-WATERY1 ORATES. -Sr!2 Men Drowned. Young Following close tlDOn the heels JOI -o . 1, V the appalliDg railroad disasters of Trn day, comes the intelligence' of an occurrences near Liucoln totf, t Friday THE RAILROAD WRECKS. Fuller Acoonnta"of the Terrible Dlsaa- Heard. 1 iVSLLTtrhafc raa Bami And T1 ! LA I a v r six r ft t u leels of I vi f- . 'J1 T H E3uea,anaItuie weunaea -Tae The Story Not Yet Finished. THB WEiTHEB ,;TO-DAY,.i'br A JSW 7k .4 llantia!&ataL: rwria. followed vz&Lij!-? :Akitjtt.T-nndi marmer. . .if:.v..itia. I tiophes .reported in tae Obsekyeb yes- -WSTjjyMy.i.y " " I 1IA 1 UJ lilttl VlOi iUDOOiO 1U1VUBI I - - eink.lThe former sw&m to the bank and the latter lodged in a tree pear the wreck. i Jnese; few accounts of ubeinanner ln?jWhich8ome of ItbTHescapiesTwere made, give same idea of the scene. ' Further news from the terrible catas- terday raorningV was awaited yesterday miles over the country, and peopled- THE EES CUES. In fifteen minutes after the occur rence, the news had spread for several Baptist -CHtrsc: Services in TO-DAY. . . i imv iiiiii iiiiiv. wnn anuibcu -vcnijiun.v MlM m Harrison j torice, .tK t tK1 at,i,ftfv on, . J, gan to flock to the bank and endeavor young men of the town, were crossing . i.-.. . fV,. ;: to rescue the unfortunate passenger fort was made to gather information T11E CHURCHES TTT? . iJi-i Clarke's creek.hichi -just on the - Mr Joe Bordell. formerly an engineer frftv. -e txt ivi i n r ni n t i i .... . . . ... . - - . . i iiiiiri i.im pi:nnn in inn iii?innLr:i i iiai i v r - - trr moVnine ati eleven outskirts, and which runsr'between the . f aa on the railroad, happened to :be; near tberevenhjg' et 7J o'clock, town and Phifer's factory, the waters I , , At" . . ... I the scene of the accident: and directed ' . ' i . f . : . i . . - r vrrvTYi itnpir r-iiii i.nnr..i.nn irnin wnit'n i - andyctiooiiaifiCocicWinBm . . 4 " " the, effort, dianbwin a nresence of t ; .1 t i IC MABk'S i ttniEBAJ? dflracaf Eej; B A . oJ i Winfrard,1; Pastor.-Services in tb morning at 11 o ClOCJC, ana in. vue evening 3 v-. being very high, when- the f tjoat which - . . "?.?".. . -"i-f t M. left .here yesterday morning at .they occupied 1S pudaenlyoapsized. aJ19n).n Young Grice sank beneath the waters v uji . seats free. . cunaay ecnpoi iu we wfuwii ano. was seeu-no more. ,3 ,ihcbb8. au&o . , . -n, at s o'clock: lai::: , ! U,H"J . a mu hundreds of ' 'i,.Sr. PKTm.'flTE.l'CHUBOH-EeVvB. B. Bron-1 ; , nr ha .i MOUlKlt 40 would return about 12 o'clock wjtb the killed and wounded. On ' its arrival anxious people collected gather what tidings they could of their friends and relatives. mind and courage which have scarcely ever been equalled. The engine was immediately sent to Bock Hill for as sistance, and a party was made up there, headed by Dr T C Robertson, who came to the scene as fast as steam t? t- . u n t i fti.-mAMiiner of. 11. '. 1 . .i .i. ii viu.b'IlnH'.in ' ihia ikv vom fl natpn ranin 1 v I O'ClOCJCana in .LV" w . 1 AKil f0nf fKenouonoPriAf f.V.ill .Sunday School in the afternoon at tfociocK. down gtream, From the. point wberelrn"? '. TH m could brinir them. Before 'their arri- ip.1tfvDrMil. i'. a. AS WveawauuMnyea, Mgeiner wiwuwe .... uu-. . A' 1091 4. wv-yr ; T T : v 4 AAJIOIJ VOOOOW - WV- V VWM . . . - i i I Will UK )!) R in I III- IIfl-IWItI)l 1111111 HI 1111 rler Pastor. Services in ;the: morning at lit 'd-. ;r. ,v I citizens ot unauoue, wna naa, on .we , , . V . LJL . bothsides of the stream had rescued ,lfte afternoon li; emPtie3 1Dto th njert(Uie mtti of Jamea PMc. several of the parties who were nearest W'OpcK, ; j fork ot the Catawba,) the -distance is - ' ,t thebanks. - - St. PKTBB9'CiTH0LiQCHiiBCHtT-VeryEev . Jy?u.n,inB Laughhn. .Most of those who had been . . , . , -4.. . t. , T . ' J ! Tu - f A ffreaipr than ft naff mile: randieallZine . . l. . - ... . rB thia mo if li hoffiin in BPTAir uatnerjjoicni. oeryiceiu muriiiuB"" 6 "7 . '. . if . . .. hurt had suihcientlv recovered to be 1 r t- v 5 rr?"rr::.? 10i o'clock. Catechism tt p. m. vespers taat they would sppn be driven into tne , t- 'nhnnah had an- '4lte dark. and the only guide o the pVv S o' full current of the larger stream, they TlftronMvff. 