; '(VmnwAfhiw "a bronze mustache ana a . ateel-blua eveJ' DOa dust be k m&n, o mt- tip. . UC. . - -. a- , 4, r T that Aiei&ri3er Btphen? reerSbleI a night-j ' ? VI ijft fetephtos fn'A Wriglilto tiake ' '.yiiii-A --' t ' . . en.' Wade; thiivkat ) Ejepublicao party " ' was U badli damaged by he result of the . Obiq election that it cafiiiot hope ttQ repover vi v "in the next twenty-fiye years. , , . . 'i'ilii'i "ttolwitostanding 'the ' Eobsi Jts ' are but-' side aud. the,. Turks inside, xYBfi vthe, ' 5 ' Russians ban hardly be' held m ana Jthe Turks can hardly hold put- '.Uymn 1 i I Double postal cards. BfferdiDg facilities . for reulv. arer already in vogue in several ' V corib tries of Europe; and' have been fodhof of immense convenience. , K Worcester Press : The attempt to civilize - the gorilla, Pongo, killed him. I is thought 1 " that the fatal blow was ah attempt to force . him into one of those 'shirt collar?. Ifayes has git en $100 to a Richmond , church, and; yet' people in speaking 'bfhiB '.t liberality appear to forget tbatj ,Gen Grant gaye ten times that amount for whiskey. 'Frisco Mail : Visitors to the great crater at Petersburg haye to pay two bit td go ia to TwieJrhigs charges.!fewyeaDrt ago th ere i was a day when thousands of men would have given forty acres of land and a mule to get out of it. Somebody in Philadelphia having nomi nated Col McClure, of the Philadelphia Times, as a candidate fotCpngress n place 0s ' pf judge Kefley.lhe Cofoelxha'to say. he has ho"ambition"tb be anything but a journ alist, and would net accept a seat in Con eiesfTf evaty f 6tefltt,,aif district scrppairted Graphic : There was a gorilla named Pongo, Wno came from the coast of the Congo, He has gone up the spout Slipped his grip -petered out. Gone to that heayen, no doubt, Where every good ape shall anon-go. A DEFENSIVE LETTER. in tne ubseevee oi tne zd mst., we copied from the Kaleigh News a com munication ,to the New York Times, dated ifBalVigb, October 26th, entitled '"Illicit Stills Eesult of a Raid in . Wilkes Exposure of BF Jones." Mr Jones is or was the sheriff of Yadkin county, and in the Winston Sentinel, of the 22d inst., he publishes quite lengthy reply to the communication in question. He is a Republican, and the New York Times, which originally published the assault, is a Republican paper; hence, this is not our fight at all, and we only took a hand in it to help it along, and beiDg in we are asked by Sheriff Jones to continue in by publishing his communication. This is a very .modest request following close, as it aoes, upon tne neeis ot the mti mation that the attack upon him never appeared in the New York Times at all, but was the creation of the Raleigh JSewa and Charlotte Observes. This aspersion is sufficient to absolve us from any obligation to notice the com munication' in any way, but we pass over Mr Jones' folly, and do him the justice notice, the leading points 6f jej-ni rejomaer JttOut touching his1 1 introduction, which is only abusive of the author of the Times' article, we proceed to the first point he makes which is germane to the subject : As to my falling out with distillers, or having any. in my employ, X de-, i nbdnjcethat as aalseboooHoo feeble to bear a comment, arid as to the four teen indictments against me for viola tions of the revenue law, they are only presentments preferred by parties who are now indicted and three bills filed against them for embezzling and steal ing my money and property while ?in my employ. No wonder they are spite fid. But the presentments against me in the Federal Court did not seem to take, the grand jury being aware of the malicious intent of the informors. ? I TcTthf Second, ohitfge 3,1? Jones re- sponas as touows : As to the fourteen distilleries run by me, I denounce as a lie that I can prove. Vrr-fxalltipon all joiflTOirwno wish to establish