UHARLOTTE OBSEEVEE j ip.D printing. THe OssxBVxs J6b Department hai br t&oroughly "nippllea witn every aeedei want, ana wita tat latest styles ox Type, tan every manner of Job War: can now M doni wltn neatness, dispatch and cfceaxmsss. - Wa can ruriiian.'-t short notlee " ; BLAKXS,BnJZv2ADS, ,. BtWSOBIPHOH BltXB. I year (posted) tao, ' 6 11108. f, i 3 mo. . t I xaon. 7- $8 00 4 00 200 75 psi it ii.. nnntv) In advance. $2 00 ' ' IiSTXEBXUEAj)S,OABI)S. ?' . TAGS, KECXXPT8, F08TEX2&. : Weekly. 0 nt of the county, postpaid 2 10 a months. - 1 00 VOL. XIX. CHARLOTTE N.' Cm SUNDAY, MAItCH 17, 1878. NO. 2,829 ! PROGRAMMES, HARD BlUH, liberal redactionB tor dubs, . ' l"' '-- We desire to announce that our large Spring purchase of pBY OOODS is now being opened for your inspection. , TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE ECHOES OF THE WAR. QUIBBLING ABOUT THE C0XFEREXCE. The London Times Reviews the Situation and Comments on the Possibilities. WASHIXGT03T NEWS 1KB GOSSIP. indu our perienced resident buyer in the market, offering bargains are unsurpassed by any firm in the State. Give us a call, or send us your orders, and we promise satis faction. incb8 ELIAS& COEEN. BURGESS NICHOLS WHOLESALE & RETAIL DULIB IH ALL KIKDS OF FURNITUKB, BEDDING, &C. T VPAT 1 r - V 1 Z. T.ICf f K Aw T .1VTI i tVe have purchased a large Btock and will oner greater states that England and Austria have 7 ' agreed to demand-the annexation of cements to the trade than erer before. fSa, M'i. 1 8ion of Bulgaria. laCllltieS IOr ThR Tim.e haa-thA fnllnwinff from St Petersburg : "The official world here again entertains grave apprehensions of serious complications. Men who have considerable influence in causing or averting events which they profess to foresee,, say it is by no tufiana certain that the congress will meet, and if it does not it is very likely to suc ceed in the convenience of Austria and English jealousy of Russia's success." A dispatch from Kt Stefano to the Times' states that the Russian guards have been ordered to embark for home as soon as the treaty is ratified, but it is uncertain whether this relers to the ratification by the Cz&r or the congress. The Times' Vienna correspondent says: "Russia has notified the powers that the treaty will be sent them im mediately after its ratification, Russia having no reason to conceal anything. This seems intended to re-assure Eng land that there is no secret under standing." The Times in a leading editorial says: "On Monday the Russians npf pnly occupied several villages round Con stantinople, but took possession of a point on the edge of the most norther ly platteau running down towards the entrance of the Bosphorus. The small forts! which command the entrance lie directly at the foot of the position thns occupied, and as these works open on the land side, . the Russians have the power to march in at any moment and close the entrance to the Black Sea. As our Vienna correspondent ob serves, B'uch a movement does not im mediately tend to dispel the apprehen sions maintained, that though there may be no Becret treaty, a tacit under standing has been established with Turkey, which may involve arrange ments most material to the decision of the other powers. It is to be presum ed that the terms of the treaty will pro vide for the evacuation within a mod erate time of the whole of Roumelia, and consequently any position now held near Constantinople. Bu,t mean while the fact remains that Russia has established herself on the Bosphorus, As out correspondent observes, not only is there nothing in the recent movements of the Brit jish fleet to justify this advance, but there is little doubt that it must have been adopted prior to those movements and independently of them. It would -A -. Washington ; March I6 The sub committee of the Senate Railroad com mittee - have reported unanimously in : m m it. .i! m i i iavor oi extending