DAILY OBSERVER Saturday December 23, 18TT. The Weathkb To-Dat. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, Tenneseesand Ohio valley, warmer south east winds, falling barometer, cloudy and rainy weather will prevail.-p5 A FORGER THE TOILS. The Case of John H Miller, Arrested in Canada for Forgery In Georgia ;AND Where to Boy Them. CHRISTM AS GOODS Mistake on Part of "sews v -; The Raleigh iveura has several times announced that Rufe Lowrance would be hanged in this city on Friday the 21st inst. and in its lssueof Thursday it repeated this statement. Our con- temporary is laboring under a misap prehension. While Judge Kerr originally named yesterday as the day for sentence of death to be executed LOCAIjJBRIEFS., But three days now. -.,- Hand in church notices to-day. Confirmation of the suspicion which The sentiment that it i3 "more bleesed was expressed in yesterday's Observes to give than receive" is inspired by the ! that the John A Miller who had just near approach of Christmas, and yes- been arrestea in uiau n .u, ieraay jue smiling ana nappy coume- uon Lowrance he subsequently de- committed in Georgia was really Jonn nances of many of our best merchants ferred u and Bentenced the prisoner to ii Miner wno was wcu mnu uw inuiraieuiusime oujreis di vutuuuw l yinno.j fhMlfh nf goods nave even now been liberal cus- tomers. In making the annual pur chases it would be well for ait to re member that Christmas is best honor led by deeds of kindness and charity to those who really need our charity, rather than feasting one's family or his hanged on the 11th of January, which day he had previously appoint ed for the execution of Dick Smith. So that unless His Excellency the Governor interposes executive clemen cy, both of these men will suffer death on Friday the 11th prox. 1874 in connection with the Southern Life Insurancei Company, is found in a nxr S.indftv school Christmas trees ---" - . 77 ' . " , alist, of Thursday, received here yes- laisyearr . ; "--; 1 anA in th Richmond No interments m the cemeteries dur- ' of the flame date. 0ur Georgia ing the past week; L.nntemnorarv savs that Miller went Freight of all kinds are very heavy tQ Augugta 800a after the war, and be- friends, particularly if one must do it onlheraUroadskat present, coming agent of the Southern Life, by purchasing beyond his means. In The States vilte accommodation train traveled through the country and gain- everything be just before you are gen- hrouzht a eood crowd to the city, yes- ed considerable reputation for his erous, and the nappy feeling of a good I nninaio in V?a linn nf hni Lnncnunpa will mnffl fha.n f rimnflnnatR I- The" work on wara s store is pro nesa," naymg muuueu. """"v. iub inuc ymavijno iuuj """" pressing rapidly The wall is almost of people in the Southern States, and men are required to undergo, completed. " 1 particularly in Georgia and South Car- Purchasers thronged the streets yes- The small boys have taken posses- olina, to take out policies in the com- terday, and the confectionery and va- . . .. . z. ..i. i Mnv thfin renresented bv him. Just rietv store keepers were busy from sionof tneoui-sKirisoimeuii-j-aiivuu- !. t. s i ng off fire crackers. Emigration, but Not to Liberia Deluded North Carolinians Going West. Conversation with Capt Kimball, ticket agent for the western and south- was A drove of Tennessee horses brought tntcythe city day before yester- uf uuUHiu November of 1876 Miller obtained a Die. , 1 1 ommmf f monAv. hv some AH the schools in the city suspended estimated as high as $15,000, from yesterday for the Christmas holidays. varioug merchants in Augusta, on But few of them will resume their ex- paper purp0rting to have been signed ercises - before Thursday, the 3rd of by responsible parties in South Caro- January. lina and elsewhere and accepted by -The receipts of cotton this week are merchants in Charleston and other heavier than they have been any time cities. In some instances he paid .this season. There were 879 bales small debts due by him