local of Khe JW"45SS! upon me Deauii miiw .iioiirsetn wildwood. tt Una Kaan invtt.Ai1 Kv t o lies' Benevolent Association, of Wilmington, to lecture m mat city. 41-0 per hundred. . Afr Fletcher Parks assaulted Mr .TtfO; am both of Hillsboro, last week and ' AeA him aangerouBiv, Wuuuv. A VarlMJaafeapnt. ""Tr,T1 " HMOOHBS. a Arte I him dangerously, nui is uriiminston Star ; Louis Davis, who was rei beM i : - r. n iiii uavuiuwi -Mntv ""vvi rmt of which appeared in Sun- 8 qHH liable to internal' hemor i rii i u " oat of dan fr tD" , i an Vimifnallv nil fr rraA a en-year old girling ?1L was recently .1 i . and consfflutiysiqpDBii dangerv x ;heavy & FANcKQiBps. : New Advertisements. FRESH ARRIVALS! I ai: N C. He was carried to re a Ipp's court, and committed to jail i'r and ha h mean J", f..H m ai 500 hail. TherejvasA ifrone feeling arhonjst theeoJe lynch the monster. Asheville Pioneer T""n;nThomas Veielibors and John Taylor got into an JiuTrc-uion, a. knife yu used , and veihbors seriously cut in the thigh. Vwhbora was brought to tow4ia.lt Jm and Taylor -.1 Th A i '-t nrrnunts. and we understand from Iliot the physician was lockel cm in wound man was not dead at : Recollections of General Bmbin. Wad ft nnfl day replied to Toombs-of Georgia, and to all appearance used language which would Compel Toombs fc chatte-se himwweral froda went The oliTrban grewmore andmore vio lent, until Toombs indicated his inten- tionpf calling Wade to account for the language he was using, " when Wade quietly sat down seemingly haying ac complished his object. The Southern men looked at .eOQdtffel WurJBH and it was manifest to ailthat Wade had deliberately tsopt fcquarrel with rilllWiU Mp aBriend of the Southern Senator called on Mr Wade No, I won t take back a word, was fTrrtmVa if will Ko nnpocoorxT fnr fiAna- 4fTKf ia litot wViof T tiro nf on A wo ave gptl tQj jhis. point without palaver ,W8McrW' adr . ."You surely rcannjat be, in .earnest, "Why, of course 1 am. lou see, r, -we Northern men don't Jike-to fighU N6, opclsedjo tf cd and so are mv constituents : but you fellows have-broke Sumner's head, andJ we must spunk up a little or you will break? -all ;f our steads. rTh ttertesw wav to And the tmtter ia Sol kHli o few bt youi and I havfe.Wexf up! ijirxe wj 1, I LB3. CI J2 BIB B A.CONf, . i rt f f Bbls . jCHOICE NORTHERIf ' ' lUU BABLY R08B yOTAlOES, CMiiitSaTpliaccfl dna chewing maltiiet KTexeeOaux and kuttnff char 3r of miaiayiamr9P t' tobacco arer siad. , As, our, bine np-trdo-mTk is clorely , faJUrfV frtfeftorxJds:' ,tc rt Jckfn Be - ne, to C.A. Jacksox 4 Co,Jjgipybiirg,Sroij 4-rf - r - - . . ' f,f f t 1G0 Bbls'M O LA S SES.ALL SACKS jC0FFilS,. ; ' . .', Hi been old Toombs as mv man who dressed the wounds 1 . ?i- A that while he is seriously cui, is n,uD necessarily fal. " YJl. t;10 Rulftieh News, of Tuesday, says : n w Rpst,. Armistead Jones and G W Blacknall, officers 98? IT,l.mriprs,- Associatiari.?Oayell been indicted in