4 D AI L Y' 0 i S E CYBtt . - II ultiMMifi'-"-' " - - - , f tnnday, March tt, 1818. shot THE MAILS WIXTO ABKUrCKXSHTl. KAI1S OriK Q DMJTMT. - . - Vm ; aa M n I BOtttOT wiroaga maua, quit,- ? . . thmath itd t nuns, b u. w r. APtbrn malls... 8 30 am , Western mails, A. & 0. R B 8 30 a m lulls from Western Division B. R.,.i., " w 8 30pm Mails from A., L0. and W. N. G. B. K imm ......... ......... 8 30 p m Through mails from Pin Hook, Garibaldi. Kind's Mt.Gastonia, Limestone Springs.Spartanbnrg, Black's Station and Greenville, mtheA.&O.B.B 8 30 pm MAILS CLOSX. northern tnrougn rnaua, aany ex cept Sunday, .... 5 50 p m Morthern tnrougn ana way maus, ' dallT 6 00 m Southern mails, for all points . Bouth, daily 8 30 road, daily, ......... o " 'lialls for all points on Western iivision u u, a. a., uaujr e---cent 8ondaT 6 30 v .1 11 a m If ails for all points on Eastern TM.t.i'nn fl fl B P rluiltT PT- . cept Sunday, 6 30 am Mails foi all points on A..T. A O. andW.N.C. R. B , daily ex- ' cept8unday. 7 00 a m Through mails for Pin Hook, aribaldi, King's Mountain, Gaatonia, Limestone Springs, Spartanburg, Black's Station . - and Greenville, on the A. & C. Railread. daily except 8unday, 11 CO a m W W JENKINS, P. M. ' Charlotte, N. 0 Not. 20, 1877. TUB CHURCHES TO-DAY. Boitdat Sxavicis O? TH Y. M. C. A. Devotional Meeting at the Hall in the after noon at 4:4ft o'clock. 8t.. Pities' Catholic Church. Very Bev. . jrmtaw W OHIO oeryiceii in iua aOi e'clock. Catechism at Si p. to. Vespers - Hatob's Hall Oolobkd Episcopal Oon hhsatiob. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the eyeniLg at 7 o'clock. Snoday School in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Baptist Chubch Rev. Theo. Whitfield, Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 O CiOCK. buu in tue eveuiuK sit uuuum . . . . i . - i a l 1 Sanday School at 91 o'clock in the morning. St. Pbtxb'b (E.) Chubch Rev. B. S. B ron ton, Rector. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the afternoon at 4J o'clock. " Sunday School in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' Calvasy Mission Chttbch Rev J. p. Butt, Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 71 o'clock. Sunday School in the morning at 9 o'clock. ? ,Fr3T Pbbsbytebiah Chttbch Rev Dr Mil- ler. Pastor Services in the morning at 11 'deck -and in the evening at 7i o'clock. Seats free. Sunday Schaol in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sxooira Pbssbttxbiah Chttbch Rey E H Harding, Pastor. Services in the morning at 11 o clock, and in the evening at 7 o clock. Seats free. Sunday School in the afternoon at 8J o'clock. St. Mask's Lttthibah Chttbch Bey N Aldrich Services in the morning at 11 11 o'clock, and lecture in the evening at 7t o'clock. Seats free. Sunday School in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Associat Bitokmid Chapil Corner of College and Fifth 8treets Rev J L Hemp- mux, jraator. oervices in me morning at n a , o'clock, and in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sabbath School in the morning at 10 o'clock. Strangers welcome. Seats free. TaTOKSTBixT M. E. Chubch South Bev. ' A A Boshamer, Pastor Services in the morn A ing at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 'clack. Sunday School in the afternoon at S o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wed nesday evening at 71 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. Thj Wiathkb To-Day. For the 8itth Atlantic States, falling followed by wising barometer, brisk to high southerly winds, veering to westerly or southwest, warmer, cloudy or rainy weather, succeed - ed. by cooler, partly cloudy weather . MEW ADVERTISEMENTS niefce Lowman Dry Goods, Attention Charlotte Orv ZBarriflgnA Trotter Spring Gbds.' t . "juaxanaer, seigie & Uo Shirts. - !XCAL