DAILY-OHSEllYfill Thursday, March l&Y IB8.l' ."' FROM BUrSe. 1 J AT)cittChirartermtd Pistols, etc. Several 7 months ago, Nat Davis, a FlMAHCIAf . Nsw Yosx Money easyat 3. Witnesses' fit "Attendance, &c.A quite a desperate cnaracter, was ar- Governments active. ;New: 5s 4L u Tot WttATHTtt TO-DAY. IW fl,mfJk Atlantio States, rising barometer, narthwat to tout hwesUvnds. stationary or slightly rising temperature and, clear or partly cloudy' veathp;, except possibly to- ' W IXMJAIi BRIEFS. . Church Dinner A Street Fight. I rested on, the; charge . of larceny and .ikHWW UXaiUrfavV'fcTHWtWl(rn1RnRti'fni trial The Cotton Market. Reported for the Observer.) . I The magMtrate d trate decided that he should court; and soon after pendent maae TOMtotodij he was found Constable Orr and ttemptea to escape. m.vj. t-: t r i . r il. OBSERVES, OFFICE. 1 Ohablorb. N. 0.. March 14.1878. ( The market closed dull, yesterday, at the following quotations : Oood Middlings -10 Middlinjc..........-..-. 91 Strict low Middling-... : , Si Low MiddHnfr..-.-.. 8i Good Ordinary ; . Tinges 8tain8(br!eht clean) 1 , 7i Stains deepfcleanj4-.-- ' 4 ti5ft6 ijower grades. I nominal JvF3mrj Umtnij- At?fnft aamfl instant S.H.Hilton terday morning to go before the gWW.t . .w JI How and TUen. It is only now and then that inch men as Hon Alex H Stephens, Ex-Goy Smith and Ex-Gov Brown, of Ga,, endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they do JOx vv.v, - .. o- I f S Tnmlinaon Iaaaa Harrison. A W ivrw b w" " I w w pretiy gooa evidence tnat im remeay v-ti-. w.r n rtlAMlntr canti-astl' P. ? TZT1?'. rfrTT.tTro. i Cv A 1 Wound. Her was then taken in charee must be good for the cure of coughs, colds XOOWiuaj -n- f- o. 7 .. ffli.V O TJ Bfanhanann MN K 1YL AieX- I o ' Inn. .ffiw... . nr , fV. with thfl lAAt- circila dav a tO tnei yi ' " T "T K ti rffinir. anrl on a mmmitimm - "ft--""" frfTrT , :.i.nKiu inr R "R Hnntflr. Lewis Moore. I . " . I jiAwzB uouoh btbup, ano raeir amouxii oi aruuaiiHWB ir . Trt TTTY' N I from JusUCe MciNinch waa locked in I testimonials are to be be seen round the ten ""aiLiOUisa demon, taauna9u,s k-.-: - j ail. " . ' L Spring goods are coming ;in in o kSlW' i iofflo' back and drew quantitfes. .The merchants generally. state's witnesses werejiwbr4sf-4 6i finstant sHiltr are buying full stocks. mi 1 lA (.Va rart in trlfi I : rrmn-n.fAn n tarAnfv.fi VA Wlt I M ' n nuu wiiii Km uttw uwp w 11 1 rv . a nrubi luui u- a 11 vaa. i . v i... ..... . if. OrA 'are reauestea 10 mees a vuwi , niY :..-Vi.:: u.i M.ma wi, wrenuueu irom uia uuu uu onera house at 7.B0 this evening. ' - : 8UCCeeded in gettine him on the conduct' -which prevailed on wft Louisa Sigmon, streets. I Bost. J M Brown, Rev J 0 Hartaell, E ' vn. 1 l-A n I " 1 I- lfu AUnMl ' r i r 1 Messrs. iiiiias a uoaea roooci i ivi cuumKer uu, inuw ,!xwuw i nfcjiw. MA pair . ' . .... 1-1 : IV. 1 W i . 1 - - " - ' 1 W K. VMVV lot of goods nigni Deiore isas, vi caine. Abel Helms. G x Croweii, iiev wfV mftM than aixtv hours God N r Aktt. ThetitaAJiuxy tame Into .v.VWUw.v.w . . . S 1.1 I .'... J court at e:Qy.04UOCK p nijyfeny,pwiu gaye in a'iruftbiiyeh 8ecrest with the foul and ptterly inhu murder of his lawful wife and time. Creditable te the Circus. TtofnrA fhA nrrivfl.1 here of Van wwow.w w . 1 maTi Amburgh's cirCUS; 'S1 J ep child. fifiMAit Hopnsel on ceived a request from the manager not bot 6idea ie'cawaa , not called up to allow any swindling, cawn-penujr A pn- . . m . tok game to be licensed on the streets dur- mn. There ia a ereat deal of conjev(re: aba nuinl)msuestlohs asked about the prospect qf immediate Sunday afternoon, Mr. Caleb Phifer an old and one of the most highly es teemed citiiens of Cabarrus county died at his home in Concord, and was buried yesterday forenoon in the pres ence of a large number of relatives and people who' have esteemed him in