CHARLOTTE OESESVEB . Joo pninTirijpi Th Ossesvzb Job Department 2ia8 M '"' UiarougHly , supplied wiu rexy Ndd want, ana intauieiaten styles of Type. erery mannoT of Job Work can now m do4 wltn neatness, dlspateb and eneapness. , We can fttnUsn at snort notlee .,v BLABX3.BLLHXA2, I4ZTXSHXAJDB,OASDa. 1 BUBSOBimOH BANS. I year (postpaid) in advance, 6 moa. . o $8 00 4 00 2 00 76 Dai i i mon. , WIXKXT BDITIOH. , , v,v fin the county) in adrtnctf. 'VeeSly' 1 Sat of the county, postpaid mnnths. ' $2 00 2 10 1 00 TAGS, FOSTERS. ' " . vbjL.iix. CHLOTTE N.: C THURSDAYv MRCH li; 1878: , , , iJ J. FBOOKAMMTO. HAND BILt8 - liberal reductions for clubs, lt - ' , . ; . ' ' .mil'' , j j ..?" 1 . - W ' 1 ' ' " V C-5 sa We desire to announcVtliat 6iirv large Spring furchUse of j)RY GOODS is now "being opened "ibr your'nspeition. ;t We have purchased large Stock? and offer greater dujements to the. trade-.thanever before t Having tin ex- ienced resident buyer in., the market, ,our facilities for rtffpriri0, bargain? are unsurpassed by any firm in- the State. MJ iJ , Oive us a call, or send us your orders, and we promise "satis- in per faction. MLIAS & C0EEN. m ch8 BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL f TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. WASniXGTOX. -IV DIALBB IB ALL KIKDS OF FURNITURB, BEDDIKG&C. A- - tf-i rr ittvp. ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN' ' CALL-AND SEBiT HEM V CHEAP BED3TEADb, LOUNGES, Parlor a chamber suits, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CH ARLOTTE . N. 0 S-CARRIAGEi, JUST ARRIVED. UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF JJA8 been Refurnished and Refitted in first-class style, and offers inducements to Travellers and Residents in its excellent table, supplied with the best the market affords in attendance at meals, and no prices to suit the times. An actire corps of waiters pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. Moderate Terms for Mohtfily Bbaixl? ....... ;$ko ic 1 viieaoih OUR MOTTO -18 TO PLEASE. PROCEEDING OF CONGRESS. ilerrimon StUlfrBf If l1 a New Way of eoHMtlnYotcsMw Or leans, lipt Alabama Nomlnationa Southern Mall tlaims Blaine Attacks Schurz. ' - . - General Notes ania Gossip. -. . I i t V... 7-" x. Washington, March. 13. Senate Windom, of Minnesota, from the com mittee on Appropriations, reported, with amendment, the. H.puse biU mak ing appfbphations' for5 fortifications' and other works of defence, and arma ment thereof during the fiscal year ending June 30, -1879. . Placed on the calendar. Merrimon, of North Carolina, intro duced a bill to provide for and regu late the counting of votes for President and Vice-President, and the decision of the question arising thereon. Re ferred to a special committee, which was appointed to consider the question of counting the vote, and Merrimon expressed the hope that a report from that committee would soon be made, as four months of the session bad pass ed, and action should be had on the matter at the present session of Con- re9s. Kellogg, cf Louisiana, introduced a bill to aid the New' Orleans and Pacfic Railroad ComPany. Referred to the committee on Kailroads. Also, to re-establish the mint at New Orleans',' authorising the coinage of gold and silveifttlereat, and making an appropriation ; therefor. . Referred to the Finance committee. A bie fiehtisl"progreeine against fteynold8,sf Alab&nyk who: was nomi natedfor first -comptroller of -the treas ury.- ' t: r - ' " ' "!''": Action ;oii Parsons7 case, as district attorney for Alabama; has been post poned until' Edmunds' return. Reed 9 case, as marshal ot Alabama, a held for certain additional papers'. SchhecheJr: of Texas, from the com- fnittee on Railways and Canals, report ed for . cheap ' transportation be? tween the Ohio1 valfey ahd the Atlan tic ; ordered to be printed and recom mitted. The House committee on Commerce heard argument for the improve ment of the Mississippi river. The Central and Union racinc Kaii- roads are making a determined resis tance before the committees and in the obbies against the pending sinking fund bill. There is nothing new regarding the New Orleans custom house, except the almost positive information that Seo retary Sherman favors 11 Elbert Gant, recommended by Wells and AndersonJ ior collector 01 customs. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, March . 