7rnm efforts of those who were endeavoring AastaSxt&svoBHSD 0apkl Corner of -- --u -.2 ,u ii.nvM f parently suffered much from exposure , A. , .,f College und Fifth; Streefe-lev J L Hemp-1 agree" uhvm T""" w n0 one; fieemed to' be eriouslf injured. eir unionunaw lei - i - t - r i hioh fnllnw- IU8 were lne crles lur uelP in the direction of the opposite bank, of each individualt it hft3 becn with the ana were oorne gut ., greatest difficulty thjilt the whole story to the limbs, while the boat, relieved fuld be coUcled' d evfn many positio I Kaoh 'Mklol-A ftr ciior on) awful MV Hoke lodged high up amonkthe W acaaeniwc scarcely any 01 Ur.r).M Mr RnmnAr hftlnw him. and 1 V 6 :n Tiin. .Unatinn thev hun beyond the Story of their owu adven j!j t... v .n: ftv,i I tares and rescue. Many ef these are (io ciocjs, uaiecnism at p. m. vperu tnat tney wouia soon ,oe uriveu uitu mo tX tV-J! M ' ! , full current of the larger stream, they .7? fS ?lSe?Hlmo! agreed to catch! upon theV branches of hill, Pastwervicesiin the- morning atll the first tree to wblch they were borne. i o'clock,1and.in the vening atTJo'cock. AccordirHv when tbev hid been car- Under the eicitement wl Sabbath School in the morning at 10 o'clock. .Accoraingiy, wnen iney .naa oeen car ed h ft :er rible'&nd fatt Stransrera welcome. Seats free. 'l SKCOTO PaBSBTTJffilAH ChUBCH EV. E. H. Harding. Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 'o'clock,, and in the evening at 7i o'clock.. Seats free.undaySchool in the ieitemooii t4tfdockT.V-&, TBYojrflraOT:M.'4.B:'tSauBCH South Eev A. A-Bothamerf -Pastor. Funeral Service in the morning . at half-past 10 o'clock, and evening service at half past 7 o'clock. Sunday School in the af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Strangers 'cordially in vi tea. , , , Sunday Skbyicbb of th Y. M. C. A , Sunday firavicits of th Y. M. C. A.. Vi vi t - i A tolV:tv thrilling beyond" description, but as it Devotional Meeting at the Hall in the after- which.dKl nOt come and talking with J f noon at 4:45 o'clock. Caitaby Missioir Chubch-" Bev J. P. Bntt. Pastor. Services in the moming at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7J o'clock. Sunday. School in the morning at 9 o'clock. will be impes8ible to give them in full wje must confine onrselves to a general f . JLOCAL, BRIEFS. Second week of court. ' Christmas is distant just one month from to-day. Y & The Statesville train arrived here yesterday evening after having failed one trip.",. The road was considerably washed and the train could not possi bly pass over the road without great 'risk. ;V . f each other about their peril and the probabilities of escape from their frightful surroundings. At the end ofl account of the catastrophe, an hour:' Mir Sumner said to his com-f as collected from' all softrces. panion thai he could hold out no Ion- The train with about twenty passen ger; that he was growing weaker and gers all males arrived at South Fork weaker and would have to release his creek coming towards Charlotte, at 4:12 hold upon the limb. "Take care of p, m. Captain William Kline was con- vourself." twera thft ? last kords he doctor and William Fetner. emrineer. w ;- , X - i -if .4 M I i I ' iutfered, and then lie sank and the There were only three cars, the bag waves ,ci06eqQvernis aireaay aim ost gage ana express, tne nrst-ciass pas- lifeless form. His companion." did not senger and the second-class passenger, see him when he disappeared, for the There were only five persons on the night was. dark, but. their conversation first-class coach which was behind, the was suspended and he knew that he remainder being in the second class was gone. car. The engineer approached the trestle awful night, from 9 o'clock until 7 yes-1 somewhat cautiously, but seeing two Eiocese of North Carolina Bishop Ly , man's Appointments. Moo day; Novl 26th St Mary's, Eowan terday morning, Mr Hoke clung to the negroes and a white man on the oppo county. Tuesday, Nov. 27th, Concord, Cabar rus county. Wednesday, Nov. 2Sth, Lexington, Davidson-county. s Thursday, Nov. 29th Thorn asville, Davidson county. Friday, Nov. 30th, Company Shops, Alamance county. Horse and Mule Drowned. Reports of the disastrous conse quences of the heavy rains of last Wed nesday and Thursday come from near ly all directions in this section. A man with his little eon in the