life. The deceased has been associated witn I WATCH the town of Coacord almost from its cent sample bottles of the Globe Flower Syrup, for sale by all druggists In Charlotte. A sample bottle relieves the worst cough and will core sore throat. . Regular sue bottles. tmy aoses. ji. ing the day, as he did not want his circus to be saddled with the blame which would attach to the robbery of the ienorant DODulace under the thin - o . guise of "games of chance." Rain and Hall Storm. A heavy rain and hail storm occurred in the Hopewell neighborhood .Mon day night. There are no growing crops to be Injured by the hail, and the only damage which attended its fall was the breaking of a number of -window glass in the neighborhood. The rain which accompanied the hail was of greater severity than has been known in Hopewell for a long while. Shooting Affray lu the Country. In the neighborhood of Bamah church in this county last Saturday afternoon, Thomas Stirewaltr colored, and another negro named White.gotio to a difficulty about a stalk of sagewhich Stirewalt had planted on his place and which he chareed White with having taken. Several parties were present and one of these, a white man, stepped between the combatants, when Stirewalt drew a pfstol and thrusting his arm around the body of the peace maker, fired at White, the ball lodging in the fleshy part of one of his thighs Stirewalt escaped and the omcers are after him. Dr. Wilson extracted the ball from the negro's leg and he doing very well. in trial. Some think the case will be re- . I ur m$ved by the;efehtlahtp McDpwtlU Qf county ; olheMare almost ositfvei . . that the defense will try for a contin uance, while some think it highly probable the. trial will come off, soon. Of course this is all mere conjecture as the counsel ,forfthe defendant are not inclined k. be vcryj0?!00 the subject. The mail closes too early for a report of any of to-day's proceed ings. The ladies of the Presbyterian church of this place served a splendid dinner yesterday in the dinipg(roo.m of . the neat sum of twenty-five dollars. The dinner was enough -to satisfy the most fastidious, and' the attention of the good ladies to their guests was simply enough to make the head of any unso phisticated one vof the "sterner sex" swim. ..Their object was to raise mon ey to pay off a small debt outstanding J Princeton Theological Students Arrest IS Uew AdTerUsements. P . L A S IN E From Paris, France. MAKER, JEWELER, GILDER AND SILVER PLATER, . i i . ..li i ii . I lOiancy anu wa wen nowu mruuguuuv Trade Btreet opptB;te Pirst Presbyterian this section 01 the state, as one 01 ine firm of Phifer & York, who for many years did a large and lucrative busi nesSjine won tne respect ana esieera every one and accumulated a con siderable fortune. Like hundreds of Others he lost everything by the and since that time has been feeble health. Within the last year he gradually grew worse until the day of his death. He was a double first cousin of Mr. William Phifer and Mrs. J. Harvey Wilson and has a large number of near relatives living in this city. His son, Mr. Lock Phifer was absent from home at the time of his fathers death and did not arrive in time to see him buried. Several near rela tiveaoftbe deceased went from this city to attend his funeral. Church, Nat Gray Store. I have opened this store for the repair of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY in every style. T Ttrtll An rValm-fni OniMino Pl.Unii l-i l a.. TT 1 . I . -w . war. uaivanizing tnains, waicoes. uia jewelry, eic, ana mane loem equally as good as new, It is certainly a blassing to haye a safe, re liable and cheap remedy for cougbs and colds near at band at this season of the year. Dr Ball s vongn eynp has eminently prov en itself to be such a remedy. Price 26 cents. squi at short notice, and at naif price. As I have been working before in French, Swiss, English and American Manufactories. I have all the-tols from Manufactories, and I can fit and make every piece at once and warrant them. marl4 TEim-SECQND ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TBS CONNECTICUT LIDTDAL InsuTiiucc Company OF HAEDFOED. GOHH. DB PIERCE'S 11 j; STANDARD 5 REMEDIES Are not advertised as "cure-alls." 