CHARLOTTE OBSERVES? ' Xne bsaaynrjot) i Department has he thoronghiy i rtippHed : imh reiT neeOeJ want, and wita to latest siries of Type, ans erexy manner of Job Wore can now MOoni with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. - We can fnrnUh at short notl i BUBScaiPTioir batxs. Dai t v (postpaid) la advance, , ; $S s mos. 1 mon. WIIKLT K5ITIOI. Weekly, (in t&e oodntylin advance, tfrlff 6 months, 100 CHARLOTTE N. C, WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 5 1877 . .n. m it - ta rl ''W .Sil i n i liberal redactions -IbclTibsftE- vJ 1 ?. 1 - ii i ...,,, , n.,,,1 ... i .ii ... . ... . . - - ....... - , ; I , i n-l.iri.rf ,, ,, i- ..,., n . i . 1 1 ii i . ii.ii ii 1 - 1 i. 1 . ' ' 1 " . . , . . ' I . i , r 1 , VNDEB THE WtfAfcllAlElJT OT ru 1" Hi jj AS been Eefarnished and Befitted in fibret-olaBB si and offers indncemeots to Trayeilers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords at prices to suit the times. An active corps of aiters in 'attendance at meals, and no pains or expense spared to render caests comfortable. . ; , M oderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO 18 TO PLEASE. sprl BU s t nr. -.! P jan3 ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER, Anticipating a fine trade this season, have bought largely, and now have the pleasure of inviting your attention to An attractive Fall Stock, At prices surprisingly ch eap. DRESS GOODS Our stock is large, and so cheap that it is no longer econ omy to buy calico. ; READY MADE CLOTHING 6ur stock is complete, at prices that defy competition. SJ"" FANCY CASSIMERES A nice asssortment. CARPETS Beautiful in design, and cheaper than ever. KID GLOVES A special jy. Jn fact our stock is larger and cheaper tofore. Call and iDspect .it epl6 DO NOT BUY YOUR until you have seen the r now 1 in my 'wsxeroamsir largest and most complete AX&m IT MIL FA'S" YOU Ucspectfully, . ? "(V . FURNITURE DEALER, ,, .JiV . '-u'-il.1?M r-U 'fi ? Mir': S;-L Trarfe Street, opposite the Market House. oct 14 'AM' Sf V This !VveilMnown '-,''." : . LOCATETJ' faffCENTBB .f i-sZm THE ?i dURHlfURE THE ilOUSEJS'CARPETtu THRDUGHUU I ectric Bella To Invallcl Florida ToiiMit6lr somFreliwg FOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSEOFFERS BVXKM AOTWE n -FOR COMFORT. TEIJI3.00, $2,50'and,00fbeciiiy ac&rdiDg ;eMaocation x JJiM it) y v: ' 'ii. ! i i DKAXKB 1H ALL KINDS OF FtDT jRlSr I TTJ RKj BEDDING, &C. A FLTIX. LINE CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOE & CHAMBER SUITS. COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. 0. in every department than here- ELIAS, COHEN & . ROESSLER. elegant stock of goods The assortment is the ever offered in Charlotte, ifttf leading Hotel, ."'"'' ' '"'.':'1'ft,r"."'?i OF.'.THiCSrry, OFFKES -! ' ; s ' " Ir.H fdSXiit lit tit I v.. -tit. are in every room. m q YfAOILJTY J31.. i.i is ofoihl " ' f.. ill EL TELEGRAPHIC EWS. WASHINGTON. FUOCEPIKGS OF CONGRESS. Temperance Reform In the Cap. itol Bill to Repeal tbe Iron , . ''.' Clad Test Oath. Revising: the Committees Bills in the House Troops Order- ed to Texas. General News and Gossip. Washington, Dec 4. A resolution, directing the officers of the House to enforce tbe joint resolution prohibiting the sale of liquor in the capitol build ing, was adopted. The Judiciary committee bave agreed to report three bills to repeal the iron clad repeal test oath, for jurora, and allow persona charged with crime to testify in their own behalf. The Military committee will hear Gen Ord to-morrow. NIGHT DISPATCHE8. The Republicans held a caucus to day and appointed a committee to re vise tbe committees. Itis thought that a better show will be given the Demo crats on some of them. The cabinet considered the bearing of the tenure of office act on the recent action of the Senate in failing to con firm the Jrresident s nominations. No action was taken, as the President has had no official