wagon with him, drove into what is ordinarily an insignificant branch near Cherry ville, Gaston county, Friday, and was floated down stream with the team. The man and boy escaped with their lives, but the mule and horse which were hitched to the wagon were both drowned. branches of the tree, the water rising site side, having apparently just cross nearly to his arm-pits and his whole ed it, he proceeded at the rate of about frame benumbed with cold. Shortly ten miles an hour. The trestle is after daylight his cries attracted, per- about fifteen feet above the creek bank, sons to the bank, and finally, after long and about two hundred feet long. The hours of fearful waiting, he was rescued (water had risen to within about and brought to shore alive and well. News of the drowning of Messrs Grice and Sumner soon reached the town and during yesterday the river banks were searched as far down the stream as High Shoals, eight miles below, but up to 3 o'clock in the afternoon no traces of either body could be found. Mr Hoke, the rescued gentleman, has a number of acquaintances in this community, as had also Mr Sumner. The latter lived here for quite a length of time, a few years ago, having been connected with the Mecklenburg Spoke and Handle Factory. Sadden Death. Last Sunday, Mrs Sarah Armfield, residing near Salisbury and an aunt of Col John L Brown, of this city, went to church in the morning, feeling as well as usual, and returning before dinner time, was sitting in her room when she sneezed and immediately thereafter a gurgling sound was heard in her throat. At this moment she fell from the chair, and by the time the members of the family who were pres ent could turn and raise her up, she had breathed her last. Mrs Armfield was about sixty-six years of age to be Banged. Tbe Jury Return a Verdict of Guilty Against Lowrance The Death Sen tence is Pronounced Against Dick Smith, Colored. As stated at the close of the report of the trial of Rufe Lowrance, colored, for the murder of Dock Hunsucker, also colored, given in the Observer yesterday, the jury took the case at 6 p. m. At 2 o'clock yesterday morn- ing, not having arrived at a verdict, the officer in charge locked them in a rnnm t.r fViPmnoWea ranH ITSev waia al. .nA lowed to sleep till after daylight. Soon UJ . B" l six feet of the top. Just as the hindmost car cleared the bank and was directly over the chan nel of the creek, and before the engine had reached the opposite bank at the moment when the entire train was directly above the seething and roar ing waters, the first intimation of the approaching disaster was given. The engineer felt a sudden far, and, quick as thought, jerked open the throttle. With this the engine bounded forward, broke the coupling of the next car and in an instant had cleared the trestle. The passengers felt a sudden jar, and then came the terrible realization that they were gradually sinking. Another instant and the water burst through the windows upon them, and for a mo ment hides from sigt t the struggle BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH. There was little or no crash, and the first sound which greeted the ears was that of the screams of the passengers Instinctively every man leaped f6r the windows, and one by one they began to appear upon tbe tops of the cars. The upper side of the track had given away first and hence the cars began to turn over. The iron being fastened to- still is supposed to have died "ease.; of heart dis- I t il..- f i i i: i after the court assembled the jaryn-"'"" ""fluefH kicu nuu icuucicu a vctuiuv ui guimjr Of which were heard in almost all directions. Rafts, were constructed, and brave men embarked on them in the hope of passing near enough to some of the men to take them from their perilous ns in trees, clinging to bushes and floating about on logs. Several were gotten out by this means. Ropes were thrown to others, and several were rescued by men who swam horses into the stream. The rapidity with which the water surged through the bushes and trees, and the large quanti ty of timber constantly being swept down, the stream;? rendered such methods of assistance extremely peril ous, but those engaged in the work seemed to lose sight of the danger, and did not hesitate to run any