Bertie county fdt 6btafnirig ,npv under false pretences. On yes nrrUv ft subpoeaa to attend the next nf Bertie court was served on E Grav and Dr E B Haywood. A similar subpoena for Geo W Swep- nn was also received by tne snerin, hnf.nn to last night he hid able to find Mr Swepsbnl Thi is the way the sharpers operate in Wilmington, according to the Star: Some colored men camenere . Prima w if.k vesterdav with ariotR tatoes for sale, and when they landed t n,n wharf a colored man. represent ing himself Jo;W! offioerA Rented ,imaplf and arresterl the trfefa for some oiioored violation of the city ordinances Thev were then marched up the street J and arraigned Deiora soma Bejfrwwssvi tuted official, who wWsftyl'etf 'tfliydr, and ordered to pay a fine of five dol lars, which they did, and were then released. ofjivl HftU 1 Asheville Pioneer : Information just received from this section of the coun try leaves httle dout .bojhatgjwri. ousrownasipsi ocenrreaawr i, minus of thf ambburliand ville Railroad. It appears that one Durham entered the Dark Corner with authority to destroy-some-illrcifrtriff tilleries known 101 befiropgFMioiTJl that interesting ocait, dinte attempt to execute his orders got into a fight, in which one of his menwaa killed by the "moonshiners,' ana a mnnnahinAr hv tha. na.mfVnWllliMna Durham's pose. FUUU I 1 Kaleigh . city was th J 7r . J any man rttee wniinaye,- to challenge mej TLen,df cpurseI will have the"choice of weapon's and" I will take my old rifle and , me if 1 don't bring him down at the first rack." llWenTodmbameard of what Wade said,"ne replied: "1 can't challenge him. if I do he will kill me." It ap p$ars that Toombs and Wade had boea shoot well with a pistol, he was a poor rifle shot. Wade was an old hunter, mm kand, at a distance oi a nunarea yaras, rVjeuld hit a dollar almost every shot. Mr Wade afterward said to the writ er : "If old Toombs had challenged me thatiCaafIcllie wo tv6tfMihavemMdSfinM a mates heart, and the old fellow would have got demoralized when he saw me eaa on it, ana missea me, a if T vnnldn't Via vet put the natch 1" Not only did Toombs refuse to cfcallertge Wade, ut no J aucea icn Bena aim a cuaneuge, -liu matter whnt he might say. H Oxvjx. i 1 i S ''U-H'i': AM3, LABD, t.1 i . , v r0 AND Cmi3)? IiiJPPPl!TON TRY TJS. ivE SELL GOODS VERY LOW. MAYER &bFSS. feb20 . . , Kew goods, new features. pOME to me fcf BaqDn Corn, 8ngar, Ooffee, iecauseL can seUtbtm as eap. as any house iriSe State. - hiiWJ - W J Blaok will "continue the whiskey business in , the stp Jccaied by W H Crimminger. i All 6Qal3, delivered itt the city-free of charge. C- - ' J " ' J . ... W H CRIMMINGER, 'VM . .Trade. Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's eld stand, Jebl7 lmv .' . ' '' TIANO ancLOrgan Flaying . Learned 1ft a-f A, day! No fraud..i'arUCDJaEa free-, 'Agent f Fan ted. Kara JLihancermAddrHtM : " $ A- C. MORIONj Atlanta, Gd. F. E E 1: 0 L I 'Msftl r.-r.