. . - ' -. .. , . t, - ", - - - - -' - - ' - - . - - . - - " - - . . . ' . . .-" , i- - .. . ....... r ...... , ' ' . I j. mi HMIHIIIlIll III IHTf Will. I. I HI .11111 J ..!.. I, n .., ., ' " ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' " ' " ... - . ' - " ii'lliiWll i iium i fi-lllii 'i I i t " " '-"9 11111 " W WMJ I I llllllWMII llf I f H Hl Mm WW . I III II wWffW MB wafMfqMm If I MUM 1 1 IM lllll Hl jrj4Hg WUffPfrfW f fliWI 'if .Ifi ili-'.'i j- ' ry "' .-Jl ' J-"ffMTOJ, - - - , 7 J ...... Ji--- . ...... . W--OJ" - -- -V t.-.-..-4.v- -v. '.. r. :oLC:?r! , The Ossxsrsa Job le;rme2t tTJ Ct tboToosiily mrplia , msn every omdtt want, ana witn ta latest gxyij cx Typ, ani every manner of Job Work ean nc7 D donj wltn neatness, dlfpatcn and eneapnen , 0UI8OBI7TIOH SATIS. t year (postpaid) in advance, Dfti 4t v it ft I mon. , ,We ean tarnian as snort nodoe ' BIiANXS. BTT.T.TTRADa. . - tags, ErcirnTa, rocxiiia, I - wnxLT ronroir, w, (in th- icounty) inaavahceV $2' 00 ' l' I-,; it . ... (Jul, V w-i.i..j , rwwviaiw iu months, t i 'A J 1 00 FEOGItAMJOa, OABD BILX& 1- V.1 PAMPHIJET& CHKCKR," Ab .5 nFriTflyrra ', affirm ? U-x ... ; (fl "r5l --r,.U itfffl-e;V !,, t4 i0DHrr1-,0r7v . " 1 u e,; l"E.Jh. r""5W3B-!i! f""WWTa ,-f5- .,, . - . 1 tf ; ... . iiWi' . ."a,98aKSil-. 7TMl-.Kl4lt A PU f IsT K ii'w. s AiaiericM Jfeafe'teilw.tfiUtei.Stat rh t f- i. v. n . . n.-u-n is : ! , I -'' Oqlj npw nd then tbatnch men at i 4.51 Huh ' A IAV H Ntotiluritf Vtjjf4Mth t v, -.s r ! f!. . , ' , . " cwpnens, ax-uovnnin ana- "HARBISBCe, Pa, Jaa. SO.rEtsola- Brown, oTOa eatlorsea medicinS tions were .tfert d ia the , House - of uLltt?fff SnR8' n,d?' J1 L'.2: - -e- .1.;. o.-.'..'!:! .. itia pretty eood eviaeoca that the remedv -, . "i The r canartnerahiD oof (IEliasuGohen & T ? -.1 J : - :ja. . m .h . , v ..... .... . b .. . i uiuuo. n vi v 'mwi wrl,tur. va ixuuco ui i . . . ..- t . it!6nere8StQ instruct .the PostoffiCfs De- I M(llnWffiikiAM. -.Th JmJk?M &L Mkt Sharp Debate on! . partvmeht.ta mploy Amtrican Tf ssels, J Glob ;FtowE t?oSJ-6Taitnd '.Uwtfi'tf ing the Applications or I ift reaaonapje rales, to, carry mails De- j testimonials are to hebe seen tonnd the ten a-Darrell Case from Lou- J tweeri the iUuited 'States 'j .and;, those 'santei-bottlesof'-the: ;GlobelPIoer to coJMall dol all liabiktiQ. .1 8: dujthejfttefirm iftnd;pay . ELIAS & COHEN, ' J. ROESSLER. ' T 4 IHofice. All debta due the late firih must be settled at once, as longer took any par in Poiiticr--- indulgence cannot oe granted. We, will continue the business House over extending the time for attheoidstaniiV r U' ' ' 'ELIAS & COHEfl. , rSSt?.'- NICHOLS W HOLES ALEfcRETAlLI v General News and Gossip Washington, Jan 30. The cabinet has decided ton re BUme the coinage ;of the? trade 'dollar at the Philadelphia The New Orleans jury in the return ing board caee coneists ' of ; ten white ana two colored men. comparatively intelligent and ueve in the the bonded n. SENiTE-4Diirir e the motnine hour Hoar, announced that lie had received a communkat'ion : from the;Cpmmis sioner of ' Pensions in regard t o the api plitations of aoldiera for pensions not having been net ed upon On account Of the insufrXcientr clerical, force in the office"6f the d-rgen general, w here 'r foreign nations with : .which U is desira- SywiN--fii'd toCbarlottec. 'ihio o ; i ; hte to promote' comtnerclal relations, iff evi-. L-? , ' and whPichtwilI co-operate with ol l, v, ' "M 2 own eoverninent in the enternrise Referred tot Jthe committee on Federal Relations., ,. . , " ' ' . . ")J o Advertisementsi' 1 ' SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. r Frank Leslie, the publisher, of New York, has been amsted in Philadel- The latter are I phia, charged with libel. JJarwan, vviuiams & Shannon, boot ' and Rhoe m&f utacturers.