me time ior me completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad eight years. -r House Chalmers introduced a bill for' the relief of the Meridian and Vicksburg Railroad. Waddellf from the Postoffice com mittee, reported' a bill for the classifi cation of mail matter and postage thereon : ordered to be printed and recommitted. The enacting clause of the bill, to make available $375,000 to day ante-bellum mail contractors, was stricken out, by a vote of 112 yeas to 100 nays. Bills' were passed for the relief of Jas J Warring, of Savannah, Ga, and MQB Harmon, of Virginia. Adjourned. The President has signed the act to make persons charged with offences and -crimes competent' witnesses in the United btates and territorial courts. There is legal machinery to stave'off a decision in the Arlington case for at least two years. Meanwhile the own ers will be compensated by Congress. The Ways and 'Means committee have concluded the tariff bill, and will commence the review Monday, and will probably be ready to report it by the end of next week. -k The McGarrahan case, before the Public Lands committee, is the scan dal of the House. The case has been on for twelve years, and nearly everjf public man, either in Congress or the lobby, during that time, is on the de fensive. This is the great New Idea quicksilver case, and is as mercurial in all its phases, . flUIEUL Ul niHEKUl TELEGKATHIC MAIIKETS. MARCH 16, 1878 FULL line 07 CHEAP BED3TEAD&, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SUITS, COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE N. O FIE ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, JUST ARRIVED. CALL AND SEE THEM. jan3 ; . :. : '. " : " ' '- . UNDER THfiS NEW MANAGEMENT QF Refitted; in flrst-clasB style, and offers inducements to IT A3 bpen Refurnished and twoIIbw. and Rflsidflnts in its excellent table. Huwlled with the best th market aff&rds have been difficult for. Russia to adopt - u ' ." I a course less likely to conciliate the prices to suit the times. An active corps or waiters in awenoance i iuwub, uu u pains or expense spared to render guests comfortable. Moderate Terms for Monthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. march 13 !2 DO NOT YOUR W TU IE& 1 tfe 153 until you have seen the ejegant stock of goods The assortment is the warerooms. now in my largest and most complete lever offered in Charlotte, ? ' &peetfully, TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICES, Jan 5 FURNITURE iEAZEBt Removed next door to Tost Office, eood will of Europe or this country. "Ourcorrespondent at St Petersburg does not give a more cheerful report. It is there said he tells us, by persons of considerable influence, that while it is by no means certain that the congress will assemble, it is not very likely to be successful if it does. Eng land and Austria are accused of being animated, not by a mere desire to pro tect their legitimate and material in terests, but by jealousy of the military and diplomatic success of Russia. They are supposed, therefore, to be desirous of diminishing, as far as possible, the consequences of the war. Russia it is stated will declare that thougn she is willing to have such questions, as that of the straits discussed. The condi tions she lias already signed are the minmupa what she nas the right and determination to demand. The dimunition of the results of the war be ing thus impossible, England, it is said, will seek to increase them by demand ing the extension of Greece, but the ef fect of this will be to break the last link of English alliance with Turkey, and the Sultan will then recognize Ruesia as his surest ally. That these wild no tions should be seriously entertained by persons of authority in the Russian capital indicates, as' we have said, a condition of mind by no means fayoabje to a satisfactory execution of the present negotiations. Jlhe terms of peace may