3 J CHARLOTTE OSSEBVEIl jod pniriTiric. The Osskbtxx Job Derar'uuent has be -thoroughly supplied witn every needel want, ana wita tae latest styles of Type, ant every manner of Job Worx can now M doni with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. -: W can furnish at short notle - -? BZtAKKStBIIJEXASa, . ITEXSB HJCAJDS, OABDS. ; TAG 3, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, ' A PBOQTtAMMTa, HAND BHJJS, BUB8CBIPTI0B U1TI8.' pai t vear (postpaid) in advance, 6 mos. ? M - 3 mos. u i i nion. . . : 18 00 4 00 2 00 75 it.-; wixxiy rnmoir. . , , klv (in the county) In advance, $2 00 . out of the county, postpaid 2 10 fi months, - - " - 1 00 Liberal redactions for clubs, -figfc VOL. XIX. CHAIIL0CTE C-C WEDNESDAYS MARCK 13; 1878: 3 i V ,i HO. 3,825 PAIfi'ULETS, CHJECK.B, &U TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE WAR TROUBLES FROM ROME. ''' I " .in,-,,! ft, ' T " Jgjgj 1 " 1 1 ' -.. 1 1 , . , ..-, ii i-.- -i.il T in ...... -. i .1. iiiiii ii iii M--iMMfciMMHBMMaBiMMaiMHBiilMiBMglMlllMllM i -I ii ipiii i ii i jii ji lyiji j, n.iiBi 1 1!! jj'J SZ-f" "''S'Sfe'y'SC'''' 5, I.V: W"e desire to announce Jthat out, large Spring purchase of 1)RY GOODS is bow being opened for -your. inspection.. ,, "We have; purchased ajlargelStk and -will offergreater inducements lo .the ; trade than everbefore. Having an ex- 1I1U 4liViU I5t?v- r-ihil' nprienced resident buyer, inltlie marktt, our facilities for Pe ' ill- ?:TJ ?, it4 . offering bargain? are unsurpassed by tiny firm in the State. WASHINGTON. ! THE ; COMING CONFERENCE. PROCEEDINGS OF, CONGRESS. Claims AgalnSt the United States' - Ben b nett Polar Expedition Endorsed An other Railroad Proposed-Resamp-tlon Act to be Resumed Next Tuesday The Sllrer Certificates -Schnrz ton the JiOgi General Notes and Gossip. - Washikgton, March 12. Senate i Thurman. from the committee on the T..J! . i . .1 -i i n ' LLj iiA' !j:::v j ... ; ouuiuiary, . reponeu, .? wun --'lamena- Give U3 a Clin, ur eeiiu u your.orueiu, anu vt; piuuiioc sauo- ment, the Senate bill to prohibit tnem bers oi uongreas Irom becoming silre faction- ph8 JSLIA8 &' COHEN. BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & -RETAIL DSAXJCb IB ALL KIKD8 OF FURNITURE, BEDDllSG, &C. Of CHEAB EED8TEAD&, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUTTB, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND No. 6, West Trade St., G HAB LO TTB , N . O , FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHILCREN'3 'CARRIAQES,-JUST ARRIVED. -UALLi AND llliUiML. - t UNDER THE NEW MANAGE MENT OF ties on certain bonds, and i t was placed onthfecalendar.-i':i ti-Ji' - c; ',J "T He gave notice that he would call it np For consideration at an early day. : Morrill, of Vermont, submitted a resolution instructing the committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of providing that all claims aghinst the United States, exceeding $1,000 in amount be prosecuted in the circuit courts of the United States for the districts in which Buch claims originated. Agreed to. Conkling called up the bill reported by him yesterday, from the committee on Commerce, in aid of the Polar ex pedition designed by James Gordon Bennett, and it was passed unanimous ly without debate. R S Spofford made an argument be fore the Senate Railroad committee in behalf of the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad, with an eastern terminus at New Orleans and connect ing with the proposed extension f the Southern Pacific at El Paso. This scheme looks to a trans 'continental route, and is understood to antagonize the. Texas Pacific -. The House is in committee of the Whole on the diplomatic appropria tions bill. The Senate Finance committee