witi large yesterday. The cotton platform is lit- drafts, receiving in' each instance the crally" packed. sum over and above the amount due, One small boy whistling and turning so as to make up the facs of the draft, his arm -like a crank, while another Among the parties who accepted acted monkey, was a sight on Iryon tnis naner was J G Bailie & Bro., who ing fact that within the past three weeks one hundred and forty persons have emigrated . from the section of country within a radius of thirty or forty miles around Charlotte, in cluding the upper portion of South Carolina. The destination of most of these is Texas, but many are going to Mississippi and to south-western Tennessee. A party of about forty from Gaston, Lincoln, Cleaveland and other adjoining counties took the Air Line train at. -this point night before last, bound for Texas. A larger num ber have gone from York county, S. C, Can be found English, French and tnan irom any one section, ihe ma- American hair brushes; tooth, nail jority ot tuese expect to locate in Ar- and coat brushes, elegant sets of Cellu- kansas. loid brushes, combs and mirrors, choice The most lamentable feature of this perfumes in great yariety, soaps of all movement is that most of those who kinds and prices, puff boxes and other have been lured away by the rosy toilet articles : for the table, English colors in which this promised land has before the collapse of the Southern Life early morning until the close of busi he became agent of the Cotton ness last night. We have already States Life Insurance Company and mentioned those of our patrons who established an office in Augusta. In deal mostly in such goods as would be most likely to be selected for Christ mas presents, but there are yet many articles in the line of staple goods which would suit most admirably for this purpose. At the drug store of F SCAKE A CO- United 8tates ports 820,011; stock at all United States ports same time last year, 941,159; stock at all interior towns, 132,483; stock at all interior towns same time last year, 151,249; stock at Liverpool, 338,000; stock at , Liverpool same time last year. 493 090: stock of American afloat for Great ; Britain. 240.000: ttock of American afloat for Great Britain same time last year, 400,000. Liverpool Noon Flat and irregular; middling uplands 6 7-16J, middling Or leans 6i, sales 7,000, speculation and ex ports 1,000, receipts 8.250, American 8,150. Futures dull; uplands, low middling clause, December delivery 611-32d, February and March 6 7 32d, March and April old, new crop. Bhipped January and February par sail 6 9 32d. Sales for the week 37,000, specula tion 1,000, expert 4,000, stock 338,000, Amer ican 174,000, receipts 87,000. American 67,- 000, actual exports 13,009, afloat 257,000, American 240,000, sales, American, 24,000. 2 P M Futures weaker; uplands, low middling clause, December and January delivery 6 7-32d, Januiry and February 6 7-32d. 4 P M Sales, American, 5,300; uplands, low middling clause, February and March delivery 6 3 16d, shipped February and March per sail 6 5-16d. The market for yarns and fabrics at Manchester is dull and tending down. 5 P M Fatures closed dull; uplands, low middling clause, December delivery 6 5-16d, January and February 6 3 16d. The circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association says : Cotton has been dull witn a limited demand, wnicn was freely supplied; prices were somewhat ir regular and in most instances have de clined. American was freely offered and prices have declined Id. Sea Island was in fair demand at generally steady prices. Fu tures under the influence of the unprece- dentedly large receipts at Amtrican ports, and somewhat gloomy appearance of poli tics have been pressed for sale, and al though a very large business was done, prices this (Thursday) morning showed deenne of about 7-32d in the week". JEWELRY -AT- -:0: :0: Just Arrived. Just ArrivmH A splendid assortment ot Ladies' Neck Chains & Lockets, Ladies' Opera Chains, Ladies' and Gents' Sleeve