V i. f-.:. vis?- jod pnuiTintv Jot Department has ba BUBSCBIFTIOV UIB. l year (posted) in adyanoe, UuKcmgbU TOppUea wiltx arary aaadei wamv ana wita taa lasaat atrial ox XTpa, ana every mannar of Job Vfora can now d don J wltt naatntw, ftlgatca ar.1 c.icn . . We can tanilrt at tuxrt c&uc CT-Ansa, rxii nzxca. , - 'X- uexxes resin, ojuees, ' 3 r r" gjx3rErrTrrrxrosra; r-?3 . -..... r,T.'i I'm i"i i- . ts 00 4 00 5 00 Da 3 mos. ( 1 mon. WIXXXiT XDITIOS. wnekly, (in the county) in advance, w eeiu Qf postpaid 6 months, 1 ' " $2 00 2 10 - 1TD0 VOL. XIX. CHAKLOTTE 'Vm Cm TUESDAY, MARCH 12. 1878. K'Vt at' NO. 2,824; UE1BL0TTE OBSBBVKE wmiim tv. --.'. o-4;v .--v- ?--'v' -i -.-fv- ' i miwiwii ' iiiiii i mil i imNi 1 1' jri m m w n sv-' s--. :-v F..; it 1 v-m jjiuwn. w .w. j TELEOBAPHIC NEWS. THE WAR TROUBLES. f STILL IlTJLJr UNSETTLED STATE. TERRIBLE TORNADO. WASI1MCT0N. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. We desire to announce tliatpur large Spring purchase of DKY GOODS is now being opened for your inspection, j We have purchased axlarge Stock and will offer greater inducements to, the, trade than ever before. Having an ex nerienced resident buyerin. thejnarket, our facilities for nc ',nr V.orTfi.ns rA nnflnrr.nflHorl Titr nnv firm in the State. uuti'b r ' FSri 1T.' I gone to see -f' " !: '. j "V I him thither. Kellagg desires immedi- Give US a Call, Or Send US yQUt Orders, and We promise SatlS- ate action regarding the New Orleans Kellogg and Packard Bnzzlng Around Hayes Tne new uneans Mint Ste phens' Pacific Railroad Bill to be Re commendedThe Coming Silrer Dol lar. djssoo pus 83j0)i ia3n?9 Washinqtobt, March 11. Kellogg, Packard and Money called on Sherman this morniDg, and finding that he had the President, followed Peace Meeting in England Broken Up The Congress of the Powers to Open March 31 Mohammedans In India Aronsed. It Sweeps Throagh Atlanta, Tears Down a Church While It is Filled With People-Great Destruction of Property and Probably Sereral Ltres Lost. New Yoek, March 10. A special from Atlanta, Ga, says that that city, experienced to-day the severest wind storm or rainless tornado ever known there. The storm burst suddenly about 11 o'clock a m, when all the churches faction. ELI AS & C0EEN. Si -:M V BURGE SS NI CHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DXAIiXB ih , ALL KIKDS OF i FURNITURE, BEDDIKG, &C. A I U?tpdBtt a 1 HIJL Ni custom nouse, but tne Jfresident is known, and Sherman ia thought, to favor postponement until the-extra session of the Louisiana Legislature adjourns. .; Linderman was before the commit tee on Coinage. Weights and Measures this morning and recommended an appropriation of $75,000 to put the .New Orleans Mint immediately in or der for operation. The committee will report in favor of this recommen dation. The sub-committee of the Senate Pacific Bailroad committee will report in iavor'of Uorsey s bill as modihed by Mr Stephens, excluding, however?"any details east of Fort Worth and erasing London. March 11. The two thou sand attendants on the peace demon stration at Hyde Park were hustled about and finally ejected by the disor-1 were filled with worshippers, and last- deny mob. btiCES were freely used. I ea, witnout rain, with steady and tre I Several were taken to the hospitals. I mendous force for two hours. The The crowd cheered Beaconsfield and I Episcopal church, like the others, was cheered and hissed before Gladstone's filled at the hour for the commence house. Gladstone and wife on the way ment of divine services, and no thought to church were compelled to take re- of danger was entertained by the con fuse in a friend's house, whence they gregation, but during the early part of were es cor tea oy tne pouce. ine uukb we service me win a suddenly rose of Tiek, mistaken for Count Schouva- lon, the