rjocrrpninTinc Job DpartmU; td M 1 r- j-i SUBSCRIPTION BATKB. Dai l vear (postpaid) in advance, $800 6 moa.. : . A." J 00 S mos. ' - . - fi 2 00 1 mon. " 75 want, and witauieiatettatyiea 01 Type, an erery mannor of Job Worje can now D don . wlta naatnua. dlapatoh and oneapnaf. i W ean rorolfn at abort notloe - '-'t KLAJnBa.KTT.T.TnCAT)8. . f. ; ,4 'f TAGS, B5CEIPTS, POSTKBS,!"' . . FXQgHAIfMTOV JLalTO-BnSt, A' k 1 y (in th e coqntyTln advance : t. $2 JOff out of the county, postpaid 2 0 " fi months, --. i -Q0 CHARLOTTE Nl ?C5m WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19 . 1877, NO. 2,281. Liberal reductions, for clubs. , CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ' " niwii i -in - i.. . i i. T-.t. ,.n .m -'T-V'--?Vi;--3SsK'niIrt- I I I lj - " t l n - ijir.f flit II til1 Ml- ,:.'! . 1 11 i; i ii n on the 1st of January 18 and in order W close ?ttie business, we wiRiofferjuntiljjjie) closeH3 j;e.:yeaa.', the . hole ef,our? - Tui,is .no HUMjBup, and the goods MtJST be sold. C LOTHpG ATrY DfEss5 Cfoops yj Ajlp' Below Csfr :''f -x , r . t . . ' ' , ' . . ' , ' Come and see the' Bargains,5 at & dec 12 ELI&S.: COHEH &. ROESSLER. & B HaES S:' ; MI :CS H O Ii S , : .Hi'1 '1 v i : WHOLESALE & RETAIL '.fiUUB IB - ALL KIMD8 OF FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL ilNB or CHEAP BEDSTEADb, LOUNGES, PARLOK & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE , N. 0 jan3 ;r SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. - " News from all Parts of the World-in Brief Busi ness Failures, Disastrous Fires-The Pope, &c. ; London, Dec 18. There is some dis cussion about the further reduction of te bank::njinirjaum ,rate of discount, but the reduction is not very probable. Chicago, Dec lo: ienryr(jrreenham Co, private ban kers, have failed. liabilities pearly a half million. Tbey will probably pay fifty, cents on tbeol- ar. ,i. t:ii r ,1. , - i Sacramento, Cal, Dec 18. J T Far- ey has been elected United States Sen ator to sueceed Sargent. ; '' Faeis, Dec 18. M Gigot, a moderate Republican, has been appointed pre feet of the police. Kome, Dec 18. The rope s rheu- m atic pains are excruciating.- JiASHViLliE, Ienn, Dec 18. Hughes . Go's hardware establishment has been partially burned, home cotton h.d been saturated with coal oil and powder and placed in four different lo calities. Had the fire progressed as the incendiaries intended nearly all the firemen would have been killed. Cincinnati, Dec 18.-Holton & Co, dry' goods merchants, have failed. A special to the limes says it is re ported that .three of the prominent short horn breeders of Clark county, Kentucky, to wit : W D Sutherland, V Gng8by and J&hn J Sutherland, nave tared, ineir liabilities range from $40,000 to $80,000 each. So uni versal is the interchange of securities among these men that a general smaeh-up is feared. Breeders of fine trotting 6tock. so far as is known, are not seriously involved. Knoxville, Tenn, Dec 18. Jack Hunt, the wife murderer, was executed at Madisonville to day. An immense crowd was present from the surround ing countifs. Washington, Dec 18 The naval re port of inquiry on the Huron disaster attributes the loss of the vessel to a lack of seamanship. London, Dec 18. lhe ship Sunda, rom .New York, for Liverpool, was burned at sea on the 3rd of December. Her crew is at Liverpool. THE TURCO-RUSSIAN WAR. UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF JJA8 been Refurnished and ReBtted in first-class style, and offers inducements to Trayellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the beBt the market affords attendance at meals, and no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. DO NOT BUY YOUR until you have seen the elegant stock of goods now in' niy waferboins. is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICES. Respectfully, oct 14 13. . It G K. S , FUBNITUME DEALER, Trade Street, opposite the Market House. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FRCM GERMANY. How the Differences . Emperor arj London, Dec; internal questi vidine Jrrxnce, Williani and s the Standard's "Prince Bismar come the obsi Between Bismarck and the About to be Adjusted. ! 