th Pir nanoro art wish o fcstablish lhe reputation of their m papef s for truth? to'give' the lie, direct; v 'to any and all men who are disposed 10 mangn and calumniate a.rharila man who, has endeavored to conform u i f to m law r Mljis mantifacturingand' dealings. r . And thenrthe lette J concludes In conclusion, with! rfic4rrl,trt charges of the" blockading etweetf Iries and myself, I denounce iss A not,tnralPmy falsehood, as I have transactions ever sold him a gallon) of r fmirits nr ever nnrVia&4 f.xrsL-U. KjS- cI of tobacco. This Jf.fmjmMiop , either of the articles, as Jbadan substan tiate by the best cilfeens of Salemkn P. . " " .SI UCIU ; Utiilll 111 - the benefit of thieiiarlflC ItfiMie ; benefit of a.iivir.n'kit. i - OI tne letter which bear -upon the charges to which he' w uk2 Lw'v HOW "CONGRESS STANDS. hfcjnterefct fccV ft pohticar-nipvements in we uuwm States Senate stul further! angmen.- ed3ust miow Dyiine wen strength of the two parties in that body. In the pending contest for the yacant seats;:ron Una, even one voie is a nmuw w j grtfcimportance, and tne pouucw fMi, oT.oaont.d in t.h -SenateasJ asrsS calculated by the Washington corres pondent of th Richmond WhigM note Worthy. 4f 'fhedfeath)M Senator Mor tofsay1 thialbrfe$pofdent, f'Eas-re. duced the jRepublfcan Senators m at at Blaine, who is away sick, but wno is atf$feted biiekjW Jtnlrl p teek . Theao--cession o Voorhees has increased the Dembhratic1 "number J irty-four,- cnangea nisJuinOj since pe or ween. labored. wth.hjm as sidously j almost ., , f .iilL .J vvr rT be wui vote, lor sutler a aamissi-1 iuih wjii wiB vuv c ivreTuui"i6 1 Blaineat present, aaid.aU th'ehpther so lMhendenrMrB las too "paStrsWw de:4iai AheisWbn on its merits, and it is not so .certain- tn all theV ' b ah rAftint ''ori Chrrstiancy In jtbistae 6t affairi. th'Republicans will not risk a.vote." Not if can help it trulyibUVl.si Thursday) o?e fWiircrlar ) nrr thel moi10U,.,1B?fc J?t Privileges cancT? Elections from the further, rconsiderattonfpf tha Butler- ' .f'"-1 i. il" j ' u -": Cpfbm case, they, had wll-igl4 .ex-i Kaustea an or tueir expeaieniSj' anui accordinc to the well-informed Wash- ngton correapondenl he Richmond -- . -7- . L T AspocA, Butler would have gotteri his seat tfcatHiay HAUonever naa bioou oy . . . . . - t - ' i i . ' m i J'l I his euns for half an hour loneer. In- ct0a f -:Katthniroirr)i weafeftnfid 1 i i - fl . - J fA. unaer,Jiepupucau auiiueixvc,: tuicu iur an , aoiouxumeuw, wfuicurao wwui- Dhshed by Wheeler s castiae vote, ana But speaking of the relative of the jparties in' the Senate esting to note tha,t the Democratic mlinTitvfirt the Hoase has iust been reducea MhirteW by the admission from Missouri. There are now in the House 291 members, of which 152 are Democrats arid 139 Eebublidkns. with one Congressional district unrepresent- . t ; MAGAZINES FOR DEO EMBER. St. Nicholas. Scribner's Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys. ' Con ducted by Mary Mapes Dodge. Vol. IV. November, 1876, to November, 1877. Scribner &Co.: New York. St. Nicholas, ever the delight of : the iiiuic uKJUif uoo uctci uccu uivi v brilliant and interesting than it is for December, when the fourth volume , . ' . L makes its appearance m a most artistic dress of crimson, relieved by delicate traceries of black, with golden morn- ino--jrlnriPs. Rnt. tho oiinrintr PTtrinr au tu i 'm. - j wtaoUlto n m. inesmootli tinted paper, the care- ful and numerous illustrations, are as rood in thpir wav as thfirAndinrr matter on which no pains have been spared. The author of "Helen's Babies " Wil- Ham Cullen Bryant, J G Holland, Lucy Larcom, Albert ,,, Rhodes, Virginia Townsend, Longfellow, Edgar Fawcett, Mary Mapes Dodge, Miss Phelps, Donald Mitchell, Susan Coolidgej Ed ward Eggleston, Whittier and Richard A Proctor, are some few of the con tributors .to