CHARLOTTE OBSERVER- jODpnirrrrjc. - ThaOxssBVXB Job Department has be thoroughly applied 'with every : needel want, and witn tne latest atjiea of Type, ana erery manner of Joo WorK ean now De aonj with neatness, dispatch and cheapness, . We ean ronilsh at short nottoe : . t BLAITK8, BILLHEADS, . r TAGS,EECSIPT3.rOSTESS, fsoqbAMM3, HAND BXLLS, . PAMPHUETft. CHECKS, jfe, STTB8CBXPTIOH KATXS. Dai L year (postpaid) in advance,- $S 00 " 6 mos. . M, ,4 00 " S mos. $ u '-if4 , 2 00 , ..." , ? i , -.7i - - - f - WIXKXY XDITXO. Weekly (in the county) in "advance, ,$2 OQ out of the county, postpaid 2 10 .Vr -,6 months, fVv 100 CHARLOTTE H. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 1877 NO. 2,285 T.itwtrnl rmnnt. nni f.-tr rffnha. J W -a - - -- f ' ' ' ' ' . " ' ' ' ' " " - ' -- - - - - -.- - - Thef,firmfbf ELI AS.8? COHEN & on tKefHH1)finiai4.l876aiia'inr border to- we will offer," until' the close r of- the year ROESSLER will dissolve close the business, the wtiole ei our This is ! no HUMBtJG and the goods must be sold. ono CLOTHING AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Come and see the Bargains, at ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER. a. II dec 12 BURGESS N ICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DUXBB IB ALL KlfcDS OF FURNITTJRB, BEDDING, &C, A or CHEAP BED8TEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., GHABLOTTE, N. O jan3 UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF JJA8 been Refurniahed and Refitted in first-class style, and offers inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords at.tAndancG at meals, and no eb utiuco AJ ouik buo uuipg au ceviuw w v pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. , Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl DO NOT BUY YOUR JS TDT -IES Es2T H until you have seen the elegant stock of goods now in my warerooms. The assortment is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, IT "EITIIaEa 3PA"2" YOU Respectfully, TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICES. 3S. G - M O t& 3EI 3HL S , FURNITURE DEADER, "Trade Street, opposite the Market House. oct 14 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE GREAT WAR Soldiers Suffering from Cold and Lack of Clothing Heavy Snows ihplomatic intercourse Be tween Paris and London in Reference to Peace Egypt Sends Troops to Turkey Movement of Russian Headquarters. New Yoek, Dec 24. A London special says General Qourko's cam paign nas resulted in tbe loss of only 5,000 men. The Turks are deserting in considerable numbers because of tbe increasing cold which causes them suf fering, poorly clothed as they are, and wanting in provisions. Typhus fever is raging among the Turks at Renia. London. Dec 24. The Times' corres pondent at8ucharesttelegraphs: "The snow storm which commenced on the 18th in Bulgaria and Rou mania is un usually severe. It is feared that hun dreds of Turkish prisoners and Rus sian troops caught on the march haye perished. Uf the convoy overwhelmed at Catroceni, in the suburb of Bucha rest, forty horses and twenty-nine men were frozen to death." The Times' correspondent at Pera telegraphs : "The arrival of Suleiman Pasha in Constantinople has strength ened the party. He counsels resistance a entrance. The Grand Vizier supports him." The Times1 correspondent at Vienna, says it is reported jrom Paris that a very active diplomatic intercourse is going on between Paris and London with a view of establishing an under standing on the eastern question. The chances for the accomplishment of this are rather favorable. The Daily News' Constantinople dis patch via Syria says it is reported that the Russians are within six hour's march of Sofia. The heights above Kamarli are now the only positions held by the Turks to defend Sofia. The Times Vienna correspondent says: "ine itoumanians win not ac company the Russians across the Bal kans. I hey will garrison rlevna, JN lk o polis and Rabova, and co-operate with the Servians against Widdin." The Manchester Uuardians corres pondent telegraphs : "No special pre parations are goine on in the Woolwich arsenal except the manufacture of field guns. Only