- .-- -- . . , . - ..--nil- - I . -.... j . : smp" w H, L-- i in i mi OT ODD OI&DDir;G90BO. Beadj-made Clothing aniIBj-al Merchandise, na estaousnca nouse ot; i TELEGBAPmC NEWS. EUROPEAN TROUBLES. win una at tne o mr brougMUrthi&nwrket. ' r. ', nrettared to proe upon examination of our stock that we make Vlm fcoAST. and solicit ; buyers both wholesale and retail, to LOOK AX OUR GOODS AND PRICKS. beforevpOrchasing. WASHINGTON. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS, - - ' ' J - ' - - i Kr Railroad Hatters Free Passbortslto l tolored Kmlsrranta to Brazil Iaum) Telegraph BillThe Blair Resolutions in the House The Anti-Bankrupt Bill Passes the Senate-Shields Retired. General Notes and Gossip. " II jit: Washington, April 15; The Texas committee took no action to-dav on the transfer of the franchises of the rnr stock of Dress Goods, White Goods, Alpaccas, Embroid- eries, Kid Gloves, Sun JTmbrellas, Fans, Ties and Fancy Goods backbroad thTS BgESt or romDlete and .will be Sold at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. - Pacific, though favorable action is re- iTheVie Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings very low. Polite and attentive clerks. Fair dealing. yourselves. . - , ,r , Democrat and Hoine dopy Call and see us and judge for ELI AS & COHEN, march 22 B U RGE SS:':NI CHOLS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL FINE ASSORTMENT OP CHILDREN'S . CABEI AGES, DSAXXB IH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL LI NB CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR & CHAMBER SU1T8. COFFINS of all KINDS on HAND. No. 5, West Trade St., TO HA RLOTTE , N. O JUST AEBIVED. POETSMODIEU MKIGH, HAHLST, ail CHARLOTTE, H. C. The QUICKEST and most RELIABLE FREIGHT ROUTE between RALEIGH, '5 t iK' " , NORFOLK, ALL EASTERN CITIES 'AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. Espress Freight Trains, ,; CLOSE . CONNECTIONS, , PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. NOMINAL INSURANCE AND Np RISK. . For fall information, Tari6, apply to , -mch26 ; .Southwestern Agent, Charlotte, N C. DO NOT BUY YOUR 3P TUIESE H . I, 14 until you have seen the elegant stock of goods now in my warerooms. The assortment is the largest and most complete ever offered in Charlotte, AMU IT" WIlLila P."5T "2"OU JitespoctTirtlx, Jan 5 TO INSPECT IT AND GET MY PRICES. IS. S . ROGEES, FURNITURE DEALER, Removed next door to Post Office. garded as certain. The day is bad, and the committees generally are without quorums, n. denate Wallace, of Pennsylvania. from the committee on Foreign Rela tions, reported favorably oh the Senate bill authorising the issue ' of passports free to colored citizens going to Brazil, and the bill passed. NIGHT DISPATCHES. .: : The bill introduced td-dav by Senator Jones, of Florida, in regard to railroad telegraph lines, is designed in its mam e A A 1 1 . 1 Li I . itsitiuxB eiuuuup me principle xaia down by. the United States Supreme Court in the case of the Western Union vs the Pensacola Telegraph Company. It provides that any railroad company, now or hereafter organized, under the laws of any State, shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate, for general business purposes, lines of tel egraph alone, over or under any line of railroad which it owns or controls. The bill also authorizes railroad com panies to lease or consolidate such tel egraph lines, iff whole or in part, and to appoint agents or lessees to operate them for the transaction -of general telegraphic business. It js.further pro vided that belore any railroad compa ny shall exercise any of the sections or privileges, it. shall file with the Post master General a written acceptance of ii i.- - -; j n' a f . me restrictions ana ooiigauons, BuD- stantially as iouows: First. United States government messages shall in all cases nave priority, and be sent at rates to be annually fixed by the Post master Ueneral : second. The United states shall nave the right at any time after five years from the enactment of this bill, to purchase all the telegraph lines, property and effects of any or all railroad companies at an appraised value, to be ascertained by five disin terested persons, two to be chosen by the Postmaster General, two by the company interested, and the fifth by these four. Nominations : T S Blodgett, consul at Prescott, and some others equally unimportant. Confirmation : John W Easly. to be chief of the bureau of construction and repairs, and chief constructor in the Navy Department, with