St Nicholas. Sceibneb's Monthly. Ani Illustrated r Magazine for the" peopleconducted by J. (Jr. Holland, and published by Scribner & Co. This old and popular magazine for December is a real treat, fully up to the reputation it has gained in preceding volumes. It is unsectional, and free from that trashy liteiature which de tracts from many publications.; It's articles .tare marked Dy3 a genuine ir?sjrriesswich at,'pice "com mends it ' A 1 : A 11 ? ' ' k . l J a B The Eclectic Magazine, of Foreign Liiterature, published by E a relton, 25 Broad Street, New York. This old and well established map. azine.iong a favorite with the Southern people, liow' in its sixteenth "volume, in its December number, fully sustains its justly earned reputation. Selections from The Nineteenth Century, The Corn hill Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, and other English periodicals are pre sented in an attractive and invitinsr form, and we trust that it may live and P pown gray in the cause of general mtellicence and first class literature, Potter's Ameeicak Monthly. An il- lustrated magazine of History, Liter- ature, Science and Art, published by Jno E Potter Ar. nnmnnnv PhiladeF - phia Pa. j j s -takx .i -zrvsrj'x - ! ''Ifl uuu, . vx bU - 'r "siut? is iie pegiumug u ,ui9 ninth volumd. which! ns of itself an evidence of its stability and adaptabil- toffy fVa nra-nt TttWhriikSMiTl iTKolMerrimonand in the House by Mr . ! rneiore f culti- leading article? l usisWePoYfer ntbe Jrae j yated- mirtd,?v waich fiaai I a IqarsoTytbTessengers, ; etc, in "the Southern exaininauon we pronouojce a Bopst au- the skill of an adept.. Other Articles are llrelinS itled to Ouf lavOrable com - The! PofcoxM ciEBrciMojrTHLVJ ? a a nt J ji. i''-,:i?SS.!?eIJ'5IIS PlnH jjaudpublisheiby DrtffetiCfc,; TeVTork, UUUICU uv AH. J. aliU ' f O A JLliiXLlM iittecpMer mmyer uiiais piirjaicw, lication is on our tableV or ability jah j Character: it ranks with the first Ameri can periodicals, .numbering- among 4ts regttfkrontribuforfrsuch eminent sci entists as Prof. Thurston, R AProctbrVl rroi, Sam, Prof. Draper, Dr. Paul a f TT f hal, it graced everyentre toblein1 the CrJif sf La'4 1 ff fl 9 if i ttiTt it lne question of final adjournment is lahdX OU C UttlllJUtyt further off than ever, and it now seems "NiAmevfr and others. Of equal fame. I Perhaps the mctTj noteworthy article Unlhe present nWbe er is 'one on Evoln- tion : i' its origin progress y Prof? Draper ana conse- LrrriXL's Litiko Age. A reprint frcm the finest reviews and magazines of England, ia nublisbed bv Littell & -Gay 17 Bromfield street. Boston. 1 V . ,.r . - ; - 1 Tha nnmWhefnrA na ia nn (n thft 1 - . - q Cf.rr,;.. . T--;- cation . nases.caoiuoew wuvuiu..tk United States. Littell is perhaps the finest eclectic ion the Americau continent. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. The Butler Case Before the Commit- tee--TheEwing BillAn Important Bill to be Reported from Mr Wad deli's uommmee . snoruy mr. Steele's Bill Mr Yeates' Fish Amendment Adjournment Delay ed Dockery 's Prospective Consul ship- rScecial Gorrespondenoe of the Observet.3 j-tAsHnmroirrD orwov: 22, 1877. Th proceedings of the Senate for the last lew aays nave oeen 01 uauauai interest. The nuestion ol tne adnns- icfiftif Bptler pfJSQUth Carolina, has een beiore tnac Doay. xne uem ocrata aided by :i Conover, of Florida, Patterson, of South Carolina', and Da vis, of Illinois, have sucoeeded in tak Elections 'arid - - tT' n ctiow part of ..i . reason ilf mBl? r iT f j V' 6 Elections;- for purposefi i of : delay, reiusea w "P""."