BRIEF. Length of to-day, 11 hours 20 min- New moon at 9 o'clock 56 minutes thi evening. ' The Greys and the Hornets both paraxle. to-morrow afternoon. Messrs Poett & Hoffman are erecting in Dallas iteam'jiw and., jgrist mill and cotton pn. , ( : ' Atie''OTelo.eIi'at nothing bai tHa heardrecently; of the foun dry which ex-Judge Greasy S Watts at one time proposed to erect in this city for the manufacture of bis popular bug exterminatori'----''' The recent reduction in the price of kerosene oil td;i4 cents a gallon in this pl5 generally, believed to be the e- trtflf of the organhed efforts of all the beads of families who have popular marriageable daughters in their house- Messrs W M Smith . and W L Boyd. Ofthis city, have purchased the right toldven counties in North- Carolina in the McCausland jpatent iron, which is advertised in our columns, and have mdered hundred irons. We believe 'thia iron to'be a good1 thing and wish r. our friends good luck. L Ticket Agents Passing in Review. '''iur load of Northern and Eastern llrad ticket agents passed through tT this city last night r via the Piedmont JLii Line, going to a grand frolic at the llew brleans Mardl Oral' : after which m thmr twill attend i the i general ticket ' agents' convention at Jacksonville, Fla, n,the Sthxnst. ' Yt -V -, 4 . . Clearing House Igent. , ' , Ur reference tio an ' advexliasment in mother column ' it will be seen ;that Cbpt V,- E McBee assumes charge bb Uarinor house aeent in this cityf-or tSx 11th of ;Mafch, having, charge of fltll cotton chipped from this , point north, for the purpose tof pooling the Ijusiaesi between the; three railroad lines interested, according to the, k.-r-facr 'if of the" general ireignt events. lie will be in the; city in a a v r.r two to complete the arrange- raesti forgiving bills of lading, etej ' . ' . Grange Gathering at Steel Creek. . I Yesterday was the day appointed for I, a erange gathering at Steel Creek and & ' conslderaDie crowu cqubckw i 1 the neighborhood. Rev Dr Davis, of Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus county, tne I lecturer of the State Grange, was pres- j ent and delivered a speech of some I lenzth which was listened to with great I attention and from whicn tne auditors tmore estimate citizen coum not do . .jri -i A :of -nff inn kf.t.,A mUViin tVia limifa of f.h oniint.v " 3 A I I16riv6l lutciCol uu juouuvhv-. .t , i ,;f1 A.r.r.r I ter me BpenniLK uuuur.. - t waa nartaken of and the crowd j was I only dispersed by the rain which be- L w. Chanee of Schedule. As intimated in thia paper yesterday, I the Richmond & Danyille Railroad changes the schedule of the day train j to-day- It now arrives here at 1:18 in- and buu f: v leaves at v.u insteaa oi o.o y. u.. Joneg & Johnston for tne defendants, called to two very bad pieces of pave This train runs in connection with the w N McKee vs Thomas L Vail, from mentsone between the express office Virginia Midland Dassenger tram at Danville making fast time between L j TKn r-v,0r. iuviue uu iu pv-i. - lotte, Columbia & Augusta tram cn- neots with it directly, receiving its pas- sengers uuui. f -' : T'v.n ii. i .no (.iiiii anil a ion J""""""' I we are informed, maintain its connec- tion with this train. I Representatives and Marshals. The Jliumenean society oi i;aviason n ' . -r-k I CUtret vpstprdav elected the following o I j .... j .v, uamUBiuur UD and marsnais oi tne society ior me commencement in June next : Representatives J L Williams. Char- i "c t t n;a.,;iifl Oo J tt I Marshals W B Jennings, Bennetts- ville. S. C. : AM Wilcox. Columbus, Ga : J Z Dunlap, Reck Hill, S. C. ; T h DeGraffenreid, Chester, S. C. The Philanthropic Society elected its representatives yesterday a week ago and their names were given in the Ob bekver of last Sunday. Last lhursday being