itussian ambassador, was in sulted and hustled by the mob. The Standard states that seven hun dred Circassians perished on the steam er Sphinx, burned near Cape EJia. The Times publishes i the following, I dated St jfetersbure. fcamday : 'The general impression produced by the (Jzar s remarks at bis reception to-day of the diplomatic corps, ia decidedly pacific." L he Timer correspondent at ban Stefano, says it is stated that Beouf Pasha will ask the remission of three hundred millions of indemnity. The Sultan has ratified the treaty. It is re ported that the last clause .is to the ef- A. jl v i 1 ' 1 m 1 11 j" CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, JCOFFDNSof aU KINDS on HAND. r. No. 5, West Trade St., OHABLOTTB, N. O ftvr ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, JUST ARRIVED, CALL AND SEE THEM. an3 : 'iV:: -; - - - UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF IT AS been Refurnished and Refitted in flrst-filass style, and ofra inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, rammed wiin tae oesi we narwv uux- nriaa Kn an itfhaiimM An oaHth mrra of wsiters in attendance at meals, and no pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl DO NOT BUY YOUR 3P" TO US Srai5j?5Dr IES a 1 11 t 1 ; 3 .1 l ; j Moderate Terms for IVIontnly Boarders. Luhetime of withdrawal. I liniQa until v-Xfl rv m Secretary Sherman was before the committee on Coinage, weights and Measures, this morniDg, and gaye his views about the proposed measure for issuing certificates of deposits of silver bullion." in ' this connection tne quess tion was discussed as , to whether such certificates should 'merely ' represent theJbulUoo,. at . its ,' market -jwue, or whether the government should buy the bullion with the certificates. It seemed to be conceded that the certifi cates should be issued, but the commit tee came to no conclusion as to de tails. Dr Linderman, the Director of Mints, at the request of the committee, gave r .- s .! r : 1 : : lmormation -.cuiiueruiuic me muii-mso for coining the new silver dollar, , and said that to double the present capac ity would redhire ' three additional mints, or two in' addition to that at New Orleans, at ' which five dr six millions a month could be coined at present; Makinz allowance Tor inter ruptions, two and a half millions could be corned a montn. mis would mate thirty millions a year. 4 -The'New Or leans Mint could be placed in wonting condition at a cost of nfty or seventy five thousand dollars so as to coin one million a month. Thiai added t the coinage of the other mints wouid make fortv-two millions a year. 4 - ''' Washington, March 11. represen tative Turner, of Kentucky, has intfo- the clauses giving Congress control feet that Russia and Turkey will regard tne, treaty as soluiaire, implying tnat they will not recognize the right of any power to interfere with its terms, ex cept as regards the sequestration of the straits and the settlement of the boun daries of Montenegro. ' A Vienna dispatch of the Daily News ! announces tnat the congress will open Marcn 31. A Pera special to the Times says the question ol the visit of Grand Duke Nicholas to Constantinople results m a, compromise. , xne , visji .wiu do less , ostentatious than was first proposed. Vienna, March U.Tre romical Correspondence asserts that if Russia persists in not submitting the whole treaty jto the congress, war is certain. London, March 1L -The Times' Vi enna dispatch states that Count An drassy. anawerine the Questions in the sub-committee of; the Hungarian dele gation disclaimed the. intention of oc cupying or annexing Bosnia, but did not deny that events might cause an alteration of the policy. The general impression , is tnat tne situation is more re-assuring. .; . . The Daily News' dispatch from Mad rid