notification of the ac tion of the Senate. It i3 the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury and oth era that in cases where officers were suspended and their successors not confirmed, the offices revert to tbe officers suspended. On the other hand, where the iormer office holders either died or their terms of office expired, the offices revert temporarily to the deputy until new appointments shall be made. House Bills were reported and passed repealing the law disqualifying jurors on account of participation in the rebellion, and eliminating from the statute all the provisions of the test oath. Bills were introduced and referred as follows : By Morey, of Mississippi : Amend ing the act relating to the payment of the net proceeds of cotton seized after June, 1865. By Ellsworth, of Michigan : 1 or gen eral amnesty. By Baker, of Indiana : For a consti tutional amendment prohibiting pay ment for 1ob8 or damage growing out of tbe seizure or destruction of proper ty during the rebellion. A resolution for recess from the 19th of December to the 10th of January was offered and referred. Orders have been issued from the War Department for the departure to the Rio Grande frontier of a number of troops in the interest of peace and the protection ol the people on the frontier. The First Fruits of the Senate's Failure to Confirm Nomina tions. Montgomery, Ala, Dec. 4. George Turner, late United States marshal here, moved in open court to-day to be recognized and reinstated, on the ground that he had been confirmed by the United btates henate; that on Sep tember 1st he had been suspended and Samuel G Reid appointed ; that the Senate notconfarming Keid, under the tenure of office laws he (Turner) was reinstated. The case excites consid erable interest. The court will hear the matter further. Later. Turner's motion to be re cognized as United States marshal came up this afternoon. He read to the court a telegram from Attorney General Devens, directing him to re sume his duties, Mr Reid not having been confirmed. The court then post poned the case until to-morrow. Mr Mayer, the district attorney, has simi lar instructions. Ex-Gov Parsons not having been confirmed, the court, after some sharp words to the prosecu tion, instructed the jury to acquit the defendants, which they did without leaving the box. English Press Opinions Favor able to Hayes' Message. London, Dec 4. The Daily News, commenting on President Hayes' mes sage, savs : "The message deals principally witn the question of the pacification of the country and the resumption 01 specie navmenls. and on both of these sub jects the President expresses himself , i j j q WllU goou ociioo aim guuu iccnug. The limes eays : "President Hayes has not disappointed expectations. His message gives no uncertain sound on the subiect of currency legislation. " The Daily lelegraph says : "Not withstanding the discouragement witn wbich President Hayes has been met, the prudent position he has assumed in his message insures him the support n . i i i i l i. : c "u; OI the WiseBt anu uesi. puinuii ui ma countrymen. Federal Court of Florida Post poned. s Washington, Dec 4. The Jackson ville, Florida, December term of the district and circuit Federal court, for the northern district of Florida, has been adjourned until the first Monday in January. It was at this term that the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mo bile and Central Railroad cases were to have been tried. Sl, Fires in Ohio. lI Cincinnati, Dec 4 Eight ; of the principal business houses , and two dwelling houses, at Athens, Ohio, were burned last - night. Loss $60,000 to $80,000. - i;-.v.v-A ; a The county bridge, over the Scioto river, near Chiliicothe, Uhio, was bum $d yesterday. 5 LossV $50,000 to $60,000. 