-J VIA WHJlilfGT0K,: JTOBTH CAmri .4 I. Through Freight Itoutc tp:4iUr intst South. FORUM i -WORK Tn tTiwr nwn lncalififfH. ranviiRRiTig fnr tha l-IRESIDE VISITQRienlarired) Weekly and Monthly. lAEGEBT tATER JNTHE World; ' with MtftWamosT,ree.' Big Commissions tvAgeti?aTtThJsJ fend 'Outfit Jree.' tA(JdieS8 P.-O. WGKERX-AugtiStaf. lltMnfli oilw !KTit!janci bflii.jaui 4. r This, line .being fuUyequir Jaoflijieesri) W IliMXNGTON. f AND ALL - NOBTJipRN AND EAfiTEBK' CITIES 5X) U Id AivlAl l JS, oTAIxjO Y lLLJS. ASiLK V IJLL, BUTHERFOKDTON. ":Ui 1 GREENVILLE, BPAKrAldBtJEGj JUJJ STATIONS ON THE -i - ' ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIS-UNEI ATLANTIOV' 3 ; TENNESSEE &OHICV ftnd WESTERN N, d rr, , , v, L i f KAfiAiMwe.uftiipomtaii , 'GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI, ; - " lit? A 9.; k AEUWMMittffCHkWth fiame:iO W cnPOttpila.'t'IiJ' J ONES a Cv.,? Nas- QbiJfEp, AS. LQi ''ASPiqjiSS aaa t " it ').tt i iiiioa mii; . fmTrAQiUrke;$90aonly4260. JlJJiJklltoloOrPOTs)lrrice $340 1 tnijaouxreteptrfSsM ? daniel p beat- OwUU Qyrescope orHaneta0 Top. Bock ee 8tatttfeink requireai. uataioeue oi Aeents (ioods free. BUCKEYE N 4 11 5060 VELTY CO.. Cinynnati, Ql TIHB" AS -QTTXCrKl r h INFORMATION, iTJRSHEJ UPON APf LIGATION1 Ttf 2r : ! v -,'A ' r i 'Jn .50,111 l.dA . WM AJ MOODY. - : :H;-,utf ; l2trt;.R .H-, :WtABK, .(I South Wiestern Freight Agt General IbceigntArWUxamgtorvKk Q- chariottevN. c;, v, u , .v., r-xwm;:: '- - '-" 1 " 1 " I -3- ft ' Agents Wanted to sell Popular Books. , and: all ithft. best sellincr jNoveiues. ray 3 to iu a aay. .IaWJEDburgess, Moffittinris n. 0 . " Ur.Marchisit CONFECTiONERIES. . Uterine 4ATH0L1C0R rtll positively cure Female Weakness, such as Fallini 4ion of the womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flood pg, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Menstruation lamphlet, wltn treatment, cures. " rlilJiL; L1"1?' Lv. i.; vsicians and patients, to HOWABTH & BALLARD 7f ICA, N. Y. Sold by ail Druggists $1.50 per bottle TAItORiN6:; G8PGERIES AT VJHOLESALE. Bjiyera will find' it to their interest to examine eoit stocbfere pnTcbasift.' ;' r.-'siira p.- TO-iW8 Treasurer yes teraay issuea tne' iouowmg in answer to the annexed question : Br J M Wotth, Stfie Treasuven: Bfi?fle AliB;an0i4 agents for manufacturing companies, (sewing machines liable for county and State license tax? By giving an explicit RCtBi reatiy-CEJee, lly. rBat)0DDS, with W & W M'nft'g Co". d. rI ha.T. aeenta di: nimufacti efaflt fro: .decided that canyagsingJ ly aptipg forlhe company g tha mAhfcies are ex- le taxmenxioned, provid- Led the company manufacture all the imTBirSchments sold by the company. black and tan bcn terrier. r I1H W2&B I . ' . . .... . I was a special pet, also the possessor chicken. Between sort of hatred grew ago the dog irritate! continued barking intilt Trade. Street.: 7 ilHHlOt ) iiKd ibl in -fits: ,ti m jvwi HALL & CO;-- mmM stand. 