the day ap pointed for prayer for youth in col- leees. was observed as a holiday and CD r w 1 the students were required to attend church. Dodging the Revenue Authorities. Yesterday afternoon the agent of the Richmond & Danville Railroad open ed two boxes, marked bacon, which had been lying in the depot unclaimed fnr nparlv fwrt roaisi mrt.h a vtw nf j J - ascertaining if the meat was spoiled, i x- -j a i ml previous to auveriising .u ior saie. u nis utter aeionisnment ne aiscoverea mat Dom ooxes coniamea, insieaa oi oacon, a 101 oi unsiampea piug tooao co. ine matter neeaea no ex Diana-1 tion. He.understood then how it was that when he endeavored to find out repeatedly daring the two years some thing about the consignor and consi signee the answer always came back "don't know such a man." The to bacco was shipped under assumed names to dodge the revenue authori tier and both parties were afraid to make inquiry lest they should be found out. The agent has informed tne revenue autnontiei ot tne fasts in the case. What a Well Managed Farm Produced in One " Tear. In January of last vear Mr A M Kee moved from this county to the adioin- ine county of Lancaster. S. C. and bought a farm seven miles this side of Lancaster Village. He went to work with a will, and being in this city yes- y a few dayfJ &ni ia view of the terday gave to a friend the following as erroneous doctrines which have re the result of his year's labors : He oently been promulgated on this sub- ran eight plows and made 91 bales of cotton averaging 440 lbs to the bale : 1135 bushels of oats, after feeding them in the sheaf until threshing time ; 110 bushels of wheat; 200 bushels of po- latoes; mi bushels of corn: 2.000 bundles of fodder ; gathered 120 bush- els of peas and fed the balance to his stock or ploughed them under. After paying all his expenses for the year, he has five bales of cotton on hand, an abundance of all the other crops, and has paid on the land $1,119.24. Upon moving to the place he bought every animal and every tool on it. The above statement is an evidence of what can be made in this country by farming, when it is industriously and intelligently followed. The Lincolnton Tournament. The tournament under the auspices v xucouuiuwB owra, oi Lincoln- son, iook piace riaay, and we learn f LL r . i .. ... "um wo papers pi inai town tnat it passea on most pleasantly and without an untoward occurrence. The follow 1119 aro r.riA r a wt .r IUa 1.1. i a .Unfam, fv,: r . " 4CS a! rti m. wuvuern Diars." lnoa Kamsmirtl Bamsour : 'Lochenvour," T H Hoke : "Snowden." ' ' l Jas M Templeton; "Tall Sycamore of the Wabash," W M Warlick : "No Hope," W S Kamsour ; "Lone Star," Thomas Costner ; "Ivanhoe," Charles Motz ; "Crescent," Charles Eamsour ; "uarro," Benj F Beagle: "Ladies' Knight," RK Davenport; "Leopard," Charlea finmn . "tJL ' i,.itjiiu.i.i..', . . "Lincolnton," John Motz ; "Lincoln Cornet Band" Rnfm. TWi.f-. ' VM. W.VVWU rnt.a t n ir wmwoi w a xuumson. Messrs Seagle, Costner, Motz and Templeton were the successful knights, and Mr Seagle crowned Miss Mamie Phifer queen of lov and beauty ; Mr Costner crowned Miss Mamie Young first maid of -honor ; Mr John Motz crowned Miss Annie Michal ' second maid of honorand Mr James Temple ton crpwned Miss Clara Lander third maid of honor. The ball which took plaoe at night was largely at tended; and of the supper which was a feature of the occasion, the News says, "it was elegant and abundant." A'standard household remedy of undoubt ed and acknowledged merit is . Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. And it costs but 25 Cents. All druggists keep It. Death of Capt Jno. E. Moore. This highly respected and esteemed citizen breathed his last at his hom e in wis couuiv uiuk, uciwo jaei, wwr u illness of about two weeks. For the last six or seven years Uapt Moore pas been county surveyor of Mecklenburg He followed the occupation of a farm eT and a cleverer, '.more generous and . 