8. With reference to ns wmcn are now ai- smarck from Emperor ne or tne ministers, terlin dispatch says : k seems to have over- les which have hither- Ofiman Alive Turkey's Efforts for Peace a Fail ure The Porte's Position Explained Eng land Censured for Servia's Treachery. London. Dec 18 Osman Pasha is still adve. The Post says : "Another cabinet council will be held to-day. The serious aspect of foreign affairs engages the coustant attention of the ministry, as it is telt that the time has arrived when momentous questions may have to be considered." A special to tue standard from Kome announces that the Pope granted a dis pensation authorizing the marriage of' lhe King of Spain with Princess Mer cedes. The Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphs : "Turkey's first pa cific efforts may be regarded as a fail ure. Germany hinted that treating directly with Russia, would be the shortest way to an understanding. It seems that the Austrian government replied that it could not hold out any hope of successful mediation. Constantinople, Dec 18. Erroneous interpretatioijs having been given to the circular of the Porte inviting medi ation. It is officially explained that Turkey does not approach the powers as a vanquished btate, sioce she still has two lines of defence which the government believes she would be able to hold. The.Porte, by its circular, de sires to intimate its willingness to con sider the proposals made by the Con stantinople conference. As war began owing to Tu key's refusal to adhere to those proposals, the Porte thinks it might be determined now on that ba sis. London, Dec 18 -The Times' Constan tinople dispatch ays : "England is in great disfavor here on account of Ser via's treachery, which English influ ence in favor of Servia rendered possi ble. There is a strong impression here that .Ergiand will oppose the opening of the Dardenelles, which Turkey and probably all the other powers, are pre pared to concede. If the Turks refuse the concession it will be because of the conviction that England will help them in their extremity. THE FEDERAL CAPITAL. Hester Looking up Land Frauds on the Govern ment in Florida Personal Mention. to hindered the4 realization of his plan for the remodelling of the cabinet. A rumor ' is gaining credit that Herr Camphansen, vice president of the council of ministers and Minister of Finance, and Dr Achenboet, Minister of Commerce nd Public Works, will resign, and that the latter will be re placed by Dr Freedenthal, Minister of Agriculture, and that Herr Bennigsen, President of the Chamber of Deputies, will become Home Minister, and the other portfolios will be distributed when Bismarck ietums to Berlin. Such a rotation would be a success for the national liberal party, who, up to the middle of last week, despaired of so hopeful an issue. Apparently the con servatives declined at the last moment to enter the cabinet previous to the removal of Dr Talk, Minister of Public Instruction and Ecclesiastical Affairs, unless they had guarantees that all ecclesiastical laws, issued since the beginning of the ecclesiastical war, should be partly abolished and partly remodelled. Bismarck is now working to remove some courtiers of high rank, whom he charges with conspira cy against him. According to the lat est intelligence be has, up to this time, not been successful, but there are indi cations that those courtiers must this time yield to the chancellor. MEXICAN AFFAIRS. Down with the Diaz GovernmentFlocking to the Standard of Lerdo State Troops Surren dering to Mexicans. A San Antonio dispatch eays: "Col A reader, commander of the Lerdo forces, with two hundred men has been disarming the Diaz guards at Mier, and releasing them upon a prom ise that they will not take up arms against the Lerdo cause. Mexicans favoring Lerdo, who had taken refuge in Texas, are flocking to his standard. His accessions in one day reached up wards of forty.' Chicago, Dec 18. Capt Blair, com manding the United States troops at El Paso, Texas, telegraphs, on the 17th inst., that nothing new had occurred at San Elizario up to that time, but one man named Ellis, belonging to the Texas Rangers had been killed. An acvanceofthe United States troops en route to San Elizario frem points in Rew Mexico is hourly expected. Galveston, Dec 18. A News special from Austin says : "A dispatch has been received by the Governor from tne sheriff of El Pao county, stating that the State troops surrendered to the Mexican mob at 3 o clock yesterday afternoon. Their ammunition was ex hausted and they were unable to hold out longer. After the surrender How ard, Atkinson and McBride were shot to death by the Mexicans." Galveston, Dec 18. lhe News has a