3. House with the instincV pf - hia boyhood, ap plied the land laws of Prussia to Mon tana and not the land laws which have been used in eettliria; the United States. Mr Blaine argued that the Secretary of the Interior forcoft'.the masrnitude of our country aunpjaine was-cnarge witnjtne aaminijaiioq or inat aepart rjtient whicE('oiydfsjtudy it carefully, ajndhat.tho on jdoar ner aere stumpy tol lrfm.the people rir UlAnfona nr m3 . artaooiM rl K s ,WQ.)an4;-wUm4sf!t!'PQ''sP ofj taon q the Union Pacific Railroad. It Arinjiy crpnxtjritriy,. wouia i couunuea wwoout aoatement till fun nov.pnpg tnej maee which thai Secretary of heXiftexiog demanded of the, people pt, MnJtana. It was a tnmg concmae.cLjivy.ine government that theT hardy ptopeer who went for ward to settle tne- country should have the water,' the air and the wood free. Referring to he j aixolition of the in formers' system Irvihe custom service, abolished a few years ago, he spoke of the course of the Secretary of the In terior, then a member, of the Senate, and said he waxed wroth because the rich importer was interferred with by detectives, but now. the lonely settler in Montana could be visited by spies and pimps. ' Pending the discussion the subject was laid aside march 13 .10 4.; r. ' DO NOT BUY i 1 YOUK l until now you have seen the elegant stock of goods largest ARID IT f li la. in my warerooms, ine V-SoiTinen is uie and most complete everp xredinClWigid. TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICED. rtospnctfully, Jan 5 , . K. Q G l&M. FURNITURE DEALER Removed next door to Post Office. " Now offers to the trad era full stock of Imlnn' 8 latracte arid 'Colognes, English SelecV Spices j Colgate'Honey andGlycerine iingiisn- r rencn anammencan xxmr auu j.uuui x immmo. PRESCRIPTIONS 4 ..;'tl OJi arefully prepariJidlatlalL ri avv - to haurs, both; .tnigt:Oax,.;at ' .-- I- ., .... .; ... New Stock. I have o the NEW lately . .! l.r.-i ..'n i, - ' j ' ; :r -,r r .tw; ni ' :lTk 1. IU1 H ft AND ELEGANT SI0M.TBOT5 -.- K-u iwik'i ni c 1I54 -Kiwi lOCMHT jtU S 13 H -r . . C .dTl lnwarel occupied Wr Mc. Alexandefi My Pall Rfnol tt a -&ah t oiirtfWvftnetiesJ ?tole TareoUd.ware, Wooden-wafef K'is pwperi lx;the artotte:maxket j 4V.rpiiaw-,r;H Vf-u Popular 'zm YANCE STOVES smk The consular and dipl6irnatic appropri itions bill occupied the day. The mat ter of paying Southern mail contrac tors was. in an irregular sort of way, drawn into the discussion, and Reagan; m M t m !'? A A 01 Texas, quoteq irpm nis nrst report .fostmaaterfGenrat. jot ,te contea racy, to show that &e.ttoa correct 4 in stating some time . ago that he had or dered "the postmasters to settle their accounts with the' United States before' tnev .commenceu serviw uuuci wc Confedefacy.' He said he had e forgotten the subsequent legislation of he ConfedeMli8IW'3P e sub- ect. . b hpoff tlie'Yact that Itfiduohttrlit 'lef lation was known to many memDers bh the Democratic side of the HouseH hey had been silent on the subject, knd would let a bill pass that would bav these contractors a second time. 1 Douglas, of Virginia, interrupted tor the purpose of asking a question, but jDongor declined to yield. Douglas bersisted and refused to take his seat .... , when directed to ao so ny tne cnair. Finally the scene closed by the chairman sustaining a point of orderr to thefiect that the wh'ole discussion was irrelevant and out ox order, lne bill was passed. , The House also passed the benate bill to aid in the Bennett Polar expedi tion It is understood that the committee on Civil Service Reform will report in favor of abolishing the office of door keeper and imposing the duties on the sergeantax-arms. Senate Mr Mattnews, ot unio, cair ed up the motion submitted by him yesterday to refer the communication ot the becretarv ot tne interior, in re gard to timber depredations, to the committee on Public Lands and have it printed in the Record. Mr Matthews said he asked to have the document rrinted in the aKecerd as a matter ot luatice. The department irom wnicn itraanatea naa DeemattacKea yesier dav in the Senate. Mr J3lame saia he tnougnt it iair that the Secretary of the Interior should be heard; but at the same time the Senator from Ohio must be aware of the fact that he-was asking an extra ordinary privilege to haye , this docu inent printed. He reserved to himsel the right to reply ta it because the. document was in reply to what he said in the Senate upon a recent occasion ' Mr Sargent, of California, opposed the printing of the document in the Jtedord, as setting a bad precedent and hot because the contents of it were so very creditable to its author ' that he feared , them. He argued . that' the document was made up ffom state faients ot spies who followed men into heir places of business ana reported ,h eir con VmimSH'StitetT&i t the action 6f MJdngress-WlisiiTOg1 fepiesinthe custom sVicewrii5d said I tongress then put 'Xjra j tamp "Ctt ig?r Hemnation , upoa, :Usingr " rSucltesr faiethod of spies. v ' " A ft ef some turther tiehateJliAlat- HEAYT SNOW ST0BM. Destruction of life and TraTel. - Stoppage of Sherman. Wy T. March 13.