Buttons, Gents' Chains, Gents' Collar Buttons, And a Handsome Line of JETT GOODS. CALL AND SEE THEM. street, yesterday. Usurping the pre rogatives of the street opera. The threatening character of the weather prey en ted a large attendance at the German last night, but every thing passed off pleasantly, and the dancers enjoyed the occasion with the . usual zest. snices. celatme. corn starcn. exi. oi K tJ vanilla, lemon, and many other arti- cles pour la cuisine. supposed that it was all right until December '76, after Miller had gone, no one knew whither, when they dis covered that the names on it were forged. Other parties aoout tnis lime h d and am one them may be made similar discoveries and the found many choice articles which search which was then put on foot has WQuld guit admirably for Christmas just now resulted in the capture of the ent8f For instance . exquisite WILSOU fc BUR WELL Have a most elaborate stock of goods ! Change in the Grocery Business. Messrs Jno W Hall & Co, wholesale grocers, have bought out the stock of groceries of Messrs M M & S C Welfe, and will, in a few days, move from their present stand on College street to the businss8 house on Trade now oc cupied by the firm which they have absorbed. Buying Gas Works. Col H Phoebus, proprietor of the mammoth. Hygeia Hotel at Fortress Monroe, the largest seaside resort in the Southern States, was in the city yesterday, negotiating for the purchase of the engine and gas works of the Cen tennial Gas Company which sold its interest to theJPharlqtte Gas Com pany last May. The capacity of this machine is two thousand lights. . No Drill. S. The Mecklenburg Independent Bat talion was ordered out for the monthly I drill yesterday at 1 o'clock, and the foreer. He has been heard of in sever al places within the last year, but it was only a short time ago that he was definitely "spotted" in Boston where, under the name of Colonel Thomas he pretended to be practicing law. He there erained the affections , of a rich widow, and was entrusted with much of her business, and was getting along prosperously. Mr. Robt C Bailie went to Boston in search of the man, but Miller got wind of his presence and fled to Canada, where he gave his name as Chapman and professed to be a detective hunt in e for ku-klux. He j was taken under arrest at the instance toilet bottles, Eau de cologne in pro- been painted, are young men and well- to-do citizens, who, feeling the influ ence of the general depression, hope to reach a place where this is not felt. They have closed their ears against the distressing stories which those who have returned from the West, broken in fortune and spirit, are constantly re lating. They sell out everything they have and with this money are enabled to leave their homes with bright hopes FUTURES New Yokk Futures closed firm 8ale3 38,000 bales. December, 11 16al8c. January, 11 19a20c. February, 11 29a30c. March, 11 41a42c. April, 11 53a54c. May, 11 64a65c, Jute, 11 75a76c. Julv, 11 80.82c August, 11 85a87c fusion, choice perfumery, spices, hair and hjgn anticipations. It seems that nail and tooth brushes, soaps in every imaginable variety and style, in fact everything for the toilet or toilet pur poses. Ye who prefer light to dark ness, can find here a lamp of every they are determined to go through with the same bitter experience which so many nave encountered, ine pa pers of Texas and other western and south-western States are constantly FINANCIAL . New York Money active at 6. Sterling firm at 3. Gold quiet at 28. Governments dull. Kew 5's 6. States quiet. of Mr. Bailie and confined in jail until expected, an array of Christmas arti- the papers nece3sary for his arrest can be received from Georgia. Mr B has a reauisition for him from the United States Government but certain other papers are required by the Cana dian court. Miller's real name is John Baggs Hopper, and he came originally from PolkEifles (of Pineville) came in for een Anne county, Maryland, tiis that purpose, but when the drums beat