1 taiJ .i-Cfl-'TiG h Mi f VI 1 - J'1 1 j.l We bave a'fnU iiae of C0FPB.ES, and (yi.t -:i Wholesale Grocers, i Trade Stree Charlotte, N. C. ! -march 12 TyE ARE RECEIVING NO 'A' 4 car loads Corn, 1 car load (N. C.) Hay (good), l?a toad foddej, 40.00Q lbs Bran, 200 Bags flour. t, :,r ..WILLIAMS, FINGER, ' . ' " OldGrier A Alexander Building. i ril. i ( ii i i ill' r;FAIRUANK3', mm j ct )ARD SB 'nw 'gTiino aim btah i ti; C I 111 AfiUUEU,! II t.hPSfl two nets ft C1A VII f-Jt. fLO, rk tvni o no irnnvH ribther, correctly mind pules mj time rrinstaTrtt end tells of a rocomotive'will maKe be- He cannot read or wnte. forbearance could last: jio-tongfitiVftfldl V, HU A 1U. : rpu- ArrVlt I was a savaee one. but fMeqchftlRfrt fcevMitota. came out the victor, killing his yOPPOr r Snf TT IT UT nent after a fiften) mines' Jttl fl 'j (J A jj . If tpon examination tne skull oi tne ter-1 - ner was found to.he brpke1rrsBV38rW rj8onaiHoiieJlAf Tilbor'4ha w places bv the swift blows nf t.hft t.Prri-1 hnftTaftnpM.xsronnwiioopiPg congh, titf., KU. . lnrsrnfidullv assert tbat it -can. as xon r nssens' uom ihiSat ofa& hat (Jttserverl WUa caJLeJLJDa Me-ie lived 15 5d Raleigh steadfastness of a woman's love ? Some time ago a man was sent ti life pan tentiary lor a termlof five years, from one ot the western counties a wife, who returned to her is well-to-do in tirta world'i where Bhe could have and ease, but love brought her to Ra! tne Governor she Ipco he prison to see himT from there theoman .soughtemnloy tion as cook and-, chdimhexrmaiU at a salary of $3 per ; monCb, aoS'to be near her husband ' and see him oeca" Bionally. After bepg here fedu a shott time her husband wari 'a feW-' flayg!f ad sent with a trangr ofcornyict8 tcr wurk upon the Western Railroad in. Chats h!lm county, and now the true, still loving wife ofhia bosom is endeavoring lfJ tollow him there hTbA irJCrfiasfbgi ttnn i ni tha Mama rdnr.urroii&i juunumu or it, tion dailv received by the manufacturers, attest tliAt.r!flnwmnd Honey of Tar bears the pafiS'as a rare for all dUseajrf hK! .a I DU'' A. vw w I -iTsJ-Smmend Conssens' Com husband -visiting & pass to Returning m-d rnffthafet remambettbatt-is -valnab ;ti 7vrl Brfld'T retlef to all ?t, with cnlds. We mieht multiply words in xraise prthin oeat rmy,bftt suffin) Lis t.MA laCL Lnat il iWlfw Whbopina cana:h,.etc. fjKsCodsensitCQav An Ice Calculation. , v r)ffl rBostonJPbst V" n . It is estimated tHftt3(j6(o'rq nm uts cul ln'.jsnaine ice for ance 'est of the people in Malhcanlri1 about. fnvt,r ; -woI'!a'iii as a care forQShsamp- fm fl long standing. lur ; sr. 1 u Grace's Salve. JmTcavTi.i.H. Mich.. Dec 27. 