'but are specifics in the diseases for which they are re commended. NATURAL SELECTION. 4 Investlzators of natnra.1 science have demon. strated beyond eontroversy, that throughout the animal kingdom, the "survival of the fittest" t the only lavbat vouchsafes thrift and perpetn lty. .uoes not the same Drinclnle sovern to- commereial . prosperity , of mant An inferiui cannot supercede a superior article. ' By reason of superior merit. Dr. Pierce's Standard Medi dnes have outrivaled all others. Their sale in the United States alone exceeds one milliondol- lars per annum, while the amount exported foots up to several hundred thousand more. No busi ness could grow to such gigantic proportions and purcse on any otner oasis tnan tnat or mens. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh. Remedy Is Pleasant to.TJse. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its Cures extend over a period of 20 years Cures by its Mild, Soothing Effect. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Cures "Cold in Head" and Catarrh ,or 1 Ozcena.., AJST OPEN LETTER. It Speaks for Itself, DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its sale constantly increases. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy ROTTrPOIlT. Mas L Anrll 91 1TT. MB. ED1TOE : Havine read i Vana.n -I 1 1 1 . . . 1 . mi ta ui. reiuaritaoie cares oi catarrn, i am nduced to tell "what I know about catarrh," ana 1 ianCV IPO "Snull" and 1nhalinir-tiih" makers (mere dollar grabblers) would be glad if uicjr uiiuu ciuuiazuo a similar cure mine papers. For 26 years I suffered with catarrh. The nasal passages became completely closed. "Snuff," "dust." asheR" ".nhnT.tr-nwa ' anil "ctlnVo wouldn't work, though at intervals I would sn up the so-called catarrh snuff, until I became valuable tester for suah medicines. I gradually grew worse, and no one can know how much I suffered or what a miserable being I was. My licou acueu oyer my eyes so tnai I was eonnned JEWELRY Ha JLa ISa Es3" Just Arrived. Just Arrived A Splendid assortment of Ladies' Neck Chains & Lockets, Ladies Opera Chains; Ladies' and Cents' Sleeve Buttons, Cents' Chain Gents' Collar Buttons, And a Handsome line of JETT GOODS. 3ALUAN.D-8.EE T H E IVI. HW SPEIM GOODS Arriving daily for Wholesale and EMail Trade, AT to my Dea ior many successive days, suffering the most intense pain, which at one tune lasted continuously for 168 hours. AH sense of smell and taste gone, sight and bearing impaired, tody out UU&.CU miu wctuLonou, nerrous sysiem snai- GREAT BABOArNS U? against the church. J understand they propose to repeat the effort io7day, A goodly number of those , who partook of the good things yesterdayeertainly bamei Jg.S8.!1111011 "true in wardness" as they could conveniently accoramottare. two lit three yogng men from ; the; country around, here, With the help of a few rocks and a con siderable amount of 'South mountain;! and H McLean, were arrested for vio- ed for Illegal Toting. "INw Yoek, March 13. A special from Princeton, N J, Bays a bill was )aeeed hastily through the Legislature ast week, and signed by the Governor, prohibiting college and theologicalstu dents from voting. The township election was held yesterday, and two theological students, W V Westervelt Nit Aesxts, January 1, 1877 $44,020,146.47 Bkcxivid in 1877 : For Premiums $6,489,014 06 For Interest & rent, 2,680,902 42 Bal Profit & Loss, 22,364 86 9,192 281.34 $3,212,427 81 IN 1877. Beaf aai Dusk Roster. The service