four thousand hands are employed, whereas the war force is from 10,000 to 12,000. Should, how ever, any be added to that, equipments are already in store for two army corps. Erzeroum, Dec 24. lhe snow has ceased falling here. The weather is now fine and will facilitate the opera tions of the Russians. London, Dec 24. The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce to-day agreed to memorialize the government to con tinue the neutrality in the present war. Only two members of the Chamber op posed the adoption of the resolution. St Petersburg, Dec 24. Prince Gortschakoff has assumed the direction of ministry of Foreign Affairs. General Ignatien has been appointed a mem ber of the empire. Erzeroum, Dec 24. lhe lurkish telegraphic communication h threat ened. It is believed that the siege of this place will soon begin as the Rus sian forces are overwhelming and the Russian infantry is advancing into the plain of Erzeroum. Alexandria, Dec 24. riail ot the Egyptian contingent destined to rein force the Turkish army left here this morning, it is rumored, for Crete. The troops are mcstly blacks. Bucharest, Dec 24. It is expected that Russian headquarters will shortly be transferred' from Bogart to Selvi, twenty miles southeast from the former place, urand Drke JNicholas telegraph ed from Boeart to Prince Milan, of Servia, congratulating him upon the successful opening of the campaign by the Servians. London, Dec 24. A Reuter's from Constantinople says the Servians have attempted toI!carry Yatrie by assault and were repulsed with immense loss. They were pursued by the garrison to Yavor, about five miles distant. A portion of the British fleet in J3e sika Bay are expected to proceed to the Gulf of Valo. Vienna, Dec 24.-The Political Corres pondence (newspaper) states that the insurgents in Crete have convoked a national assembly to establish a pro vincial government. MEXICAN AFFAIRS. Testine the Loyalty of the Diaz Soldiers A Fa mous KODDer Arrested. Matamoras. Mex, ViaBrownsvillx, Tex, Dec 24. A notorious partisan of Cortina, named JPartguai, who some vears ago made an attack on the police T . i l-n 1 1 1 1 p headauarters ano Kiuea me cniei oi police and wounded two others, and escaped, has recently been robbing on the highway near this city, ne roae into the market place last night and shouted for ex-President Lerdo, when the nolice attempted to luterfere. Thev were fired on and wounded. After considerable shooting, which created quite an excitement, as it was feared that a portion of the troops WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. Senator Patterson's Condition United States Troops Enter upon Mexican Soil and Are Amicably Received. Washington, Dec 24 Senator Pat terson's condition seems somewhat im proved this morning. The pain in his bead, with which he was suffering yes terday, has left him. He is, however, rery much weakened. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, Dec 24 All the de partments are closed. secretary inompson has gone to ndiana. The following was received at the War Department this afternoon : Chicago, Dec 24, 1877. Gen E D Townsend : The following telegram from Gen Ord is forwarded or the information of the general of the army. P H Sheridan. General Sheridan : Lieut Ward. who was sentoHhe Rio Grande to find the trail of the horses stolen and driven into Mexico on the 15th inst, has just come in. The Mexican troops got to the river on the morning of the 20th. Ward showed the Mexican lieu tenant the trail, and at his invitation crossed his men and joined the Mexi can troops. They followed the trail to gether all day, going about twenty-five miles. As it had rained heavily the trail was hard to follow, and another hard rain setting in, they found it im possible to follow it further. The trail was left about three miles from the nearest town, and only six or eight miles below where it crossed the river. Ward says there was perfect good feel ing among the Mexican soldiers and our own, and that the lieutenant, offer ed to go with him anywhere he thought the horses could be found. (Signed), Ord, Brigadier General. "NTvnr ffi.a ft fViP trade a full stock OI lMOMS MiXtrOCtS ana wouid revolt. Partgual was captured frj. .T?i;VftlPfit fknce:. Colgate Honey: and Glycerine and lodged in jail, it is supposed that wvvyib&v, ,6ar". Y tt -jivvv 7?.o7.o it was to create a msiuruauue vo MJr Soap- English, French and American Hair and loom srusnes. the loyalty Gf the garrison for President O . . . " I Ti: mA ;f Via rrnnna xupta Tint ful to take advantage of their disaffec night and day, at Carefully prepared at all hours, both tion and organize a revolution, as nothing to the advantage of the Lerdo nartv was developed, order was soon x - restored. 