says the budget abolishes surcharges and tne extraordinary duties establish ed in 1877, in favor of all nations hav ing commercial treaties with spam, except .England an&tbe United States. Uoal oils and foreign, : sugars, However, will continue to pay surcharges, and Cuban sugar will pay nine shillings. Trustworthy private advices from India state that, the Mohammedans are greatly excited in consequence of tne overthrow of Turkey. A serious trouble is apprehended, unless the government takes some anti-Russian action shortly. It is believed that two hundred thousand Moslem volunteers to serve against Russia could be raised without difficulty. Berlin, March: 11. A dispatch to the Times says: "Even the govern mental newspapers, such as the Post, National Zietung and others heretofore favorable to Russia, deem it necessary Bince the terms of peace are known, to take precautions for the protection of European interests. The Post says measures must be taken to prevent the Dardanelles and Bulgaria from becom ing Russian property." over the details of management, etc. There has been no formal action. Senate A large number of petitions were presented during the morning hour, among them many remonstrat ing against the passage of the bill to transfer the control of the life saving service from the Treasury to the Navy department, and otners remonstrating against the passage of any bill impos ing a tax , on . incomes. Referred to appropriate committees. NIGHT DISPATCHES, Washington, March 11. Nomina tions;: pahejF; Kelly, of Pennsylva nia, chief engineer of the revenue ma rine service ; Unarles JUL Tmce, post master at Augusta, Ga : Wm L Kosche, postmaster at Jflaquimme, La. House The following were amone the bills' which were referred By Riddle, of Tennessee : To reduce the tax on whiskey and tobacco. By Davidson, of Florida : For a pub lic building at Tallahassee. By fcschiiecber, of Texas: Jbor a pub lic building at Brownsville. The rest of the day was consumed in a general debate on the diplomatic bill. Cox, of JNew Yoik, endeavored to offer a resolution inviting the Presi dent-to recognize the Diaz government in Mexico. Objected to by Mills, of Texas. xu.1 Olivier, ui vsuiu, reuurwju iruiu the committee on Ways and Means a joint resolution, which was referred to the committee of the Whole, extend ing the time for the withdrawal of dis tilled spirits from bonded warehouses to three years, and providing that the and shook the whole buildine to its foundation. The officiating miiiister realized at once that a tornado had struck the building, and knowing that it was merely a question of minutes to secure the safety of the people, cried; out to them to throw themselves under- the seats. This advice the congrega-, uon at once followed, and not a mo ment too soon. With a "few fearful creaks and jars of its roof and walls?.ibe whole building crumbled mtQ a Bhape-. less ruin, burying the congregation under the debris. Luckily the shelter afforded by the seats protected the great mass of the congregation, but eighteen were seriously injured bv the falling timbers. None of thfse, bow ever, have died, n -gr Several other churches in the city were seriously injured their walls shaken and the , roofs partly stripped. lie City Hall was entirely unroofed, J ana me car sheds and railroad depot unsettled. The great dam age.an esti mate of which cannot vet be determin ed, was done to private residences and4 stores throughout the city. A CREVASSE. The Father of Waters Breaks Through the Levees. ' t i'-j ' New Orleans, March 11. Saturday's storm damaged the levees to a consid erable extent. A crevasse is reported, at Jetuit's bend, 18 miles below the city, and at Dr Wilkinson's, 35 miles below the city. Both on the right bank. No estimate of the damage has been made. FOREIGN MELANGE . President Grant Visits the Ancient Tem ples of Greece. . ' Rome, March 11. SignorjQaiiaU lias' not formed the ministyvyefc. . k Athens, March ll-rfcA fete is bing, held here to-nightri feeder, of Gen aadT Mrs Grant. : The rums m ancjent temples and, the Pantheon are to be illuminated. , - .'