case m another striking illustration of the city military didn't appear, and the the fact tDat style. Buy one and make your Christ- giving warnings to people who propose mas evening brighter, lighter and hap- going thither, and relate many stories of misfortunes and shattered hopes,! but they seem to have no effect. Our information is that others are making arrangements to leave, among who.n is a small party from the sees tion of country north and north-west of Charlotte, between this point and the Western North Carolina Railroad. The Cotton Market. pier. At the well known drug store of DEJH MCADEN, Who is acknowledged to have the finest house of the kind in the State, is to be found, as indeed might have been drill had to be abandoned. Business was so very heavy everywhere that the members could not get off from their work. man mi smile and smile and be a villain." The Itudisill Mine The Ore to be Tested by the Latest Process, Pay Trains. The pay train on the Carolina Cen tral Railroad arrived here last eyening and went on up the road last night. The-pay trains on the other roads have likewise made thtir monthly trips within the past few days, and if railroad items are scarce in these col umns for the next two wenka. it in Ha. cause $0,6 bloated railroaders feel machine operates as successfully as is g00ds, that their sunerior wealth should re- represent, or even nan so wen, mis experiment will prove a turning point The Rudisill mining company have shipped ten tons of ore to Philadelphia to be worked by a new process of de sulphurization which is in operation there, at the Philadelphia Re duction Works, owned by Bancroft & Walker, and the result of this test is awaited with much interest. If the cles. Among them are Lubin's ex tracts and colognes, English select spices, Colgate, honey and glycerine soaps, English, French and American hair and tooth brushes,lamps and lamp goods, in fact almost any article which can be iound in any drug store in North Carolina. J HARTY, Who keeps the China emporium, has been particularly happy in his selec tion of goods in his line for Christmas. In his stock is to be found plain white and gold band tea and dinner sets, beautiful moss rose Und fern decorated chamber sets, china cupa and saucers, and mugs with mottoes, a large assort ment of decorated glass and china vases, majolica, silver plated spoons castors, pickle stands, toilet sets, card, stands and card receivers in every con ceivable shape, a general assortment of toys, banks and doll furniture, and a general assortment of housekeeping OBSERVER OFFICE. CBABiorrs. N. C, December 22, 1877 The nierket still has a downward tenden cy, the clcsh-g being as follows : Stained Tinged Low Midline M-.ddiius Good MiddUnt; Receipts for the day, S79 bales. Reci :ii ts for Thursday (not reported) 690 bales 7a9 9J 10 lOialOl 10J tki.kgraphk: ll K 14 S-.T i. r EEMBER 21. 111- strain them from speaking to newspa per reporters for the present. E D LATTA & BROTHER, an elegant stock of I in the history of mining in North Clothiers, have Carolina. The determination of the clothing and gentlemen's furnishing Rudisill company to try the experi- goods, elegant neck ties and scarfs, ment was made at the solicitation of sleeve buttons and studs, clothes and Gen J F Walker, the present superin- bat brushes, silk handkerchiefs, hos- tendent of the mine, who has seen this ery, kid gloves, pulse warmers, muf- The Busy Bee Entertainment. The success which attended the en tertainment given last night in the basement of the Smith building, on Trade street, by the Busy Bee Society and every other process for extracting Aers, and lap robes, just to baffle the oi me episcopal church, was greater sulphur employed in the United States C(ld weather we are going to have, than had been anticipated. Nearly He is so confident of the entire sucesss umbrellas and silk hats. These gen everything in the line of supper, which 0f thi8 trial of the Rudisill ore, that he tlemen have been in business here for had been: prepared