-ot Montreal, have failed fW $220 000.: " The schedule of E J Dunning, Jrl of nun i i r" vr v - v. j . i - . rt ii Bbruf i, jw j, M k , ueaier in com rnercial paper, who anade . an assign rtifnt.'wfts filed to-day;. Siabili'ies, $1,854,004 ; nmir.ial;asaet, $618,943.90; aciuaf asstts, $484,741; ONE NIGHT-FEBRUARY 6TH rSuch an f opportunity for INVESTING has never " befpre been.presented and CAN" NEVER COME AGAIN. t i: -si pommmiication with Frazil. ill. - BlililB IB, ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. - Philadelphia, Jan 30.The ship Me- trnnnlia hfiiAf fir Krazil ia the aus nr1 I the hospital itecorcUof the army are steamer despatch e3 hy contractors for I tent iwxtwMm i I 1L i J i j r . t k : 1. J f iioar, Aauiunus ana mgaus com- Brazil. It carries two hundred labor mentedon .the j delay in acting upon I ers, 600 tons of railroad iron and th pension cases. and argued that it I sbecfal mailsfor Brazil: - It e-oes direct W jpauaedi by Jth iJemocratic party to Para And wille followed J soon by reauciiig lue Mpprijriuoiin. - -;.ither8 ctf VirgiuiaViepiied that the which was MANAGER FORD respectfallyi annouaees we nrst engagement, in Uharlotte ot the oruhaut tihakesperean artiste, . ;.. fllf LriE POitf EROY, MI8 1.0UIR PAifllROY, a Minn UIS P091EiiUF, Mis LOUIS; PoMEBOV, Happerted by the eminent actor, MR THEO HAMILTON, 1 l a u.d. a most b i i 1 1 iia n t 1 DRAMATIC COMEDY COMPANY. '' OH ' ' WEDNESDAY KVENING, FEB. 6TH, ' by general des:re, Shakespeare's love rragedy- The largest stock1 of Clothing in the outh at ia Austin at sweepingclearirig, closing out ' priced the steamer City ot Richmond. party with w hich he acted, now charged o with Lbeing the cause 61 a s i tne aeiay. oaa tTOtreaucea tne ciencai ' ' force of t he 'surgeon general's office, or F tJJjL LI NB ' j the pension office. ; Oh the contrary me ciencai toree oj me surgeon gene wi "0"-oi- rals office had been increased for the purpose of promptly acting upon the rtwir AT TTTlflTTCATlS. ITJNQES. npnainn i1u.ima. 30?, v. . , 4 ; il DvLvia. -of West Virginia, read from I 'j PARLOR di CH AMBER SUIT8, the . report of Jencks, made to the UOITIEO & JULIET. KOMEO & JiiLIET; BO n EO Ar J C LI ET. UOYlM A JULIET. BOfltEO X JELET. ROJttEu & JULIET. aprp.nH.dA thp hrlrfp and trrmm with Rrj . ' '. l from trie rvpnsmn nm.-.A to n.p.t- as o. rKR I u c i r. lilVING A IJABAREUS UELDE AND Gkoom a Tuen Abound. The Bear Creek, correspondent of the Concord Register writes as follows in last week's MI.8 LOUISE POMEROY, as JtjLiia, issue of that paper ' Mr Reuben Kodgers was married to Miss J Moody, by Ksq. Ritchie, on the 17th. On the same night a large number of Bear Cr;ekers assembled to Admission, (ialiery,. ...... ... . ....... (... $1.00 50o Sale of eeats will commence on Monday, February 4th, at Obtrat Hotel Cigar 8tand. No extra charge for secured seats. ; " janjji 6t We ;have Lbeen universally and -cordially pronounced the i Low Prices." Our marked ngut-es have been based upon a very small margin of profit and in comparing the originar price with the reduction, Jill in prominent figures, will be perceived that? we I are with One Besolute Accord, Determinedito wind up our & tremendous sacrifice under husmess to close out our stock at jan3 No. 6 a West Trade St., i n TT ABLOITE . N. rPm Pension office to act as clerks porch wnen ft pi8toi was fired from the jNSURANCE AGENoY. A 'and Hfin