risk. borne time alter dark the engine brought a boat from the Catawba river wnicn was also tne means ot saving several. Finally the last man that could be heard of was rescued about 10 o'clock, having remained in the water since four in the afternoon. As fast as the men were taken from the water, they were carried to houses in the neighborhood, where every at tention possible was given them. THE INJDRED. Nearly all those rescued were more or less injured, but none very seriously Mr Steele, of Rock Hill had a leg brok en; conductor Kline nas a severe nesn wound in the arm; William Ozment a severe gash in the head : W J Orr sevw eral severe bruises ; R Y McAden con siderably mashed and bruised in the back and sides. The others, so far as known, were only slightly bruised. THE KILLED. The only dead body thus far found is that of James F McLaughlin, of Char lotte, discovered on top ot the car crushed betveen timbers which had lodged there. He was first seen and recognized by the party from Charlotte about 4 o'clock yesterday morning. So securely was he fastened and so heavy were the timbers that it was with difficulty that the body could be res cued by the combined efforts of four or five men. His back and neck were both broken and his skull crushed. The water in the stream was rapidly falling when our latest intelligence was received, and no news has reached us of the finding of any more bodies. Con ductor Kline thinks, from an examina tion of his tickets, that no one is lost but as there were several persons return ing from the stockholders'meeting who did not have tickets, he is uncertain as to the exact number on the train. Four teen of the passengers have been seen but as there were certainly more than this on board, it is feared that seyera are lost. Communication with the other side of the stream is bad, andpos soon outBide ahd'upon the i round. To take in the situation was the work of moment. The; engine! was upright on its wheels at the foot of the em bankment, not parallel with" th track, but at right angles with it. It had made wo revolutions in its descent; The top of the cab was crushed down,, the smoke stack was gone and likewise the bell The locomotive was coyered with mud, but was standing upright uion its wheels, and was tenantless. The fireman was soon found, at a consider able distance from the track. He was was standing in the tender5 when the crash came and he, with the wood in the tender, was hurled far from the line and escaped with painful ' bruises but no serious injuries. The engin; er could hot. e found, and search for him was at once instituted. This was for some time pursued without avail, but by and by a foot was seen protruding from the earth. It was even so. He bad been lit erally and entirtly driven into the earth, head, body, arms and legs." He was dragged out with all possible speed and carried into one of the cars. The mud was removed,' as best it could be done, from his ears, eyes, nose and-mouth; he blood spurted from bis ears, he gasped three times and died. Tbe track was torn to pieces for a distance of fifty yards or more. 1 The remains of the engineer were sent to Atlanta by the first train, and the passengers were brought back to Charlotte yesterday morning, by a train which went out for that purpose late Friday night. . These accidents have created a pro bund sensation in the cityV and will n ot soonbe 'forgotten. Trains on these two roads are run ning trom terminal points to the wrecks and transferring passengers and mail. oil-kltr aavnial natflAna yyi rr f Vtivro Knan VSV m TVSWAWV V I . m m . I DllJJ C V V VA CA U&IOVUO AAA 1 EL 14 V A AC V J UVVU murder. The prisoner displayed b- ' "-'f taken to houses on that side and no rail gave way entirely, and the three cars were soon almost completely emerged, sinking down among the tossing and breaking timbers. At this moment the scene is represented as baffling description. Many of the pas sengers were struggling to escape through the windows; others had al- readyleft the car and were being carried rapidly down the stream, sinking for one moment beneath the water,and the next rising to be violently struck by the I numerous nor so eager as those who mi mm a an . ayjV "fTl"011' not the slightest, emotion, seeming to We are. authorized