. The insurrection is very t-ftctive n' Thessaly, Epir us and Crete. - ., , ; Iri consequeiitje of theMrwtired health. of myabroler, Mr. W, W. Latta, our resident managing partner, demanding recreation from close confinement and active business, we had concluded to withdraw our concerns both Here and in Chester. Upon my afrivar, under thel.pproacIi of warn! weather, with still a heavy stock of Winter Gtoods on hand, I find 1 It inex- -pedient and impracticable to retire torn business ; eflecfually, and so deemjit to our interest My thereby permitting the return , of our Mr. Muintf, who will represent us here in Charlotte, at such time as-1 cannot be Here Jn person, the concern will continue as usual with the largest and best Assorted Stock in the South, and' -with our advantages in my association with an extensive Maiju&ctur ing House in New York, we can furnish goodsere aitso low a valuation as will defy any and every , effort , toJcftmetition in this market. Our past experience convinces ns., that low prices are promptly appreciated, and it will be our, effort to produce an Attractive Stock at prices thati-must1 encourage an active demand, " . u-.JFk Cordial response to our recent ablmceeit,'' to gether with the many expressions of regret for bur contem plated severance trom the community, assures us of a genuine recognition of our ffair dealing," and will instill a redoubled deslc4u7rmination to continue the leaders of "low prices." ' 3 And npw) in soliciting the. patronage of the pppiilace at large,? with an expression of gratitude to our frienas and con stituents;Jwe proffer them shelter under the triumphkut banner of "One Price Clothiers,', the model system the 1 "protective union for one and all. , Very respectfully, 5 '.'." .... . ' B. Dr LATTA. 1'3 "'B.fSj'Vacate.ahd make room for the arrival' of our Spring Stock, -we will, for fifteen days, sell our Fall Goods at psing:'prices.,, . : ;;- : ' . . : , i ; " t - 'f - ' ff.' '" iz'J. J Help for Cn,bi.' New Yore:.. March 11.-The Cubans residing in this city and neighborhood have resolved to send men and arms to their faithful compatriots who are still struggling to win the independence of their native island. . W.$ ;iiaviB .this day received our Stock of rhig;Cas3imeres nd Samples, and w& are pepilred iiow to make Spring Suits to order ioy as apy house in America. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale; : L. BERWANGER & BRO., IK FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAlLOBS. until you have seen theeleganS; stock; of goods now in my wareiroom&SliThe l, assortment ls-tne largest and most complete evenonered In Charlotte, TO Respectfully, INSPECT IT AND GET MY PBICES. .if.;'.-'. Jan 5 FURNITURE DEALER, J2cinn?ea next door id Tost Office? ' 1 FROM ROME. The Formation of the New Ministry. London. March 11. The Rome cor respondent Of the v Times telegraphs : "Signor Cairolo, who has undertaken the formation of a new ministry, is a former Garibaldiah. He is deservedly popular,1 and is the bnly one who can re-organize the- L.beral party, which has been sunk into discredit through the conduct of Blgnors Nicatora, De pretes and Crispi, but he is not admin istrator and will take : 'no portfolio, dhlyaccepting the presidency of the eouncil. Sinor Zandenilli,- the former Minister" !6f 3 ; Public- Works! , , will probably be : Minister "of trie Interiori aignor ; Farini Minister of Public Among the Dead !FaUnres ; j Of the past, how many bogus nostrums may be numbered 1 Beginning . their careers