of the Episcopal church night before last was of an exceedinI.f interesting character. According to announcement, Mr Turner, a deaf mute, an elderly gentleman pf pre-pos- sessing appearance was present and interpreted the seryice read by Eev Mr Bronson to a number of deaf mutes, who appeared greatly m teres ted. At the close of each sentence the minis ter would stop' and make a sign to Mr Turner that he was through, and then by a series of gestures, the latter would make known to the deaf mutes what had beet jida, He thrw ao.mnc x pressicii I toto the sfrtie! tltatf tbJDse present could have atmbst wdpzdo wfaai he wa' tiotnmrtnicatiig -laid Oiey not beard it before. After the close of the service t collection, was takeipup for thebenefitf'rfeafniutes ' tangle-leg," succeeded in damaging th countenance and making some ugly gashes on "de" place where de wool ought to grow.'JoCfiMof Africa's sons," Darned Henry Bergen. The offending parties have been taken into custody, i . : :'-.,:'." .n .j D lating this law. The penalty for thus violating the law, according to the bill, is $400 nne or one year's imprison. ment. Six college students voted and were not molested. Taa AmfeugM ctras and Menagerie. The street parade is not always an index to the character of a circus. One of the poorest circuses ever here made the grandest parade ever seen in our streets ; the parade yesterday morning was neither large nor showy, but the circus is the best that has been seen in Charlotte for years ; we dbubt if so good a one was ever here before. Both the afternoon and night performances were largely attended, and the senti ment as to the excellence of the per formance was unanimous. The me nagerie Is not particularly extensive, but the collection of animals is fine. The performance in the ring is first class. We have never seen much bet ter, riding. . Sebastam is 'grace itsetf. The boy contortionist and rider, Char- he Watson, was the wonder of all, and mere were few hearts which did not warm toward the little fellow. He is not yet ten years old, yet greater skill and daring are rarely ever seen in the arena; ' One day he will, be matchless in his profession. , His bareback riding is very remarkable, and he was: ap- platided to the echo. This little'scrap of humanity- is great feature of the clrcus;; His;motber, Mrs Lottie Wat son, rode " finely, but her specialty js In lifting great weight with her teetbf and in holding with these alone while befog drawn io the top of the canvas it ' Thty;' feature is new and interesting The tries mules . are well trained and amusing. The trained horses and dog s ftCQUlltea inemseives. creunaDiy; - xne " 4 clown is riairr ana sang .a gooa song , - well. ;;The jogglwy is bad ? it is bftd " Its best but ihis is below ; the ..average. " The absence of acrobats,performing ele phants and paper-cdyered hoops is 9,lbn ' worth the, price of ft4mis8ionr :Th ' ftefformancet of the trapeae man we thrillinsr almost to T fault. All in all it U capital circus-Hrery much better than the generality-and i if 'It ever comes here again will drawyea jbet- terthaa it aid yesterday. . ' riMm ! ttrmnlntelv necessary tot health, and nothing so erectnally robs one of sleep ts docs acryir-? tit.- Uf Di Bull s Eaby Cyrap to c: s la P&in and the haby wU be qiiet and allow aU to sleep well. .Price 5 tzzs a bctUSf , - Cataatrethe te the Stit . a :; ( "i ; " ff j During the performance of the cir cus yesterday sjfternoon, the ' ropes which held up the tent in which the side show was progressing, gave way and the canvas roeein the air amid the screams and shrieks of the large crowd which was kfle stout'' it' To add to the general confusion ana dismay which followed such a catastro phe, some fellow on the edge of the crowd cried out that the lion was loose. The Bbubd of bis! voice7 was1 Mrtially ost in the noise