DA' OF- : J ?! r of the'Repub ican Congressional com mitteem this city. : Washington, Jan 30 In the Acklin Darreir contested. election cas, from L6uiiana, the whoie committee on Elections heard the argument on the ex-parte testimony, and the application by Darrell for a. con tin nation of the argument was made' for him by Jere Wilson, and by the contestant Acklin for himself. The committee refused the application. ' The Democrats on the commission of commerce in the Senate will be governed by the views of Mr Eustis. crowd, the ball striking the groom. Dr Rose was called in and dressed the wound,' which was slight, but an inch difference would have sent the ball through his heart. The youngest daughter of Mr Moody Was burnt in the face by the powder at the same time. Too much brandy was the cauge of the Tole affair, as au parties were trienaiy. jTTXS been-Bafamished and Refitted to , first-class styled and offers dcements to fiyrtats and Residents n .its excelllplied with the best the marked affpjds prices to suit tkVt "AnTef wdanc at pains or expense spared to render guests ppmfortable. , , ; ; : ; A Water Spout. On Monday even ing, the 2l8t of this month, something like a water spout bureted about two milp.a unnih of this village. Tt waa They will be joined by discontented I seen in the air and in shape resembled xtepUDiicans, ana an uniavoraoie re- a cow's horn, with wen defined lines, port on Williamson, as collector of customs at New, Orleans, is almost, cei- tain. An issue will be reached to morrow. 1 k Moderate Terms for; M Boarders. v OUBitJyiOJTO IS TO PLEASE. and seemed composed of something like the folds and billows of a dense smoke coming from the smokestack of an over-wooded farnance. It mov ed in an easterly direction, its parts appearing in uneasy commotion until it reached a point about two miles from this place, and a little east of No Certainty About the Preliminary Conditions south, wen it bureted and emptied its' THE GREAT EASTERN QUESTION. Austria's Attitude Open Air Meetings in Eng land and Anti-Russian Demonstrations. aprl YOUR DO NOT : ... '. 'Hit TF'UjriESKT.ir until you. .haye seen, the elegant stock of goods instantly, over the email area to which it extended, to a depth of at least six inches on level ground, as we are credibly informed by persons near the spot at the time, and very soon upon it. There was a very slight rain hear bv. but the few acres covered by the spout were converted into a lake for' awhile. It was observed by people miles away and its course watched "9 i-) 1 .-if now in my ' warerooms. , ' .rn. -' "fin kii'j iii :ju The assortment is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, TO INSPECT IT i AND GET MY PRICES. ' , ..IS . & . M HH & I 3EH S , FTTRXtTXTllE DEALER! London, Jan 80. No doubt there is a little misunderstanding between fct Petersburg & Vienna. Austria it seems expected that the conditions ot peace would be submitted, to the European congress, or at least communicated for approval to the members of the triple Nothing of the eort was ever kn wn in alliance, rne Vienna correspoooent i tnesc Darts Deiore. Alamance uieanor. of the Times telegraphs as follows: "Whether the preliminary conditions The Plymouth Saint Rises to Ex- have been signed or not, has become PLun. New York, January 28 Hen- of purely secondary importance, lhe ry Ward Beecher, yesterday morning, Porte at any rate has approved them, previous to his sermon, said he had and according to all accounts, is quite J been subjected to angry criticism on ready to accept almost anything e se account of reports of his sayings