1877. Messrs. Fowles : I Bent you 50 cts for two boxes ol Grace's Salve. I have had two and have used them on an nicer on my foot, and it is almost welL Respectfully yours, C. J. VAN KE3. Price 25 cents a box at ad druggests, or sarrItf mail on receipt of 35 cents, frepar- ea Dy BUiTri w . iu w liEj ol dvio, o rison Ave., Boston, Mass. Har- jif ! Scrofula. The most remaiMKe cures of SCROFULA haye been antrafe ntfW being made by the use of MRS JPE PERSON'S REMEDY for that diseased Cure certain, speedy , and permanent. For personal reliability refers by v- permission to the Rt Rey Thomas Atkinsori. D. D., of North Carolina, George A Foote. M. u , WaiTP.n co.. and Hons J J uavis ana v aa Caoke. of iFranklin- co. For certihcates tff cures, circulars, terms, &e., enclose- sx&rrtp to MRS JOE PERSON, Franklinton, C. 1 JUST RECEIVED AT D. M. HTGJ.ER'S A NICE LOT OF ORANGES, LEMONS and APPLES, CANDIES, Burnt Almonds, Chocolate, Cream, Bon Bon, CHOCOLATE CAROMELS, Fresh, of my pwn make 4 Almonds and Peanuts, and Molasses Taffies.. I have a large Stock of PICKLES, American, French and English. ! CANNED GOODS Peaches, To mattoes, Salmon, Lobster, Pears, Corn and Potted Meats. CRACKERS, Milk, Oyster, Cream, Butter, Soda and Nic Nac. Bread, Cakes and Pies, fresh every day. , , DT, M. RGLER. feb22 ' ' fi' V WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. he KlSinff OUll'S ATTRACTIONS ! For the New Year PHILADELPHIA always had a good name aj a place to . --ri' j '! purchaM DRY GOODS and CLOTHING at LOWEST PRICES, and how that JOHN WAIJAtlARER has added to his STUPENDOUS CLOTHING AND FUR NISHING GOODS BUSINESS, BHYQOODSMSO, ON AN EQUALLY STUPENDOUS SCALE, it is NO WONDER that the eyes of city and country are on him. THE BEAUTY of his NEW ENTERPRISE is the UNPARALLELED LQW PRICES for Substantial and very Elefraut Goods, inclpding poeitiyely EVERYTHING IN PERSONAL DRESS, for Ladies, Gentleman and Children, Besides all HOUSE FURNISHING Fabrics. I onld inform the citizens of Charlotte and sorreunding country that S haye ac cepted the Agency of this celebrated estab lishment, and have a foil line of SAMPLES and am prepared to take orders for any class of Goods wanted. , . . Ca l and be convinced that you can be upplled at tnis Agepcy at lower prices man by any otnei e stabuaainent in tnis city. the largest and best selected stock of fine NECKLACES and LOCKETS, . and. SEAL RINGS AND FINE SETS, and other Goods suitable for Christ' : cTmas presents is- jttet beingei u'-u. ;, pgenea at.;,.u ,Jo , . HA L E s: .&. E A fidti l.O.R Afii4; i Call and see the'irA We ate'gom ' to 'ViV ''Vs ' 1 ' -sell them very low. -1 ' Ii-,;: THE EAJITH HED IN IJSQBBIT RT; THE ATTRALl POWERS OF THE THE BIG SHOW And hatheiiathlalfeht of dto cbrrtx&nrt dec 4 4, 8. PHILIPS- DRUGS AND MEDICINES. r pURE GROUND BLACK PEPPER. , L. B. WRISTON & CO. Q8WEGO CORN STARCH. BOOKS. AND STATIONERY. 11 NerjPapr-IfouniI Words i. Cherry Ripe, . - Oomlng Through the Bye A -Modern Minister MARJOBP BRUCB-aLbYERS.?- vf Mary trstncK. A YOTJG WIFE'S 6T0RY, . u-r? t. by' Har. let ra. EREMAr ty B D :Blackmore. AIL Vs. 6 WHATHaTifevfaWKvnV bjrMniCraikC GREEN PASTVBEjAprpTxcADILLY, vy vi ui xxscK.. - 60c H;i;:75c '-':te0; For sale by TTDDY & BB0. " NEWUVIEW'OF HELL :Mts . Nature, Whereabouts, iDnraiion 1 .and, how to; escape it, byiBajrettttip edidoni L0O j A LL SAINTS DAY and jotherSerrnoTi AiJy,Qanp Ktaigsltymi, f, i.fLCp;, f URErtlGr, NI6f General1 Chtirclr 1-History, by RerEL 0&tt,B Ai-fl-60 ' ff HE FREEMASON'S MTTNrTOlCDy2 S X A Davis. 