1 J 11 A I iuuuu " . ...w . tt: au ;ti Ko r,;.aUw ran. aj - - " - j -e He was about fortyfive years of age. eCourt lQ the Supreme Court on Friday last, all the justices present, the considera- tion of appeals, set for hearing at the J end of the docket, was resumed and causes disposed of as follows : Sophia Ellwood et als, vs R A Plum- mer et als. from Mecklenburg ; argued kvA Burwell for the plaintiffs, and Mecklenburg : argued by Jones sc Jahnston for the plaintiff, and Wilson k Son for the defendant. WASossamanetals,vsthe Famlico Bankine and Insurance Company, from Iredell : argued by R F Armfield A Khirm "Railflv I - XZZaZI " TOViofc Rarrintrpr odminiatrfttor. VS . .. sieman et al8t from Catawba : docketed by appellee and, on his mo- tinn nismiRflfio unaer ine ruieu. . . i 1 1 i Andrew Barringer vs John A Alii- , ,..w ril . I 80n, tr0m lreaell : arguea Dy csnipp oc BaileV for the plaintiff, and K i Arm- i r i i e il J r 1 4 neia ior iue ueieimwu. jpperrv vs R V Michaux, from Caldwell . continued for absence of counsel. State vs Robert Munday, from Wa- tauga : argued by the Attorney-Gen er Fre(j Fickev & Sons vs B H Merri mon. from Buncombe : continued for absence of count el The Churches and the Preachers. Since the last meeting of the North Carolina Conference of the M. E. South, two of its members have died Rev Junius P Moore and Rev Chas Phillips. The editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate will receive contributions for the monument to Bishop Marvin. Very llov Father Wolfe will preach in the (Jatholic church this morning, and Rev N Aldrich at the Lutheran. Bishop Paine, of the M. E. Church South, hdsbeertin the episcopal office thirty.two yearg. Bishops Pierce and I .-. is- i I javanaugn, iwemy lour years; cisn- Qna Dopett. Wihtman.and M' Tveire J r twelve yearSj and Bi8nop Keener, eight veara Rey E H Harding, of this city, is one of the Ut contributors to the North r 7.. r The Presbyterians are manifesting much interest in the case of Mr Black, an officer in the Presbyterian church in Atlanta, who was unchurched on ac count of dancing. The case has been carried to the higher courts. To-day is the last Sunday before Lent, which begins next Wednesday. Ash Wfidneadav. called bv the fathers r u nu v ..... , of the Church caput jyunu, the begin- ning of the feast, or dies cinerum, ash day, in allusion to the custom of sprink ling the head with ashes. To roll one's- self in the du3t, to cover the head with ashes, was considered in primitive t,mes a marlc ot proiound gnel, A 8ludent of Union ineoiogicai seminary wnCes us tnai nev ur n u Dabney preached a powerful sermon on tne subject ot "liell" at the semma- i60' tDe students have determined to Publish the sermon for gratuitous die- tnbution. Thirty dollars are needed for tnia purpose. Contributions may be sent to James H Morrison, Union ineoiogicai oeminary, va. The following is the programme for services in St Feter's (E) church during I 'be Lenten season a Wednesday services with ser- mon at 11 a. m. Morning prayer on Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a. m. Evening prayer on Mondays, Tues days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur days at 6 p. m. The Holy Eucharist every Sun day morning at 7:30, except upon the first Sunday of the month, when it will be celebrated at 11 a. m.; morning prayer at 11 a. m. The church will be opened for ser vice on every Sunday night during Lent at 7:30 o'clock Society News and Gossip, The near approach of the time when tllAVA will VtA a nnmnnlAr!iTA AnooariAvi rf I past winter has feeen one of the gayest I nuivu vunvvvo a a cms wcu ou t at itaa n dva no a raar a rt nnnaii v large number of elegant entertainments at private houses, Judge Shipp and Miss Hen a Mc Dowell left yesterday at noon for the Memphis Mardi Gras. The Mardi Gras ball at the Central Hotel oh the night of the 5th is the r T V ' fading sensation. Manning, of the Uanvilie JVews, an- that he will surely attend the Mardi Gras bal masfue.