has fixed next Tuesday for the considera tion of the House bill repealing the resumption act. ' Washington, March 12. The visit of the Louisianians to the Postmaster General was in regard to the mail con tracts. The President is quoted that tne JLouisiana mail shall not be tarn- the credit of sixty million norms asked pered with until Ch as Howard has had., for byCount, Andrassy, jvas . uaianK a hearing. ' mously adopted. Packard did not go with Kellogg and T.oTjnnw; March 1 2 Tn tmswor n n Darrall to the White House yesterday, inquiry in the House of Commons. Sir Stafibrd ; Northcote, chancellor of the exchequer, s.aid the' government Who Will beTlieW, What it Will do, and - - the Possibility of its, Failure, v i London, March 12. In the House of i.oras, 4?.an ieroy 8aa:tne ; ques tion .whether the , congress jvould have full materials ta - form a Judgment on all questions to be submitted - was un doubtedly of great importance. He considered it useless and fcohsh to eo into the congress unless it ;had really a merely nominal power of t dealing with matters before it, Her Majesty's government is now jo-; communication. with other governments on this sub ject..;- . ?- , .' . : :j ; r-f. The Standard reports all homeward bound men-of-war ordered to be detain ed at Malta to strengthen the-fleet in the Eastern wajtera. Wx- : . The Times correspondent fiVfenna telegraphs that Russia'still maintains the view that.qnly a part of the treaty affecting European interests should be submitted to the congress. There is little doubt that Austria, will support Great Britain in advocating the claims of Greece to be representedjn the con gress. Reuters has a dispatch from Pesth, stating that Count Andrassy yesterday told the Hungarian delegation what he understood by Austrian interests, and what changes could not be permitted. This portion of hissjpeech is kept secret, but it is said to have caused a great sen sation. A dispatch from Pesth to the Stand ard says Count Andrassy aEsured some members of the delegation that upon certain points and in certain eventu alities the convention between Eng land and Austria was ready. The Mepuhlique Franeaise states that Lord Derby, the British foreign secre tary, told Count Schouvaloff, the Rus sian ambassador at London, that Eng land would not attend the congress un less the entire treaty ' of San Stefano was ' submitted ' thereto, , and that Count Schouvaloff, after consulting with Prince Gortschakoff, replied that Russia would consent, the congress itself deciding wb at points ought to be examined: ' Vienna, March 12. At a jointj sit ting of the 8ub-committee3 of the Hun garian delegation, a motion to grant Rome, March 12. The hew cabinet has not been formed yet. The chief difficulties in - the way consist in as signing the portfolios of foreign affairs and war, tr . 1 - . MARK1ED, . . : On the 10th inst , at the residence of the bride's fijther, in Mecklenburg county,-' by Rev H B King, Mr F L Condor to Misi Mary A McLeod . . 1 . - N w Osleans, February 19, 1878, -The undersigned certifies that he held for collection for account of P W Arnold, at Palme tt 3, Campbell county ,'Ga. one half of Single Number Ticket No 9693, Class B.H in the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew the First Capital Prize of TH1R1 Y THOU SAND DOLLARS on Tutsday, February 12,1878; said ticket having cost the earn of One Collar, feiH by the borne effice of the company at New'Orleans, La., thr ugh cor respondence in reply .to a letter by mail with one dollar eneloied "to 'M A Dauphin, P O Box 692, New Orleans," and that the amount was promptly pail by a check on the Louis iana National Bank, on presentation of the ticket at the effice of