-i-Thur8- dayjaWmidnigbt a snow and wind storm f et in, covering the country, from fcrreen river, Wyoniin&. to the North Pisjttf!, injNebraska, 550 miles.- I; ,18 fbe.seyerest etprm since the ctjnetruo- TIIE WAR TROUBLES, STIH KOTHIJfG SETTLED. - Talk of Mobilizing Austrian Troops Kussia nilling to Confer With tier- many Prince Hassan Accused of Com plicity In the Attempt to Dethrone the buitan. London. March 12. In the House of Commons to-night, a motion of Mr Ashley, censuring Mr Layard, British ambassador at Constantinople, in con nection with the.anair of the .Negro Ponte correspondence was rejected by vote of 206 to 132. Paris, March 13. A special to the Steele from Constantinople states that the Sultan has summoned Prince Has san, of Egypt, to Constantinople. It is said that the PriDce is implicated in the conspiracy of Suleiman Pasha, and Cherko Pasha is coins: to Constan tinople to intercede for him. Vienna, March 13. At the sitting of the sub-committees of the Hungarian delegation, Count Andrassy stated that the government had been throughout disposed to recognize the in depend ence, but not the neutrality of Rou mania. 'Her Waheman protested that the Hungarian delegation was not ruled by warlike ieehng, but calmly and seri ously declared its readiness to enter upon the war if unavoidably necessa ry. Several'members expressed con currence in this view. St Petersburg, March 12. The Journal De St Petersburg declares that it is reliably reported that the English demand that all the points of the treaty should be submitted to the congress If the mission of the congress is to result in peace, the subjects not of a Euros pean character and which might lead to exciiea . duc , resuiuess discussion must be set aside. . , : London, March 13; The "Z andard announces that the British fleet has ar riyedin tJulf Iemid fromTouisla. The standard s Berlin dispatch savs it is reported .that , Count Andrassy in- day t morning, , making foot traveling impossible, the bodies of several per? sons, who died , from exposure,,- ha,ye been found. Three soldiers, perished between Tort Russell and Cheyenne, a distance of, three miles.. Four men. with an ox .team, were caught in the storm fifteen, m ilea north tw est of. Chey enne. , Ihree-reached the railroad bun- day, terribly frozen, and will probably lose their feet. The fourth with the oattle perished. Three ranchmen were found dead a short distance from North Cooper Lake. One ranchman has lost ten thousand sheep near Eg bert station. Many similar cases are reported. The snow drifted in im mense piles. Every cut on the Jine of the railroad was filled with snow, and the sheds are also full. The railroad company had their forces out before the storm subsided on Sunday, and have been continually at work with four snow plows at different points, with all the men they could work. The different forces met at this point last night, haviDg cleared 550 miles in less than three days. All trains will be started immediately, and no further detention is anticipated. The passen gers were all located 'Where they could be well led and taken care of. FOREIGN MISCELLANY. French Duel Typhus Spreading at St Petersburg A Papal Appoint ment Under Consideration. Paris, March 13. M Louis Audriux. Radical Republican member of the Chamber of Deputies from Lyons, has challenged M Paul De Cassagnac, Bonapartiat, Deputy for Condour,' and well known as the editor of the Pays, to fight a duel in consequence of an article in the Pays. The challenge has been accepted. London, March 13. The afternoon's Globe states that in consequence of the alarming spread of the typhus fever at St Petersburg, many families are leav ing the city. The number of Ireeh caees is estimated at between three hundred and four hundred daily. The Cologne Gazette has a special from Rome saying : "The Pope is con sidering the expediency of appointing Cardinal Liedochovoski, Archbishop of Poser, to a post in the Vatican, to pave the way for the appointment of an Archbishop of Poser injagreement with the uerman government. ENGLAND'S FINANCES, t The low Rate of Money Causing Much Trouble. London, March 13. The Timesb- i - n j i - ali .,f 4t.A ti? uai - -f nanciai anicie, auuaing to me lauure tK&SinM of Verner Bros, stock Kbkerf.tfn- tee that Aufltria, would, never, consent nnnnaA MBta-i.,wiMfcif"r,a'Va 11VUU V J sO V4t T OHIO A U W T KsA i-lVA CoNSTANTiNOPiiiMarch 12.