? J L" B late: m Deing auie io unug cuuer b befoje' the Senate, ;ahd to defeat tha . committee, is regarded as a tri umph for , the .Democrats. J.o-day a n 1 , it - J ? ilT.Al f 'eJ ftf thft . xftnnbiio.ftnf . re80rted to . . . . dilatory tactics tCLcause delay. Uould a direct arete;; have;' been had Butler would hOs beerieated. Conover an 11UUUU6S UllUBOl BD 1U 1U1 Ui DCftWUK fw nf nnthamlina. nd TCfilln and j50g of Li6nisiana . The same , question comes up on aenate to 31. , Wheeler for the first time this session. Had an opportunity of exer- fisir hi pritilege of voting and gave Durine, all the numerous votes to- day therriost intense interest was felt, and the responses ot tne Uoubtlul aena- tors were closely watched. Conover and Patterson held frequent conferen ces with Thurman, McDonald and oth er Democrats during the course of the day. The Ewing bill, which had been post noned. "came up again to-day. Mr Ewing closed the debate, principally addressing his remarks to the argu ment of Mr Garfield, of Ohio. He contended that the positions assumed by Mr G. were not correct : that it would bring financial ruin upon the count y if 0 tnird potion of the re- i gmjj KvXOU AlkXk Yfno llvrb iCUtSMOU , 'UIO forced resumption of specie payments on f0" ,lst' wcn hi8,bill would abolish, would produce such a contraction of the currency that noth- ing short of a financial crisis would ensue. He stated that the present is- sue of the currency gave but $17 per capita to the people of the country, wniIe m England it wafl 134 per capita, and in Germany $23 per capita. Yet if this forced resumption was contin ued it would be even less than it is n?w; p apprehended that none of the a onirf.oH hv t.hn nnnnnpnta nf tha Kill would result if it became a law. On the other hand he thought it would stimulate trade,' promote enterprise and .invigorate all branches of indus- tryrlThe lack of currency to carry on thebusiness of the country was the cause of the hard times now, and what his bill proposed was to relieve the country.; The bill will come to a vote to-morrow, and will pass the House by from 20 to 30 majority. A canvass has been made of the Senate on this bill, and, from what has been ascertained, it is thought that the ifiwing bill cannot get enough votes to pass: that body- The Republicans, with, but few exceptions, are opposed to it, and such Democrats as lhur- man, Bayard and Hill are also arrayed against it. It is stated that nine Dem ocratic Senators will vote against it, whmh. -with thft Radii hi man vot.A toiII afifeat its nassatre. Aa at nresfrnt in formed it would seem that the Ewing Kill- in it. vwAaanf fiKona vsrill natTQ. oeuoino a law. ' A bill ; of creat importance to the I South, introduced by: Mr Beagan, of Texas, early In the session, has been favorably considered by the committee on Postoffices and Post Roads, and Mr Waddell, its chairman, has been direct ed to ask action on it at the first opportunity. The bill provides that the Secretary of the Treasury shall begin, at once, to pay, in full, to the late mail contractors of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,' Mississippi, Mis souri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia and West frgi1" their legal heirs, or represent- atives, the amounts due under their re8pectiVe contracts for the years 1859, ioaa n.i isai . .n .tu orw,.;; of $37 5W, e ac approved March 8rd, .ip7, Bhall be made avail- I immeuiaieiy, ior saia payments, T -the but provides that HO payments j shall be made for service rendered after 1 May 3rd, ; 1861, when- discontinuance wftg Qrdered fcy the P08trnagter General. 1 A' bill I of sim ilar : purport, - but more I comprehensive, has been simulta j tieously; presented in the Senate by Mr Steele.- It appropriates!!, ta paymQt 0f all .unpaidj ttf ttmtegebttaretiW! salaries dae Urbute agents, mail cdntf actors, mail "r.vr i r-? y v,4te,c vmtarriAv--had a amendment attn0i tbyMrYates of North Carolina7"which nnt nnmA tft a oIaaa hefnrA Wodnilii -LrS-i-r" U j Jw"-" wutj , vu wvuaau r too va. ii oo miu iucauo uha xcui bcu a resolution to i that enect. but the de- hale-oiuthe army, deficiency and Paris exposition 1 Mils : occupied so much time that it was found impossible to ; Dockery who has been here for the w ' I. - , ! 