the company. A Jumonviixe, Eunner I ouisiana National Bank. A Yery Good Reason. The reason why only one sample bottle of Merrell's Hepatine for the Liver will be sold to the same person, for ten cents, by oar druggists, ia tharlotte, is because of the enormous expense of importing the Hepa tine into this country, but as there are fifty cses in the large size bottles, it seems two cents a dose is cheap enough ' for a medi cine that cures dyspepsia and liver com plaint. All who have not had a sample bottle are entitled to one for ten cents at all druggists. Three doses relieves any case of dyppepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver complaint, inthe world. Regular s z3 bot les, rity deses $1. m Refniflhed ahd'SefitteJ mnrst.cla8i style, and 4offert tndafeine: had pot heard that the Russians ,were entrenching lines on the-peninsula of Gallipdli; nfa in fTAS been Repirnlshed anu sent tea in niscciau atjm, "vvu - TrayeUers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords prices to suit the timra. An active corps of waiters in altendance ft nieals nd The Lafeor Troubles in San Francisco. San FranciSco, March 12. The joint no pains or expense spared to render nesija oomfortable. - Moderate Terms for Monthly Bparders, OU R MOTTO jS-XO -ELEASJE. DO NOT -It Uitl YOUR He shied off at the portal. , i1 v , , VHIQHT i DISPATCHER . ' House In the committee of tbe. Whole to-djay a' eeecj( was madg by Cox;, of 3&T ew, Iforfe, against the ch il service reform policy, of tbe President, after which the committee rose and the House adjourned. . Continuations r Miohael snaughnes svJ of MississiDTji. marshal for Utah : j W Albert8dn, attorney for the east-1 committee oi tne legislature ppoint- ern district of JSorth Carolina; E C ea to investigate tne recent? labor Bainbricge, postm aster at Old Point troubles, reported no overt act of vio Comfort, Va ; David G Potts, Pers- lence cortimitted by working men, al- burg) Vas Jane "i y Jarne?, posmisfreES though some language of an incendiary at Ashland, Va. ' 1 ;. ' " nature was 'used ; that the police au- - Senate Bfr Jone. of Florida,' from thorities had exercised undue force in the committee ' on Public Lands, re- dispersing the crowds and' breaking tip ported, with amendments, the gepat meetings, that there' was no' occasion bill to amend station 2g of theReviaed for the passage of the so-called riot act; Statutes of the. United States, sq as to that Chinese competition is respohsk enable ' citizens of Florida to transfer bleforthe labor troubles, and that a i portion. OI Uipir pre'empUOUJS DritejJuuuiu uo ta&ca w Rivp xswyiuy homesteads', to ad in the construption I ment to white labor on pubho works. A CARD. To all who are Buffdrin g from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will ssnd a receipt that will cure you FREE OP CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Riv Joseph T Ihman, Station D, Bible Home, New York Citv. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. Bayers will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing. J W II ALL & CO. Trade Street. HAYPRO HAMS. feUGAR CURED SHOULDERS, " BREAKFAST BACON. J W HALL & CO, Trade Street, Wolfe's old stand. In consequence 'of the impah-ed health of my brothciv Mr. our, resident managing , partner,, demanding recreation from close confinement and active business, we had concluded to withdraw our concerns both here and in Chester. Upon my arrival; under the approach of warm weather, with still a heavy stock of Winter Goods on hand, I find it inex pedient and impracticable to retire from business effectually. and so deem! it to our interest vntti to close out rf Chester. hereby permitting the return of our