-1 Look out for I v. : , l mm. The following are among the young ladies visiting in, the city Misses May and Lena ,Bhober and Miss Sallie McCorkle,a6f Salisbury, arid MiWim berly, of Atlanta, Ga.. . J-,, ". Miss Merrimon, of Raleigh , is expect ed -in the city this weekj and- will be the guest of jss EJlaowd01 r The committee of arrangements, for the Majrdi Gras masked ball desires us to announce that for the benefit of the ladies who do not desire - to make engagements , for '.. foe" occasio'nVJa hack will be sent : -around. It is esired' however, that these should Bend in their names to Col Frank Coxe,' chairman of Jhe committee 0f arrange meats. - -, . ;-; , -. - - The German continues jto grow popularity. There have'been two dur-1 it is noticed that there is not so much ; attraction Tabout the c Central Hotel for young men as there has been for the past: two weeks. ; Miss Adams, of Boston, left for Florida Friday night. The poetical contribution In yoster day morning's Observes, which- has been SO generally COmDlimentea, was I e e ... . J I pon ui a marriea laay oi iliib i city. The married folks1 first of the week more heartily enjoyed by those who attended than anything of the kind this season. The dancing was spirited and lasted till a late hour. Pavements Needing Repairs. The attention of our city father is and regram s shoe store ; the other between Nichols' furniture store the store of J H Henderson. and Tax Payer. 81eepless nights and cheerless days will be prevented if you use Dr Bull's Baby Syrup to indnce sleep and composure for the baby. Price 25 cents. MARRIED. it ok.ik. vr n i o-r.u t?i hv Rev R Z Johnston. James L Webb. Kaa ' 8nd Miss Ksuse, aaughter of Vi W P An . " - diews. aii oi oneiDy. New Advertisements IN EW 8PRIKQ.QOOD3. BEAUTIFUL D B ESS GOODS. 1?1 to 15 fenfs. Jdst Received. ( They are very popular and selling rapidly. SILK LACE TIES AND SILK LA 'S BY the yard in all the delicate Spring 'olors. ALL NOVEL AND PRETTY; CALL AND SEE THEM. BARRINGER & TROTTEF. mar3 i wm u ,. laeftf IDS liOllSC llOlICe I o OFFICE CLEARING HOUSE AGENT, ) Charlotte, N. a, March 2nd, 1878. J SN and after the 11th day of March, 1878, vy tne following rates on cotton will be en forced by all lines from Charlotte To Charleston, $1 60 To Wilmington 1 35 Tn Btnnn.il 1 TK To Richmond,""!nL".!!n"i."..T.'...','."!!!" 1 60 To Norfolk 1 75 To Portsmouth, 1 75 To Baltimore,... 2 65 To Philadelphia........ 3 15 - M Z? SL' " To Providence, ..!V."V.V.V.'.'.!!!." 3 65 To Fall River 3 65 The above rates include Marine Insurance. The undersigned is the only authorised agent for signing bills of lading on all ship ments of cotton. V E McBEE, 0. H. A. fSoL Haas, Q P A, R & D R E, Approved PW Clabk, G F A, C C R'y, I A Pora, OF A, C, G&ARR. mar 3 til J8AAC LOWMAN, 4 -wrH- SELIOER A N E W M A N,B 18 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md., wholesale dealers in DRY GOQPS, Will be glad to hear from his friends. Or dera solicited and promptly filled. mar3 It TTE1TTION CHARLOTTE QRAT8, Yon are hereby ordered to assemble at the mayor's office Monday evening at 3:30 o'clock, sharp, for drill. Monthly meeting at 7 p. m. By order of the Captain, mar3 It a F YOUNG, O. 8. 