that i which the Czar may propose, merely to wtre gr0ely wroDg; He alluded to the bread and water sermon and to the sermon on hell. He said that his ser mons were printed in his paper cases without revision by him. Mr Beecber said that he thought the reporters of the New York dailies bad not had a long theological training He did not lf 8 .'Jf '! Jan 5 Removed next door to Post Office. . - - - . prevent Kussia Irom executing ner threat of marching on Constantinople." The Telegraph's Vienna dispatch says "Austria's retudal to annex Bosnia and Herzegovinia is confirmed on minis terial authority. Andrassy will sanc tion no measure calculated dire tly.or indirectly to bring about the rum of I care for himsehVbut one of the baleful the Ottoman empire. This resolute efets of reporters condensing ser- attituae oi Austria witmn a iew uour. i mons was that the consciences of good has in a certain measure been made I mAn wer dint.nrhpdt- narticnlarlv edi- known to Russia by Count Andrassy, torg 0f re,ieiou8 newsDaper8.. Tho8 as well as Lord Derby, in the form of j people at once take ittipon themselves au lUBuviv;-' uwio. i to moan ana lumens over me Luisue- SThe Conservatives in the House of iief8 and heresies of Ply mouth church. Uomm n8 expect ea to give sona sup port to the credit vote Thursday. There are one or two defections but no more are probable. The Liberals, on the contrary, are divided. There will be numerous abstentions, and some Lib JMlfflTTElEID) PIECES. For the past ten days our sales approxi mate ein average of One Ihonsand UDoIIars a day, and of course at this rate any stock must surrender to a final void. To our friends we tender a special reminder to call early in the day to avoid the crowded gushing rush and confusion which would naturally prevent your securing attention to those grand special bargains in the different This season, to can on us and get terms lines and branches of our stock. We will take and prices. I pleasure in showing you tempting bargains which when gone can never be replaced for twice the nominal value to which we have reduced them in our first and last sad closing out sale at Mournful Prices. E, B. MIM lll, I have for nearly three years represented tne r,a Lite Insuranca Company as its agent Here, and solicitor front Paqaotank to Buncombe. I have and am still doing a very active business fox her. I am prepared to show any one who wishes to insure that the jEtna offers the best inducements. Only a small 8-ying each day. Even the cost of ODe cigar a day will seenre one or two thou sand dull are to your lamily. Will yon not provide in this way for these you profess to. lover cmce opposite court noose, Char lotte, N. u. JNO Jf UTT. HAYlNiG BOUGHT A LARGE LOT OF ;EETILIH"EBD We ask all persons who expect to use Guano AND MM mm We can and will suit you. WE SELL So Lew that everybody buys them. jac30 These reports also left him under the imputation of hedging .In closing, Mr Beecher said, that be did not claim to represent any sect or denomination, and no one but himself was responsi ble for what be said. It is a note- JJOTICE TO TRAVELERS. rM r .. . . - .