for the occasion, ventures the assertion that within only about eighteen months, but in was disposed of, and the receipts and three months the method will be oper- tht time they have succeeded in the general success of the entertain- atiDg county. The Rudisill building up a trade which is both cred ment were gratifying in a high degree mining company started into the work itable to them and to Charlotte. Their to the managers. with a view of fairly testing this mine, success has been marked by energy, Declines the Honor. which is regarded as representative of strict attention to business on business .ColJP Thomas has written a letter tbe other mines about Charlotte, and principles, and a careful regard for the declining to serve as the major of the though laboring under many disad- wants and demands of their customers, independent local battalion to which vantages from the beginning, they have Many articles on their shelves and position he was chosen about ten days never faltered. Should they succeed counters would make most admirable ago by a "meeting of the commissioned at last in falling upon a method by Christmas presents. phoduce Baltimore Oats lower: southern 33a,ol Rye dull at 63a65. Provi-ions dull and un changed. Coffee firmer bat higfce-. Whis key dull at 1 11. Sugar steidy. Cincinnati Flour dull acd unchanged. Wheat quiet and seteady. Corn dull and a shade lower at 38a40 Oats quiet and steady. Rye duil and lower at 60. Pork dull and nominal. Lard dull; steam 7 80, closing at 7 77J bid. kettle 8 25aS50. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 4, clear ribs 5 90, clear sides 6 00. Bacon easier; shoulders 6i, clear ribs 7i, clear sides 71. Whiskey quiet at 1 05. Butter dull and lower; creamery 28a30, prime to choice western reserve 18a20. Central Ohio 15al6. iuger steady. Hogs dull and lower and but little doing. ew oik jjiour, snipping giades, a shade stronger and a good export demand; other kinds dull without any decided coange, superfine western and state 4 90a5 10, closing strong for shipping grades and dull for other kinds. Southern flour quiet. Wheat about lc better but somewhat irregular and un settled. Corn a shade firmer. Oats lc bet ter ana quiet, uonee, no, quiet and un changed. Sugar duil and nominal at 7 871 for fair to good refining; refined in fair de mand; 9J for standard A. Molasses, foreign, nommai; jxew urieans nncnanged witn a fair inquiry- Rice unchanged with a mod erate trade. Pork dull and easier at 12 75a 13. Lard a shade lower; prime steam 8 15. Whiskey steady at 1 10. Freights to Liver pool a shade firmer. 00 c o X 7J D H 00 ODORLESS Is the mMt powerful Mid luting DraiwTKO taht known. It may be ufely nsed under any circnmitncet After two mlnntea no odor from It or the place where It wai aaed. War ran ted to Pubitt the air lnitantly in the Sick Bo OH and HoeriTAL, preren ting the spread of nvua and contagious aiseaaea. wir vsi. l a as made Healthy. Bams andSTABLsa pnri Bed:pntltin Watm Closets and UanrALi and It renders them odorless and free from contagion. Thickly Inhabited hoosis, crowded boo ms and halls given a pure and healthy at mosphere by allowing Itto evaporate. 8tkkt Cabs shenld use It and thus drive contagion from them. Por Ships it is the best known means for counteracting the odor from Bilgbi WatU, will purify the ship and In no way in jure any material. Ban Balooks should use it as all bad odors will immediately disappear. Railroad Companies need it in their waiting rooms and water-closets. Rkstaubahts and HnTiLl need it. Csdistaiim can preserve Boons one month with one pound 01 tne uisinfbctant. Rkceivinq Vaults in Ckmktkkixs freed from any poslbility of contagion. IT IS CHEAP, VALUABLE AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AS THE BEST DISINFECTANT by every one that has nsed it. Sold by all DBoaalSTS Box M cents; Bottle 15 eents. Salesroom 28 k 30 West B'wiy, New York Agents wanted in every City and Town In the United States. D 0) z n m O H Hew Advertisements. COTTON. Norfjik Quiet; middlings, lPJc; 35.318; weekly net receipts 22,100; 3,390. exports coastwise, 5.912 stock, sales, THE BIG SHOW is now open, at J. T. BUTLER'S. Call and see all the NEW WATCH FS, JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. 