1 , And Still Another. Concokd, N I H, Dec 4. The Wolf boroueh; Savings Bank, at the town ol Wolf borough, has closed, pending an examination of its condition, The 3e- posits amount to $100,000; loes ta the UepOSllUrB UUUUb u tcuh - - , THE WAR. Milan Reviewing: His Forces The Cretes About to Rise Im portant Movements Imminent and Reports of Heavy Fighting Russian Defeat at Orchanie and the Turks Taking the Of fensive. London, Dec 4. The Times' Bel grade correspondent says Prince Milan reviewed the militia on Sunday and ex horted them to do their duty. The war office has ordered all district gov ernors to erect hospitals. The most probable plan of opera tions is that Gen Horvatovitch will make a diversion in the rear of the Turks with two divisions. Gen Gourko has promised to send him 8,000 caval- The correspondent of the Times at Athens, says according to the latest let ters public feeling in C rete favors a ris ing after the fall of Plevna. The Greek government has warned the Creteans that it will stop volunteers and sup plies if they rise prematurely or con trary to its adyice. Concerning ssuleiman Pasha s move ments, reported from Constantinople, yesterday, when it was stated that he was believed to be engaged in a strong effort near Osman Bazar, the Daily Telegraph's Shumla special, dated Sun day night, says : "No official news has been received here Bince lhursday. Im portant movements are imminent, if not already progressing. Great anxie ty prevails and many rumors are cir culating among them that heavy fight ing occurred on Friday in the direction of Tirnova, upon which place the Rus sians were ultimately driyen back , los ing over 3,000 men, and that the lurks are now bombarding Tirnova. All the available surgeons and dressers are go ing hence to Osman Bazar." Note. The rumOrs at Shumla and the correspondent's impressions seem to confirm the report that Suleiman Pasha is endeavoring to eflect an im portant division by cutting the Russian communications along the northern slope of the Balkans. The movement may be wholly imaginary, but it is very feasible, and the fact that the Russians say nothing about it must not be taken as contradictory. They would be like ly to reserye a report until tbe move ment was complete. Constantinople, Dec 4. Mehemet Ali "telegraphs from Kamarli, under date of yesterday as follows : "The Russians are violently cannonading our position at Kamarli, and from the heights of Etiopol and Orchanie the Russians furiously attacked our left wing. The battle continued until even ing, and we retained our positions. The enemy retreated with considerable loss. Pursuit was prevented by the thickly wooded country. We shall take the offensive to-morrow. The Russian Imperial Guard was engaged." FRAHCE. MacMahon will not Promise not to Dissolve the Deputies Again Merchants and Manufactur ers Snubbed by and Angry with the Administration Pro posal for Mediation Between the Left and tkie Marshal. Paris, Dec 4. The correspondent of the Times telegraphs that he has pri vate information contradicting the French newspaper accounts of the in terview between M Dufour and Presi dent MacMahon. He says a few days ago Senator Ducclerc presented to the Marshal an informal note, asking him as a satisfaction to the Left to promise to propose the revision of the constitu tion in a Republican sense. The mar shal sent for M Dufaure to inform him that his condition was unacceptable. M Dufaure replied that tbe Left desir ed a guarantee against a second disso lution, and that nothing could be easier than to find a guarantee which would not compromise the President's digni ty. The correspondent concludes : "The foregoing is all that occurred ; consequently there is no ground for thinking the temper of the Elyseeis changed. It is significant'that a deputation of Paris merchants and manufacturers, who went to the Elysee Monday, desir ing to present an address to President MacMahon in person, were received by an aid-de-camp who somewhat per emptorily referred them to the minis ter