with a tremendous flourish of 'trumpets, 1 Diazuueu lor a ume m ixie puouc prima auu on flaming posters, soon, but not bood," Were : tney reiegatea to tne umbo ot lames lose on earth. But Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a liyinr and tnnnng remedy, it , goes on, coring and to core. Neither underhand nor open competition affect it. . On the contrary contrast with inferior rival preparations only increases its popularity. It has beerr repeatedly imitated, but witheut success. Counterfeits of it have been surreptitiously introduced, -but haye fallen Lflafc Syerjrt where it entrenches itself in the confidence of the people; and well, it niay . tor iia & thnrnncrViTv relffihla lnTicnran t of the feeble. banishes dyspepsia and constipation, braces the nerves, cures rheumatic aliments 1 ana kidney complaints, and eradicates and pre-1 vents intermittent and remittent reyersj 110J 8PECIAX, JiOTIGE . ;'i . . . Astonlshins Suceesa. 1 rivr W B. Our entire Stock of Ball and Winter Goods to be';f6ld" regardless f feost. National Clothing! Hall. : H i'. 'iff - - - ' - .w I 3 tute. vice Babcock. Dassed. A bill providing for a commission of Now offers 0 he trade a full Stock Of lAjimWS MctractS ana an amendment by Mr Conkling! that Cohqms. Enc-litsh Select tfmctfWCfckate Honey "and Glycerine one member of thcommissionishaii Soap; Engligh; French and AmBmMmik Brushes. $T9.U 1 . ;,-v.7v "t ; - kvn TrtO aula i I. Blaine called up his resolution ' i& garumg UlU uou.pj.jf vicaujf, nruiwu jjitc It la the dntv of evervnerson who has Boschee's German Syrup to- let its wonder fal qualities be kilown to tbeifc sfiienfls ill curinff consumetion. severe- bonsas, cioupi asthma, pneumonia, and in .fact, all tkr oat ducid a bill loWng to the taation'of tt.'i.j ui.i.. k..j ...iii n.K yf ). i nt K'nrAMmiAniiM." - - s i "rr n - ,rr . .iii . umiBU Diaveo uuuus cuunnr yvivu u.u . w.v.B- ..,-. . - i TAiiive anv rjise. ana weconsiaerii ine auxv property, for State purposes. Beerred I The.disturbances among2 the wiss I of all druggists to KKommena i t tothe'ipobi' ' .. f.hA .Tniiftiarv nnmrnittee. . " ' I GuaM at the Vatlcan coiiUnue. Forty Ydvinfe consumptive, it least 4crtryinebotae; J . . . - t i 1.J. V-i-Tit. 1 'H .J ! d A 1 " irCtry j 1 1 1 ... n.i I. it(. jQTjgj; Elam Of -Louisiana, jntro- I f meia uyej ueu uiBuiitreeu. puiuo t aa sw.uw uw.eu aun-Wjire wm -look i-toj, ducpfi a resolution 01 tne .Louisiana i iaua.jws,- uym.iu huuvuujwb vuc r buu u.i.iiiv;bhh i-.!7itj e " " - I r . . . i ' . r , ' ... , r I Un A in k w AtlOl-n A MO TIM. I AAWWI n V. K1TMVl. J C TQiotnrD naVWCn.wrp.PB tn et ant a Can. are 'tampering witn.tnese merce- . ouwf?u 9 chaVteVTo the Bereteria Ship Canal naries for ttop Comnanv. J J cnittea iprinerae,- 1 t A resolution appointing uen oner-1 . , . .. i I wue py x v omiur. v.. . j-'" a ' j lii" man recent of the Smithsonian Insti- tU-'imftrflSfiamillIlt8i:.-" ' ! - -, " J1'1 " " -""pi'111? f he Celebrated Fertilize! ! ! WILCOX. CI BBS & CO'S ; laofierefl onDvwy libesal Jlenns, payable in cotton on the basis of Uscov low middling. -yt7 (Th3 fertilizer is prepared from 8ELECTEI) MATEBIAL under or personal s uper vision j and twelve years use, has established that it !s unexcelled and unedaalled. -3. 