C HARLOTTE OBSERVER , Vt i STJBSCBIPTIOII BATX8. ,ai I year (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 n 6 moa. . " 00 s mosir : " 2 00 l nion. .'"" " . '"j W W1ELT' KDITIOH. " ' ' roklv (in the county) in advance, t$2 00 ' out of the county, postpaid 2 10 6 months,-. - '-- " 1 00 Liberal redactions for clubs, -fesv f .... . . .. ... f. yrs. ti " ml at ft t TheOsaxBTXB lob Deirtnieut c&s be Uxoronshly jsppued wita erery jrssOsI want, and witn tne latest styles cl Type, ass every manner of Job WorxeannowM&oaJ wita neatness, dirr&tch and eneapnen. ' i .We can farnlsn at saort ncUoe -BLAKS3. EILLTHiATSft, - ' mno kk a pa. catcixi. ; ; TAG3, ESfmrTS. TOSTSZ3, '- ' psoanAinrra, ixakd bzlja - Ill :"'' " 1 -III r .11 M CHAELOTTE N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 L 1878. N0: 2,782 50; ' SC. if artoiie- imt I-. -,; f.f - m The copartnership 7 of f :EUAS,1 ohen & Roessle R was cjisolved ty! mutual consent rn January 1st, 1878," Captain J. Eoessler withdrawing Euas & Cohen are authorized bo collect all debts du6 the late firm and pay aii liabilities, 1 mim&comN? Kfotlce. All debts due the late firm must be settled at once, as longer indulgence cannot be granted. We will continue the business at the old stand. ELIAS & COHEN. BURGESS NICHOLS, W HOLES ALiE & RETAIL ' ' jan3 JJA8 besn Refurnished and Befitted in first-class style, .and; offers ihdncenients to Trayellers and Residents in its excellentftable, isupplied with the best the market affords prices to suit the times. An actiTe corps of waiters in attendance at jnesls, andno pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable.'' k Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. li.i y aprl DO NOT BUT Y YOUR until you haveseen the elegant stocfc of goods now in my warerooms. i The assortment is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, TO INSPECT IT -JSLNIXiGET MY PKICES ' w c Respectfully, . 1" 1 . r r ; - FURNITURE DEALER. ,t r M6moved next door to Post Office Jan ; Now offprs i'A 'aM'o, frn1f' ft fnll Colognes, English Select 'Spices, English, French and American W air andaooth JJrushes. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared 'at all jiours, both night-and day, -at - , ' , if... n n if i '-"r "' 1 w Stock. - ;'4Miifai.s; : 5Jew .Goods; . have remoyH:my s"tock?of Hardwa-resfifesndi'inwlrd lotheNP.W Axrn tp A ni ' fcT'R'KRTr DZAXIB IS " ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. FTJIt. LINK CHEAP BEDSTEADb, LOUNGES, f COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. mt No. 5, West Trade St., ; -1 CHAELOTTE, N. O. nTUJJESIEa 1 a kV.r ;i d V VVJs (StnTilc -of TiiMn?si7:ht.rafifa and f, Colgate Honey antd Glycerine JTMc. Alejsandteas) a. Bootand Shoe Store. nm imitD WARE;irIn all ' its ' Varieties; TELEUKAPMlt NEWS. WASHINGTON. PROCEEDINGS OFiCONGRESS. A Bill Reftoing to Provide a Sinking Fund- Supreme Court Decisions A Proposed Steam ship line from New York to Rio Janeiro The Freedmen'8 Bank Confirmations Senator Jones Makes His Speech on Silver. .General News and Gossipi Washington, Jan 21. Conkliocr pre sented a large number of petitions from citizens of Ulster, Ldvirjgston, Orange and other counties in New York in favor of the remonetization of silver. Laid on the table, the bill having been reported to the Senate. A ., r T . Beck, of Kentucky, submitted a con- currrent resolution declaring that it is unnecessary and inexpedient to impose the taxes at this time asked for by the Secretary of the Treasury to provide $37,000,000 for a Binking fund, and direc ting the Sec y not to purchase any more bonds for liquidation of Che public debt until directed to do so by Congress. Laid over for the present and ordered to be printed. , Washington, Jan 21. The sub-com mittee of the Elections committee heard Bisbe's (Republican) contest from the second Congressional district of Florida on the application to take further evidence. No conclusion was reached. . . Schleiscber, sub committee of the committee on Foreign Affairs, heard State Senator General Ford, of Texas, on me Doraer anairs. General Chalmers, member of the House, introduced into that body his Pacific Railroad bill, looking to the termination of the road at Vicksburg, miss. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, Jan 21. In the case of the Home Life Insurance- Company against Brame, from the Louisiana circuit, the Supreme Court now decides that the company cannot recover of Brame for the killing of one McLemore, the assured, by which the company was damaged to the extent of the amount of the policy, holding that on principle and authority bhe action can not be maintained in such a case. Mr Justice Hunt delivered the opinion. A bill has been agreed upon by Gen eral Bussey and Major Tupper, a com mittee from New Orleans, providing for a steamship mail line from New Orleans to Bio Janeiro and interme diate points, and the same from New York. This bill was presented to-day by Eustis, in the Senate, and Gibson, m the House of Representatives. General Bussey will be heard on Thursday next by a joint meeting of the Senate and House committees on Postoffices and Post Roads, to whom the bills have been referred Rev Wm B Derick, colored, of Rich mond, has been in consultation with leading members of the House of Rep resentatives, urging that the general government take charge of the Freed- men's Savings Bank property, and pay the depositors. Dr Derick holds that the government and the depositors have both been wronged, and that someone ought to be punished. He thinks this the proper course. Collector Fernald, of the fourth dis trict of Virginia, has his official papers to renew his bond. He has answered all charges. He continues in office, anfi while making his new bond his old bondsmen, are held. The nomination- ot Potts lor post master at Petersburg, and Mrs Jones for Ashland, Va,1 were withdrawn from the Senate, to-day, on account of tech nical terms in their phraseology, and corrected nominations of the same persons were substituted. , House jNpthJne rwaa,.aonje except the introduction of tne usual Monday batch of bills for reference to the comf mittees. ' t . ' . ... . , The bill introduced in the Senate to day by. Mr Eustiv fiffLouisiana, directs the Postmaster General to contract for mail service between the United States and , Brazil, as ? follows : First, for a monthly line i of steamsnipa between New York, and s Rio Janeiro! touching at such intermediate ports as the Post master General shall consider expedi ent and necessary, Second, ijtor, a monthlv line of steamships, between New.Orleans and Rio Janeiro, touching at such intermediate: ports as the Post master i, . General c shall h : consid er . expedient; U'A &hd 4 neces aarv.. The bill prdvid es that the service shall he , for the term of ten years, and sball be , performed with American bj&ufc and-; owneq vessels, 01 noness than three thousand tons register, to he of iron and; of. approved construc tion, and capable, pf a speed of thirteen knots per hour, and. that the said ves sels shall be built or accepted under the direction and inspection of some naval officer; - to be designated by the Secretary of the Navy,! : and th at said vessels s snail , ai au, umes oo B,uujeu to the use of the government, at a reason able charter therefor; AThe bill further nrovides that the compensation for the service upon "said lines shall be fixed at a raieoi two uou ,wi tuiue uo distance' which: the maiarf actually transported, and also provides that the government,of.-Brazil ishall contribute to the maintenance oi ine lines." Confirmations t -Henderson, - conec tor of customs at Pearl j River. ' Post- masters i Potter. Warrentan, va ; Km- ker, Leesburg, ya ; Still.well, Humbolt, Te nn .-f, Bris Jer, , tWter; i "VaJley Miss ; Pelaney;Alexandmnaaipfe in; v Senate The Senate resumea tne con ideration of unfinished business, being the reaoTuWffrMattM t.ViA riorht of the cbvernment to pay the Interest acid the principal of the bonds in silver.' ... pt-Mv' fj Me Jones' of Florida.-? RDoke at some length as to the power s gran ted 4 Con- gress Dy ine consuranon to uiu wpuvj, reeulate its value, etc' and argued: that at the timethe7i(if&;"of;a869,t6 strengthen T- ttie. public icredit,'! and of 1870, "to authorize fc. the iiefunding of th national debt.'