10 LITTLE SIDE SHOW HERE. Come and get bargains. Everything is called by their right name and warranted as represented, at J T BUT LKR'H, dec22 Jewelry Store. ar!ili tits. - I a! 1 nu'vu i.uo ouiyuui vaiA un CUUIClY BA- TAnfMAN TtROTWRR pelled and all the metal in this class , , . of ore extracted, they will confer a Who occupy the old Springs corner, lasting benefit nnnn the whnla Rtafo have among their Stock of notions and Gen Walker, who has been in the acv goods, many articles which would mining business ail! his life in the be Bmtable for Christmas presents, such western States, does? not hesitate to fs scarfs, neck-ties, handkerchiefs, col nrnnnnnf.ft t.bfl r W' .tinV lar and sleeve buttons, fine boots, shoes the officers will have another mAAttrKr I nut tra finosi Vi a avov oom anvrmViAM I nu. nats, vOmmg . here only last S iiterf Mwen- He came here merely with a view of B,PrinS a hand in thebusinessof WW Me WW V MfWvMLsft officers of the several companies com posing the battalion. .f Col Thomas regrets the necessity for this declina tion, but states that his duties as sup erintendent of the Carolina Military Institute are such that he would not , be able to give the proper attention to tne battalion. It is sunnosed that i buying up the refuse Ore of this compa- Convicted ly the Consciousness of His Guilt. ny, to be worked by! the process rnHT- Early yesterday morning, a negro tioned above, but was bo favorably im , man drove a fine looking milch cow to pressed with the quality of the ore that : one, of our beef markets and offered he connected himself with the compa rer for sale.' Several negroes standing ny. He has already made many im around jestingly intimated that he had provements in the details of the' work - "stole' dat 'ar cow." He denied the al- with a view to greater rapidity. 1 and legation so bitterly tnat they grew sua- economy. - ' ' picious and accused him again, when The company, in order to avoid, im he denied it with1 oaths. But just position and to give a result which about this time a policeman appeared will settle, beyond all controversy, the Stoin capacity of this -'new process, will " v .a. DOW IUU I ott J V ilminfoii Unchanged; middlings, 10Jc; stoak, 30,142; weekly net receipts. 7,075; sales, 567j exports to Great Britain, 2,153; to the continent, 2,073; coastwise 3 323. Philadelphia Quiet; middlings, 111c; weekly net receipts, 1,175; gross, 6,119: sales, spinners, 2,228; stock, 9,416; exports coastwise, 1,128. Augusta-Quiet and steady; middlings, the livest town in the State, among a UOialOic; weekly net receipts, 10,974; ship- QHRI8THAS AUCTION! I will sell at Auction this (Friday) morn ing commencing at eleven a. m., at the store opposite J T Bntler's, glass-ware, nddles confectioneries, and a lot of fancy articles, suitable for Christmas presents. Also a few choice Canary birds, Ac, Sale positive C F HARRISON, Auctioneer. dec21 It F RESH FLOUR, MEAL, AC. meats, 6 4:9; stock, 19,995. sales, 6,990; spinners, none; set of the very livest merchants to be found in the country, it is creditable to them to be able, to state that they have more than held their own. BERWAKGER & BROTHER, Clothiers and "dealers in eentle men's furnishing goods, though comparative- tiyely new to the Charlotte trade, give week,- net 5,8.9; gross, 39,867; exports to unmistakable;: evidence of business r . rAV 11 m' loe continent, ou; AllifA J , st8U,lWJ'.BM)BS1m,n. . , burub, uuu uuany oi meir gooas would make most admirable Christmas nrea- ; c3JSP BmvjcooTT03ff btaTemkht. ents. Among their stock we r may Net receipts a'tall United States norts dar- 052; net receipts at all Sorts same week, last; year, Charleston Steady; middlings, 10c; stock, 84,565; weekly net receipts, 22,355; sales 7,900; exports to Great Britain, 5,749; to the