- . . . i ' ' .... ' . s .... . t j ; i , erals. who will supDort the governm 1 1 WOrthv fafit,. that the four reporters. home rulers, have not yet determined I present when the "iiell" sermon was on their course, but will probably delivered, each made the same mis mostly abstain from voting. Such of take Mr Beecher complains of, though th'em as yote, mainly the Ultramon- Ue reporters sat in different parts of tanes, will support tne government, i church, and had no conversation The majority tor creaic are aireaay with one another. estimated at over one hundred. Meet- ine8 are- being held ; throughout the country to influence Parliament against credit, butthev are mostly by i.ioerai, A. & C. Aie-Lihb Railway, Passencer Department, Atlanta, Ga., January 26th, 1878 1 78.J THE WELL-KNOWN FIRM OF By a' change of schedule the night train of the Georgia Central Railroad will leay 1 Atlanta at 11:4 p. m. and arrive at Macon t, 6 a m. the following! day. Passengers leavii c Charlotte lor Mscen and all points South of Macon, will, find, the Atlanta & Charlotte Air- ine route many hours in ad vance of any other, and on arrival at At lanta wt'l 'find nice and comfortable sleep ing cars from there to Macon thence to Al bany and Jacksonville without change. e , : ?WJi HOUSTON, jan29 tf . . Gen'l.Passenger Agent. DIED. n this county, Steel reek congregation. on the .6th of January, Mrs V Uol ins. Nntir n&c 4-A JfV.A,4-iarlc 4. TnlT nf.folr'''nT 'JTmJmm& atlCl I rDfnrm nr rwsip.n organizations No 1. v;r A i 7' 777111 :7nT- rrneetinhas vet been at- wife of J S Collins. aed 41 years. 5 months Whines, JngUlJCta temped . tn open air meeting at das Kfuup' JingllSni' J? rencili uuu uciv;iWA. jcui . aiiu .x wm twi. i gnenieia, yesteraay, ior tne purpose ui -i i-a.-j kkcJ v4j v ' , . I opposing the government, was turned .1 .v. .JA (-..i'i- N . ,f- x. 5 i'1 l-." hrTt n nnt.i.Tliiasian demonstration. An amendment to "an original resolu tion against credit was carried by ah im m ense, majority, declaring.tbat the cause-' of peace and the interests of the PRE S OR IPTIOJN IS liAmva rintri" Ttipht and dav. at rJc VlUll V UlCUdibU " CW tX 44VW4W) ' w - o 4 9 I . . . - - , J r ...in hi- ' c.j.jj., , , . ,,. : ,.,!" j empire will be best promoted by eup- B . - fill ' IMjk . ; I - ; Health Notes. Statistics prove that twen ty-five per cent of thedeaths in our larger cities are caused by consnmption, and when we reflect that this terrible di-ease in its earlier stage .will readily yield to a bottle of Dr Boll's Cough Byrap (costing 25 cents), shall we condemn the sufferers for their neglect, or pity them for their ignorance 7 HAS THUS DAY CEASED TO EXIST, and the business is now carried on by the undersignerl in his owniiamep r 'asshttie" all ' : iust liabilities of the old 'firm and 1 1 ilTO-HAY, the immense stock - t .- X ,t-v A under 8LaUG8tkredprice8v' t I - 1 enter tne commercii it. H- ii i ji- ' j ii n;j M-wpvf! vy t- 3, "6'i J'f porting the foreign policy of the gov- emment.rne "meeting uumoereu over 20,000 petsbnsf i heyvsang patriotic aones:- - cheered Lord Beaeonsfield's name i and greeted Lord Carnavron's I ferer Ten iCentTCoiiiiiitr commercial bairlfi-fleid with eratefulr thanks to thcitltthaHo public in general for the very -1 many, marks of confidence they ever evinced towards bnr firm, J I flnrl fr mo r.oio,iTQllxr c on1 tvW -paofaof o?m"i'fKl iillivr?ll V. MISSES LONG'S 81 H00L, Church street. 4 T7 X "T " , TJ . " " t i ' ' . i , ' it j-v witn nisses anu unea ui awmt.-- -3i lLr s I UI I If II I r ;i a i u i t i ta iij 1 haVe'remOVedTmV Stock of-Hard ware,. Stoves and 1 committees of the Bed Crescent, all be- ofTar. Price 50 cents a bottle.' to.theNF.W, AND ELEGANT STORE onTRADE STRLET, ; 1 IS&LL i. lately 'owupibdbv 'Mc; Alexander as a Boot and Shoe -Store. ft&JSli to tf we on,y 588688 good' beaitTwth ,V : " .-T q. ?1 :--' that a considerable number of wounded! nanalacpmentof aoherfnlinind The Central Committee; Of tbe Ked 1 nnnh flora Throat. Hoarsents. itia Crescent-Soeiety telegraphs from Con-j simply one of the greatest; medical blessings in w ! -i - I Tan f TAnoana' f V-m V-finnf l-l amaw . Too much cannot be said in praise of that I must vinuh iwrimIv CnnuniiK nnm nnnnil I o - . ' i r.