Mr. Munk, who will represent us here in Charlotte, at such time as I cannot be here in person; The concern will continue as usual with the largest and best Assorted Stock in the Southland with our advantages in my association with an extensive Manufactur ing House in New York, we can furnish sroods here also low avaluation as wUi delnjj; and every effort to competition in thisarptpulast experience convinces us thaltu; prices are promptly appreciated, and it will be our effort to produce an Attractive btock at prices that must encourage an active aemana, The cordial response to our recent "announcement" to gether with the many expressions of regret for our. oontem plated severance from the community, assures us of a-geriume recognition of our "fair dealing," and will instill a redoubled desire and determination to continue the leaders of "low prices." ' And now in soliciting the .patronage of -the populace at arge, with an expression of gratitude to our friends and con stituents, we proffer them shelter under the triumphant banner of: "One Price CI thiers,'' the model system, the "protective union for one and all. Yery respectfully, E. D. LATTA. Ni B, To vacate and make room for the arrival of our Spring Stock, we will, for fifteen days, sell our Fall Goods at closing prices." ! 18 COFFEES. We have a full line of . CQfTEES and offer special inducements to cash buyers v JOHN W HALL & CO, . " "Wholesale Grocers, Trade Streei, Charlotte, N. C. march 12 K ings A T UbarlQtte. W, O. we have now n XX operation our Saratoga Fountain, and will have on draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water on ice, as good as it is at the Springs in New York. marl iyra m. - t A H., until you have seen ,theVelegarift stockQf fcoods now in mywMeroonF'.l largest and Tnost complete evgr, offered in Charlotte, , , JX A, TO INSPECT IT i . ) AND GET i MY PRICES. of railroads j placed on the calendar.! ;? The sinking1 fund ? for ithe Paciho Railroad oocupied the dayf Tne .committee on ways ana MeanB have'a'greed to report in favor of Bur- chard's postal savings bill for the pur- pose of j reducing .the interest on the national debt, deposits not to ne un der one dollar. It may be made to bear, interest., when the sum reaehes teh'7dollarsf,-i"-J-Al . 1 Superintendent McPnerson, of the bureau of engraving and printing, is i pushing the work, on the silver certifi i cates. under-' the 1 new law:' incnrst ! will be for ten dollars', with the head oi i Robert Morris." The last will be for a ! thousand dollars. The engravings are i proposed to be equal in style to the legal tender notes. renusj lvaula Kallroad Col, Scott'a Sal Philadelphia March 12 The an nual meeting of the' stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad was held to-day.- Th6 report already published wg read. Many questions were asked by the stockholders, and were mostly answered by Col Scott, Whose salary was miriy-tnousana peiore reaucuon, but is now only twenty-four thousand. 'OR RENT. The "Crystal Palace" property, eDraes Church and Seventh streets. Elegant and commodious dwelling, excellent wu 01 water on the psemises, and all recessary out buildings in good repair. Possession given immediately. Apply to maiaiut . u w i3AJNUH,Ka.. N O T I C E UOU LUUB i -'J.l JllUli, lUBIOlWO, US W" I The iTe w Hampshire Election. Boston; March l12. Seventy towns in. New Hampshire give Prescott, Re pUDiican, ii,;;flicJvean,iu,ioo; scai- towns last year Marcy, 10,447; tepoctfully, Jin 5 .FURNITURE DEALER,. Removed next door to Post Office. iv. t ui: n. Iaoi, ci7 , Tii i ,l. u: : ...... I ivaiicimx iuu, ucuuuiiwuuct.ui u.i iCeaea-AiniBK, luaiiuocutwiiB ui rc- Thfi fiamrrft1Y:vft nPS t.hrnnfrhont the movai oi wmuer vi uy Sfcate wiU make the choice of Governor public by the popular vote very doubtful, and going retirements of the offence to the punishment pre- ' . . r ft, rnm a . thft S..,," ftftr Anrii tscribed bv the statutes, and l am not probably throw the Legislature. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL, 7 ' TAXES. Under the Revised Statutes oi the United States, Sections 323& 3223, ,31238 and. 3239 every person eneagea in any ousmess, avo cation, or employment, which renders him liable to a special tax, is required to "pro cure and place and keep conspicuously in his establishment or place of business stamp" denoting the payment of said spe cial tax for the special tax year beginning Mavl. 1378. Section 3244, Revised 8tatutesv designates who are liable to special tax., A return, as prescribed on Form, H, i also re- quired by law of every person liable ta spe cial tax as above. Severe penaltiiw are pre scribed for non-compliance with the fore- or for continuing in business after April 30, 1878, without pay ment oi tax. We have this day received our Stock of Cassimeres and Samples, and we are prepared now to make Spring Suits to order as low as any hbuse in America. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. L BERVVANGER & BRO., WNE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. N. B. Our entire Stock iOf Fall: and Winter Goods to be sold regardless of cost. National Clothing Hall. aware, nor have I vet learned.that the . ; T tta n f ADnlication should be made. to J J Mott takiuff and removing of timbeir in viot i TlTx'iryiu " "Collector of Internal Revenue, at Statesyille. teS0n.;'i ?iCTJ?i?fi?KX Pbliand Democratic members to the Legislature. mar8 The Celebrated Fertilizer ! ! WILCOX. GIBBS & CO'S ISdCanipialated. .GrTiaiiO, IS offered on very liberal terms, payable in cotton on the basis of 15c for low middling. taa Thin RPTtiliKPT i rtrpnaird from SELECTED MATERIAL under our personal supervision, and twelve years use, has established that it is unexcelled and unequalled. Sr tall on Mr TMOa U UAllilaiJS, unanowe; a . u., ior terms auu prices. - ; WILCOX, GIBBS &: CO., febl6 Importers and Dealers in Guano, Savannah, Ga.i and Charleston, S, C. less an offense than the taking and removing of any other kind of property in violation or gome otnei; statute. m , . i SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Reduction of Miners' Wages. s A Baltimore "dispatch says that the Rev John Bear, of the Methodist Epis copal Church, is dead ; aged 84. Wm Scott, one ot the most widely- known and wealthiest colored men in JJOTICE ! NOTICE ! 1 After this date you can get jour Photo graphs, Card de Yisite and Ferreo types at reduced rates "naif price' at - . H BAUMQ ARTlwN S GALLERY All work guaranteed tapLease. - marl0 3Jtj . a f thin Globe I duction. but it is thi Km Offers tO'the trader lull StOCK OlMOOT auu inTur rrmnanvf.ChfoaBo. thev- will resist the seven and a half London. March 12. The coal own ... I" "fcT . Al "XT . 1 .1 ers association oi ixoriu xorKsnire and Soutjh-Derbyshire have determined to reduce their miners' wages seven and a half bercentr The men would : i . . . . . v . ' - I - j 1 1 ml rrt:Hi vkii.- a nuts tut ui cwrct x uiBbuco Philadelphia, is ,dead. .The deceased probably consent to a .nveper centres fromastem North Carolina for planting or VUk au. ia uuuugut unoij uuo.li t table USe.1 AS USUAL. SWW POTATOES. 4 . JUst recsivedra fine lot of Evreet Potatoes w ggs ten cents per uozen. - .Hoi onev in the honev comb. uiarxu i .. .. a ou. xiunjuiu r WWanes. Kno- issh ISeiect amices, oiuawjAxuiicv ftmuv" ana a trustee oi iue- cemei?AM perutuiu . (V 'I:-''' 7TD TT r ... .