caused by the general Confusion, but a few) colored -brethren heard the toewsi and did r trot" a'toi): to question its truth until they Wre" OTer j kJJl uuu from" the crowd.' Order Vas, however, soon restored and in five minutes the side show solicitor was again on his box, and the sound. of his beautifully mellow voice rose above the din and stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, k 1 Tie Intematlenal Berlew. The March-April number of the In teniqtional Review (A S Barnes & 06., DISBURSED TO POIICY-HOLDSES . For claims by death and ma tured endowments... - $3,306,724.00 Surplus returned to Policy holders 2,511,776.24 Lapsed and surrendered Poli cies 1,305,783.43 Expkhbcs: Commissions to Agents..... . Salaries of Officers, Clerks, and all others em ploy bd on salary Medical Examiners' fees Printing, Stationery, Advertis ing, Postage, Exchange, etc. TAXIS $413,720.16 83,728 94 18,492.00 140,754 98 359,364 49 The Eiteadcd Popularity Of Dooley's Yeast Powder is the best evi dence of its worth. Whenever you wants 1! Kt. aannt VitosaaVI nl.'mnn. i. .cake;Choi Bal. Net Assets. Dec. 31. 1877...$45,072,083.57 Jjmffc 111 f. UTIUDi BUUUIU W ' USVU. f CTlCt purity and absoldte full weight are the watchwords of the manufacturers. FlllillC MP V 1 CDULitBCIlL TEaLEGRAPUIC MARKETS. MARCH 19, 1818. 'PRODUCES. Cmelnnitl-Flour dull but unchanged. Wheat dull but unchanged. Corn in eood demand at 40. Oats in good demand at 28a 32. Bye quiet nut steady at 63. Barley dull, prime Call 45 . Pork nominally unchanged al9 75al0 00. Lard steady and in fair de mand, steam C 90, kettle 72 a7i. Bulk meats ouiet and firm, shoulders 3ft, short rib mid dles 4 85, short clear 64. Bacon quiet but steady, 4, of ana ot ior snoaiaers, dear rib and ear sides. Whiskey steady and in fair demand at 1 03. Butter steady bnt un changed. Sugar firm but unchanged. Hogs firm with an improved demand at 3 00, packing 3 45a3 65, receipts 1,000, shipments 870. New York Flour without any decided change, low grade and extras scarcely steady, better kinds in fair supply and dull, occa sional sales at 5al0c decline, superfine west- 8CHEDULE OF ASSETS : Loans upon Beal Estate, first lien J. $28,335,744.97 Loans upon Stocks and Bonds 130,730.2 Premium notes on Policies in force 5.605,48,14 Cost of Beal Estate owned by the Company 4,067,908 0 cost or united states Register ed Bonds , Cost of State Bonds ... Coat of City Bonds.. Cost of other Bonds ... Cost of Bank 8tock Cost of Railroad Stock Cash in bank at interest Cash in Company's Office Bal. due from agents, secured, Bills Receivable .... .. ... ..... ,.. ........ ........ ...... i a. ...... M.M. ... B... 2,448,35t.l2 723,400.00 1.988,720.00 435,000.00 76,205.00 26,000.00 1.181,720.60 8,956.02 39,480.33 4,372.21 Ann : Interest accrued and dne Bents accrued Market value of stoeks and bonds over cost ..... Net premiums in course of col lection jreHx Net deferred quarterly and semi-annual premiums $46,072,083 57 . $2,240,661.13 10,000.00 182,698.38 84,500.02 nuhlishers. New York and Chicaflfoft dr and state 4 lose 75, closing quiet. South- a - - .... 7-" . . ' ern nour uncnangea. opens with the ConfederitB Reminis cences of Alexander H St$hens, who herejfurnishes to the public many facts'! a." . . ' . .. ! - ot great interest, lie combats tne ten cently published statements of Gen RictTard Taylor. . In his second article Hon'David A Wells presents a valua ble review of the Elements of National Wealth, including the annual incomes and savings of the principal nations of he world. Will Pritchaf d, P. E. Bi F..A S. L., long a resident of Mexico, prelaw ne mexican question usaer tneu tie, of the "Mexico of the, Mexican-, commenting on the pecy of the United States, r A fascirfatine ah- count of the public Und private lives of some famed anft learned ern nour uncnangea. wneat firm with