4cjr f.rfTrrn T-r -t . twit r inn yii i A . "t . m - .. a . mvliib WP?? P!d9 inGuano, 8ayannah, Qf- and Carlestox S, & J !J.l. lit AU n 1: h 6 y. , ?: 1 t . ' Now andThen 1 It is onlv now and then that ruch men as- Dn;ri A PaamirT. nf PhtlArtAinMa I Hon Alex H Stephens. ExQov Smith: iand : uuiiujo w -1 - -'-- 1 1 m- - ... I Trnvision dealers, have auanend- .lwiqr .wa.jf endorse a meajpina. ZZyCWVii liabilities 'are thoutTht to !Mi exceed $200,0(X). Four'or fiT others in I mTIRf inUr fr thtenTe hf wmffiiB. colds the same trade -are severely involved, j affections. - They . recommend the The clause'' 'xs heavy purcnases for tnei Qlobi WiAmsx- CoveA '8TPT, 'nd theit mnneaH fradA and a decline sin i th I testimonials are to be be seen round the ten uij.vr- .,...;.. . . I .... kntt. nf L-X VlnDW tti p: Awinor to tno neacemi ouiioobmh i . "-5. ". " I ,tli) 30 it.. .Ui Si V. am now in receipt daily l6f an IMMENSE of It; Europe Carefully preyed it all 1 1 ' Great Britain live millions, and assaif- ed the award at great length. f i The resolution which-calls for; cer tain correspondence was agreed to. w ASHINGTOH. juarcn jLi.-An tne vas? f -v y-v -r T t l i1-:itu.'l . , r . . . I fll. m tl UlBUUUNin4 ' PKU V .WW VUI1H. ..am.. .. v. vi u H a. 9n Mr nia n ... m wju" j.ur.iow,wy juuuu uL.oy.1 1 ofoto we cli d thefoiiowicg : rjtuyery nauon counts, as commissioner of tne if reed-1 pi9 peculiay character, its progperity-- Ljfi mnrmm ;mr ttoimiiri- put '-Mm a n frihlaspd Onhjlnn. ; lv From Ctomleyi Biographical Encyclope- Svrup. for sale by All drnggists in Charlotte. . - 1 1 ni t. 1.1 L l J A sample DOtue reuqvea me woxviguuguaua WUl.curt. BUID liUiyik. . , wee Di wyiu. LICENSE TAX',' - -,n TbW t..rfcnta of MecklenbUrz count are notified liat the license Tax ' for the. FTtt Lull 0(R r3 01 New Stock. .i .. r)f nU rrlffftn Goods a v ..... 1 were in the ha,nds ot Gen Bdilbkrbf the TJnited States :army'rit.a''.tbit the; defendant was not responsible. , v noer .noirtTTiB. la professional, no less Man , in i vTrr -j -.... . oiuicak ufenere.occasionauy arise men " Lw.A W kffva -Kf k-mvm.tAnaYI.tn Will UUTD MJ i irvw, v v- v.. -." time. marSlw ' Democrat and. Home copy twice. eherin; "'IT .1 r.I ."'ll'l nave-jmovfiii.TnTrTvV nf TTnrdware -Stoves and I mare f the NEW'AND.ELEgrNT01ffi:o teW occupied bv J. Mc; UesiriaM FaU. Stock of -HADWAREin vaU ;itsS fies, Sw;" " W XXV VXXOW W -y- "Jl -TT l-ff. :..M.tiAna F tKn nnna . nnvHiit tordd l . 1 . .M 1 -T at1 tw.J.Ki ml 1 : I1TT1 1 1 I - found for HoWard -S f iniposed nprf their acafia step boldly I n ir t- ..u.ji.. i!iiA. .oWi inrw-fleldriOfirteT)ids&t" Wei I owves. TiTiftTiIilUTro' r 1, The President has approved an-act nanotte marKet. amending thjETTaws" graiitingpe4sions eirpecti6n.of;the'pnbUc Pented in the Charlotte market " : " . ' r VT7 1 1312 and their, widows. f Also' an - act 6 Popvilar ZEB VANCE 8T0 YE a syectaltyJ c ci ! , V A-.-v Sill; ;Tx BUTLERcJi makinsr ? appropriations forrthe -pay iant of claims reported - tb'Cbngress under oeo a 01 ine act approved -June 16th JL875, : by. ' the : Secretary . of the Treasury tm? . f--f 1 glt jW 1 , fW Jhe.SprinlVade; jag wll aia largelline ot UlfiJN antt.erreetypes atl ' ' , ,!...', ..-f - -Vi-tVi.-. at ii-ittSxra rt afrc " ul U; t;? . " 0.1 i : j i j. . I ; txtvi , t ii,-! -Mill ni r1!"f;i ' I example m tne i - - 'm i mac my ' uiuiio i quick Biuep aua eiuau ji vuio, , - v- v Buftld,Y.v:and anyQw , ' .i'.V1 'I ofthemdniWesortheJito-l-"t-".' . j-j'J,AJ.iir iSr;x vHiu.!.' ; o . ir.vl" i -w ' .oyo . mrv -mwu.v-.w " - . . . WT.t.-n-.15 P.'i1.nUM .. I --v . i i ; .f i i . J I-- li 'll i ifi 22. !Jt -TI f 1 ' " ' p '- ' : : - w ... , d ! I Kl ijr., K.tt lit lint it Ml V.l , VTOTICEJ -.NOTICE L;h r .. . jk r a-h bm " .nan rVLrs-. ..- --. Wrhr.fo eranhs. Card de ivisite Lluat '"r-trrr Fediieed rates "hklf prtcej;1 ii&Tnrv: in war xorner succor. 1 vi tow i . r-. rrrn. rrrr . furnished a -distlngulBned successfdland Dr B V: Bereft. hfntorv treatine .4m fttftta would Vof. of hii nseful Dx Pierce is well known to our "readers by bis poptuarFaninyes wdW- lnt minnu ui aoniwuv ' lueuivuivr - jlxxw table use. : Eggs ten cents per dozen.! :jim Moner in tne nonev comD.T t- - xnarj.0. People's Common Bens lfedlcal-AdTiflr.u 1 re; 11 1 a r-iTj-tto- ft- -. IK- ill; ! Vis1 fa m . Ar-: Sit" i.-?-: tit. if..; -.-' IS' it- 'i ii P If If I i ft:1 IS , 1 j