And requested by take the verdict as a matter of course, the mayor to state in reply to the com- Daring the trial he appeared to be an plaint of a youth before his court, that interested listener, but showed no con he has no sufficient grounds of com- cern. His jailer states that up to the plaint. With two others he was ad-1 day of the trial he" was always in good 1ii(1ma1 m.?1a tj a I mi 'i ja . a juugcu guilty oi,an assault wnicn ne I spirits, 'lne verdict ot the jury was admitted he had committed for offen announced in the presence of a crowd . aPPhCd to him. From ed court room, there being .present their testimony before the. court, it about an equal number of white and did not appear but what he was one of colored persons, and seemed to be the disorderly crowd, as well as BfcrncV I cerierallv endorsp.d bv all. the first blbwhich led to the affray, r At the suggestion of the counsel of timbers; others still clinging to bushes sought intelligence of the other, for the The kbsence oftestimony showing that the prisoner,. Judge Kerr deferred pro- and endeavoring to lift themselves reason stated, and from the further the youth comDlaininff wanrtf nf t.h nnnnnW 'nAnten'nnnn hi im.il above the ater. Afew had climbed fact that so many of our people were .drinking party was his own fault. i He some day .next week. The prisoner nPB$e floating .timbers, and two or onboard the train which went through ottered no testimony to explain his, re. was accordingly renianded to jalL The T nrtf Peamorancnesoi u-ees been heard from. THE AIR-LINE ACCIDENT. So much more frightful in the ag gregate and in detail was the occur rence on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, that the accident on the Air Line, which cost poor Tom Smith his life, paled comparatively and while there were many enquirers lor news ot this, tney were neither so The Churches and the Preachers. FV . tTTi i r i i xtev. xneo. wnnneid, wno is in Wadesboro', telegraphs that Rev. Mr, Harmon will fill his pulpit to day. Bev. . H. Harding has returned and will fill his pulpit, as usual to-day. The leading religious events of the week will be the meeting of the annua' conferences of the Methodist Church in North Carolina, and of the colored North Carolina Methodists which con vene in Salisbury Wednesday. Bishop Atkinson preaches in Moh roe December 11th. The many friends of Key. E. A. Oa borne will be glad to know that he is pleased with his new field of labor a ohunordsville, Henderson county whither he went about two months since, lie will move his family there in the spring. To-day Rev Mr Boshanier preaches his last sermon of the conference year inougn t h is tne c.ise uis congrega tion have no fears ,of being called upon to part with him. It is universally d& sired that he bo returned to this sta tion, and ihere is no reason to suppose that be will be transferred. Rev S H Chester, pastor of the Pres byterian church at Cnstanea Grove Lincoln county, and a young gentle man who has many friends in this city has received calls to Big Lick and the Second Presbyterian church of Staun ton, Va. Rev A A Boshamer will preach the funeial sermoa of Mr J F McLaughlin the victim of the distressing eccident on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, at Tryon Street M E Church this morning at 10.30 o'clock. Tickets for delegates and visitors to the North Carolina Conference at Sal isbury this week, will be on sale at the ticket office of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad, to-morrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, only. Price of tickets, $2.60, good for the round trip and for ten days from date of purchase. " The quarterly meeting of ' Tryon Street M E Church begins . to day Rev W H Bobbitt, D D, presiding elder will preach to-night. The quarterly conference will be held tomorrow (Monday) night. to I -EST Just Arrived. Just Arriw A splendid assortment ot Ladies' Neck Chains & Lockets, Ladies' Opera Chains, Ladies' and Cents' Sleeve Buttons, Gents' Chains, Gents' Collar Buttons, And a Handsome Line of JETT GOODS. L A L L A IN U O L L THE M. LADIES' CLOAKS. We have just received another new lot of LADIES' CLOAKS, beautifully trln.ni or the latest designs, at leduced prices, also BOYS' SUITS, Assorted, very