a fair demand but checked by firmness of holders, 1 32al 33 for No. 2 winter red. Com Jalo better with a moderate export and home trade demand, 49a581 for ungraded western mixed, 581 for old western mixed. Oats Bteady. Coffee, rio, quiet and steady. Sugar quiet but firm, 78a7 fot fair to good refining, refined firm and in fair demand, 9 for standard A. Molasses quiet but un changed. Rice quiet but any decided change. Pork more active, closing firm, mess 10 00a 10 25. Lard opened easier and closed strong, prime steam closing at 7 25. Whiskey quiet and held at 1 07. Freights dull and easier, for cotton per Bail i, per steam i, tot wheat per steam 6a6. COTTON. women Villart? of Bologna j klgiven bjMadame Melof PifiViJlari, who was .Minister of Public Instruction, japder Victor Emanuel This ia Madam J Vmarrsfirst apttferafiee Itiit&iatti&ix periodical. -T?C aljlertingpio of the Method of Electing the President, past and future, is ablyscnsillrom ti : j: j I'm.-' i . . ". ' . f luo juuiwui anu political Btana-pointe' gau AhiBon; Abram Brfl .ewifteokNew-l Yom Oflferr'&artidles are bv hemV T)i BatnSel Osgeod. onModern -Love ; iHffffi':4ff?fK."?on iWew York and IU History! Prof A P 9'9 , ;. . Peabody, D. D., LL. D., of Harvard College, on The Belation of Morality toBeligion, including the modern sym fosiam ; Baron F Von HolUendoffA the welltritirl;o Federalism vin Germany.i Silver in Art UappropniUelyidescrJLhedii22.a lori of New-Yofk.TLlie detuuimeni of (ntemrxrary. Literature era braces re- v.. . a a- r - rv . . . j t cent important jsnsusniuerman, French' ndjLm nent foreisn and1 American reviewers. dealers by single copy or by the year. Gross Assets, Dec 31, 1877...$47,540,003.10 LiABiuTaa: Amount required to reinsure all out standing policies, net, assuming 4 per cent.interest $12,361,971.00 All other liabilities 1,474.429.95 43,836,400.95 NonroLK Quiet; middling,. 10ic; net re ceipts, 1,142; sales, 277; exports coastwise, 688. WniKMroTOH Dull: middlings. 101c: net receipts,: 1,017; sales, 27. . Jhiladslphxa Uuiet ; middhngs, llic ; net receipts, 263; gross, 380; sales, 867; spin ners, 178; exports to Great Britain, 1,304; coastwise, . oAuaustA-Qaiet; middlings, lOic; receipts, 22S; sales, 996. ' s fiaABBSTOH Basyj middlings. 10Jc; net receipts, 511; gross, blank; sales, 1,000; ex ports to the continent, 1,230. j jtw.y bnx -Dull and easy; middling nplands,'llc, middling Orleans, lljc; sales, SQ4; consolidatednet receipts, 53,628; exports to.Great Britain, 33,992; to the continent, 1844; Id ie channel 16,158.- liiyxBfooii fioon Jfair demand, which a fraelv .'annnlied-afe twevions nrices: mid dling uplands 61, middling Orleans 65, sales IOjOOO. Bueoolation Safid . exDort il.OOOa." re joeipt:15,400, American -7200.5 FntuwaM :middlingciBset March delivery 6, July and August 632,; AC gnat and Beptember 6 1-16. r o. r.' Ja-rBaiee; ioicludeai7,60, Ameriaan. atures weak; uplands, low middling clause Surplus, December 31, 1877 $3,T03,602.15 Increase of assets during 1877...$1,326,996.77 Jiatio or expense ot manage ment to receipts in 1877. .....7,14 per cent. Policies in force, Dec. 31, 1877, 66,252, insuring $178,280,625 JAMES GOODWIN, President. JACOB L GREENE, Secretary. JOHN M. TAYLOR, Ass't Secretary. D. H. WELLS, 2d Ass't Secretary. S. D. WAIT, Genl Agent, Raleigh, N. C. E. NYE HUTCHISON & SONS, Agents march 14 Charlotte, H u. : JUST RECEIVED I . -- i AT - i,-. M. - Iicbtensteiia, Merchant Tailor, Another lot of French. English and Scotch Suitings an4;D.ress ."Gaods, .in plain and Fancy.. The cosiest In .the market. Style and workmanship" surpassed, " Your or- aers respecuuiiy solicited. . : Cutting pnd Repairing promptly done. i mchl4 Advertiaemmt tar iattwUd ithit tokamn at tm ntis fif ten tents , per' Une. of temn words. innttxntiiia in.if.inlM tit mtttnnmk ttnA imut am mtfnnr AlU'lli'nnd '-MKvdAMvinv I aU words 1 ' T intura iraertion the amount July 6 8-32,, .uplands low middling clause. I MUST BE PREPAID. --No advertisement shipped'Februarrwr aail "8 L-16. shiDDed taken for Um thaxlwentv-fa emit. 38 'Ci it.' 3 SfUTURES SoVvU Dales.' c".,-. pr-i-tf , , - March. 