the relative rank of commodore, ine nomination had been reported adversely from the committee on .Naval An airs, but the Senate confirmed it by a vote of 27 to 17. The adverse report was based up on the ground that the promotion of Mr Kasly had not been made in ac cordance with the order of seniority, Mouse During the call of the States this morning Jummeli, of Maryland. introduced a bill authorizing quo war ranto proceedings to be instituted in the United States supreme Conn in order to test the title of the President to his office. The bill was referred. Swann, of Maryland, then presented for references the reeoltxtioBs of the Maryland wLegislatnre-re-opening the Presidential question. Immediately on its being read, Gar field, of Ohio, . raised the question of consideration, and objected to the ref erence of the resolutions. A long de bate ensued, principally in regard to the parliamentary point as to whether the question of rejection could be en tertained in the morning hour of Men day. Without disposing of the ques tion, which went over until Monday next, the House proceeded to the con sideration of the business of the Dis trict of Columbia. The Senate has passed the bill repeal ine the bankrupt act by 37 to 6. Sargent, ol California reported from the Military committee the House bill placing General Shields on the retired list, with a substitute conferring the same benefit on Urant, uarneld, isen Butler and eome fifteen others. The House is in session to-night on the tariff. Br. JT. m. WL cAMESES, i, DRUG CIS T AN D CHEMIST, Continuation of the Crashes. Pyefield & Co, Mark Lane, London, have failed : liabilities. $1,900,000. W FLiveimore, a Broadway broker, has failed. The mill agents of Lowell, Mass, give notice of a reduction of from ten to fifteen per cent, within two weeks. Chair, the defaulting treasurer ol tne Union Mills. Fall Jiiver, Mass, was yes terday committed for trial in default of 20.000bail. The old umbrella firm of Hector & Gaines, 349 Broadway, which held the Now offers to the trade a full stock of Jjubitfs JMracts and (JohanAa v.tMoh Wpf. ffauxa. Cokrate Honev and (jrlvcenne Infant for the well known "Guanaco'I iWv -c AW AtYiPnVfm TTftir nnd Tooth Brushe8. umbrella, has made ah assignment r, ii'iw"- -v 6 liabilities are estimated at f 250, Carefully prepared at ali hours, both night and day, at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. 000. Nathan Matthews' place, on Belle- vue avenue. Wewport. rt l, was sold at a foreclosure sale yesterday for $58,- 000. Its reported cost was $125,000. An offer of $85,000 for it was refused in 1876. Increased War Feeling in Russia Ger many in a Quandary Russia Looking for loans Roumanla and Aerria Bit ter Against Bnssla-The Smaller Pow ers at Xoggerbeads Wlth Russla-The Eastern, Situation Practieally I n- Londoji, April 15i-rhef a Timtt1 1 St Petersburg correspondent, telegraphing Sunday, " does not give suoh a hopeful report of the state of feeling in Russia, lie says the efforts of Germany may perhaps lead to a preliminary, confer ence as the British government is now believed to be more favorable to such me warns e excitement is intense in Moscow. The ' Vienna correspondent of the ZYm& says according to trustworthy private information the Germany gov ernment fully understands; the difficul ty of its mediatory task. It thinks the chances' of success pretty, ' eyenly baK anced, but having once undertaken the task it seems- to have embraced it to its' full extent. The correspondent thinks the principal difficulty is to make some arrangement to obviate the dageer of a cdlbion at Constantino- pie. The JtJerlin correspondent of the Vi enna Moutags Poet, mho. is usually well informed, says Brince Bismarck as mediator will be unsuccessful if Eng land persists in her present attitude. it is said that Kussia is iooking out for a loan in America. It is under stood that negotiations bavei also been opened in Germany and Holland. The Post s Berlin special says it is reported that the new loan will amount to fifty million roubles independently of the fifty millions in th treasury, the bonds to be issued immediately. A special to the Itmer from Turnsev enn reports 10,000 Roumanian troops concentrated there. Prince Charles is expected. . The feeling of the troops against Russia is bitter. ' The Times has the following from Belgrade : "Russia is endeavoring to gam a Servian alliance in the event of a fresh war. The Frince favors the al liance but the cabinet opposes it. Gen Leech jaoiif