low. BALL FR I N.G E S IN ALL COLORS. We are still offering the greatest inducements in Ready-Made Clothing, Dre9 Goocfe, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Hats, &c. GIVE US A CALL ANT) BE COKVINCED. i , ...' Ji i - j V I : ' " H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. THE PEARL SHIRT is ahead, of anything ever brought to this market price only one dollar. nov02 OPIHIIEa' ' IP3LIA.C83ES. kational mmn HALL. JUST RECEIVED a new and elegant selection of garments. Fine DRESS SUITS for Men, Youths and Boys. Finding our business a great success we are receiving Goods daily, and are selling them at our usual low prices. Our business is managed by ourselves as we have no one to dictate prices for us. The most of onr Goods are manufactur ed" by our own house in Baltimore, and by the most skillful workmen in the country ; this enables us TO SELL CLOTH ING FOR LESS MONEY than any house in the South. We are paactical tailors and making garments to order at short notice. We guarantee a fit or no sale. PROMPT ATTENTION SHOWN -TO EVERY CUSTOMER. L. BERWANGER & BR0., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. lation to them j. and was fined three counsel then asked that a m otion for a dollars for striking qne-jof the party new trial e recorded. ' ' lot nensiveyaagtia?e,Vwhich was re- But there was another solemn and muiea tne , same, r evening , upon the j impressive scene in the same place and may6r learning that He "was only guilty (daring the same rsession. At the last OI tne aS3aUlt. . I PebrnftTw term ftf MenlrlenKnTO "nnnrl. WONDERFUL ESCAPES. Messrs. R. Y. McAden and John L. Morehead emerged from the windows of the middle car almost simultaneous ly. As' they were endeavoring to free themselves from it, the car was washed the treBtle. The Air Line accident, however, was no insignificant one, and though there are few particulars which we did not give yesterday, we repeat the story, with additions, since the public mind is just now in such a con dition that anything bearing upon the v ' I . ... . . . . I i k j three 'neeroes 'Fletcher Smith V against the track which was still being suDjec js oi roieresi. as we sam yes- McMullen. and Dick Smith wflr trirf 1 held together by the fish-bar iron. They terday, the engine was pulling three Court 1 yesterday far thp murder of sm Ra I were gradually being crushed between cars and running about thirty miles morning, after theveTaTctln flie Low- in Januarv 6f this vear .'on ihk nUntai the iron and thecar, when suddenly the hour. The rain was pouring in tor- xanco case natt. Deen rftaeivea"atfd sen-1 s f n- ttr-io- i-Jijit " tr-i iron broke and thv drifted dnwh t i viuu ui wuxuurrx ii ii AinAmiiiHr. it n. l i rf - - f Superior. Court. . ; : In the Superior rents. Two minutes before the acci dent occurred , while rounding a sharp Conductor Kline stood'on the ton of curve, Engineer' Smith, leaning from ine jvicvauum , case from .Union -was wa. taken to thCRnr.rmA finnrt on the last coach until it sank, and then nia cab window, signalled to a friend found a half mile below the scene of neaa, ana pointing to tne water wnicn -tsnce of death passed upon Dick Smith, ker and McMuUerr were cleared! and twam" untu they caught in trees , i as vnotea-elsewhere 'in our1 Wn'mni' n-i. a--. ... .J A&xAnM&'iriivtl '-AkAAAk k the. wreck. being . fpand in the transcript,5 the court judge Cloud, the presiding judge; and ' deplmed-to trya.the case and the tfac-Tt ;. i.-i;.' Wm iAtUtttiZJi I script was Bgam ordered to be returned- OoUrt'the' decision 'of the lower court AWoodrufi escaped from the -ut'i?!. ecLefk the. Superior. -Cpurt of was austairied. Smith. was accordingly, car before it left the track, and tf - - " .'?"r rrl uVce wf summoned before, the jjourtl yesterday land by climbing up tti token up and rttn over,, and. court ad: iriornlng; 'and' Hisf HoVoradge5 Kerr came to the part of " vT ' ' eei 'ronday mdrning, sentenced himtoLbe hanged on the had not given away. - wnen cases on this docket will be ner. iti, vf n..,v.. m, .ibrrti L..." ivl the the rear got to iron until, he trestle which was coursing through tne ditches, shook his head, as if to say "I DO NOT LIKE IT." But the train did slacken its speed. In a moment the crash broke in upon the buzzing of the car wheels. Passen ATnrMI AO. IftAtreiA Imam. mAaj. t vl 4 A J A t. t lU 1 ..J PmnnilB .