10 &ia95c. " April, 10 94a95o, May, U 03c. . S f. - June, ll 12l.1rt ;; ' .-July, 11 20a21c. ' - - r.r:i: Z ' August. 11 25a23e.-' - : ' i r ,-C:?tember, ii I0al2o. ." ' ; 1 , : October, 10 OOaSlc. " November, lo 80a8io. 8EVSILAL.hsatCottases for rent-An- maris If itrtr t?z a I .WANTED---Bv a , rentleman and wife board in private family .where no other boarders are taken. Address for three days room kj uentral Hotel, statins tanas and Particulars... j; i .. . ,i ' marl2 St..? , . tl Jfii' tered, and constitution broken, and! was hawk ing and spitting seven-eighths of the time. I Sw1S7SDfJ-Goods, Clothing, Doots, Shoes, ana use h wun ur. neree's Masai uche, which applies the remedy by hydrosta- uy wy com paii Die witn corn Mr. Editor, it did not cure tic pressure, the onlj mem three-fourths of a second, nor in one month, but in less than eight minutes I was re lieved, and in three months entirely cured, and have remained so for over sixteen months. wniie using tne uatarrn Kemedy, I used Dr. j-ierce s uoiaen Aieaicai uiscovery to purity my blood and strengthen my stomach. I also kept my liver active and bowels regular by the use of his Pleasant Purgative Pellets. If my experience will induce other sufferers to seek the same means of relief, this letter will have answered its purpose. x ours truly, S. D. KEMICK. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. f The following named parties 'are among the housands who have been cured of catarrh by uut use ox ur. oage s jatarrn Jttemeay : A F Downs, New Geneva. Pa: D J Brown 8t Joseph. Mo; E C Lewis. Rutland. Vt: Lovi Speinger, Nettie Lake. Ohio: Chas NorcroD. North Chesterfield, Me; Milton Jones, 8cri-. ea, jm x ; J a Miller, Bridger ctanon, Wyo; J u Mernman, Liogansport, ind; M M fost, aLiOgansport, ma; j w Baily, Tremont, Pa; F B Ayres, La Porte, Ind ; Jessie M Sears, H Branch. Ind: L Williams. Canton. Mo:1 W A Thayer, Onarga, 111 : S B Nichols. Jr. Galveston, Texas ; Jonas F Reinert, Stones-i yille, Pa; S W Lusk, Mcffarland, Wis; J Williams, Holmick, Ohio; Mrs M A Cnr rey, Trenton, Tenn; J G Joslin, Keene,N H; a j uasper; xaDietock, w Va; jjonis An ders, Gaysport, Ohio: CH Chase. Elkhart. Ind. Mrs Henry Haight, San Francisco, Cal; Mrs E M GeUnsha, Lawrenceyille, N Y; W J Graham, Adel. Iowa; A O Smith. New- nan, Ga; Chas E Bice, Baltimore, Md ; Jesse Ja Bears, unaruaie, ind;uan,lB -Miller, JTti Wayne, Ind; Mrs Minnie Arnaise, 290 De- lancy street, N Y ; H W Hall. Hastings, Mich: Wm F Marston. Lowell. Mass : IW Roberts, Maricopa, Ari ; Chas 8 Delaney, namaourg, ra; ja j uoie, JLOWeu, Jaass ; Mrs O J Spurtin, Camden, Ala ; Chas V Kaw, Freaericktown, Ohio; Mrs Lucy Hun ter, Farmington, 111; Capt E J 8paldine. I Camp Stambaugh, Wyo; I W Tracy, Steam boat Rock. Iowa: Mrs Lvdia Wait. Bhu- snan, x; j m reck, junction City, Mont, iienry JSDe, Bantas, uai; L P Uumminga, Katnfnnl Tllinnla. Closirm Vm.Mi TTolla a v.. aa.a.va WAW aV . . - ... . . Pueblo, Cal; Wm E Bartrie, Sterling, Pa; H H Ebon 938 Penn Street. Pittsburg, Pa; J R Jack man, Samuel's Depot, Ky, Henry i&oonst, ueneva, JH y, Miss Hattie Parrott Montgomery, Ohio. L Ledbrook, Chatham, 111, S B McCoy, Nash port, Ohio, W W War ner, North Jackson, Mich. Miss Mary A Winne, Darien, Wis. John Ziegler. Carlisle Springs. Pa, James Thompkins. St Cloud. Minn, Enoch Dner. Pawnee City. Neb: Jos T Miller, Xenia. Ohio, S B Nichols, Galves ton, Texas, H. h Laird, Upper Alton, 111, J Davis, Prescott, Arizona, Mrs Nancy Gra ham, jrorest (Jove, Ureg. Golden Medical Discovery Is aAlteratiye,or Blood-cleansing. . Golden Medical Discovery