7 New Stock'. REMOVAL. New Goods, NOT GUILTY. The Opinion of the Governor of Georgia in the Case of Job Jacuson, Accused oi uauuexne ment. Atlanta. Ga. Dec 24. Job H Jack son, of Wilmington, Delaware, who was brought here in uctober on a requisi tion from the iiovernor oi answer to a charge of having improp erlv obtained money from the btate, Fifty Years' Ministry Rewarding Preacher. Our Claims. . , ,f We claim that there is pre iter certainty and uniformity in the production of good bread, biscuits, etc , in the a e of Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder, and that the ar-ic'e i made with it are more wholesome and di gestible than if made w th any other kind. Test it by the most reliable and truthful test in the oven. A Tery Good Reason, The reason why only one sample bottle of Meriell's Hepatine for the Liyer will be sold to the same person, for ten cents, by oar druggists, ia Charlotte, is because of the enormous expense of importing the Hepa tine into this coantry, bat as there are fifty doses in the large size bottles, it seems two cents a dose is cheap enough for a medi cine that cares dyspepsia and liver com plaint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents at all druggists. Three doses relieves any case of dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver complaint, inthe world Regular s"e bot tles, fity doses 1. A CARD. To all who are safferin g from tha errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a receipt that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rsv Joseph T Ibmajt, Station D, Bible Home, New York City. Netf Advertisements. M ASOJil'J NOTICE. There will be a regular meeting of Phalanx Lodge No. 31, A. F. & A. M.,-0 at Masonic Hall on Thursday evening,A 27th inst., (8t John's day.) at 5 o'clock p. m. Visiting brethren- in good standing cordial ly inyited. F H GLOVER, W. M. dec25 For Sale. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Gleanings from the Old and New Worlds News in a Nutshell. i New York, Dec 24. Excise Com missioner Owen Murphy is reported to have absconded with from $30,000 to $40,000. London, Dec 24. Stanley, the Afri can explorer, arrived at Aden sundav. His followers were paid off and dis -charged at Zanzibar. Chicago, Dec 24. Russell R Beck 'ord, a lumber dealer, has failed : un secured debts $61,866. London, Dec 24. A Paris dispatch to the Times says: "Proceedings in the councils general confirm the belief that tfee recent elections turned the scale in favor of the Republicans. The Left have majorities in forty-five coun cils instead of thirty-six, as formerly." PouQHKEEPsiE, N Y, Dec 24. Robert arrott, inventor of the Parrott gun. died suddenly at Cold Spring this mor ning. Chicago, Dec 24. A petition has been signed by leading bankers, mer chants and business men requesting Senators and Congressmen to support the President's views on finance, as ex pressed in his message and as elaborat ed in Secretary Sherman's report. London, Dec 24. The health of Queen Victoria's son, Leopold, again causes anxiety. .Boston, Dec 24. lhe savings banks commissioners of Massachusetts have enjoined the Taunton Savings Bank from doing further business. Accord ing to the official statement the bank has assets amounting to $1,404,513: labilities, $1,353,763 62. New Yoek, Dec 24. Commissioners Morton and Patterson have warned the bank 8 not to honor checks of their absconding treasurer, Commissioner Murphy. Buffalo, Dec 24. Henry Turkey, on trial for the murder of his brother, Gleeson Turkey, was found guilty of manslaughter