1 it vsa, win uigutt - un ii w uccu Kf?r tE - position' of Consul General to London. u ii uappens tnas mac piace is jv I iiuutt.uio iiiiah ' me i eAbra tsesaioa win nOW. filled, and in addition t.n RAr.nrirxr the appointment, he - had to displace pointeei pfl Grant, fit is understood that M Hayes hS' promised him the p ace on Grant's revurn. ' which, from uie latest advices, will not be for some two years. In the meantime Dockery may be supposed to be in the condi- tion of the man who invented the say- inrr TT AC -J .U-t.v. 1 'J6 r- "Oinieu uianctii tug ucan Wheeler is here looking after his appointment as collector of the fourth district 01 jxortn uaronna. lie is ac companied by Rollins;' of 'Buncombe county - Carter, of Asheville, is here. Faee hashia eye still on Millird. Mil lard's friends are serene and undis turbed. Joannes Scriblerus.H A Qsod Deed. Editor Charlotte Observer : Having read with much satisfaction.- iner well merited tribute, in your col umns yesterday morning, to the elo quence arid ability-of Senator Ransom , I am-reminded of one of his good deeds as stated in a special telegram publish ed, by the Baltimore Sun, during the session of Congress of 1876 and 77. , ine service in Question was as fol lows: , ?A bill which had passed the Mouse of Representatives without no tice. authorized at writ of mandamus issued by any circuit court of the Unit ed Stales against any State officer, to remain of Jull . enect, notwithstanding the death or resignation of such of ficer. The effect of the bill, as was as ment of sill the bogus bonds, State and municipal, issued during the Radical 1 ruJln. f,1 bankrupted North Carolina, Georgia and other states. - It is believed that the holders of some six millions of bogus railroad bonds issued - by the North Carolina Railroad authorities, inspired this bill, and the common rumor is that Gen Butler worked up the bill in his. inge nious style, by which suspicion as to its true intent was not aroused. The bill bad already been enrolled arid was ready for the signatures of the pre siding officers, when through the ef forts of Senator Hansom it was arrest ed in the last stage, before becoming a law." ' Believing, Mr Editor, that an act of such vigilance and devotion to duty have asked Sentinel. Obstructing Nature, Instead oi aiding her in her efforts to recu perate, is bviously not the way to get well when one is sick. Yet this is precisely the course pursued of course unwittingly by persons who are continually dosing them selves with powerful mineral drugs for some malady with which thej are emicted. Such baneful medicaments rather tend to retard recovery than to hasten it. How much more sensible are t bey who employ the gently acting but thoroughly efficient re storative. Hostetters Stomach Bitters, which unlike the drugs referred to, is emi nently wholesome and safe ; and, instead of injuring, improves the tone of the stom ach and re-creates health and vigor in the broken down system. Indigestion, liver complaint, constipation, kidney and bladder ailments, and rheumatism, yield to its cor rective influence, and it is the remedy and rnenY ?ed fS bred by miasma tainted air and water. It is, moreover, a superb appet zer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German 8yrup Jo let its wonder- mi qualities De Known to their mends in curing consumption, severe coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief- Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and not one case where it failed was report ed. Such a medicine as the German 8yrup cannot be too widely known. Aik your druggist about it: sample bottles to lry sold at ten cents. Regular siza 75 cents. For sale by T C Smith. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC. New Yobk, October 1st, 1877. I have devoted twenty years of patient study to the Liver and its relations to the human body, in search of a remedy wnicn would restore it, when diseased, to its nor mal condition. Ihe result of that labor has been the production of TTJTT'8 LIVER FILLS, Their popularity has become so extended and the demand so great as to induce un scrupulous parties to counterfeit them, thereby robbing me ot the reward, and the afflicted of their virtues. TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC, and protect them from vile imposition. have adopted a new label which bears my trade-mark and notice of its entry in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, also my signature, thus: or 3&To COUHTIBTXTr THIS IS FOEGKET. Before purchasing, examine - the label closely. - ' 5 , THE GEN UIN Jfi TUTT'S IfLULJO exert a necnliar influence on the system Their action is prompt, and their, eood ef fects are felt in a few hours. quarter oi a century of study of the Liver has demon- strated that it exerts a greater influence over the system than any other organ of the body, and when diseased the entire :organ- ism is deraneed. It is specially for the 2S londnavlnFfond the remedy, which has proved the greatest boon eyer furnished the afflicted, snail tney be deprived of its benehts, aiid a yile imita tion imposed upon them ? Let the hohest fjeoflx or America see TO IT THAT THEY ABE HOT DETBAUDED. . ScrU tinize the label closely, see that it bears al the marks above mentioned, and buy the medicine onlv from respectable dealers. It can be found everywhere. Very respectfully, - W. H. TUTT FALL-RACES AT THE CAROLINA PARK, CHARLOTTE, N. O. Waj, Noyeiter 26tli, 1877. fXK the afternoon of Monday, November J 26th, there will be a Trotting Race, in harness, for a purse of S200, at the race I grounds, at Carolina Park, near Charlotte, b. g. owned by Geo 0 Chambers; arid LUCY ,' b. m.; owned by B B Damerest. A second Trotting Bace will take place immediately afterwards, .between Chester Stallion "BLEY WEST," owned by O J Schoolcraft, and "LADY MAURY," b. m. owned by Geo K Macon, and "SORREL FRINCE," s. g., owned by B H Damerest, " I . Fi. 11 1 . ll1 r.u"""iK aoiiars. i Adrnisaion, -:2J,Ut Is : 60 cents 1 ChUdren under 15 years of age, 25 cents noyzi New-t Advertisements. : i v. s : , . hyper's . . ' r.5 curKiIve pAds ii i !A Sure cure lor TO 8 PI D LIVER and all diseases aiding therefrom, Luiir, Kidney, Spine, Bladder, Womb, and all Female D s eases, CHILLS and FEVER, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Headache. Our LIVERLUNG and AGUE PAI, $2. KIDNEY and 8PINAIJ PAD, $3, Pad for FEMALE WEAKNES8, $3. We send them by m til free on receipt of price. Add.e s JfirJ,,. SNYDER & UO. Cincinnati, O. $66:, week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. H. HALLETT A CO., Portland, Maine. AGENTS WANTED ! . for particulars address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO., 829 Broadway, New York City, Chicago, 111., ase w Orleans, La , , J r , : Or San Francisco, Cal. J. Holmes. The new novel, MILDRED, by Mrs. Mary Holmes, anther of tnose splendid boofcd Edith Lyle - West Lawn Tempest and Sun shine Lena Rivers etc.. is now ready, and for sale hv all booksellers. Price $1.50 It is one of the finest novels ever written, and everybody Bhould read ft. O. W. UAKLlfiTON & VU., Publishe s. .New YORK. Send for, Reduced.PricS jList of CABINET ORGANS. NEW and SPLENDID 81YLE8 ; Prices Reduced $10 to $50 each, this rronth, (Nov. 1877.) Address M At ON Jk HAMLIN OR GAN CO., Boston, New Yobk, ob Chicago. Tf. Ann per day at home Samples w worth $5 free. Stiksoh & Co , Portland,-Maine. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO! was awarded the highest prize at Centennial Exposition for its fine chewing qualities, the excellence and lasting character of its sweetening and flavoring. If you want the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer for tbis, and see that each plug bears our blue strip trade mark with words Jackson's Best on it. Sold wholesale by all jobbers. Send for sample to C A JACKSON & CO., Mann facturers, Petersburg, Va. WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing for the FIRESIDE "VISITOR, (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. LARGEST PAPER IN THE World, with Mammoth Chromos Free. Big Commissions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free. Address P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine- aiQ day at home. tyLAJ fit and terms Augusta, Maine, Agents wanted. Out free. TRUE & CO. i A Extra Fine Mixed Cards. with name.lO cts.. postpaid, L. JONES fe CO., Nas sau, N. Y. BEATTY News. Organs, 12 $130, cost $6 0. cir ington, N.J, PIANO ORGAN best SSB- Look ! Startling stops $o5. Pianos only free. D F Beatty, Wash IMPORTANT ! now have tLe most complete stock of IMTORTED and I?OME3TIC GROCERIES in the city, wnich l wou d liKe for pur chasers to examine before they go elsewhere. I would call special attention to the following NEW ARRIVALS : Edam and Pineapple CHEESE. Mcscitel and London-layer RAISINS, CURRANTS. CITEON. and all kinds of BPIGE3, California PEARS, APPLES, CRANBERRIES. ORANGES, LEMONS, and a fall line of light Fancy GROCERIES. CORN BEEF, in from 1 to 4 pound cans PIGS FEET, Pickled SALMON, Loose PICKLES, and everything necessary to support a first-class establishment. LeRoy Davidson, nov 18 BOOTS AND SHOES. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE RETAIL TRADE of CHARLOTTE Sirroiiimr Ccitry. HAVING purchased .the .entire; Retail "Btock of. 8ample k Wetmore, ,we will continue the Retail 'business at their old stand, opposite Central Hotel, where we will keep a full line of , the celebrated Carolina Shoe, of their manufacture,' as well as a full line of" Northern Goods, selected especially for the retail trade. 7' All are respectfully in Tited to calL ri'ttii i" . : vi:;awii i? r ; uQRIBRIcCOMBS & CO. GATAXOGUEff of . our 31USI6 juVb-now ready ior distribution1, -They, contain oyer 1500 pieces ' by the, best composers. XttfAMiiui ii .vw?-HTDT-.yfc BR mfllRTV-FOUR YKARHAn .American 1 Story of Southern Xlfe,, by- 4 . lady ot SpaiianSurg, 8 0 - For; sale by 1 - . zi y v TIDD-rR0 , A. 'NEW BlJPPLTonrAnfPBaiCILS BCpT74 , XJLUUX OS DbJ NOTICE TO M.1 ParhsBuilding, East Tryon Street, 1 KOw offers . to th"6 li&ae ,int:;tiifigRiinlWnawytf nViVl' i oi., , -S. Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS OILS, DYE STUFFS and iWINDOW GLASS. We have just received our Fall Stock, and with thrPP mJS'Hi S?er8 .on short notice All Goods are bouehf for cash, at the" T mwvt Mid t. ' SELECT ENGLISH SPICE8, just receiyed: Nutmegs, Mace, White Ginger,' Cloves, Cinnamon. Allspice, Mnatard. Pepper, Ac, wnoie ana ground. , ' Nelson s and Coxe s wletuieTItalian Ver- mecelli and Maccaroni Tapioca, 8ago, Ber muda Arrew Root. German Sweet Chocalate and Corn Starch. .-!di-Ji-JJ - . Believing that the trade of tbis countrv will support the higher grades of SDices than have heretofore been found ontaid of Euro peati markets, we have perfected arrange ments for giving such goods to trie public. We. shall endeavor to keep constantlv in stock selections from the choicest goods to be found in any market. The above goods are bought i tbe original-case, and will be sold at low prices J. H. McA.IEN, sept 1ZJ Wholesale and Retail Druggist. New Stock. REMOVAL. I have removed my stock of Hardware, Stoves and 1 inware to the NEW AND ELEGANT STORE ON TRADE STREET, lately occupied by J. Me. Alexander as a Boot and Shoe Store! My tfall Stock ot HARDWARE, in all its varieties. Stoves Tinware. Hollow-ware, Wooden-ware, &c, is now open to the inspection of the public, at prices