1 A new) editieni jieyised and enlarged,-, i-W-tdzhi vhrtm I A',: DICTTOKARYJlor&iiai Iitetlrrj xi:by.' Wr.D Adakisv' A iCOSTTjrehtfaatvV 1 Guide to English Autborai aad,Uwii WrkT'i THE HISTORY OFA CRIME, by Victor Hugo. Paper bindiBg it ai 9Uil!25o DR. Mdrtimor's Patient, by Fahnie Bean, :. .$1.50' M irage. No name series $1.00 Phahtoai Wedding, by Mrs Southworth ' , $1.75 Hlhrough a Needle's Eye, by Hesba Strec L ton, - - - - - $1.50 essie Harrington's Venture, by Julia Matthews, . - - -: - $1.50 For sale by TIDDY & BRO. feb 22 d&w B HOTELS AND SALOONS. 11 UL SALOON. ON HAND AND ON DRAUGHT Berger & Engel's Beer. Butter field & Co's Ale. Fred Lauer's Porter. Sold by the dozen for family use. Ale, Beer and Porter, per dozen $1 25 Champagne Cider, per dczsn 3 00 . MISSOURI CIDER ON DRAUGHT. Wines, Champagnes and Choice LiJuora always on hand. , Joseph Fischesser, . PR0PBIET0R. "y AD DILL HOUSE, ' Gasonia, Y. C., -rby-? R.E.WADDILL feblO tf L. R. WRISTON & CO. F YOU WANT 'X'BTTtjB'OIflCa piRFUEY,' ,qr a r cake of tgood Toilet j .1 .4 -4 Soap1, goto .,n,:i ,0 H rtlWtfpS n t . Oil.. ku Hlb i l9. .I..!... fnm' ? .?! TfVjJkif 1 XiaflSCILliAlElvN? aucAJ" mawtto,. 11 ttJROAD WAlfi If. Y.- ft-Arbotr,! 1 1 "VTTi ' 0 Modern lLime3 that seven drinks will m&VkMmlik tolerably happy, out of ' 'forty-fiib$ "QE8 ne can manage.-to nttve"Beven ".runka, and one man ilrunk-fBevea "rnes is, of course, - equal tto fcejenf "runken men : so the wliore id ctuif Yl yield an aggregate of 2,100,000 Urunken men. Snnnose that from , . -. iii 4 11 I J Thesa FiUs ha gained epuWNtyPT"e,wa j 1 w a L -J : Jl .. .fToH . v.-r a chemist and pliTS- '-ian or tinny ie ,i r value bis reputation more than sold. 3 T I r 1- y .liiM t) .00 I i (i fx !. t ? I 1 B V X. 4 - ft K fl J ' . i TTas tftid Tn a FreaR Lot of Fruits, com in nartanamiasilOfaases, Apples, O I ' , ' Til V. -..---!iPlVH Canned Peaches, pearsrineappies, -ma,.- a;:arid won ottier.Tariety oWfOiAv ITOYfi far allsiUAchi:dren!WUiont tcgapj 1 LR WRISTON 4C0: rniMEi soAy and money saved by JL . -J: uo.sot at - ... 1 ' :iOtAl ;tv - i''.:i U- -i W ovr'f-l.l -...'.tr ; 0.fk, Call and seft'alK!'"' 8T..0! ,l-nj:t 8' ".-fr. J-i.i1 !iTo.k sltJavi-. s. i ic-J J vJS ! M I'M K04 1 ITTLEjp$ '&!W;EX$j. fYeTOdeBin. feb2 ' i;' " 1 ?. '0 S HpLTOl UIG ; -ii; "i;.. b9 !ii ao ;:::' ' , id' i fto"u tfcv noil dJ ? fsf t j hi.) t.fv I BBLET!L'WAHIfO CRY8TALS. -1 !i'!ni! dl 'id :o o-.;- '' ?d) -:i ' Tb44jk Mrjilel iBBoltening xnd rB- mwiRdirtbnt jary tothehttnduor thieanus osfsTor whicl an agent is re aiusd ' for ioltehirig iwaferand ' removioi IJIHE D A y E G A HOUSE, In front of the depot at Gastpnia, N. 0., Is now open to the accommodation of the public, The rooms are elegantly furnished, and the table is abundantly supplied with everything that constitutes gpod board, , I haye sample rooms for commercial travelers, stables, horses and ' buggies for thpse who wish to rida, -out, and ay oonstantl effort: shall be to accommodate all who-call on 1allouefate'lates.r, ' M R'XEE, ' " ' I liebe tf ,Tn v. i" : :oopttetor;r ! -? "T '" '.i; ". "l; ; L ' . -. '. ..