-:-Prince. Hassan has refused to obey the order of 1 "T . a A XT . 1 t ? tne ironeto evacuajeyarna. aeciaring that he awaits the Khedive s orders. There is some gitation ; in Persia in favor 6 VAYPe annexation to EevDt. London; March 13-T. be Tvrnes1 cor- dardys report relhtive to Count Andras- sy's statement before ttie Hungarian budget. corrlniitteeand says the Count irs declarer (that in 4he: event of . Rus sia insisting on & change of the balance 6fpdwerf mobilization might become iecessary at a moment's notice, not to occupy Bosnia, nut .to effectually de fend Austria's interests.. The Paris correspondent of the Times says.Germany has informed Russia that England s stipulations relative to the basis of the conference are well found ed. Russia immediately agreed to dis cuss with Germany the points to be submitted to the congress. A special dispatch irom Berlin to the Morning Post, says the German govern ment will not issue invitations, to the congress until all the difficulties about the subject to be considered there are removed. "Those dinjculties,"; says the dispatch, "appear more serious than anticipated. , The general pros pect in well informed circles, is far from encouraging. Germany will claim the presidency ,of the congress for ts representative by prescriptive right, whether Prince Bismarck is able to attend or not." The Pera; correspondent of the Times telegraphs as follows : "The Armeni ans intend to petition England to ob' tain for Turkish Armenia at the con ference, autpnomy.under Eopean guarantee 01 protection, omerwise iear will prevail that Russia will encpurage Turkish misgoyernment m order to says "nothing "'could seak'more elo quently of tb.e deadening effect of the ap prehensions' which have filled Europe for ''many months than the cheapness of money in the continental markets. This cheapness renders the position of the. Bank of Epgland , difficult. Jt ought to raise its note ot discount in view, oi tne constant. snnpsage or, du lion, and lower reserve, but If ijt did foreign money would again swamp the market ajid. .leave, the bahk; without business, We have, had no greater danger, t6 :' face for a long time than tnis supernciaiiy cneap creuit at uome and abroad." The Financier anticipates an advance in the bank rate at thefmeeting of the directors to-morrow. EARTHQUAKE. It Strikes Tennessee and Shakes Up the Inhabitants. New York, March 13. A special from Nashville, Tennessee, says a terrific earthquake shock was felt at Columbus, Ky, at 4 o'clock Monday morning, it awose tneresiaents oitne town and created considerable conster nation. Bedsteads were rolled across the floors of rooms, and bureaux and . t 1 111 A presses tnrown aown ana Drosen. a portion of the Mississippi river bank caved in near the town, leaving one house hanging over the bluff. The movement was so violent as to ring the bells on the locomotives standing in the sheds at the depots. The rumb ling lasted only a few seconds. The New Hampshire Election, .BosTvN, Mkrcli ; 13 Crne hundred furnish a pretefor Rhss an absorp- d fifty.nve towns and cities'of New ion of the entire province.' Washington, March 13. The' Turk ish- mini8ier gives the -State Depart ment formal notice of the discontinu ance of the blockade of the Russian norts of the Black Sea. I Const ANTrNOPLE, March 13. Grand Duke Nicholas' visit to the Sultan has been postponed until after the treaty 01 peace is rawneu. A Ship Burned and Seven Hundred Lost. S tLdNboN'March8 iS.