of commerce. The deputation re tired, telling the aid-de-camp to inform the President that they were the van guard of an imposing demonstration which numbered a thousand to-day and would number one hundred thou sand to-morrow and a million next day. Several journals state that M Du faure has undertaken to mediate be tween the Left and the Marshal and frame a political programme on which a cabinet can be formed should the President accept the programme. s. bT The Great Chieftain Reinforced and Defiant The Blackfeet Alarmed. Washington, Dec 4. A Battleford special says the Blackfeet Indians are alarmed at the attitude of Sitting Bull. Fears are entertained of trouble. Sitting Bull says he would like to know when tbe Almighty gave the Canadian gov' ernment authority tokeep Indians from killing buffalo. Sixty lodges of Sioux have joined Sitting Bull smcethe com mission met. He assumes an air of supreme defiance. The Pope Better. New York, Dec 4. A Rome special says : "It is thought the Pope died Sunday night, a rumor to that effect being believed even in the Vatican. In consequence of the report an immense crowd gathered at bt Peters Monday mOrning The truth-is the Pope is slightly better. A silver ball has been inserted into Ihe sere in his leg, which will act as a satety valve to induce sup peration and may prolong his life for some days yet' ij i? : ". Death of a , Distinguished Jour nalist; . Montgomery, Ala, Dec 4. Col Robt Tyler, a son of ex-President Tyler," was attacked with . paralysis of ; the brain about 1 0 o'clock, yesterday morning, and died at 9 o'clock last night. I : ' . Marine Disasters. London, Dec 4 The American line steamer "Pennsylvania," from Phila delphia for Liverpool, collided off the eastern coast of Ireland with the Brit ish ship "Oasis," from Liverpool, , De cember 3d, for Hampton Roads. The "Oasis" sank. The crew was saved. New Orleans, Dec 4. Probably ten lives were lost by the burning of the steamer "Lotus," including the mate, cook and chamber-maid. 1 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL tulkgAaphic markets, december 5, 181t. PRODUCE Cincinnati Floor dull and unchaneed. Wheat quiet; red $1 18al 25. Corn in eood demand at 39a40c. Oats strong at 29a31c. Rye quiet, firm at 65a66c. Barley in good demand; prime spring 65c. Pork In fair de mand and firm at 12. Lard in fair demand and lower; steam 7a8i; kettle 8a9. Balk meats easier; shoulders 4; clear rib 5 85; clear sides 6J. Whiskey in fair demand at $r05. Butter firmer, but not higher. Sugar quiet and uncharged. Hogs dml and lower; packing 4.20; receipts 16,330; shipments 232. new onc Hour shghtlv in buvers' favor without decided change, closing dull; Southern quiet and a shade lower; common to iair extra $o 75at; good to choice $6 05a 8 50. Wheat quiet and steady with very limited extra and local milling demand. Corn quiet and a shade firmer at 60c: vellow southern 59; new white western opened a shade stronger. Sugar dull and heavy at viavfc for fair to good refining; refined auiet and unchanged. Molasses, foreign grades nominal; new crop New Orleans more ac tive; common to strictly choice 35a0c. Rice steady and in fair demand. Petroleum firmer; refined 13aJ. Tallow steady. Rosin quiet at $1 70a75. Turpentine dull. Pork dull, scarcely so firm; new mess $13 50al4; old $13 25. Lard scarcely so firm, prime steam $8 37i- Whiskey steady at $1 lOalOJ. Freights a shade firmer. COTTON. Norfolk Firm; middlings, lie; net re ceipts, 630; sales. 700; exports coastwise. 8,118. Whmihgtoh Firm; middlings, 10 9-16c: net receipts, 4,010; sales, 443; exports coast wise, 1,077. Augusta Supply good; middlings, lOic; receipts, 1,211; sales. 1,466. Charleston Firmer; middlings, 11c; net receipts. 