prove an agreeable surprise, but Russia is not assisting Europe to place a favorable construc tion upon them." ; London. March 16. A-dispatch to Reuters from St Petersburg says : "It is declared in- well-informed quarters here that Greece cannot be a party to the congress, , like the great powers, although nothing t prevents Greece from delegating the cape of her inter-, ests to representatives at the congress." The Pall Mall Gazette has the follow ing!. "Rojie, March 16 --The Pope, not withstanding violent opposition, has ordered the Italian bishops to legalize their positions,? giving them liberty to demand "&rf exequatur from the govern ment. This defines the Pope's policy. It 'means tacit acceptance of the loss SPARKS FROaj THE WIRES. Among the passengers yesterday from New York for Europe were John D Philbrick, superintendent of educa tional exhibits at Paris, and Major Studer, consul at Singapore. .. The liabilities of W A Ransom & Co, shoe dealers of New York, are $550,000; assets, $440,000, mostly nominal. At a meeting of the directors of the Five Cent Savings Bank, of Boston, it was decided to continue to pay all de positors on demand. The number of the depositors is about 71,000, and the deposits nearly $12,000,000. The East Boston Savings Bank has officially notified its depositors that sixty days' notice will be required be fore their funds can be withdrawn, ' J S Trimble, banker, and a heavy shipper of grain, of Mount Gilead, O, has failed ; liabilities, supposed to be very heavy. Walker, Welsh & Co, hankers of Kakomo, Indiana, have suspended; lia bilities, $100,000 ; assets, $189,000. Furness, Ashe & Co, the oldest dry goods and auction and commission house in Philadelphia, has suspended. Wbat Bossa Will Bo, New Yoez, March 16. O'Donovan Roesa, who has been engaged to lecture on "Irish Liberty and English Life" at Toronto, has been notified that he will be mobbed. The owLer of the opera house there has refused-to allow the lecture to take place in the build ing. Rossa says hie will deliver his lecture, and if mobbed or arrested on a charge of violating his English sen tence of twenty years' exile, will claim American protection, but he does not believe the American governm ent spir ited enough to interfere. Pi?ODUCE. CluelniiaU Flour . firmer, family 5 00a 6 50. Wheat dull, red 1 10al 15 Corn quiet and firm at 40a41. Oats in fair demand and firm at 2931. Bye easier at 60a62 Barley quiet but 6teady, prime fall 4 50. Pork qaiet at 10 OOalO 25. Lard in good demand, steam steam 7 12 J, kettle 7 15. Bulk meats strong and. higher, shoulders SJ, clear rib 4i, clear sides 5ia5. Bacon higher but quiet, shoul ders 4i, clear rib 5 70, clearside3 6 25. Whis key easier at 1 02. Butter quiet but un changed. Sugar firm but unchanged. Hoga in good demand with full prices, packing 3 50a3 70, leceipts 920, shipments 450. New York Flour a shade Eironger and In some instances lOo higher with a fair ex port demand for medium and low grades, local trade light, 5 55a7 50 for- common to fair extra. Southern flour 5 80a7 75, good to choice ditto. Wheat lc better with a ennA export demand, but has been checked some- w&At-fcy hrraa-f fcor'cers-l 82al 33 for No. 1 spring, 1 32al 35 lor No. 2 winter red, 140 for No. 1 white, 1 45al 43 for white state and extra white. Corn wit hout any decided change, closing scarcely so firm, 57 for yellow western, 55 for yellow southern. Oata iaic better. Pork big bar, closing firm, mess 10 50al0 60, the latter fancy-inspected. Lard stronger, closing firm, prime steam 7 40a7 45. Sugar firm and in moderate de mand. Rice quiet. Molasses unchanged with a moderate inquiry. Freights dull, per sail for cotton $d, per steam for grain 61a6. COTTON. NoEFOtk--Quiet and easy; middling, 10ic; net receipts, 3,456; gross, blank; .sales, 341; exports coastwise, 833. Wilmihotoh Quiet; middlicgs, 10c; net, receipts, 695; gales, 632. Philadelphia Quiet ; middlings, lllej net receipts, 190; gross, 56Q; sale3, 892; spin ners 387. Awcsta Quiet; middlings, 101c; receipts, 195; sales, 175. CHAKLBSTOH-Easy; middlings, lOlalCfc; net receipts, 440, sales, 800; exports to France, 2,203; to the continent, 94. New Yokk Qjiet; middling uplands. 