-The Austrian Llbyds' steamship Sphinx is , reported to have taken fire with 2,500 Circassians PlAju d wiwig thftjogg.of 70Qjof the naseengersafDjlrtSff ssek mm fired by Ihe-GirenMjaarfufinjm.: meute. They had pi9yuelyenfjed it Hampshire give Prescott' 32,044: M(i- Kean 28,462: scattering!578. The same places in 1877 gave Prescott 33,280, Marcy 28,227; scattering 44., iiepub lican net loss 1,655 ; Prescott's inajori-, ty in one hundred and fifty-live towns 3,002. . ;- .. yy " :r ; ' - i Concobd,, Marcn 13. tme nun dred and eigbty-four towns v give Pres cott j , Republican,' , 35,694 ; McKeani Democrat, 32,864, and scattering The towns so far neard rrom give tne Republicans 184 and the Democrats 117 in the Mouse. In. coiisequeuce of the impaired health of mv DroUier'Mrr Wi;iW. LrATTA, our resident managingJHpartnecrdexiAn4iwg wrealion Trom close ;coiiAinementnd active business, we had concluded1 to thoaw our concerns KolKKere anUTif ChesterT TJppn mytamyal under, the approach of kfrrC Lttier? with still a heavy atock of Winter Goods on hand, T find it inex pedient and impracticable to retire from business ffefcttfatrjL and soTdeem; it to our interest only to close out in Cieshr, thereby' permittingthe return of bur Mr. 171 represettrua herei time as I . cannot be nDre. in person. The concern will ; continue as , usual ..with . tho largest and best Assorted Stock in the South, and "with dur ' advantages in my? association with an extensive Manufactur ing House in New York, we can furnish goods here at solow1 a valuation as will defy any and every effort to competition in this market. Our past experience convinces us that low prices are promptly appreciated, and it will be our effort . to produce an Attractive otock at prices that must encourage an active demand, The cordial response to our recent "announcement," to gether with the many expressions of regret for our contem plated severance from the community, assures us of a genuine recognition of our "fair dealing," and will instill a redoubled desire and determination to continue the leaders of "low bf the.-Ihterior.aa ftpat Of hrsTerjaaA4 Eglt relieves the chUd from" pain cures 'After 'the ''comrmtnicatiOn' : hadiwen 4 wind colic recnlates. the ixwels, and,: by reau, Jixr iaiue epuw at leuguu me action. Of the Secretary of theliitetiori and during his remarks BaiahfTsecreH tary did not nappen 10 do a natiye'xrr this country 'tie conia ncameip tnat and he (Mr Blaine) did not mention it as a reproach to him. He was born in itha kingdom of Prussia, : which" was 17.000 sauare miles less in extent than Montana, and the secretary perhaps, prices. And now in soliciting the patronage of the populace at large, with an expression of gratitude to our friends and con stituents,' we proffer them shelter under the triumphant banner of "One Price Clothiers,'' the model system, the "protective union for one and all. Very respectfully, E. D. LATTA. K. B. To vacate and make room for the arrival of our Spring Stock, we will, for fifteen days, sell our Fall Goods at closing prices." r ' ! ' -1- : ' : '- j ' k?,r. jl V" - - IHDeJHHiDlllfiOlli, We have this day received our Stock of Spring Cassimeres and Samples, and we are prepared now to luake Spring Suits to order" as low as, any house in !iiieric ' s Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. L. BERWANCER & BRO., FINE CLOTHJERS AND TAILORS. A Mob, Headed by air: Outlaw, Release imWm in4Soitl Carolina. iraytoti telegipB frejn -"Coklmbia r8l U.rthat tbree micrt drttiuers connnea in Piekens courthouse wee released by a mob. ueputy collector nonmaa re iporttf to his chief tnat tne mob wi bv the ouUAw EedMOrid. C -Obmmis test-to the other, RTiam mnrnfttttion M thetrder of Ahe day ' I Ithe arrests': toj call on the' marshals aroong the first-class hotels in; JRewv York. 1 and deputy marshals and leave nothing with pne 01 two ezeepaon, taey.are xryug. tmdorie to vindicate the majesty or tne t irMn thfflr; 01a. iraaB1 wuuo. wiuenug w their previous high Urates. ; vTha Grabd. C fiolSs per dy. .i2J r vtoJnd operation!. , ?t N; B.-6iir entire Stock of all and inter Goods to he soldpgdripf ! lst. 1 National Clothing Hall. : it-. . The Celebrated Fertilizer ! I WILCOX. GIBBS & CO'S IVTaniprLlated. GriianQ, IS offered on very liberal terms, payable in cotton on the basis of 15c for low middling. This Fertilizer is prepared from SELECTED MATERIAL under our personal supervision, and twelve years use, has established that it is unexcelled and unequalled. . Call on Mr THOB H GAiTMKK, unarlotte, fl. u., for terms and prices. WILCOXj GIBBS & CO,, febl6 ' Importers and Dealers in Guano, Bayannah, Ga., and Charleston 8, 0. AS USUAL. I have just received a part of my IMMENSE STOCK of (RcDt's: and lontbs Cloihio; AND MENU For the Spring Trade, alsba a Large Stock of M mZB&X&? Hilnfer trie m&iof bich, will convince you A1..A . - - Ail STKT1-; it', . , mat my mutiu biiii m ia m--trH, j'i. Tc-; ny tt. QTJIOE DALES iilTO SMALL PnpFlTP 1j iii3ijd 1 ' tan odi -r. f r it

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