6 0 TO MARDI OKAS. Parties wishing to attend the Grand Car nival at New Orleans and Memphis this ?rear canget round trip tickets, via the At anta & Charlotte Air-line Railroad for one fare: New Orleans and return $38.10 Memphis and retain $31.35. Good until March 20th. Through conaection and quick time can bewnade to Memphis, leav ing Charlotte 11:55 a. m.. and for New Or- I 1sAnfl flA7 Tt m Ticsets oa sale Marcn 1st I a a W J HOUSTON, MAFFITT. G. F. A F. A. Agent. fb21 A.,T.& O. R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, J Charlotte, N. 0. Nov 13, 1877. J ON and after Thursday, November 15, the following 8chednle will be run over this road : GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, " D. College. " 'Mooxesrule, Arrive 8tatesville, 8.15 a. m. 10.05 " 10.0 ' 11.45 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Stateayille. Mooreeville, " D. College, Arrive Charlotte, ;. 325 p. m. 4.33 " 5.08 7.00 " . Close connection made at Stateayille with trains oyer the W. N. O. R. R. All charges must b$ pre-paid on Freight offered for enipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana ; and r Caldwell's These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable forioBS, or damage , to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations."- .-:. No freight will be received by Agenta for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination Is distinctly marked thereon. ' ' r . v - J J GORMLEY," nolf - Bperintendentk DJJ PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES Ara not advertised as "cure-alls." but are specifics in tne diseases for which they are re- eommenaea. NATURAL SELECTION. Investigators of natural science have demon strated beyond controversy that throughout the animal kingdom the "survival of the fittest" i kingdom the "survival of the fittest" i r law that vouchsafes thrift and nerpetn the only law that vouchsafes thrift and perpet ltv. Does not the same DrinciDle eovern to- commercial prosperity of man? An lnferiui uy reason xaeai sale in the United States alone exceeds one miQiondol- lars per annum, while the amount exported foots up to several hundred thousand more. No busi ness could grow to such gigantic proportions ana punse on any other Dasis man max oi merit. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Is Pleasant to Use. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy It? rures extend over a period of 20 years DR. SAGE'S Catarrh. Remedy Its sale constantly increases. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Cures by its Mild, Soothing Effect. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Cures "ColdinJHead" and Catarrh, or Ozoena. AN OPEN LETTER, It Speaks for Itself, Eockpobt, Mas a, April 2, 1877. Mb. Editor : Having read in your paper re ports of the remarkable cures of catarrh, I am induced to tell "what I know about catarrh." and I fancy the "snuff' and "inhaling-tube" makers (mere dollar grabblers) would be glad if they could emblazon a similar cure in the papers. r or 20 years x simerea wiin catarrn. ine nasal passages became completely closed. "Snuff," "dust". "ashes," "Inhaling tubes, and "sticks," wouldn't work, though at Intervals I would sniff up the so-called catarrh snuff, until I became a valuable tester for such medicines. I gradually grew worse, and no one can know how much I suffered or what a miserable being I was. My neaa acnea over my eyes so inai i was connnea to my bed for many successive davs. suffering the most intense pain, which at one time lasted continuously for 168 hours All sense of smell and taste gone, sight and hearing impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous system shat tered, and constitution broken, and I was hawk ing ana spiinng prayed for death ing and spitting seven-eighths of the time. I itn to reueve me oi my suffering. A favorable nonce in your Daier of Dr. SaereTs Catarrh Remedy Induced me to purchase a package, ana use it wiin ur. nerce s iNasai Douche, which applies the remedy by