.', were - passed; the Silyer dollar was a legal iterider cjyn of the country, and uongress naa no pow er to " exclude " It ; from thecoindge "of the countryi" .He -claimedj ha jth ere could be' noi-legaloitender-i underi.the constitolion except gold and silver; He then referred to the argument that GermanyrEnglandrand - other"Euro o.ri gauntries had demonetized silver: and asked, had it come to this, that the x.iiAipn nf "Rnronean governments were ' o control the American republic? He had heard of such alliances before, but they were always to crush out the lib erties of the people. . The policy of demonetizing silver began with kings and emperors, and ended with a repub lic. He denied that it could be called repudiation to pay the bonds in silver, and said repudiation was revolting to the people. He then referred to the condition of affairs at the close of the late ciyil war, and said it was necessary then for a time to abandon that system of finances which existed previous to the war. But the necessity soon passed away, and now the cause of all the dis tress throughout the country must be sought for in our present financial sys tem. He spoke of abundant, crops, and said the troubles and embarrass ments now existing over the land were not brought about by natural causes. They were the work of man. He reviewed at some length the various financial acts of Congress, and in regard to that of .1869, "to strengthen the public credit," said it should have been called an act to increase the burdens of the people, as it was intended to bind them to the payment of the debt in coin. He hoped it was the purpose of Congress now to lift up silver, the much abused metal, which God had decreed should serve man as money. It has been urged that the act of 1873, demonetizing silver, was passed be cause silver was not reliable, because it. fluctuated in value. He denied that this was true, and said from the organs ization of the government down to 1873 there was 'no legislation respecting coinage which showed that there had been any variation whatever in pur silver coin. If any coin should have been abolished on account of being unstable in value it should have been gold. He spoke of the advantage of silver money, and said .there was a large channel in the business of the country which silver alone could fill. It was emphatically the money of the people. In conclusion he advocated the adoption of Mr Matthews' resolution, because he thought it was for the true interests of the country, though, of course, he entertained the greatest respect for all who differed with him. The Senate adjourned to attend the mock funeral of Victor Emanuel. Washington, Jan 21. Col Adair, a delegate of the Cherokee Nation, was before the House committee on Terri tories to day, and spoke for more than an hour in opposition to the bill to establish the territorial government of Okalohoma, in the Indian Territory. He argued that the proposition was in the interest of land speculators and in violation of treaties and the decisions of the Supreme Court, and read from the writings of Presidents Washington, Madison, Jefferson and Jackson, and of Vice President Calhoun, in support of the treaty rights of Indians. Wallace vsLoomis et al, bondholders of the Alabama and Chattanooga Rail road, from the southern district of Alabama. Affirmed. THE GREAT WAR. Next to the Last Foot-Hold o the Turks Gone The Russians Enter Adrianople Without Oppo sition Women and Children Fleeing to Con stantinople Great Suffering and DistressThe Reported Conditions of Peace. LonD9N, Jan 21. A Russian official telegram, dated Kezantik, Friday, states that the Turkish peace delegates arrived at Hermanli, Thursday, and were received with military honors by order of Grand Duke Nicholas. They started with escort for Kezantik, where they were expected to arrive Saturday. The Standard's Constantinople cor respondent denies that the surrender of. Adrianople has beeu agreed to in .consequence of the demand of Russia He asserts that the Turks decided not tp) defend the place because it was con sidered untenable. '. The same, correspondent, telegraph ing Sunday evening, says that it has been impossible' to -communicate by telegraph with Adrianople for - three hours It is probable that the Russians have entered.it., V The correspondent of the Times at Pera, telegraphing Sunday, announces that'the Russians have entered Adrian ople. '. "-.' .I- , ' ". ;'. . The Times' Athens corresDondent says the troops at Cbatcis have been ordered to march, to the , Irontier im mediately. ::,.:-i.