has gone to St Petersburg to represent this state of anairs. The war preparations continue un remittingly. A ministerial crisis is probable. The Daily Telegraph's Berlin dispatch states that the Prince of Roumania has notified the Emperors of Germany and Austria of his intention to abdicate if Russia is permitted to usurp the gov ernment ot Boumania. The Telegraph's Vienna correspond ent says the Turks have again stopped work in consequence of the Russian remonstrance. The same correspondent states that he hears that Kussia will occupy Kouma- nia and disarm the arhiy as soon as an Anglo-Russian war ia inevitable. If Count Aadrassy's views prevail Austria will resist such step. , me state oi anairs wun eierence co the Eastern question remains substan tially the same. There is no change in the attitude of the' powers : The main point between JSnglaud and Kussia is still unsettled, and while this is the case the prospect of the congress and of a peaceful arrangement of the whole dif ficulty is as far off as ever. There is a strong feeling in both countries that war inevitable. . At St Petersburg the belief is stated to prevail that England'; willingness to continue negotiations is rather for the purpose of isolating Russia than arriving at an understanding. Som e influential persons believe that Eng land will not go to war - alone, hence her earnest efforts continue to satisfy Austria. - Some moderate men in official circles have begun censuring the Russian Generals, diplomat and newspapers for pushing the government into a po sition where the issue between Russian independent action and European con trol is unavoidable ; but the majority of the public continue to declare that the government has been, too concilia tory and the press opposes any conces sion. Germany's efforts to bring about an understanding continue, but this last is rendered delicate and difficult by the existing intimate relations between Germany and Russia. Prince Bismarck is reported to have said recently, in re ply to suggestions, that he should me diate: "We cannot oner counsel to Russia, for advice on our part would almost look like a menace." According to trustworthy mforma tion from Berlin, the chances of the m ... T success oi tne . present pour paries are still thought to be pretty- evenly bai anced. .A preliminary meeting oi tne resident' ambassadors at Berlin, it is thought, might find a basis for the meeting of the congress, wnicn Amnce 1 " Til' x i. 1 U is mar is unwiumg to suggest cause advice to Kussia lrom a power so intimate and fr ieridly 0 as Germany, might be interpreted as the first step towards abandoning a yienaiy attitude and eventually taking part with her antagonists, but notwithstanding the - - - " m . .. ...... . j. . - difficulty ana aencacy oi nis proposi tiqn, Prince BiBmfcrcki recognizing that the chief danger lies, in the menacing attitude occupiejdr.by the two powers before Constantinople, -and in the Htniff pie for influence at the Porte, has undertaken the difficult task of finding The insurrection in Theaaaivr ha been almost .overwhelmed bvlarm forces of Turks tent from Thrace and Bulgaria. In Epirus it com pletely hangs fire audi can onlybe revived bjr. consideiable effarta of the Greek svdik pathiat rs-i The C e ais i tj sti4 able to hold their own, but , it is feared that Turkish reinforcements vdll be sent to the island; . The Greeks are much dis couraged.. Tbey believe that Russia is intriguing against them, u , The Queen has replied to theiaddresa of Parliaoient thanking Her Maiestv for call in g out the reserves. . - ha thanks both bouses for j their loyalty and says that she feels surer: that she can always rely upon . their i adopting measures for the honor-ofrthe crown and stability of the empire.- S1MB0 AST JUBYMAX. Tht Supreme Conrt Decides that TSo State Can Deny Him the Bight to Sit as Such. Washington, April 15. This mon ning Col Geo C Dayenport, of Wheeli ing,. W Va, accompanied hy.W H La? mon and H H .Blackburn , , applied to the chief justice of the Supreme Court for a writ of error to a judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, in the case of a colored man, Taylor Strauder, who had been indict ed, tried, convicted and twice sen te ne ed to death in the courts of West Vir ginia. Therefore, the court cf that State having affirmed the last sentence, application was made to the chief vua- tice fora writ of error to the State court, on the ground that the law ol West Virginia, prohibiting colored cit izens lrom