hydrosta tic pressure, the only way compatible with com mon sense, well, Mr. &itor, it did not cure me in three-fourths of a second, nor in one month, but in less than eight minutes I was re lieved, ana in tnree montns entirely cured, and I nave remained so ior over sixteen montns. I While using the Catarrh Remedy, I used Dr. nerce s uoiaen xaeaicai uiscovery to punrv mv Diooa ana strongmen my stomacn. x aiso Kept my liver active and bowels regular by the use of his Pleasant Purgative Pellets. If my experience will induce other sufferers to seek the same means of relief, this letter will have answered its purpose. x ours truiy, . 1). KEM1CK. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. SThe followine named parties are amone the thousands who have been cured of catarrh by me use oi ur. sage s uatarrn jsemeay : A F Downs, New Geneva, Pa: D J Brown 8t Joseph, Mo; E C Lewis, Rutland, Vt;Lovi Speinger, Nettie Lake, Ohio; Chas Norcrop, JNortn unesterneld. Me; Milton Jones, Ben ba, N Y ; J E Miller, Bridger Station, Wyo; J U Mem man, liogansport, Ind; M Al Post, Logansport, Ind; J W Baily, Tremont, Pa; F B Ayr8, La Porte, Ind ; Jessie M Sears, H Branch Ind; L Williams, Canton, Mo; W A Thayer, Onarga, 111 ; 8 B Nichols, Jr, Galveston, Texas ; Jonas F Reinert, Stones yille, Pa; 8 W Lusk, McFarland, Wis; J Williams, Holmick, Ohio; Mrs M A Car rey, Trenton, Tenn; J G Joslin, Keene. N H: A J Casper; Table Rock, W Ya; Louis An ders, Uaysport, Ohio ; u H Uhase, Klkhart, Ind, Mrs Henry Haight, San Francisco, Cal; Mrs E M Gallusha, Lawrenceyille, N Y; W J Ciranam, Adel, Iowa; A O Smith. New nan, Ga; Chas E Rice, Baltimore, Md ; Jesse M Bears, Charlisle, Iod;Dan'lB Miller, Ft Wayne, Ind; Mrs Minnie Arnaise, 290 De- lancy street, NY; H W Hall. Hastings, Mich; Wm F Maraton, Lowell, Mass ; I W Roberts, Maricopa, Ariz ; Chas S Delaney. Harrisburg, Pa; M C Cole, Lowell, Mass ; Mrs C J Spnrtin, Camden, Ala ; Chas F Eaw, Fredericktown, Ohio; Mrs Lucy Hun ter, Farmington, 111; Capt E J Spalding, Camp Stambaugh, Wyo; I W Tracy. Steam boat Rock, Iowa; Mrs Lydia Waite, 8hu shan, N Y; J M Peck, Junction City, Mont, Henry Ebe, Bantas, Cal; L P (Jammings, Rantoul, Illinois; George Francis Hall; Faeblo.Cal; Wm E Bartrie, Sterling, Pa; H H Ebon 938 Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa; J R Jackman, Samuel's Depot, Ky, Henry Zobrist, Geneva, N Y, Miss Hattie Par rott -Montgomery, Ohio, L Ledbrook, Chatham, 111, 8 B McCoy, Nashport, Ohio, W W War ner, North Jackson, Mich, Miss Mary A Winne, Darien, Wis, John Ziegler, Carlisle Springs, Pa, James Thompkins, St Cloud, Minn, Enoch Doer, Pawnee City, Neb; Jos T Miller, Xenia. Ohio, S B Nichols, Galves ton, Texas, H L Laird, Upper Alton, 111, J Davis, Prescott, Arizona, Mrs Nancy Gra ham, Forest Cove, Oreg. Golden Medical Discovery Is Alterative, or Blood-cleansing. Golden Medical Discovery Is Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery ZZ. Is & Cholagogue, or Liver Stimulant, Golden" Medical Discovery Is Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery By reason of its Alterative proprieties. cures Diseases of the Blood and Skin, as 8crofula, or King's Evil; Tumors; Ulcers, or Did Bores; JBiotcnes; nmpies, ana -Eruptions; By virtue of its Pectoral proprieties, it cures Bronchial, Tnroat, and Liung Affections; Incipient Consumption; Lingering Coughs . and Chronic Laryngitis. Its Cholagogne proprieties renaer it an nneqaaied remedy for Biliousness; Torpid - Liyer, or "Liver Complaint;" and its Tonic proprieties make it equally efppacipus in curing Indigestion Loss of Appetite, and Dyspepsia, Where the skin is sallow and covered with blotches and pimples, or where there are scroraieua i swellings ana arxecuons, a few bottles of Golden Medical Discovery will effect an entire cure. If you