which are unprecedented in tne Charlotte market The Popular ZEB VANCE STOVE a specialty. TT nn "OTTTHT Tin nov 23 J" 1. MRS. P. .QUERY Has returned from New York and is -now ready to show the Largest and; Handsomest Stock of Fine ivwllinery"and Ancy goods, EVER OFFERED IN CHARLOTTE. Ladies will find me at my New Store in the Central Hotel' buildug, where they will , find the cheapest stock of goods in the city, bine Millinery,1 Hosiery, Cfloves, Neck Wear, Cor sets, Cloaks, Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, White Goods;. and all the novelties of the season, bought in the last few days,, from 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than goods bought 3 or 4 weeks ago and be will be sold cheaper for cash than any house in the city. MRS. P. QUERY. J. W. HUBBARD. THE SOUTHERN CIGAR MANUFACTORY, H a. Pi H3 S3 JtJG&J JN S 1 OK-A. BLbTTB, 13". C Is the place, to. buy good home lnanofactured Cigars for the . . mt n t m t f Ii' . least money. Tne loiiowing oranas are speciauies : THE GOLDEN EAGLE Warranted to be made of as good Tobacco as cau be pur chased anywhere, and equal to any 10 cent THE K1ENA VlUTOttlA Havana nuea seven ror zo cants. THE REFRESHER Havana filled eight for 25 cents. THE INDIAN PRINCiiSS Large Cigar, Harana, th-ee for 25 cents. I will also sell twelve Cigars for 25 cents, as good as any 5 cent cigar. AH the finest brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO kept on hand. Mymottote, ' Quick 8ales and Small Profits." Cjsh fr all Goods on delivery. Orders promptly filled. J. W. B I BARD A CO., Proprietors BOOTS and IRON BKONT BUItDING, TRADE orn rftnoivirnr nur FALL and W ' and are able to show not; only plete assortment of all kinds of Ever before offered in this market. . 1 in; e niOTT iaciurers, in large quannuea, ior va.ou, bu.uw oj un - 11 an examination of out BOOTS and SHOES, feeling confident that we can sen cheaper than any other house here or elsewhere. . BOYD & OvbKMAfl, Bept23 Iron Front Building, Charlotte, Fashionable Dressmaking TYURABILITY and Fit guaranteed, pat U terns cut to measure," and millinery or ders executed with taste. The latest styles of dress and other patterns always on hand. T WRS.JIPASSAILLAIGUE, Room next to Van- Ness Gallery. sept6 tf Real EstateMining 1 Immigration Agency T70R selling, buying and renting Mines, H i Land and Houses, and providing homes in the Piedmont' regions of North Carolina and South Carolina, and being connected with the Souiubi Rwjqb',' circulated is this country and Europe twice a month, I will advertise, free of cost, all farms and mines, placed in my hands, for sale. - , r attgT. Charlotte, N. a MERCHANTS. TP. 'I ' u.i,i x U1CE8 CIGARS Twenty Thousand CIGiRs ; Bist Brands For Wholesale and Kctail Trade at J. H. McADEN'S Urug Store. PAINTS akd OILS. -t JUST RECEIVED 2 Tons WBITE LEAD 1 Ton Fire-Proof PINT, "2 Ton8Assorted Colors, iu Barrels Kiwand Boiled Linseed OIL. o uarreis Bpirits Turpentine. o xMirreia vr.iisn, 10 Ifarrels Lubri-ating Oil. J. H. McADEK, Wholesale aad UeUil Druggist New Goods 1 . nu 1 1 i j 1 F. A. McNINCH. hi H P ! cigar South, for 5 cents cash. -AT- '3. STEEET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, -o o WINTER Stock cf BOOTS and SH0E9, the largest but the best and most com We have bought direct from large mann- 1m.iu nnniu We SOUCll Watches Jewelry J - ; -VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's wx HATX A i' LARGE S'i'OCKj AND WILL NOT BE rfrTER80L "par- All work In the line neatly don and Warranted. "Vt Jan28 . i ICraiileai Farm Dairy InURNISHE8 the purest and best couDtry f ; milk; The high reputation our m" has attained wUi be maintained. JJ, chUdren cow bas special care and is prop" ly fed to give rich and nourishing niiK' 12 Quart Tickets One DoUar. , HOY22 A SHORTER CALDWEU

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