serving on juries in that State, is in violation of the constitution and statutes of the United States. The chief justice took the papers and record of the case in the State court, and af ter the adjournment of the Supreme Court to-day, and after consultation with the associate justices, he awarded the writ of error. The first trial of this case was in 1872, and Strauder has been under sen tence of death ever since. The same question presented in this case was also presented in the celebrated case of the negro JoLn J lohver, tried at Martinsburg, W Va, but before the aU torneys in that case perfected it for the United States Supreme Court, Toliver was taken from the jail by a mob and hanged. It appeared afterwards that he was innocent of the murder with which he was charged. As West Virginia is the only State which prohibits colored men sitting on juries, the case presented to the chief justice this morning is an interesting one. THE B.-T. SCANDAL REDIVIYIS. Elizabeth Makes an Unreserved fesslon. Con- ttMVURKK UDMIIif I Large Quantities E. D. LATTA & BRO. t '. I ; j. OUROPEIIIIIGOFSPRIIIGViEAn CROWNED UITIISUCCESS. all Dnjninous in TBizm fdaisd The Host Elrgant Display of Spring tl:it3 New York, April 15. To-morrow morning s papers will publish a letter from Mrs Elizabeth Tilton to an inti mate friend, in which she nuke an unreserved confession of her aduUery with Rev Henry Ward Beecher. Strike of Mill Operatives. Dover, N H, April 15. Four-fiithB of the weavers in the Cochico Mls struck this morning, owing to the cor poration reducing the prices per cwt from 21 to 18jc;4 The corporation claim that as the Fall River Mills made a re duction, they are obliged to follow to compete. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. John Billinger. alias Jack Durinol an athlete of Considerable reputation, died yesterday at the New York hospital, from injuries received several days ago, while wrestling with a bear at Albany. Skepticism Nowadays people doubt nearly everything.. They forget that the known facts of to-day consumtea tne xnowy proDiems oi nypo thesis but a few years since. Unsuccessful practitioners of medicine quote the doubts and uncertainties experienced by Sir Astley Coaper, who lived not long after Haryey discovered tne circulation oi me dioou, as evidence that but little is known of medi cine aside from conjecture, entirely ignoring the fact that their competitors are daily 1 healing diseases which Cooper thought in curable. Is not such ignorance criminal 7 Catarrh, the most common and most incur able of all chronic diseases, readily yields to the healing and soothing properties of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy when used with Dr Pierce's .Nasal uoucne. . u ue case oe com plicated the blood must: be enriched and purified bv Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. No remedy yet known equals the Discovery in permanently currog anecuon of the lungs, liver, blood and skin. If af flicted with constipation; try Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Tbey are a sure cure, ut unyer, vv enueii, aouoo, in a mie address, speaking or our progress, saa, 70 those of mv generation this modern world. which most or you taxe as a matter 01 course, is a perpetual source of wonder, a standing miracle. Bcienoe and art have so changed the aspect of every day life, that one of a certain aee might well believe him self on another planet or in another stage of existence." - no longer does tne seaentary man or the1 delicate woman suffer from tor pid liver; constipation or drastic medicine. Science has demonstrated that the concen trated extracts are more potent and reliable than the huge doses resorted to by our fore- . fathers, hence the great Sale and popularity of Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Such a Magnificent Stock, such Elegact 8tylea, such Splendid Garment!. Such low prices named for Perfect-fitting and Reliable-made CLOTHING. Never before baa Clothing been so cheap. No one can affords to bajf . until tbey have visited us. . .The pinching times demand low prioetvn We have made them. Seeing is believing. Convince yourselves. In the Men's. Youth's, Roy's and Children's department can be) found 1 every thing that can be thought of in the way of SPRING? WEAR. 