feel dull, drow sy. debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yeliowisn-orown spots on race or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from ToBrn Litis or Biliovsxbss. In many cases of Lives CoMPXAnrr, only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Fierce'jf Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect cure?, leav ing the hver strengthened and healthy. THE PEOPLPS MEDICAL SERVANT, Dr. R. V. Phecb. is the sole nranrietnr and manufacturer of the foregoing remedies, all of which are sold by druggists. He is also the Author of the Peonl'n Sense Medical Adviser, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred and eighty-two ' yood-engravings and colored plates. He has already egld of this popular Over 100,000 Copies ! PRICE, Post-paid, $1.50. . Addxtssr. B.V.PIERbifM,!)., 5 JEWE ILa JLa IE3 ET Just Arrived. A Splendid assortment ot Ladies' Neck Chains & Lockets, Ladies Opera Chains, Ladies' and Gents' Sleeve Buttons, Gents' Chains, Gents' Collar Buttons, And a Handsome Line of JETT GOODS. CALL AND SEE THEM. NEW SPRING GOODS Arriving Wholesale and A.T GREAT BABGAINS IN Dry-Goods9 Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c. A few Ladies' Cloaks left. Also all shades of Ball Fringes. TEL. HOERIS BROS. feb 18 OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND GEIITS' FURIIISHinG G000S, Is as well assorted as ever, and we are able to fit, suit and please everybody, in price, style and quality. We are determined to make room for SPRIN G STOCK, We will therefore sell GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER. We name no pricss, we only solicit an inspection frgm the public. W. KAUFMAN & CO., CORN EE OP TRADE AND TRYON STREETS, SPRINGS' CORNER THOMAS' HAIR SOAP, HAIR, (trabe kabxJ HAIR SOLD SUBJECT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Prepared for a specific purpose, that is for the hair and all cataneoas affections ; it stops any abnormal falling f the hair in from 2 to 10 days, improves the growth of new hair, removes dandruff, allays itching sensation. It also eradicates what is commonly called Flesh Worms, Tetter, Rinx Worm and all Parasitic Diseases of Ion? standing, it is strict ly sanitary in its action. Bample cake 60c with directions to any address, on receipt oi the price. For sale by druggists and toilet dealers. 8mall or large orders filled by feb7 JOHN L HARDIN, Charlotte, Agent for North Carolina. THE SHIR T ABOVE ALL Neves Equalled ! Never to be Excelled ! ODJE5 EJOEalLiIHL SKIIRT! Completely ma4e, ready for Laundrying. Their points of Excellence are as follows : Warranted to have very line 3-ply all-linen Bosoms. To be Genuine Wamsutta Muslin. To be splendidly made in every respect. To be full fashioned and perfect fitting. Warranted Mr. GOULD, Je will be in Lincdnton Monday, and Chester Tuesday, after that he will Ke here twp days. Those TrVirt HCiaVl f r rrnxra tVtoii tnaaaniwa tt alii fa unll An waII t,0 Call in Wednpsrlair or Thnrarlair only two more days. Remember you can give him your tucaomc xjuw, uuu uiuci a, uil xiespecttully, COAL JUST ARRIVED. I will receive this A. M., BEST QUALITY. Leave your orders at my office and thev will receive Dromot attention. Offirua V M TTSlf b M inil rAUtri Street, Charlotte, N.C. c i F; E. PATRICK. DVolS LRY 9 :C: lust Ar, daily for Eetail Trade, STOCK -OF- BASIS PURELY VEGETABLE AND y Perfectly Neutral. fRt. h tinA 7fh aa hft will be here any Liinv CHARLOTTE, JV. C. ID R. A. W. ALEXANDER, Office over .Searr & go's cms store. ; 1 am WorKing.as prices mj ouib uic times, for cash. Will give you a No. 1 set of teeth ! for $10.00. Gold d Tin Filling inserted for $1.00 and upwards. en With 25 years' experience I guarantee tire satisfaction. Janll

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