-- ' :K , v 'BOYD EN i HOUSE, ' ; : ' uS'A!l1 P" R"f f'K' nCT V .0,8. B QtKjff . .ni?rPrpjifitpr , ' ritLa44bNfetionaBoielalfei C 8 Brdwa, fr.y ef Olerk ll Waslt;? : j fyn vaBdtjyiGSheliwattiw v i ll flflll 8f '.n -v l:- eiii mM .rtoW ii bii!') i ) JjEW SPRING GOODS'. For sale fey 3 - - r -' . 4 mchlO L. R. WRISTON & CO. -ail L-CoeoMd, et -fcargaicsq Svciyh.ipg is -SnedbyWetr fight name and warranted - is represented, at J T BUMBEfBu i - dec22 TTT,io-t.K Revised Statutes of thUnited nnn j ooon tates, Sections. 3234 34. o anu.w yempeispn gnga H, vs"" it!o, or emioymeni, woiuu reuuo u"" able to a special talt; is -required to pro- i 1 J 1 Atnar.innArulv lift. ureana piace - MtiurjiccpA.yi-t''.--Y"'-- 1 stamp" denoting the payment or earn opc- Cial WX' for lae speoai xax yea- wg""""6 hjt-t 1 1 R7R Rpp.Mnn 3244. Revised Statutes, des(giiateawhire rlaWtf tsctataX.Tf,Aj duired by law of every ;p8.rsou hable to spe- scrib5nlpliahcth. ? V . r. :l Qrt .1C7S arUhnnt. nftT JdJie-oilnteinal eyfiuie, at Statesyitle,-. -Sfi- eft OQ 03 O m 1 fl 19 a Jewelry Store. p.. 7.' EAUTIFUL DRESS G00D8. '"5 'o 5 V.. S,5 12i to 15 cents, Just Received. They are very popular and selling rapidly. m mi f s ? S '1 crtir rrrR! TTRS ANT) SILK LACE BY M-.mL 5 1 lAAil. ' I H .3 "1 H V O a o in all the delicate Spring Colors. ALL NOVEL AND PRE T,T Y : CALL AND SEE THKM. (V, lab mi B" -4 fl I. BARRING ER mar3 & TROTTER. 17 iV E ,Jii. 'U.T rrr- Suatbga.SpringSi c. T T "MTT'T? V Jtr TiRWRfiltf ATCTNGT ll-Wi" ! i f .1 !ll MI Uie tnfnl 1 . l - 1 TF I -riirv rIIPC Sick Jleaaacne, , "a-1 population 01 1110 mim! j. inti vw. Flattilgwee and maigesuon. 2 01 these unfortunate men sees l.UlMl Unnt. .1 1 I 1 .' flirt ftAft AAA snakes., thera will he 4 . , auu aiiun I4ij -oopt, they iUfMB2 "ucn insures brisk work oAuiofft. hill. of Si'otiOTffi, '4 den of rv w . tiorf gant or at least expensive resi anaCef 88 wel1 aa magnificent distances, "a at a time when members of Con- t 'g expenses to $12 or $15 a week. . residences do not pay. The asaington real estate speculations J0 W tne grandest bubble in , 1 WnOle hlStnrv onrl tKor ancmilafni-a thev!tbeeQ ctive fdfce7in Vjrbaubihg' - -uMion irom which the country ;?J?ffered. So far -as thev are in. en ffin.the Keneral losses, they are utled to small nitr. small pity. witl bavei fan! draughttall the seasoii 4reshi oar at oca v aver m ice, o pn ... -.n ' ' . .if lilVf. ApiKUK! J! icon - - I w"""- - Miwwto1- i itiBtTftivftfineJotroffiTreet-Potatcles P"5rff-A QAgga AJJjaAfromaEaBtewi! North Carolinafoi planting pr mww" &wf ii - 'r THEY lUnfc .., noii- , I i .tiuum iAhhnn.ViComb.W ,f -'-'i nee die ooi to assimilate, and nop f mrJa.5joT ififeTf sar-eiM 'SUWlSliLiK, iunfmAft iin niiiriii'T" . Warranted. 