-( j ' , ' . " -r-r ,r i m ii. 7" T , I V U. . t x l - ' nWnera' nRSnr.iaUOn AUeCtS .DP.tWep.nl jp, ngtisn, rencp anu ajubxivw " " :T ' 4The Standard's Eome'diapStch states twenty-five and -thirty; thousand min- n.Lh GN 'M E f ' ' !,,.r 5Mhat measures afe peAdfngfenst cer- ers The .manufacturers m the Norfo TfT'-fM?T;i-T'-TrTn T'lSTiwi? !'' - tain pcrsdns ofigh pcsitlnlat;the England-iron trade are also demanding , For an insurance in the old JStna Life J ' H Kl'V r I - J- " J-VLJ LNV Vatican-- for instiffatmg4b:ntiny a reduction of employes 'wages, vary-t Inaufanoe.. To inre your life and secure v-jJ k- i - rr-, " rr . . - xf amnnfr thn Swiss Guards. 1 ' ine from ten to," seventeen " per cent, your.wife and children against want is tha ' Stf t-wi '": -"' ' "vT ? ! 8 i most unselfish act of your existence. Other CtrfWIy; prepared, W ;b6urs, ;.both . mi C SJffiMS JS-, n,,Hi , - t.;iiw(juwm'iit., clubhas voted to . challenge the Cor- tend organising a -general resistance. , lt office oDbositeco-ut house. Charlotte. an- eight-1 -1 - ' 1 ;I l.t raarT'n -'i ' "t- T ' lr,..,v eight- club has voted . I nell University club tor row. oared race.-- r " -1 " Verner Bros, stock - brokers, No 9 i OldiBroad street", L?3ndon;,ha,ve failed Jt is gtatpd that the liabilities are heavy, Moie Insurgents SurVeritlerifig fn Cuba, Hava-NA, Inarch 12. The insurgent OlUUi. f? V. v ; r -i W-li. vrr' 1 The Acton;k)Wder Mill, at.MariDOfixtrTmir .8" lr.lTYc: n,u ,f 'Tw-nnAVT rt TT J -i ixougn, juass, was uiowo up a,gaii?i-yeB- oaSuwv, i .a : M'-fr-l L ' f ft VfiA-1 "r-rt J terday.forenoon .and two mei? killed, inst., to L incrucijaaa --:.J 4 ' lilllYlviJW JCXLdi ;ri 1 The -Farmers and Traders' Ban k; of r.r-.u v. TVi x mye removed my StOCk Ot JttaWware, WOVW L" 1 1 It is a pleasure to commend an articli of a ELEGANT STOKE oaiii, ed$w;:"r' i!: aSi5,?7 teiy occupied by J. Mc. Alexander as a Boot and onoe pwre. Galloway & Goffman, manufacturers Yeast p0wder,-wh)ch an -experience of oyer Mv Pall f'Rfnr.ir f TTA PT1W A"RP! ' , in ' its'-: varieties, of antique, statuary .in Philadelphia, ten years cqnyinces uatt the best and tnqst Ten Cent Column. GREEN Feed for CattleI am prepared to Green soil" or nasture more stock than I have ; will buy poot young cattle or feed by the monttu I mail? at "v Amao?NR'c: .the; Spring' Traded also Large Stock , of MEN'S -Sfidto and -BOYS- HATS, ; the , prices of which will convince ?ou xf fruit trees .-H . 't '? ,r'yi(J - " "J W SPARROW is1 ndw " in Charlotte at the store 'of Jas H Henderson fdraish arlvthine in the 3 way aridtornamentai yara trees tirawDemes tnat my m0ttO Stlli IS mnti Vivien . T-kPPiaU.V. 5 PlpASft -BfiTlfl TO VOtlT I . and rosea a specialty. orders'.: . .,'-- .Please -send in your marl? if 'A wves,7rinTware, Hollo w-waxe. Wooden-ware, &c. is now. open i, dr3natchTr6ai'-dieyenneTWaeh fcuiea in the Charlotte marked .' m , , . r f - ll in reda -re employed in- cle ing Popular ZEB TANCE STOVE a specmUy:rf ? 1 At ?. kvo rtTnetition4s thaf order of the day .mnn? the first-class hotels .in New York, With one or two exceptions, they are tryipg to keep their old trade while adhering to their previous high nates. The Grand Cen tral has reaped much benefit from this, i by ' TVANTED By :a' gentleman and i wife i board in a private family where Ho' othex boarders are laxen. Address- for tnree days rodm'9i Central Hotel; stating terms and I particulars, v v 1 1 , mar 12 3t. 'TOR RENT-Two stores and two dwel lings on uuere street. Apply to . ,t 3. 4" h r. U" I; is.', ' ft',: ll"' f I., 81" r ii.' i: ' I have just received a part of my IMMENSE STOCK af J auietly "cutting " Via rat fmm Ann. tn twa dollars, per day mar62t .1 v..". :Ant.

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