continent; 3,670; coastwise, 3,798. New York Qdiet; uplands, II 5-16; Or leans, 11 7-16; sales, 341; receipts of the Call on ns and secure good bargains in food for man and beast, pigs and chickens not excepted Also a limited s apply of ucoice seed wneat. CHARLOTTE CITY MILLS. dec21 15t For Rent. o P- w p -i ii. B CO i P d era o I p o 05 cc O m 0) p o f 50 CD o 5 o -r- O 00 Qj oa p CO t s g. 3 03 P ' CO p D O E3- p CD 13- p a. GO p CC CD P p 3s C3 o -s cr o -s O o o a 00 O ts O GO o P Oi W t H CD d W o o o O oo l-e d o tr CD 8$9 o 0 pi (A s 0 0 in t) V Pi 52 o o 0 CD d CD CD rt- O CD o m O H in 0L0THINO ! ! NITIOIIIIL CLOTHiMG HULL. IFor Christmas and Mew fear. Our stock of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods must be reduced. Clothing at Retail at less than Wholesale price. We have a Suit for everybody, from an extra s s Suit to a Child's Suit, 3 years old. You have no reason fo Pay Full Price for Clothing, when you can buy the same goods for three-fourths of their value. Ask for any thing you want in the CLOTHING and Gent's Furnishing line, and we have it. Call and convince yourself, before purchasing elsewhere, and save your money. Garments made to order at short notice, and we guar antee a fit, or no sale. L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. THE store on College street which has been occupied recently by J W Hall & Co. Has an elevator and all other neces sary conveniences, and is particularly adapt ea to tne grocery trade. Possession given at once. Apply to SANDERS & BLACKWOOD. dec21 2w ' officer a ereat feur kA;Mi fci 8end on "y tons of orethirty, tons ijaoocu ttVYuy lorougn Hive Points like 1 rC81ue8 wnai nas aireaay oeea smpped mcuuuu 1Ui " uioiumg, a nne i ing te weaz, , fi fue the; wind. - The cow was r-and the; result will be based nnon election of ;hats gloves and ; hosiery: United .StaJos sorts and Bhortly afterwo i " -,.7L , "f'8' lQe ore Deing ;sucn as is taken Bria uanuitercmeis, ana ' y" in this section of the conn trv.' He don't by lit R E McDonald ru. . XT-a from the mine from day to-day. It is gentl emen's furnishing gbodsir wi receipis to same date last year, 2,363,- only call himself a tailor, but is a master of rv farm two miles Pt nf iL -7 thoueht'that thpv wilt Ko Jnf. . J " - " - ia P r weetr, 131,806; exports for nis traae. - - ha cow had been Lll1' J1 !"OTmeA as . ' . . - - . . the same week last year, 160.680; total ex- ? r yourself that all his gar fore. ----..-.uyui&UbDe RE MEM BE R : M UCHTENSTEIN , TS the only Fashionable Merchant Tailor A 745; ex ports for the week, 131,806; exports for 1.1 . " . . - . . : xo ma result of the test before the end LUJE t ??!Se." A m. a. : I, Z. 7- m?ta are cut and made in the most artistic Of thft tooi- 4 - . ! vuvapuccs, auu uuitfwcuiu )iu(iuiBrjtjr Mir-- .vu v.w w I Style vi me ear. , h . -r I Dr Bull's Coneh Svrnn. , 25 eta rxr hottle. I aama data last rear t 179 flflR- a(rwlr of. all 1 UAtOi " f f -wwwm-w, f wa f a aw) w W f H VWWW WW HsVsl UWAaV ec!4 33 TJ Y BIXBY'S BEST BEST BOOTS and peghim: fe CO DISSOLUTION. The firm of ALEXANDER, SEIGLE & CO. has expired by limitation, and we have determined to close up the business AS "ElJttTSZ- .S POSSIBLE. Our entire stock, which is comparatively new and fresh, will be sold regardless of cost. There is no withdrawing from the firm, but a complete dissolution will take place at the earliest possible moment. . Our stock of Shoes is entirely new, having all been bought this season. We have no old trash, but the newest best and cleanest Stock of Goods, ever offered in North Carolina, at a sacrifice. We are perfectly in earnest, and if you have the money you can buy more Goods for it than ever before in this market Merchants will do well to examine our Stock when they visit the city. .. . ALEXANDER,-SEIGLE & CO. N. B. We want you, if you owe us anything, to call by January 1st, and pay your note or account as we are determined to close up the business, dec 12 . A.,S. &C0.

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