special from Fort Clark, that Col Young and Lieut Bullis are eale there. on IS J, i-.'l ?. DDCDWim w (RDSNnJOKTIE IL0W JPH.m IMJM&o Utt ". Ui it -.St:- DDDSiIkes lliraidleo Utt Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubirts Extracts and Colognes, English Select Spices, -Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap; English, French and American Hair and JTooth Brushes. PRESCR IPTIOJNS night and day, Carefully prepared at all hours, both mmm at New Stock. New Goods, REMOVAL. I have removed my stock! of Hardware, Stoves and 1' in ware to the NEWtiAND ELEGANT STORE on MMTBEET, lateV; occupied by J. Mc, Alexander as avBoot and Shoe Store. Mv Fall StocK of HARDWARE, in .alLits varieties, StovesnreHolIowWarel! Wooden-ware, &c, is now open to the instectioif'of the public, ! at prices'1 which 1 are unprece dented in ; the Charlotte market. ThtPyjhldr ZEBTANCB. STOVE "sjfidalty, K : , e mi i ui'-i -i-ji H. 1. dUTLEIwt3 Washington, Dec 18. Mai Thoma3 M Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, is ordered to the department of lexas to succeed Mai Joseph Taylor, ordered to the department of the East. Major Samue Breck will succeed Mai Vin cent. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington. Dec 18.- Commission er Williamson, of the General Land Office, has a report from Special Ag't Hester, in Florida, that a writ replevin has been issued from the United States court for the possession of 900.000 feet of sawed lumber and 4,000 pine logs cut from the public lands. Governor Georee F Drew. Lewis Buck, Jas Par ker and LaFayette Dickens are the de fend ants. Hester also reports suits instituted for the possession of several hundred barrels of rosin and turpentine, and that warrants have been issued for the arrest of various parties, including Parker and Dickens, referred to above, Washington. Dec 18. Gen Vincent has been transferred from the War Department to the Rio Grande because there is wanted there an adjutant gen eral of cool j udement and great expe rience. ' - u Ex-Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, becomes consul general at Paris, vice Gen Tobert. Blaine has decided to seek balm at the Hot Snrines of Arkansas. He leaves to-morrow in company with Senators Chaffee and Dorsey. ex-Secre tary Robeson and: Congressman Hale An Illinois Bank Closes Doors. ? if"' """ Springfield, III-, " Dec 18. The Springfield Savings Bank closed to day. Liabilities $162,000, chiefly small depositors -The most of the directors are wealthy.1 'It is stated that every liability .will be paidiri full.;4 The bank had been cloiog business ten years New Advertisements. ' JET EVERYBODY EXAMINE Otir stock of Fancy GooJs. Tos and No tions, before baying their Christmas pres ents, as we will tell them at such prices as will put to shame all bouses Belling oat at cost. . . . , Save money by looking at oaf stock over Hardware store BKOWN CO., Surviving partners of B B. fc ' 'o. decl9 3t .. . , Notice. CERTIFICATE number 2493 rfptenihting four shares of stock in the N.,C ,R .R. Company, in the name of D P Lgon, has been lost or mislaid ! Notice is- hereby ; given tnac at tne expiration of 80 days I will apply for a renewal of the same.' MAKY A L1GON, decl9 lm Administratrix. ' AT SCAEE tO'S DRUG STORE, JUST RECEIVED, AN ENTIRELY NEW 8TOCK OF English, French and American ALEO, Tooth, Nail and Coat Brushes. For Christmas Presents. ELI G ANT SETS OF Celluloid Brushes, Combs and Mirrors. Fine Perfumed Boxes, Bottles, &c, &c. OHoice PerfiJries, Heavy purchases, in addition to our immense stock, enable in various styles, consisting, in pnrt, of us to displav during the ensuing month the largest and finest assortment of I LOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ever offered at retail in this city. J oil nmsanndlo W Odoq IE. i. MTTA & Leading Clothiers of the South. d lodiini!; JEoois, Shoes and Mats, Tremendous Bargains. AFFAIRS L ENGLAND. A Difference in the Cabinet in Reference to the Treaty of Paris. Manchester, Dec 18. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guar dian telegraphs that journal : It was the gossip of all the political clubs to day (Monday) that the cabinet is di vided about the measures to be taken to prevent a one sided alteration of the treaty of Paris, and that Lord Derby, foreign minister, and the Marouis of Saulsbury, secies ary of state for India, are opposed to the pet scheme of Lord Beaconsneid, the .Premier, to summon Parliament to meet earlier than usual. It is exceedingly probable that Parlia ment will meet on the 17th of January, to which time it was prorogued. last week, but the means by which Lord Beaconsneid hopes to maintain British interests under the treatv of Paris will require further deliberation. .Note. Parliament usually meets in lebruary.J Proceedings in the French Assembly. Versailles, Dec 18. In the Senate M Pouyer, Quertier, read a report from the Finance committee upon the bill authorizing the collection of four di rect taxes and two twelfths of the bud get. The report recommended the adoption of the bills. The Senate then unanimously voted four direct taxes and two twelfths of the budget. In the Deputies M Dufaure present ed a bill for the abrogation of the law on press offences. The session of both h ouses has closed. Tb e Deputies m eet on the 8th of January. A Georgia Forger Gets Run Up on in Canada. St John,. N B, Dec 18. An excite ment' was created last evening by the arrest of Charles Chapman by Detective Bailie, of .:Oeoreia. Chapman regis tered at the Queen's Hotel on Decem ber 3rd, informing the proprietor that he was a detective seeking! ku klux who had committed depredations du ring the war. Detective - Bailie ; says Chapman's last operation was a forgery for $1,500 ..in Ueorgia. He will be ex amined to-day. A Difficult Operation;. Well Pee formed. Dr W M Campbell, assisted by Dr D B Wood, peformed a skilfu operation last week on a little child .of .Mr W m w . Mare, who . resides , near Bethany, in this county. ' One of the child's eyes was much swollen and in flamed, and . r was ; thought to . have been affected with ;a cancer, but thra afterwards proved tobe a tumor.After a : careful : examination.- the . doctors aerreed that the ball of the eve would ( have to be extracted. The child was put to sleep with chloroform, and the ball of the eye -was removed in five minutes, without the appearance of the slightest pain. The child is almost entirely 5 well now. Slatesville- Land mark. Lubin's, Lundborg's, Atkinson's, Wright's, Price's and other Extracts. SO APS, . OF EVERY VABIETY AND PSICE9. An assortment of elejant WwM Bones and various other articles for the Toilet. A FRESH LOT OF Finest English Spices, Nelson's Gelatine, Corn Starch, Ext. of Vanilla, Lemon, and other articles pour la cuisine Good Suits of Clothing, worth $10, for $6.50. The best kind of whole stock Kip and Calf Boots, $2.75 to $3.00. Prices reduced in all grades from 15 to 25 per cent. Give us a call before purchasing. KAUFMAN & BRQ. nov 3 CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS Springs' Corner, Charlotte. N. O. Workingmen 1 t Look to vonr - interests and save doctor bills by using Dr Bull s Cough Syrup. , , J ! ... " ', - , dec 18 SGARR & GO. Lost. BETWEEN the Ferris mine and Charlotte, on the Salisbury road, on Sunday, the 16th inst.. a large pocket book, containing a small sum of money, and some valuable notes, payable to Benry Body. The finder can Lave wLat money is in the pocket book if he will leave the book and papers at this office or deliver them to Henry Body, at the Ferns mine. decl8 3t GRAND OPENING or Christmas Fancy Goods ! JUST Received a splendid assortment of German, French and Chinese novelties consisting in part of Fine Decorated China, Glass and Majolica Vaces, Cups and Sau cers, Flower Pots, Wall Vaces, Card Re ceivers, Chinese Kioto Tete-a-Tete Sets, Chinese Cabinets, Waiters, Card Trays and Card Cases. A general assortment of 8ilver Plated Fancy articles of the best American manufacture. A very large and well select ed assortment of Toys for children. The largest and cheapest Stock of Holiday Goods ever exhibited in this market, The public and especially the ladies are ted to call and examine my stock. lBVlt decl6 Iw JAMES HARTY. Ladies' Fine Cloaks, which will be sold at the well known XjOW PRICES. Also a handsome line of WdtGlglfOGf 0 of the latest styles, and all colors. If you want to secure a Bargain call at once at WflCTMWSM & HOTELS'. JOHN T. BUTLER, WIXL EKLL VOU A BETTER PAIR OF SPECTACLES FOR 25 CENTS, THAN THE HUMBUG PROFESSED SPECTACLE PEDDLER SELLS FOR FIVE DOLLARS. B& IS you bay from a peddler don't try to trade them off to me after he's WILSON & BURIVELL - ----- Wholesale and Retails DRUGGISTS, gone. declG JIT BUTLER., 3 ;jUii ; 1-3 3 d m WE : PAYi SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RETAIL - TRADE. c, Hi "US-