150 Degrees. Firejest. n iiHIGHEST ' AWARO; I'EST f ALADDIM THt'lJcST nousrnuuD un.-irr usl. 1 Mrs R McNeus wouiu respecimiiy iown the ladies of Charlotte ana vicinity tnai sn.s has removed her, J4illinery Store 'to th room ' formerly ' occupied wfi6rarshe"will be pleasM and customers. Ail brcferji rare!Mll.be neatly, and ronip VilQ -o 00 o. s o ao o H ej n CD o1 a.- 03 O s OS r Si . Q 13 pa S3 8 RATES $3, $2.50 and $2 T ACCORDING TO tbcatiori of Rooms. rfjihWiIhiplirAecI. tfiRENCBt BRAKPY,' Sherry; Port ind .. '-rTA-rT-TMnrrT h ,lnrln able for viirv isr tha Dell 11 n r i Mn - . j THEY-ARE harmlesg, and always relUMT T I0EN8E TAX. . The merchants of Mecklenburg county are noticed that the IJcense Tax forthe business must come to my office in tne court house and take out renewals ly that time. M E ALEXANDER, tnnrfliw .. Bherifl. Democrat and Home copy twice, AX :ia.io .vr. ..n GenteiTniaJaExpositio ASD HIGH 'XJJii iis.BX'. P ' .'J44j. Csns snies. 'any. entrusted tober Vfo??Ziuiri ntto 11 ; 4555??. itly executed. I " ;r , . : ,rr . l ' .. j! friend, j. nave control a. oau nflf,-j riTO!. ,nfMfe-3"!I sn'I: : 'ii' the benefit of worthy poor young ladies wh o 1 s : earnestly desire a thorough educations would nereqy inform sucn tnat, ey pom t Le aSlLWJliiMA3.i-A wwJi J KrfrLaSit UiSn . "L iDc with the treasonable conditions .of the seem o ijesn-ana euuiue mm tuo ovti .l'-f.'M: TJRABILITY and Fit guaranteed,' pafc-J jof a 1 f. lftl" TlOiH t , j 1 h.T-n n rppamTfleiKLLiis;-. y y im. . , your wjfe and Uuen against aaot' is ithe; toonnse SrtSiaSf oKf 5SUPAKCE UO. OF UALITMOB, . ,1 . 1 T imir .! Him. 1 1 torn a nnttA Trinastmi ud miillinerT or J idtaB executed with, taste, the latert tyl of dress and other pattornaamayaxm nana. i iR ifirABaAiL'iaaw11' . xnruK wow... r. 4I . j i 4- -- jiTtotBtarl hadeof black or nrown.ooM Try ttana r" ,9aaiSu.ll 1 linat ... t-'i.llttm.xtn vaU ijii III-.'. iir H rtk Tc LB ia witn Messrs xi morns b lilL Bros, where he-mnrM be glad to see (his friends or wythBgJtders. -. - JILUAMFEMALE COLLEGER .7s !iWILLIAMSt01ir,S:.C., At a very small pfesfcnt ooflayj MKTpay th rest of their expenses -after; tnsy shall hayf lication of the kind in our ottfa.i ks the cheapest. ; Jot V&W, B .niK owJ Laa ejioJs i. Boston,1 . THOO-B-xaoY w.VI v torpradenc. who ifl tl lave moLcta edl gibijifi ttfoi3fla oi On receiviBK a stamp for return postage, vnim mnv inniTinf mereior iu uer owi irwHflJK.. ? - S LANDER. y ' TaTUIi I will gladly furnish JTull particulars to an ru V 14v4r44UD 3 have tried Trill learn of tor tne epe ,91 .v. c: 'jdxjno-s " id South .CsroUna, and 4inK connected. 1W XODTH-VKB-.&BUOTXXWIWiai AU C.4...f a 1 'n vainr,very JkHown remedy. lK$inmitfrv anvl : vnT?rK I w'wA f rniftntlVr ' ims. Aut If Krs'l .l!aw t!?il3 -C-J Ll ws.'U b:'a JB7 .03 am !il'A- ; 1 4.I93A