1015-16c; middling Orleans, 11 1-lGc; sales, 242; consolidated net receipts, 11,210; exports to Great Britain, 8,543; to France 6,851; to the continent, 6,576: to the channel, 3,675. . Lrvx&rooL Noon Easier but not onoia- bly lower, middling uplands 6 1-16, middling Orleans 6 5-16, sales 6;000, receipts 14.600, all American. Futures partially 1-32 cheapen uplands, lew middling clause, March deliv ery 5 31-32al5-16, April and May 6 31-S2, June and July 6 1-16. In consequence of the imDaired health of iriv brother, Mr- W, TV. Latta, our resident manaffinsr partner; demanding recreation from close confinement and active business, we. had concluded to withdraw our concerns both Jiere and in Chester. Upon my arrival, under the approach of warm weather, with' still a heavy stock of Winter Goods on hand, I find it, inex pedient and impracticable to retire from business . effectually, and so deem., it to our interest only to close out in Chester, thereby permitting the return of our Mr. Mtjn, who : will' represent us here in Charlotte at such time as I cannot be. here in person. The concern will continue as usual with the largest and best Assorted Stock irv the South, and with, our advantages in my association with an extensive Manufacture ing House in New York, we can furnish goods here at so low a valuation as win aeiy any and every enort to competition in this market. Our past experience convinces us that low prices are promptly appreciated, and it will be our effort to produce an Attractive btock at prices that must encourage an active demand, ' The cordial response to our recent "announcement' to- getner witn the many expressions of regret for our oontem plated severance from the community, assures us of a genuine recognition of our "fair dealing," and will instill a redoubled desire and determination to crmiiniia ihfi Jjtndra of 1nw prices." xx And now in soliciting the patronae-e of the populace at large, with an expression of gratitudbp 6ur friends arid "con stituents, we proffer them shelter under th triumphant banner of "One Price Clothiers,'' the model system, the -'protective FUTURE?. Niw Yobs: Futures closed 1 arely steady. Sales, 34,000 bales. March, 10 89c. April, 10 89c. May, 10 96a97c. June, 11 0GaO7c. Julv, 11 14al5o. August, 11 19a20c. 8ptember, 11 01a02c. October, 10 80a81c. November, 10 7071c. December, 10 71a72c. Nw York Money in good demand at 5. Sterling etrong at 5i. Gold strong at 18 Governments firm. New 5rs 4. States dull. New York Bank Statement. Loans decrease 31 millions, specie increase 'it millions, legal tender decrease 3 million, deposits decrease vu tnousand, reserve in crease 24 millions. The Cotton Market. OBSERVER OFFICE. ) Ohablottb. N. O., March 17, 1878 J Union Printers Asied, o Steg Sown Vhiladelfhia, March 15. Thia mor ning the proprietors of the - Philadel phia Press notified their compositors, mernbera of the Printers' Union, that their services were no longer needed, and immediately., placed nonVUnion men on their cases. About thirty or forty men were employed on the pas per, and all were discnaged, from the foreman down. The men were told that all who chose to leave the Union would be re-em ployed,. 