'No one need stay away, thinking they cannot be suited. For the laborer, farmer; mechanic, clerk or merchantall can find just what they want, at L. BERWANGER & BRO., FINE (HXDTHIERS ANB TAIL6RS. National GIdl&ing Hall. N. B. Garments made to order and satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. Goods sent by mail to any part of the South on application. If they do not suit to be returned. ',' 8SSS 8S8 sss8 ppp p p ppp p p R RRR R R a a n n 11 n 11 NN- N NN N N N N N K N NN GOG O; Q G- GiGG GGO MM MM MMMM MMMX U M M M M M IL L L I y.T-T.T. II w im N NIf V HUB . . . .- 1 XKB . RIB T J I HAVE RECEIVED MY NTE W And will sell them at Prices which COMPETITION. Persona purchasing Goods in my line will find it to their interest to give me a call before buying elsewhere, as I will not be undersold by any one. apr5 Mrs. R. McNELIS, Tryon Street. THE OPENING Will continueforgseveral days; A Test Salt Growing Oat of Last Year's Blots. New Stock. New Goods. REMOVAL; ...... I--- - 1: . 1, : : ti. Philadelphia. April 15. The suit of Sherman, Hall & Co, or tiuincy.-lil. vs farr & Co, to recover 4U,yuo for ninety-one sacks of wool, destroyed du rinsr the riots of August last, was taken up in the United States district court fViia mnrniti(r Afhor Otti no noil? nor a inrv I havft rpmftTToJ mxr ofV rtrWawlwflLrftJiStoves and i mware the case waa postponed until to mor- to tho KVXtr 'a Tin a vrm omrkTJl? "Jj Tt A 1YR RTR"RRT.' 'ow ThiaA es6 M4 upon its lately occupied bv J. Mc. Alexandexf as a Boot and Shoe Store. My Fall Stock of HARDWARE, tin;5all its. varieties, pn.warp. Xcc. is now. open 1 the insriftpfiftn fiso r.ii at nriftfta which are unprece- ti. iTMl!f market' r - Popular ZEBiy&NCE STOVE a specialty.: - k : ,r H. T. BUTLER. seeds, vet. are safe and certain as a cathartic . ' - Jl 1.1112 ; . r ' - I aneranve ana ann-ouiiuuo rcuicuj. - .r 1 The following names are a few of tne many who have heen cured by uwng , the Pniiflts. to wnom tne aoccor reiers : ChasW Struble. Wauseon, Ohio, David Thompson, Mountfort, Wis, Mrs N M Has- tings, Tfrby, 1 x , Mac, miot romt, Owenn. Wm R Bott. Htde Park. Pa, Caleb CfewmgyEddytdwn, N. Y., AD Brown, Lisle Sf. Y., IF0gg;BUllWelW 11 iAOOS W; UD- don, Fairmont, Md. : nwilL J I u ! ' I - J decision will depend twenty-two other cases which are pending. . !f 1 hi An Ex-Queen with a Broken leg neer Dead. -Engl- Londok, April 15. The Times' Paris corre8ponpent telegraphs that ex-Queen Christiana, of. Spain, has had a fall which fractured her thigh.,.; t 1 M Dion chief engineer of the Pans exhibition, is dead. " 'i a formula bjr'which England and Rus-J which are scarce' y larger than 'mustard. sia may estaonan. a moaus vivenui m this quarter, by means of pledges such: 1 T t - as were previously exuuaugeu uevweeu England and Russia direct, touching the Dardanelles and Gallipoli. It is thought that" an arrangement on this noint is More difficult than the meet ing of thbngjress, but that unless art ranged its-influence might neutralize the etrorts oi a congress wnen assem hied., The Russian officers in 'Bucharest have been 'served for 'another six m oaths. In Servia the ,anti-Ras8ian feeling is said to be developing great strength in the cabinet and among ! the' people, though. Prince Milan is, unconditional ly Russian. : The war preparaUpna con-. tinUS. i- .iii;.;t'uij:30( ,amiJi4, . . f In eonseouence of the Russian re monstrances th e Torte : has 4 promised the immediate evacuation ; of Varna And Shumla. It is stated that Dervish Pasha declares he cannot evacuate Ba , a i Pro-Russian advices from Constanti nonle state ' that the struggle - in the Next Town . Ahead where they i loan you a dollar and chalk it town till to-morrow, for a bottle of Merrell'B Hepatins for the Liver. The enor mous expense of importlnk the lngredientai of this great liver medicine into the country, J is why our Druggists, Dt J a Moaaen, yvu-? son & Burweil and T O Smltht &Coell,but one sample bottle to the same person for tea. cents i but as there are fifty, doses-, in the large aise bottles, it is cheap r enough i after all at two cents per dose, for a medicine that has never been ' known to fail In. the cure of dyspepsia and all diseases of i the4 lifer. It has never failed HI the cure of liver com plaint when; taken as directed, no matter. bow; long standing ;the .disease. .It- cures , Chills and Fever. Constiration of the bow els. Dyspepsia and Liver complaint, eamie aosea, cabinet for the ' ascendency continues. I Bottles ten cents ; Tegular size, fiftyi dose The British party is still in power. r I ft 00. !i i t ( .7 9'A'i.ibi$ 1 'jiU'.i ' 3 if ' jot' WILL BEQDISPLAYED I zp. i ij'ij ; 1 1 ri:vr: :Jjr-ifj 4.

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