-t t . i I . " f T 1 - .v v.j.v. vw juujto gws ncid JUlkWCU. Ul .U6II BaU, U1U empioriiyxaileai K'i r-(;;TnxribA t . J .1 - . . . . I . " , - -. . . . MXA-xhe1 ra nd-1 urv ' w k Ai I B ;pru "u was some who turned their heads saw the lthe.mornina-until i" ' - vuu t v unA b. i iiiih ttrrra v t-v Tin nn a a nan n riini ann v m - . : . hi x . a i .iW-atwhich Wtouchta. ftddreiii 'CoUhe-' c6ndemndLlK:in MntiA,SZ. ji8o jurBoiicitOTrMonteomerV ..m -it.-f . 1 " r--rrv r w 'u.tTvt: ? wen-.oy rroora were -much alfe-cted; iiuo t ifcnsiness with hWe: ii i z,tt.r..-- . - , " n nie omer uetaila of it was left tn the .tima mentioned. - I -1 T, T 7 . waa letx"l ne f. tf ,i ;.n . ... . ..... t ,i oi tne snentt. ' i Several,, persons t in'hej court and thence to the bank.' William HoralrHaggage master, and the William Ozmentnews agent, were on JudSMthe platform of ", the middle car ?and letV r -T F , bwuu U 4ue car Began to and oyer like a child's plaything. The two froct care were thrOwnCfrom the track; thanks toTlhe automatic brake tne hinderm ost car was checked in time and did not leave the rails. What injuries ? were inflicted upon the pas sengers were very slight, and they were The Raoes. The managers of the races visited the fair grounds yesterday afternoon and inspected the track. They are o the opinion that it will be in excellent order by Monday evening, provided there is no more rain. Having had sufficient time on account of the con tinuous rain, they have advertised quite extensively and completed all arrangements necessary to insure the success of the races. They hope to see the ladies out in full force. Every pre caution has been taken to preserve or der. No liquor will be sold on the grounds, and nothing will be allowed which could offend any one. The en trance fee giyes accef s to every part of the ground. Sad Death of Dr W R Sharp, of Davie County. The sad intelligence has been receiv ed here, that Dr W R Sharpe, of Ful ton; Davie county, N. C., came to his death on Wednesday night, 21st inst., by taking a fatal dose of morphia by mistake, instead of quinine. Dr Sharpe was a physician of high stand ing and reputation, and a gentleman of fine intelligence and influence. He was descended from revolutionary an cestors, and was worthy of the historic name he bore. His ' death will be severely felt in his own community, and by a large circle of personal and professional friends 'elsewhere.' j FU NCR Alt , NOTICB. ! The funeral of James F McLaughlin will take place from Tryon Street It E Church this morning at 10:30 o'clock,. The proces sion will move from the house at 10 o'clock. The friends of the family are invited to at tend. ' ' """'' ' : - ':-.! . ; ' . . . - Th.sQneen,of the Oyen. A break fast-biscuit or tea-roll made with Dooley's Yeast Powder is certainly the Qaeen of the oven so light, white ana delicious; Yoa lift it tenderly, break it open gently, spread it daintily with fresh, sweet batter, waiting to be gracious, After, breakfasting on biscuits made with Dooley's Yeast: Pow der, what man would contemplate, suicide, "lor grumble because his wife asked him ferf st money ? 't. .-t' t.'; "I'jTl SPECIAL NOTICE. We are daily receiving new additions to wir already SPMNDID STOCK BOOTS & SHOES. Our Stock is complete in every department, and we invite all to call and examine our Goods and hear our LOW PRICES. Ladies', Gent'sr Misses' and Children's Fine Goods a Specialty. We have a line of Burt's celebrated New York SHOES for Ladies--the lest in the world Come and see us. TO THE Merchants of Western North Carolina. We have secured the. exclusive sale of Sample & Wetmore's Celebrated NORTH CAROLINA MADE SHOES, and are ready to supply all demands for them. PEGRAM '& CO, LADIES' II. S. HANDKERCHIEFS. ..Among the numy lines of very cheap goods which we are leading on, we; propose to place a line of LADIES' H. S. HAfTOKBCHd& have marked them down to a ; : SURPRISE ANY ONE wbo ;mll take the trouble j to examine our Stock. We wish . ta call special attention to our ..... nJm.jK f K- - which, we are i offering very xheap, Have them in Seal Brown; Nayy.31ue,, and Blacki T L jYours' yery respectfully, ALEXMDER, SEIGLE & CO.. yJi.T 1