4 meeting of the men will beheld to-morrow to. take actipp in the matter. The market closed dull, yesterday, at following quotations : Good Middling ... Middling..... ; Strict low Middling.,,..... .......... Low Middling.... Good Ordinary.. Tinges Stain8(bright clean) " Stains (deep clean) V Lower grades, J the 10 9 9 9 si 7 5a6 nominal union for one and all. Very respectfully, E. !N". B. To vacate and make room Spring Stock, we will, for fifteen days closing prices." for the ,Wl D. LATTA; arrival of our our Fall Goods at ZJ . i SjartanMra MMiWi Railroad iC3 Leaders of Fashion and Lowx Prices ! NATIONAL CLOTHING HAVL! "We will announce to the public of Charlotte and Vicinity that we are receiving dailv our Spring Stock, consissne of Men s, Youths , Boys and Children s Ulothing. Our Men s and Youths Clothing are all manufactured alouf own House in Baltimore, where we employ the finest i and Best of skill and workmanship none but artist tailors to mare them. -We can, therefore, sell our customers a Merchant Tailor's made suit for less than you can buy New York Bho made goods for. Our Stock is Fresh and New, and bought under the present low rates of Goods. n Our Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods is of the Finest; such as Scarfs, Ties and Neckwear in General j Kid Gloves of all shades and all colors; Underwear for Spring and Summer; Umbrellas, the very best of silk and alpacca. . "'; Our Stock will be ready for inspection by Saturday, the 23d instant. We invite the public to come and see for themselves, as we can do all we promise. ' Respectfully, ? L. BERWANGER & BRO,,' FINE CLOTHIERS AND TAILOES. N. B. Garments made to order and satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. Goods sent by mail to any part of the South on application. If they do not suit to be returned. Now offers to. the trade a full stock of Im Mn's JEktr acts" and f temporal Tower.' whqnes. F,rijli6b:WtiMccffJ Coleate Hone v. and Glycenne u ihettmes has a dispatch from Viem oop; English, French' and: American Hair and Tooth Brushes. PRESCRIPTION S Carefully 'fq.iA prepared atall . hours, both night and day, at na savin? that "the opponents of the credit are in a far larger proportion in the Budget committee of the Austrian delegation than in the delegation itself. Therefore-the' majority in the delega tion in fa,vor 61 the credit will be pro tionately greater than it was in the commi1 Ice. The vote there was 11 to 9." 1 ;- . " : " ' ' Pacific" Eaileoad. Matter. The committee of the Senate on railroads will on Tuesday next vote on the Texas-Pacific bill. A majority of the sub committee are in favor of it, and a favorable report from the full commit tee is anticipated. Senator Matthews spoke at length in the Senate to-day in support of the Pacific-raiiroad sinking-fund biU.. speeeh was a very able one and commanded much attention. ''Wash. Cor, Rich Dispatch,. Hth. A Tery Good Reason - The reason why only one sample .bottle of Menell'a Hepalane for the Liyer will be sold to the same person, for ten cents, -by oar droeeists. in Charlotte, is because of the enormous expense of importing the Bepa tine into this country, bat as there are fifty oses in the large size bottles, ;t seema two cents a dose is cheap enough fox a medi cine that cures dyspepsia,, and, Uyer com plaint. All who have not had a sample bottle axe entitled to one for ten cents at all druggists. Three doses relieves any case of dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion or liver lesi fity doses $U f v . THE following schedule will be Operated on the Spartanborg & Asheville Railroad, in connctidn with the Charlotte Air-Line Railroad, and the Stages at the head of the road, to Hendersonyille, Asheville and the Warm Springs, on and after this date : , Leave Charlotte yia Air-Line R R, 7:10 p. m Arrive at Spartanburg at 10:40 p. m Leave fcpartanbure for Mt. Tryon, 5:00 a.m Arrive at Mt. Tryon ... ......... 6:30 " Arrive at Heridersonyille.... 12:30 p. m Arrive at Asheville, CcOO ' FARE. , Round Trip Tickets, to go and return any time within three months. Charlotte to War m Springs and return, $21 .30 Asheville " " 14 30 " " Flat Rock " " 10.30 " " HendersonviHe " " 10.30 jgg Tickets for sale at the Air-Line Depot in Charlotte. The Post-OflSce Department at Washing ton has orderec daily mails to be carried on this route. ' D. K. DUNCAN, aug7 Prest. 