( .Doomn a in thiM nnaft.. nin. trrv mi rYHiniirrr mi;oair - an m. miomaas na rn Tamam nrnvrnn nr Honey of Tar j It ,wUl not; ;onIy affordmt i"," Ai "J0rK . t, ufJ Yuf r ,.lvl. AUU,m !VI'-J,'..V lief in case of an ordinary cold, but the sur-1 f. . . J : : ? '."t i.i , r I o Mhtiiirfiiwi thoir tomt-a anH ooroam . ... - . ,r wlvh Consomption may rely on it as a ,Jno euu , . . vm.-i..;.1 t.., .... . i ,(j . ftaietfintimJind ,s LO.rAronnd ildbnttonlHBiwenthe L .il.L:' -C- .t, -'iV ' . .t " . totureetions. 4 to persons amietea witn 1 r4 rtf hn.i, .s.w i mp . 10 wiose maeDtea w , me ,oia iirm.1 i can UDon vnoc ZO. Do which disturbs theirs -j-- . '1 - ' 1..,. ' .'.: wu 7ST riTrn wauvYaru, ,m coming iorwara to settle, ana start tneir accounts ' by leaving at the store of Thos it Uaither. ! wj j........, - Ty -u ;-, , . , , . ,.,.: jansost - - ; v : with.me. , Very, respectfully ; - ;;Vii.S .' iONtbeletday of Eebnuuy;!. wUl open . irsiV1-- L it , P j ' --'-l - ""''- " ' L-w"li ti i rnrnnin iiiviL art? ..W.-O'tV. I -S, ifc V7rrt t onrl rf-hir.-. .lawn and Jbr Coughs, tColds;; Croup;; WhoopiBg tbe Mansion Mouse on ne corner I 'ATaae 1. f';jr , UUU ww. wm. v w J 1 w mv. ..''v..,::: 'v. 'i t .... -.-....,..': '.4f X . i 1 . . Rates moderate. jav94t . .' , " .... - T" I I'll' -Mv.tfFair Strwcr hf vTTA"RDWARE. . in. all , its vaneties, lflnMi.raare flockinrinto Congtantino-- w the irispection of the public, 'at prices: which are unprece- from the gcene military opei- - jf .i : " r 1 fti.inns. ueun vpu,(vi . ioij u .5410 ' s . "': 1 :- ., . dented in the Charlnffo Ynn-rlrcf W ;., Popufot'ZEBVAtf Ph.,m, Rn.mpl' pMinHnff Lanht in 1m i 1 P.': r'D' l.'r1' : . .,.! ' r'.-liii-'J (" ' 1 u 1 'I. .J Ii .o -M -;.xi I ri'l 'i'l-i I' TrT l mTTTf T3 CT T1 ? ? '!' V.iVll 1 U; Ii' 1 IIf k Anereioreuo moo duuuiu. us utglWMJU m.i iwhum, iui j uucovunug; . , uuiuiAua I J. J.JLLJLJ J J tJ J. KJJXLJltJXKJ :'i tJ.' - J.JJ.JJM KJXJXJ I J.' MXlnLL ;H'o 1 1 ,beg"o8a?tEat tEe business '"will-be 'carried on, -in all ,its ' 1 . 1'-HrftTli'TlPg 'aa'f ri ortn(rno frrl !thn.f. -T-Kafr- rrr Aaf-lv Tanlonia ll Hf PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE - Mrs 7 ;? ? . "T ..T " ' , V- ,7 " w , TJ J r1" , preserve its vigor, and restore it when im- j colored in oi 'S $1 25 eacb See specimens paired. Bear in mind that-uoasens' Oom-j at Fnnaoys Doo store' Af pound uoney r oi lar, , wmch relieves i Whooping Cough, Bore Throat Hoarse- ness, eioi is aBUo lnranioiecureioreon- rmraia uva-ium .wuoia c , i . -t . . v, i . . , . ; . j, - . , , . gumption. That ireadfI diefaet which Caldwe 1 will lake f 10 table hoarders at my ,rtCK 1 which U nOW BplenUialy f assorted f With new lUUt consigns so many gifted men and women o $ifi pr taont. Several desirablecniomfr, 2 -:cv : ry" 'TkTTmmT'rk nron "XT k - - . - i . . 'i m oi jf.j. niiijiiuifiri iiiihin.. -. ... ti . ;w .:.-;vi war m m m ri mtw a i r ..- tfttifie. and almost nkedt -constitute : a ed resources of theBKl; Crescent So- sn wriy, g-ave can be .. cured by Coughs' J reut, nextdyor to; Tryon; gtoeetettipdist I .tbuuayie .yayus. ,&a . . . -. 2 .,.-.. r i4tanc4Airi n i. Tf fi t o.n 1 t l. nn U.nw 'Ft ' D.;...KA MVt4- 1 nhnrfth - ' . .. '' ' I lAn I U I W W . Ciety, IHIK Hi cuu uuao.4 -u 1 (AiwiniuBU uvue; v .ai( iiwo uv wits i v-ww, . I u(Ui At, ' 1 1't If", I if J y f C r - i 51 r. i i'f II. J. BUTLER. caiamitv. f i

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