-.,rzn'h. a The Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Pera says " negotiations have been commenced. It is stated that the Turk ish plenipotentiaries have been in structed that they may offer to.' .make Batoum a free port,, cede the territory on the Asian frontier near ly. as , far as Xars and 'dismantle the:- fortifications of Kars and Erzeroum. They may also propose the, following programme fordiscussi9n.by an;European confer ence : The Balkans to be, considered it j e southern limit of Bulgaria; (Rou piania to be independent; the Dardan elles to be open .to .men-of-war of all nations,, and; the settlement of -the Montenegrin and Servian questions to be temporarily deferred. -.Difficulties have already arisen. It is: reported that Russia has demanded that Adrianople be included in Bulgaria; also the cession of Batoum, and the opening of the Dar danelles .to Russian and Turkish men-of-war onlv. -.-r ; 'Ai The Daily Telegraph prints the; fol lowing, dated Uonstantmopir,; yester day 'IMri Masterj agent-of, the Eng lish Belief Fund, has 'Just arrived here with' ax train full tl o i irefogees from Adrianople. ' These ,nnhappy; people have been in open cattle-trucks three days. Many perished from, cold weath er, i Last niffht fifteen were found dead in the trucks. The sufferings of all are described as awful. Mothers are re ttnrtftd itiTtheir frefizvi to have thf own1 awav-their living babies rather than see them die in tneir arms, ' me iram moved i from - Adrianople, rnum bers of people tried to cling to the outside and irameWOriC CM ipfs-uarriagtm wilt uiaujr attempted to ride on the buffers.; At one station where hundreds of people bad con creeated -without food for two d ays, lence if breactvas not given to T.tnem. Yesterday there were , io,uyu , women and cnildren out in the snow at-Charlon Three tfains full are hourly expected to arrive at Constantinople. It is not known' where they will find shelter .The enow is eeyera.1 inches deep and is still falling? 'arid the coldisintense All thai "can possibly bedohelis beiBg effected by the Administrators"Relief Fund, but' many lives, are being sacrt Belgrade. Jan 21 Th. Rprvian troops captured Pristina, and alsd re- ucuupiea jersnumii alter an engage ment in which the Turk a Inst fmir hun dred killed and wounded. Four hun dred and fifty Turks were captured. - . ' ! . - ' ' l - i SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Henri Reenault and Anton a iWocm. ier. distinguished nhvair.iana nf Pnria are dead. It is stated that a number of ths Ital ian residents of New York have made charges against the Italian consul, De Lucca, resident in that citv. tnth hom e government, and asked his re moval, tiis onense' is stated to be overcharging for passports, money orders, etc. Cleopatra s needle arrived at G ravpia. end, England, yesterday. . The directors of the Mercantila Sav ings Bank of Boston days notice from depositors. Waterhouse Bros., manufacturers of Flock's "shoddy" over-coating and suit- iugB, in rassaic, a. j., nave suspended business. The shoddy mill closed Sat urday night. Two hundred and fifty hands are out of employment. The overcoat and suiting mill is still run ning. It is reported that if the settle ment is made with the creditors, the mill will resume. The necessary reauirement of a eood bak- ing powder are nuritv. wholesomeness. and reliability. When pure it' is always uni form in its results in producing light, easily digested bread, rolls, biscuits, and cake. uooiey s xeast Powder has a well earned reputation for perfect purity and thorough reliability. v ' Mow and Tnen. It IS Onlv now and t.Kon thof (nnh man u Hon Alex H Stephens, Ex-Goy Smith and Kl-finv Thrown nf fja anAnraa a maHiniiyW for the throat and lungs, and when they do ii is preiiy good evidence tbat the remedy ninst be ertrtA for th ntirn nf mnnhi -vlr)o cn Sj WUUMj W1UO and long affections. They recommend the nvaaa 1 n nn L 1 3 . 1 . wm riiuwsn vuiuii bkruf, ana laeir testimonials are to be be seen round the ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by all druggists in Charlotte. A . . 1 fc.4.ll 13 . I . 1 . ooLujjie uukLie relieves tue worsicougOiana will care sore throat. Rpsmlar riko hnt.tlM fifty doses, $1. New Advertisements. IQUID FLOWERS. 