Is Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery Is a Cholagogue, or layer Stimulant, feb 18 Trunks, &e, A few Ladies' Cloaks left, Also all shades of Ball Fringes. M. HuIORRIS vSt BROS, OUR ST O C K -OF- EEADY-IIADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AIID GUIITS' F0RIIISHIIIG GOODS- Is as well assorted as ever, and we are able to fit, suit and please everybody, ia price, style and quality. We are determined to make room for SPRIN G STOCK, We Will therefore sell G00D1 CHEAPER THAN EVER. We name no prices, wa only Solicit an inspection from the public. W. K A U F MAN & CO., CORNER OF TRADE AND TRYON STREETS. SPRING 3' CORNER THOMAS' HAIR SOAP, SOLD SUBJECT TO CHSXICAI, ASJLLT8IS HAIR (tba usjix) HAIR BASIS PURELY VEGETABLE AND Perfectly Neutral. Prenared for a anoeifie nnrive. thai: in fnr tWn hair o.n1 all .nbnann. offt innq it 3tOi3 any auionnal falling of the hair in from 2 to 10 davs. imnrovea the growth of new hair, removes dandruff, allays itching sensation.' II also eradicates what is commonly called Flesh worms, Tetter, Ring Worm and all Parasitic Diseases of long standing, it is strict ly sanitary in its action. Sample Cake 50c with directions to any address, on receiptor the price. For sale by druggists and toilet dealers. Small or laree orders filled b? feb7 JOHNL HARDIN, Charlotte, Agent for North Carolina. COAL JUST ARRIVED. I will receive this A. M., . tfJSsr QUALITY. Leave your orders at mv office and they wfll receive prompt attention. Office at& M. Holt's old stand, Coll street, unariotte, s, C. F- PATRICK Deo 13 -:- - ,;.:-v-,"-v ; D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST Office over Scar fc Go's drug store. I am working at prices to suit the times, for cash. . Will give you ai No, 1 set of teeth for $10 00. Gold and Tin Filling inserted for $1.00 and upwards. With 25 years' experience I guarantee e ' tire satisfaction. Janll WELiL! Golden" Medical Discovery Is Tonic. ' Golden Medical Discovery By . reason of ita Alterative proprieties, curea jLiseasea ui we xiuuu ana HXin. ma Scrofula, or King's Evil; Tumors; Ulcers, or uia sores; Biotcnes; nmpies, and Jfiruptions By virtue of its Pectoral proprieties, it cures Broncmai, xnroat, and Lung Affections ; Incipient Consumption: Lingering Coughs . and Chronic Laryngitis. Its Cholaeozne proprieties render it an un equaled remedy for Biliousness; Torpid Liver, or "Liver uompiaint;" and its Tonic proprieties make is equauy emcacious in curing Indigestion Loss of Appetite, and Dvanenfiia. Whflrnthaafrln lln blotches and pimples, or where there are Yesterday, the 12th. bottles of Golden Medical Discovery -will effect an entire cure. If yon feel dull, drow sy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yeuowisa-Drown spoua on iace or ' . body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouthr internal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits .and ? gloomy rorebodings, irregular appetite, :and tongue coated, you are suffering from Toarn) Lrvxn orBiLiovsjrass. In many cases of Lim aSScAefeS ShirtlDg cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I ftlld 21.00 lirieiii z'."" if ' ! t The first iastallment of a magnificent Spring Stock arrived A beantiful line of Buchbsr for the Neck, Crape Lisle, &o., and a case of the Prettiest Prints von ever did see. itfM(riijy (me to call M and take a look at our I FOR RENT Twn fnM txriA mn ln1. lings on College street. Apply to . W'et FH GLOVER, THE PPOPI rft Mrninif FBwtin Dr. r. v.Paacs, is the soteWprielorr is positiyely cheaper than the material in it w aUoFwhichoTC at- v wo Autnor or me People's Common! l owuow ieusM Auviser, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred and t&ZV J""1? and coiosd i .t- Address: B. T. PH2C2, H. D.. 1 Our 75c Shirt has never been ..it ia ff equalled in this market. 1 1 WMML SBIGLE & CO.