8. fe A.. Railroad Charlotte, CQlumuia & Auiasta RR . ! The Celebrated Fertilizer I ! WILCOX. GIBBS & CO'S 7 JNCari ipulated. GrxLano, S offered on very liberal terms, payable in cotton on the basis of 15c for low middling E This FM-tilizPT is nrenared from SELECTED MATERIAL under our persona) supervision, and twelve years use, has established that it is unexcelled 'and unequalled. Call on Mr THUS H UAITJdKJi, unariotte, . u., ior terms ana prjees. - . . ,.j febl6 -. : :! . Importers and Dealers in Guano. Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, ft u.j AS USUAL. I have just received a part of my IMMENSE STOCK of . it o vs.; removal: occupiedbv JMcAleianae as at Boot and Shoe Stpre; AMontjment Shattered. Richmond: Ta., March 14. During the terrific thunder storm"w'hich raged at Lynch Vnrer from Kalf-nnst ;iwp.lvfi - tn two lYaur IwAndQ" I o'clock yesterday morning, a splendid iMethodist cemetery, several years ago, Jto the memory of the Confederate dead, w8 s struck -by lightning." Thei marble eaele surmounting the monument-was entire monument, i was badly.damagx . A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of - youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, fec, I will send a receipt that will cure yon, FREE OF CHAEaiS. xnis ereai remeay was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a Belf-addressedienvelope to the Rxv Joseph T, Ihmak Station D, Bible Home, New York Citv. - r" ed.- DPTltnJ J-Jf- : ' - .... . . -.' : V ; r-u m ine unarlotte market. .The number of vessels belonging to $835 000. There were wrecked 2 steam ers (one oi :tnenv. jueiu.etropons,;j x ehin. 14 barques, 3 briga, and. 28 gchoon- t. Fom Paris, France.' WATCH MAKER, JEWELER, GILDER "st . AND SILVER-PLATER, Trade street; opposite First- Presbyterian ,..'. y Church, Nat Gray Store,- - . 1 . I haya opened this store for the TQPfti of lK JvATQHE8 CLOCKS & 4EWEI4RY V-"b " ' ia every style.' - x. " 1 1 ill" do ' Coloring,' Guilding: Plating, galvanizing Chains,; Watches, Old Jewelry, etc.,' and make them equally as good as new, at Bhort notice and at half price... -1 As-1 have been working before in French Swiss, English and American M anufactories I have all the tools from Manufactories, and 1 can fit and make every pieceat once and warrant them. - - ' '-,JF CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, March 8d,-1878, the following sohedule for passenger trains will be run on this road : ''' No. 1 Day PassengerGOING SOUTH. (Daily.) Stops at all regular Passenger Stations. Leave Charlotte, 1 05 p m Arrive at Columbia, 5,68 pm Leave Columbia, . 6 03 pm Arrive at Augusta, 10 38 pm No. 2 -GOING NORTH. ;. :? : (Daily.);- y Stops at all regular Passenger Stations. Leave Augusta, . . . 30 am Arrive at Columbia, . : k . 1J 00 tarn Leave Columbia. . . . 11 05 a m Arrive, at Charlotte, ' 4 00 pm No. S Night Express GOING SOUTH. ? - "(Daily.) Leave Charlotte, '. m 9 48 Arrive at Columbia , ? ; 2 64 Leave Columbia. - , - 8 04 Arrive at Augusta, 7 05 , - No. 4 GOING NORTH. - Y r -S1 '- (Daily.) - -Leave Augusta, , 6.40 Arrive at Columbia .1125; Leave Columbia, .j , . 1138 Arrive at Charlotte, - ; ;, f, 5 60 - Trains Nosl 3 and 4 stop only at, the i Fort Mills, Rock Hni, i Chester, .Black tocks. Winnsboro,' ' Rldgeway, :Dokd: Co- lnmbia. Lexington."" Leesville.-' ' Sumuait, Batesburg'Ridge 8prings; Johnton'a, Pine House,' Graniteyille. , . " 'A POPE, -Ji - uenerai rassenjer Agenv-- ,,TP KXN-t5 eapt. , . . 'f'.i (Kcnf and f ooiJis' SomiDff AND A 4' 9 41 ptm am am ami p m 1 pm p m a m fol- t5i. .c. For the Spring Trader also a Large Stock of MEK'S ' '.. --.-.a "i-h., .!'"-.' ,i" ""V'';- ' -'- 4 and BOYS HATS, the prices of which wiirconyince you that my;motto still is r , , ( " . QUICK SALES AND SrLLIiI PIIOPITC, . mii i i - . v ' r1. ; I' ft 4 t. In' . 1?: f 1?' i I r v::.: j ; ; - il f; BUTLER. ers. wuour, .