1 The great French Invention tanirhfc ner- fectly in one hour. This wonderful inven tion we guarantee to instruct any person so they can make flowers and foliaee eonal to the specimens and before any payment is maae. All are invited to call and see the process of making the flowers. Terms, f 5, including a complete set of tools. Specimens can be seen at the Cald well House, next door to Tryon Street Meth odist church. Agents wanted for adioininsr towns and counties. . jan20tf , ,L. - K pERUVlAN GUANO, A FINE ARTICLE. Copy of Analysis of the Peruyian Gaano. Direct Importation Ex. Cargo, Huasan,3altjmore, By W. M. H A K E R SHAW, F. C. S. Water 100 per cent. 2.62 per cent r Containing Nitrogen 6,28 per cent. 1 Equal to Ammonia. 7.63 per cent. I Organic and Volatile, 25.11 " Alkaline 8alt8, Sc , 43 72 " JTiOsphates, 20 28 " Sand and Insoluble, 8.27 " For sale in lots of 10 tons. (Si $50.00 per 2210 lbs delivered to Steamer ; in lots of 60 tons $48 GO per 2240 lbs delivered to steamer ; in new bags ; actual weight. J 1 M1UDLJTUN B (JO.,. janl9 eod3w 7 8outh St., Baltimore. OPERA HOUSE. - O'N E N I O H T O Ti t ' Tuesday, January 22ndy Re-appearance in Charlotte after an absence of over two years, of the celebrated B E WO Ell FAMILY i and their GREAT COMPANY OF STAK ARTISTS. L.ady Orcuestra, ' ' v? ; " - Ladies silver Cornet Band. : .-'III , L , : . '.IV' If ';a'.1I..X Swiss Bell Uln gcrs, . . Vocalists and Comniedians. THE MOST ELEGANT COMPANY IN And a corps of artists, who, in tbeirjespec- ttve specialties, ' . v - - - "t IT ' ' '. '. -' ' ' ' " Have NO EOXTAIiS in the World as above arid offer ft programme Comprising songs duets, refined humorous delineations, character !. sketches, 1 orchestral overtures, Swiss Bell music, - Cornet Band Quicksteps, and Solos on the Cornet, Violin, Saxophone Zilophone, etc., etc.,' and, introducing the latest and most, attractive "noyelties s pf the day. -' v 13 Talented Art isu Wll 1 Appear ..The management respectfu Uy announce that n view of the stringency, of the; times, and yielding to the general - demand : for low prices," notwithstanding, the . fa.ct that the company tbey bribg this'seasoiiit Is ' the. stroo get-1 in point of artistic talent, and the most expensive : tbey ' have - ever1 travelled with3hey announce the following scaled of prices t. feAdmissiott 75.ndrC"cents.viNO EXTRA CHARGE T FQR, I8BRYEI SEATS, which can, be seeurea At the Central l D STEELE is with MeeSrs IT Morns iB ill Bros, .where, he would be glad to: see his friends or jyq,their.,ojcaeTB.. S5ns-; HHITI 1 icii " FOR 8ALE A choioe lot of Cedar Posts. Orders can be leffcat.Mayer &Rosrp 01 a--. L Jan.22 ?t , 1 B B.J7ALLACB. 5 " For Sale ; Fifty. shares of stock in the Merchants & Farmers Natiohal Bank.7 Ap ply to -.: DrJ M.MILLUR, , ... jan20 St .taia xcxiri'i;.: 01 ixz - w H(5USE for RNT-A residence on Fifth street, with bur rooms and basement. "Ap-' lif 'i ll J J LDEATON. xj. - -t STORE- FOR RENTFor the vear 1878 the store rpbn: in the Grier & Alexander r building,' dioip'ipg,W Ji JPritber & Co's, t.'-'decgfr'tf t"- k" 'i Tj morehead. .,; , ,: v. .-i ... a j, ...... .. t .. . r- -. - IN OUR W CLOSING OUT SALE WE Offer our Entire Lot Colored Berlin (lined) and Town-made at Our $1.00 and $1.25 at vwmm mice, m mm. The Grand Rush Continues. TT TIX - TT if ' .1 -t.v.U THE WELL-KNOWN FIRM OF 'jjiS ti '''ji''' 'ds' " ;: ' a J . .. :.. . ' , ' ; , . .,"...,..,.,;, ... -,--,..4. ,;) ... joC;'? , od HmTHIIS DAY ' CEASEB KT0 EXIST tKebiismess is now carried1 oyrp. mane L assume an gust erfe alicjarms' due-ifc' 7 jlher emimer ckwanFluiimitig forward to tnevcuizens oi unariotte ana tne puoiic m general. ioritne,erjj3n? DyBm&rKiJbiv onri firm ahdl to-tine personally and my greatest aim in the future wilLbe to;d-T(kdhct,'mylffaMmy business as to remain "worthy of Ji; continuance, of.their. favors and esteem;1 ' ' ''"r. : : ", - 3ii oil! Acq IlIw n u "cz ; ' ii-;.:- ' r' -i.ilr.n J tfifu. : iTa thbse'indebted to- the" old firm -I calr UDon ''not : to 'beub ;4 1.Hei'.tKsay: carried on, m aU;its branches, as. heretofore, g aSd that;! have greatly- replenished J my.StodCTwow splendidly assorted withTriew,anddj eaSonaDle'.Gobds.: w'StM"S"Tm!!rKOWBKY.: tu? tTanl9, 1878.- V'10 - . - 1 'Mm TTT fr. of 50 and 75 cent the MICE, EM5TS. . .,..2 j. . : s,v i A flTlrTri A sO TTflTTft ifX p.. 4; on by the undersigned: in his '"1 uaouiues 01 tne oiaiiirm vau. r ' . i i,' with grateflil, thanks to settle, ;and start their accounts;. I' f ' w- ...;- 3 5T yr.' i. . 1. 1 A b . 1 T i , f r I- -

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