in the hrst degree, and sentenced to twenty years in the Au burn prison. Pateeson.N J.Dec 24. The Dale Manufacturing Company is going into liquidation. The creditors meet Wed nesday. Liabilities, $300,000 to $400,- 000. All are secured but $20,000. They own tne largest silk mill m Paterson. Depreciation in the prices of silk goods is the cause. By virtue of the power in me vested, under an order of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, at the May term, 1877, I will sell at Public Sale, for Cash, at the Court House door, in the city of Charlotte on Monday, January 7th, 1878, one HOUSE and LOT, in Square No. t8, fronting on Ninth Street, the property of D P. L. White This is most desirable property for a man Gf moderate means. W. W. FLEMMING, Commissioner. At the same time and place, I will also sell at Public 8ale, for Casu, two LOTS in Square No. 58, belonging to Lucy A. Phillips, one LOT on A Street, on the N C Railroad, 49 feet, adjoining J M Kendrick : one other LOT froi ting on Ninth Street, 49 feet, adjoining the D P L White lot, on ac count of indebtedness to the Charlotte Build ing and Loan Association in the sum of $800. Also, one very desirable FARM, miles from northwest line of the city, bounding on the Carolina Central Railway, known as the Martin Place. . Good buildings and well timbered, contaiaing 48 Acres, about 30 under cultivation. W W.FLEMMING, Attorney for Charlotte Building and Loan Association. dec 9 oawd4t Notice of Forfeiture a Faithful Boston. Dec 24. At the church of The; Most Holy Redeemer," East Bos toil, a celebration was had yester day afternoon, the occasion being the completion of the fifty years ministry of Rev lather James Fitton, ; Who was born, educated and entered the minis try in Boston, having been ordained by the first Catholic bishop in America. Among the gifts presented Father Fit- ton were a set Of vestments valued at $500, a service of gold and $2,000 in money. CUBAN AFFAIRS. Surrender of a Number of Insurgents. Havana, Dec 24. An official tele gram from Santi Spiritus says 68 Insur gents surrendered yesterday in the central department, among them the wife and family of Maximo Gomez. The surrender of the family of Maximo Gomez had been previously oftered, and Gen Martinez Campos permitted them to surender either on the Island of Cuba or outside, according to their wishes. To-day fortysix surrenders were reported, in the central depart ment. On the War-Path Again. UNITED STATES INT. REVENUE, ) Collkctoe's Office, 6th District, Statesville, N. C, Dec. 17, 1877. J NOTICE is hereby given to any person haying interest in the following de scribed property, seized lor violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, to make claim as required by law, or the same will be con demned by the Collector, thirty days frjm aate ot each seizure, to-wit : 1 wagon. 2 horses, fixtures and 13 Dounds Manufactured tobacco, seized December 11th, 1877, as the property of W A Hen- drix. 2 wagons, 2 mules, 2 sets bedsteads, 6 empty BDirit barrels and one lot sundries, seized December 12th, 1877, as the property of John Combs. 1 wagon and 3 mules seized December 15th, 1877, as the property of Thos Combs. 1 wagon, 1 mule, 1 horse and 1 lot of ap ples, seized December 16th, 1877, as the property of W A Ben tley. 1 wagon, 2 mules and about 600 pounds Manufactured Tobacco, seized December 17th, 1877, as tbe property of D A Biby. About 400 pounds Manufactured Tobacco, seized December 13th, 1877. owner un known. About ten pounds Manufactured Tobacco, seized December 13th, 1877, owner unknown. J J MOTT, Coilkctob. dec20 3w oaw D, S. Internal Revenue. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 6th Dist. N. C, statesville, a. J Dec 4, 1877. NOTICE is hereby given to any person haying interest in the following describ ed property seized for a violation of Internal Revenue Laws, to make claim as required by low, or the same will be condemned by the Collector thirty days from date, to-wit: 3 barrels and 3 kegs containing about 52 gallons of spirits, and one lot of fixtures seized in Charlotte, December 4th, 1877, dec9 oaw 3w J J MOTT, Collector. gERMONSB5f BISHOP MARVIN, D. D. LLD. I am just in receipt of a special invoice of copies ol this excellent publication, ana will be pleased to see all who desire to pur chase it. 552 pages. Price only $2. Orders left at Mr B J Shannonhouse's will receive prompt attention. dec23 3t J R HUMPHRIES. Ten Oent Column. nun (BIT torn LSOD0 fit 'on wnn. w IPn-nBB mwiLIEo M nnDSiOes ttnadleo llu sum kceejpg nop tlDij DDDSiDDaQo W sail0 all E. D. HiATTA & BB0.V Leading Clothiers of the South Clothing, Moots, Shoes and Mats, Heavy purchases, in addition to our immense stock, enable us to display during the ensuing month the largest and finest assortment of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ever offered at retail in this city. Good Suits of Clothing, worth $10, for $6.56. The best kind of whole stock Kip and Calf Boots, $2.75 to $3.00. Prices reduced in all grades from 15 to 25 per cent. Give us a call before purchasing. KAUFMAN & BRO. nov 3 CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS Springs' Corner, Charlotte, K. C. LADIES CLOAKS LOST Yesterday between the N. 0, E. R. depot and Tryon street, a pistol. The finder will receive a suitable reward by returning tbe same to H Si WILLIAMS, Jr. dec25 It FAIR A public Fair will be held to-day. to-night and to-morrow night, in the Dowd & oims building, opposite the court bouse, for the benent of Kising star Lodge. 1655 and Star of Hope Lodge, 1790, Grand United uroer or Odd Fellows Oration this even ing at 7:38 o'clock by Bishop T H Lumax. Admission 26 cents. dec25 It i , STORE FOB BENT For the year 1878 the store roonr in the. Grier & Alexander building, adjoining W N Prather & Co's. aecz& u j Li MOKJCJUitAJJ. . I have removed mv.stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tmware 1 "XTuL ilTail the Ss tn t hp NEW AND ELEGANT STORE ON TR &D& bl 1 , fore the Governor. He left for home Y,iBn.if- n 'a "Root and Shoe Store, yesterday afternoon,- bearing- letter lateW OCCUPied by J. Mc Alexander as a JJOOX anu ouue ow. J . Governor Cblouitt, in which rJf i- "Col 1 i fifoA rrf - "TT A T?T) WARE, in all Its varieties, v,RvaUnon a full hearing: of the .Stoves, Tin-ware, Hollow-ware, Wooden-ware, &c, is now open el' to the inspection of .the public, at prices which are unprece- aion The e?ecutivehe dented in the Charlotte market. -.'AW The Popular ZEB VANCE STO VE; q.speciaUy H. T. BUTLER. .17. M- satisfied that the criminal misapprehenn head has no right or power to interfere with the judicial donurtment of ' the srovernment or its proceedings. I shall . ftivise that, a nol prosequi be entered in . the case on the ground that the ? facts' fully vindicate you. t' San FaaNcaBCo, Dec 24. A Tucsan dispatch says about one hundred and thirty Indiana camped near Janos Son era recently. The Sonora troops at tacked tnem, losing t Killed ana a number wounded. The Indian casual ties are not stated. The Indians were I apparently victorious as they subse- auenuy sirippea tne country in me vicinity of Janos of stock. The Indians have been robbing trains in the San Simon valley. . The troops were in pursuit. There is no Anodyne or Narcotic that I will bring relief, to the tortured victim of Neuralgia as sorely - as Giles' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. TO RENT for 1878 A two story dwelling house on Tryon street, adjoining the lot of W 8 Forbes- Apply to JAS HABTY. dec234t ; FOB BENT for 1878 Dwelling houses of various sizes and locations; one with furni ture. F H GLOVES, dec23 Under Oentral HoteL IF yon want a good meal, go to the Cotton Exchange on College street. ' ., ; , .dec221w . . ' ; If you want the finest. Orsten in th city go to the Cotton Exchange on College street. dec2Zlw . ., ,-,4 . . ,T!;.. WE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RETAIL 3 TRADE. . ' If yon want fine Liquors, Wines or Cigars: go to the Cotton Jfixchange on uouege street. LADIES' CLOAKS JUST RECEIVED Fifty Ladies' Cloaks the last instalment of the season. g g PCS Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, - i " - i . . ' ' " .,..,". . Trade ;5.v : CharlbtteiiM d nan i .ii V -s , J .fit,, i" rt u " -.t '"A. I 1 ' s tt ii j:cit rc ii i