3,511; sales, 1,600; exports to con tinent, 1,656. New Yobk Cotton firm; uplands, 111c; Orleans, llic; sales, 753; consolidated net receipts, 89,269; exports to Great Britain, 34,310; to France, 8,299; to the continent, 8 532. Liverpool Noon Firm, but not ouota- bly higher; middling uplands 6 7-16; mid dling Orltans 6 ll-16d; sales 12,009; specula tion and exports. 1.000; receipts. 6.100: American, 4,800. Futures l-16d better; up lands, low middling clause, December de livery 6 l3-32a7-16, December and January al3-32, January and February 6alii-32, February and March 6 13-32a7-16, March and April 6 7-16d; new crop, shipped November and December, sail, 6 13-32; shipped Febru ary and March, sail, 61; Orleans, shipped November and December, sail, 61d. KUTUUKS New Yoek Futures closed stroncr. Sales. 75.CO0 bales. December, 11 47a4Sc. January, 11 52a53c. February, 11 66 March, 11 78a79c. April, 11 92a93c. May, 12 05a07c, June, 12 18a20c. July, 12 24a26c. KINANClAf , New York Money 5. Sterling firm at 111. Gold weak at 21. Governments dull. New 5's 71. States steady. Tbe Cotton Market. OBSERVER OFFICE. 1 Charlotte. N. C, December 5, 1877. The price of the fleecy staple, which has remained almost sta ionary for the past ten days took an upward turn yesterday, first putting on a steadier tone, and then jump ing np from l-16th to ic, and closing firm. This is said to have been caused entirely be cause of a slight advance in the Liverpool and New York markets. If this has been caused by the demand ef the regular trade, it augurs well for those who have not sold their cotton earlier in the season. After all, however, it may be spasmodic only, and if so we can safely count on a reaction, be cause if there is anything uncertain under the sun, it is the fluctuations in tbe price of cotton. We quote closing prices: Stained ; nominal. Tinged " Ordinary " Good Ordinary , " Low Middling 101 Middling 10$ Good Middling 10 ll-16ai Local Receipts. Bale3. Friday... 1,000 Saturday 763 Monday M 785 Yesterday 7C3 Receipts past four days.......v 3,251 Hew Advertisements. Independents Attention. YOU are hereby ordered to attend the reg ular monthly meeting at your hall this evening at 7i o'clock. J H ORR, ; R F Hukeycutt, President, . Secretary. decs It Dwelling to Rent. A comfortable dwelling containing seyen rooms,' in centre of city, cheap to a good tenant. Possession given 1st January next. Apply to W W OVERMAM, - dec5 tf At Boyd fc Overman's. Wanted, 1 AA cords Wood, oak,7 hickory or forest 1 U U pine, by R M MILLER & SONS. dec5 5t .:-:;: -.; . ihb s Stol Ten dent Column. To let for 1878, a house with 5 rooms, on comer of 8th street and N. C. R, R, Ap ply to A. r i.lWliJAJl'. . i: FOUND A ; pocket book containing j iuue muuey, notauig cioe. ; aub owner can have the' sama by calling at this office. provinp' roperty and paying for this, advert tisemenKi' :.vvtu wn.$?ri' ;M i. noy2 It HT v O TLX IE DO REQUIRE EXTENDED NOTICE TO COMMEND THEM LLCDW LP Hffl (DIES ABE PRODUCTIVE OF E. 1B. 1LMM & IBM., Leading Clothiers of the South. Clothing, Roots, Shoes and Mats, Heavy purchases, in addition to our immense stock, enable us to display during the ensuing month the largest and finest assortment of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ever offered at retail in this city. Good Suits of Clothing, worth $10, for $6.50. The best kind of whole stock Kip and Calf Boots, $2.75 to $ 3A00. Prices reduced in all grades from 15 to 25 -per cent. Give us a call before purchasing. KAUFMAN & BRO. CORNER OF TRADE nT 3 JTJSX RECEIVED, A OHOIOS JLsadlSes9 MADE) SPECIALLY FOR SOUTHERN TRADE. We respectfully invite the 4 Wholesale ,fff.,?.Vft t i jctf l 31 : WE PAY BPECIAL-ACTEOT , !CO;,0rI3' .': ' ' J? 111.. !);! I NOT ' 1 - ' TO PUBLTC EAV0R. THE BEST ' RESULTS. AND TRYON STREETS. Springs' Comer, Charlotte, N. 0. SBTiSSOTION OF (Dtoafe. S i Ladies to come and inspect them. YJITTKOYSKY & RIIITELS. rf'M.'H j-'iil)!ori Cj O 8 and Retail 3 -3 a nun' si :.-. , tf m it: m. ri-. ; 1 i -El. YJ': I t I i l-J !' n -

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